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Show The Goblins" played at Clark's In the AMERICAN FORK LOCAXJ- notes and plat of the offl- - , Plomo No. I; Plomo No. 10, Plomo No. workmen, individually and collective! hall Monday evening, and gave an ar- rial survey Hied herein, being mineral j II, Plomo No. 1 and Plomo No. ly. and should no more than any other Mr. I.und went to Balt Lakt last tistic and delightful performance. The survey No. 5U65, and described in Ml I 17, Consolidated lode mining claims. similar movement for the congregaPUBLISHED AT ou buslnesa. Valley Mining audience waa convulsed with laugh- Held notes and plat on tile in this of- - I situate in Rush beneThursday tion and consequent sociability, ..Utah locktoa Tooele with magnetic variation at II deg. district Utah, county, ter the entire evening, and had the flee, j such of fit and ill members, protection Subscriptions: 1497. 30 1411.9. to min. as 1497, wit: 1410.1, of east, Salt follows, consisting Mr. Wright paid a vlalt to rain not poured down in a deluge Lie seeeeeei ..12.00 aa lodges, tamps, rhurenes and other year .. 1 1499 1499 said 1499, No. of corner linear 1499, 1410.5, at and Commencing .. 1.25 combinations are wont to do to aay l.ake City last Saturday. V nonthe .. company would have been greeted by lulm, from which the corner of Sec feet respectively of said lodes and sur.. .70 niontha a larger audience. 1 tlons and townships 10 and face ground, as shown upon the plat of nothing of capitalists be denounced President Chlpman, of the Jlpine south, range 12 west. Salt Lake me- survey, being Survey No. 5073, and deEditor aa inlmlcable to progress or prosper- stake, attended lira. W. N. Gundrjr conference last Wm. Sutherland, who haa discov- ridian. bears south 45 deg 15 min. east scribed in the field notes and plat of the Jamaa T. Jikcman Manager ity, to law nr order, than they. ered a rubber plant which is indigen- 546.7 feet distant; thence running from official aurvey on file in this office with No. 1 couth M deg. .02 into, magnetic variation at 16 degrees 65 ous to the western NOTICE: was in Salt said corner How to Ward Off an Attack of Rheuthe Lake last week onstates, west C42 feet to corner No. 2: thence minutes east, as follows: Beginning at Tbe April Fools dance given business our absence buslnesa any During looking matism. Apollo ball last Friday evening was towards organising a company for the running from said corner No. S north corner of No. 1 of Plomo No. 6 Lodo transacted with Mra. W. N. Gundry 44 55 min. west 125.0 feet to coryears when spring time esme on well attended. claim, from which the 8. W. corner of will ba O. K. The lady will re endFor manufacture of rubber. He says the nerdeg. I went Into gardening, I wae sure No. S: thence north (6 deg. .02 min. section 7, Tp. 6 8., R. 6 W.. bears N. 1 aelpt for money due the office, will taka to have an attack of rheumatiwn and prospects look very favorable for the east 414.9 feet to corner No. 4: thence degree 38 minutes. E. 1195.1 feet, and And still it appears that Sprint will business. ardero for job printing, etc. The plant which grows wild south 53 deg. 64 min. east 1265.9 feet running thence N. 0 degree 36 minute every attack wae more severe than the Jamaa T. Jakeman, come. not However old frost McDonald of Jack Josle and in great abundance all through to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. W. 697 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. preceding one," says Manager. I tried must go in the sweet Man, Logan county. West Va. A thence S. 37 degree 24 minute B. 45 this state and tbe neighboring states Said claim being located In unsurveyed everything with no relief whatever, un8 per cent rubber, and besides nart of township 9 south, range 12 west. feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7, carries SOCIALIST INCONSISTENCY. Mr. Steele la having a new ioda til I procured a bottle of Chamber14.361 and contains Lake Salt 27 1410.1 0 thence N. degrees minutes W. that, the root producea fibre suitable acres; saidmeridian, lain's Pain Bulin, and the first applilocation being recorded In feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 7, placed in his store, whets he for a It la said that tho teat of "arrival.1 cation gave me eaae, and before the fountain tex- Rook of commercial and variety of records of 640, 87 24 page N," thence can 8 minutes E. 144S.I better serve the coed, refreAlng tile degrees In tho hierarchy of the aclencea, la first bottle waa used I felt like a new purposes. Tooele County, Utah. Adjoining claims feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 9. summer drinks. wo am I In Now I feel that cured, aatronomy pereon. on this lode are survey No. 4256, Cop-peproviaion, and that thence N. 0 degrees II minutes W. 293.1 s MORE RIOTS. have reached that stage; but in So- but I alwaye keep a bottle of Chamber-Iain'polls;" survey No. 4356, Cloudy." feet to corner No. I of Plomo No. 10. Four men were tried and before in lialin the Pain Jidge house, com4319. cial Science, by reason of the Disturbances of are not on the southwest, and survey No,"Gon- thence 8. 