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Show r- - zr" rI I J i and Invnticxl PhiBiiix Indemnity Company, Hat Box. Bradley Metcalf & Company - V."3. MILWAUKEE. TOR SALE BY William BllUnca. Goldin Oat Cash Eton. Collapaibli What to ilo with hla Bilk hat la a problem which confronts the owner man tiincH in the course of a year. When travelirK around from place to place It Is a nuisance, but he wads It so often when he l as arrived at his destination that he often wears it or carries It with him in a hat box made for the purpose. In the former In stance ho Is under necessity of having It ironed frequently, ard in the latter he Is troubled with a bulky package whli h is of no use to him except when tho hat la In it. Ti.o advantage of this box illustrated is that when rot In actual ue It ran be folded flat and plneed on a car seat or on the floor without occupying much space. When It Is desired to plnoc the hat In the box the owner has only to open the box an he would a collapsible drinking cup, setting the wire struts in position to prevent its closing again, when the hat may iie inserted and the cover closed, as though OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO 8T. LOUIS. THK FniBCO CVSTEM TRAVERSES THE FOLLOWING! STATES: Mine's Inftana KissSxfopi Kansas Crksxcs Ter.nesses Missswl JMarca Cklahssa Indian Ter. Texas. I i 1 i THE SOUTHEASTER;! limited, Lanvin Kanina City at 6 JO p. m. you to RprlnrMrhl, daily. will j j 3 leuiplil. I'irmtnrlinm, Atlanta, ami all points in tbn Kxwllrrt rontrto nil point. North. Knot, buutli. houi iMUMt nod Saul li buuthect. fer detail! lifonaaitai, ( apply ta O. W. MARTIN, GCNKOAl AQENY. 1 Denver, Col. DiSt. Feoa-Agent. Salt Las. City, Utah. f k E. DRAKE, J a T. A. JOHN, . GCNEOAh AOCST. Butte, Montana. tf f Illinois Fulda Up When Not In Uoo. it were a stiff box. The sections are all united by a flexible cloth lining, which la drawn tightly from top to bottom when the box ia expanded and lie. loosely -- e tween the section! when they are collapsed. James Frye of Toronto, Canada, la the Inventor. Fires from Electric Wires. It was claimed at one time that the substitution of electricity for gas and petroleum in lighting would result In a lessening of the danger from Are. Dut a recent report Issued by the Montreal Fire and Light Committee tends to show that the danger has been Increaard rather than diminished by the change. The report gives a record of ISO fires due to electric currents during the laat three months of 1903, with an aggegate loss of $1,600,000. When classed according to caiises. the Hat ahowa that twenty-tw- o Area were due to the contact of telephone, telegraph and other low potential wirei with electric llghla and other high tension circuits. Wire. WwaM- - a xme Bible for nineteen Railway. SUFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAB1 TKRKUTOUY liy throufh service to and from tb following citlrs: Omaha, Neb. Chicago, X1L SL Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn I'eoria, 111. Kansas City, Mo. Evansville, XntL Nashvlllo, Tana. Memphis, Tenn. Cincinnati, Ohio, Atlanta, Os. Jacksonville Pit (Louisville, Ky. Mow Orleans, la. Vicksburg, M1m o Weekly through .crvlce betwe.n end between Cincinnati s I i- - Chi-oag- And tha Faclflc Coast and Montana Territory. Connections at than terminals fn (ho CAST, SOUTH, WEST AND MONTH. Fast and Handsomely Equipped Heated Trains Dining Care Cara Sleeping Care-Fr- es Reclining Chair Cara. Steam Buffet-Librar- y Aak ticket agents for tickets via tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, Of apply ta Ti W. Snd J. A. FOLEY, So. St.. Balt Lake dtp. V. OMHHMIHMMB UNIQUE! enjoyABiEi HEALTHFUL! pistil wllhla reach of aU at NM IinM SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium BV,3iSwS rpr DUlij Wf f 1 J a TC SaKLakaCtiy ' hwM r t BuMn hi f Cam1i(iarMM aUUiea .ah Nr itiH Ball ewe OtMk leas al walar ye V Ike pools oark v'" lay. HotllilorltilohPtiwIthtiJHiN Mo Tdo fiNto Ptan Pooh QCm onl Ltip faWU - OmoMoo boalth on. ploaoaro by TUillay Ikooo lialho kn lo Ooll taka. Opca ay aal otOU - J t MMfCMCtMMfSM I "piper wrrw-TWpu- u1 Eleven Area were due to the defective wiring of gaa fixtures, five to the puncturing of gas pipes by the currents on flexible cords wrapped around them, three to short circuits in moldings, three to open link fuses in porcelain cut out resistbases, fifteen to overheated ance colls and heating devices, and nine to incandescent lamps coming in cantact with inflammable material In the same report 135 Urea nre recorded in which electricity vii suspected of being the cause, but In which all material evidences of origin were destroyed. Toronto Globe. Area. Great Things Promised. At present the phenomena of physics are, as it were, divided Into two enmpa: acoustics and heat, which are explained from the lawa of mechanics; and electricity, with lta sub-- , division, light, which haa not been satisfactorily thus explained. For half a century we nave tried to explain electricity mechanically, and may be said to have failed; let ns now try to explain mechanics electrically, and see where