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Show m . t o: hV. y ' tvt (' tg y A7i The Weekly THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. VOL. IY. STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1004. NO. 00. CURE A COLD IV ONE LaY. tuuuuumiuuuuuuuuuuuuuimimiimiMauuuuuuuuuuuuuuumiauuuuLaxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets, PUBLISHED AT sia Cure will cure you. It has cured refund the inuuey if it 3 Utah thousands. It is curing people every Inila druggists Stockton to cure. E. W. Grove's signature 33 day every hour. You owe it to your- Is on each box. 25c. . 3 Subscriptions: self to give it a trial. You will contin3 r $200 On6 year T. ue to it. There do suffer until you try 1.25 Six months notice; Is no other combination of digestants 3 75 Three months 3 List Vo. 51,Insaae Asylum. that digest and rebuild at the same 3 Editor time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, United States Land Office, Salt Lake 3 Mrs. W. N. Gundry s Best ia this Section. Fare. City, Utah, Dee. 2L IMS. : James T. Jakeman Manager strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by Mercur Meat ft Gro. Co., Stockton, To Whom it May Concern Notice la 3 Utah. hereby given that the State of Utah has 33 STOCKTON. NOTICE: NEXT TO POSTOFF1CE. flled in this office a list. No. 51, of landg Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. selected by the said State for the esDuring our absence any business rnn m tablishment and maintenance of an intransacted with Mrs. W. N. Gundry MINES AND MINER sane asylum, under aectlon 12 of the The lady will rewill be O. K. act of Congress approved July 16, 1894. ceipt for money due the office, will take is the only prop- The following tracts embraced in said The Eureka-Oph- ir orders for job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, erty now htlng worked at Dry Canyon. list are in a township eontaining minhas suspended ing claims of record, via.: Manager. The Plttsburg-Uta- h Southeast quarter of the northeast oierations on account of dissension HAT'S the matter with ERATH'S STORE) AN EARLY RISER. among its directors. quarter of Section 29, township 5 south, range 6 west. Salt Lake meridian. A strong, healthy, active constitution all the time! it is filled to The mine forces have been short of A copy of said list, so far as it relates depends largely on the condition of the liver. The famous little pills known as men of late on account of the sway of to said tracts by descriptive subdivWhy, ' the reason is plain he keeps the best iSf DeWltt's Little Early Risers not only that arch enemy "la grippe. Scarcelya isions has been conspicuously posted to In this office for Inspection by any percleanse the system, but they strength a home in our little town has escaped fjji selected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his son interested and by the public genereii the action of the liver and rebuild visitation from him. ally. m treatment is the tame to all and Is appreciated by iSr the tissues supporting that organ. LitMessrs. Gundry and Colvin are shipWithin sixty days following the date tle Early Risers are easy to act: they and under departmental in- m all His business is never gripe and yet they are absolute- ping ore which they have been piling of this notice, strike in Galena structions --of November 27, 1896, (23 L. to ly certain to produce results that are up from their recent King property, on which they have a D., 459), proteats or contests sgalnst the promises to do so ad lib. satisfactory in all cases. Sold by leuse. They expect to realize a snug claim of the State to any of the tracts to Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. sum from the sale of same. or subdivisions hereinbefore described, Brown, Stockton. on the ground that the same is more to Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. Every effort Is being put forth to have valuable for mineral than for agriculthe Honerlne mill at liuehl ready to tural purposes, will be, received and SENTINEL LOCAL ITEMS. start operations therein by March 1st. noted for report to the' General Land at Kuehl was office at Washington, D C. Failure so Plenty of water everywhere but in the The boarding-hous- e opened February 1st. under the eff- to protest or contest within the time water pipes these days. icient management of the Misses specified will be considered sufficient has serai character evidence of the non-The January thuw overof the tracts, and the selection thereof, at last arrived about two weeks Nearly all of the men working at the being otherwise , free' from objection, to due. It must needs be a Feb. thaw,r West Dip have quit. In talking to them will be recommended ft, r approval. this year. and asking them what is the matter, FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. The Stockton school will give a mas they invariably Inform you they like the George A. Smith, Receiver. work and the bosses, but balk and draw Is superior to ttie Roual and lias no First publication December 26, 1903. querade ball in I. O. O. F. hall on the 19th. First and second prizes will be the line at cold grub being served up (o Last publication February 20, 1904. to them. given for best sustained characters, equal In this county. Ur e ; n FOll APPLICATION PATENT. Bob sleigh" parties have been the It is said that Mr. Murphy haa had a M. A. NO. 8188. souice of amusement here during the good deal of trouble with his men at United States Land Office, Salt Lake recent period of excellent sleighing, the Daisy; that they have been kicking City, Utah, Jan. 22. 