87 degrees 53 minutes E. 1200 uhen I feel symptoms of e return Kelly last Monday on the ebarff or nearly as grave as anstrikers Pennant." on the northeast, and feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 11, individual disorplexity of the phenomena presented, I soon drive any one or two with It veraway a The in Jury brought der of the system. Overwork, loss of dola. survey No. 4256. tnence 8. .0 degrees 34 minutes E. 1400 that prevision la not now attainable. applications of this liniment." For sale gambling. be I notice not direct dict this of that publirhed feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 11. guilty. sleep, nervous tension will be followed In Scientific Boclallata profess to be pos- by Mercur Drug Store, Merrur. and I a Stockton the newspaper Sentinel, thence S. 0 degrees 36 minutes E. 1490 by utter collapse, unless a reliable remsessed of a prescience which enables M. E. Brown, Stockton. M. J. Lambert went down to edy Is immediately employed. There'a published at 8tokton. Utah, for the feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 1 Mrs. social of from the them to aay, study weeks. thence N. 87 degrees 51 mlnutee W. Salt Lake City last Sunday, and y&ld nothing so efficient to cure dlaorderi of period of nine consecutive ADVERTISING FAKIR8. that the evolutionary FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. 1198.8 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. phenomena, the Liver or Kidney aa Electric Bitreto visit friends her there. Sbt Alexander McMaster, Attorney for 17, thence N. 0 degrees 30 minutes W. trend makes for a Socialistic regime, ter It'a a wonderful tonic, and efhaa towns In there mained a few there for country many days. 100 feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 6. aa realBtleasly as the Niagara river fective nervine and the greatest Applicant. t years a disposition on the First pub., March 19; last. May It, thence N. 87 degrees 24 minutes W. 1497 n medicine for goes over the Falls. They rely upon been offorbusiness system. 1904. In to at men if are a need of you grasp good sewing It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 5. evolutionary gravitation to bring on part and Neuralgia and expels Malaria thence N. 0 degrees SO minutes W. 598.5 advertising scheme whlrh Is machine call of J. It. Dolmer. Hel-sthe mlllenlum. Socialists of every de- every NOTICE. first-classecond-hanfew No. 1 of Plomo No. 5. feel sewing germ Only 5c, and aatlafaction guarnomination remind one of those Egyp-tlo- held up lefore them hy Irresponsible, United States Land Office, Salt Lake the to corner whilst machines which he will sell at tom anteed by all druggist. place of beginning survey of outside wo .nen who sit all day long by nomadic, advertising fakirs, City Utah. Jan. 15. 1904. boundaries of the consolidated claims, To Whom It May t'onrern: Nolle" la tbe swift flowing Abana veiled and chary of and even averan to giving pat- Slfi up. An Aggravating Cough Cured. a total area of 170.835 acres, State cf I tab containing that the hereby motionless figures, whispering Kis- ronage to their home papers. It Is given which from the area of 1.253 acre in The sutiscriitlon department is dill A customer of oure who had been hs filed In this office a lit. No. 51, oi for charmet. while the stream hurries on. and nil right to do so, especially conflict with NE14 of section 13. Tp. severe from a six for suffering the He cough to for State meet lands said not solictor selected the the out ot open. nine by ready 4 8., R. 5 W., Is expressly the sun shines and the wind shakes ity'sofsake, although excepted and bought two bottles of Chamxiabli.