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Show THE WEEKLY SENTINEL CRAY STOCKTON, JAKBMAN, BODIES PlUUm - - ARE MUTILATED HOME3 BURNED. cd AND Phoenix WAR NORTHWEST NOTES. Mrs. Alice Pittman of Portland suicided In San Franciaco by gas asphyx- iation. Representative Van Dimer of Nevada Introduced a resolution last week Ine quiring if any supplies for the convict department are made by labor. At a meeting of the Albany county and Intonuonutalii Fair association at Laramie, Wyo.. ofl'rers were eolectod, but the date cr the next fair was not decided upon. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Brown were found in the hills near Pendleton, Ore. The couple left notes to relatives in Iowa saying they were tired of life and had decided to dio together. P. B. Vcnltbee of dived Into a swlTinlng tank without noticing the water had been drained from tho tank, striking his heal on the cement bottom, inflicting probably fatal Injuries. Mrs. Charles W. Thorpo died at 8pokane. Sunday, succumbing to the effects of an operation performed a week aro. She was a daughter of Colonel W. P. Cody, and married Pr. Charles Thorpe at Denver, January 1. Henry Alderman, sheriff of Tillamook county. Oregon, shot end Instantly killed h'mself. The sheriff has been seriously ill for more than a month, and had some financial troubles, the worry evidently unsettling his mind. The crrrrers Jury which investigated the accident In the Stratton mine at Victor. Colo., in which fifteen men lost their livea, brrught In a verdict declaring that the accident was brought about through Frank T. Cilllce losing control of the engine, and condemns the management for nngl?cting the usual precautions. Two well dressed robbers pried up the window of J. B. Goddard's house In Seattle and forced Goddard and another man to lie quiet while they searched the pockets of their trousers. They secured more than $500 In cash. Goddard begged them to leave the rest post-ofllr- Po-tla- nl WANTED" SEVERAL PERSONS ' of character and good reputation fa ach 8tat (one In thle county required) to represent and advertluo old omab-lluhwealthy bualneae houao of aolid financial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with axpenaea additional, all payablo In caah each Wednesday direct from bead offices. Horaa and carriage fur nlabed when necessary. References. Enclose envelope. Colonial Co., 234 Dearborn st.. Chicago. SETTLERS MASSACRED Nearly Half a Hundred Men, Women and Children Slain by 8outh African Tribesmen. Indemnity Company, OF AMERICA. ed Insure yourself against sickness and accidents. ... Also Life Insurance. Installment Plan. ... Ton pay a little each month. XXXXXX The following cablegram has been received from Swakopmund, German Southwest Africa, from the commander of the German gunboat eon funtmsn information writs H. A. "The garrisons at Windhoek and Okahandja have been relieved by i Frankes' company, with two guns. The relief of Okahandja occurred January 27th. and was without losses. On January 28 there occurred a terrific battle between the gallant little German forrn and the enemy, who j numbered thousands. The engagement lasted for six hours and ended with the storming of the main camp of the enemy, situated on Kaiser Wil- helm mountain. Four Germans were wounded. After this defeat the enemy withdrew to the OtpisangaM hills, but we succeeded In getting away all the stolen cattle. The enemy devastated all the farms and the railroad stations In the Windohek and Okapandpa dis-- , tgricts, a portion of Karibib and the barracks of tho mountain battery of Johann Albrecht's Heights. The losses so far aVe known to he ' forty-fou- r settlers, including women and children, killed, and In roost cases the bodies wpj-- mutilated. The military losses amount to ' twenty-six- , and there have been fifty other fatalities. It is probable that Catadis has been besieged since January 16. 209, to . NELSON, General Agent, j a . 211, 232 Deseret News Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. $ 2 I ENJOYAB1 El t HEALTHFULI SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS THE 8CENIO LINE TO Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points east S S Connecting at Ogden Unlsn Depot with all Southern Pacific and Origan Shod Lino Trains. The only Transcontinental Linn passing directly through Salt Lake City. j ' Sanitarium o tf. D a ttljo 1 lji la Thraa Oaparata and DUtlaet through a t'. in beard partition. Senator W. A. Clark of Mcntana, who recently underwent a serious surgical orerat'n. and who hns fer some time been c nfl: ed to his residence has arrannn l to ro to the Ilemuda? for a change of climate and yat-lon- Bnlw. rt O C CmMii feoalth and j Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. For rate, fold nr. fro. Illustrated booV iu, eta.. In i airs of your aewreet tkketatfeat. pacifying tlta lUo Uraude route, or addraea A. BcNTON, G. Ai P. D.