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Show DANGEROUS NEGLECT. Ita the Begird of backache, sldeache, pain in th hips or loina that finally prostrates tha atrongeat body. Tha kidney warnlnga ara serious they tall yoa that they ara unable to filter the hody'a waste and ixilaon from the blood tha aavera ara clogged and lmpurltlaa are running wild to Impregnate nervea, heart, brain and erery organ of the body with din ease elementa. Doan' Kidney Pllla are quick to aootha and etreagthen alck kidneya and help them free the ayatem from poison. Read bow valuable they are, even in oaaaa of long ntandlng. U tX Lovell of 415 North Flrat SL, Spoaane, Wash., aaya: "1 have had traubla from my kidneya fbr tha paat tan yearn. It waa cauaad by a atraln to which I paid little attention. But aa I neglected the trouble It became worm and worae until any atraln or a alight cold waa aura to be followed by never pain acroea my back. Then the action of the kidney aecretlona became deranged and I waa cauaed much annoyance beaidea loan of aleep. Doan "a Kidney Pllla were brought to my notion and after taking them a abort time their good effect waa apparent All the pain waa removed from my back and tbe kidney iec ration became normal. Doana Kidney Piila do all that la claimed for them." A FKKU TRIAL of thia great remedy which cured Mr. Lovell will be mailed on application to any part of tho United State. Addreaa Foster MUburn do., Buffalo, N. Y. For aala by all drugglata, price 50 centa per box. .. Hie Overpowering GERMAN SOLDIERS HAVING SHARP FIGHTING IN AFRICA (Special Correspondence Tha charm and faiclnatlon of tha Roman enmpagun are such that no one who sees them but la haunted by them ever after. The expansive lopes, with here and there a broken ruin rising from tbe sod, the desolate monument of a vanished order of things; the solitary farm with Its gray walls on which the sunshine broods all day, with perhaps a decapitated medieval tower rising beside It; tbe maraby valleys In which tha cattle feed; the wandering river the Anlo or the Tiber flowing ileatly, taking the reflection of the blue eky; the striding aqueduct; the distant mountains; friends of the sun, speckled with glittering homestead and sparkling town all beautiful, almost eerie and weird In a sense of grandeur, oversolemn, shadowed, as It were, by the wing of memory and tbe vague apprehension of more momentous events than memory records. Such la the campagna of Rome. In the destruction of the picturesque which a would-b- e paternal government Inaugurated In Rome waa the removal of the ahruhe and bushes and plants that had grown upon ancient monuments such aa the Coliseum and the Bathe of Caracalla. The destruction of vegetation applied to tbe Collieum was also extended to the ruins of the Bathe of Cara-calla- , and the upper floors were denuded of their flora. On the top of the great arches, as a writer In 1870 deacrlbod it, you would get an Idea net only of the vast slxe of the ruins, but also lovely views over the campagna, which were obtained between tbe bushes of lentlscue and phlllyres, with which till lately they were fringed. And here tt waa, on this high roof between earth and heaven, that Shelley wrote hie "Promo the us Unbound," is be tells in his preface to that work. It waa chiefly written, he aaya. upon the mountainous ruins of the Baths of the Caracalla, "among the flowery gladea and thlcketa of odoriferous blossoming trees which are extended g In labyrintha upon Its Immense platfbrme and dlzxy arches suspended In the air. Tha bright blue sky of Rome, and the effect of the vigorous awakening spring In tha divlnest climate, and the new life with which it drenches the spirits even to Intoxication, were the Inspiration of the drama." There la beauty still to be portrayed In apota near to Rome. The fountain of tbe aea horses, a rarely fantastic work of Bernini, In the Villa Borgheao. Is a theme of never- long-horne- d Yearn. aa he alioved back tbe tip of the patron. "No, aah, 1 don't want do money, aah; but fo do Lawd'a aake, boaa, pleaae tell me how dat funny atory done ended, dat yon waa a tollin' dat uddah gen'leman de last time you waa heah, aah I L. done bean th'ea weeka fo Woman' yon to come back, aah! Home Oompanlon. -- Mother Oroya Sweat Powdon (or Children. SoooMkfully used by Mother Gray, nunt la the Children's Home in New York, cam Constipation, Feverish acts, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorder, move and regulate lb Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,001 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Samnlt FREE. Address AS. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y. ever-windin- ' Italy's Macaroni Industry. Italy baa some 5,500 macaroni factories employing nearly 25,000. A umber of these factories are large, Being Improved machinery and steam Bower. The total annual output ol macaroni eacaada 15,000 tone, u I growing Industry. The local aa well aa the exports, in areas steadily. The exports of maca sent la 1589 were f,719 tons; In 1900, M8 tna; la 1901, 9,673 tona; In 1902. 