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Show BULL TEX IS OPENED THE LIONS WHELP MARTIAL LAW ORDER REVOKED BY COLORADO'S GOVERNOR. All the Prisoners Turned Over to the Civil Authorities For Troopers Will Support Civil' Trlsl' Authorities Governor Peabody of Colorado has revoked his order of December 5 last declaring Teller county to be in a state of Insurrection and rebellion, and proclaiming martial law. By the executive authority Military Commander has Issued a proclamation announcing that peace and good order are being fully restored and It has been shown that the civil authorities 'are able and willing to control the situation, perform their legal functions and to enforce the laws. It Is announced that a detachment of the national guard will remain at Cripple Creek for a time, but will act In support and in subordination to the legally constituted civil authorities." All the prisoners in the bull-pehare been delivered to the civil authorities. Stephen Adams, W. F. Davis, Chas. Kennlson, Thomas Foster and Charles McKinney, charged by the military with having caused the Vindicator mine explosion, by which two men were killed, and with having plotted to wreck a train on the Florence ft Cripple Creek railroad, will be tried at this term of court. They have been confined .in or Jail for more than two months. Ver-deckbe- n bull-pe- n COLOMBIANS ARE ACTIVE. Reported to Have Attacked Indians on Panama Territory. A report has reached the Isthmus that Colombian troops are fighting with the Indians on the San Bias coast, which is in Panaman territory. It is Impossible, however, to obtain reliable confirmation of this. A letter was received In Panama some time ago from Captain Torres, commanding the Panama troops at Chepo (on the south side of the isthmus and directly south of the San Bias country), saying he had decided to cross over to the Atlantic side. There Is a possibility that the Indians tire fighting with Captain .Torres command, mistaking them foe Colombians. WILLIAM ward ahe kept repeating to herself WIFE SHOULD HAVE ALLOWANCE Cromwell's parting advice, Dont doubt, Jane. God nor man nor nature Lawyers Idea of the Ideal Elite ef can do anything for doubters. They Marriage. reacannot." She understood what waa A lawyer, with hie A Story of Cromwell Time included In this advice, and she tried soning powers, fully developed by hie to realize it. The moment Mrs. Swaff- profession, gives bis oplnloa as to BV AMELIA E. BARR. ham saw her daughter, she took no- whether a w lie should have a fixed alA man should not marry tice of the change in her countenance lowance: AmAn at "The Bow of Oransa Ribbon. "i. Thou and tho Other Ono." an assured Income. When and haa said he until and she and Maid at La Etc. "Tha manner, Maidon speech no," In life, let the goal for out to he starts Oliver has been with Jane herself, (Copjrriiht, 1901, by Dodd, kind A Compear. AU rilbu iraarrad.) Cromwell. No one else could have so which be is working be a certain nun Influenced her. And very soon Jane which he considers sufficient npoa CHAPTER XL (Continued.) ered this little plan to be a very wise told her all that had been done and which to support n wife, and when be "And talking of going across sets," one, and so it proved. Her fear, left said, and both women tried to assute has attained it let hiiu give hie wife she continued, reminds me of Cluny; her as soon as the door closed, and themselves that a few more weeks id au allowance la proportion to his income. If this were doue, If men were neither of you seem to care about him, she was alone with her old friend. patience would end the suspense. yet our Jane Is fretting herself sick, Jane, he said klndljf, Jane, what At length April came, and tbe hare more level headed before marriage, diand you might both of you see It" is the trouble?" brown garden was glorious with the there would be leas work for tbe Tell Jane to be patient, said Dr. It Is Lord Neville, sir. Nothing gold and purple of the crocus flowers vorce courts. Of course, this la not Ideas Verity. If Cluny is not back by the has been heard of him," and the moonlight beauty of the lilies. compatible with the romantic New Tear, I will go myself and bring When did you hear last from him?" Birds were building in the hedges, aad generally associated with courtship, him back. But remember all Is to arJane offered Cromwell Clunys last the sun shone brightly overhead. The but the final step, the taking of the reorrange and rearrange, order and letter, and .asked him to read it. He spirit of spring was everywhere; men marriage vow, entails eo many responowea der, men to put out of office, and men read It aloud, letting his voice become and boys went whistling along the sibilities and duties that a man do to everymarries he to It the so. girl to put into office. The work before sweet and tender as be did streets, the watermen were singing In her mar-rtethe Protector Is stupendous. My dearest and most honored mis- their barges, and a feeling of busy thing In his power to keep worries and cares free from life