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Show I ........ .,62. ...... t Tri-Cit- Trl-CIt- in l -E K -- 3 bury, Mrs. Elisabeth Packard, Mrs. Rachel Siegel. Mies Marla E. Zundel. ART IXBTITUTE-- H. L. A. Culmer, 8. T. Whitaker, Mrs. Edr.a W. Sloan, Mrs. Alice M. Horne, Lewie Ramsey, Allan L. Lovey, Georgs M. (Hunger. Better have those pictures taken next pay day. You never wl.l look better, much nl'der degree, end with the of a later civilisation, and all tn struggle as their father hrt. tut In perhaps not ao well. Joy's ga'l-r- y will be open the 10th, Ilth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 14th. . rts r lA NOTICE. i8.sg-s?in Id C 0 VVr y; UcPefl states Land Office, Salt Lake Jan. IS. 104. It May Concern: Notice la hereby given that the State of Utah Alert hen n IMs office a No SI. ot lands selected by the said State tor the esmblielin ent and maintenance of a normal school under section 12 of the act or Congress approved July IS, 1394. lf. g-- o ner No. 3; them to 5 gfisss J n ' O 'll s Is! E a . t.t:oS4o 5: u o S O.S 5 e5 H.- -g &S5.-S- P tli-'s- e f.ir-rc.- Ti- K-- 2 'S g .5 J2 P u if 2 , i S -- uSracSa 2 j ty c, S E- I -5 K T3 fts tJ 4 I; P gs -o S-- 51 I JZ ' metins houne In ihe afternoon, while the Thlnl ward held a social in CORRECTIONS Heber M. W e Science hall during the evening, a muFisher Harris, Charles Read, Ellas sical and literary program being given Smith. and Ire cicain and cake served to all. LAND COMMISSIONERS Heber Wells. Byron Groo, T. D. Rees. Hi eh el Bullen. James A. Melville. UTAH'S OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. EDUCATION Joseph T. Klngihurv. 1903-190C. Nelson, William J. Kerr, Wllll S. Marks, William Allison, (Ogden United States Senator, Thomas Kearns. EQUALIZATION Robert C. Hi Term expires March 4, 1905. John J. Thomas, Thomas D. t United Slates Senator, Reed Smoot. Swen O. Nellsen. Term expiree March 4. 1109. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSIT Joseph T. Klngshury, a J. Representative, Joseph Howell. Terra Vlcker. Frank Pierce, William expires March 4, 1905. Riter. Waldemar Van Cott. Me Executive Officers. Thatcher, A. H. Lund, James Shi Heber M. Wells. Governor. Rebei'ca E. Little. A. C. Nelson, Superintendent of Public TltrSTKEB AGRICULTURAL Ct Instruction. LEGE W. S. MrCornlck. George James T. Hammond, Secretary of 8tate. Whltn-ore- , hire. Enlly S. Klcha C. S. Tlngey, State Auditor. Irttrenzo Hanson, Mrs. J. E. Bag John De G. Dixon, 8tate Treasurer. Evan R. Owens, John A. McAllis M. A. Breeden, Attorney General. TRUSTEES STATE INDUSTR1 SCIIOOI-Angus Staff. Governors T. Wright, N. FI re. Richard T. Hume. yea John D. Spencer, Aide de Camp. John Q. Cannon, Brigadier General, N. TRUSTEES SCHOOL FOR de The following tracts embraced In said the lode, and surface ground ae shown election list are In a tow nan., c .. .u u..- - in nt nnieK and pint of the offl-iltainmg mineral claims of record, vix: survey fled herein, being mineral ROiS, And described In sal 1 Ne4 ne!4 Sec. 31, T. 5 8., R. 4 W., S. L. Hurvey No. Held not- - and plat on Ole In this ofMer. of said list, so far as It rehitey fice. with magnetic variation at 16 deg. A 30 min. east, ns follows, to wit: to said tracts, by descriptive subdlvl.-lonhas been conspicuously posted In Commencing at cornrr No. 1 of enlil office for this Inspection by any person (inln;. from which the corner of Sec5. Interested, and by the public general '.y. tions 3 and townships 10 and Within the next sixty days following 9 south range 12 West. Salt Lake memental Instructions of November 27, ridian, bears south 45 deg 15 min. east Charles 8. Burton, Aujutant General. Nephl W. Clayton, Quartermaster Gen- llORTICl'LTURE Thomas Judd. M eral. litnr-nii- . .1 il firry. Wm. J. Ehealey, Commissary General. HEAI.T11 AND VITAL STATISTIC S. 11. Pinkerton, Surgeon General. F. S. Han urn, T. I.. Beatty. Mai Benner X. Smith, Judge Advocate GenH. A. P. Doran us. Frank Cannon. eral. strl.