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Show Shoes for Men "M Ea$le Plusnix Indemnity Company, $2.50 Topics of Interest to Our Feminine Readers Patterns and Descriptions of tho Latest Faehlcno Lavender Sachet Eaeily Made Cape with Hood for tho Baby. Shoe Lavender Sachets. Lavender la one of the cleanest weetest perfumes In existence, and sachet bags filled with its flowers give to clothes closet or linen press a defralicious, refined, grance. It ic a romantic odor. It la romance, sentiment crystallised If an odor ean be said to be a crystallisation of anything. It never satiates or cloys, and It never goes out oi fashion, because it never comes into fashion. Half a pound of dried lavender flowers, half an ounce each of extract of muak and simple benzoin of an ounce of oil of and lavender make a delicious filling for a sachet for use with bed linen. n Bradley & Metcalf BUB.T CompanyWW. MILWAUKEE. FOR BALI BY WHllem Btora. Goldra Gate BQllnca, one-fourt- Cuk Child's Coat Long coats that cover the frocka are the moat becoming of all style for little girls. This one la peculiarly eharmlng and Includes the fashionable birring that give the broad effect with the tancj alia lied collar that can be used or omitted as preferred. The model ia of pastel made blue broadcloth, trimmed w.th lancy braid and ornamented and stitched wltb corti-cell- l silk, but there are many other materials equally appropriate. , The coat consists of the yoke, the fronts and the back which are shirred and Joined thereto. The sleeves are full, chirred at their upper portions and Joined to shallow caps, and are finished with shaped cuffa that harmonize with the collar. The quantity of material required for medium else (8 years) la 4 yards II Inehes wide, 4?4 yards 27 inches wide or 2 yards 44 Inches wide, and with 4 yards of braid to trim as Illustrated. The pattern 4675 is cut In sizes for "t years of age. girls of 4, 6, OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIS. The FRISCO SYSTEM TRAVERSES THE FOLLOWINS STATES! Illincls Indiana Elsslssippl Arkansas Kansas Alabama Oklahoma Missouri Indian Ter. Tennessee Texas, THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, City at (JO p. m. ImvlngwillXanana taka you to SprlnKttoU, daily, Mawphla, It.rmlnRham. Atlanta, darkaonvula aad all pointa ia Eiwllnit ranteta all pointa Xorth, Moui lmiut Baat, Mouth, and South Far detailed InfOnaaMoa, apply te S. W. MARTIN, SMMH Agent.- Denver, cat. DRAKE, D.st. Paaa-- Asent, Salt Lake City, Utan. T. A. JOHN, General Agent, Dutte. Montana. t OP AMERICA. Insure yourself against sickness and accidents. ... Also Life Insurance. Yon pay a Installment Flan. little each month. XXXXXX - OR FURVHSR INSORMATION lngy eve made of denlma or jlnena and woiked with the Bulgarian embroid- H. A. ery, It ought to be especially suitable for decoration of the summer cottage. 209, A paint brush makes a good swab for greasing cake tics. Of course the butter applied must be melted. If the bread jiilfe Is hot new bread can be cut as easily as old. But, if you would not spoil your knife, do not make It too hot SUFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAM One reason that an omelet la so TERRIITOKY often a failure Is the use of too many By through lervlce to and from the aggs. The more egga the more diffifollowing cities: cult the matter of turning and foldOmaha, Neb. Chicago, Z1L St Paul, Ulna. ing. Four eggs are all that should St Louis, M ever be used at one time. Minneapolis, Minn Taorla, Kansas City, Mo. SvAxuvllle, Ind. Always keep your celery roots and Memphis, Term. Kashvilla, Tana. dry them. They are good for seasonCincinnati, Ohio. Atlanta, Ga. ing soups and sauces. Louisville, Xy. Jacksonville Fli Instead of rlclng the potatoes directMaw Orleans, La. Vlckaburg, Mias Into the serving dish, mash them ly o Weekly through service between first and season, and then rice tl.em and between Cincinnati reads for the table. And the Pacific Coast and Montana Territory. Connections at them terminals to the lit ' Chl-aag- .