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Show Time Table. San Angeles and Los Pedro, one-four- th d. le Salt Lake Railroad. TOOELE AND T1NTIC DISTRICT. Read lip. Station. Road Down. Daihr. Daily. Ar. P. M. A. H. Lv. 111 I'MuRiilt Liki City I'll f IiIOmHUCDI Vtlt& sf l'H a as a so a as a f llttieliltftf atf 100 os aa a a aa aa ( :40iUlirftfcld 1 1:11. .Half TTijr Spur IMiiKrdA (It! aa aa aa aa a a a a aa a.f SO I'll.iTOOill aaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a a a aa a a 44 .SS 0 '1 Huthl a a aaa a a a a a a a a aa a 0A5a litockl m a a I a a a a aa a a a 4:90 t 4:07 r 1:40. .Bt. Joha f IMtiAJlilia aa aa aa aa aa aa aa a aa aa tt I'M a a a a a l-- a a l a a a a a 0 S 4S aa aaaa a a a a a a a a a aa f10:M..VCrnOI aaaa aaaaaaaaamaaail S.S0 a a fli:40..IaOfcrM a a t I;1S f 100 1100. .Boulter Summit 1:47 11:10. .Tlntlo Junction 11:10. .Mammoth Jet. aa.eaeeeea Sl44 ll:27..Mammth iiitSukiUrtki i. 844 8.22 Mammoth 1:04 11:39.. Silver City Lv. P. M. A. M. Ar. R Trains at It Lake make dtrert (Or all points north and eaat. 3. W. GILLBTT. Outers! Passenger Agent. C. J. L. MOOll Oammerelsl Agent. ... Leave your orders (or buelnea and pay bills dua this ofllea to Mrs. W. N. fluadry at tha of the official survey an file in thin office, with magnetic variation at IT deg. east, aa follows: , whence Commencing at corner No. 1. on the section corner the coat boundary of ar II, T. 4 H.. R. 4 144.1 feet; W bears H. IT deg. 3S min. E. thence N. 47 deg. 41 min. W. 444.1 feet to corner No. I; thence H. IT deg. 4 min. W. 171. 1 feet to corner No. I; thence S. IS deg. 10 min. W. 74.1 feet to corner No. 4; thence B. 71 deg. It min. E. 954.4 feat to corner No. i; thence N. 44 deg. U min. E. 436.1 feet to corner No. ; min. E. S40.I feet thence N. 16 deg. to corner Na 1. the pirn of beginning, containing a set sirs of K.ll! acres, expressly excepting sad excluding the following ronfliria: Lot No. 43, Silver King No. I West Extension Imle of 1.(11 acres; lot Na 31. Silver King No. 2 Went Extension B- hide of .21 scree; lot No. K, Theresa bite of 1.331 acres; lot Na 71, Silrer King Nig 2 lode of 2.324 acres; lot No. M, C'ygnet lode of .113 acres; lot No. 44. Leonine lode of .104 acres; bit No. 117, Julia bide of .211 acres. The presumed roura snd length of the vein or lode Is shown Hald Galena upon the official lut. King bide Is bxateil In the N. K. sec. of and the H. E. 14. T. 4 H., K. 4 W.. Halt Lake meridian. Hald claim la of record In the office of the County Recorder of Tmele county. Utah. In Book U, at pine r.d. The adjoining and conflicting claim aa shown by the plat of survey, are as follows: Ixit No. 121, Blanche; lot No. 111. Tip Top; lot Na 45. Silver King Na 2 West Extension: lot Na 42. First Extension West of Silver King No. 2; lot Na 44. Cygnet; lot No. 122. Bt. Louis Na 2; lot Na 124, Hitver Prime: bit Na 4. lot Na 71. Silver King No. 2; lot Na 31, Silver King No. 2 West Extension B.; lot No. 122. Prixe; lot Na Stockton: lot Na 117, Julia; lot Na 12 114. Blue Bell Na 2; lot Na 4. Theresa. I direct that this notice be publiMied Tooele In The Sentinel, at Stockton. county. Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said claim, for a period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK I). HOURS, Register. L. It. Rogers and Willard Hanson, Attorneys fur Applicant. Flrat pub., Jan. 14; last pub., Mar. 12. company, of Western Exploration which Willard F. Snyder of Hall Lake la manager, a few montlia ago secured a bond on the old Buckhorn mine and has gone to great expense In prriarlng the property for vigorous development. A water supply, aultlelent for milling nd other purpose. has been devel-0Mrplie By means of a four-miline the product of the springs will be mine. the to conveyed DRY CANYON HECTION. Just over the range of mountains to Is the old Dry canyon camp, west the which Is said to have been productive of several million dollars since Its discovery back In the M'a. This old district is commanding uttentlon ugain and Is being reclaimed, after a long While no extenseason of inactivity. sive development has been rarrled on were there recently, aeveral pros-r(lr- s worked In a small way, and with favorable results. The Dish Vjueen, and Mono were among the active onea and have made some shipments of ore to the bical murkel. HISTORICAL. n ths Charles Herman, civil engineer and deputy United