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Show IN PATH OF STORM THE WEEKLY SENTINEL WAT TOCKTOH. I JAKEMAN, . HUblM - - WM NEWS SUMMARY. TIi a population of Korea Is 15.fl0d. 000 In round numbers, anil it Is about m largo as the state of Kansas. An anti lynching crusade hits been Inaugurated by the United Confederate Veterans of Grenada, Miss. Owing to t'.ie discontinuance of the trips of the volunteer fleet steamers, no tea Is coming from Ceylon by water. A tornado struck tho village of Key-lanTexaR, demolishing a number of houses and damaging a number of outbuildings. The Midland steel mill at Muncle, Ind.. is to resume operations, the COO employs hiring accepted a 20 per cent reduction In wages. The worlds cotton crop report for 1902-is estimated by the department of agriculture at 17.179.7C5 balea, valued at 9750,082,151. An outbreak of the bubonic plague haa occurred In the Indian coolie section at Johannesburg. Thirty death! have occurred in a week. Tho reverent windstorm since 1880 occurred at Salem, Ore., on the 19th. Considerable damage was done and then; we-- a numerous narrow escapes from Injury David Carroll, a rejected anltor for the hand of Annie Maxwell, daughter of a wealthy farmer living near Lincoln. Neb., rhot the girl dead and killed himself. Serious riots have occurred at beAgram. cap'tal of tween students for and against Russia. 8vnr. rtudenta on both aides were wounded. One man wss killed, several more or Ices rerion'ly injured and one white woman wounded In a fight between end demity sheriffs about negroe two miles from Reesemer, Ala. Disastrous prairie fires in the vicinity of llemlneford. Neb., have deranch sheds, barns and stroyed groves of timber and ruined the grazing for the next three years. A bad freight wreck occurred at Lucerne, a smell station a few mllei west of Ksllspcll, Mont., In which one Italian laborer was killed and fourteen of hla companions more or less seriously Injured. Robhera blew the First Nstlonal wlii-ii.tli- Bar-kor- IN ARKANSAS. MEN Crotla-Slavonl- Macedonian Revolutionists If a pitched battle may occur TORNADO they persist In their purpose. FROM ; IN PATH OF CYCLONE. Will Ba Accompanied by an Armed Escort, and Pitched Battle May Ona Man Mortally Wounded and Fifty Occur as Result of Such Action. Buildings Wrecked In Missouri. A special from Higglnavllle, Mo The news comes from Denver that says fifty are partly buildings the committee representing the min- wrecked, one man Is wuund-ie- d mortally ers evicted from the Telluride, Colo., and several others hurt; the town district, by an organization of busi- la In darkness, and tbe streets strewn ness men haa abandoned tbe attempt with debris as the result cf a torto appeal to the governor for protec- nado and hailstorm which struck this tion, after trying In vain for three place late Monday afternoon. days to obiain an audience with blin. The hail on the streets waa a foot Tbe members of the committee Lave deep within five minutes after the departed for Ouray, where the de- storm cfcipc, and some of the hailported men are making preparations stones were phenomenally large. Dozto march to Telluride, accompanied ens of trees In tbe town were blown by an armed escort provided by th down and several horses w era killed miners' unions of Ouray, Sllverton, iu the street. Durango and Ophir. Aa tbe citizens i It la estimated that 2,000 windows who drove tbe miners out of Telluride were broken by tbe storm. More than declare that they will not be permitted fifty houses have been unroofed. I i COMMANDERS OF RIVAL FLEETS. Quiet at Anatro-llung&rla- n Rou-mani- BT.ITT GIVEN DECISION, foiled to secure the treasure. They were scared away by citizens without securing sny booty.. A mob of masked men stormed the Idol of California Given Decision Over Young Corbett. .. Admiral Urlu la, according to thabest obtainable Information, In command ef tha Japanese squadron whlaji bombarded Vladivostok and la search ingjor th RuhIm. iguidmAHmindid Cap. RvitnmMn, If It has not already met and destraewlt, aa reported. Admiral Urlu Is a graduate of the United 8tates naval academy and hla wife was graduated from Vassar. bound together refilled the cells just vacated. Confined at Seoul It la probable the representatives of I Being Executed. the foreign powers will Investigate, Numerous executions at the Seoul and. If Justified, take action. prison are reported to be due to the movement of the supreme court in the Kuropatkin