- hn ent and maintenance of a those who patronise advertising when he calls and besides pleng months, berlain's Cough Remedy from us and normal school under section 13 of th? excluded, leaving a net area of 169.083 down the blossoms of the Mlshmish." ten assurances give him some tanyble was entirely cured ty one and a half hereby claimed and applied for. They say the Trust Is Caesar, and yet fakirs expect smuch.or If any. return act of ( on greas approved July IS, 1894. acre cards the enter- recognition of tbe merits of this pa-- bottles of it. It gives perfect satisfac- The presumed course and length of U The think that Caesar will surrender, from front (lie write-upembraced in tracts following each vein or lode Is as shown upon the tion with our trade. Haynes-FarkA selection list are in a sheor surfeit of riches or from some prising nomads have talked them Into per township conCo., Llnevllle, Ala. For sale by Mer- taining mineral claim of record, vlx: plat of survey. From corner No. 1 of them. It .Is not all rignt, though, higher consideration his wealth and giving Miss Eva Lambert, daughter of Ira. cur Drug Store, Mercur, and M. E. N4& nc4 Sec. 31. T. 5 8., R. 6 W., 8. L. Plomo No. 6 the 8. W. corner of section to patronise such people and Ignore 7, Tp. 4 8., R. 4 W bears N. 3 degrees power to promote the commonweal. M. J. to Park City Brown, Stockton, Mcr. 51 minutes East 599.1 feet. From corner We do not think, however, that It la the home papers, when advertising In lust Lambert, returned bee has begun to buxs. The political so as A She It of said rebitei ier far enpy list, says that) Saturday. No. 1 of Plomo No. 7 said section corner A primary was held to tbe schnolhousc so written in tbe old book of Human sttrh Is hound to bring results and the by descriptive subdivisInvested in sttrh Is. In the week's vacation here was well bears N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 599.1 to elect delegates to the Re- to saidhaatracts, Nature unregenerated. They do not money Thursday in been posted f conspicuously and wished that she might cay publican State Convention to be hold ions, feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 8 like the Trust, nor his father whom main, kept at home. Moreover, local office for tills by person any inspection j aid section corner at Suit Lake City April 2nd. 1904. N 22 degree In build- longer. interested, and by the public generally. 59 minutes W. 654 bears they name Manacled Competition. newspapers are a potent force feet. From corner i next Within the following days They say his is the whip that has ing up any community.g In enhancing sixty No. 1 of Plomo No, A said section corTourist cars to Chlrago through scenic Several of our young ppople are go of every of this notice under departdriven ua into the arma of hla hid- the welfare and ner bears N. 63 degrees 22 minutes W. Colorado and over the Burlington every the dote instructions cocdd-erin27, 1070.1 of November mental eous Frankenstein, debased our peo- man. woman and child whose Interests ing to Idaho and are seriously From corner No. 1 of Flotno Rate Balt Lake per day. berth, City 1896 agrbul-turInto L. to or enter contests No. 10feet. whether (23 D., 459), protests to endeavoring to Chicago, 54; Denver to Chicago, 13.50. corner No. 1 of PloIdentical ple to the abject adoration of wealth, they are constantly undeeLed the claims of the State tp any mo No. 17, said with pursuits. Others are corner bears N. These are Pullman tourist car wide against section caused us to abjure our allegiance to subserve, and arc, therefore, entitled hereinbeor subdivisions tracts of the whether to remain in the city or vestibule rattan upholstering, clean lin73 degrees 21 minutes W. 1521.7 feet, and the Declaration of Independence and to support. Without such support they leave on fore the the that described, ground t also. en and bedding, comfortable toilet rooms same ! more from corner No. 1 of Plomo No. U tbe teachings of the Fathers, In an are measurably helpless, and the comfor mineral than Identical at each end, brilliantly lighted, and very for agriculturalvaluable with corner No. 1 of Plomo from mistaken moral, be re- No. 1A will purpose attempt to set up hla ahrine In the munity which, Mr, Williams, the gentleman havng comfortable car aaid section corner bears N. 76 If you are going ceived and noted for report to the Genor economic of view, of personal points the and Islands other Philippines of the Improvements at he East I can tell you the best and cheap- eral Land Office at Washington, D, C. degrees 44 minutes W. 3109 feet. sos. Our hands, they aay, ate red withholds Its meed of patronage, doea charge Said consolidated claims are situated house, power reports that the wtrk est way to make the trip. . See me or Failure so to protest or contest within to the itself. greater injustice with the blood of ruthless conquest, In and form a portion each of sections 7 on splendidly and that it dll write m is