This opinion proved to be correct. tress, I am just on the moment of content and security pervaded London. nature." financial of a Is at horse the door, Day after day passed, and no word leaving Paris; my this atmosphere of cheerbut by a messenger that will come fulSuddenly concerning Cluny was possible. Silent Japanese Soldiers. labor and hope was I One crisp, sunny morning In Janu- more directly than myself Bend you filled with terrorabounding soldiers fight noiselessly. and with a cry of Japanese ary Jane suddenly resolved to make a last word from this place. My murder, of possible war. A gigantic They have no bands, no drums beat some inquiries herself. thoughts outreach all written words. plot for the assassination of the Pro- reveille or tattoo, and in action they Have you heard anything about I am with you, my own dear one, In tector was discovered that Is, it was utter no cheers. Lord Neville, Sir Thomas? she asked. all my best moments, and my un- discovered to the people; Cromwell GraI am very, very unhappy at his long changeable love salutes you. Beet In the World. himself had been aware of Its first In love me Feb. 1st Mr. remember your la., Esthervllle, delay, ciously inception, and had watched It grow this of So am I, answered Sir Thomas. and prayers. Barber J. place says: George to 'its shameful maturity. But to the are the beat I sent a trusty man to The Hague, Pills "Dodd's "Cluny Neville. Kidney of london the arrest of forty le nothThere world. A good letter, Jane. I do think the city in the and It seems Lord Neville collected medicine in their midst' was a sick for over been I had as the money due there, six weeks ago. man that wrote It is beyond guile, be- conspirators good. ing shock that suspended for a time all 15 years with Kidney Disease which He refused a note on the Leather yond dishonor of any kind. I will not their business, Merchants Guild of thU city, and In- hear a doubt of him. He touched a finally turned Into Bright Disease. I Swaffham Israel was first perthe was said. answered on waa treated by Doctors In Chloage but In sisted being paid gold, and was bell, and when it so paid. Now, Jane, a thousand sovMr. Tasburg to my presence with- son calk'd Into the Protector's pret- they didn't do me any good. The best out delay." Mr. Tasburg came with- ence. lie found him In great sorrow Doctor in Esthervllle treated me for ereigns are not easily carried and and out delay, and Cromwell turned to sorrow mingled with a just Indigna- five yearn with no better aucoees. I tion. With his clenched hand he heard of Dodd's KJdney Pills and bim in some passion. ' Well, sir? Please go on. out to Israel the personalities made up my mind to give them a trial. pointed "A ship left that night for the Amersaid "Mark Tasburg," he scornfully. "I am very thankful to be able to I have not once heard from you In of the conspirators. At one name he ica for the Virginia Colony. bis and with it, upon finger paused, But Lord Neville did not go to the matter of Lord Nevilles delay. ay that they cured me completely and I think they are the beet medicine America. Oh, no, sir! That is an The commission for your search is looked into Israel's face. "it is a burning shame,'' Israel said, In tho world." more than a month old ; It is, sir, and I impossible thought. Tho honest, earnest, straightforangrily. "You have pardoned and "Why did be Insist on the gold? like not such delays. ward experiences of real living men This Is the thing that troubles me." My Lord Protector, I reported to warned and protected him for years. "1 must even now do what 1 can; 1 and women are the only material used Who says he Insisted on gold?" and Mr. MUion that my The widow of the man who paid search had been of no avail." must, Israel, fur his father's sake. A In advertising Dodd's Kidney Pills. and I Ono ouch testimony Is worth more It." "What date does Lord Neville's last warrant will he issued cannot and "She may hare been mistaken. She letter bear?" stay that, personally 1 can than a thousand unsupjwrted claims. It was written at Paris on the 11th not warn him of It What am 1 to Tho people who have used Dodd's may herself be dishonest The money Kidney Pills are those whoso evido? may never have been paid at all. I day of November." dence lo worth consideration aad 1 do not believe it has beec paid. Did The same date as your last letter, do can do My dear lord, nothing. more convincyour trusty man see Lord Neville's Mistress Swaffham. Four months ago. all you wish. There needs no more surely nothing can be statement like Mr. Bara then Tasing to The serious. This Is words between us. Ih two hours Abel turning quittance? of othere thousands are I have not thought of that, Jane. burg he Bald, "Find CoL Ayrton and Dewey you know Abel will be on bers. There as strong. I will send again to The Hague. send him here, to me, without de the road. Give him a good horse and just Yes, sir, and let your messenger lay." he will so manage himself and the Rubber Production. ask to see Lord Nevilles quittance." During the intervar between