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Show RUSSIANS RETREAT have been reported to the state department by the United States charge at Panama. The matter was deemeu FOLLOWERS OF CZAR RECROB8 of sufiiclent importance to warrant YALU RIVER. considerable discussion at the cabinet meeting, and the unanimous opinion Scouts Said to Have Entered waa that everything should be done JapaneseWhile Cossacke Occupy WIJu, to avoid an entanglement of the Forestalling Japanese. controlabor with United States any versy. But it was determined that A dispatch received in London from the government would not withhold scouts enIn any degree the protection to the Shanghai says: Japanese 11 o'clock this at Korea, tered WIJu, Panama railroad which it has asThe Russians apparently sumed by treaty, and It was ulrected morning. retreated beyond the Yaln river. railroad rolling that the property, It la reported la St. Petersburg that stock, track and terminals should he Coe sacks, commanded by General 600 protected by forces from the United have occupied Unaan, KoStates warships at the lathmua If that Artmanoff, the Japanese, thus forestalling rea, became necessary. There will, howon Unaan from were who marching ever, he no compulsion exercised Ju. against the atrikere to compel them to Chang A letter received In Shanghai from return to work. Kobe, Japan, aaya the Japanese government has 260,000 troops In motion PINCHES THE PUBLIC. and fully 60,000 more under arms in Coal M Inert Strike In Iowa Throws garrisons and at the depots. Then Many Men Out of Work. numbers are exclusive of the third A apodal from Dea Molnea, Iowa, reserves, numbering 120,000, which under date of April 6, aaya: On ac- have not yet been called to the colors. count of the coal strike the railways Tho exact number of troops which announced that at least 500 men will have left Japan for their various (lew be paid off at once. Seventeen t luations Is not known, but the entire witching crewa and nineteen full first army corps has been landed and train crewa running cut of Dea Molnea has established Itself In northwestern and Valley Junction quit work today. Korea, with its main base at Chinaro-pho- . ' The general staff still carefully Similar action by railways centering the plan of campaign, but It guards ON Belle at Boone, Plain, Oakalooas, is generally believed that they will tumwa and Albia will mean the lost operate three armies, each nominally of work to about 1,000 men. Churches numbering 100,000 men, the second In Dea Molnea are closed on account army landing west of the Yaln river, and the third army east of New Chu-anof the strike, and the schools have The landings of tHe latter two been closed for a week until coal can armies will be easily accomplished, be secured. Only one school room In for the light cruiser squadrons can. the city la open. A call reconvening protect both movements. It la thought that the landing of a the Joint conference at Dea Molnea force west of th heavy In a few daya, at which a settlement mouth ofJapanese the Yalu wll force the Rusla looked for, will he Issued. , sians to abandon the fortlficatlona which they have' been erecting north of the Yalu river for the purpose of, MIKADO RECEIVES HERO. opposing the crossing of the first army of Japanese from Korea. The Japanese are confident that the Russians will be unable to transport supplies enough to maintain In Manchuria a force larger than 800,000 men. The heavy detachments necessary to guard the railroad and supply bates will. It is said, reduce the Russian fighting force to about 200,000 men. JI0TING IN CHICAGO BURTON SENTENCED TO PRISON, BAN ON POLYGAMY THE WEEKLY SENTINEL Kansas Senator Mutt Servo Six JNE OF THE MOB LAID LOW BY PRESIDENT SMITH ISSUES MANN Monthe in Jail and Pay $2,500. A BULLET. FESTO PROHIBITING PLURAL Senator Burton of Kansas was senVYOCKTOH MARRIAGES. CTAH tenced by judge Adams, at St. Ixiuls n Greeks attacked at Can on Wedensday to six months confineCompany's Plant and Pofics NarCommand Issued That No Such Ccro- - ment In the Iron county Jail and to NEWS SUMMAUY. rowly Prevent Battle. mony Shall Be Solemnized by Any pay a fine of $2,SOO. Officer or Member of tho Judge Krum immediately Attorney Jg parsons sra dead ss the result The strike rioting at the American filed a bill of exceptions In the case Church Under Pain of In the squib factory Excommunication. and offered a bond of $10,00u, which ffin company's plant In Chicago, was accepted. fteaday, waa fiercer than it has been Japanese army. The case will now be appealed to g any time, and one man, John Nlch-tk- , At Wednesday's session