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Show Subsidized Steamer. A SIGNALS USED BY INDIANS. . aw Italian Una of ataamara tc ran to China raealvaa a goverament Savages Had Primitiva but Effective anbaldr at till. 009. A Russian Una Form of Telegraphy. fcaa baan aatabliahad from Odaaaa U The Red Indians in their palmy Nav Tork ala Naples and Maraalllaa days were experts In signals. For this purpose they made inQuit Crahlii and use of smoke-ringWhy cough, when for 25a and th!a genious an of 20 dpaea you gat Ettiea guarantand By day the wary Indian, by a clever cough cure In tablat Wu. DRUG CO., manipulation of. his blanket over a postpaid. (ora, LA fcRoSsKT WlS. (W. N. U0 small camp fire sent up wreaths of smoke, which said to all friends withAgriculture In Caatlla. in a radius of thirteen miles, Look Land In Caatlla la in greatar part out! Enemlea are near." Two such to voted to tha production of wheat, one and during planting and harraat circular puffa meant "Camp here," anil called for Attention, merely times laborers, aspaclally reaper ara three Danger. spelt from Galicia. taken there At night similar warnings were conI do not believe Flso'a Cura for Consumption veyed by a system of haa aa equal tor eougha mad coltta Jobs V which flashed across the sky In glowBora u, Trinity Spring, IntL, Feb. A 1WG ing tracks. shooting upward and presDuat In tha Air. ently falling, each with its particular tha Centura of significance, which au expert only Approaching great Tho population the quantity of duat held could decipher. in auapacilon by tha air lncreaaaa were specially treated and prepared enormoualy. .According to Sir Jamaa with gunpowder and fine lmrk, and, Crichton Browne, the air of London as they blazed against the dark backcontalna 150,000 proportional parts of ground of night two meant danger, , and throe gave token of most urgent duat to Paris 210,000, while In chilneed. Thus these Scotland, there are only 200. dren of nature anticipated in rude but PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color effective fashion the modern methods Silk, Wool and Cotton at ona boiling. of signaling. Montreal Herald. To Tast Farm Machines. Tha Agricultural Society of LomMOTORS CN THE WATER. bardy haa dcelded to found and maina trial station for tha tain in Milan Aquatic Launches Hava Attained tha tearing of agricultural machines. Wide Popularity. It is said that the motor launch The Wonderful Cream Fepamton Does Its work in thirty mtnutea and business of the country runs Into sevleaves leas than 1 per cent butter fat. The price la ridiculously low, accord Ing to alze, 12.75 to 16.00 each, and when you have one you would not part therewith for fifty times Its coat. mar bind mis kotici with 5c stamps for postage to the John A. Salxer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wla., and get their big catalog, fully describing this remarkable Cream Separator; and hundred! of other tools and farm aeada used by the farmer. (W. N. U.) English Portable Propulsion, eral millions of dollars annually. Dodging the Tax Collector. There are all kinds of motors, mostly In tha American citizen! attitude toward hla debt to the state, at least eo using gasoline. The motor generally Is not reversible, and a clutch or far aa the rich are concerned, la perceived a steadily strengthening Infeathering screw is used, or the flywheel In smaller sizes is taken in the clination to make fewer and leas Inhand and started the other way. tis tent demands upon himself. He disThe development of the racing aucards the high sense cf honor rewith Its attendant refining tomobile resorts his social and code by quired of weight in the construction of