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Show All In a Minute. We do a guild things la ft minute. For Instance, wo art whirled a the outside of the earth Just thirteen miles, and have gone around the mb 1.089 miles; a ray of light has traveled 11,100,000 miles; the lowest aooad your ear can catch has made M vibrations, the highest tone bar42M.000 vibrations. Twenty-fourels of beer have gone down 12,008 throats; 8,678 cigars have been made; 00 tons of coal have been mines aud lit worth of gold has been extracted from mother earth. MEN TAKE SECOND PLACE. Women of Abyssinian Trlbs Are Really Emancipated, fa ths valley of the Barca, la Abys-rinlthere Is a oomnnnity where the women, without holding meetings nr agitations of any klnd.bave emanAll the women cipated themselves. work bard, while the men are Idle: bat by way of compensation the home aad all It contains belong to the wife. At the leaet nnkln ' word she turns the husband out at L.ght, In storm or raia, and ho cannot come back until he makes amends by the gift of a cow. The wife considers it a duty to abnss the husband and if she were weak enough to show eny love for him In life or grief at his death she would be eoorned by her tribe. The rlfo, without any reason, may strike hrr tent and go, taking with her ore-thirof the Joint possessions. The husband unless he la traveling, may not live oat of hie tent a. d ONLY RU83IANS MAY FISH. Waters Around Vladivostok Are Joal-ousl-y Looked After, la the great fishing grounds of the ses of Okhotsk, north of Vladivostok, the Russian govemmert sells concessions annually, but all the vessels employed must ue Russian, anil under that flag and have Russian crews. No fishing Is allowed In the rlvera. nor nearer than one mile from the mouth of the river. A revere penalty is Imposed on any Japanese found work! eg In a Rnaalan fishery. Neither can u Japanese sell flab to a Russian. The Russian Seal company, the East Siberian Fishing company and one other company have the exclusive right to Bah. In September last ore ship tons brought In a cargo of thirty-seveof salmon from Okhotsk to the Vladivostok market. One firm sent 10,100,-Mpounds of stlmon to Hamburg; another firm supplied 6,480,000 pounds to the Japanese governmenL Device for Killing Rabbits. Aa Injurious implement for use In the perpetual warfare which the Australians are farced to carry on against the ewarms ot rabbits which Infest that, country hat lately been experimented with at Victoria. It consists of a cylinder filled with poisonous liquid, with a foot plate attached to it, which la placed In any thickly Infested spoL As soon as a raUbtt presses the plate It opens a valve which sprinkles the animal with some oMthe poison. The animal thea llckjtethe poison off its fur, and the tartijr is relieved of one more of his pests. Steam Traction Anniversary. Feb: IS was the centennial of the nee ot steam traction on railroad. moving engine it was only a five-torunning over the Merthyr Tydfil course. Its Inventor was Richard It could Trevlthlc, a Cornlshman. draw fifteen tons at a rate of five miles an .hour. It had an eight-inccylinder and toothed wheels, which caught In notched rail and helped It over herd placei in the track. Only a lew trips were made by It, for the experiment was act commercially profitable. Dust Packages. The municipal regulation! of Berlin insist that refuse, ashes and all that la geaerally though Inaccurately summarised by the term dust" should be carried through the streets In air tight receptacles. - n h Air-Tigh- EMPTY NOW. I a How One Woman Quit Medicine. "While a coffee user my stomach troubled me for years, u says a lady of Columbus, 0., and I had to take medicine ell the time. 1 bad what I thougnt was the best stomach medicine I could get, had to keep getting It filled all .the time at 40 cants a bottle. 