OCR Text |
Show TRAVELS OF A Llcanaa far Drummer. OLD RELIC TO COME DOWN. la a municipal law la Onloa that required commercial travelers to Romantic Memories Attached to Fa- In 19 Years a Marked Coin Waa Twice Heard From. mous London Inn. procure a license before they begin G sorgo SbiT, a popular young man, business In the city. The charge for The pick ia about the li cease ia $25. Colombian silver. to demolish a famous relic of antiqui- was run over by a fre engine In t, K?.. in 1SS4, and in Ixindon. the King of Prussia, Mother Gray's Sweet Pew decs far fhlldrom ty "The received irjurlee that proved fat-in shown picture Hogarth's Snccosafuiiy need by Mother Gray, nursa Ten years after his death a letter In the Children's Home in New York, cere March of the Guards to Finchley. old a.ldres.-eto tl:n ws turned over to Constipation. Keverishno-A- , Bad Stomach. The neighborhood had, in the comhis mother V Mery Sizer It was Tealhing Disorder, move and regulate the daye, an evil icpiitation, for the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30. 0i mon swar,:iei with highwaymen. Pick writt en by a man In New York, who taatimoaials. At all draggists, 25c. Ssmnl come in haunt'd It. and it wad there stat1 t l' FREE. AddrisA.S.Ohuud,LRoy.N.Y. Turpin that Jack Sheppard was tak.u in the of fcsir a ilchr, wi;h the name S r. i. rre - mrg. Ky.,M disguise cf a hufchtTn max Flnch- "Grr l The Wrongest bcidlers. ou it. an 1 .f it was of any atam.-Ina From recent English medical vcl'.v to i , to send r.O cents and he quiry into the physical status of the would r"Tru tl:- - ettt. various classes of miliury It was A r.- -. v.-iS' n at- the . time and found that the bread chestlet! avrv the evon-ded artillery men were the strongest Yho r.'- it ;':i ij eroutatlon. and healthiest in the service. On the ; ? in Move r. I"-- 3. ;or came other hand the tall men of the Guards t e Siztr. , It bad the direase tendencies of the j t!. 'l Piitl ;;i rt. W1 the ,Vd., d overgrown snJ consumption and other vri ?r i: ;c.l thrt l.i-- r roppany was pulmonary troubles were noticeably filii-- : t . t s tlicitr-- r In common. Wbea narrow chested, the rj rr.i 1 the- ; hef some ty p.n ii!-men of the Guards and heavy cavalry Aln coins on lad very soon broke down. Indeed, the the tr." r a . t ; leco bulk of the medical evidence seemed .i h !. i (Sirer'-ou It: th.tt If to show that the email, well-se- t monto ie. ir-- 1 fI-- weuld send the cln. ths typical Atkinses were the Ideal ?'r". Yrrk Slz.r h.s rev.t 50 cents for soldiers, though not so imposing or the martial-lookinas the gigantic Guards T: is letter wea dated Nov. 27, the ninet-c-t!of Mr. Blz?r's death. New Yi. i ILnl.l. HALF-DOLLA- THEM folks at home Are Never Witiioul Pen In the House R Thera hoityn-lroaker- 'e Au-us,- 1. for Oatarr lal Diseases. r. t'-a- . 1 tt low-size- "i-v- add-.-.-.