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Show T T Anthracite State. Penatylraiua, Colorado end New Mexico ere the only states that pro-Ijanthracite. Pennsylvania, how-ear- , produce practically all uf the anthracite; of the total production of 11,000,900 ton la 1003, Colorado and New Mexico produced ea than 93. 100 tone. In the production of coal Pennsylvania also lea da, producing 40 par cent of tha total for the United State In 1993. lllinol rank eecond, Ohio third. Went Virginia fourth and Aluhaina llfth. 1 Trouble fYiih Ihe GocZisA WITHOUT STOPS EIGHT VEARS OF TORTUAE. No suffering keen than kidney (ofkidBiek fering. neys make bed blood; cause week, stiff and aching backs; sauu blind, sick sod die zy headaches, leek of appetite end loss of sleep; keep yee all tired out md spoil digestion. have perfect To mast health, yea TICKLE At Laast Owner of Instrument Never Knew Them. There is a man living In an Eleventh street flat who has no music In bis soul, and there la a maa on the BY lower floor whose soul Is full of 1L BY30N WILLIAMS Tha lower-floo- r man cot long ago addfloat aruiind the tup of the bowl. ftw four-lun- g a ed parlor organ to hla 1 a sure elga of death. have watched j lares end pennies, and two healthy It Now, all three are gone, and I am j By Lantern Light of his began to practice on "An honest man's th noblest work of daughters goldflihlnMH. 1L Several God." nights later a friend paid j "It wasnt my fault. I knew that Thus wrote the imet. liy his eandls dim. visit to the first man. and as soon aliv The coming to the top meant that But went IXoKt-neHe'd still be for a siimpes of as he got inside the apartment he she hadn't changed the water often him! heard the parlor organ on the lower enough. Tbe bowl was too small fof Boor. three, perhaps, and they were asphyxThs Fleecy Clouds. Fin toned iatrumenL that, ha iated. But, anyway, I took my net They were sitting on the verunda. said, becausa ha, too, had some maxis and caught three more to give her was last summer. It was very in his soul. two goldfish and a silver fish, for a This late. As they sat there alone in the The musicless man grunted. change. . beautiful mocnlight he prayed for a Whose make U it?" th visitor T believe,' said she, while I was friendly cloud to drift across the face asked. fish That those first them. catching full muon. The clouds were Don't know, was th ungrsciows had one fin In the grave to begin of the but somehow not one answer. really .drifting, with. Anyway, Ive seen thetr finish.' would go Into the corner pockeL Then How many stops has It? I gave her the goldfish and thought she Th host pulled himself up for lisped: I had seen the last of her, but 1 haOh, Mr. Talklngton, did yon ever powerful effort. Well, be replied. dn't She came back one morning with think how unlike the clouds It's been In the house for about you are?" the news that she had lost her last "N no. Miss Merrywllkes, I dont week now. and In that time it hasn't pollywog. It had flopped over and believe I ever compared myself thus. had any that I have been able to died, the same as tbe goldfish, and Why am I unlike the clouds? Is it she had been so anxious, too, to see It because I am all sunshine? turn Into a frog. Every night she So Long! No-- oh, no!" went to sleep with the expectation of With reference to the origin of ths Then It must be because I am ' familiar expression, "So long, a cor seeing Its tail at the bottom of the about to rein over your bowl, while It was hopping about on Oh, no, hastiiy ducking the storm. respondent of the London Academy the floor, a frog. It Is because the look! See that suggests that It Is derived from ths I gave her another, and that's the fleecy little one right near the moon! Norwegian. San Laenga," a common last I have seen of her. She told me See how it gees! goes! goes! form of farewell, equivalent In mea she burned a gas stove that amoked Yea, he responded sadly, a light Ing to an revolr , and pronounced In the room. That probably killed the like ao long, with the g softened. suddenly illuminating his density. I fish. Or ahe hadn't changed the I wonder where It goes?" There was a fair number of Nor water often enough. Fish need to be Then, confusedly, be left, presum- weiglans among the settlers in Ante cool, too. Some people put a lump of ably to consult a weather forecaster lea, to Judge by names, and It la Ice In the howl' in the summer time. I or to Join a poker game and forget quite likely tho phrase was picked up have known the water to freeze solid ell his other losses. from them. It Is in general use among In severe weather, thaw out, and the tha Dutch in