the. to various devices, scarcely stopping imt ihort of perjury to dodge motor, has provided a constantly of fast motor for the driving proving the tax collector. Boston Advertises launches. Automobile heats are as they should be, instead of built to order. wWb a nww wwwnwnw sa n wnwwwwwi Most of the parts are Interchangeable and can be replaced by any competent chauffeur of an ordinary automobile. most in the The two vessels Adios and the are the public eye feet Standard. The Adios Is fifty-liv- e long, with propelling power developed by a string of eight single cylinder engines on one shaft The engine is of Leighton type, built in Syracuse, and very great speed has been obtained from it. New York Herald. WOMENb'lTCOLBS long-distan- Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh Which Sets Up a Host of Distressing Diseases. fire-arrow- s. s PE-RU-N- Both Protects and Cures a Cold A Read Proof fire-arrow- s, arrow-head- s Argyi-ahlra- quick-witte- d long-distanc- e - Miss Rose Gordon, 2,102 Oakland Are., Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis., writes: A few years ago I caught a severe Bold, which resulted in rlirnuie branchllle and catarrh. Cur family ihjmlrlna prescribed medicine, which fcava temporary relief only. I begun taking 1'erona uml Improved at once. Two buttles eared met I recommend Tmuis to nil end am moat grateful to you fur your vululile Ulus Rose (lunloih medicine. e T to-da- Big Risks y At Least, StJacobsOili CATCHING . C., 600 If ASK YOUR DRUGGIST 'SEEBP0TATOES' o ul eatab-tablishe- PE-RU-N- That la a Jersey City Police The FREE Homestead Sacred Heart Academy Captain's Theory. . LANDS OF According to Capt. Wohllcben of the Sixth precinct station, Jefsey City, nine out of every ten persons who attempt suicide In that section of Jersey City are fond of pickles and other sour foods. He says that pickles are to blame for the actions of Mrs. Louise Daber-koAre thi STAR ATTIACTIGKS for 1904. ref No. 878 Tonnele avenue, who Minions of acre, of mainificoat Grain and Gru- them salted with of ate a quantity ins lands to bo had a. ili.o sift, or ty purchase and on night shortly Thursday herring from Railway Companies Load Coipoi.tiuns, ate. afterward slashed her throat with a THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS knife and a razor. Good Craps, delightful ollmato, splendid There are more suicides In Ger- School systam, porfa-- social conditions. many than in any other country In exceptional railway advantages, and wealth rurope, said the captain, "and, ac- and afBa.ue. acquired coolly. of Waiora Canada Increased cording to medical authorities, the The population br imniisration diriaf tba past year, ovar sour food of the German is responsi- 50,000 being Americans. ble for the suicidal mania which is Writ, to noare.t authored Canadian Govermeot for Canadian Ailst and oihar information characteristic of their temperament Asset (or addraaa Sopf. of lmmiiratien.Ottawa.Canada) New York Herald. BENJ. DAVIES. KOoMn. DUNN BLOCK. CEN- OGDEH, UTAH. Western BUSHELS! LmtcuI HiifeUis virtrl da Ihe krwid! Elegant Mock. Tmnandooa yield 401 to MOB bnabrla per now Wrestling. Iab FOR 10 CENTS FLOUR t OGDENS BEST PHOENIX HIGH PATENT SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS FRESH AND RELIABLE CATSLOeua. SCHWARZ & HEINECKE aa a. aaoono south sr. This reproduction from an old English print shows how men used to wrestle while mounted on the backs of other men. May Be Bones of Montezuma. Discoveries just madu In Southwestern Texas may overturn generally accepted ideas in connection with Mexican history. Workmen digging for a BAILEY A SONS reservoir on the Bite of the old City of II E. Second South