- cn-n-i-- Vt FromPimpIss to Scrofula From infancy Frthrtic Cate and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. expec- EPinkhansVejetablcCoapound Dxax Mbs. Pixksami I Rave never before given my endorsement for any medicine, but Lydia 12. Pinkhami Vegetable Compound lm added so much to my life and an happiness that I feel like making two years exception in this case. Fortwo dart of every month I would have severe pain, and could find no relief, but one dav when visiting a friend I ran serous Lydia 12. Plnkham Vegeused table Compound, sheandhad advised it with the best remits me to try it. I found that it worked wonders with me s I now experience no pain, and only had to use a few bottles to bring about thia wonderful now change. I use it occasionally when 1 am exceptionally tired or worn out." Msm Aucx M. Smith, 804 Third Hereditary Humors are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dcllar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when ail else fails. W,Tlw AH. ruHf ST wHi CW-v- l SI . KefwL Ns. Me. par vM m Hi, CitWw r, fill Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chairman Executive Committee, Minneapolis Study Club. f5CO0farrf If wtthml of stow littMi IsuIm, 1ST C!inn Is M , I hiAtVa AbMUthtbUk sad CsiUlMil M. IWfar ptoalnp ptwiMaua Maaaf to pntoA FREE to WOMEft A Lust Trid Box and book of structions absolutely Free and Post-Hieaooth to prove the value of d. PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Paxlln to In pvwdrr lif- t- dMnm and ur nuperinr to Hnuid enlisratlcs cnnUtr.ic, atooM kU IrrltnlM Inflamed surtees. and bay. ao rhuala, pr.iv ertfc. Tta coolants to Lydia E. Pinkbaras Vegetable Compound carries women safely through the various d natural of crises and is the womans health. The truth about this great medicine is told in the letters from women being published in this paper constantly. . safe-guar- in- farm in nnn-pot- af every ban BPkts vara Antiseptic Solution bfto laa farther baa man (aea aaca In tba family and does man good than aay antiseptic psspenuea yaa can boy. not formula ed Boston physician, The of a b'SEEBiPOlATCESl P 500,000 BUSHELS! FOB SALE. CH E ART fr an4 med with great mcccmu Vaginal Wah, for Leucorrhaub PeMc Catarrh, Nasal Gatarrib Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and afl anneal of mucus membrane. In leeal treatment of fomala ills Pax tine la m a Vaginal Vanh we hreuklatbeDeed diliMM world to prolnce lta eqeai for Iboaangnnaaa. Itlsareralatioaln cLoanaing and heeling pewer; it kill all germs which aeoee Inflammation and dischargee. pries, SOo. Allaadlagdraggiatakcepraztlna; scad tons for 1L Dont abas; M veers dessert, U- there is Bothlng llko Pasties. Tab far tba Iwa Ban of Peztlno B.PAXSQXCOL, 5 Pop Xdg., Xoataa. Xam. toMnMU- to-da-y. Looking for a Homo? Than why net keep in view tbe tact Ibat the tanning land of lftnlifMrWMarllttorll Xtofsnt stock. Tramton Fmb M to Fan yield. aym IMS htwlMl rr SO CENTS am aed this aetkewa send yo tot of awd nmi-'t- o (lid t!( eatabwM, will, MIsNMtTVodnto.aprtl,. Ptonst, AfU Send Itortoy, Muosn ui T.'lmt, Bmeina, BaiikrtUtoa,u Mad lor mum today. EEDcO.t&CROSSE W!S. IH DO YOU want to So Info buslne.a In Snlt Lsk City lh metropolis of tlto west? Road Bind then writ us. FOR SALE Fioo Roomind Noe, Me Crocary Book Store. Cigar Star. Confcatianary. Store. Rolrl. Fur Iters liars Bokcry. We gesrentee every besiacM ere handle haet we raereecaled. noon a. ist PH0WC n7-- Main eTnaer. SALT LAKE CITY. LTAH Canada nanl ronalitioa af Uu Thejamiubiies lur FBEE WIM paal aia MEXICAN lean Mustang Liniment lientsfiad Lands aaa eeeeeeiMe. while ether Unit map ba par eheaed Railway aad Land Campanil. The awn a aod mam, hush ul Wmera Canada aia the Mat an the ruaiiamt piodin in. Ilia best (rain, for market. and aattla gad aa giau atonal Marine ta. Schools, Rnilwnya and nil other enrea Sprains and Straina. fna nab nib Unitarian publications WE TREAT n?ri silver.... 