South Afriea. fish frisk about as spry as you please, not hurt at all lo fact, all the better Confusing. For Growing Girls. for It You canT seem to get It too West Pembroke, Me., March 21 New York Times. cool for goldfish. Mrs. A. L. Smith of this place, says that Dodds Kidney Pills are tha beat Mrs. girls. remedj for growing Smith emphasizes her recommendation by the following experience: My daughter was thirteen years old last November and It la now two years since she was first takes with Korean knives are ofCrazy Spells that would last a week fered In the most pretentious shops and would then pass off. In a month Here likewise can be bad the really she would htve the spells again. At unique Korean fans, made of silk or these times she would eat very little paper, finished In oil and covered with aud was very yellow, even the whites curious native designs. These fans of her eyes would be yellow. are dipped in water before they are The doctors gave us no encourused, and the littie breeze produced by MISS HUFFET. agement. LITTLE they all said they could not cool. them is astonishingly her. After taking one box of help Little Mlmi lluffel The wall surrounding Seoul, from But on a tulii-l- . Dodds Kidney Pills, she has not had which kites are ever flying. Is but a IVarovlteh." Rea ling Use oi:e bad spell. "Of course, we continIn aai-ie-- s But rhr up of edition Chinese the great pocket Anil vail, "Burn a maiim-na- ! ued the treatment until she had used wall that leads down to the sea at Is which? Now vlu-- of ll.ee viu-hi-li aH about a dozen boxes, and we Shanhaikwan. Piercing this Korean till give them to her occasionally, are the copy city gates picturesque I The Heart of Us. when ahe Is not feeling well. Dodds passageways which are promptly A dago played, on hla begging way. Kldrey Pills are certainly the best and Irrevocably closed with the set- In squalid street :;l the luk of day! csacked at a whersy medlclns for growing girls. and niirlll Flayed will west sun. be of The gate ting the rune, Mothers should heed the advice of entered by the tourist on reachlrg (he While alum kids danced lo Its lilting tune! Mrs. Smith, for by so doing thay may and from should is Chemulpo, n A capital wan. at her rarement high, save their much pstn and come to the outside of this hut a Lhrew up her window with gladsome cry, sickness anddaughters a insure 's healthy, happy .1st music roil. In lue minute aftor the sun has disappeared Metallic like, for a liny toll! future for them. behind the horlson, and the "b'.g bell heart grew light at the dago's air, has boomed its mournful warning note Her World's Oldest Tree. llit In a day of cs.e! A he is elected to camp In the open until Ehecheering huniiiied a rung of the olden lima said Is that tbe oldest tree In ths It Phoebus has cycled round the world And smiled content at Its simpis rhyme! world Is a bo tree at AdnuraAapura, on the equatorl.il path. If he reaches Ceylon, wh!cli wns planted clou to a the gate five minutes before It closes In In a eld. Buddhist shrine In 245 B. (X, and la sway. rhythmic pslacs on its groanlrg hinges he will witness Where wealth abode In a wealthy way, therefore 3,148 years old. Legend bu a sweet uf strains go:uen Tlie lyre a light that will almost repay him for Aroseglad, It that this tree sprang from a branch and fell at the soul'a den re! the toilsome trip up from the coast which severed Itself by miraculous j A woman sat In a gown of lar-Outing. ! And hated sight or the dread. ul place. power from the zacred tree under She sighed anti sighed and a tear drop which Gantama became Buddha, the fell Hot tram the walls of a hidden well! enlightened one. No Joyous thrill touched her heart of WESTERN CANADA HAS stone: AN EXCELLENT CLIMATE. The gud of Joy from her heart had flown! CxUASS That tack of goldfish in the Aqna-rluhas been responsible for a good many deaths In the goldfish family this wlntor,H remarked the woman who sells goldfish and ferns. Won on go down there, see how beautiful ! Bum Balldsr Can. they are with their brilliant eclors and o named bwauN to acras produced long white tails and fins, and are at It built a that to heavily pmoenl once taken with a desire to own goldSee home. Salaer tevely catalog. Tletdad in 1901 In Ind.. 137 bu.. Ohio fish. This la good for the business, IN bu., Tran. M bu., and In Mich. SI but not for the goldfish. bu. per acre. You can beat thle reoord la lMt "Its like this. Some women have e yon ruixx or Tiauie luck with anything they try to keep. raa octal They can stick a little slip In the acre. IM u. Beardlee Harley per ground and It will grow and blsim. 