-- . Will r l Y. Crr X!II, S. 11. A1 v& PHARMACY--C- . Appoint! II. McCoy. Jntrffl A. F. Dnremua. State Engineer. Frank, r. W. W. O.ok, (Frisco): T. 11 D fit-- r. '"re. Comer Thomas, Coal Mine Inspector. MEDICAL EXAMINERS D. C Bui Walter J. Beatle, Bank Examiner. A. S. Coti Moionl lleiner. Food and Dairy 'nn, Briar I Srlr.i I rm. C. I." !'- - I'iir. S Writlt J C II ' ' M FM-.fl: R. V.'. BuCharles DeMnlsey, Commissioner DENTAL EAMINER?W c, I reau of Statistics. U il-- . V. li. Rui r,. r it. ry John Slmip, Fish ni;d Gam- - Cori.niD-i-lniIV'.IX. Gf r. E. El'll !.r.k A. CVrt m. Morris I.. Ril(i.i. 1 r:s Gir.cnl. . LM'i If. i' a. Sn.nm:, Genital "T.IATt'V AV'i AB i TEA'IT.'i.V n X Mu Lor. Tara't Iliiribe. J ncw-h-.S. 1(ti y. Aide de Camp. ".. a :. lv A. .v : M. f: I. ' ' ' r. Judicial. ' r , r, i Tel" 11. X. Buikin, Chi'f Justice i'll. 1 Suprnre 1 r. ''ii'l B1:1 Court. M. K. li,ri ir.i-- , J.' s. I:r.if..,;',' ' In this irnttor of examining equipment frequently and thoroughly the Bur'ington Is. perhaps, a little more syrtea atlc than any other railroad. The reason In IT PAYS. new 4. u. AND al s, 34-3- ATETY All trains are examined at every division station that Is, at intervals of a hundred ir lies or so. When you hear the hammer ring or see the Hire of the tort he, you ai.ow what Is taking rlace your train le being "looked over. DUMB Maud May Eabre John Watson, Mrs. A. R. Corey. E W. Chinthira. M. L. Ritchie. U. .... f lo-l- RESULTS ASSURED. Times. From the Tri-CiThrough counsel of the First Presidency, It has been decided to hold meetings la the various wards In the Alpine stake, as well as In other flakes, as frequently as every month If convenient, for the purpose of Imparting instruction to and providing spiritual (Ood for the people. This Is In addition to the regular Bunday services and the meetings of the various societies. It Is s decision that has mrt with hearty mqionae among the people, and the meetings so far held have been nuThe Latter-da- y merously attended. Saints, of all people, are sincere In their fulth and demonstrate It by their eager embracing of every opportunity offered them to listen to what to them Is the word of the Lord. Thla la also proof of the growing need of more of such opportunities, not only that the people might be continually strengthened In their spiritual entitles, and their craving for such strength satisfied, but that the number and force of temptations to evil and worldlness may be lessened through more opportunities for utilising their time In the pursuit of things which elevate and edify. There ie no young or old Latter-da- y Saint who would spend his time In frivolous and baneful pleasures, such as card and pool playing, with their Attendant Influences and environments for evil, were he offered more frequently tl:an In the past nuh opportunities aa hla higher nature tails for; but for the lack of tin m many are prone to Huger niror.g m h nllnri minis as are ft hand. Ilen.ce meeting it el. mil. I prove of un.ic l.irg results Until ct f.:rt llnur'lit o;rr"i. I'lV heme, tmi, grr.ip.r eft' its rhmilii be put forth In provh'lng not only nanr rn ff ua ids for tl.u lour.t,, but entertain . M. A. No. 3779. -- atilt supplications would be of more value to them, personally and politically and to the city, providently, than the "preying they have been Indulging la. GOOD min. United State Land Office. Salt Lake City. UUb, January 16, 1904. Notice la hereby