of the men, costs but lost hla life by a bullet, fired. It of tha church of Jesus Christ the United States district court of apfrom a train on which a num-k- r In g said, the tribunal the highest peals, the ofyLstter-daconference, Saints, of men were being were shaken rJrfrinally renewed adherence to the J matter. senkw to back the renlor la who as, Senator city after the Burton, Woodruff manifesto against polygSen of the work. convicted was after ator from day's Kansas, marall plural amy, declared that The fighting began early In the number of riages are prohibited, and announced an exhaustive trial, in which various wnen 300 Greeks, who have ny country that any member of the church au- letters from him to the Rialto Grain grnlng, pen checks A employed the during the strike, Securities company, thorizing, contracting or solemnising to come to the factory. They In payment for hla which he received liable to be would ueb marriages are on services in behalf of the concern be- iere met at the gates by a large num-t- r It of refusal of union pickets, who attacked the postofflee department and the fore IntroThe pronunclamento was ise wages, of numerous agents of the Item with atones and clubs. A testimony large F. Smith duced by President Joseph were Introduced. government ps have arof police had their hands ptacbment resolua was defense that Burtons Senator and by adopted unanimously mors of the fill to protect the Greek, when a tion Introduced by Apostle Frauds M. he was acting merely In the capacity Indefinitely. not employ dot fired from the crowd aroused the did an of and attorney, of Lyman, president of the quorum hla senatorial Influence in the work.gto fury. Thoae of the number Tby stikajent nTinade that Senator the twelve apostles. It la a concldence that the amounT S io had entered the Gorman will not be a candidate for factory came After this resolution wss adopted, of the fine, $2,500, Imposed upon Sen. " the Democratic presidential nomina- anotbor followed the asms course, In- ator Burton, la Identical with the puring out, armed with knlvea and evi- irvolvers and attempted to attack the to tion. troduced by President John R. Win- amount which, according the theRialto he received from dence, plon .men and their sympathizers A quarry blast explosion near Richder, and providing for the erection of Grain ft Securities company. The dio were assaulting those Greeks In death of resulted the Va.. mond, a building or monument aa a memor- Iron county jail, to which Senator dio bad not reached the gateway, three men and the serious Injury of ial to Joseph Smith. Burton was sentenced for. alx months, a Iron-toafter fie police, struggle, at seat desperate la in located tbe county two others. aa IntroThe pronounrlamcnto, Mo., a village of 1,400 popula- tanaged to keep the two bodies of This Is the fourth time Japan has duced by President Smith, follows: milea southeast of ten apart, drove the Greeks Into the tion. eighty-eigh- t made war on a foreign nation, except "Inasmuch aa there are numerous 6L Louis, on the Iron Mountain rail- tetory and dispersed these on the y brick tor early barliarlo expeditions against reports in circulation that plural mar- road. The Jail la a It Sher- atslde. In this fight a number of .the Koreans. riage! have been entered Into con- structure, and In a portion ofwith his en were severely hurt. to tbe official declaration of iff Polk makes his home Senator Clark of Wyoming has In- trary , President Woodruff of September 26, family. troduced a bill providing for a right 1830, commonly called the manifesto, According to the rule of thp JpMfT ABOR TROUBLES AT PANAMA, of way for irrigation on the public whlrh was Issued by President Wood- which' shortens each yari-'dcDtfnruff and adopted by the church. at its of a prisoner by three 'months (for Inlted States Marines Must Act aa lands and revnrvatlona. Strike Breakers. . general conference, October 6, 1890, Martial law practically prevails In whlrh forbade any marriages violative The labor troubles of the Isthmus the department ot the Nord, France, of the law of the land, 1, Joseph F. t Panama Railroad company have owing to the menacing attitude of the Smith, president of the Church of iken a serious turn and the facta Latter-daJosua Christ of Saints, striking textile workers. hereby affirm and declare that noauch ge Boy's Heart Tbs correspondent of the Matin at marriages have been solemnized with 8urgeona Will CAPT. RONDNEFF PRAISED, eft Side. From Right Toklo reports that the Korean gov- - the sanction, consent cr knowledge of Latter-da- y of Christ of Church Jesus the eraor