considers! will be the time going specified our hearts black with the perfldy of and 1A Tp. 4 8., R. 4 W.. and section evidence of the A disordered stomach may cause no lie completed in the course of twoor if those having friends or relatives to sufficient Punic Faith and hard with the luat of end 13, Tp. 4 8., R. 6 W 8. L Base and Meselectract and of the character the three weeks. of trouble. When falls stomach the the missionary in any part of the United tion thereof, commercial greed, while our eyes are to ridian, Utah, said lode location miotherwise free from being functions the bowels beIts perform us we States will tlielr address w'll give claims being of record in the ofInflamed with cupidity end shifty with come deranged, the liver and kidneys Lowu A Co. hud a fine awning tut be pleased to send a copy of this pap-- r objection, will be recommended for ap- ning fice of the County Recorder at Tooele FRANK D. HOBBS, the cunning of a moral strabismus. congested, causing numerous diseases, up to front of thi-l-r premises hist we-kto them during their absence, compli- proval City, In Tooele county, Utah, in Book Register. It Is an awesome arraignment of a the most fatal of which are painless The business I prospering, and he mentary. If the missionary la In for"M" of location at page 481, 484, 48A GEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. whole people, but were It really true and therefore the more to be dreaded. many friends of the Arm are glad tore eign land the same proposition will Pub., Jan. 30; last pub.. Mar. 486. 487, 48A 480, 404 and 495, record of It would prevent the coming of that The Important thing Is to restore the the liberal patronage bestowed upn hold good, with exception of extra for- 26.First aid county. 1904. condithem. Here Is continued and Inereaed eign postage. millennium for which they look save stomarh and liver to a healthy There are no known near locations aa no better pre sucres this for and tion, purpose through the destruction of the race. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. shown by the plat of survey. pa ration can lie used than Chambe3783. M. A. No. Notice rlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. For The Thornton Drug Co., after that this notice be published United States Land Office, Salt Lake In I direct THE SPOILS OF WAR. sale Mercur Drug Store, Mercur, and larging their store the Stockton Sentinel, Stockton. considerably, 1904. 23, Jan. City, Utah, M. E. Brown, Stockton. the newspaper published nearest now making the interior more plasNotice is hereby given that Plomo Mi- Utsh, Very little la known by the Westthe said mining claim, for the period of fcg-Into are the and its eye. agent company, Truly by ing Milling they ning STOCKTON LOCAL BRIEFS. ern world concerning Manchuria, for FRANK D. HOBBS, Soli lake and attorney In fact, M. T. Dishorn, nine week the front and such effoi the possession of which Russia Is now The weather of late has been clear theseto will Register. whose iwstolfice address is Salt Lake aid the city materially. contending, In the great war ahe haa and bracing. R. E. Ros Claimant's Attorney. City, Utah, has made application for a undertaken against Japan. In a recent No. 6. for Plomo United States patent First Pub., Jan. 30; last pub.. Mar. The excursion from Bingham J acTIKE TABLE. communication to the State DepartPlomo No. 6, Plomo No. 7, Plomo No. 5, 26, 1904. It la reported there are several cases tion to American Fork will be g ment at Washington, United States of whooping cough in town. on the 13th, in place of the 12tWs A. 31, P. M. Consul Miller, of New Cbwtng, China, 6:00 Leave Salt Lake City, Ar. 5215 stated In the last issue. Mr. came out Oscar and bride Anderson gives much valuable Information rewas nut able to make sstisfsct iHSt Tuesday. garding this vast and practically un- from Salt Lake rangements with the railroads fo known land. Harbin, the centre of is visiting her 121 h, hcuc-- the change. Mrs. Dora Manchurian trade, la a city of lQO.to daughter, Mrs. Coakley F. A. OlbeauL population, CIV 000 being Russians, There is more snow In the thin? - remainder principally Chinese. Tll'WMany of our cltixens visited the capi- - districts of American Fork can; R. M. EDMUNDS. Pr.erta.ee- to week tsl this pay tbeir tithing (?) southeastern branch of the great now than there has been for sevei Trains at Si It Laka make direct barton railway passes through - one Mrs. W. H. Hennefer Car all points north and east. week years, which will delay operations thoassnd ' miles of Msnchurina terri- with her husband and relativesthishere. S. W. GtU 3TT. Howevcf. there for several weeks. rich sa a continually tory country General Fasucgir Agent. disadvantage wi In agricultural qualities as can ba Still lots of water in the Ilonorlne what is theaidminer's J. L. MOORl, Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for In our agricultural purmaterially found anywhere In the world." In the tunnel, but men are able to work Commercial Agent, suits. Lien Valley, where crop failures end Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. famines ere unknown. 