Preparing for an Active Campaign. direction of clearing out the place. The first headquarters of the ManThe total In three nights past has been six prisoners decapitated and thirty-eig- churian army after General Kuropat-kln'-a arrival will be at Liao Yang, the hanged. Many of these victims had been in jail for yeara without general having selected that point Instead of Mukden whence to direct the trial. Iiao Yang la ten miles Some were former students In operations. Japan, others were thieves, high- west of the railroad, being connected embezzlers of waymen, public with the main road by a special line funds, political offenders and traitors. which will be completed by the time As the bodies were carried out strings General Kuropatkin arrives, and has of ten or twenty condemned men many advantages over Uukden. WHOLESALE EXECUTIONS. James Britt of California wns given at Cleveland, Mlsa., and secured decision over William Roth well Korean Prisoners the and Rnrke Panda, Fayette Sawyer negroes, charged with the riiurdcr of a negro porter, end hanged them from the railroad bridge. The attempt of the disinherited relatives to break the will of Mrs. Abble II. H. Stuart, a club woman of Oympla, Wash., and secure a division of the $100,000 estate left by her, haa resulted in failure. John H. Wood, the convict who killed J. F. Rutherford last August during the Folsom (Cal.) prison outbreak, has been found guilty of murder in the flirt degree. Wood wss one of the leaders of the outbreak. At Mountain View, Wash., the home of Bertrand Drake caught fire while he was lighting the heating atove, and waa totally destroyed. His two daughters, aged G and 9 years, who were asleep upstairs, were burned to well-know- (better known as Young Corbett") of Colorado la a twenty-rouncontest at Woodward's pavilion in an Francisco, Friday night. Up to the seventeenth round Corbett's advantiy.i was apparent, but In that round Britt rsK lied and robed right and lui on var'-oil- s portion nf Corbett's anatomy, forcing the rhaniplon to clinch to save himself. d n Judge Swain to Da Impeached. "Reaolvcd. That Charles Swayne, judge of the district court of the United States in and for the northern die triet of Florida, be Impeached of high misdemeanor. Thia is the recommendation of the house committee on the jiidlrlary to the house In the report of the committee filed by Representative Palmer of Pennsylvania, chairman of the subcommittee which Investigated the case against Judge Swayne. death. The Servian foreign office having asked Russia when she would accept volunteers from Servla, the emperor replied that he would accept the ser- ht COMMANDER NAKAYAMA. , s Vlre-IViildi,- : Japanese Make an Attack at Mid- night, But Little Damage ie Done. A dispatch to Reuter's Telegram St. Petersburg aaya: Three Deaths Reported, While a Nuir company from beats appeared off torpedo "Japanese her of People Are Missing, and of the night at mldnlvht Arthur Port Property Loss Will Run Into and the shore bat of March tha Thousands. teries and guard ships shelled them for twenty mlnutea. The Japanese reA dispatch from Lccmli, Neb., saya: treated. but reappeared four hours A prairie fire la raging through this later, when they met with the same section of the state and already three when they retired again. deaths are reported, while a number reception, "At $ a. m. a Japanese squadron of of farmers are missing. I. esses In two of fenr and divisions, houses and stock run far toward the eleven ships, and accompanied hy $100,000 mark, and the fire contlzues torpedo brats, appeared and the eight with unabated fury. Russian squadron sailed cut from the August Olsen, an ared farmer, ! outer roadstead to meet them. known to have been burned to drath "No further details regarding the and two of hla hands are missing. action are obtainable. At 9 a. m. the James Lewis and William Anderson, Japanese battleships, having fired sevranchmen, are also dead. A number eral shot at I lao Tlsbin and shelof cowboys are reported missing from tered behind the promontory, comdifferent directions. menced a bombardment of Port ArThe flamos are past all hope of con- thur." trol, and are leaping serosa the prairie MARTIAL LAW IN COLORADO. at race horse speed, burning everything in their path. The Burlington railroad has sent a Governor Declares Las Animas County in State of Insurrection. special train with fire fighters from A proclamation haa been Issued by Holdredge to assist the ranchmen in saving the small towns In tha path of Governor Peabody of Colorado, declarthe flames. ing the county of Las Anlmaa in a Frcm I oomla to the Platte river, fif- state of Insurrection and rebellion. teen miles, the whole country will un- Subsequently an order was Issued for doubtedly be swept clear by the fire. 200 troops under command of Major Further to the west, toward which Zeph T. Hill to proceed to Trinidad, the blaze Is sweeping, the prairie the county seat.