1 did aot know what the cause of my trouble was but Just dragged along from day to day, suffering and taking medl elne all the time. "About six months ago I quit tea and coffee and bngan drinking Postum and I have not had my prescription lied since, wLlch Is a great surprise to me for It proves that coffee was the cease ef all my trouble although 1 never suspected it "When my friends ask me how I feel since 1 have been taking Ptsitim I say. To tell the truth I don't feel at all only that I get hungry and eat everything I want and lots of It and It never hurts me and I am happy and well all the time.' "I could not get my family to drink Postum for a whbe until I mixed It in a little coffee ar.d kept on reducing the amount of coffee urtll I got It k.i Rustam. Now t.iry ail like it and the. sever belch it up like coffee. "We all know that Postum Is a sunshine maker. I Mi. it helps one rxo illy for we do not have to thluk of achc-and pains all thu time and can ue our minds for other things." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek Midi. The one who has to bother wttfc eoffee aches and pains Is badly hard! capped in the race for fame and for tune. Postum Is a wonderful rebuild or. There's a rersor. Look In each package for the fam asm little book, The Road to Well vllle." , i SCYTHES AS ORNAMENTS GENERAL BUTLERS TO STRENGTHEN THE EYE. FACE. Placed There to Commemorate Pea- New Interest Attaches to Maine's System ef Athletics Said te Be ef sants Defense of Their Faith. Much Benefit. Broken Coast Line at Owl's Head. At first sight the scythe la a strange Along Maine's broken coast line That there should he special exec ornament for a church, but there ! there Is no point more conspicuous .rises for the eyes Is perhaps a awvel noth(pg Incongruous la these curious tnan Owl's Head, where a new attrac- Idea to many. But it Is said that agricultural Implements aa seen In the tion has been discovered by William one way to strengthen the eyes Is to pariah church of bL Mary's at Horn-castl- F. Norcrosa, a Rockland business man. turn them alternately upward aad in Lincolnshire. downward ae far as possible twenty Clambering to a seldom frequented Thirteen of these blades are nailed part of the government land, he saw times In succession. Do thin slowly. (Special Correspondence.) above the door in the north ctepel. At outlined against the sky a remarkably Next turn the eyes on the level from At dawn we saw the highlands of the cutter look like a telnet scores one time the blades numbered forty clear profile. A few weeks ago a pho- right to left, repeating as before. Turn Miquelon r'rlng out of the sea before of which were cruising abut the or fifty, but owing to rust and decay tographer visited the scene. The re- thea to tho upper left oomer and we rah-.cus. and the little North Bay, and stood back to East mr.cy of them cave been loaL Each sult cf his snapshot is seen in the ac- then to loger right comer. Then alIsland cf St. Pierre. Then, running Point. Along In the aftenson two of the scythes la about n yard in companying picture. Some who have ternate the motion from the upper before a brisk easterly breese. we pinks appeared coming down fom the length. seen the photograph have remarked right comer to the lower left cornet The general belief la that these swung by lie aux Chlena, swept up northeast, but when about fiw miles and repeat Conclude these exerciaet the roadstead, where a couple of to windward off the cutter, W hove bladea were placed In the church In by rolling the eyes around, first tc commemoration of the seal of peasstalely men of war lay at their moor to and started to fish. the right then to the left, in the ex ingt. and catering a snug harbor, treme limit of the muscular eztea That green fellow Is the bd we're ants who wielded them In defense of rounded to and came to anchor looking for," declared the captain. their fslth In the rebellion known as sions. Be very careful when perform amongst a crowd of miscellaneous Jubilantly. The other the Hack lad The Pilgrimage of Grace," which had lug the exercise not to strain thi craft from various quarters of the is the one that was in Sours when its rise at Louth In 1586. When the muscles. world lumbering old barks, ancient we I(ft this morning. Underthe im- people saw the ruins cf their churches Hows This? brigs, darper little pression that we were going through and abbeys, they rose In revolt, and Vi hit Oh KndiU Dalian Herat (Sr aa trim, smart looking the Gut, hes met the smuggle up to arming themselves with the InstruSmh of CUiwb liiM cuuot bo oars by Hair from Gloucester and Lunenburg, and windward and told him the fast was ments of husbandry, such a scythes, VaianSCoia. 