1L322 tona; and In 1901 (eight months), 13.126 tons. Nearly wo per cent of the above exports went to the United States. walls, and baa adorned them with green garlands and gay blossoms. How very beautiful tho reault la yon may gather from the presence of the wandering artist, who pitches his tent-lik- e umbrella In a shady corner, and works away for hours at a sketch la order to express on canvas the marvelous beauty of color and arrange ment of the walla of nils and the dark green of the pine trees and the black-greeof tho cypresses, and thn bright flower apota In the grass, and the limpid bine of the aides above alL There Is scarce a spot that he can turn to that has not some special charm of Ita own; and he la at times bewildered by the plctureaqueneaa of ome little biL Here, aaya a last century writer, describing tbe Villa of Hadrian, "In tbe shadow of a gigantic tons pine, we found a sheet of moan-i- c pavement glowing with all Its marbles In the sun; and dose by, half burled In deep grass, a shattered column of the richest porphyry. Then came an olive plantation, another the-atethe fragments of a temple, and a long list of vaulted cell, some of which contained tbe remains of baths and conduits, and were tapestried within with masses of tbe dellcato maiden-haire- d fern. And thus nature and art are united together In the most beautiful combination. What charming "blta" and what wealth of color do not the artists that frequent these lonely places carry away with them! Then, again, there are blta of scenery, veritable gems of arrangement and color, where naLure haa It all her own way, and where the outcome constitutes a fascinating picture. The swift flowing Anlene, In the vicinity of Tivoli, passes through a very tangle of trees, which, at Intervals, forms nooks of radiant beauty. The view of the housetops In the distance, suggesting the site of the city of Tivoli, enhances the silence and soothing Influence of tbe gliding stream. Ono of tho most picturesque spots on this historic little stream la that of the Ponte Lucano the bridge that crosses the river beside which stands monument of the ancient tower-llk- e Plautius Lucanus. The distant part of the bridge, with the arches, la ancient, and la a good specimen of antique Roman workmanahlp. Tho tomb, however, has the greater interest. It la one of the best preserved cf the sepulchral monuments In the neighborhood of Rome, and It dates from the year 1 before the Christian era. It was used ae a for tivss to command the bridge in the red-brow- n n Special dispatches to the Berlin lokal Anselger from a correspondent in Jerman Southwest Africa describe the encounter of Major Von Glase-napp'- a column and a force of Hereroa at Okabaru, while the German column was on the way to Onistu. The road traverses tbe thorn thickets. Early in the morning the Hereroe attempted to surround and cut off tho roar guard of alaj. Von Glaaenapp'a force, constating of Fisher's company, which waa numerous, well armed and partly mounted. The enemy opened a vigorous fire lasting threw and a half hours, the rear guard having been reinforced by Count Brockdorffa company, and First Lieut Mauahold'a artillery. The enemy were pursued for an CITIZEN. Could Give Hie Elders a Greatly Needed Leaaon. d A Italian boy lately oa eesay oa tho duties of eltL aenshlp, for a club La Naw York. Among the rules which he laid down are the following: "If I want to bn a good eltlxen I must bo true to my country, true to my state aad true to my city: If I do not vote 1 will not ba doing my duty. I must have my own Judgment to vote for the man I think la beat qualified for the office for which he haa been nominated. If I don't I wont bo doing my duty. I must not let anybody bribe me to vote for a man I think not fitted tor nn office. It will also he my duty to be industrious and so na not to bo a burden and a nuisance to the public. I must pay taxes, so that the government can be maintained and the officers of the government paid, because the government la for my good. Whan tt la necessary I must help to maintain order and always be ready for public service, aad in ease of war serve my country. I should know tho hl toyy of my country and be an intelligent reader and close observer ol current events. Yeurg Lad COL.7ffiQDC xvzznap-G&za- half-burle- d 4r LKmmw THE YOUTH'S SOFT SNAP; l. Votait Fraua. atraCaUiTB Cara ta ukas InUraally aad acu dhaeuyea tha Maud and mueoaa wrtasaa si lha ayaiaw. Band for tntlauailal. free. r. J. (HKKKY CO..TaIaa,0 aid by all Drasstala. TSe. t Tabs Balfa FawUy rills MrsoMtlpatlau. Little Noise In Japan. ' Japanese street cries are nil melod) us, and the avoidance of noise li everywhere the first consideration Tho watchman who goee the roundi at night benta two pieces of wood to gether. Tho bells have no dappers bet are struck with the hand oa tht eutalde. A melancholy, plover-illot on a read pipe, which regularly