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Show entinel The THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. STOCIvTOX. UTAH, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1004. YOU IV. however humble, such as world, would bring him respec t and comradeship among hi fellowmen. The keyof his downfall la found In his Utah note horror of honest toil. Hence every young man should profit $2.00 the lemon his short career conveys, .. 1.25 by .76 and beware of evil Inclinations that would lead to Idleness and sin, for from Editor them crime is inevitable and its punish- STOCKTON SENTINEL. Stockton On, year V at "published Subscription!: wonlhs months ................ lira. W. N. Gundry Jams T. Jakeman Manager NOTICE: During our absence any businesa transacted with Mrs. W. N. Gundry The lady will will bt O. K. for money due the office, will take erders (or Job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, Manager. re-sel-pt STOCKTON TOWN OXTXCZALS. THU8TEE8 Georg Brando, president; W. H. Booth, Charles Denton, Henry Thomas, James Kelley. CLERK A. G. Fraser. TREASURER James G. Brown. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARY Blchard Gundry. CLAIMS. UNPATENTED Then seems to be an impression among many thul unjialented mining location are nut subject IP taxation, the lib-seeming to lie that, as the (loveriment has not passed title by patent to the locator, the title rests in the Government, says the Mining and Scienlitie Press. It is not easy to define the nature of the estate acquired and held by the possession of a valid mining locution: but from the early history of mining the title acquired by a miner to his claim by location was absolute so long as he complied with the statutory provisions. The claim was recognised as reul property, was liable to sale on execution, and was With passing subject to taxation. yeurs this idea has not changed materially. nor at all. A mining location properly made, and upon which all the requirements of the l:iw have been complied with, is property'in the strictest sense of the term, as much so as a claim. As a matter of course. patentedclaim-holdceases to comply If the with the law regarding claims so located. his rights In the estate cease and the clulm reverts to the public domain, and Is then subject to relocation by any person, a cllixen of the United States. The miners title to his unpatented claim is founded upon the In the early days law of possession. of mining there was no other way of possession of mining maintaining claims than by complying with certain These local laws and requirements. local laws, rules and customs came, in of the mintime, to be the foundation ing law as It exists at present. In ei-,- y' tabllahlng rights under the mining law the fact was recognised that no person could enter upon a claim legally held a er ' , Junction. County Courant. Bingham There has recently come to our editorial table a copy of the first number Magazine." of the Tntermountaln published by Mr. I. E. Diehl, for many and capable workyears a er In Utah journalism. As an editor and publisher of newspapers In various parts of the State, Mr. Diehl has been steadfastly successful, and now that his time and talenta have also been turned to the magazine domain It is hoped his efforts will bring him even greater and more abundantly increasing success. The Intermountain Magazine is devoted to tbe Interests of Utah and the intermountain region hereabout, and contains more than a hundred pages. Considerable difficulty, it would appear, haa been encountered and time spent in producing the d first number, as several of the articles seem somewhat belated. but now that the start haa been made, it la safe to say that Editor Diehl will turn out a magazine worthy the name and the people whose manifold Interests it shall represent. Its literary standard will doubtless be high and its contents varied, Interesting and Instructive, and we hope the people of the West ana Utah In par: tlcular will rally to its support and insure for this daring enterprise the great success It abundantly deserves. well-know- n well-selecte- STOCKTON NOTES IN BRIEF. W. N. Gundry paid Mr. and Mr visit to the metropolis thla week. a The ball given Friday night by the Degree of Honor was well attended, and was a success both socially and financially. The baseball season opened here on Sunday last, with a game between the "Ixtbsters" and the Crabs," In which the "Lobstera were victorious. Mr. Jehu Blackburn of Rabbit valley railed on the manager of this paper The nwn who thought of putting a last w'eek. He