& EAST, SOUTH, WEST AMD MOUTH. Fait and Handsomely Equipped Steam Heated Trains Dining Caro Buffet-Librar- y Cara Sleeping Caro-F- ree Reclining Chair Cars. Ask ticket agents for tickets via ths ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, Of apply to '' J. FOLEY, W. 2nd So. St.. Salt Laka Clift A. 16 may bo straightened by sewing haircloth or buckram to the corner or on the under aide. If your window glass la lacking In combinabrilliancy clean It with liquid paste tions. but Is shown litA made of alcohol and whiting. in checked Mack tle of this mixture will remove specks an white silk, and Impart a high luster to tha glass. wlf trimmings of Old stockings cut down the seams velvet and make splendid cloths for polishing fur cloth bands nlture. and they make up Into aoft are stitched Iron holders also. corticrlli silk. Asbestos cloth should be kept on Is com blued band to use aa a pad under tie hot a chemlsetla clatter, small squares should be put s as interlining for Iron holders, and a cream lace, i piece should bo used on the Ironing fronts and 4B7S Fancy Blonao, 2 to 40 bniL board to save the sheet. back are tucked, In making down pillows the Inside the former at the extreme outer edge of the lining should bu gone over wltb of if" shoulders, so giving the broad an' Iron rubbed well with beeswax of iud concealing the arms-eyeacb time It is put on the cloth, and . the latter to give a box plaited this will prevent tho down working efiKt at the center. The ileeves are through the dotn. novel and graceful and are finished Flat Irons sbould be washed once with narrow bands of black velvet a week and kept in a clean, dry place; rllMon. wax should be used frequently when - 'be blouse Is made over a fitted Ironing and the Irona should not be III: eg which la closed at the center allowed to become red hot or they fn it. On this lining are arranged will never again retain beaL th chemisette, the back and the fn its and the closing la made lnvla lb r beneath the band. Tbe sleeves ar snug above the elbows with deep bo i plaited frills below which fall gr cefully over the big puffs beneath. The quantity of material required fof medium size Js 3 yards 21 wide or 44 Inches in(hes Hi yards The ruche ia pretty at r wife, with yards of lace, the neck and throat 4 yards of bias velvet and 44 jrards High girdles are shown on street of. cloth for bands. and house costumes. pattern 4676 la cut In alzea for Black xtbeline, with fiber braid, 36, 38 and 40 Inch bust meat- makei a stylish blouse. uiw Fancy buttons of bone or horn In color to match tbe coat are worn. Cape With Hood for Baby, A touch of gold in the decoration most economical wrap for a child, of an gown la effective. Cuffa and collars In bands of bright from Its first day to savers! years old, lalt cape with hood, made of a good embroidery make a plain shirt waist quality French flannel, writes a look smart The hood ia .lined with Tho close-fittinthe turlian, toqne and cape lined with China ite allk, and the round hat shape are accepted :k canton flannel, the woolly aide models for general wear. I have had one for two babies. An exceptionally smart example of It is now as good as new. The military modes' i a costume or army Is a deep aky blue, with white blue serge trimmed with black braid tires. The cost of mine was 11.60, and brass buttons. , inipiffing China silk, but not canton r flainel. I used a else, mill-tai- p The New Bulgarian Embroidery. can which be taken pattern, cape The now Bulgarian embroidery will be still more popular aa the season in a little more a the neck. advances. It is done on heavy linen Blouse Eton. In all colors. A favorite combination Short coats are to be noted on the la red and blue. The embroidery la done with a heavy linen floss, which Is greater number of advance models anl are exceedingly rhlc and attractwashable. ive. This stylish little Eton ie made An attractive Bulgarian centerpiece In blouse style and of ecru linen had a scalloped edge, rollbuttonhole stitched with red linen. A cai either' Le border of polnsettas around the edge ed ( open to form was also worked with the red. Dresser refers or .closed as town In the scarfs, table and couch spreads, pornail sketch. Also tieres and all aorta of house furaiah- it allows a choice between the drop slrmldcrs and the regulation arm-holeThe model -v Is made of tan , J'ggb.