aounda In the etreeta erery morning to the call of the blind. These havi the monopoly of a lucrative profee nioa, being ahampooera and maaseura Massage bae been practiced In Japaa tor centuries and brought to tha highest state of efficiency possible. Hi blind professors possess soms knack of basd or personal magnetism which baa subdued tbe mort inveterate easel af rheumatism and baa even conquered Indorsement 8cemed a paralysis. Old Sofas, Backs of Chain, etc., can bn dyed wltb FUTNAM FADELESS DYER. Famous War Correspondent. Sir William Howard Russell, who without hla knighthood would still be years of age. Dr. Russell, Is eighty-fou- r He Is a war correspondent who won hla spurs in the Crimea, giving some letremarkable most of the ters ever written. He waa also present at the eiege of Lucknow, another grand opportunity that he did not fall to make the most of. The Italian campaign of 1859, the American civil war, the Danish war, the Franco-Prusslastruggle and many campaigns In Africa, he also witnessBasilica 01 Santa Croix. ed, and he made firm friend of King Edward, whom he accompanied aa falling Interest for artists. The alts middle ages, and ita honorary private secretary on hla la of the finest; grand avenues of machicolations on the summit show eastern tour In 1875-6- . great trees meet at the space where how readily the medieval work went to ruin. The description on the great tbe fountain li situated. College President In Dilamma. Bernini la dead about two cen'urles slab on one side of the monument When President Nicholas Murray and a quarter, but the fountain he de- tells that It was raised by M. Plau- Butler waa at college certain freshsigned Is still playing, and gives un- tius Silvanus for himself and his wife men of hie time made no scruple of measured Joy to the ear and tbe eye Lartla and his rhlld. Ills descend- stealing a pall of milk which a dairyor generations who hardly know more ants subsequently used it for sepul- man placed outside the door of Mr. chral purposes, and among those of him than h'.s name. room while the occupant was Butlers here was Tiberius Plautius Among ruins In the neighborhood In class. In order to foil the maraudwho served In the Roman army ers the future of Rome, which, like the dying emperpresident of Columbia ors, decay In the midst in Britain, and died in the year A. D. composed one day a formidable leg76. Is It stated besides, by Murray, of vegetation and the sweet flowers of end, which he printed In very deep the seasons, are those of the Villa of that Aulua Plr.utius. one of this fam- letters and placed over the pall. It Hadrian, near the Tlburtlne way. The ily. laid out the plan of an encamp- read: I have poisoned this milk o the site of the Tower of Lon- with arsenic. emperor whose name thr villa bears ment Upon his return he had traveled much, and steit men and don. and may possibly he regarded found the milk intact hut added to as founder of the the city. cities and wonders of nature and art hla notice were these appalling words: Thus, apart from its picturesqne-ness- , So havo we." On hla return to Rome he determined it has history sufficient to Justo copy, as far as possible, the strange and beautiful things he had seen, and tify rarnful Investigation. Few landManufacture of Oxone. scape artists who visit this side of place them wlihln a villa. An Roman the find but of to time English engineer la said to have Campagna Here bu'ldlngs great beauty, adorned with statues celebrated atlll make a sketch of U. The rich, warm ' found a process for manufacturing after many centuries for their charm tones of the monument, the glaucous ozone that la much simpler than those and workmanship, and lawns and muddy hues of ths river, tha green used hertofore and permits of a trees, and all the plctureaqueneaa that of the trees and the varied purples larger deduction. Ozone le by him constitutes tho attraction of an Im- and greens of the hills, constitute a ' produced in an apparatus into which perial villa, were displayed with roy- combination of colors to sty nothing atmospheric air la forced by meana of of the variety of forma that gladdena an air pump. An electric alternating al profusion. Now It Is a very wilderness of In- the heart of an artist current of 130 volte In three amperes, explicable ruin. The very name of changed through a transformer to She Doesn't Need Them. of buildIs then Introduced, volta. 