Tat-- beast as to reach his journeys end in rub be; The worlds productIon--ohours. twenty-fou- r was two years ago almost equally diIsrael then went quickly home. He vided between Africa and South Amercalled Jane and explained to her in a ica; now the Amason region produces few words what sho was to do, and by three-fifth-s of 1L the time her letter to Matilda was Sauer's Earliest CanSb ready, Abel Dewey was at the door new thing. Can be cat ala Another endand waiting for it Its beginning times during a season and sprouts ing was in the ordinary strain of girls again with lightning rapidity. Next to Teosinte it will make more letters, but In tbe center there were Snlsers fodder than anything else; cheap some ominous words, rendered re- green as dirt and grows everywhere. markable by the large script used, and Of Sutler's Renovator Grass Mixture, must I tell dying out paeturee by the line beneath them just the thing for Mr. R. ituppold. East and meadows, a been has there plot great you Park, (in., writes. I sowed Kaiser's agalnBt the Protector discovered. Grass Mixture on eoll'sopoQr two men Charles Stuart and Prince Ilupert are could not raise a fuss on It,' and la days ofter sowing I had the the head and front of the same, but forty-on- e of grass In the county. stand grandest de there is a report that Stephen Kaiser's Grass Mixtures sprout quickWick Is not behindhand and my father ly end produce enormously. 100,000 did bear that a warrant was out for barrels choice Seed Potatoes. SALZEIl'n MEW MATIOXAL OATS. Stephen, and hoped he would reach Is a winner, a prodigy, a marHere French soil, ere it reached him." She vel, strong, prolific, enormously tho basted to sign her name and close In thirty healthy, vigorous, producing acre. Yon letter. Abel Dewey was ready lor it, states from 150 to 00ofbu. per It, Mr. Fanner, best eow a lot and as she watched him ride away her had 11 sell It to your In 1904, and In the f: thoughts turned to de Wick, and she neighbors at II a bu. for seed. wondered in what mood Matilda might jtst sikd 10c snare be, and how she would receive the to the John A. Salser Seed Co, La receive in return information Bent her. Would It be a Crosse, Wla., andand lota of farm seed their big catalog surprise? samples free. (W. N. U.) Not it," answered Mrs. Swaffham. Fireproof Flooring. Matilda knows all about the plot; has 'A good letter, Jane." that is most certain; but Its discovery "Architect Stewart of Lucerie, concrete of new a system she if and news to so, be patented lier, may I will send a man to The Hague burgs departpre and Ayrton's arrival, will not thank of hollow tubes you for it, Jane. Why flooring, consisting Pronot see the Cromwell was occupied in writing a will she burn herself with fire not on and mortar and Iron. It is fireproof. Why do you tector? He was fond of the young letter, and when it was finished. Col. her hearthstone? Mra. Winslow's Hoothlng Myrap. man. He believed in him. Ayrton entered. the guns, red none to Prince Rupert is her lover. Sho For children tor thins, wifira wludcollu. SScsMUa. flunnntikiti.aUnjripelu.cure She only answered, Yes, sir, and Colonel. he said. 1 think you will do anything he desires her to she know Lord Cluny Neville? He has do. then adding, sir, Coffee Imports. turned to go. Her whole appearance disappeared, I do fear, in some unforIf he truly loves her he would not The Imports of coffee at New Orwas so wretched Sir Thomas could tunate way. On tin 11th of last No- permit her to be put In danger. leans for 1903 were in excess of a not rid himself of her unhappy atmos- vember he left Paris, after dispatchThen Mrs. Swaffham went out of million bags. In no previous year phere. His walk was spoiled; he went ing the business he was sent on with the room, and soon afterwards Dr. have the Imports of that commodity Into his private room and smoked a Cardinal Mazarin. No one has heard Verity came in, asking cheerily as ho been so large. How Is It with you pipe of Virginia, but all his thoughts of him since. I have written to )1k entered, Htopa tho Oongh and There Eminence, the Cardinal; here Is the Jane?" set themselves to one text: Worlcn Off the Cold are many sorrowful things In life, but letter, and If his reply lie not to the I I I live as best can, doctor. watch Laxative Uroruo (Juiuius Tablots. Fries 25ci the hardest of all is loving point, go next to the lodging of Lord from the morning to the midnight for Value of tho Banana. Neville, and from there follow his a footstep that does not come." The banana posaessss all tho essenCHAPTER XII. in be as Itself it fulfils as a may steps There is desire that your closely tials to the sustenance of Ilfs. Of power. The treasurer will honor this ly Its own energy, but this desire is wheat alone, or potatoes alone, this hold Thou My Hands. order for your expanses. Farewell, born of unfailing Hope, and of that cannot be said. When taken as a This day was followed by a week of anu God go with you. unfaltering Faith that an move moundiet the banana Is oooked steady could do Jane weather. wretched He