reports farm prospects il made in that section as excellent this season, rubber tip on the 1100,000 a year out of his Idea. A number of Rebekah laThe tennis championship of the Unit- dles left Sunday prominent for the capital. Among ed States has gone to H. L. Doherty, the number were noticed Mrs. J. the champion of Great Britain. Bruiser, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. T. Kelly and Miss Clara Reynolds. A disordered stomach may cause no THE UNIQUE THEATRE. end of trouble. When the atomach fails to perform Its functions the bowels become deranged, the liver and kldneye While In Salt Luke our readers are congested, causing numerous disease Insured of a splendid treat at the the most fatal of which are painless Unique Theater, Mr, Main street. and therefore the more to be dreaded, Gourley, the proprietor, knew just The Important thing la to restore the what would pleuse the public when he stomach and liver to a healthy condi- opened his neat playhouse, and he has tion, and for this purpose no better pre. kept up the treat ever since. Thera can be Chamberused than paratlon three performances at night, 7:30. lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. For are 8:30 and 9:30, nnd two matinees in the sale Mercur Drug Store, Mercur. and afternoon of each day. Admission al M. E. Brown, 8tockton. ways 10 cents. Reserved seats for ladles and escorts, 10 rents. THE WAGES OF SIN. The Honerlne will erect a sampler Every young man In every com of a hundred tons capacity. tnunlty In this commonwealth ehould Another payment has been mnde on ponder on the fate of young Shockley, convicted In Salt Lake City of murder the Copper Queen group of claims. In the first degree and soon to be senFred Richmond, manager of the tenced to death. In so pondering he will observe the workings of an immut West Honerlne. has made the Inst on the Monroe group. The deable law which, If not always in this world permitted by the eccentricities of velopment of the West Honerlne will Judges and Juries to fully operate, ulti- nut be pushed until the Honerlne drain mately must be satisfied. No mat- tunnel has unwatered the property. ter what crime one commits its con Arrangements hnvp been made by sequences to the criminal are sure to be suffered as night is to follow day. Manager Joseph Dederlchs by which The law of recompense Is unchsngeable. the Honerlne mill will handle the ores. These Shockley grew up with a horror of Black Diamond work of any kind. At the age or 15 he ores will be smt through the big tunwas a loafer and without an aim In nel, and an Incline Is lieing sunk In life other than to live as easily as he order to shoot the ores down to the could, and hence he left his home to tunnel. live the life of a tramp. The associations he made on the road doubtless About 8000 gallons of water is flowvitiated his chnrac-ter- , such as It was, ing from the mouth of the Honerlne and he developed into a common tunnel, and the properties In that zone artist for will soon be drained. A large Irrigation grafter. lie was a back-doa while, subsisting on hand-out- s. From stream is wending Its way through the being a fakir he developed Into n valley toward the lake, and another anil now at stream, which passes through the mill criminal and a 'hold-uthe age of 24 he Is a condemned is forming a small lake west of the murderer. mil). All too late he has discovered that of a surety the wages of sin is death County Cnurnnt. Bingham Junction. that the bread of idleness Is both gall Dont forget to rail on Mr. Karon and wormwood. He was a manager of the leader, fof the finest fellow, of plenannt niannera and of if gents, ladles and childrens shoes, apparently good ability In a general way, hut was no better (if as good) than A dance will he given by the Court the coyote that roams the hills preyIordan Todge of the Anrfent Order of on it he what ing might. Fog preferred to he a parnrlte instead of a man and Arresters on the 29th, at the a patriot, seeking to fill a place in the lead-penc- pay-men- low-gra- or p, Mercur City Briefs. track. latently vol-inte- er or -- ' The Urea that have been here should Impress upon the Mr. Teal anil family will leave Mercur gilnds of the people the need of a ment is sure. There Is no greater truth this week. fire department , The than the Almightys decree: Si!wages of sin is death." but Golden Lerka has departed, The subscription Hat la atill grow-i- . ver Plume remains. MR. DIEHL'S MAGAZINE. Send your name in and you will Rtelnmana dry goods house will fol- - nt that you have made no mistake. 