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Show MKfctVX LOMU, Bksolykd; that we, the members o he Mercur Fire Department, extend ' T.', Wincing mailer, J. O. Olaon, our Merour'a sympathy to our bereaved brother has (xuntpeneed-bidaQcifigglaMlNy and his family, and be it further tbe winter.' llKMiKvcit; that these resolutions be The Mi.nkk acknowledges friendly inscribed on our minutes and published comments of Mr. Harry Coldbatb, fore- in the Mkkctr Mixkk. . man at the Golden Gate mill. Mkkcvh Fxkk Dkpabtmkxt. M. L-- James, ) Mrs. Dr. Thayer has returned from lleber X. Holland, Committee. her trip east, where she has been Charles Bracken. ) spending .several months among The frienda. Bullet. The Dum-Dubullet derives its was Judge Dnnlavy aroupdtown name from , India, where it talking to his old friends last Satur- was first made. Its top is of brass day. The judge la making his home and hollow. When It strikes its vie-tiin Salt Lake and came up on a visit. and it becomes umbrella-shaped- , On Wednesday, the 5th insk, Mr. tears its way through the flesh, makGeorge Shaffer, night watchman at the ing a dangerous wound. Blood poisGolden Gate mill, got both hands badly oning sets in within thirty minutes so burned by an explosion of gas in the after the bullet strikes, at least a medical says paper. assay office. A dispatch from Salt Lake states Aged and Youthful Statesmen. The oldest man elected to the Verthat another large ore body has been uncovered in the Con. Mercur, valnes mont general assembly is Arnold Ball of East Haven, Jacksonian Democrat, running from ffl to 110 per ton. Boston aged 78. The youngest is Harmon E. Mining Bureau. Eddy of Stratton, Republican, aged The Household family of Sunshine is 21, Legislator Elect William Tudor of under quarantine with smallpox. There Somerset, Is the father of Legislator are, and has been, four cases of tbe Elect John Tudor of Stamford. disease in the one.family. Dr. Thayer A Dramatic Suicide. is in attendance. What part are you going to playT asked a brother actor of Arthur Shap-leSupt. Edwards and wife have rewhen the latter arrived for returned from their eastern trip. For hearsal on the stage of the Hartford been have the past three months they (Eng.) theater, recently. wThia la where friends visiting among their the part I am going to play," he rerecreaseason of a have they enjoyed and drank from a poison bottion and pleasure. Their friends in plied, which he drew from his pocket tle, Mercur welcome them home. Shipley, who has since died, had Chairman Abe Crawford, of the local quarreled with a woman friend. Bepublican committee, is right proud Each to His Own. over the recent victory of that party I tell you," aald the bachelor with and well may he be. The gentleman the crusty way of thinking, T don't left the ranks of the Democracy when believe in this business of henpecked it was an absolute certainty that that husbsnds. I think a married man party was largely in the majority and should exercise his will." So do I. the very first election afterwards the agreed the lady with an alimony, so as he doesn't interfere with the majority was changed and partly due long woman exercising her won't" married efforts. individual his to Town Built of Glass. Vv , MRBCUK RETURNS. There la probably In all the world only one town built of glass, and that The returns in this city show a Re la to be found near Yellowstone Park. pnblicau majority for the first time in The glass la not artificial, but natits history. It is the hue and cry all ural, being formed by ages of volcanic over the state that church Influence action. It is or black In did it. We hardly think anyone can hue, but in every other reaped reattribute tbe great change in Mercur sembles the artificial product to that cause, unless Chairman CrawNew Military Raft ford of the Republican local committee An interesting experiment with a can be proven to have a great deal of new form of military raft baa recentthat Influence. The majorities ranged ly been made on the River Vesle, near Rheima, by a battalion of French Infrom 10 to 117 in favor of the Republiscored only fantry. To keep the raft afloat wheat cans, while the Democrats enveloped for three majorities, Farley legislature, aacka filled with hay were The whole material. with waterproof and Bracken for 10, clerk, 84; Waterfall across the was battalion transported fapwiasssiasianer, ft The Republican river In ninety minutes. majorities were: Bryan for long term commissioner, 117; Frailey for recorder, Charcoal Eph'a Daily Thought. 