7. J. CHEXET CO., TeMa O scores of smaller fishing boats. clear." Wa. tha aadanicnwi, have kwri r J Chaaav they went forth to encounter the j tor ika lut IS kellcra blot perfectly hoa The town of SL Pierre is situated on diswere and beaten yur. aadirmaMcUM The cutter began to make-k- i surely enemy. They anbla In all eualoeM aud daaudaUS an Island of the same name, having aha a aairy eat tar aWlgail. aa mute by kb Sria towards the pinks, but (Xsenlly persed. but In the eyes of their tacks W&uivtt. Mtsvia Kiv.aa an area of only nine square miles. Its the W a Dnucslaia. Tulada. O green lad crowded on ;sll ana countrymen they were heroes, end the la Catarrh uaca Cora aeHaa settled population Is less than 4.000, stood Billa with which rnde luirnully, they Implements to tin north-rasaway close-haulellraaily apt iba bkmd and atuaoa. Mirfaora 4 mt hut being the base of the French fishabidot an were deemed TamlimHial worthy fought Mai (raa In end The jmtab cutter gave chase. koala. Sold b ail liraaUib eries, Its population during the sum- an hour or so overhauled and loarded ing place in the old church where the Taka baU'a Faiuliy FlUe (jr euaitlpuloo. mer Is augmented by about C.oflo fish- her Christian had worshiped. to And an Inoffensive fisher- peasants Its harbor Is man. only ermen from France. Peculiar Japanese Custom.' Then the captain bethouiht him Age. accessible to the largest ships, hut is of the black The foreigner should beware o( and looklnyto leepink, rot very well shnltered from northeast ward. saw her bear away gtd run making presents to any Japanese girl Capturing a 8ea Baaa. storms. The Ie:ands of St. Pierre down the unless he la bent upon matrimony. To R. 1., Bliven of Pleasant View, Royal on coast, evidently ijient and Miquelon have a united area of present her with any sort of a gift, striped sea bass getting In among the lslandi above captured n even tboufeh It be only a posy, will Mr. few a on beach. the ago days dark. J Georgetown by upon its striking resemblance to the be regarded as a proposal of marriage, waa beach Bliven the along walking na a Hang It! This fellow's lei late Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. and to accept the present, though not wild goose chase, said theleptaln. when he saw the fish floundering In Owl's Head played an Important n word of love or matrimony be passIn succeeded water shallow the and niff. Up They've transshipped the part In the Indian wars. Here waa ed, Is a sign that she accepts you. helm and wing her ouL Wdl catch landing It on thp sand. The striped the last battle between the In- Gallant Americans have got into serifought uncommon not New on the ee:i baas is the rascals yet. diana and whites In that part of ous trouble and found It necessary to The cutter stood after the flying England coast In the fall, but are Maine. It la an ancient Indian tradileave the country at night to escape a of rare at time this year. tion black pink, and a while be fire sun- extremely that all of the savages killed on bindirg engagement which they down came In hall of her. Tie pink the neighboring coast were buried on thoughtlessly Incurred by giving to e on Tax Letters. paid no attention to the drier to tne Head, and the Smithsonian Insti- maiden some trifle. It la part cf a Spanish postman's tution heave to. sent Lculs Francis, an Oldtown I'll nin you down, declard the duty to collect a tax of a cent apiece Indian, there a few years ago to locate Taaalnte aad Ktllkm Dollar Grace, from sent within on letter the 1 w.nt to every If yon don'L The two greatest fodder plants on captain, the old cemetery. The reeky acres f esrth. one good for 14 tons hay and the board yon. divulged no sqcrets, however. other 80 tons green fodder per acre. The cutter swooped down upn the Grows everywhere, so does Victoria little Jink, but still she paid m heed. WAS SAVED BY A KISS. Rape, yielding 60,000 lbs. sheep and And when at last the cutter srerved swine food per acre. Fog Whittle on Miquelon, test scan lOo in inters to tux about ninety-thre- e square