1,100 the various broken at,: but nature Japan has fifteen docks capable of 'i. Yxigh electric discharge In tbe ings nrs only accommodatlne wsrehln. has boon kindly to the broken-dowappwratua csone is engendered. n semi-decaye- d s. Isurel-rrowned- , I i Didn't Join. Hungry One noted fbr great charities arose : to sank speech and counseled "Do not give a man money leaf ho fHvol tt on meat and drink and call again. Bee to It he receive that be does not want Then is conscience appoaesd. and the suppliant goes his way,' returning not" In the enen-toapplaaee a hungry man on the Mdrta of the throng was obssrved pat to lota. New York World. Man thus-wine- g j m-s- ses r"ed n or SCENE OF UPRISING AT THE PADRES GRAYS. Early Tsachsr of Christian Trutha Bleeps Well Without Monument. A little mounu beside tbe wall, a wooden cross renewed from time- to Urn a, as though soma brother turned an boar glass for him who sleeps beta, tbe common flowers of tbe field or bit of grass, or native rose or violet, tho symbol letters of his faith, s these are the outward tokens of grave. No coetly tomb to boaet achievements hardly won, no tilted ostentation of hla rank, no world acclaim for thla, a lowly eon who gave hla life that Christlin peace might reign whera ghoulish rites and Indolence had been. Hla deft hand defined tha way and taught the blessings of an unseen Joy, as the culture of bis soul Increased hie skill. He needs no monument of stone! The tribe he taught are here. Their legends tell how once he Bred to bless them. And generations yet unborn will kneel before his art adorns and hla faith makes real. Los Angeles Times. the-padre- CASE OF RELATIVE VALUES. Trifle Unkind. Origin of Names, A. W. OLKAS01, That Acid TrouMe. Colusa, Cal., April 18th. Much has been said and written recently about Uric Acid In the system; what causes it and bow to get rid of 1L It la known to be tbe first cause of Rhein mutism, and many other diseases and baa therefore received a great deal of attention from medical men. Mr. L. F. Moulton of this plaee claims that be has solved the prole lem of how to get this acid out of the ystem. He aaya: "I had this add trouble myself fos At times the Kidney secreyears. tions would he very profuse and at other times scant, but the acid waa always my greatest trouble. Medicine failed to cure me till at last I heard of a remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pllla and after taking a box I seemed to be entirely cured. However, It came back on me and this time I took several boxes, with tha result that t waa completely and permanently eared. This waa three years ago and I have not bad a single symptom of the acid trouble since. I am 75 yean of ana and I am well as ever I waa."' line of clifflike, projecting rocks. of After being driven from this post hour, but escaped,, leaving flfty-tw- o their number dead. lion the Hereoe took up a new one In the meantime the head of the contesting the ground inch by inch eolumn, under Lleber, had a sharp and leaving a number of dead a light lasting an hour. Tho German every rallying point losses were Lieut Noe it, four non"The Hereroa lost about a hundred commissioned officers and twenty-sigh- t killed or wounded, of their approx! privates killed and Lieut Hilde- mate total, 600 men. officers "The German loss was eight mer brand, four killed and ten wounded. aad eleven men wounded. la England the daw la hardly ever mentioned but as Jack; yet daw and Mt Jackdaw Is the proper name of the species. It Is suggested that the pie owes tbe "mag" to some corrup Hon of Margaret or Mrg. Tp mag Is In chatter, but whether the verb wa derived from. the name or the name from tbe verb Is a question. It la mors protialle that the Jimcrow of America (the old name for a negro boy) was brought across from England In tbs day when a crow was Jim a a swal- Co.. S4a aanaar ut Ilia Oral of F. J. Csssav luataaaa la lbs City of Tulwlo. Cuawy ass Biait Arm tha aald vlU aaoi al pay afunaald, and that rwk aad even OSM HUNUUKU DULUIM f-aaa af tha ba caaaut earad that by maafl'mua Cavasaa Cuaa. liu'd FRANK J. CHSXIT. warn ta bafera eie aad avlwerlbtd la lay Mb day of bsaamber. A. 1). f, letter describing the relief of' Oms ruru on Feb. 4. When the garrison of Omaruru heard the firing of ths artillery of the relief corps twenty five of the beleaguered force made i sortie against the enemy, who held i natural fortification consisting of i Mason of Illinois, was with a party of friends In n Washington cafe one evening, when the eircle was Joined by the son of a big western capitalist, whose main aim in life seemed to be a continuous Jubilee. He was of that class inelegantly known as "butters In and It was soon evident that hla presence My was distasteful to the senator. old man doesn't put up a cent for me," aald the young man, displaying I'm on my a fat roll of greenbacks. own resources." "How do you manage It? asked one of tho party. You must have some sort of a anap. This la my anap. said the gay spendthrift. Impressively touching hla And there's not n softer head. 