48; Wbitehousefor treasurer, 44; Baker W'en yo listenin t de man hollerfor attorney, 39; Shields for sheriff, 35; in loudea In the amen conah," said ;Orrae for assessor, 23; Powell for com Charcoal Eph, in one of his ruminamissioner, 30: Howell for congress, 18; tive moods, hit am suttinly mouty de same feller McCarty for supreme judge, 13, and difficult fo t reconize wld de blin mewl sol' dat dat yo Stookey for surveyor, 10. The pi eeinct Mlatah Jackson. las' week, staggers officers were elected by the RepubliBaltimore News. cans, Peterson for justice having a Law 8eems Too Rigorous. majority of 39 and Ward for constable Rev. Dr. William M. Richie of New 13. . The Republican majorities aver-sge- d York has been fined 75 for practicing 34. medicine without a license. Hia ofFIREMEN'S SOCIAL. fense consisted of administering medicine to cure the morphine and liquor The members of the Mercur Fire habits. Department gave a social to their frienda on Thursday, Nov. 6th, at which the following (program was UNIQUE! kalki la thaaae- rendered: lairal ENJOYABLE! Address by Chief W. CL Goodman. kialil d HEALTHFUL! Recitation by George L. Edwards, Jr, . by KatM, ya Song, guitar accompaniment, Ed placed wlthla m ifalltltt s V Dum-Du- Dum-Dum- y . dark-gree- n . , lain Lee. SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Recitation, Charles Pierce. The Mocking Daniels and Rich Pat Doyle. Bird, Song, John L. Edwards. a qrfTTC 52 . 3d Sooth Comic reading, Heber M. Holland. 1 Salt Lake CUy Song, C. C. Bush. Finest Bathing HiaH in Si Remarks, Councilman Wm. WaterCovering mr on iat fall. acres. Half a million ration of water paaaaa through Song, Ed Lee. tha pools each day. Remarks, Geo, W. Bryan. Hat Sulphur Batha in PorceUIn aiU Mar. Song, W. II' Robinson. Ua Tub, ta Plunges an 4 Large Swimming Poala Cm Address, Richard DanieL V Song. Lew E. Ward. Gambia health sad pioaanrs by A viaitlDg these bathe when la Salt Remarks, Gus II. Peterson, Lake. Open day and sight. A W. Lee. Remarks, Joseph Remarks, Lew E. Ward. Refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, candy, nuts, and liquid refreshments. CHICAGO The entire affair was a great success, States. Noted for its push ana enterprise as and everybody seemed to enjoy them- well as being tbe Winar City. selves to the fullest. account of the quality well ae the quantity Here's to the Mercur Fire Brigade. of Ite annual production of beer. May they fore'er aspire To face e'en hell, when sounds the bell. ST. PAtJI While possibly notao gen the Ore. Wrest Instrumental duet, Sanitarium D Dl ilj Yt MPa Prf-l- I NOTED CITIES. Milwaukee victory from RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Wuerkas; the home of our esteemed brother, Thomas Bradley, has been visited by the hand of death, and their infant son removed from their home, and Whereas; we bow in humble submission before the judgement of our Great Chief and Protector, whose wisdom we cannot iquestion, therefore be it ,rr.t well known ne the two loraier cities,erelly is nevertheless noted in many wave, and ie one of the popular Twin Cities of the North west. Are famous citie.and rtLaL. their names combined form the name of AMBRICA.8 GREATEST RAILWAY, tamno and noted the wor1i.rvei for its snperior management, elegant equip merit, splendid service and general adoption of all the latcet aafrtv appliance for the comfort and safety of its patrone. The electrie lighted train are aoted the world over. It ie the Short Line between Omaha and Chicago, and like superior nrti elrs of merchandise ie. once tried, alwayr need. Try it the nest time von go east. - L. DOWNING. Commercial Agt. Chicago. Milwankre anf St. Paul Kailway, Salt Lake City, Utah, THPPP X- THE 8P0IL8 OF The French Army. The Gaclie of lie French Ministry XBYLON. E -- of to Oct. that from Nov. 1, 1902, Antiquarians Revel in F "id from An31, 19'3, th? Frcti'-cient City army will men horn continue to consist of all The ruins of Babylt yield antiquities of tht very highest between Jan. 1, 1837. and Dec. 31, 1881 interest to the excavat. s who represent tbe German Ori- utal society. From the center of th square site RICHARD GUNDRY, which extends for mile- on both sides of the Euphrates, at place now X War-show- s able-bodie- d i - I railed Nischan-el-Aswa- the Gerasjis d NOTARY one being a which may knowledge of in cuneiform ny, which was it Marduk or e of Esaglla. twelve great ed in heaven some of hia ilea, in others Zeus. A striking liscovery was the site of a temple of the god who was the Babylonian fori- runner of the physician of the gods in Homer, and of Aeaculi plus in later centuries. Thla god of i hysicians was worshipped as Ador or Nineb. Amulets, cylinder