miles. Mi- aside to pass her. The pink yawsd the Life to Owes Glass Worker Pittsburg A. Salser Seed Co., La Crosse, John fie next moment same cub and Leaser of sts Greater and way, quelon coni Sweetheart A Romance. and receive In return their big Win, boom main swept thepink'i Miquelon formerly separate Islands, Ur's big ard lota of farm seed sample. A farewell kiss given by hla sweetcatalog All spars out of her as if they hai been but now united by a sandbar. aroused (W. N. UJ Miss heart. Hattie Curran, these islands are mere rugged masses pipe' stems. The cutter sends t boat Thomas L. Carter, a Pittsburg glass Oddities o; Great Men. of granite, and at several points are altoard of her, but the plnkarrled worker, from a trance and saved him could spend an entire day over 600 feet high. A thin covering no contraband goods, so the mtter, Shelley from burial alive. of soil Is found in some places, but having dismasted the chase,! lad to floating little paper boats on any He was engaged to be married to wr.ter he chanced to be tear. Poo agriculture does not extend beyond lake her In tow and beat bek to waa visiting at her Goldsmiths oddities and eccentriciMiss and 1 Curran, setIn And the ftoiiris. the 1898, may you magic vegetable gardens. parents home In Somerset, Pa., when ties were chiefly dandyisms, and the tled population of all the islands was captain's feelings weren't Improved by he wan stricken with typhoid fever. 4 700, of whom 1,611 were men, 1,494 what the crew of the pink sad about story of his peach blossom coat la The fever ran Us course and it waa known the world over, Montaigne had hla seamanship and the aclo for women, and 1.695 children. thought he waa recovering when he an aversion lor Frida, and, while he The great resources of tko people of damages they proposed to take, gainst suddenly sank In a stupor, and when preferred odd numbers, be would not St. Pierre are fishing and smuggling. him. As the cutter, with ha tow, It down to a table with thirteen perthe physician arrived he pronounced In 1900 the exports of SL Pierre sons. him dead. The relatives were notiamounted to $2,460,000, consisting of fied and arrangements made for the fish, fresh and dried, $1,940,000. cod The Meeting of the National Irrigation burial. oil, $206,000, lobsters $80,000. The fishCongress. When the undertaker arrived Miss eries are largely in the hands of fishCurran begged for one last look bo To be held at El Paso, Texas, this fall, ermen from Old France, who land fore he waa turned over to the hand their catches In 8L Pierre during the promise to be of great Interest to 1 dwellers In of that Individual, f country, summer to he cured. It was noticeable that tho pallor oi and addresses will be made by AmerTo France, her SL Pierre possesdeath bad net spread over his face, ican and foreign irrigation authorities. sion. situated as they are In a great and ns she stooped and kissed his lips An Interesting program, including n trade highway, have Immense stratewill bn Mexican bull nn as a fer basis eyelid fluttered. Immediately steps genuine the citizens. flghL gic Importance possible For forther inby were taken to resuscitate him; and It given commerce destroying operations, as formation regarding date of above well as being valuable as a fishing dekingdom which he delivers at the la now thought he will recover. New meeting, railroad fares, etc., address house. To save expense, large busi- York JournaL pot, and a nursery for her navy; and C. F. Warren, room No. 411, Dooly If she parts with them at all. It will ness houses send to the postoffice for block. Salt Lake City, Utah. their mail. Letters from abroad are only bo for valuable considerations. Handy Little Measure. 