given that George B. Rogers of Boise City, Idaho, by bis agent and attorney In fact, K. J. Dalr of Salt Lake City. Utah, ha mads application for a United States patent for the Gray Hound Amended lode mining claim, altuate In the Rush Valley Mining District, Tooele County. Utah, consisting of 1347 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 474.3 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 5016, and described In the Held note and plat of the official survey on file In thla office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 min. east, as follows, to wit; Commencing at post No. 1, a corner of the claim from which the e. K corner, section 24. township 4 south, rungs 5 west. Salt Lake base and meridian, bears n. 44 deg 54 min. w. 318.6 feet running from said cordistant; thence ner No. 1, n. 41 deg. OS min. a. 474.8 feet to corner No. 2; thence n. 59 deg. 16 min. w. 1347 feet to corner No. 3; thence south 41 deg. 08 min. w. 474J feet to corner No. 4; thence south 59 deg. 16 min. e. 1347 feet to corner No. 1, being the place of beginning. Bald claim being located In the nw. M and aw. K of section 19, township 6 south, range 4 west, and ns. H and os. 16 of section 24, township 4 south, range 6 west. Salt Lake buss and meridian, and containing a total area of 14.431 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area In conflict with the Bullion No. 3, lot 44, Sandwich and Parrot, sir. 4748; Gulch West Extension, sur. 4983, and Black Diamond, lot 135. Such excluded area containing 3.178 acres. Net area claimed and applied for being 11.260 acres. locaBald Gray Hound Amended tion mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele County, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the afnreMld conflicting claims. I direct that this notice be published In the Sentinel at Stockton, county of Tooele, Utah, for the period of ,nlne consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. O. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant. FlrK publication dated Jan. 23. Last publication. March 19. i v : s " s.s lits prefer to be shot. The City Fathers of Sprlngvllle have suajtended for the term the custom of opening their meetings with prayer. Now, If the Salt Lake City solonn were to start In on the custom the Spring-vtll- e Council has discarded, some good We ahould .U3 APPLICATION FOR PATENT; Sjs: fS-- Sc2 7 !2?S,S5:S5& 5 u o llke-wlec- ." deg. "Uop-peropol- i;" PREYING MAYOR. The Sprlngvlllc Independent, a dean, newsy paper, had a dissertation on Prayer" last week, which combatted the assertion of a local correspondent who wrote to hie paper that the City Fathers of Bprlngvllle had renounced the cuelnm of opening their meetings with prayer, aa they did not desire divine aid. The Independent then quotes Josh Billings, as follows: "I know pepul hu pra on their nexe on Sunday, an on their naburs the rest of the week." Then It saye; "Mayor Boyer etsrted out to observe the rule, but It did not take long to And out that only himself " and one other were available .The neighbors, It would appear, were thoroughly posted os to the Mayor and his companion's "preying proclivities and hied themselvee to the tall timber. Of course, the Independent did not mean this We say so because we do not wish our esteemed contemporary to place ua In the same category ae the fellow who quoted the Bible aa follows: "An Judas went out end hanged himself Go thou and do north east 414.9 fret to corner No. 4; thence South 53 deg. 54 tnin. earn UMVb feet to corner No. 1. the plate of beginning. S v rt u U C said corner No. 2 north. running 5mfrom min. west 126X.0 feet to cordeg. 