- - In hla proclamation country extends for nearly $00 miles. the governor aaya that there exists in There are no streams of note along las Animas rounty a certain class of this country, and the fire may sweep Individuals who are fully armed and to the bend of the Platte river In that acting together, resisting the laws of direction. the state and offering violence to citiMILITIA FOR TRINIDAD. zens and property. The civil authorities of the county are quoted as auSystem of Deportation Will Probably thority for the statement that not less Be Inaugurated. than 1.500 unemployed men are armed About 400 members of the national In apparent anticipation of an open guard reached Trinidad, Colo., Wed- conflict nesday, and will be distributed among 1 aa Animas county forma tha larger the various coal camps In Las Aniof tbe southern Colorado coal portion mal county. The governor has In- fleli-a- where the members cf the Unitstructed Major Zeph T. Hill, com- ed Mine Workers of America have mander of the force, to use snch been on a strike for several months. means as he may deem proper, "actWill Investlgata the Beef Trust ing in conjunction with or independently of the civil authorities, to reThe department of commerce and store peare and gcod order." labor, through the bureau cf corporaThe coal miners in the Trinidad dis- tions, la making an Investigation into trict have been on strike for several the operations of the "beef months, claiming that they suffer trust" A part of the Investigation is abuses In the weighing of coal, the being conducted in accordance with a company store, and other matters. resolution passed by the house of repThe Colorado Fuel ft Iron company resentatives recently. Prior to tbe and the Victor Fuel company have adoption of the resolution the departdeclined to treat with or recognize ment through its regular channels, the existence of the union. The men had collected and tabulated certain belong to the. United Mine Workers. , Information regarding the beef Labor leaders express the opinion that The resolution, which was drafted by the purpose of sending a military Daforce to I aa Animas county la to in- Representative Martin of South ofthe kota, requested such department of deportations augurate a series as have been carried out at Telluride. ficials to ascertain, if possible, tbe cause of the difference in price to Fight It Out on Japan Propo-e- s beef on the hoof and dressed Plains of Manchuria. beef. It was pointed out that western The Times this morning publishes stockmen believed that they were bean opinion of a correspondent that ing discriminated against by the trust. Japan will land her main army at Rockefeller Has Enough. Newcnwang, which will be formed Into a magnificent base, and that she also John D. Rockefeller, the world's probably will seize Ilalcheng (fifteen richest man, whether ruling sovereign miles eastward and on the railroad), or private citizen, has set January as an additional base, and without uext aa a definite date for retiring seriously attacking either Port Arthur trom active business. He will then or Vladivostok, will fight out on the have reached hia 66th year, and he has informed the members of his busiplains of central Manchuria. It la almost certain, In the corre- ness cabinet that from that date hla spondent's opinion, that tbe war will tuccessor will be his only son, John D. be a long one, and that at the worst Rockefeller. Jr. An intimate friend or Japan will maintain a way to retreat Mr. Rockefeller said this concerning overland Into Korea. If she secures hla yearly Income: "Mr. Rockefeller's Newchwang, he aaya, her prestige will wealth la so great that no one may he esta.lshed. and he adds that the know accurately what his Income la. southern Manchuria waterways of will be of Inestlmnhle value In some- If you should fix the sum total at a year It would be as accurate what counterbalancing the weakness an estimate as could be made. of Japan in her cavalry. 21-2- con-pose- d bo-twe- $36.