110 bu. Balaer New Nat. Gate per A. N bu. Balaer Spelts ft Macaroni Wheat. Their goldfish keep themselves. OthLOW bu. Pedigree Potatuee per acre. ers havent any luck at all. They buy M ton of rich Hilliun Dot. Gras Hay. ferns of us to kill them. They buy W.OW lb. Victoria Rape for sheep bit. IMAM lb. Tsostnta, the fodder wonder. goldfish which die. Nobody knows 14, M0 lb. Belxer Superior IVider the reason. It Is as hard to tell what Core rich, Juicy fodder, per A. is the matter with a goldfish as to Now euch yield you ran have. Mr. farmer. In 1904, If you will plant Sal- tell what alls a child. Neither ond can talk and tell what hurts. Maybe ter's eeda none un 10 the not knowing how to care for the just In atampa to John A. Balaer Beed Co., fish was helped along by tbe steam La Crosse. Wla., and recelva their heat of the flat. tbe bowl was gnat eatalog and lota of farm aeed not large enough.Maybe There might have cam plea. (W. N. U.) been a dozen reasons. You can never PERFUMED LAMP8 AND RINGS. telL One woman bought three goldfish Thay May Be Ueed aa Maans of Die of me. I threw In two pollywoga, some snails and a bit of moss, as I Infecting Rooma or Cara always do, for luck. Apparently they The nae of pjrfume as a disinfectant la well known, and the "scanted queered her Inch. It wasn't a week dandy baa perhaps more hygienic before she was back for more goldwisdom than hla detractors give him fish. They are dead, she complained. eradlt for. It la he who la trying to Every one of them. Find one would revive the nae of the perfumed fountain ring, an article de luxe which come to tbe top, look at me awhile mry either be used aa an ornament with a glassy eye, then give up the ar as a means ef a pleasant disinfectghost I no sooner removed wbat was ant in stuffy underground trains or In left of him than another began to Insalubrious districts. The ring la an ordinary gold one (Itted with e ball at tbe back. It la Hied by pressing tbe ball nearly flat and dipping the ring into a cup of scent, when the elasticity of the ball drawa the perfume Into the Interior Seoul, the capital of Chosen, la till quite full. By tha least pressure built amid a network of hills, eighteen tbe wearer of the ring can cause a mllea from the sea. It la an ancient let of scent to shed Its refreshing walled city, fortified In the strongaroma any moment he ptoaaes, and he est way by amelia that would drive may thna act as a benefactor or a any but an Asiatic army forthwith into anlaanoe to those In hla vicinity. the ocean. It Is poor In appearance, The perfume lamp may also ha but rich In fleas. On autumn nights aaed aa another pleasant method of ; tigers frequently contest the right of disinfecting a room. A ball of spongy j way with belated pedestrians and this platlntyn la placed over the center of is the chief reason why one lisa the the wick, and la fixed In Its position entire street to oneself In a moonlight stroll after 8 oclock. Metaphorically, by a thin glass rod, which la Inserted Into the wick. The lamp la then filled one can scarcely see the town for the Budwith any scented spirit, aud when bald, bulbous and bullet-beadelighted la allowed to burn until the dhist priests who fatten on the superplatinum gets red hot The flame la stition of the populace and lead licenthen blown out. and a pleasant odor tious lives In the adjacent monasterIlls the ies. Of Two Evils, the Lesser. Barring an occasional court funo-tlomarked by street processions, The Manchester Guardian tells g Is triumphantly Seoul dovold of of a North of England magistory trate who was In the habit of giving sights Interesting to a traveler. Tha good and much-neede- d advice to those streets lack entirely those picturesque who came before him In the course of characteristics of a Chinese or Japahla magisterial duties. On on occa- nese thoroughfare, and a vista across sion a defendant who was about to the Korean housetop Is one of appalreceive hla admonition Interrupted ling monotony. One aecka In vain for In the small him. "Look here, your worship, be attractive souvenirs. of Seoul Japanese beer, said, "picas dont give me no good ahopa advice. Just double tbe sentence In- matches, cigarettes and cheap crockstead.1 ery form the chief atoek In trade, while tut AN ORGAN j s , tiki tin tin to-da-y. cure ture. Henry Boule of Pnltney St, Ham-For eight uondsporL N. Y, soya: years 1 suffered constant agony from I endured the kidney complaint worst torture from grave) end th kidney secretions were excessive end contained sediment like brick dusL I bod to get out of bed from ten to twenty time a night and ths loss of sleep wore me out. Indigestion came on and tho