ot Cheng-W- u One of the rarest operations known has established his Saints; and office under Japanese protection. medical science will Dt&jperformed to I hereby announce that all such vaa Ner-defew daya on In a If and . are any Missis-prohibited, marriages Williams of Representative who ia York shall church of New of or officer member the Faunt City, slppl has Introduced a bill providing assume to solemnise or enter Into any to have hla heart transplanted from that, tariff duties on any article shall auch marriage he will be deemed In not amount to more than 600 per cent transgression against the church and the right side of hla body to the usual will he liable to be dealt with accord- working sphere of every well organadvalorem. to tbe rules and regulations there- ized heart. Herr Dufay, tbe German viceconsul ing AH hla life the little fellow has been of and excommunlrated therefrom. . at Balts, has been murdered by an JOSEPH F. SMITH, laboring with a heart that' has been Italian beggar, who was arrested. The President of the Church of Jesus winging from the right aide of hla breaat to tbe lert, like tne pendulum Saints." Christ of Latter-da- y motive of the murder is said to have clock. He la ot ordinary hfeight, of was Tbe following resolution pro wella developed, and healthy, been revenge. hut his mother declares that he ia the moat Thomas Danforth of McKeesport. anted by. Apostle Lyman: Reiolved. that we. the members ot excitable youngster In the world. The Pa., after losing 200 In a poker gaie, Church of Jesus Christ ot Latter least sudden noise will cause the boys ..went before a notary public and took 8alnta, In general conference aa- heart to beat with almost incredible Id an., oath, not to play poker, again fof put Dr. W)Mllr.Ipr P. Grsuaman baa been studying th ninety-bin- e yearn. C4Pr.V&Z470T0 resident Joseph F. Smith, just mada case. A dispatch from Kata Raja, island . For an officer of the Japanese army this conference concerning plural "Van Norden'a case,'' said Dr. or navy to be received in audience by ef Sumatra, announce! that In an n marriages, and will support the courts Grausman today, "la one of the most I have ever had to deal with. the emperor ia ao rare an honor that gagement between Dutch troops snd of the church in tbe enforcement peculiar I cannot make any statement until -thereof." a special significance la attached to men. lost former the three Achlnese, G4PT JPOW3&7" have performed the operation.1 summons received by Capt Yamathe authe At session afternoon the while 641 Achlnese were killed. or jhc vaamr to present himself at the royal moto thorities sustained, as proposed by MURDER MYSTERY. Capt. Rondneff, who commanded the palace in Toklo. Both houses of the legislature have President Joseph F. Smith, were as Russian cruiser Varlag in the first batpassed s bill authorizing the payment follows: Capt Yamamoto waa one of the ofBody of Misting Washington Rancher tle with Japan, has received much ficers who covered himself with glory of York s pension by the state of New. raise In SL Petersburg for the gal-i- at the naval battle off Chemulpo when Found In 8hallow Grave. Joseph F. Smith, as prophet, seer E of 72 per month to Hiram Crank, tha fight he made against great odds. the Russian ships of war, the Varlag Ilin of rcvelator and the of and the nelghborhod People president last survivor pf tbs war of 1813, 8 the Japareso fleet found the and Feb. the over Latter-daKoreits, were sunk. He took with Church of Jesus Christ of mira, Wash., are wrought up and the gunboat Korletz in the him to Choida castle for presentation Varlag The commandant at Vladivostok Saints. a man of buriel of the finding body harbor at Chemulpo and ordered them to the emperor the flags of the Rushas published an order In the Russian, John R. Winder, aa first counselor In a shallow grave. The grewsomi to leave. The Russian ships made for sian vessels. Korean Chinese and languages to the In the first presidency; Anthon H. find waa made by a couple of stock the open sea and were attacked. The the Capt. Yamamoto represented will he alnk that at vessel effect any Lund, as second counselor In the first men. The body waa Identified later at Varlag made a stubborn fight, but waa Japanese navy in the naval procession pting to enter the port at night that of E. E. English, a young destroyed by an overwhelming number at the funeral of the late Queen Vicpresidency. who disappeared in 1901. rancher, Of sheila. An explosion In the Citlxena Ne. toria. Francis M. Lyman as president of la the fourth mysterious murThis ons! bank building at AlMa, Iowa, der that has