11.00 I .? - ito.d. swl r.'op r .. IJI PrwuH iwnirfii m null saiu: ev ' Lind Ogden Assay Co. ,7o.Vv.V.h2oko- !- safe-guar- ejCHotly. Kuin rases cannot he treated leeaRyi nothing but an offcctlvo eyntemio wnaaay tv'itid cure them. This is exactly whM Peruna K If you do not receive prompt and as Us tea lory results from the use of lHiruna, write at nniro to l)r. Hartman, giving a full stat and ho will lm pleased to niontof your give yim bis vnluahle advice gratia. Address Ir. Hartman, Prceidentof Tk Hnrtman Saaitarinu. Columbus, O. oa-t- 6D8E HF.D Itoarnms. Thraal Troe-b- is Byaaaaa .r Ihmwomi. Hroaebial an, Luigi I'mebiaa, S.lbta.. Sunnarh. IJvnr au4 hkliwf lliiw-Irialui- a. HlaiMsr Trmibr. Vaaia Climuto m assart el WowenaaSCblid-laa- . Kan UlaiteMi, bervuua iNaaeira. Cltonw, ini. Vilas' Itoursi. Hlrksis, Hplutl Tniubia, Skle inmate. HalaUea Mto BnaaiuaUaia, IH-Kliluia aud Haeial of IM liaeala. Hleud I lK.aaaa, Tnnib ea. Uoliie ter W, kl. llFKIana, RultoM7 Tar Worn, liar liiKMnnlu.eiaM aed ell Kan uua and Chreele CATARHtl IHaa. ton. IHMNiara. BB. 1.1. Uouie Treatment Carre, Write far free symptom II. I If joe rannolralL tieoaultollon Irw; SHUHSS. Weak Men flvw-cn- it tin A Pay When Cured West rn.ou Smuudilieu Mk e KKABOXA1UI If you iuffrr font aer of lh ntaknem er FKB eban you are eared. Vue mb demed eeee raured ly laiiiuauce. dtolpmoa or aneuis-toiiloAll Til VKKY I'KIWUN WB WANT onr urd. ihneaeailaer iiallrnis hud leduiead as NOW, WK WANT TO I.I HK tuV wlik Iks dl. to. toWr hurt proves aur skill In sarins CHRONICl- i Hurt nurtrniendies that e will HI daeiaiid diKMuwa by iiubilkbiaa Hie bkii. rutuaiaiy cure you. Tkia appllau to Leal Hu. autll Vail-- i fn Iiubm prup'r. slrlu PuaiiMk lUeturaa ' koud. liwmla Wraknrta. rpeimatorrkuee, er IM I'malr-ai- a aland. La amle. JiitMirua ud addivMim. I raw. sou Idaordara. Luraes, WK CAN'T nmnnsd Bllntiir. HLIblf OCR Cl BKB Ualuui Hlooil rniaae, sad all WKAKK IN IrIKKAKKA Itorenan ll iaid betray si.ulitlruiia. Ilraae s orKIIIK flODRIi tn tmiT o ir .kill lu tlila alaa ef Irvubiea le at. kin Mr (a. to. to I tod; Suadaya Ida. m. to IZ. ip. aeei way. I'ku it our puts: talk it fit, ri railllK DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Specialists. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE WESTERN SEEDS it It tella you all alntut onr WESTER.N SEEDS FOR. WESTER.N PLANTERS We are the only extensive groeurs In the Middle West. Our Special catalogue for Hoe Simp'ite, Poultry Suppllee, Fruit Package are free. Ask for them all if interested. Send for ' ; ; to-da- & COMPANY BARTELDES The House. Reliable Colorado Old Rood I5lh STREXT. 1521 DENVER. COLORAM. HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY THI POW STOMAOH MOUTH, THROAT. FOR BALI BY ALL DRUBBIBTa ARB OfcNaRAL aTOHCS....... NEVER FAILS BOWSIS.... AN Drug Co., General Agents. on Salt Lake City, Utah. TbeteTOWEJft POMMEL SLICKER but how boob Whitaker & Dallas, Makars "sot HAS KEN Att'ERnSTD 30LD F03 A OUAJUK OP A CtNIlia LIKE ALL AND tCJWOb moo CHaaa. sseks SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS FRESH AND RELIABLE PON CNTALOOUN- LLUil IBIS It it Bade cf tS 31 bt frihr I. 4 TNI.VPNOMB fuutrXtei and iriA b rcsiblc dtoicti cMrynlgrt STILL TO IKE 4ICOMD 40UTH OT. Kindly Vention This Paper. When Answering Advertisements -. -- a- Vii SALT LAKE CITY too. 3!GN OF TKQ FIS! .V TOWFt CO, 4KiifJiU.IAfc4 Vi. L. DOUGLAS 3.12 IV. According to Compor. tho groat these are respectively ihc facial angles of the ancient ami tiro modern man. German Build Fortress. Th Gormans have quic'y lui.lilir.g for three years nt Tsteln, mi It gum the lli ine, a hi-o- fortn. ci'ii-Min- of the river from tho lh'Ifort district. The crrs'Pietlnn that the gms have is so fir advnnc-mounted. 