-000,0- Be f ib Chicago Suburbs Swept by Flood. Much damage waa caused In Chicago suburbs by spring floods Wednesday, the worst In years. The river reached a record mark, Willow at Romeo Lemont, and Springs. River Forest and other towns in the Desplanes valley bridges were wrecked or weakened by thhlgh waters. One man waa drowned as a result of the flood. Farm houses at Lemont, situated on the edge of the valley, are standing In water which reaches up to the wlndowa. DESTRUCTION WAS COMPLETE. Ctrlp of Country in Arkansas Swept By a Tornado. A special from Fort vices of 500 Servians and 500 BulSmith, Ark., garians Immediately. Tbelr enlist- any a: Passengers on a belated train ment begins immediately. on the Arkansas Central railroad reA dispatch from Butte, Mont, aays port a destructive tornado In a atrip that the city, which started to allde of country near Spring Hill. Ark. Spv down the mountain several years ago, oral persons are reported injured, but far as ran be learned, no one wsa has Juat made another move, a num- so killed. A passenger says that as far ber of large buildings within the ter- as the eye could reach the destruction ritory show cracks, due to the move- appeared complete. Not a tree was ment of the earth. left standing and houses were razed. Democratic county convention! held Stockmen of the West Will Wage in Orleans. Chemung and Cortland War Against Bsef Trust. courtles, New York, to choose dele The Denver News any thnt the gate i to the St Louis convention, In 8tnckir.cn of the wed, barked by the structed their delegates to favor National Livestock a aw elapowerful B. of New Alton York Parker Judge tion. mean to carry out their projerl for the presidential nomination. of establishing an lnde;u;i.!o-.parkThe Japanese authorities have orto tight th- - beef tin-tis plant ing dered the newspaper correspondents lie-at Plngyang and Anju to return. They evhlriircil l.y the option that has ilir parking plant of Jaalso refuse. to honor the permits for- taken ii.-- Kans-ilkilil of mb City. Thia opt'.i u acmerly given for correspondents to now N in the bauds of company troops to the front, and are J,. Wil m and Treasurer K. W. holding them at Seoul. Flato of I he organization. A dtal for 5,000 tons of barley haa Strikers Preparing for Trouble. been closed at San Francisco with John Claik. Jr., on of tin sheriff agents of the Russian government for the use of Russian troops In the field. of l.as Animus county. (.' lot a. In. In a Both Rnsalan and Japanese agenta slalctnciit mmli in iui'blo have been negotiating In thia market conditii ns ill Tiiniiliol, su-- l there un for some time past. an Rime. lute it r law first ns ol :' tin; uulbrrnl; tros.bv which mini a Marco Brovlch, employed In the Minnie Ilealy mine at Butte, committed aulelde by jumping from level and landing on a the 700-fobulkhead 750 feet below. Brovlch re-- ' cently returned from Alisa1 where It la reported be lost 81.900. BATTLE OFF PORT ARTHUR. , Present According to the dlaiiatchea received from Constantinople, the porte and tho authorities have reached an agreement In regard to tho organization of the Macedonian gendarmle under union ofileers, so It is believed that it will nut be long before the reform scheme for Macedonia a is recognized liyhe emperors of and Austria at their meeting at Muoracteg, Syria. In an Interview at Sofia Marrh 24, Boris Sarafoff, the Marodonlan lender, said his party intended to await the result of an introduction of the reforms before ... giyrrotitlna JyiuUkUu. OF FLAME Governor Peabody declares ha will NEBRASKA IN FIRE PRAIRIE TELLURIDE taka steps to prevent the marching of DESOLATION. BRINGS WILL RETURN HOME. aimed bodies of men into Tellurida. DRIVEN Five Negroes Yaken From Officers by Mo's and 8hot to Death. A special from Ie Witt, Arkansas, aaya five negroes, who bad been arrested as a result of race troubles at St. Charles, were taken lrora tbe guards by a crowd of men and ahot to death. The victims were Jim Smitb, Charley Smith, Mac Baldwin, Abe Bailey, Garrett Flood. Tbla makes nine negroes that have been killed within a week on account of race troubles. The killing of Randall Flood, Will Baldwin and Will Madison by a constables posse Wednesday morning, while the posse was seeking two negro c (lenders named Gridin, begun tlie slaughter. Tho search fur the GriUlna was continued and Thursday a sheriff's posse was fired on by a negro, Aaron Slntnn, from ambush. The posse returned the fire, killing Sinton. 