Htuies mineral aurveynr. now a resident of Salt Lake, has furnished the Chrlstmaa Newa with some reminiscences of miearly scenes In the now pnsis-rnuning ramp of Ophlr. Mr. Herman was present at the meet-- , ing of miners called for the pursse ofn organising the district. The uiganlxa-tlotook place late in the summer of 1170; Judge Barbee, a familiar character In the cuinp at that time, acting aa chairman. About fifty miners Next Week.) poatofllce. My baby had Ecsema so bad that Its head was a solid man of arab and Ita hair all came out. I tried many rente din but none seemed to do any permanent good until I used DcWllfa Witch llaarl Halve. The Kraema is cured, the M alta are gone and the little one's scalp Is perfectly dean and healthy, and Ita hair la growing beoutKuliy ngnln. I cnnnol give too much praise to Witch Haael Halve. Frank In buying Farmer, llluff City. Ky. Witch llnxel Halve look out (or lteWItl'n la the original and l he only one containing pure Witch llnael. The name K. C. DeWItt A tn. IN nn every box. Hold by Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur. 1'tnh. M. K. Brown, Stockton, Utah. roun-terfoll- a. - one-four- th one-four- th s purtlrl-(Contlnu- The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the Injury. All danger of this may be avoided, however, by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It la an antiseptic g liniment for cuts, and bruises und burns. For sale by Co. Merct Drug quick-healin- MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. Cliurlea WILtlrk returned to his home Wednesday. Mrs. O. II. Peterson went to Halt Lake Wednesday. Mrs. I, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 872. United States Land Office. Salt Luke W. Luft return! d home from In fact, Joseph Dederichs of Salt Lake City, Utah, has mads application for a United States patent for the Gulch West Extension lode mining claim, situate In the Rush Valley mining district. Tooele county, Utah, consisting of 1441.1 linear feet of the lode and surface ground (as located) 400 feet wide, being mineral survey Na 4442. and described In the field notea and plat of the official survey on file In this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 00 min. east as follow to wit: Commencing at post Na 1 a corner of the claim from which the section corner on east houndary of section 24. township 4 south, range 8 wrest. Salt Lake meridian, bears 8. 39 deg. 24 min. W 442.1 feet distant; thence running from said corr.fr Na 1 N. 39 deg. II min W 943.2 feet to corner Na 2; thence N. 24 deg. 23 min. E. 124.3 feet to corner Na 3; I hence B. 74 deg. 34 min. E. 4x4.1 feet to corner No. 4; thence 8. 44 deg. 14 min. E. 203.4 feet to corner No. 5; thence S. 49 deg. 10 inin. E. 4x9.1 feet to corner Na 4; thence 8. 24 deg. 23 mtn. W. 332.7 feet to earner Na 7; thence N. 34 deg. 49 min. W. 243.6 feet to corner Na 9; t lienee N. 13 deg. 24 niln. W. 297.4 feet to corner No. 1, being the place of beginning. Said claim being located in the N. W. and S. W. of section 19, town4 4 south, range west, and N. E. ship of section 24, township 4 south, range 5 west. Salt Lake meridian, and containing a total area of 7.141 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area In conflict with the North Star and Black Diamond, lot Na 2. lot lot 111 and Gulch, survey Hun-da- ver aold for twice na much aa It does now; the aurfuce delimits were rich and many of the early arrtvala made money, llut the camp prerented a different picture then; gambling wan and dance halla and other riena of vice were allowed to run In full blaat to pollute the moral atmosphere of the community. CAMP BECAME ABANDONED. Like nearly every other pioneer AIBwNrs time, was The richer surface deposits were worked out, and owing to the crude methods of treatment in vogue in those days, especially after the price of silver begun tu fall, nothing could be done with the lower grade ore per-niltt- abnn-done- d. BOMB The Walker Brothers of this city opIn Ophlr canyon In those early times; they built a mill there and made money fast. Ikn Stanton mined up st Another fiinilllur the old Jiurkhnrn. character In the rump In those times was Marcus Italy, who drew a salary then from tlie Walker Brothers, and later made himself a power In Montana by opening up the Anaconda mine. MONTANA SENATOR ATTRACTED. Henator (Mark was attracted to the Ophlr-HI-II prierty