distress after eating was terrible. Doans Kidney Pills effected e complete and lasting cure, and after the symptoms of kidney .rouble per gone my stomach began to work as it should. This lasting rare, especially in a person of my age, proves the great value of Doans Kidney Mils more oonvlnctngly than ceuld any words of mine. Doan's Kidney Pills sold by all druggists; price 50 cents per box. or mailed o receipt of price by Foster-Mil-bnrCo., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for rr long-stemme- d i n no-nn- hand-o.fcnn- Mara Mr. George O. Zillgltt of Inglewood, feigland, owns n carriage mare with e mane of silvery heir II feet in length at the tips. She is ten years eld, and Is the mother of a colt a few monthe old with mane and tall already reaching to the ground. Ordinarily the mane of the mother la kept braided and In a net DOCTOR DID IT. Put or St Pounds by Food. Feed a physician hack to health and da galas an experience that he cam se to benefit others. For this reason Grape-Nutfood Is dally recommended lo patients by hundreds of physicians who have cured themselves of stomach trouble. One doctor say a: Although a physician and trying to aid and assist my fellow beings to enjoy good health It must be admitted I formerly did not enjoy the best of health myself. la January, 1899, I only weighed 119 pounds. At this time I was living In the Ohio Valley sad began to think I had about seen my best days. One day about S years ago I had an opportunity to try Grape-Nut- s food for my breakfast. I liked It so well that 1 ate three teaspoonfuls three times a day aud havs regularly used it up to the present time, and I now weigh 155, a gain of 36 pounds and enjoy the best of health. made Not only has Grape-Nu- t this wonderful change in me, but through It 1 have helped my friends, relatives and patients. The sustaining power of this food Is simply wonI derful. 1 have one patient who la a section hand on the C. ft O. R. R-- , who eats nothing in the morning but four and yet tablespoonfuls of Orapo-Nut- s doee his very bard work up to lunch time and enjoya the heat of health and strength. I could name a great many cases Itk this snJ I still prescribe Grape-Nut- s In my practice every day. Name given by Postuin Co., Battle Creek, s Mich. Ask any physician almut the scientific principles on which Grape-Nut- s food Is made, lie'll tell you the principles are perfect. Then a 10 days' trial proves that (he principles aie carried out In the food ("ail the good of the grains so treated that anyone can digest It all") Shown in relieved physical strength and brain energy. There's a reason. Ixsok in cacn pkg. for the famous RtUe book. "The Hoad to WeUvUlm . a free trial Soap Lather for Insomnia. phyaiclaa recommends soap aa a rare for aleeplearaeas. Th soap lather must be allowed to dry on tho akia before the patient goee A German to nrs ta mars Citank ta thl HMioa sf th SMBtr aad antll th loot than all oiliar disease pul few yean wm apsuana is b lacarabta. For a great s ass smut rain Suston pmoomoed It s lucal l asd bjr eausasll? tolDas pnacnhc lucal nnitSIs. l mi meal, pmauaiead U lacsmbl. hi MIS wild Seleses han.eaCa!arr1itbta mulluUuasI Sis Iharefur regain oufitllmilueEl tmtairsh Msrif Mali's Catarrh Cure. maaefocturiHl by V. J. Chaney Co., Tuledu. Gillie, Is th usly eesutltathisal ears us ths market. It le taken Istsreelly Is Sett fruu N the Won It seta lilreoOy Sntasuiep.on(el. end muesue eurfaee of the eysiem. They offer usa to ear. Seed hundred di4len f r tsyeet It fall fur rlreular ead leattnionlile. ' F. J. CIIKXKY CO., Toledo, OMm 8ld by Drumltta. The. Taka HaU'e Family PI lie fee easiUpaMae. imhr. Big Price for Psn. One hundred and sixty dollars wsi used by th paid recently for the emperors cf Pru'a, Austria and Rue sla In signing the holy alliance treaty rn ff.-.- d Ling-Mane- d kldaeya wns cured by Dess's Kidney PUls after eight year ef tor- Ancient City of Seoul A tbe Paid to Consume Up In North Dakota on the Indian reservation at Devll'a lake, th aborigines have preserved a sort of reverence for a maa who can devour an Immense quantity of food, and when such a person Is found he Is well paid for exhibitions of his gastronomic Supervisor Wright of the capacity. Indian service gives the following account of this peculiar practice: From time Immemorial the Devll'a lake Sioux have adhered to an old custom In regard to the treatment of a gnesL According to their etiquette It is the bounden duty of the host to supply his guest with all the food he may desire, and as a rule the apportionment ret before the visiting Indian Is much In excess of the capacity of a single man. But