10.000 000 in In arrivals la tbe this Among city Mr. A. la J. on Little unable to work food products are exported annually. were Mr. Mark Bexzant and Of tbe G2.600 square miles drained uccount of an ubces on one of his Sunday Miss Pearl Lambert, accompanied by fingers. the its trlbntorW Ltoo and the by hi Isa Eva Lambert, who will spenl greater proportion is euscentihle of James McKindrlck has rented the old some time here on a vacation. Mr. and cultivation. Beane, millet, alfalfa, Eureka Hotel, where he will conduct Bexxant and Miss Pearl Lambert had wheat hogs, cattle, sheen end gnats lodging-hous- e. a very pleasant Journey and report take the lead In the products of this that they enjoyed themselves It. H. Gundry Is erecting a resident--anMeal forming region. Modern agriAND THE simp on the corner of Mitto cultural machinery Is practically un- and barber Clark street Another eoually rich section knownAmongst the best business people d In (he Sungari Valley, which haa a The demand for houses to rent this city is Mr Lambert, proprietress VIA like the Dakotas, and where cllmtc of the New Grant hotel. Increasing, and none to All whs or t'11 millet, wheat, beans, rapidly rented at any price. have had occasion to atop at the hotel oata, tobacco, hemp, corn and unite in praising the clean table, neat''Everything's lovely and the goose ly furnished This vegetables grow In abundance. rooms and perhapa ahovs high.'1 There'll be good times In ct!nn the finest rwsihllltles for hangs all other things, the pollteneas with whet production. Thirty buahela to Stockton this summer. which the people are received by this RAILWAY the acre is an average crop. The natAll the mines hereabouts are being estimable lady. Mrs. Lambert has reural market for ell of these products worked, with prospects of more exti-a cently employed night clerk and Is China, bnt reasonable development sive operations in the near future. runner and will thus be able to still THROUGH SCENIC would lead to s sdimutlc export trade, better bethe ever please than people Mr Richard Gundry went to Salt which Russia doubtless haa in view, fore. Mrs. Lambert Is standing upon C'lty last Thursday, when- - she This great agricultural prise, for Lake her own merita and in so doing Is will make her home in the future. FERTILE which Russia la striving, has only bebound to succeed. gun Ita record of development. What The Stockton brass hnnd gave nn KANSAS MISSOURI It will he ten years hence, when the 0en air concert laat Tuesday night Messrs. Emmet Ingeraol, Green PULLMAN qnetlnna of fuel, river and railroad Their st lections were very enJuyable.(T) wood. Householder and Jones had i SLEEPING CARS, transportation are satisfactorily advery Wedthrilling last experience A charivari that whs somewhat OBSERVATION justed, and when the enormous March 23 in Amerinesday area is nnder the fullest cul- previous waa started lust Monday night can Forkevening, DINING CARS. had canyon. started They Walt a while boy and In the meanElectric Q Complete tivation, stimulated by the demand time In the hillside and started a Lights, digging in keep practice. for foreign export, cannot even be electric Pans. snowslide which carried three of them estimated. It wRl become one of the Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Reclininq Chair card. to 300 feet down the hill. Part of the centres of the the inetroialla Sunday to spend pent greatest (xstsDayran), a week time they were nearly covered with or ten day Coaches. world. Mr. Adam Stellar is at- the rolling snow nnd underbrush and! tending to the business during Mr. when reaching the bottom were! they hr lirtU.Tkkitx, Fitter, He., iMrra THE UNION QUESTION. Scblelp's absence. almost totally submerged in the snow, i. swsft GSR9 The was other Into the swept tunnel;!' Sines the organisation of the West James G, Brown, our genial lmrcti-nn- t, and was elected a delegate to the esraped any injury. Mr. Ingersnl Jo-dSmeltermen's Union of the Republican State convention and Judl- - returned from the canyon and stated H. C. TOWNSEND, Western Federation of Miners, et dal convention, and went to the cnpitul that he would bo quite content here IMM M MM MHT, BT. Bingham Junction, there has been a city Inst Thursday to attend the former. in the valley until the snow In the very great Interest develone.1 in the mountains had disappeared. j welfare of the society. It Is about Rumor has It that Alf Kvnns, cn-)rr for the Sacramento, will leave We are glad to note that the three months are when the movement people j was inaugurate:!, but sirce that time thorlly to accept a port: Ion with the of this community have voted In favor! 