'he rtnn. - SCHWARZ & HEINECKE rctertkit. in Hack oryrito, CMUMS COLlaafttf. A rOWtfMMTO, l AM. b-- f.-- n iLort'tirlil-- n J Ittrin-blriN. I won ni'i- - nilr a:, tl.r last .alt.allow Sail I fliy. k. II. DAV. ,tCA Srirnlh StM Salt l.akr City. I'teli. aia. v. aaoBM man-oVe.- EGGS FOR. HATCHING . from RELIABLE ASSAYS. O. Atkinson. dto-ease-s eoma also. Hvatemio catarrh to ah moat nulvcrsul in old people. This explains why lnrtniB ha, baiwnw mo indlsiHinaBlile to old pcoplei 1 areas Icmna ia the only is their remedy yut devised that moot tbe eases lo-i- a. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ivn-plnie- ly d Nsld&n-Juds- , S65. cuuunani-ed- Effect of Big Cun Firing. The concussion follow'ag the firing r hits a man of a big gun on a on deck like a sharp slap of wind, and hen the full service charges are used, ns fn a battle, the conciFKion will rip and tear a mm's uniform Into rags. It reems marvelous tl at the man's luidy Is not ripped ami torn In the The Puffing Billy Steaming to Bir- same way, and the fact that It Is not mingham at 20 Miles an Hour. gaes far toward proving that man Is my life by traveling in the wake of a shout the toughest end most leathery Puffing Hilly' to Birmingham and living thing In creation. back, at the breakneck tpeed of twenty miles an hour. I don't mind coa Ancient and Modern. testing that my heart was In my mouth most of the time; hut I survived the ordeal and felt quite a hero for weeks aft-- r. -i. a BOX aud have to say it cured her. Fun Cr.nlv that she would have hna duul only for these wonderful rciiHftlle. About the same time 1 wrote yon about my own cane of rotarrli, which hud been of Si yours' standing. At tliiica 1 was uluioat L) nan IV. uua past going. I couuaimi-eaccording to your iiiKiructinns and continued its use for about a jour, and it has completely cured me. Your rcnrdlea doll that you claim for them, and even more. Catarrh cannot exist where Peruna Is taken ecc onJlng ti dlrectltns. Success to once Jnhn CKN-TKA- J. . you and your remsdlts. " Eeia In Demand In Egypt. Eels are ao highly prized in Egypt that the aupply Is generally short of the demand and an enterprising Ger- at a winter show of tne Florists' Club man firm has therefore started an of Chicago. Peter Relnberg, who exeellng induttry in the lower Nile del- hibited tbe flowers, siso showed anta. The industry is ceulcred in other new variety which he called the a station on tbe railMadame Chetenay. The "Uncle way, where a large depot has liven esJohn,'' which is a rose of salmon-pintablished, to which the culs are with a petal that rolls into a beautiful brought for sale by the fishermen, contrasting yellow, was named In who receive for them about 1 cent honor oi "Uncle John Thorpe, who to Trieste, for years lias been active In the proeach. Befrfre dispatch whence they are sent to Hamburg