taken place In that comthe twelve apostles. resulted In R. Ramsey, Edward DoughAs members of tho counsel of munity In the past three yean. The erty and Richard Grimes being killed. twelve apostles: Francis 61. Lyman, other three were Judge Lewis and bis an aged couple who were bruThe explosion Is supposed to hare John Henry Smith, George Teasdalc, wife, beaten to death at their heme tally been In the heating plant Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor, Mar-rlne- r In November, 1902, probably for the of robbery, and Charles Postmaster Genera Paynes condiW. Merrill, Matthias F. Cowley, purpose who wsa killed In hla saloon tion has Improved sufficiently to per- Abraham O. Woodruff. Rudgcr Claw- Thenla, at Geneva. April. 1903, no motive for mit him to come downstairs. Prepara- son, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith the crime having ever been found. tions are making for the postmaster and George A. Smith. RUSSIAN CHIEF OF STAFF. general's southern trip, on which he John Smith aa presiding patriarch expect to start this week. of the church. The survivors of the Vsrtag and CANAL CONSTRUCTION BONDS. Korletz, which vessels were destroyed In Chemulpo harbor, arrived at SebasUsed by National Banka Basis for Circulation. topol Sunday, and received ovations as enthusiastic as those with which Tha senate committee on finance they were greeted at Odessa. has authorized Senator Aldrich to reDetectives working on the case say port an amendment to the bill for the that the bandits who held up the Ore- government of the Panama canal gon Express at Copley, Cal., and killed sone, giving to the canal construction Messenger ONeil were the same men bonds all the rights and privileges of who held up fifteen men In Dave Endi-cott- s the outstanding 2 per cent governsaloon at Kennet, Cal., on March ment bonds. The effert la to allow national banks to uae the bonds aa a 20th. basis for circulation. The minols miners and operators MILES FOR PRESIDENT. THZATZX. have signed the atete agreement, efOfZXA flOJfS-- 7JV fective for two years. When the Joint Boom Started by Prohibitionists ef JAPAirfjrg AND ITV CAPITAL Of.JtANCJBVKJA ' convention met Sunday there was not Indiana. Advices from various sources are that the Japanese landing In Korea one dissenting vote against the agreeAt the state convention of Prohibiand that the troops are en the march Inland from Chemulpo and continues ment reached by the Joint scale tionists held in Indianapolis, Ind., on e Gensan. Japan thus la repeating the tactlce aha used In the ISIHEM 7 JZCA Tuesday, a boom was started for a naeh e secured command of the roads to tho General Pflug, who la chief war, when, by capturing Ping-YanMajor A correspondent, cabling from tional ticket composed of General Nel- of the Russian military staff in ManYalu, drove tha Chinese back, and crocsed the stream into Manchuria. Tha Seoul, says It has been learned there son A. Milea for president and Felix churia, stands high among the military which la regarded as the key to Northern Korea, capture of Ping-Yanthat the Russian cavalry, in much dis- T. McWhorter of Indiana for vice men of tbe empire and has the conended Chinese operations in that country. The present plan of the Japan-ca- e la eald to bo to march through Ping-Yanfidence of those who follow the afdefeating the Ruaaiana who tress, la retiring toward Mlju. They president. Aa a finale to his speech, Mr. fairs of the nation. He is a thorough may bo there, drive the czar' troop back acrois tho Yalu river, and are cutting down telegraph poles to Rhoades launched the boom for Genthe modern Russian military on to Mukden, the capture of which will cut off Port Arthur and Daiuae as fuel and their horses are dying eral Nelson A. Milea as the Prohibi- soldier of and has his from In type, proved ouppliee and give tha Japanese poeseesion of the capital of ley ability for lack of proper food. tion candidate for president. many departments of the service. The mint at San Francisco during Plague of Locusta in Africa. Governor Prevented Lynching. alden Speech of Idaho Congreasman Firemen Perish. the month of March broke all records have lucusts Swanns of devastated monIdaho Tho negro, Albert Baldwin, who for gold coinage nlnre the use of Three firemen lost their lives, seveprcacntatlve French of In of Usumbara. German aa in tbe a tbe killed hla debut amount valleys In The civilisation. Engineer Fogarty some time speaker ey began eral others were Injured and a loss on Tuesday. He spok'! against ago, was started for Tallahatchie coined during the month reached the East Africa They were