280. or nearly 8K) men. It Is ssl.1. have Ortgon Short Line at Pncntclla How- - Mr. Evans says that though hei schools, instead of Joined the union, it is also said, by ever,had a very good offer with the rall- tho friends of the movement, tnat the has he load bnyg. has not derided to arAmerican and Highland Boy will find ept yet, and may not at all. mount for salaries will be forthcom48 Pages i Weekly t Llustratcd. in the U. 8. before long a worthy ing when needed. Such a on the associate In the grsnu work of union, D. W. Heanton Is to Salt Lake City part of our citizens showsstep that they by the under a physician's care. Some time are in line with the fraternity and Meat of our West Jordan Smeltermen's Union, and ngo Mr. Htaston hurt Ids hand, which people throughout thetraditions state as blood caused It was being eventually poison. It la expected that the opponents of Tooele necessary to cut the hand, and In heal- for the advantages of education first, the union In the United States and ing the little finger grew to a bent last and all the time. Especially Is 83 PER YEAR. FOSTPAID. Bingham, If they shall be this correct when the liorltion. It was thought it would to Into amputate the finger, but sure the continuance of people, men, and alert to their own Interests, livs roi iamfxj corr. the will soon see the advisability of unit- later reports are favorable fur the sav- pledged themselves to pay anschools, extra to eame. Mr. of H. tinder care the ing tax of one mill to raise the deficit of MINING ing with the Federation. Scientific PRESS It Is not. they say. an antagonistic of Dr llosmer and Richards. $771. The tenrhera and Janitors. In so XT.. IAN run CISCO. CAt movement, nor conceived by any labor same XUDI the laudable public spirit, have Warrant Every Bottle. to assist the cause by giving agitator; neither Is it conceived nor If troubled agreed with rheumatism give carried out by reason of any complaint APPLICATION FOn PATENT. Pain Balm a trial. It one week's services free. More power M. A. No. 3795. or grievance against the great com- Chamberlains will not cost you a rent if It does no to them. Btntf 'nlted Land Office, Salt Luk-Cit- y, panies which have given the opportun- good. One application will relieve the March 14. 1904. ity to so many men for profitable and pain. It also cures sprains and bruises LEHI LOCALS. Notice Is hereby given that A. K. d continuous employment, and that have to the time required by any whose plure of husincs nnd made Bingham Junction what it la to- other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostMr. O. E. Raddltz came down from Pieman, ntofflce address are Salt City. to side bites, nnd thr commerquinsy, pains and and the his day, enterprise in American Uh, has made application for a Init-- J and other swellings are Forkmining properties cial renter that, because of them and chest, glandular States D.itent for the Red Metal last canyon week. cured by applying It. Every Hie mining claim, situate to the Dug-va- y through them, It is oound io become; quickly Thco W.' Todd, an advertising sobottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 Mining District, Tooele County, but It Is a movement. laudable In It- rent For sale by Mercur Drug Store, licitor, hailing from San Francisco, tab. consisting of 1265 linear feet on was in the city on Monday. self, for the welfare of the associated Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. he lode, and aurface ground ae shown STOCKTON SENTINEL. iw flf-l- -- 2-- 5, bye-anlby- ro run-dow- s s, n d er en-oy- well-bein- g sl non-mine- ral M ttn,Kis Mes g i Riii oooooooomooortoooooo e THE STOCKTON CLUB eon-nactl- tnt XX r Through Service stTlolis Main Street. Stockton. EAST Missouri Pacific hs n COLORADO a cron-bearin- g CSRfeB food-produci- GROCERIES AND BEATS sn 25 Street, Stockist sSc minings fift SiS Ksisl rKraa INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. and Largest fiJsfSFQ County fair-minde- d u .Fresh Meats. one-thir- BEEF, IU, PORK, VEAL! |