1904 These will now be happy (Jays gone because of the culinary department of Notice Is hereby given that Plomo Mi-- 1 the work. Manager Murphy is now ning and Milling company, by its agent toy." hiring Italian to take the place of the and attorney in fact, II. T. Gisborn. Dew A surprise party of Miss Cora men who have quit work, and he says whose postofflee address is Salt Lake wus held at the home of her slater, Mrs. he will now hire no others. City, Utah, has mads application for a A. Anderson, Tuesday evening. Those United States patent ton Plomo No. 5, in attendance report the enjoyment of Plomo No. 6. Plomo No. 7, Plomo No. 8, A MOTHER'S RECOMMENDATION a very pleasant evening. Plomo No. 9. Plomo No. 10, Plomo No. I have used Chamberlain's Cough 11. Plomo No. 16 an Plomo No. K. M. EDMUNDS, Proprietor Messrs. Brown, Booth, W. N. Gun-dr- Remedy for a number of years and 17, Consolidated lode mining claims, is no it Brazier, that in Shields, have Frank saying Osgood, hesitancy in situate Rush . Valley Mining the best remedy for coughs, colds and Mackinson and Maze attended the T I Mlla nerat of Miss Alice Strasburg In Tooele. Vednesday afternoon. They went as I have not words to express my confl 1410.5, 1499, 1499, 1499 and 1499 linear dence in this remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, feet Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for representatives of Stockton lodge No. 35 respectively of said lodes and surand Sunshine Rebekah lodge No. 16, I. North Star, Mich. For sale by as face shown upon the plat of ground, O. O. F. Louis Straeburg, father of the Mercur Drug Co. ' Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. survey, being Survey No. 5072, and dedeceased, has been an Odd Fellow for M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. scribed in the field notes and plat of the thirty years. official survey on file In this office with ft NOTICE TO CREDITORS. magnetic variation at 16 degrees 45 Mr. William Gundry was an Estate of David H. Crosby, deceased minutes east, as follows: Ilcglnning at of Silver City, but of late years has rewith Creditor will present claims corner of No. 1 of Plomo No. 5 Lode sided in Salt Lake City. He has been vouchers to the undersigned resat hi from which the S. W. corner of in poor health for some time and re- idence in St. John. Tooele county, Utah claim, section 7, Tp. 4 8., It. 4 W.. bears N. of in to California went hopes cently on or before the 30th day of May, A. P degree 38 minutes, E. 1195.3 fed. and regaining health and strength. Not im- 1904. XEP1II DRAPER, running thence N. 0 degree 36 minutes, Jk arrivto his returned he home, proving Administrator of the Estate of David W. 597 feet to corner No. of Plomo No. naa was He last there Sunday. ing H Crosby, Deceased. 6. thence S. 87 degree 24 minutes. K. 45 tive of Cornwall, England, and was 56 Date of first publication, Jan. 3ft. A feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7. years of age. I). 1904. thence N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 1410.1 Wm. S. Marks. Attorney for Estate. feet to corner No. 4 of l'lomo No. 7. A CURE FOR ECZEMA. thence S S7 degrees 24 minutes Iv 1148.3;' Once tried and you feet to corner No. 2 of llomo No. 9. The best physic. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION will always use Chamberlain's Stomach thence N. ft degrees 36 minutes W. 292.2 No. 5454. and Liver Tablets," says William A. Department of the Interior, Land Office fOl to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 10. 53 minutes K. 12ift' Girard, Pease. Vt. These Tablets are at Salt Lake City, Utah, December thenceto S. 87 degrees corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 11, fed the most pfampt, most pleasant and 23, 1903. most reliable cathartic in use. For sale Notice is hereby given that the thence 8. 0 degrees 54 minutes E. 1499 wing-named by settler has flled notice of feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 11, Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. his intentoln to make final proof in sup- thence S. I) degrees 26 minutes E. 1499 M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. port of his claim, and that said proof feet to corner No. 3 of52Plomo No. 16, minutes W. will be made before the Clerk of the thence N. 87 degrees District court in and for Tooele county, 1198.8 feet to corner No. 2 of Piinnn No. PERSONALS. thence N. 0 degrees 36 inlniiii- W. Utah, at Tooele City, Utah, on Febru- 17. 13. 1904, viz.: Egerton Lougy. H. E. 100 feet to corner Xu. 3 of Plomo No. 5. Mis. G. G. Schleip was a visitor to the ary 13,548, for the N SE. NE14 of SWK thence N. 87 degrees 24 minutes W. 1497 metropolis lust week. and. lot 3, Sec. 7, township 4 south, feet to corner No. 4 of IMoir.o No. 5. 36 minutes W. 59S.5 4 west, S. L. M. He names the thence N. 0 ilegriM-J. W. Lawrence spent several days in range feel to corner No. of Plomo No. 5, conto witnesses his following prove Aalt Lake City this week. tinuous residence upon and cultivation the plHce of beginning survey of outside of said viz.: X. Lougy, boundaries of the consolidated claims, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Little are visiting Willard land, JohnFrancis B. Gordon, Alvin containing a total area of 170.335 acres. Atkin, o Complete relatives in the capital city. torn which the area of 1.253 acres, in J. McCuistlon, all of Tooele, Utah. nr conflict with XEli section 13. Tp. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. Mrs. nolle Tate of Tooele has been 4 S., R. 5 W.. is expressly L. L. BAKER, Attorney. excepted and the here pft:l during First publication Jan. 9; last publica- excluded, leaving a nd area of 169.032 visiting relatives week. acre hereby rlaiini-- and applied for. tion February 6. The presumed course and length of Messrs. Gibeant, Little, Mackinson each vein or lisle is as shown uMin the NOTICE. on the and W. J. Shelton have been of survey. From corner No. of United States Land Office. Salt Lake plat sick list lately and unable to work. Plomo No. 6 the S. W. corner of seel inn City, Utah, Jan. 18, 1904. 7. 4 8., It. 4 W.. N. 3 degrees To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is 51 Tp. Miss Marion Collins has returned to minutes East 599.1 fed. From corner her home, after a visit of several weeks hereby given that the State of Utah No. 1 of Ploino No. 7 said section corner with Mrs. Kate Mitchener In Salt Lake has filed in this office a list. No. 51. of bears N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 599.8 lands selected by the said State for the feet. From corner No. of Plomo No. 8 City. establishment and maintenance of a said section corner hears N 22 Messrs. Thos., R. H. and W. N. Gun-dr- y normal school under section 12 of the 59 minutes W. 661 feet. From degree' corner went to Salt Lake City Wednesday act of Congress approved July 16. 1894. No. of Plomo No. 9. said section cor-- ; The tracts of their embraced said following in uncle, to attend the funeral 22 minutes W. ner bears N. 53 selection list are in a township con- 1070.1 feet. From degrees William Gundry. corner No. 1 of llomo ' claim mineral of record, viz: No. 10 Identical with corner No. 1 of Pin- taining Richard Gundry, Sr., was railed to Ne4 ne4 Sec. 31, T. 6 S.. R. 6 W.. S. L. mo No. 17, said section corner liears X. Mcr. 72 degrees 21 minutes W.j 524.7 fed, and the deathbed of his brother, William, A copy of said list, so far as it relates from last Monday. He arrived before the of Plomo No. 11 corner No. (lnnl end, his brother dying Tuesday af- to said tracts, by descriptive subdivis- Identical with corner No. 1 of Plomo ion. has been conspicuously posted in No. 16. said section corner heart N. 76 ' ternoon. Meat Qtid this otiice for inspection by any person degrees 44 minutes W. 2109 feet. interested, and by the public generally. RELIEF IN ONE MINUTE. Said consolidated lultns ore situated Within the next sixty days following in and form JTooelo One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in a portion each of sections 7 one minute, because it kills the microbe mental Instructions of November 27, and IS. Tp. 4 8.. R. 4 W.. and section which tickles the- - mucous membrane, 1896 (23 L. D.. 459), protests or contests 13. Tp. 4 8., It. 5 W., S. L Rase and Me- the claim of the State to any rldinn. Utah, said lodes locations ml-- 1 causing the cough, and at thenutsame against the of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbe- ning claims time clears the phlegm, draws being of record in the of- inflammation and heals and soothes the fore r:ecrlhed, on the ground that th flee of the Counts Recorder at Tooele' Is same more valuable for mineral than City. In Tooele affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure manly, Utah, in Honk' purpose, will he "M" of locations. strengthens the lungs, wards off pneum- g fur agricultural pages 4S3. 484. 485, Hnd noted for report to the Genis a harmless and onia-and 486. 487, 48.8. 4S9, 491 mid 495, records of cure in all curable cases of eral Land ntlice at Washington. D. i said county. st or contest within There nre no knout; near locations as Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute ra.liite so to prot-to take, harm- tin time specified will be considered shown In- the pln of survey. Cough Cure is of evi.ler.ee sn'lnirni old. the for and alike I direct that this young less and good lice lie piildMu-f ha meter the n the and traets, In Sold by titinr-1, the Stockton Stockion. tlieieof. M Co. otherwise Gro. free and from : being lie Mercur Meat and Ftali, published newspu!'' be will ob.iicllnn. mended reefin for tin- said , Hrown. Stockton. mining ilnin. for the period of FRANK HORI.P, Mercur Drug Co.. Mprcur, Utah. nine FRANK D. HOURS, Register. Register. "Pnn-itasA. GEO. " SMITH. Receiver. A great many people are using It. K. Ross, l'l.'iinr:,,t.'s Attorney. Instead of wall paper. You canj First I'ul)., Jan. 20; Iasi puh., Mar. First '. Jan last pub., A'.ir Pub., 2h. Hint see samples at Stelnman's. 26. 1904. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION? STOCKTON SENTINEL. TO If you have Indigestion, Kodol Dyspep- - fikf Ail tEbc flMtcbcner Dou'se. First-Clas- . : fw overflowing X increasing daily X X X X X 1 ...FRANK ERATH'S BREAD... long-deluy- mi ed I t i to to to ! t THE y, STOCKTON CLUB o Q -- -- I- . XX O o old-tim- er A T V 1 ; i I 1 0 Stockton. Main Street. follo- : j i - j s i 1 j : iCSHfts I GROCERIES AND MEATS j 1 h-- ars ; . 1 36 Street Stockist ( 1 ! j I j 1 m j ; Largest tJffUcTQ County i ; JFfesh Meats never-failin- i al i . solec-K.jl'e- 1 . - i . |