by motion of horticulture In Chicago. rail, the eels are clesnol, rubbed with Tim accompanyi- - g illnst rat:n is resalt and packed in casks between lay- produced from the Chicugu Record-- I braid. ers of Ice impregnated with formalin. It Is expected that when the scheme is In full working order no less than Bowing Made Easy. A writer in a about sixty tons, or 130.0P0 eels, will newspaper says: "In describing the roynl prog-- ' be sent from Alexandria weekly. n'KS to open parliament ore of tlie Cne of the First Locomotives. morning papers declared that the I was a youth of eighteen and alquren'a Incessant bowirg in acknowl-- ; ready earning my living In a govern- edgraent of the rrowil'n applause ment office when the railway first amounted to no inconulilcrnblo pliysl-ca- l exertion. It happem-- a few years reached London, writes a correspondent, and I was ono of the first to risk ago that the writer drove a short distance in a royal carriage. He found It difficult to maintain an upright pose and not to bow automatically and frequently. The fact wan, and Is, that the aeata of royal carriages no rent on springs and rollers that bowing ia alinoht involuntary. Royalty sits down and the srat doe, the rest. cent-HB- KJ. f. 11 1V.-5- d Korean Hats Are Heirlooms. In Philadelphian who has en Wibata Sunoriatendent I mmirrmiion. Ottawa Cair over wl.lrh the Russians and Korea, ada fur a dune native Atlas, and other iitformauon. will ba Knl on applicants) or to the amhnnaed Canadun tiortriKnert A Japs are at war. enough to grow BUS A E. HOWARD. 171 Warren Are. Boston, Mia familiar with Its KdVlhS. ROOM a DUNN BLOCK. eiistcu.s. ssya one of AVKKliB, CKEAT FALLS. MOI TANA Tkm arc riifcK to all dr Kirin, Urn. the most niir,i-:ard picturesque or lhn is the family hrt. il.at iiepeuds from father to run. This hat. RICHARD E. EVANS, l.V K'pjnHTabninintlwbFit Ayn VP" niHirtiiv etrr m 4e. A made from lh- - noir of the .a.itlly Rarel SaaiM and hnmnrtal Wsrk a Syacislty. AiMdrfd Uwtui biiUh f havi i J ft a ml AH Ctrl Ftoaan In Isjmh. been ,mi4 tn tha I'nltcd Main tv cmsilMiMon. hMrt crr-fnl- ly so that, it never SALT LAKB CITY. )pr. SS I. MAIN ST. Imni, kk lifiiM-bedUKlnM, M brvdth. pure md pxtrt III- - wesr- - ou. irleinf fr n i dlfrWtkMtMi rarvM r Whfved CHEMIn?. an W? eBiri ( l.y Klpuni TxhiH W. CURRIE, Oni wPI pMiraPy plv rvlipf uiiliin twenfr min Where Heather Craws. en fba luh erdbuiry plujce 76 W. ThW South SL m teloni. All tinriff id s!1 iheai. eeiKUttooo me he Wraiaru Caaaib an ai,la opot for tbo aettler. MR. AND MRS. J. O. ATKINSON. INDEPENDENCE. MO. date of JTinnary 10, Ttr. In a le'ter dntod January 1, ISOS. Me. UNDER received the foliowiug Atkinson says, after five yuan' experiesee letter: with Poriiiia: 1 whl aver continue to speak a good "My wifi had been suffering from n of diseases fur tho past iiSynare. nvrd for Peruna. hi my rounds as a I I or c:ae had IciBh-t.ie eiii'l of wine man I am a walking adver of tbe most noted physicians. Oue of her traveling tor Peruna and have Induced worst troubles waa rhruuiu conallpaUoti of tlsement many people during the pest year ts several years' ateudinr. She also was pikslug through that use Peruna with the mot setMacters. moat ert llcul period i i the lifn cf a woman results. an still cured of catarrh. 