SL. Salt Laka City Tuocalli hare uncarl hed half a hunatw brad quarter! for the beat quality Alfalfa dred skeletons, which local scientists Feeds: alao Grua and Gnrdrn Mala, Grain, Bey. ate. In wed bu.lneas 40 yean. Hail believe are those of Montezuma and arden glren epeclal aitantion. his followers, who were supposed to have been burled in Tenochtitlan. SOS. ueeeastally sown for mearty b If neectury. MADE SEEDS CihltgMtaa ULIniWtM When Answering Advartleement Kindly Mention This Pape BOVCHT AND SOLD ON j j j The C. A. SMURTHWAITE PRODUCE OGDEN, UTAH. e apretal dapartmeat for buying and nelllng Slonks snd Dtinda for Immediate delivery. Investors and bankers will save time and money by giving us their orders lu that line. . . CO. Buyera and Sallsra of GRAIN P n COHUESyOPPBNCg BOUUITBD. CAB LOTS OILY. C IF A CC Mm hand for nur Illustrated Free Free Aifalia Ho.klet. Mantluu Established Id Years-Th- at Ceuala Doyen end All Xlnde Any quantity, CP Km Sellers uf I'aUlofua taf this Paper. COPIES We offer special Inducements end liberal runimlahlim to ouk of town eorreapomlmita. Our hook of Inhumation iiuw To Speculate,'' mailed free. Lons bUTANCB PHUHBtW. Member Sell Lake Mining Exchange HEADQUARTER OFFICES 211-21- PIECES. STANDARD 10 aud for Seuiethlar. 5,000 06DEN UILLIHS t COPIES 2 ELEVATOR kLT LANE OTY UTAH. s. Senator Never Shaved. In one respect Senator Stewart of Nevada la a remarkable man. He has never been shaved. At the age of 16 hla beard began to grow, and haa been growing for sixty years. DRUHKEHNESS THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIO CO. 2283 Washington Ava. Ogden, Utah. CURED. Gold and Pllvnr....tl.U) i.iiid. Hilv'r.Oop'r .. iju on mail samples. returns Prompt 1 .75 75 CO. I Ogden Assay Co. ,72,b;;;.V.oo"loS.t The Keeiey InstitJte, we ivk'Ii Hi. Ihtriiwr Trade IVorkt aud saaraataa ua1(1ns. Write fur pankrelart In ft A Howard E. Burton. VT, Hlieclmen irlm, (.old, Sllvar.Iuuiil.il: i.nld riciOo d.aOr: Zinc nr Copper il i yanlile lex's. Mailing snve'oi. ami full prliv lint saut on I.oail-vlllappliwork wiMpiiml. cation. l ontrol ami Lniplrc Coin. Kufen-nre- . Carl, male Nat'l Hank. (pct vp is corjjrsisLB Trans) for and aurs' iorto mustard or any other planter, and will not blistar tha most dalieata akin. Tba pairallaying and curativa Rualitiftt of this anirla s:a wonderful. It will stop tha toothache at ce- s, and relievo headache and sciatica. Werffommenditas tha bent t and safest asternal known, also aa an external remedy for Pains in tha cheat and stomach and all thr imatie, nenralsic and gouty complaints. A trial will prove what wa claim for it and it will La found to he invaluable in tha household. Many people say it it tha boat of all your prsrarations." Price 1 cants, at nil dreciists or other dealers, or by aandint this amount to p in poitaia stamps wo will sand you a tubs by rieiL No article should bo accepted hr tha psMio unlasa the same oartias our label asethi wise it is not tannins, CHESEBROUOH MPO. CO., 17 State Suaet. New Yons Crry. A aabstitnta IiaxvsB Salt e. II. II. OFFICER 6c BARBER MOLCR'S Hll-v- r. CAPSICUM VASELINE ROOMS D.f. WALKER BLK. SI. OO. Pend for Also wun- direct fmn, fur innww A Ida .trine to lory, derful bsrKxlua la piauns you. Writs at once fur reialosne and prices. Ataodu-ilu- a. Gold Load OGDEN, UTAH. MAR- CASK.m We have ' j FOR GIN OR. Conductad by SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. RELIABLE ASSAYS BY 6ALT LAKE CITY ALFALFA SEED GREGORY STOC KS ; Guitars. String, aud Fittings. SEE DCOti'ATCROS S EW I S TSLBPHOna Provisions. yocK.Boio 1XH.OOO TRAL AVENUE. GREAT FALLS. MONTANA for II. writes: I had terrible headaches, both earn run and I was nervous all