8L Pierre has In the past, however, This device, a preket measure, Is To Strike Cornu Medal. delivered free. A provisional committee, Including constructed so that it will Indicate changed hands many times. In 1713 t of an inch to more than fifty members of The InIt was ce.ed to Britain, but on the distances from Bribing Mr. Dan Cupid. British conquest of Canada was asDurban waa lately greatly excited 25 feet when simply drawn over the stitute of France, has been formed signed to France as a fishing depot. by the information that a woman of surface to be measured. The hand with tbs object of commemorating In 1778 it was seised by the British, foreign origin, who had arrived by traversing the outer dial reads up to the scientific work cf the late ProL A and In 1783 again ceded to France. In The Canadian fishing boat lands It at steamer, and who for some reason twelve Inches, while that on the Inner Cornu by means of a medal struck tot a proper time and place Bear the was treated aa an "undesirable" and 1793 It was depopulated by the British that purpose. home port. and in 1802 recovered by France. refused permission to land, was offerether Gray's Sweat Pawdara t or Children, Again In 1803 the British captured It, came to anchor In Souris, the green ing 300 to any one who would marry Snccewfulir used by Mother Gray, Burst but It was again ceded to France In pink came round the breakwater and her and thus enable her to evade tho H the Children's Home in New York, cure 1816, since which time the Island has passed in to her whalf. Hello, Cap. law which prohibited her from going Consiipaiion. Feverishaa-s- , Bad S'nmach, remained a French possession. got a prize, heyT Tesihing Disntdors, move sod regula-- the Smuggler, eht ashore. Very soon some threescore Dowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30.0(16 St. Plcrrc has long been the center hailed her skipper. It I come aboard mon, mostly "out of works, made a tevimonlal. At all drngtiMe 25c. Sanmle will you give me a drink of bee line to the vessel, but even those smuggling traffic, (fa well crganlzcd FREE. AddrexsAS.Oimstjd.Le Roy, N,Y. s who got there first were too late. The and, though the vigilance of the gin? authorities of Canada and the At that moment the green pluk had ship stayed only a short time, and Carnival of Venice.. United States has done much to check a first-clas- s cargo of St. Pierre liquor the hopes of Immediate possession of The carnival of Venice, which neon It of late years, a large contraband In her hold. While the cutter had funds were destroyed aa the leading wa celebrated by the whole populace business Is still cnrrlud on. been following her second wildguose fetch of aspiring husbands saw the of that city, has nuw become a monopsea. St. James The following story told by a sea chase, she had kept oil to windward, prize borre away to oly cf the children. captain, who was a tew years ago In met the smuggler from St. Iitrre, Gazette. command of a Canadian revenue and thrown out her ballast, and takes In Mr. Window's Konthlmr Syren. Tor rtilMrm teetbine, mrtna rtie rr. lures Be k"., tcfeMM. Eela Sold by the Grab." fishery protection cutter. Illustrates liquors in its stead. Of course the leicai emu, slleyepda. cure wtatf cullu. the audacity and resource cf these cutter, having searched her once that London possesses a curiosity In the First Almanacs. contrabandists. The cutter, a smart day, wax not suspicious. And that Southwark eel market, which la said The first almanac was pnb!1hid (a sailing schooner, was then stationed night the audacious pink discharged to have been held regularly for over 1472 by Martin Ukna at Buda. oUnd, at Souris, a port at the eastern end of her contraband cargo within two 300 years. It la Ettle known except d and in 1473 almanacs were compll'fi yards of where the cutter lay, In the neighborhood where it la held without trouble. A few years after viz., near Blackfrlars Brl'ge. Origincteriy in their present form h" John feet, one con- Muber, otherwlre Reglmnntnnus, n the captain heard how he had been ally the eels sold were caught off runs to twenty-fiv-e duped, but he wasn't interested In Blackfrlars Bridge, but now they come venient use to which the instrument printer at Nuremberg. TLe first althe smuggling trifflo mostly from Holland and Scotland. may be pnt by machinists is in meas- manac printed in England waa jtlrh-ar- J suppressing Pyneor'e whi-appeared la 1497. then. They are not sold by weight, as Is uring the surface speed of the work usual, but by the handful, the price In a lathe. It Is only necessary to put Pisa's Cure cunot he too hlrhly spokex ef U the measuring wheel in contact with being "4d. the