1 wrote to chvtf.i of l.fa. In Jnue, John O. Atkinson, you ahnut her rare. Ynu adviard u caurae lint 272, Independence, Mo. of lVriina and Munaiin, wkii-we at When old ego come on, catarrhal , tury, hia chief title to distinction brother-in-ing that he was the law of an English earl and peer of the realm, namely, the late Lord Stamford. The latter, an eccentric old nobleman, for many years active as a missionary, for many years as a missionary in South Africa and a clergyman of the Church of England, married, in 1S80, his Hottentot ccok, a Degress of the name of Martha Solomon. by whom he left at his death a mulatto daughter and a son. The widowed countess of Stamford has since married a Boer cf the name of Pieter Pieterse, at Wynberg, Cape Colrny, and old Daniel Solomon, who at the age of 12 had been sold aa a slave, waa her only brother. d ..... THE C. C. RICHTER CO. Western are aagaiaut to eepyert Crrmrn Court. C-- tl A New Variety of Rose. Colored Son of English Peer. Alice M. Smith, of MinITPc!e John" Is the name of a new of name A of the black coal negro neapolis, Minn,, tells how wo- Daniel Solomon has died at Cape variety of rose which was exhibited man's monthly suffering may Town at the age ofjutICO, where he be permanently relieved by Lydia lived for the last quarter of a cenbe- of Simple, Scrofulous, and Mr, faui, ihiirer named I Miss tation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures thwogfiout the W CfcsnJslr 1 rein-terre- Soap, Ointment, oM In Klose was recently chvr?d r.t the rrlmlcul eonrt at Pr"zlan (Pnrrlv) with disturbing the f"ve In wh'ch his eh'ld was hurled. H? hid dedrel the grave to bo Tha Cldc King of Prussia, nesr tf ti e child's mother and ley was also in the old days a great baby sMcr. but tVe xrrton crdcred a for soldiers, and in grave to l:a du-- ; in another part, and camping-groun1743, when the Young Pr. tender waa the 1w:'y wis hurled thra. Imme!-atrl- y li-the funeral the father took marching into England, a great camp d o Volunteers was formed there, and a spade, dug up the coffin ami it near the rcting j lcn of tha no doubt much llqiiur flowed and tic cirvalorous boasts were uttered at the other last or.e. Tim Xing of Prussia, as well as at those cumstances i realed to .he court, and other famous inns of Finchley, the tho man reclv"J a aentenct! cf cnly cne day's imprisonment. Adam and Eve and the King's Head. To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who have lost faith In doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTI-CUR- A dn tom ro-ce- g to Ago MafSNri, - r;e A Every hope, every p-- . cmssln-- r shorn & I 3 SHOES K! roiig!ai t loive by j.cir excellent style, easy-l- it ting, ana superior wear in any world. v- nucirr lesiiTun AI7 W.Sa TEMPLE ST SAD LAKf Olt PTA1L UTAH JUNK GO. re net 0 iplKT. bno. elc. Salt qualitioH,t ac..iovu.l wlr of the largt-Knlioca AM rtreASfMT re MBNNCMebi ANDDkbt ADDK.TIOHS Cbt . .ufThampsan's lu tlie Vtal Eye Watai When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N.U., Salt Lake-N- S. 13, 1904.. They are Inst as good m thorn that root you $4 to 65 tho only diffureune to the price. Sold Cwrgmhtrt. Look for nain and price on Imltom. IToncliM uses Comal Coltaklll. wtil-- li I. betlie linear -- tin r u-- nui,Tirl l to Hi.-ifiut Wriul at talolvg. b.L.Uomlkk, Moettoe, has Co "or EtpU t trail V.Tr.rvtrs ti Nil J)c( lhu mT aa n.Rtil, Lm : iv SVSSZFSa |