alum live nr six yean ago, and It was upon the recommendation of hie present superintendent, K. W. Uliirk-by the wuy. is not related - I hat he purchased it. The " camp wan alnut as dead as any camp could be at Hint period. Nn mining of was done consequence anywhere, but occasionally leasers would strike a "fst" streak and follow It up with the shipment of s few tuns of pay ore to the local smeller When Henator Clark entered the camp began to revive, and the few who remained In ramp and had struggled along from year to year, longing for good times to mine again, began to sec their hopes realised. The Montana iiillllnnalre prepared to work his new H('iiilsltinn on an extensive scale and equipped the property with suitable mining fscllliles. GOOD 1'HOFIT DERIVED. The ores are largely low grade, and must, of necessity, tie handled on the basis of heavy tonnage to pay. The is now reducing nn average of plant SflO Ions of ore per day. the concentrates are shipped to the H l,i'-smelters, and yield a profit Of from lit to IIS to the ton. The main mine workings are located some distance above the intll. and the ires are conveyed to the latter by means of a gravity tram. The mill was constructed with economy In view and was designed and constructed by E. W. Clark, whose knowledge of metallurgy ami mining Is most thorough. During the present year the mill underwent an overhauling, pending the Installation of nn electric inwer plant, oiieruted by water power, farther down The electric plant was the canyon. to constructed of dimensions sultlcli-isupply the mine, mill and (own. Among Is the probabilities of the (on lug (lie construction of nn electric railway between the mine anil the nearest point on the Han Pedro, lot Angeles A Halt Lake railroad, a distance of nine miles. Power fur tills line will come from the new plant. The building of (he road will materially lessen the expense st present by bum linnspn-t.ilbu- i. OTHER MINES WHKKEIV The rejuvenation of the ophlr-ITil- l mine Iris naturally nltractoi! capital, snd (it iimperll-- a. nunc of them mcriloiimis. iiie being acthe iiuiuliT tively devcloei. Aniiirg Mcnt-din- . liny be mentioned tl'e and by Pat Ryan of Salt Lake, East--iIne Ofihlr-tj.ieeoperated liy an d by proirnt-recently eymllciiie The .Ti'ui R. Wclirer Of Salt Lake. erated wh ra e When you feel blue and that every'a thing goes wrong, take a dose of Stomach and 1 ver Tablets. and Invigorate your They will clean stomach, regulate your bowels, give relish for your food and niuke you a you feel that In this old world la a good pbice to live. For side by Mercur Drug Co. if, E-- Brown, Stockton, Utah. Chnm-bcrialn- NOTES AROUND TOWN. From Mercur Miner. ThninHS Butte left MVedneaday for Bingham. We regret to see men of fumlllen leaving our camp. Miss Mi rill of Ixigan. who has been visiting Mrs. Clark Baker, relumed to her home In Logan Wednesday. Paul Slloth raino home Thursday. Paul Is one of the losers by fire, he having no Insurance at nil on his goods. Mrs. Paslnl and family went to lie la Mnr Monday to Join h- -r husband there. Pete Timmins has rented her house. Mrs. Mr Hcherslnger, accompanied by her daughter, went to visit her folks at Alpine Hundny, returning Thursday. Mr J. Htelnman, Bishop Bryan and his brother John and Frank Burton were passengers by Sunday's train bound for the city. Mrs. Rasmussen, who has been visitfor ing Sir Ward, her alster-ln-lathe Inst two weeks, returned to her home in Cottonwood Monday. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice M. A. Na 2T4S. United States Land Office, Salt Lake Dec. 7. 1903. Utah. city, Notice Is hereby given that the Black Diamond Mining and Milling company, a corporation duly organised under the laws of the State of Utah, whose principal place of business Is Salt Lake CHy, Utah, by Its agent and attorney TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. The tendency of medical science la The best toward preventive mensure thought of the world is being given to the subject. It Is easier and better to prevent than to cure. It has been fully (Icmonsl rated that pneumonia, one of the most dangsrous diseases that medical men have tu contend with, cun tie prevented by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of Intlucnxn (grip), and tt has been observed that this remedy counteracts any tendency of these diseases towurd pneinnonlu. This has been