that will lead us. Perhaps It Is a mere matter of words whether we say that all matter Is electrically charged or that all matter is modified conclusions if, in explaining phenomena, the laws of electricity should be taken as the premiss from which we atari, instead of, as hitherto, the inertia of matter. And, Inasmuch as the more nearly any explanation approaches the truth, the better does It point the way to fresh knowledge, the fact that ao radical a change may be about to take place Is one of the reasons why there ia a feeling of expectancy in the air. it is hoped that light may be thrown upon universal gravitation and other obscure problems. and it is susiiected that science is trembling on the verge of something great. Nineteenth Century. New Safety Razor. may be converted into safety razors by means of a recently patented guard. The novel features, aside from its universality, of this device as enumerated by the inventor are simplicity, economy and lightness of structure, ease with which the guard may lie removed for cleaning and the dispatch and convenience with which it m;i.v be placed In position. Tlie essential and characteristic construction of the shank, or guard. In the clumping by means of which it may be locked on ope side or the oilier of the hlnde. or be constantly removed. The guard is structurally formed to slip over the razor back by an endwise longitudinal movement, in which His:tion the edge lies along the cutting edge and subject to proper spacing. The common lgl t ol a cut cl.ii:. particularly among self slia vers whose use has affected their steadiness ( f attests the Hint cl-:lor a convenient Jxsity rnfciy razor of erivcml application. All razors OF AMERICA. llut not Insure yourself against sickness and accidents. y. rt! ... Also Life Insurance. Installment Flan. little each month, G'lil'a plans like lilies pure snd white infold; We must nut tear the close-shleaves Niiiiic Time will rere.il the calyxes of fold. And If, through loll, we reach tha bind Where tired feci, with aandiU loured. may reel. know and unocr- whin we ehail eooi.i, I think that we w.ll ay, "(Joil kmw the bewl!" The Uauwiiy. ut FOR FURTHER Ton pay a ... . A.. a. A INFORMATION ps-l-- SIR H. A. KELSON, Genera! Agent, t KNIGHT UyCAITAIN . bTI Dl.E Y. Copyright, mil, ty Ttt AtMrrt PohUtklog The man stooped down and lifted the vines. Hla great resolve was then mid there registered with Gpd a resolve as magnificent as ever chlvalrlc quest by any knight of old. Only a plain California rancher, with the heyday of youth and lta romance apparently gone forever. Only Joel Brown, the man that worked hard, harder than moat of his neighbors, to make his blackberries pay. Two women were engaged In harA vesting the glorious abundance. girl wna picking alone at the end of the patch. Joel on hla knees, raising iie lower branches, waa hidden from the women. What do you think aha will do now? Nay, do not ask me, you cannot get anything out of her. I heard the wna going to the city. What will she do there. Id like to know?" Get lost like the rest of them, I suppose, said the woman In answer, with a little sigh. But there, she night get her chance among tha crowd." What could she da with her baby?" Oh, in the city therea ways of leaving it In aayluma, whilst she goes to work. The girl at the end of the patch stood up. She looked at the cloudless blue a dome of unfathomable azure. Its Immensity awed her. She haJ found her earth ao small no escape In it anywhere and here it seemed so vast. She felt the presence of the aky, for the first time In her life. Joel Brown knelt In the vines alone with hla resolve. The girl went byt her face turned ta tho' sky. 'Tts look inf appeal waa Tar thetic In lta childishness. He lot her pass, and turned hla face upward also. Mechanically he went on plckiag. The resolve had claimed him; he was out of himself, bathed In a strange glory that swept the rest of the world away front him. As If It had happened in a long past, be heard the women saying: What will she do In the city? Get lost like the rest of them, I suppose. The crimson mellowed Into glowing amber. In the hush came the sound of the distant chimes from the mission of Santa Barbara. He stood up and bared hla head this man accounted a pagan by his neighbors. Somehow the girl's face, and pictures of the Great Mother, were transfused in him. He stroked his sleeve across his eyes as if clearing his vision. Tired, Mr. Brown? So be we. 8o then. it's quit for Without speaking, he took out his leather purse, and counting their work, paid them. Shall you, want me asked the girl In a low voice. Speech was an effort No." His voice sounded strangely harsh. It startled and frightened 209, 211, 232 Desersl News Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 9 9 Comp mg but a shred of a girl, seventeen at most. Ruth. Why did hla voice sound ao harsh when he meant it all other- wise? Ruth, listen to n.e. Do you know why I didn't want you to pick blackberries Then I will tell you, Ruth, want you to be my wife. I want to marry you. my girl. I have got an Idea that 1 can make you happy. I