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Show ' Philosophical Observations I Ijr BYRON WILLIAMS f Q Religion since the beginning Las had many modes; varying greater even In ail religion, however, there are two elemental characteristics. the mythical and the practical. The former, burled in Grecian lore, often hears not tbe knock of A Preachme.it the beggar as does the practical rellgon. It is well That Is to be wise in Christian lore, lmt not t'r the blotting of Hand Made. the practical religion, the kiud thrt stimulates the body as well as tha scul. Myths, dogmas, concept :ons, are all good enough in 'heir way, but the kind of re'.Iglon, the sort, is the religion that St. Peter will ask you alxnt when you rap at the Heavenly gate. He who did for his fellows will get a front seat near the big, white throne, where he can hear the entranced, while the mere booklro religionist will need an ear trumpet to hea the bass-druAn elaborate doctr.ne Is not religion; the crossirg of one's self, the sprinkling of tlie holy woler, are mere forms, and unless they represent inward honesty are no more symbols of Christianity than a mule's lusty kicks at a troublesome horse-lly- . Dogma and ritual are only manifestations of religion, and all siens fall in wet weather. There must be an Inner conviction a doing as well us seeming, a feeling as well as ostentation. Tree worship and stone worehip were in vogue In undent times. In the (lays of our boasted civilization and enlightenment we worship tbe stone, as did our forefathers, except tb't our stone must have yellow particles of gold therein to Influence our worship to become lovely. Too many people who prefers religion have tbe outer trappings in the age. The sanctimonious man, the kind of whom the Bible says it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for him to enter the kingdom of heaven, has much of the outward manifestation with little of the inner conviction. Feople need an every-dareligion, a religion not of the Euphrates and the Jordan, but a religion of the babbling brook In the woodland, whose waters are pure and blessed to him who drinks thereof a religion that comes right home and by exemplification lightens the burden and gives real cause for faith in the better world to come. than tne tribes. bread-and-butte- r harp-musi- c, -- stone-worshipin- y The name of one of the beat known streams in the world is Salt Creek. Topographically no one knowa where It winds and meanders, nobody hears Its sudsy gurgle over the rocks of Jagged form. Yet the boulders are there. We believe in the rivers existence; we know the stones are sharp in contour. He who sails the stream meets distaster. It is as certain as that measles breaks out and thieves break in Ible. None voyages on the creek by choice, not one believes he Is trimming his sails for the voyage. Some sacrifice themselves for party, but each In his heart believes and hopes that something may happen to keep him from the river of defeat. The best laid schemes of river rats go after clay, to paraphrase Buras, and that la why the creek called Salt has bo many mariners. Strange to say, though the river has never been seen, it Is known to be placid and bright at its rise. A gushing, bnbbllng spring of clear, sweet water slides banks. Its sands are white and cleanly and songaway through flower-ladebirds sing their songs of love along its shore. Nature paints a panoramic picture of glory and peace along its happy way and blithely it carries its travelers toward the mouth. But the rapids are below! Rumbling, torrentuous, tortuous rapids, that lash and smash and crash to oblivion! This Is Salt Creek at its mouth. Some men have lived through the passage; others have lost their force and their desire in the Jagged precipice. Innocent of its terrors, they have drifted into the vortex. Their conceptions of a river have been poor, their wanting, and Salt Creek hurls them to oblivion. Happy the man who never launches a boat on the mirrored bosom of the treacherous stream. Incon-reve- self-opinio- The Harvest Home Supper! About it cling memories that make us remt niscenL The good old custom of celebrating It is observed in every country town. It is the even t.oftlieFa JChgJpglcj of the Cemetery Association, or the Womans Guild, or some other equally deserving organization . have the celebration In charge. For days they canvass the town and invite the cooks to bake and stew, fry and fricassee. The good things prepared for the supper are legion In quantity and quality. How the mouth moistens at the thought of such a banquet and mourns at the passing away of a once Immeasurable appetite. As a lad, the Harvest Home Supper appealed with overpowering force a time when turkey