grab. Naming the New Book. 3tt Tumi avb the revolving surface for a fraction of Boone euro J. VT. O'Biuix, One of the pestering to which busi2L, liInnsBpoiln Muuh, Jam A MIOCl of surface when the length a minute, ness men are subjected Is the persistAutomatic Shoe Shiner. ence with which lady canvasser with Is electricity to oust the bootblack covered will be found Indicated on the Interferes with Matrimony. row hooks urge the purchase of their from his livelihood? A Chicago In- dial. The head of a Berlin firm, finding works. One or these, having over- ventor answers "Yes. The Invention that one of hi young women clerks Market Price of Skeletons. taxed the patience of a gentleman, is called an "automatic electric had become to another memThe price of skeletons runs from ber of the engaged There Is an elevated platwas disposed of In the following manher. The staff, discharged lit100. 10 Tue difference has to ner: form, on which are arranged stools woman thereupon sued her foe yeaeg Madame, tho partnership of which and around which Is a brass railing. tle to do with the condition of the mer employer for the amount of hor I am a member has lately been so Imsubject when alive. In the cheap alary for the remaining months of the skeleton only the framework is preprudent ss to issue a new work of for which ho had boon engaged, year served. Cheap second hand ones can and their own. which in consequonco of Judgment was given in her favor 3 or low ns C4. as had The be often the enormous expense attending Its on the ground that reitbor the be-- j lliu ration, eniln'lllxiiments, etc., has expersive ones have the nervous and trothal no auy slight caress could te circulatory systems preserved. Some i regarded aa cori'P'itely crippb'd ns." just cjusc for dismissal. A Lobster Fisherman cf Miquelon. of the French skeletons are rovels of Tl.ci'. rliaps." replied the lady Prince Edward Island. One day the canvasser, we could procure yon ingenuity in this direction, each nerve To Core a Cold In One day. or muscle being fitted with an attach- Tak Laxative Brumu Quiulnc Tablets. AQ captain received word from a seeret What do you call r ment connecting it with a spiral spring druxguu rof and inouey if it rails to cure dan ncint in St. Plerr? that a notorious work? j wire. or we snntagler lnd openly hnn-tethat he not have Will, yet determined; Lands of Russian Peasants. would l'tinl a c:irro of liquor In Sitirit hut I gn.-sI'll let my wjfo have her Statistics compiled by the Zemtvoa Tin Cans? Next What the following night, dexpite nil the way and call it after nie l'I ar os of European of forty-ninIt has been discovered by ranchmen Russia showedprovinces cotters in Canada. The eaptain gave Henry. that 891,009 peasant In some parts of Canada that the pulp out that he had been ordered to the a population ot To the edge of the platform are at- ot a auger factory la fine. food for families, representing south shore of Nova Scotia, and next n i 7.i only nine acres retached mechanical devices with sheep. Never before was such a cheap What was th-- lnx::?" Willie Ci morning, bright and early, got under to the family, and that 2.219,-44-4 i.iii belts. and little The of. even it pulleys over and volving stood towards the Gut asks In Ills new play. The Uletj though provender thought way peasant households, representing man places his foot on the rest lu must be combined with grain and hay of Cnnso till he had run the Island when told of a battle with front of one of these little machines, to make a good fattener. The pulp a population of about 13.000,000, had out of sight behind him. Then, after American revolutionists. acres each, although and the apparatus begins to get busy. watch the sugar manufacturers are only twenty-ontraverse towards Cape Bremaking Oh, twenty-thre- e officers and of thousands of such boua hundreds not move He docs his foot until the delighted to tell, costs but fifty centa ton, he put nut his long boat, to make man wounded, is the answer. holds consisted of from eight to twen shoe Is shined. 1 a ton. e members. pri-trall- y s bula-ol- d L d Inter-Mountai- n . one-eigh- cus-tnr.i- hna-dre- h shoo-shine- r. I ! i siM-i-i-lii- yc-u- d s on e . e |