44 W o S vs feet distant; thence running front d, i Cl M lSM v i M MX. 7 corner No. 1 south 66 deg. A2 min. i:,( wild west 642 fiet to lorner No. 2; thence APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 1795. United Plilii Land Office, Salt Lake City. March 14. 1904. Notice la hereby given that A. K. Tic. nan, whose place of business and po'tofflce address are Suit Lake City. Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Red Metal lode mining tlaim, situate In the Dug-wa- y Mining District. Tooele County. Utah, consisting of 12M linear feet on City Utah. To Whom S:a 2 o 8g to 1904. a O bc-- jf 4J M protests or coatasts Said claim being locuted In unsurveyed part of township 9 south, range 12 west. Salt iAtke meridian, and contains 14.361 acres: said location htlng recorded In Book "N." page 549, of records ot Tooele County, Utah. Adjoining claims on this lode are survey No. 4356. survey No. 4356, Cloudy. on the southwest, and survey No. 4319, 26, 1904. "Pennant" on the northeast, and Gondola. purvey No. 4356. I direct that this notice be published GEORGE HATTON, In the Stockton Sentinel, a newspaper Remember the photograph gallery le published at Stockton. Utah, for' the open only on the 10th. 11th. 12th, 13th. Stocks and Bonds, 43 East 2nd South period of nine consecutive weeks. 14th, 15th and ICth of each month. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. Street, Salt Lake City. Alexander McMaster, Attorney for Ths best wan paper la the new coverCommissions charged, three-fourtof Applicant. ing called "Sanltas, ut tink. only First pub., March 19; luft, May 14, one per cent man's. g 8 459), non-mine- gis-fl's'i- rc D on the ground that lit same ir n ore valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington. D. C. Fii.lme so to protest or contest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character ot ths tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for apFRANK D. HOBBS. . proval. Register. GEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. Flret Pub., Jan. SO; last pub.. Mar. S -- L , Tc2 i 4 5 JST 5 xoa A 21 herelr.be-describe- UTAH I i4l8 iSjDJ spj j if iSsS H. against the claim oi the SUM tracts or subdivision! UTAH SILK COMMISSION Mrs Margaret A Caine. Mrs. Am C. Wood- h re-rel-pt pm-gra- v Simon Bsmbfrer T. H. Smith, Georgs Adams, John George W. Kartell. Justice. W. M. McCarty, Justice. Charles H. Hart, Judge First District Court. Frank K. Nebeker, Attorney Flret District. Henry H. Rolapp, Judge Second District. George Halveieon, Attorney Flret DIs-trt. William C. Hall. Judge Third District. Samuel W. Stewart, Judge Third District. C. W. Morse, Judge Third District. T. I). Lewis, Judge Third Dletrict. I. C. Klchnor. Attorney Third District John E. Booth, Judge Fourth District. A. C. Hatch, Attorney Fourth District. Thomas Marloneaux. Judge Fifth District. Joshua Greenwood, Attorney Fifth District. John S. Chldest er. Judge Sixth District. J. 11. Erickson, Attorney Sixth District. Jacob Johnson, Judge Seventh District. W. D. Livingston, Attorney Seventh District. J. Walcott Thompson, Reporter Supreme Court. L. P. Palmer, Clerk Supreme Court and State Librarian. State Boards. PARDONS Governor, Attorney General. Three Supreme Judges. EXAMINERS Governor. Secretary of State, Attorney General. LOAN COMMISSIONERS Governor. Secretary of State. Attorney General. INSANITY Ileber M. Wells. Governor; C. 8. Tlngey, Auditor; John Ds Grey ments other than the dance, that eball Interest them and draw their thoughts and presence from the baneful pleasPUBLISHED AT ..I.tah ures that not only waste precious Stockton Subocrlptiona: time, deteriorate character and nd In 09 ino jcar but affect the entire comdestruction, lonlhi IS munity, where prevalent, with