3 Jail a - RACE RIOT to return, MINERS WILL FIGHT Chicago and AJ.icer.t Towns Visited by S irail Cyglore. One nf !;:(! iiosl rvcie storms tbs km.wn in many years passm. city ever Chicago Thursday night. Great damage was done lu the suburbs to and of the seutli city, the much loss was sustained by the of the city people living to the i.o-tdid not strike the The stcmi proper. business irnrthm c.f tho city In Its greatest force. The town of Indian Harbor, twenty miles eoui.hc.'ot. of Chicago, on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad, was the heaviest sufferer. One man, L. Barker, the proprietor of a dry goods store, was killed, and fifteen people who were In hi a store Bii.rui struck, were Injured, some at them seriously, although none of them are expected to die. atom wns entirely demolished. Klghtccn residences were blown down, and a number of people wers hurt la the ruins of their homes. " 11 Des-plan- He waa one of the officers of the Japanese battleship Fuji, under Commander Nakayama. He was standing an the bridge with hie commanding officer when a Russian shell struck pear them, killing both. From the Leading Japanese newspaper, o. He was killed In the engagement at Port Arthur Feb. 9. He was a member ef Rear Admiral Togo's staff, and was second In command of the battleship Fuji, on which he met hie death by a Ruaalan shell. The chip was damaged, but not disabled. From the newspaper, leading Japanese Battle Between Whites and Blacks In Arkansas. Three negroes weae killed In a battle between blacks and wnltes Wednesday at St. Charles. Arkansas. . posse of deputy sheriffs was engaged in a search' for two negroes who had seriously wounded two white men in a fist fight at St. Charles, and while passing throueh a section of woodland they were fired at from a thicket by a party of negroes. The whites returned the fire and Instantly killed Garrett Wood. Will Madison and Will Baldwin. Senator Dick Oons Toga. Japanese Repairing Their Ships. The opening ceremonies of the senef the raids The correspondent Found in His Cabin With Bullet Hole were marked by tbe ate Wednesday the Rome that at aays JapanFigaro In Back of Hia Head. to that body of official Introduction John Splttat, a hunter and trapper, ese legation there announces that re- Charles Pick as the aureessor of tho fleet are actively was found dead In his cabin on Lulu pairs to the Japanese late M. A. Hanna aa a senator from Island, ten niilez from Vancouver. He proceeding. In order that the venae! HUNTER MURDERED. had a bullet hob In the back of hla head. The dcor of th" shuck was found secured on the outside with a locked padlock. Bpitial's two guns were was a strange coat missing, and tlo-rIn the room wicre the lMdy was found. No gun was found inside the house. There Is i:o clue to the may be ready to meet the Russian Baltic fleet. The bairlenhip Mftasa and llatsnae and the armored cruiser Iwatc are In duck, as are also several cruiser and torpedo Nutts. It la intended. according to tbe information received from the Jiipaiu.'Me legation, lo have the fleet In pi 'feet condition by the end of June. Ohio, The oath nf nffirc was administered hy PresHont Pro-teFry e. The senate again spent the greater of the day considering the Inps- -t dian apnrcnrlntlnn Mil. Three hour of lime ws given to dlscure'on of n rendered rlalm of f.V.i.n,,U frr the Choctaw Indian. It Anally was eliminated from the Indian bill. TORNADO IN ARKANSAS. One Life Lost and Great Damage to Property. A Little Rock, Ark., dispatch aays: A tornado did great damage to property and caused at least one death In central Arkansas. At Feurchee Da-- r four miles from Little Rcrk, a negro m hool hoiso was Mown down and a pupil was killed. Iu the section twenty miles north of Little Hock great destruction of property la reported. The atorm did much damage to property In Little Rock. Tha Race Question In Texas. In the Republican state convention held at Dallas. Texas, Tuesday, the feature noticeable waa the abenre of negroes, who have heretofore taken a prominent part In the conventions. While the regular cunvsnticn waa being held there was held a sersiun. composed chiefly of nexrces. with a few whites, and a Milt from thn regular convention wa effected, two whiN-antwo negro delegates being rho-'to represent flu Male at lnr.ro iu the natonal convention nt Chlcru-o- . d Japs Becoming Civilized. legislative scandal Is threaten': !n ronnoc.tlin with the prep an! f the A se-vi- cp ears income |