and stufflng" were as plentiful as ozone. As a young man, what men of you cannot recall how you have participated with the pretty maidens of the village? Mayhap you remained after the feast to help them get the dishes together and art as willing pack horses to tote the table service homeward. Wasnt It a night? And the money raised from the great supper in which all participated not alone from a love of appetite and pleasure, but from a sense of charity- - to what good use was it put for tbe poor and needy! The Harvest tiome Supper! ' Long may it continue in its annual plenty! The individual who has lived to grow so hardened and preoccupied as to forget the holy associations of that feast is lost to self, Indeed. 1 Some curious scouter aBks derisively, It What is Hell for, anyhow? might be a storehouse In which stovepipes that wont flt are kept. And then, again, It might noL Hell, as painted by the old hardshell circuit riders, was anything but desirable as a place in which to take up a claim. It may be considered as the opposite of what this country might have been along about Jan. 13. provided the coal strike Some people don't believe in Hell, but we will wager our imitation panamaliatma that when they die they will think a moment or two about buying an excursion ticket in a circuitous route around Hell. Notice we speak of Hell with a capital H. It is Just as well to be respectful in such matters. Dante had a few words to say about Hell that make a man's hair assume erectness. In a casual sort of way. it might be Just as well to live within speaking distance of the better place. The pictures of St. Peter and his golden gate have a more reassuring color than those of the Inferno. Somehow we IIkethe looks or an angel, picking the strings of a coral harp better than the chromo of Mephistopheles with a slit in his tall. What if you are lonesome better to miss a few of the red lights of this earth trying to be good; isnt Itbarbed-wirfence in Hell? Well, we would enunciate! than to straddle a red hot e Did you ever hitch the town cow to the rope of tbe Curfew bell? Of course, .you need not incriminate yourself thoughtlessly, but really have you not been guilty of placing the village dray on the peak , of the school house? You need not answer. Make a sign. That will do as well. It would be presumptuous to assume that you have tied a can to the city marshal or tipped over ten or eleven um, summer Oh, you have! smoke-houses- ? We mean on Hallowe'en night, certainly! Isn't it? It a is Halloween we great night. what thought Well, thats Just on the corn of and rattles have sidewalks walking, way when a is night liand-boxeThe married a on e rice as couple's ordirary newly window-panclothes-line-, lores his bat. gets arrested and boy is bitten by a dog. runs Into a says prayers in the woodshed with pa next morning and all because he has custom of breuking loose on this night of nights. celebrated a A father who will so far forget his own youthful escapades. as to spank n son for falling Into a coal hole on Hallowe'en night, deserves to have dyspepsia That is what wc started out to say. t time-honore- Pe-ru-- na rt n I November Allowed to Catarrh. d Success comes occasionally from cleverness but more often from bard work well applied. The few may dream dreams that point them to the desired end, but the rule la a general one. that he who succeeds must do so by persistent, careful effort In the striving we all have our blue days when the mind Is depressed and the Imagination a hobgoblin that rides rough-shoover our sensitiveness. The friendly word to a dethroned spirit Unfortunately, balm Is oftentimes look or appreciative we must lift ourselves from the Slough and in evidenre often not is tbd help Never give up. of Despond to' the plane of hopefulness and cheerfulness. hallucinamost foolish of the mental is worth. Despair of great is a motto above your own dark thoughts. The sunshine le be sweet, Be brave, tions. to be awakened. Is only a few hours b.'stant ami success slumbers but . Cu and Perman lam glad to recommend Peruna asit r recom-has done so much for me. I had been a" n.lirU, mends it to neighgreat sufferer from catarrhal colds un- bor. Peruna cures til 1 was urged to try lVruna, and I am happy to say that it has entirely cured catarrh permanently, and this way me. I shall never be without it and baa most cheerfully recommend it to others g gaineda friend. who are afflicted as I have been." People who have been cured by Pe- Ktherine Dauter, 239 13th St., Mil- an7 ff0 hare been eager to recommend Peruna to their ever friend, Most people think the su&ess of Peslnc This i. the way p nma runa depends upon the use of advertise-ment- Its is advertised. It advertises itself