the months which Inspires to sin. spirit Editor Mn. W. N. Gundrjr Manner T. Jkeman Jtnn EDITORIAL NOTES. ' NOTICE: y During our absence any business From ths Times. tranaactcd with Mrs. W. N. Gundry While the majority of the latter-da- y will O. K. The lady world-wid- e all! be Saints this believe agithat (or money due the office, will take tation over their faith anil practice w II etc. for Job erdere printing, result In Immeasurable benefit to the James T. Jakeman, church, Gentiles don't see It that way. Manager. Aiwrt from the membership gains which the Mormon people believe will ALLEGIANCE TO WHOM 7 accrue, they aim believe that the purifying of Zion le about to begin and that, therefore, the day of deliverance (and ableat one the of The St. Paul Globe, triumph) la drawing near at hand. That and moat erudite Joumale of the Went, le why they are resigned to bear whataa well aa many others, takea a aearch-In- g ever may bettde. view of the prevent Senatorial Iny Times. quiry, and fiolnta out the dangera of From the of ril. I a tricks Day was The unaeatlng a Senator aolely for hla re- a timeevening of general festivity In American ligious belief (harmless In Itaelf alone), Fork, enth of th four ward having an the without othera acta of entertainment. The First ward enjoy-- i the being d a dance, intermingled with songa and pale of hla pereonul reeponiilblllty. recitations at Grant's hall and the of the from Mlygamy. queatlon Apart Fourth at the Progress building, where are the Senatorial inqulaltora, it says, a picnic wae also served. The Second merely raining the old queatlon aa to ward was regHled with an Excellent and delicious refreshments In the whether the allegiance of the eoul ahould be given to God or man. Thla la a queatlon confined to no particular O o ho c church or race. "It la the quertlon," aaya the Olobe, "that the Cavalier r'jj c naked the Puritan and that the Puritan w loaned back to him on the paint of hla 8: pike; It la the queatlon that temporal St and aplrltunl authorltlea flung In each E other's farce for ten centuries; It la the V(i s Z y K queatlon of the Roman empire to the S trembling Christian; nay, It la the crux alnce Instinct of every dim, religloua ,C a c 2 S first the Idea of a Ood trembled Into ahadowy being In the aoul of man." Every civilised government on earth, 3SS.&JKg-- s whom laws and ethics are founded upon . 5 ri v a g the decalogue. Is, Ih a broad sense, a unification of church and state. A tb O Christian people give their highest al5 jsl? us legiance to God; next to country. "Ood and my country" has been the ahlbo-let- h of ages. Ellmlnnte the church and all It stands for In restraint of human nature, In holding up to mens vision ever the Golden Rule and the Great Exemplar, and Its Influence for the and maintenance of righteous government, and we ahould ere tong rehtise Into barbarism. Janies T. Jakeman, STOCKTON SENTINEL Cotu-mlfFio- To Omaha o o r .i ' ' V.-- ',! 't'M-.TY- . . 4:15 p. O O 644 Chicago, leave Denver m.: to Kansas City of-fl- re Hi 25 p. n. R. F. 79 4) 4r 4) and lh.r'5 p. m. H luw v O o nnl mid Ft. IahjN :.W p, Vi O tn. and o o o APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. Notice No. 8783. United 8tates Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 22, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that Plomo Mining and Milling company, by Its. agent and attorney In fact, M. T. GlsBntw. whose poetoffiee address la Balt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United Btates patent for Plomo No. K. Plomo No. 8. Plomo No. 7, Plomo No. S, Plomo No. 9. Plomo No. 10, Plomo No. 11, Plomo No, 16 and Plomo No, 17. Consolidated lode mining claims, situate in Rush Valley Mining Tooele district, county. Utah, consisting of 1497, 1497, 1410.1, 1410.5. 