by the same custom the guest Is obliged to eat all that Is placed before him, else he grossly Insults hla entertainer. It was found that this practice would work a hardship, but Instead of dispensing with the custom the Indian method of reasoning was applied, and what Is known as the professional cater was brought to the fronL Food While the guest Is supposed to eat all that la placed before him. It serves the same purpose If his neighbor assists In devouring the bountiful repast, the main object be.ng to have the plate clean when the meal la finished. It Is not always practicable to depend upon a neighbor at table to assist in getung sway with a iarga dinner, and In order to Insure the final consumption of the allotted portion visiting Indians call upon thesa professional eaters, whose duty It lx to alt beside them through a meal and eat what the guejts leave. The professional eaters are never looked upon In the light of guests, but more as traveling companions with a particular duty to perform. These eaters receive from $1 to $3 and even $3 for each meal where they assist. It Is stated by the agent at the Devil's lake reservation that one of the professional eater has been known to dispose of seventeen pounds of beef at a sitting. That they are capable of eating an almost fabulous amount I myself can testify. The organ rude and the lyre of gold Should teach a moral or worth untold! 'TIs not the rlrhes nf life that give To man the rule and the right to lire! and weak, we may hear the Tho rung. And lift our hearts ns ws plod along! Ths Mcdern Man. "Mnn Is And genius fudge!" three-fifth- s two-fifl- a poet we have real. Thus salth three-fifth We think grasping And grudge! la what the poet should have said! two-flft- hs ( ( & A Sunday paper teila ns that Mary and her little lamb once actually lived. Having been thus reassured, we turn again to the carklng caret of the dally grind with renewed coup age and enthusiasm. ( C & Many men are like Aesop's fox when- be had lost his tail, he would have all his fellow foxes cut off theirs. Miserable themselves, these men are persistently engaged In making all those about them miserable. & & & Maid's Fats. An Old Art of Staining Glass twentieth century American stained glass maker follows without Important variation the simple method of the French monk of eight centuries ago- - The first requisite Is toe design. The artist makes a small water color aketch to show tbe general design and color scheme, accompanying It with detailed studies. From this two cartoons" are large drawlrgs or made, the exact size of the desired window. One cartoon shows whore the thin the "leads" will lie strips of lend, knllowod on both sit, os and looking in n transverse like the letter H. which forms t're framework to bind tbe pieces of glas together. Another drawing give the size and shape of each piece of g! This cartoon Is cut into Its component pieces by a pair (or triplet) of tlirrp-oladescissors which leave between their parallel blade a space sufficient for the leads. These cut-ou- t patterrs are put together again on a large glass The pl-.c- ed d easel, to which they are attached by wax. and the spaces between are blacked In. to rive the effect of the leads. The caul is then placed against a window where the light can Stream through It. The artist or his substitute rej lace each paper pattern en the l by a p ecs cf glass of e?.ei!y h r.r.ne size, cut from a sheet or g!ics or the color called for by the color To a greater or lesa extent this siainl plan 1 supplemented by paime l g'ass. on which the ci'W? are fre-- t Ps In china paint-IrV.b-'nil f.e pieces have been lead-lr-- " cif. tt ey er- - trar..'eired lo ww u ea-n-- g. dr.iv t'l the g; 'nvi tv. i. J l : it-- e flexible e nrd soldered iJs ' ,i sp.-r'.a- l ert ar at "DEAR OLD THOMAS'!" Marry A ml Tsrrv In hum-- . itT-cn- l Ivo And a 1' toni-i-s- nt irirure; tra-irnr- & A bluff old ri!Vs.ir of ours used to tell the class. "If yon r.iem lex say This is broi'.g'. t to mi-iby a leg! of 'em as Burton pnicr that spt-ak- "frogs-liinbs.- s " p-- rl ed to tbe whole water-tlghThe window i row complete, ready to be pi! !n where It Is made secure by c"pp'T wires filtered to the trar'verx-- bars of Iron. Book-lovers Magazine. The Modern Jack. Little J.n-n In Eat Kill Ins n plel By mlinisht lr:n hinnirin-III- id form Had . h "Good by I'tUe J:i.