1 number has low him next month. The A reached our desk and requires a more Tommy Osinon Is taking a honeymoon thorough review than our apace will frontispiece, In Salt Lake this week. admit of. The three-col"A Mountain Luke," Is a gem in phoin King Dodo has been working poll tax tography, and la worthy of a place the fur such as employ him. the highest clam art magaslnea of world. "The Imperial Family of Jalie champion spellers of the school pan," by Laura B. Starr, Is a very timely article, and review in Editor's Desk of the "New Hook of Poems" shows our friend Diehl Intends the local talent shall have full and fair criticism at his hands. All In all. the second number of Mr. Diehl's inugusine Is even belter than the first. A --seU wt tended water meeting-wa- s held In the schoolhouse Wednesday Government. The fact of possession night. was considered sufficient evidence of title. To be in possession does not inMeat Mr. Schillp of the American volve the necessity of an actual resiand Grocery company hue been in Salt a If claim. the dence. upon mining Lake the last week. mining claim be legally located upon the public domain, and all the acts Mlsa Anna McIntosh, our popular performed In connection with such lo- school teacher, left Monday morning cation as are required by the Federal for her home in St. John. statutes, State and local laws, the loand cator Is said to be In possession, Dr. I.. N. Rudy and Dr. George Da-vihe has a legal title to the claim, to have been doing dental work In even one else the exclusion of every Stockton for the past week. maintain he and may the Government this right so long as he complies with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Mitehener rethe requirements of the law. turned Wednesday from Salt Lake, after a short vlait with relatives and EDITORIAL NOTES. friends. Paper telegraph poles are one of the developments of the art of making paper useful. There were cremated last year In the United States 8158 bodies; England, 452; Germany, 85$. A man by the name of Plimpton Inand made a vented the roller-skat- e million dollars out of It. Cullings From Our Exchanges NO. 41 U. 8. L. M. No. 11 bears north 8 deg. .09 min. weal 2778.8 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 south 85 deg. .08 min. east 000 feet to corner No. 2. from whence corner No. 1 survey No.. 4382 Cosmopolitan lode and corner No. 2 same survey Yellow Hammer lode amended bears south 51 deg.42 niin.enst 144.8 feet; thence south 5 deg. 38 min. west 1500 feet to corner No. I, them north 85 deg. .03 min. west (00 feet to corner No. 4. Identical with corner, No. and ice cream Tlu- - Washington r Through ServlooA Enterprise hide of this survey; thence north 5 deg. 88 min. east 1500 feet to corner No. I. the place of beglnnlug. Variation to all corners of the Centennial lode 17 deg. eaat. Said lode mining claims are located on uneurveyed land, which would he In township 8 south, range 18 west, If the present system of lund survey were extended. The total and net areas of said lode mining claims Is as follows: Total area Enterprise No. 2 19.205 acres lode Less area in conflict with Enterprise lode of this 0.431 acres survey 8 stTlolis AND TNE EAST VIA Missouri Pacific Net srsa lode Enterprise No. 8 774 18. seres Total and area Enterprise lode Total and net area Centennial lode scores of new bonnet -nits. flee at Salt Lake City in the Btate of Utah, they will be barred In virtue of the provisions of said statute. I hereby direct that this notice be published In the Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, Tooele county, Utah, the. newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for a iierlod of nine weeks. FRANK D. llOHHS. Register. 19.462 uare 24.600 acres RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO 58. 896 acres Net urea claimed 2:05 Ar. Silver City. Leave Said lode locations mining claima beFERTILE j Trains at Si It Lake make direct ing of reconl In the office of the refor all points north and east. KANSAS 52 MISSOURI corder of Clifton mining district, Utah, E. W. (1IU ETT. as follows: The Enterprise lode In Hook General Fassitgir Agent, ssFULLMANsi 1. page 253; Enterprise No. 2 in Book i A L. MOOR C. LEERING CARR. page 57; Centennial lode In Hook I. Commercial Agent OBSERVATION page 252. also in the office of the ReDINING CARS. corder of Tooele county, Utah. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. ; ELKCTRIC LIGHTS. The nearest known locations are the f M. A. No. 3795. Yellow Hammer (amended) survey No. Electric Fans. United States I .and Office. Salt Iake 4382, and the CosinoNilitun survey No. chain Cans 1904. Reclining 14, March City, 4382. ! Notice lessvs rsi(), is hereby given that A. K. adand all Any pav Coach xg. persons claiming fivnan. whose place of business and mining ground, vein, lode noanflii-address are Kali Iatke City. versely the deso or hr thereof FSNre, itc., iUtm iMirtlon ItflMTkim, any premises, Utah, haa made application for a United States patent for the Red Metal scribed, surveyed, platted und applied led mining claim, situate in the lug-wn- y for, are hereby notified that unless are duly filed acMining District, Tooele fount y, their adverse clMinis law, and the regulations lluh. consisting of 1266 linear feet on cording to within N. P. TOWNSEND. sixty days from tke lode, and surface ground as shown thereunder, of date of notice offihereof, publication the of and field notes the plat It cial survey filed herein, being mineral with the Register of the U. 8. Land Of- l sutvey No. 5085, and described in rai-field notes and plat on file In this office with niagnelie variation fit 16 deg. luuuuuuuuumiuuuuuuuumaiuuuuumiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuux 3$ min. east, as follows, to wit: i Commencing at corner No. 1 of said R. M. EDMUNDS. PROS. dlalin, from which the corner of Kec- and townships 10 and runs range 12 west, Salt Lake bears south 45 deg 15 min. east 141.7 feet distant; thence running from corner No. 1 south 66 deg. .02 min. pll west 642 feet to corner No. 2; thence First-ClaBeal la this Section. ruining from said corner No. 2 north 44 leg. 58 min. west 1268.0 feet to cornel No. 3; thenre north 66 deg. .08 min. PocTorncE. nxT gtocktow. es6 414.9 feet to corner No. 4; thence kosth 58 deg. 54 min. east 1365.9 feet 'WIIWIHIimiMMUMIH T T? Tiff ???? If IT i?T imWWWWWIHWHWWHWIlWIW nm of beginning. the Sr, con-sectio- n haa Uestaurjint boarding Ixiught out the Sacramento house. The Ik aiding house of Mr. Hattie Hughes continues to Increase in popularity. W. Or field and family left this Mr. for Salt Lake, where they will reside for the present. wi-e- e i ltis Honor, Mayor I.uft. has gone on brief vist to the coast. He will be ah-w- nt ten nr fifteen day. Ewing 1 i;u on Iihs qmleaMd from again. Wonder if he will take another spell this year. Dr. Thayer was called in to set i broken leg for an Italian miner who was carred on in the mines a few days ugo. The county examinations for g radii atlnn from the Eighth grade will be held Thursday and Friday, April 21st and 22nd. The family of (7. C. Thompson were made happy this week by the advent of a baby boy. All are doing well, father, mother and baby. 3 34-3- 5, 3be flMtcbener tiouse, n, rrs. )$))) ss to Mr. Crawford, our enterprising Marshal, haa been looking after the poll tax i (. ItJs nrtsrkahU-- J hs over 50 that he has found. dait Lake meridian, and contain 14.361 ncres: said location being recorded In The season haa coins for Hook N," page 640, of records of Walking down the ddsty rood, Tooele County, Utah. Adjoining claimsWith your baby mine. on this lode are survey No. 4356. Copthe season for holding hands will come Iperopolls;" survey No. 4356, Cloudy." later. 0n the southwest, and survey No. 4319. "Pennant." on the northeast, and (Jon The small hoys, under the nble lead- dala," survey No. 4356. ership of Mike Keren, are preparing to I direct that this notice be published wage a warm campaign In baseball this In the Btorklon Sentinel, a newspaper summer; th'-- are backed by Jimmie published at Stockton. Utah, for the White und Stelnman. period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. Alexander McMaster, Attorney for L. I). Clark, the jeweler, was in Salt Lake the first of this week. The gen- Applicant. First pub., March 11; last, May 14. tleman will go to American Fork to 1904. look for a location. He has closed his shoo, perhsps permanently. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 3810. Those that will take the cxiiiiiinntinn United States Land Office. on Thursday and Friday for graduation Salt Lake City, Utah, from the Eighth grade ar Frank a April 21, 1904. Erath. Nellie 8 par go. Doru West, Keren and May Timmins. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of the act of Congress, apA. J. Stoukey, t.ounty Superintendent, proved May 10, 1872, To promote the visited the sehools last Friday nnd ad- development of the mining resources of on the United States," Marcus E. Jones, dressed the teaehers sHer riixmlxi-lnthe subject of Utahs educational ex- whose uostoffiee address is Salt Lake Alien hibit at the St. Louis Exposition. City, Utah, and hia Babcock, whose postofflee address la The season has not ended yet so far Masssna.New York .claiming 1500 linear as the Maecabees are concerned. The t of the Enterprise, 1394.3 linear feel other evening they gave another of the of the Enterprise No. 2 anil 1500 linear exeellent little parties in the Fraternal fret of the Centennial vein lodes or hall and every one present enjoyed the mineral deposits, bearing gold, silver, entertainment. lead and other valuable minerals, with of each claim 340 feet surface Dr. Thayer is again left without an in width,ground being und situate assistant as Dr. lthyan, who has been within thelying, Clifton Mining district. him some with for working time, has of Tooele, Stale of Utah, have gone to Salt Iaike. So long s Dr. County made application to the United States Thayer is left, however, the afflicted of for a patent for the said mining claims, Mercur are in good hands. l as to which are more fully n.etea and bounds by the official plat Mr. Charles Connor Is the only mem-lie- r herewith posted, and by the field notes of the Mercur School Hoard left in survey, thereon, survey No. 5151. now town. Mr. Connor Is an excellent sehoo. of In the office of the Degister of the man. hoin-e- t und considerate of others. filed sale at I el us hope that he remains many District of Lands subject to Salt Lake City, Utah, which field notes In his of years present pusltlon lrul. of survey describe the boundaries and as Mr. Ed Howard Is In Suit Lake for a extent of said claims on the surface few days getting his eye treated. Somi follows, to wit: Commencing at post or corner No. 1. time ago he had his eyes bad,y Injured In the mine and it was feared for sonn. being the northeast corner of the said lode mining claim, nnd identime he would lose the right of both, Enterprise corner No. 1 Centennial Indtical with hut his friends rejoice that they are get- ict from which iminl this survey, now. better ting U. S. L. M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. .09 2778.2 min. west feet distant; thence BINGHAM JUNCTION LOCALS... running from said corner No. 1 south 5 Did you ever step to think that this deg. 88 min. west 1540 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 2. town should be incorporated? which Is Identical with corner No. 4 Centennial lode of this survey; thence For confectionery, tobacco, station- north 64 deg. 45 min. west 600 feet magery. etc., see Mr. S. J. Roison. netic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 3; thence north 5 deg. 38 min. east Did you see the fresh supplies of 15U0 feet, mugnetlc variation 17 deg. green groceries Mr. Cain has Just re- euet, to corner No. 4; thence south 6t 45 min. east 600 feet, magnetic variation 18 deg. east, to corner No. 1. reived? tinA large crowd from thla place of beginning. city atBeginning at post or corner No. 1, tended the grand hall at the Social being the northeast corner of the said hall last Friday evening. Enterprise No. 2 lode mining claim, from point U. S. I M. No. 11 Goff ft Co., proprietors of the "Old bears which north 8 deg. 56 min. east 2745.1 Reliable store, are as ready and as feet: corner No. 4 Enterprise lode of able to please you as ever. this survey bears north 3 deg. 40 min. west 191.9 feet; thence running from Did you see the l eader ad. In his said comer No. 1 south 7 deg. .u6 min. paper, and atop to compare their west 1394.3 feet,, magnetic variation 18 east, to comer No. 2: thence north pricea with other houaea. 83 deg. 16 min. west 600 feet, magnetic Who do not the young men here or- variation 17 deg. east, in corner No. ; 3: thence north 7 deg. .46 min. euet s baseball team? It 1394.3 ganize a feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. la a wholesome amusement. cast, to corner No. 4; thence south 83 'b g. 16 min. east 600 feel, variation IS There are several residences being dec. east, to corner No. 1, the place of hunt in the northeast section of the beginning. town. Sure, the town Is growing. ginning at post or corner No. 1.1 being the northwest corner of the said mining claim, and There was quite a large Are a little Centennialwithlode corner No. 1 Enterprise Kouihwest of Bingham Junction last Identical lode of this survey, from which point i feifettimM iiaHHBi Del-ph- i THE STOCKTON CLUB Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. XX Plrst-slBilliard Room In Oeaseetlos. Everybody ltoeeivse Goad Traslmsal at to Slock loo Qah. ss Stockton. Main Street. n dm-rlla-i- -- AND MEATS GROCERIES fijBiir1 t 25 Street; Stockfcft k w d-- . d-- ; T55 HSig pnd Lnrgpst Meat JjyfllcFQ ooelo Countyo .Ffesh Meats: first-clas- I i i t t |