first noticed of about $250,000 was caused by fire ted repeal of the land laws. county, Mississippi, for trial. When enprmous sum of $33,118 600. an ager-ag- e coming from Womho, Febniary 22nd. which destroyed the large plant of of more than $1,000,000 a day. a repeal of the scrip tho train reached Tchula word we stated that the the York, Pa., Carriage company. The It la ' would net He said the scrip law sent to Governor Vardarm that a mob ilntety. It la announced by the local com- moat terrible snow-storInfiam-mable was consumed with Its riant any Idea of the numbers of the bccauFn it has intended to take tho negro from the be repealed mittee In charge of tbe arrange men is give contents and much adjoining locusts. Tbe tret's on which they set h from its train and lynch him. The governor Imdiverted original ninvci.-tionfor the national Democratic tied bsve broken down, and banana property was damaged. Shortly bewot, to uiil ai'lliers, and mediately telegraphed the officers In which will be held in St. Ixml. end mulberry trees have been sirip fore 10 o'clock S(wail fell, burying benow th.' ruil'.i'.ils are the charge to take the negro to Greenbeginning July Cth, that the $10.0"v ped, even the bark of the mulberry neath the hot bricks three firemen, Owners of scrip and wood and keep him there, later senda Kroon eaten. trees Scarcely being pledged to the national committee has blade or leaf has been left In th fop Harris Saltzglxer, Henry Streiae and jails are foremost in urging the ing a detachment of militia to take been subscribed by business men. 1 of the land laws the negro to Sumner by special train. Louis Strublinger. sale or m Ibi arms RAT a JAMMAR, NHbkm z fer'a y non-unio- n tty - . two-stor- ce ! y n ld - Un-Ba- g. PIPE y of rXzvxhaa rxfsnrr KDn, b&jxcrrrf: rrf ei com-mitte- Chlno-Japanee- g g, con-jtln- seinl-ofilclnl- , pur-whlc- DIVORCE. Jersey Woman Will Not Live With Man Who Smokes. Suit for divorce has been instituted, by Mrs. Wilkinson, wife of a Paterson. N. J silk mill owner, on the ground that her husband persists in smoking a pipe, despite the fact that a hereditary trait makes tobacco smoke obnoxious to her, and that her will power cannot shake off the Illness thjtt follows the Inhalation of amoks lndqors. She says her mother was . . affedted In the same way. SOCIALIST HEADQUARTERS. Secretarys - nt BROUGHT Office Moved From Omaha to Chicago. The result of the referendum vote, now about completed, will have the effect of removing the national social 1st headquarters from Omaha to Chicago. The vote has been In progress for several months, and la practically all counted. The office will be re moved to Chicago Hi about two weeks has been loThe national cated In Chicago several months. Baby Burned in Cigarette Factory. As near as can he ascertained, the fire which swept West Tampa, Fla., Monday, caused a loss which will exceed $300,000. The only death loss ao far aa known Is that of a Cuban baby burned In ono of the cigar factories. Fifteen blocks of business bouses and nearly 200 tenements were destroyed." West Tampa baa only a mall water plant, and aa a consequence the water supply gave out. Hundreds of families of cigar makers are homeless. A Fighting Editor. A shooting affray occurred O. T., Monday, between at Law-to- T. Rua sell of the State Democrat and Colonel J. W. Hawklna, former assistant chief of police. Russell used a Colts. Hawkins waa shot In the right thigh, left knee and abdomen.- Each waa active In the preliminary organization of ihe yemr-cratlcounty convention now In session. The streets were crowded win people. As to how the parties came together stories conflict. Russell may recover. j. c Accused of Murdering His Wife. As a result of the examination ef the body of Mrs. Frank Charles, her husband was placed In Jail at Redding. Cal., Monday, to answer to a charge of murder. He Is alleged to have caused hla wife's death by beating her over the head. Charles Is a Indian, and his wife waa a quar Indian. He wooed and won her at a reservation in Oregon ' and brought her- to this country less than a year ago. The couple lived on the McCloud river, eight milea above Baird. full-blood- ter-bree- Hard to Get News From Ruaslar Aa the time approaches for opening of land operations oh a b scale the Russian authorities are errlalng greater vigilance to prw the news of their plans for the m ment to anil tho disposition of tn In the theatre of war from gi of aer abroad, where It might-bto the enemy. For ten days n scrap of real Information except i aa la contained In official dlspati has been given out or has come 1 e the front. |