tho time, also bad: each mouth; waa deaf in one ear Thera is no fact of medical science bettor tro-jhlestablished than that a tcaspuonful of Ie-run- a for thirty yenra. I took aix bottlee .of before each meal during tha winter Peruna and one of Manalin and am happy say that it is the best medicine that 1 season will absolutely protect a person to ever used. I am not so nervous, my appefrom catching cold. Now, if tills la true tite la good, everything I eat agrees with (and there is no doubt of it), thousands of me, anil I am feeling better in every way. lives would be saved, and tens of thouI think reruna is a it i pyl sands of cam's of chronic catarrh pre- a blessing to suffuring h u wuull.T Mar , vented, by thla simple precaution within E. Sam i mo n. reach of every one. If you do not derive prompt end satlafiMV After a cold has been contracted s tory results from the use of Peruna write of Parana every hour will ahortly atoncetoDr. Hartman, giving a full stato cure it, leaving no trace of it behind. ment of your case, and he will be nlc After chronic catarrh haa becomo to give you hla valuable advice gratis. or tho first stages of chronio Address Dr. Hartman, President of The bronchitis or consumption have been Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. FOR A FREE ALMANAC EVERY DRUGGIST HAS THEM. t anno RockinphiV.n County, N. Pe-ru--na n R haa and Ihoaimda. WU curs you. Prtca 25c. and 50a and thla notloa waacadyoo lotsef lUrm aatd aamnlta and big ealatagu. tailing all about Tratnta. BpcMa, Promt, Aarid lend Barter, Macaroni Wheat. Brooms, bdlMCuatM, Band for snow todays tho Beginning of Host Winter Ailments Protects Against and Cures Colds. Ij street, H. W. Dear Ur. Hartman: "I ued to think that the doctors knew all about our ache, and pains and were the proper one to eouiull when sick, hut Blurs I have been Blck myielf I certainly had good reauon to change my mind. During tho winter X caught B heavy cold, which developed Into catarrh of tho bronchial tabes and an Inflamed condition of the respiratory organs. The doctor, war. afraid that pneumonia would cat In and prescribed pills, powders and parka until I sickened of tho whole thing, sa X did not Improve, One of the ladles la the Home bod n bottle of Fernna and aha advised me to try that. Shortly after X began using It I fait that l had found the right medicine, Wauhlng-ton.'D- Catarrh May Termeato tbs Whole Ey stein. Mrs. Mary H Sar.ijwon, West Derry, COLD Canada For Rheumatism, Neuralgia Lumbago, Sciatica Sprains , well CHtaliliuhcil as thooo f:u:ta era anr ouo should neglect to profit by thorn, ana yet no hmlt there nro tunny who pay little or no attention to thorn and go on catching, cold, aeqniriinr ebroulo cularrh, bruuolUUa and consumption. PICKLES CAUSE OF SUICIDE. Loss of Time. Lorn of Honor. Los of Place, Lost of Comfort, all follow In the train of not saiaf 500.000 miclietl, a euro. aufTt-rv-r- down-righ- now-mad- it will taka much longer to affect It seem strango that aa well known and I used tun bottles end they reatered me easily soil pleasantly to perfect health. VVlille my stomach waa very dellrnte, reruns did not uau.i-nt- e me In the leant, but gave me n good upiiettte, uml I wl.lt to ex 11 re k. my gratitude to ) ou for restored hcullli.' Alias 'Kuwtlle You btrueuulug. COLLEGE, ijiii.. Iull.i ran. Lab a till T. Kasl CO., ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS Salt Lalg City, Utah counter-irritan- XZXXr0.':: MASQUERADE aano poa earatoauas and emcaa. SALT LAKE COSTUMING HOUSE pnob yoe. sr avsvs sr.. satr tana oitv NEW PENSION LAWS AptAy to HATHA N n ICR FORD, WoaliLngton, D. U. K2I Him, W. N. U.. Halt ft Lake-N- o. 0, 190 A. OR. . . |