fully proven In many thousands of cures In which this remedy has been used during the prevalence of colds and grip in great nt year and can be relied uiun Pneumonia with Implicit confidence. often results from a slight cold, when no danger Is apprehended until It Is suddenly discovered that there Is fever and dltficulty In breathing und pains in the rheat: then it Is announced that the patient has pneumonia. Be on the safe aide and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ns soon us the cold la contracted. It always cures. Fur sale by Mercur Drug Ca M. K. Brown. Stockton, Utah. r inun-a-.e- d n APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. NO. 3777. IN THE INITED STATES LAND ( '(lira. Salt I like City, Utah. J.in. 12. im-.- l ... Main Street. Mercur. W444WWm44W4( tails 1114 H Be Dr. Samuel H. Allen, st SSST SISST SOSTH, OITV. (. Offlra Hoars 8 Is Office, UTS. ( p B. Sunday by appointment. J09-311 Deseret News Bldg. 135-A- da a, Net area claimed and applied for being 5.434 acres. Said Gulch West Extension lode location mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Uregon Na 2, survey No. SMI. I dtrert that this notice be published In The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, county of Tooele, State of Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. O. W. Park Attorney for Applicant. First pub., Dec. 12, 1902. Last pub., Feb. 4, 1904. county, Utah, consisting of 1497.4 linear feet of the lode and aurface ground (aa located) (00 feet wide, being mineral survey Na 4993, and described In the field notes and plat of tha official survey on file In this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 00 min. east, aa fallow to wit: Commencing at post No. 1 a corner of the claim from which the section corner on east boundary of section 24, township 4 4 south, range west, Balt Lake meridian, bears 8. 4 deg. 27 min. W. 143.2 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 N. II deg. 41 min. W. 585.6 feet to corner No. 2; thence N. 70 deg. 22 min. W. 490.7 feet to corner Na 3; thence N. 79 deg. 49 min. W. 423.1 feet to corner Na 4: thence N. I deg. 10 min. E. 247.2 feet to corner Na 6; thence N. 99 deg. 49 min. E. 819.4 feet to rorner No. (; thence 8. 58 deg. 12 min. E. 755.1 feet to corner No. 7; thence 8. 2 deg. 20 min. W. 390.3 feet to corner Na 1. being the place of beginning. Said claim being located In the N. W. of section II. township 4 south, range 4 west, and N. E. of section 24. township 4 south, rinse 5 west. Salt Lake meridian, and containing a total area of 12.445 acre therefrom the however, excluding, area In conflict with the Black Diamond and North Star, lot 135, of 0.049 acres. Net area claimed and applied for being 12.394 arrea. Said lode location mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Cyclone, lot 125; Outcast, lot 135, and Hope, survey 4945. I direct that this notice be published In The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, county of Tooele, State of Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. G. W. Park Attorney for Applicant. First pub., Dec. 12, 1902. Last pub., Feb. 4. 1904. J. E. TAIT iwg ...DENTIST... 1 JI AS epeistlsBs Is Deotlstry tolostll- slly Performed. sH Dears tko (boat Fraa PaataMc 9lf r RICHARD GUNDRY, NOTARY PUBLIO. AU Ctasaas of Local Busts iBdsdlo. HERID1I AYR R00KI0I. L. H. GRAY, IAMB AMO MININ SC? ATTONN1V. Salt Lake City. . ! il44(WW4W4IIHIIW J. M. THOMAS, ATTOKN1V Salt Lake City 3 I AT LAW. one-four- th R.ER0SS. LAN i Pierce, 79 West Second Crltchloi & Barrette, ; ATTORNMA AT LAW. L,k MsOsrsiak Bldg. ! T Whlttemore, Bicrer & Ctierrlngtov AT LAW. ATTORMW aT MaObnUBId (I444WI4WII G. W. PARKS. LAND Ml ATTOSNI. Salt Boiidis,' I ! lain OityJ Easy Pill Easy to taka and aaay to act Is that famous llttla pill DeWitt's Llltls Early Riser This la due to the fact that they tonio the liver Instead of purging It, They never gripe nor lc ken, not even tha most delicate lady, and yel they ara so certain In results that no one who uses them Is disappointed. They cure lerpld liver, rSBMlBD oslt r K. C. XteWITT A CO., CHICAOO 9 Don't Format tha Noma, i 4t Early Risers leo. Agent. South Street, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City. bilious ness, Jaundice, constipation, hex dacha, malaria and ward off pneumonia and fevers. , R. F. NESLEN, General ATTORMV. m tor one-four- i ANB MININ SSST: one-four- -- i ANB URDION 2759. 