- , colored cheviot v: wltb rerers of hmwn and white lald in which are tlreads of gold. At the waist la crushed belt, of the velvet and the slroves arc finished with frills of lace. The Eton consists of fronts and hick, both of which are tucked for Heir entire length. The lower edge If slightly full and ia joined to a narrow belt over which the rnished belt if arranged, the fronts being finished frto as far as the first tucks to form Ike pointed rovers, The sleeves are cat in one piece eacb, are tucked above the elbows, lull below and are finished with linn- - cuffs. The quantity of material required Ik 4 Li. yards 21 inches for medium side. 3"; jards .'7 inches wide or 2 M irrhiv wide, with 7J, yards ;sr-l3:- nf yards of hrnld to trim aa AN Q RID under-sleeve- Qlenwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadville, Puet.o, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, SL Louis, Chicago, " "" i and all points east n e st-f- Ceansetlng at Ogln UkIm Depot with all Southern Paeflt and Oroyon Short Uno Trains. Tho only Transoontinonlal Line passing directly through Sail Lake City. 3 L Sanitarium BY.MSoA PaTUC DA. 1 rid w-i- B.to Sak Lake CBy nFrm Iror sf watar jpasaw tbsoiigb HrtMatet Bate btFarMhla ate Mae Ha Tab hSi Pkmfti OC-- ao lol hi Path fcWv CmiMmMA ul ftannly I Is Balk 4L Sailil baa both vheu Lake. Opea ter hI aicbl. ' - v Oregoni Short Line - : , X-- COREAN CRIPE shown many novel none Is more attractive than Curran crepe, which Is soft yet durable, and ean be readily cleansed, ne is com mnnly the case with OrlcMn! This pretty waist shows th- - rubric In rn-awhite with trlmnring of lace 'Ad Is adapted to both the odd waist and the gown. The narrow nt:-are eminently fuvh'c.-nbk-Inn-plait- s l -- RAILROAD C.P.GT.A. D. bm B IMS DIBGCT CONNECTION WITH TUI - D. E. BVRLEY, UNION PACIFIC S. SPENCER. A.G.P.ftT.4. ITqb'ovE ROUTE VHKH B IBB fOMLAK POUTS TO AIL POffRUzasY - COMIiWINC e CUT TICKET G ffi . SPEED - COMFORT SAFETY OFFICE 201 T TNION MAIN ST. PACIFIC 1 VjNEXCELLED SALT LAKE CITT. VTAH. ROGRESS1VB (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) ROBERT E. PICKLE $" is out in 40 inch biisl it?-! j$L a-- im-a- !? pi si .iiK'i-r- s - for li b .'is upulo iii- - cheeses erlni- - of 2 3-- j if HUT BOOR VO OPBUA BOOM- - Agency Troy Steam Laondiy. UrDPIlD MLilvUlli JM Salt Lake and Mercur s Railroad " 10:60.... Manning 1:35.... Fairfield ....124 Arrive J. G. JACOBS, (Jen, hi ana car. Balt Luke City. MERCUR TIMECARD BALT LAKE F.a-- L Weet. 2:10 Leave Merrur Arrive 10:43 Leave 10:50. ...Summit Jet.. ..2:25 " d & & j i chi esc fiiMlil. & ' &?$$ & Three Trains to Chicago. ' to ('lectio, Three Tra'r.K, Sail Fram-Ise,- i everyday. Tl.i in tho new nvcriiind anrvico via the I'MON I'ACIFId AXIl CHH'AtiO. MlbWAi'KKK ST. I A j LINK Pwllrir Wsilt X. It Mmmuiu lf furMiirM.. 1 ineh--- ri-'- A . fif fstti-rn- . In- ii't i'f - MU tip I Xo. 4662. led tri hny wi-i- & 1 Xo ('liaiiifi of Caro. ynur while to icaiii hImuI ft. i Write plainly. I On HU nil tilnn'KK KnrlONS uiiitoL it U:niMitu.,aiiiyiuiub Chicaou. Piacn 106 W. Second South Salt Lake City. CLAUD S. WILI.IAi.I3, Com'l Agent. chlkTsor nuw. pattern).. Idn. s i Bust McoMimltf for waist'.... ' u:r.ii-riu- I'l v Miitilnn n1?!'- - 22 til pi. V.i'l A A fall Uno of Fouob& rt in. tbibowoe U SoMken1 Ooodi. Bute size will lie required l 21 or 27 nr 2'.j inches wide, with Ut yard-- : of nii'dhiili ynfii'i of tlnl 1 LACE 14 and bMt .took Tho of Cwif.cuoaery la Mar- our a eHeHMitieee s Town the epaulettes, formed by joining two trips of the lace, give the broad and drooping Hue that has become general. To make the waist for a woman yar'i of l:ie A fall lion of Htailna- cry. AU the leodibg for Xumo 2; ,y- AND CONFECTIONERY ptriodinia., LZ NOTIONS.... STATIONERY J 'Vi.: && 1v-:- 'V Of the IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB REMEMDER, I. Iicaiier. of tliin Twi. r can mvuix- - my May NauWn pattcra il'.:: ..riiii il nicer by n.'ingout ail lilauks lu t ni;.n!i f. with lUvsuta M L. . iiarriM. .. A i'i. iu l'.viiniiilii I'.uoEChe ia(a Pau.ru Kill Ik uuinml pninipily. .i - - , SALT LAKE OTY s. . ft Me.tlo UooIm. A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D, five-yea- ENjoYABiEi M f.p.r.1. ana UIiUmI m. t MtallUllAS SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Via Tbrao For nM, folds n. tm lllwamtad boohlnta, Inqnliw of yeoe l Uakalatoal, apooUjlne Uio Bio Oraado routo, or addreea - risk.' prc:j esc d:t 1.' . 3 RFLBN1VIOLT KQUIITKD DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Can to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. k chi 'A FAST TRAINS all-ove- The shells of ' BHr THE SCENIC LINE TO me plMtS wUhla raoob of an a tho tertooa CITY, VTANL num-betie- Th- - psilern .'2. 34. 3d. : HEALTHFUL! USE SALT are greatly In voipe snd make an important feature of (the latest styles. This one Is adapted to a wide range of materials and to almost il!ii'it:;iti UNIQUE I 232 Dnarst Maws Bldg. Agent, Fancy Blouaa. g , NELSON, 6eseral Blouses of all aorta Ruga that have a tendency to curl t. Illinois Central Railway. 211, WRITS TO r o & & & & y St y |