Undoubtedly the advertise- Oncemerits are its chief advertisement cured of stt distressing and exasments help some, hut by far the greatest number of people who hear of perating a malady as Eatarrh, it becomes Peruna, have their attention called to it eTeryioue to pass it along; tl? attention of those who are by a friend. Someone gets cured of chronic ca- still victims, to a remedy tbat rarely tarrh by Peruna. After he is certain of tails to cure. his cure, he isfepre to recommend it to Bnwarn of. Fa. his friends. FHe.id recommends it to ., (lot the',T" preads fro,n tongue There are no substitutes for Peruna. to tongue Allow no one to persuade you that there Ttir fq (fie hiiisM U,- - life-lon- s. I I found myself with a bad case of catarrh of when the head and was the first thing that threat I at And my convictions were notthought for wrong, n weeks after using Peruna I w.s entirely rid of catarrh10 and di"tr88l, disease, If people knew liow Peruna was for this trouble efficient they would not hesitate to try it I have' all the faith in the world in it, and have never known of a case where the person was not cured in a short time." Jen coll. rf fcfcn. 1S someumijf JUj1 US goo a. me turixM of Pernna has tempted many people to factory results from the use of Peruaa Beware of write at once to I)r. Hartman, giving a devise cheap imitations. full statement of your case and he will them. Be sure that yon get Pernna. Miss Jennie Driscoll, 870 Putnam Ave., be pleased to give you hie valuable advice gratia. Brooklyn, X. Y., Writes: Address Dr. Hartman, President or I heard so much in praise of reruns - ,: rVilrimbus, O. as a specific for catarrhal affections that ijn. ru-n- a re-ru-- could noi nuke Peruna as popular aa It la. Peruna cures. That la the reason people like It Peruna curea a very stubborn, disease. That la why Peruna everyone recommends cures chronic catarrh after all other remedies fail which explains whv it . Law Seems Too Rigorous. Rev. Dr. William M. Richie of New York has been lined 375 for practicing medicine without a license. His offense consisted of administering medicine to cure the morphine and liquor habits. (Hops o-- CARBOLIC SALVE IHAMLINS1WIZARD will prevent blood UfllEAPACHEl allW O R y G h aa poisoning in Outs, ITI Wounds, Sores, ST the Clough and the Cold Works Off Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. Fries 35a German Plows in' Russia. Germany sold Russia nearly 9700,000 worth of plows last year. The plow In and heal 25 cents. Bruises, too. A STRONG LIKING. them, Would yon have XZ pv A TOOTHACHE for 15 cents? Our Jap- - anese Tooth Ache Drops will rid you m 1 J DeCOSTAS LIVER use in that country has wheels at the beam tip so It doesn t have to be held. Health Insurance for FILLS is 25 cents a policy. What is yonrnealth worth? Diphtheria ranovad Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas Edactrio OiL At any drug store. Pepsin a Missouri Town. Pepsin is the name of a Jasper county (Mo.) town near Carthage. All Lung Diseases v rw JL . start with a cough. If you will cough up a quarter for a hot- - v What's ths secret of happy, vigoroue health? Simply keeping the boweie, the Balsam I Wherever it la used, there ta a at rone liking tie of Cough itoinach, the liver and kldueyi strong and for our Three Crown Baking Powder, ltpuu stop coughing active. Burdock Blood Bitters does it. youll Insure quality into your baking product thewhich article. It you enjoying and appreciating Japanese Corn Cure of family saves money and aa an element Few American Women Criminals. will rid you of a on market the a without aunda peer In American prisons the proportion economy of today. Owe you try It you will always condozen CORNS for a Sftc per pound. of men to women is as 12 to 1; in tinue ita admirer. Price right; quarter. Which do French prisons as 5 to 1. HEWLETT BROS. CO. you love the best corns or quarter? p ' ALL DRUQQISTS OR STORES OR DIRECT FROM I I 1 I I For "Bruises and Sprains Mustang Liniment For MAN OIL BEAST Z. C. M. SALT I. LAKE OITY. RELIABLE ASSAYS. Gold .Sic; Itmid.Mie: i.oiU ariilvar.T.ie: Uuld.SII-- v. enii'r. N.Mi. Prompt returns tin nmll mniplM jaMgSa."- - OGDEN ASSAY CO. PENSION , Washington. IIr HICKKOUli, quick I 1. they will receive replies. IL Mh N.H.Vnl Staff 90th Corps. Prosccutim Claims since IS7 8 ggUMIESfiLBMi I-- 310.00 Daily nvrMhrtnrilatM. SkwUy.SwwWIfcTlwwMtftMifX1 IU- - - nDADCV WI 2 emu. SEW DISCOVERY; fires relief nd rare wont Hook of teotlmonUI nd 10 DATS' treatment B quick IIH fclXQUMI BOHS.HoaS.AtloaU.e You can make money addreing circular at home, (let particular. U art In Supply Co.. Box 4. Salt Lake 1 UTAH JUNK fear, ooppor, feraaa. ato. Salt Laka City, Utah. u.. Salt Lake-N- o. 40. 1002 |