1904. Nulii'p is hereby given that the (la- jlciiu Kinc Mining company, by I'iiii-:in Mi Viriile. it niKnayer ami iiu:hnr-i,- l Hcetii. uliere Hisinf!ire mli;c-- s Lake City. Utah li; s maec for a I'nilcd Slate patent :nr the (lal"na King ln.e mining ilnini. situate in l!'.ih Volley mining ; t I, I. Trti"'e Club. miiM'tl.; nl I'niiiity. I i. ll'7.3 linear ie,t of ini si fare ground ns shewn by the plat o' it survev, survey No. 4a I', ant ile rilicd in the ilepl note j ..it RNYSIOIAN one-four- th That Is the way the Burlington runs Its dining car busini as and what you get is good. The above expresses the basis of the popularity of Burlington dining cars. It ll an actual fact that the service and fbod In Burlington dining cars equal that of any high-grarestaurant you can call to mind, and the prices as a general rule are lew. One of the best ways of becoming popular is to minister skillfully to the needs of the Inner man. and what wr want la deserved popularity. yc-i- Utah. Dr. L. G. Thayer, one-four- th 8 You Pay for What You Get. re-e- suasion Stockton, - - one-four- th y. min. eaat, aa follows, to grit: Commencing at post Na 1, a corner of tha claim from which the e. 14 corner. section 24. township 4 south, range 6 west,' Suit Lake base and meridian, bears n. 44 deg. 64 min. w. 314.5 feet distant; thence running from said corner Na 1. n. 41 deg. 04 min. e. 474.8 feet to corner Na 2; thence n. 39 deg. 14 min. w. 1247 feet to corner Na 2; thence south 41 deg. 04 min. w. 474.1 feet to corner Na 4; thence south tt deg. II min. e. 1247 feet to corner Na L being the place of beginning. Said claim being located In the nw. and sw. K of aeetlon II, township 4 south, range 4 west, and na. 14 and ae. K of section 24. township 4 south, range 3 west. Salt Lake bane and meridian, and containing a total area of 14.422 acre excluding, however, therefrom the area In conflict with the Bullion 3. Na bit 44, Sandwich and Parrot, cur. 4744; dutch West Extension, sur. 4982, and Black Diamond, lot 134. Such excluded area containing 3.174 acres. Net area claimed and applied for being 11.240 acre Said Gray Hound Amended lode location mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele County. Utah. The near-ra- t known locations or mining clalmi being the aforesaid conflicting claim I direct that this notice be published in the Sentinel at Stockton, county of Tooele, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. G. W. Parka. Attorney for Applicant. Find publication dated Jan. 23. Last publication, March 11. I ANB PHYSICIAN i one-four- th . APPLICATION FOR PATENT. City. Utah, January 14, 1904. Like Wednesday. Notice M. A. Na 3784. Notice la hereby given that George his United Btatra Land Office, Salt Lake Mr. Frank Caffoy of Hunnyslde was a B. Rogers of Boise City. Iduha by visitor to Mercur this week. agent and attorney In fact, E. J. Dalr City, Utah. Dec. 7, 1901. of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made apNotice la hereby given that the Black J. 11. Jarvis went to Bingham this plication for a United States patent for Diamond Mining and Milling company, THE HIVES OF OPHIR. lode mining a corporation duly organised under the (lie Gray Hound Amended week to look after huntress Interests. claim, situate In the Hush Valley Mi- laws of the State of Utah, and whose Front the Deneret Newa. Mrs. Ben Htelnmnn wna a passenger ning Dlstrirt. Tooele County. Utah, principal place of business la Salt Lake object lenaon for other dlntrlcta. nn bnurd the Halt Lake train out conalstliig of 1347 linear feet of the lode City, Utah, by Its agent and attorney A KIT OF ANCIENT HIHTORT. and surface ground 474.2 feet wide, be- In fact. Joseph Dederichs of Balt Lake. Ophlr wan among the flrat of Utah's ing mineral survey Na 4014, and de- Utah, has made application for a Unitmining camps and once contained a Attorney Baker and Sheriff scribed In the field notes and plat of ed States patent for the Union ConsoliCounty over from Tooele Tuesday, the official survey on file In this office, dated lode mining claim, situate In the population aeveral times that of the Hhlclils with magnetic variation at II deg. 20 Hush Valley mining district, Tooele present. The camp flourished when sil- returning Wednesday. Halt M444((t4W4H Ml I DR. F. M DAVIS, SADDLE HORSES OR LIVERY RIGS O TO P. JoRsssq ft Sons Liveni sums. !! |