1499 1493 1410.5, 1499, 1499, linear and feet respectively of said lodes and surface ground, as shown upon the plat of survey, being Survey No. 5072, end described In the field notes end plat of the official eurvey on file tn this office with magnetic variation at IS degrees 45 minutes east, as follows: Beginning at corner of No. 1 of Plomo No. 5 Lode claim, from which the S. W. corner of action 7, Tp. 4 S., R. 4 W.. bears N. 1 degree 88 minutes, E. 1195.2 feet, and runntng thence N. 0 degree 36 minutes, W. 597 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 6. thence 8. 37 degrees 24 minutes, E. 45 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7. thence N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 1410.1 feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 7, thence S 87 degrees 24 minutes E. 1448.8 feet to corner No. 3 or Plomo No. S. thence N. 0 degrees 34 minutes W. 232. Z feet to corner No. 2 nf Plomo No. 19. thence S. 87 degrees 53 minutes E. 1200 feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 11, thence S. 0 degrees 34 minutes E. 1499 feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 11. thence 8. 0 derreee 34 minutes R. 1499 feet to corner No. S of Plomo No. It, thence N. 87 degrees 53 minutes W, 1198.8 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 17, thence N. 0 detree 38 minutes W. 100 feet to corner No. I of Plomo No. 5, thence N. 87 degrees 24 minutes W. 1497 feet to corner No. 4 of Ploir.o No. 6. thence N. 0 degrees 31 minutes W. 518.5 Teel to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 5. the place of beginning survey of outside boundaries of the consolidated claims, containing a total area of 170.335 acrea. from which the area nf 1.253 acrea. In conflict with NEVi of section 13. Tp. 4 8.. R. 5 W., is expressly exespted and excluded, leaving a net area of 169.052 acres hereby claimed ami applied for. The presumed course and length of each vein or lode le as shown upon the Mat of survey. From corner No. 1 of Pin mo No. 6 the B. W. corner of section 7. Tp. 4 S R. 4 W.. bears N. 3 degrees 51 mlnnte East 599.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7 Mid section corner bears N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 599.9 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. I said section corner bears N 22 degrees 59 minutes W. 64 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 9, said section corner bears N. 53 degrees 22 mlnutea W. 1070.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 10 Identical with corner No. 1 of Homo No. 17. Mid section corner bears N. 72 degree 21 mlnutea V. IE.: feet, and from corner No. 1 of Plomo No. H Identical with corner No. 1 cf Plomo No. 16, said section corner boars N. 76 degrees 44 minutes W. 2109 feet. Bald consolidated claims are situated In nnd form a portion each of sections 7 and 18. Tp. 4 B.. R. ; W.. and section Tp. 4 8.. R. G W., S. Ia Base and Meridian, Utah, said lodee locations mining clalirs being of record In the of the Tnunty Recorder at Tooele Ulty, In Tooele county, Utah, In Book M of loratlnns, nt pages 483. 484. 485. 459. 494 and 495, records of l'6. 4x7. aid court y. Th re are no known near locations ae or survey. I.owij bv the I Ilraet that ll!a notice be published In the S'n(ir."l. Ptork'.on. it'-Utah. lie r m?in;i-- r Irk'd nearest 1" min I:1 in. f. r B o por'-i0 -.i:i wnlssc. FRANK D. IK 1:7:51. 1; airier. I.. E Ros, r,l,.;m.uifa Attoir.ty. Uir,t Bub., J.ir.. Sii; but pub., Mar. rlt NESLEN, General Agent West fecoeff Touth Street, S'.o'-ktn- - i Salt Lake City. L-- 7I Aidk vflkiPi 1 j 4. i ' |