( f SALT LAKE CITY ( j ! Through Service 1 ST. LSJ3S EAST AND THE $ j a by TUIUng Ikeac bathe whea la Lake, Open day awd atefct Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. L e Hw Sidphut blhi la Pwcfala ad His Tab Pit.M Plunc. ad Laig Swinging Pads 4 W VIA ; Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS ano MISSOURI PULLM AN SLEEPING s Enterprising Newspaper Man Gets Behind Bars for Meddling. Jack London, a writer who went recently to Japan for the purpose of re--; porting events in connection with the threatened hostilities between that country' and Russia, has been arrested and Imprisoned at Shlmonoseki. He Is charged with photographing Japanese fortifications shortly after hts arrival at Shlmonoseki. sn Important strategical point commanding the entrance to the Korean strait. Will This Start a Feud. James K. Shrader, a prominent young lawyer of Louisville, Ky., who had Just completed a term as assistant commonwealth's attorney, is dead at a hospital from the effects of a bullet wound Inflicted hy W. K. Neal or Owensboro. Ky. The trouble arose, it Is said, over a suspicion thst Neal entertalned as to Shrader's relations with Mrs. Neal. Neal has been arrested. Neal followed Shrader into a saloon nd shot him down without warning. (tears rwsi).. Day Up-to-d- gone to Montana with the avowed In- tentlon of spending a fortune in an effort to save his nephew's life. Mott has already spent a large sum of money fighting the ease, but now that a court has sentenced his relative to death on March 18, he will not hesi- tate at any sum In order to secure a stay of execution and a new triaL Coaches. iHrtu Fir lirtm.TIcktti, Faldera, etc., H. C. TOWNSEND, 1 WHI.H Ml TKMT Ml, .T, IM I RO Than that via tho Ugiog Pacific : iitaKee 5t. Piul LINE THROUGH . Gbicigo, J i . i & Ky. i The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ' Sleepers, Tourist Railways are now running first-clas- s Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Curs through to Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further information, apply to ' -' Will Try to Save Mott. I.emoine Mott, the wealthy flour miller of Dps Moines. Iowa, whoso nephew, L. R. Mott, is under sentence to be hanged at Missoula, Mont., for murdering his wife a year ago. has CARS. OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric lights, electric Fans. Reclining chair cars .. ! Edward FuMIvnn was shot through the heart In the town of Monroe. Wash., while atromptlnr to rob the general merchandise store ownnd vy Mayor IMMz. The irnvor heard the man ircving abcut thn to-- o ""d fired mliMoa Mo ! voice. Ya eae-qaa- i.c Ihreagh ; 1.500-poun- d aad tar atrea. Half a of water AND DENVER Kaatla Rit la Q Carartae war eoe iniSDIOLT FQCirPZD FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN m Sooth Salt Lake Chy UJ Flaws B.lilna i Jacob Lund, who has a large ranch and apple orchard on the Big Laramie river, Wyoming, had a frightful experihorse. Ho ence with a was leading the animal to the drinking troueh, when the horse became frightened and Jumped cn Mr. Lund, knocking him down and cutting a long gash In this leg, bruising his hand and dozen other wrist, and iraklnv abralslons and bruises on his person. Mrs. Alire Rceper, convicted at Seattle of counterfeiting silver coins, has been sentenced to serve five years In the penitentiary. Charles Johnson, her ron. who plead guilty to the who is believed to have but offense, become a party to the crime through the Inderc-'- i of his mother, was sentenced to cn year. The concert scheduled for Mme. Patti and ccmrany In Butte did not come off as expected, the management refusing to al'ow her to anpesr, saying that the hlTb altitude and smelter smoke had affected the diva's Ultaloa Id placed within reach of Uncle Sam Would be the Gainer. A St. Petersburg correspondent, speaking of the result of war between Russia and Japan, says: If there is war, the opinion prevails at Port Arthur that the United States, whirh for years has boon preparing to monopolize tho trade of the far east, will be the gainer. The Japanese will he food for powder. Over their pros-trato bodies America will get a foot-hold on the Asiatic continent, and eventually her millionaires will get the Chinese viceroys under their thumbs, j and American machinery will convert Asia into a factory, which will swamp the west with products of Phlppaa "f 1 tW Aid so rtnwffVffafflBT7 1Wciu fle Europe from the Pacific and leave her a prey to the cash they left behind was $1,400. socialism. vampire W. J. case In of the The Jury Ryan, charged with victimizing two banks In Kentuckians Want Taylor Returned Eallda, Colo., returned a verdict of for Trial. guilty. Ryan, with several confederIndiana and Kentucky locked horns ates, was charged with cashing two In the house Wednesday. The debate, forged checks, amounting to several which Involved nearly every member thousand dollars, drawn on two banks, of both state delegations, was fast and after having them verified by a confed- furious from start to finish. Kentucky erate over the telephone. demanded of Indiana the return of W, Northern I aramte county, Wyoming, 8. TBylor, that he might me tried for la In a tumult of excitement over a bo- the assassination of William GoebeL nanza gold strike made in Muskrat The attack was made by Mr. James canyon. Prospectors are flowing Into of Kentucky, and the defense was led the district by scores and every foot of by Mr. Crumparkcr of Indiana. Par-- ; ground for miles around Is being tlsan feeling rose to an extreme ten-- ; staked. A true fissure vein of gold sion. quarts was opened up and has shown GOT INTO TROUBLE. values running over $2,000 a ton In gold. JELSS unique! From Kansas City, Saint Louis and Memphis to points in tho South, Southeast and Southwest The Southeastern Limited Leaving Kansas Citya at 6:30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mean phii, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all points in the Southeast For detailed information apply Is G. W. MARTIN F.A. CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS, MILLER, General Fattcogcr Agent Chicago I 106 V. Commercial Agent Second South St Salt Lake GENERAL WESTERN AGENT 1106. 17TH St. DENVER, COLO. , ; To Cure a Cold in One Day s i j l ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaMets. In 13 Seven M&Boa bone sold past months. Thfa signature, SjCr Cures CHp fa ItooDaya. on every box. 25c. |