-kon- good byl Value of the CorscL An Oregon woman wore g ooriet which deflected two ballets firod at her and saved her life. And atlU they claim the corset lint healthy. Xhsnmstlim'a Killing Vale. Left in quick order after taking 16 doers of Dr. bkirvins Khenmatio Cur, in tablet form. SS dears STlo, postpaid. W1S. DRUG (XX, LA CRUSSfc WIS. (W. N. U.) Mortality Among Barmaid. Is found that tho death rat among British barmaids Is twice aa high as ths average. It is higher than ths rate among lead worker It Out tor Orasomptloa lo aa IsMltMo K. W. Baxuau sfflslo for eouchs and sold rtoo-- The Saskatchewan Valley Very Highly Favored. An Interesting feature of Western Those who Canada la Its climate. hare made a study of It speak highly of IL The Canadian Government Agenta are sending out an Atlas, asd at tha same time giving valuable Information concerning railway rates, etc., to those Interested In the country, As has bean said, the climate is The elevation of this part of Canada la about 1,800 feat above the sea, about twice that of th average for Minnesota. It Is a very desirable The country has a vary altltnde. equable climate taking the seasons through. The winters are bright and the summers are pleasantly warns. R F. Stops rt. director of the meteorological service for Cased, says: The ssllent features of the ellmate f the Canadian northwest territories are a risur, brccing atmosphere dur-tr-g ths greater part of the year, and a medium rainfall and snowfall. The mean temperature for July at Winnipeg Is 66, and Prince Albert 62. The former temperature is higher than at any part of England, and the latter la very similar to that found In many parts of the aouthern countries. At Prince Albert the average dally maximum In July Is 76 and ths minimum 48. Owing to this hlk- - day temperature with much sunshine, th crops come to maturity quickly. Moisture Is ample In t!!e Saskatchewan valley, being abcut 18 Inches annually. It Is notable that about 78 par cant of the moisture falls during tbs crop mnrths. Thus. Western Canada gets as much moisture when It is needed and with several hours more sunshlre da ly than land further south gets rinrlrg the growing season, it is not difficult to understand why rrops and yield bountifully. mature qult-VIWinter ends quickly, zo ving is dune during April ard sometimes in March. Harr is t comes In August, about the middle. Cyclones. M!zz"rds, dust and cat.d storms are unknown. v S. it Ask Yaer Dealer rot Alisa's reebleia A powder. It rests tha feet. Cures Corns. Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching Sweating Feet end Ingrowing Nails. Allea'i Foot-Eas- e makes new or tight shoee easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. A sept no substitute. Sample mailed Faso Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.Y. Chinese Errprtsa Gambles. The dowacer express of China enjoys the distinction, rare amcr.g Chi- nese women, of being able to rend and write. Iler chief rxereatien is wi'h the lidics of her eourt, and large sums of money era sometimes staked. card-playin- 0au6im,8.LNb Real 17, IM Self-Denia- l. A bride In Korea begins ried Ufa In alienee. During her mar th first day she most not speak, even to her hatband. It Is considered n breach of atiquetts. But th next morning she is permitted to glva free rein to bar tongue, and may talk thereafter to bar heart's oontenL To Care a Cold la One dag. Take Laxative Brumo Quinln Tablets, AB draggisU refund moDsylfltfails to ear 8ia London Cab Drivers, London cabmen pay from about 82.60 to 83 a day for a hnnsum, accord lag to tha season. A driver's profit! average nearly 33 a day. Mr. WInrisirs Eonthlna; Sjrsp. FSraMMrea toouirn. outran llit puma, radnes I OaniuaUo. alut? pain, ea raa Vlad cwlkl. SMakotU Wages In Germany. In a German factory, which employs 2,107 men, making agricultural Implement and traction engines, 21 per cent get 71 to 95 cents a day, 59 and II per esnt gat 95 cents to per cent get above $1.31. This does not Inelude boys or apprentices, and Is for a nlne-an- d day. 31-3- PUTNAM FADELESS DYES cost 10 cants per package. but Success. Soma people think success means simply to get rich. Others think It moans merely to keep out of JalL On of these definitions is about aa near correct aa the other. The Meeting of the Nat'onal Irrigation Congress. To be held at El Paso, Texas, this fall promises to bo of great interest to dwellers In country, and addresses will be made by American and foreign Irrigation authorities. An Interesting program. Including a bull fight, will be genuine ?Toxlr-given by the citizens. Tor further information regarding date of above meeting, railroad fares, etc., address C. F. Wsrren, room No. 411, Dooly block, Salt I.ako City, Utah. Inter-Mountai- n Aristocratic Car Drives. Among 5, Out) street cur drivers In census showed that Vienna a rec-- nt there are 401) knights, about fifty bar ons and four counts. |