'snap' In the world," assented Senator Mason. ha I aaalw Moel-lenho- MAP seated low was Dirk. The artillery action waa brilliant The Germans suffered from want of serviceable horses, only having twenty-on- e animals capable of scouting. The enemy withdrew in a northeasterly direction. Major Von Glasenapp marched on Otilkuara, intending to make an attack. An offlctal account of tho engagement with tbe Hereroe aaya ninety-tw- o of the enemy's dead were counted. Col. Leutwein, governor of German 8outhweat Africa, announces that the German main force left Okaaandja, April 7 for Otjosafu. The Southwest African correspondent of the Cologne Gazette, Dr. has sent his paper a graphic r, I as snm Pise's Cum for OoasnmpUoa aavse y Ufa ttsae yrsM sea Mr. Taos. Boaaiaa Maple Stmeh Norwich, ML Y.,Vbb 17, MS JiS. j I,U f J A GOOD pro-pare- No aah, t'anky, aah!" aald the waiter. In a nervously deferential way, Oaio. Citt or Totsoo, I (ears orLuo f Coustt. J. Tiint Cuius makas oath that MAKING v Apt Reply Earned Renomination foi Robert Toombs. Frequent complaint has been made of late because members of congress have absented themselves from see tons. This reminded Congress mar Hardwick of Georgia of an occurrencs many yearn ago. Robert Toomba was a candidate to succeed himself, but waa accused by an apponent of being absent a great deal. The matter wai brought up by hie rival for the noml nation at a Joint debate and this wat Bob's rep II y: Fellow citizens, foi the sake of argument we will admit that the charge brought by my oppo nent. is true and that I have been ab sent from tbe sessions of the house Admitting, as I say, for the sake ol the argument that It is true, I wir. aak you this question. Which can yon better afford, to have- me in congrear and absent from the sessions, or hart this man in congress and have him present at the sessions?" The test was settled on the spot, dark-skinne- d tho-shrin- The Power of Truth. It was at a breakfast table that the wife aald to her husband. "You look as though you had raised Ned at your club last night, my dear." "I did, earns the honest reply, "and what le worse; he raised me back." CAME FROM COFFEE. Case Whera tha Taking of Morphlna Began With Coffee. "For 1& years," aaya a young Ohio woman, 1 was a great sufferer from stomach heart and liver trouble. For the last 10 years the suffering waa terrible; It would be Impossible to describe It During the last three years I had convulsions from which the only relief waa the use of nuns phine. I had several physicians, nearly alt of whom advised mo to atop dr.nltr Ing tea and coffee, but as 1 could take only liquid foods I felt 1 could not live without coffee. I continued drinking It until 1 became almost Ins ansi ay mind was affected, while my whoto nervous waa a complete system wreck. I suffered day and night from thirst and as water would only make me eick I kept on trying different drinks until a friend naked me to try Postum Food Coffee. "I dM so but It waa some time bo fore I was benefited by the change my ayatem wee so filled with coffee poison. It waa not long, however, before I could eat all kinds of foods and drink all tha cold water I wanted and which my system demands. It la now 8 years I have drank nothing but Poa-tur- n for breakfast and supper and tha reault haa been that in place of being an Invalid with my mind affected I am now strong, sturdy, and happy healthy. "1 have n very delicate daughter who has been greatly benefited by drinking Postum, also a strong boy, who would rather go without food for Bo hla breakfast than hla Postum. much depends oa the proper cooking of Posts m for unless It la boiled tho proper length of time people will be disappointed in It Those in the habit of drinking strong coffee alould make the Postum very strong at flrat la order to get a strong coffes taste." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mleh. Look In each package for tho fam-ou- s little book, "The Road to A con- foi Toombs was elected by his usual bug majority. Plan Monument to BJomeon. The Norwegians of the Red rivet valley will hold a festival In Purge on May 17, the Norwegian national holiday, when a monument in honoi of Bjornatjerne BJornson will be unveiled there. The movement to erect this monument waa started some time ago by the Norwegians in Abercrombie, N. D and waa later taken up by the Norsemen throughout the state. The granite block which will be used as the monument waa procured in Norway recently by Dr Flelde of Abercrombie. The governors of Wisconsin and South Dakota have signified their Intention of attending tha festivities. American Medical Association. Atlantic City, N. J., the famous re sort, is to be the scene, June of the annual meeting of the American Medical Association the great national organization of physicians, sue A half fare geons and specialists. rate has been granted by the Trunk Lines association, and will probably be granted In other section! of the country. Physicians of the country are much elated over the prospects for the largest meeting ever held. Mesopotamia la Fertile. The soil of Mesopotamia la one ol the moat fertile in the world, and the climate would readily permit of two crops annually. Oil springs are frequent, and there la every probability that the subterranean wealth of the province could easily make It a rival of Baku or Pennsylvania. There are abundant quarries of gypsum, sandstone, and the finest white marble, while the mountains contain deposits of Iron, copper, lend and gold. Con-sulReport. ar |