have an idea that In thla he use you kin get to feci a bit stronger-like- , away from folk that talk and worry. And I have an Idea, too hla voice sank lower, but grew j - TH5 SCENIC LINE TO " - ! i j Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Puetlo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, 1 1 1 and all points east 1 Connecting al Ogden UMm Depot with all Southern PaciRe and Oregon Short Lino The only Transcontinental Lino passing directly through Salt Lako City, Trains. j EQUIPPIED 3SFLKXDIDLY OGDEN DENVER AND Diatlaat So.tl. RmIm, Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, t. Louis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Can, service a la Carte on all through trains. tit. For ratre, told. re, froo Ilia. ire trd booklet. Inquire of jour IhiwI Uuketeceat, apouUjlns Uia Ills Oread route, or aiMreas L A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D SALT LAKE CITY REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT TUB Oregon Short Line RAILROAD r want you for my wife, Ruth." stronger yes, Ruth, 1 Lave. an Idea, Aoo, that If ye'll give me that child, vFCH call it ourn, do you see? Ruth listened to him as If she were dreaming. Joel saw that she was but half comprehending; his voice unconsciously became sterner. I want you for my wife, Ruth. All it meant came on her as a flood. Oh, I cannot, I cannot. People w:ill say as I was alius bad. If 1 let you go and marry me, and she burst into I i " D. E. BVRLEY, ar.er.A. D. S. SPENCER. A. G. P. Q T. A. B the-a-te- r. One afternoon she looked again to the aky. Joel, no, dear, I don't think want you to read to me not now; lift me She up a bit; there, that's easier. took the book from him it was Days There's something 1 of Chivalry." want to say to you. Joel. That's good hi arm were supporting her, she put hers round his neck no. it's not about little Snsle you can't do wrong to her. you'll do more tor her than I could ever think of. Ah! 1 can see the women picking the blackberries, all the way from here. No, dear, wbat I want to say is. when I am gone and you know I am going soon, don't you, dear? I want you to know when you look at the books, that I understand that in all of them there had been no knights, no, not one that carried a lance, that did more splendidly in sny tournament than you She looked at the cloudless blue, a who fought for me! I hope God will dome of unfathomable azure, let me go while I am asleep, one time him; it was mi at variance with bin after I have kissed you and aald resolve. 'Thank you. Sir Knight.' " Hut your boxes in the crated." he One evening as the mission hells said, (minting in a few neat tend gently rh lined in the distance and the empty one at the end of the patch sun was setting, resplendent In amber where she had been picking, and and gold. Joel bent down to hear a turned away. faint whisper Thank yon. Sir Knight!" "Oh! I wish I wax dead. 1 wish I was dead, Indeed I do." Idaho' World's Fair Exhibit. Such a childish gesture for nch Idaho will make a big exhibit of tin pitiful won!. Joel lirown heard and urn at the world's fair. Important disIt all saw both. so out of coveries of this metal, so rare fn place fn the midst of the calm and America, were made recently near peace of the mellow light. She was Salmon City. Idaho I 1 THE DOtECT CONNECTION WITH TUB UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WHICH B THE CCMBLMKG FOMAS POUTS TO ALL 6 FOINRcASI Q SPEED CUT TICKET COMFORT SAFETY OFFICE tears. Suddenly and passionately she exI never meant to be I claimed: " wanted alius to be a. good girl; I Ruth, listen to me. I think you have got to have me. I think before God you have got to be my wife. You have got to come to me, and be safe. And once my wife, damn the soul of anyone that saya a word agin you or the young one, if I am anlgh." He saw a passion of hope creep in her face. Very tenderly now he spoke, the harshness had all flown. Trust me, Ruth. I will treat you awful gentle. I have an Idea you will get happiness. Of course you'll be wanting the place furnished; there's plenty In the bank to do that. And mebbe you'll want a kitchen built on to the aide. And when the blackberry season is over we will buy a new dress or two and go up to Lan Francisco, and make believe we never bad a sorrow, and mebbe we'll say nothing to nobody, and (his last was the utmost he could advance as a vision to dazzle), we'll go to the r 201 MAIN ST. TTNION PACIFIC VjKEXCELLED JT ROGRESS1VB SALT LAKE CITY, (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) VTA. STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY A faU Uoo of Station-o- rj Th. porbidlcmla, MfiMi eoieefMMe Nieieeeeie AU tho loading MmroNt and boot tloek f CunlrcUOD.rj la If or- - NOTIONS.. A f uH lino of Motmoix rirore. Tobaeooo naa Sookore' Qoods XSK.? Agency Troy Steam Lanndij, MERCUR. Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad mLU MERCUR TIMECARD Woat. East. 1:10 Leave Mercur Arrive 10:45 Leave 10:20. ...Summit Jct...Jdi BALT LAKE Manning ....3:03 1:25.... Fairfield ....124 Arrive J. G. JACOBS, Gen, hiauatier. Salt Laka City. 10 |