waited until tie door closed, and tains. Have you got it, Jane?" in baked the green state, pulped dry I am bo weak. Doctor John. Pray and boiled In water nothing but wait. She fully resolved then he said: I owe you this and a soup or cat when she visited Cromwell to show more, Jane; and I like the youth a for me." In slices and fried. him the heart of a fearless woman "Pray for yourself. Why should any dear, religious youth, of a manly spirit brave, because she doubted neither and a true heart." one pray for you? Pray for yourself, Catarrh Cannot Re Cured God nor man. iwm It Is four months, sK "Tls beyond hough it be only to say, with the old wit I.dCAI.UrnAITI.ICATIOXS.m l.l.wnl nr cmlt urrh m It was, however, the month of my hope, and I f ar Cluny Is now be- Acadians. 'Hold Thou my hands! Go th it you inunl Uka tuiloiu, dlwaae. lad In rirditknn In Ilall'i C'uiunli March'before this visit could be made. yond human help." to God. Jane; you are only a little Intern! and the ln..l and mucnui. dlrrct'jri-terui;, One exquisite morning in March she urfuee. llalliCaiarrli Cum In nu quack "Well, then, Jam', we will trust to bake in llis sight ; a little babe crying plijr1i:ln prracrllird t.jr noi-- itiheard Gen. Swaffham sav thst the the miraculous. Wo do not do that in tbe vast void and darkness, and In till Itw regular country furjrrru!nl known, ruiiiblnnd t tl.n U Cromwell ladies were going to Hamp- enough, and so wl.cn our poor help Is trying to catch hold of something to it . on lit with Ibo Iwii p'.irllr-of lh ton Court. The Protector would tAsn not sufficient, we tremble. Where is which you may cling. Kay to tbe niueou nurUci-l i In !m Inirrrdo-uttwo be alone in Whitehall, and she might the hope and tru.--t you sent to me Father of your spirit, Hold my Bulls li curlnifAiioli send . l 11KVFY O r Toiadu. a p.. o him without having to share her when I lay betwc-lifand death in hands'. Bold ov IlrojLl.:confidences with the family.' She pr And she rose and kissed him for Take llali'a h miil'y Till- - for iMn:lptl0k Scotland? Oh, v.hnt poor creatures pared a note asking for an Interview, we are, when wo trust in ourselves! his sweet counsel, and that night, and Knocks Aciam Story. and then called on Mr. Milton and Nothing then but leafs and tears and many a night afterwards. she fell Edward Sir Fry, having made e uslcr-Induced him to go with her to the the grave to end a!. whimpering, "Hold Thou my tlx- time which has puls computation, and deliver It into Cromwell's Comforted by LN words, Jane for- hands!" life first appeared oa since elapsed hand. In her simplicity ste consld- - got her grief, and as she went horn- 'To ! continued.) the earth at 450,o00,0v0 years. WHITNEY DEAD. Former Secretary of Navy 8uccumbs to Appendicltia. Williams Collins Whitney, former secretary of the navy, died at Ills home In New York City, Tuesday, at the age of 64, death being paused by blood poisoning following an operation for appcndicits. William Collins Whitney was born in Conway, Mass., July 6. 1841, and was a descendant of John Whitney, one of the English Puritan leaders, who settled at Watertown. Mass., in 1625. Mr. Whitney was made secretary of the navy by President Cleveland In 1885. He was the leader of tho Cleveland forces In 1892. Mr. Whitney was rften spoked of as a presidential possibility. WILL RATIFY PANAMA TREATY. Vote on the Measure is Expected About the Middle of the Month. It is the general expectation in administration circles that the Panama treaty will be ratified about the middle of tho present month, and in anticipation of that event. Secretary Shaw will soon take steps looking to a recall of a itortion of the public funds now in the hands of the national bank depositories. Just what percentage of these public deposits will be called' for lias not yet been definitely determined, but there Is reason to believe that It will approximate 20 per cent, or 130,000,-00- 0. Would Pull Down the Flag. Ernest Birch, governor of British North Borneo, who has arrived In London. says that General Leonard Wood, while recently at Sanhakah, capital of North Borneo, informed him that the question of the ownership of the islands off the coast of British North Borneo, over which a United States vessel had hoisted the American flag, would bo amicably settled, as there was no strong desire on the part of tbe Americans to keep them. Should Have Tried Work. The wedding at Saginaw, Mich., last week, of Corporal Charles A. Valois of United States intho Twenty-sixtII. Stein had a Mabel fantry, and tragic ending Tuesday when the young couple took poison in a rooming house. Mrs. Valois is dead and her hushand is In a critical condilion, The match met with disapproval by (he parents of the young couple. Tlcy left a Id ter saying that their parents had turned them out and they had ::n plare to go avd decided to die together- - cold-blood- e t, , f n to-da- Good-mornin- to-da- c I 1 I -r. f -r t- c.'ur-- mim-dl-- i. t i mrdl-ftn- - ln- -t I - ln- -i dlr-i-r- ly . Tl-- Hniidt-rfu- - ra-- fret-K..1.- C I pal-anc- -. pr'.i-i-- i - |