seals, n liefs showing hunting scenes end coh red tile work of a very high artistic vi lue are among the German spoils at lfabylon during the past season. have taken 400 tablets, syllabary In two languag add a good deal to our the languages written signs, and another, a litu chanted by the priests Merodach at the temp Marduk was one of th gods and was repreaen by a constellation. In traits he was like Hen-lik- - Pal-eo- ger Off at 8ta Sheridan St. Stockton. Life's $ mmHwm L. H. GRAY, I LAND AND MINING ATTONNSY. J I S3C! Salt Lake City. X t Mantl minus. R. E. ROSS. i LAND AND MINING ATTONNSY. J S&! I They say the world la Salt Lake City. W444WWI IIHl and yet hers and there. But one great truth in Ilfs I'vs found. While Journeying to the west The only folks who wall yi wound Are those we love tie best Tha man you thoroughly Idespise Can rouse your wrsih, 'tie true; Annoyance in your heart will rise At things mere strangers do; But those are only paaaing ills; This rule all lives will prove. The rankling wound which aches and thrills Is dealt by hands G. W. PARKS we love. The choicest garb, the sweetest grace. Are oft to strangers shown; The careless mien, the frowning face Are given to our own. We flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest. And deal full many a thoughtless blow To those who love us best. Love does not grow on every tree, Nor true hearts yearly bloom; Alas for those who only see This cut across a tomb! But, soon or late, the fact grows plain To all through sorrow's test. The only folks who give us pain Are those we love the beet. Woman's JournaL Light as a Healing Agent. In view of the growing Importance of the application of light as a healing principle In medical science the medical congress which recently convened at Wiesbaden invited Prof. Bie of Copenhagen to read a paper on the subject. The lecturer explained the principle of employing light for healing purposes after excluding lta chemical effects. The results obtained by this method in cases of smallpox, according to the lecturer, are such that the question is reived whether the light treatment shall not be made compulsory. Prof. Bie approves the apparatus Invented by Dr. Flnsen of Copenhagen, with which the latter has achieved such remarkable success in rases of lupus, but urgqs that no one but qualified doctors should be allowed to apply the light treatment, as disturbances are apt to occur which render it necessary to brqak it off suddenly. Proof of Filial A ITection. When a Carthage fat er became ao badly jagged a few nigh ta ago that he could not walk, hia musci lar son threw him over hia shoulder a i d toted him home much as he woul hare carried a sack of flour an ex ibitlon which tends to disprove the th ory that filial affection is decreasing. -- Kansas City Journal. When a fat woman tri a to be cute she should be lodged in he funny-heabouse. ' d T.65 a T.05 p T.45 s na 0.15 0.10 a a as ARRIVE. From Ogden, Portland, Spokane, Butte. Ilcleua and baa Fraud boo.. From Ogden From Ogden. Chicago, SL Louis. Kan rms City, Omaha, Denver aud baa Francisco From Preston. Logan. Brigham. San Francisco, Ogden and Intermediate points From Ogdrn, Butte, Portland and Ran Francisco From Calientas. Milford, Nephl.Prwvo and intermediate points. From Tinlto, Mercur and Nepbl From Garfield Beech, Tooele and ,, Teiiulnua. Iona. jflgnthlnlMtM BomanylittleliurU weget From corners For Ogden, Osvhe Valley, Omaha, rhtvago, Denver. Kansan City, bb T.00 a Si Louis and Intermediate points ForOgilrn, Huite, Helena, Portland, San Kranrlsco and intermediate points ......a...... ...... ...... ....... 945 a ns Fur Ogden. Oinahu, Chicago, Denver, Kansan City, bL Louis and San 11.60 9 Francisco For Ogdon. Denver, Kansan City, 5.00 p m Omaha, St. Louis and Chicago For Ogden, llutte, Helena, Portland, ban Francisco and Intermediate 10:60 p points F h- Tintlo, Mercur, Provo, Nehpi and Fur Provo, NepM, Milford, and Intermediate points ForUarflehl Beach, Tooele and Ter 4. Iropa Passen Irl, 1902. DEPART. X n, A model of a new vlce was recently shown before tlfe members of the British Association 1 by means of which it is possible to flut passengers off at any station alotig a railroad without stopping the tmln. The model showed a flrcular track. The last carriage onihe train was slipped as each station was passed, and passengers wishing to alight at the next station would proceed to the last carriage, the train being of course continuous on the American plan, so that access could be had right through. Then the slipped carriage had deposited its passengers and taken up a fresh load, it would be started and the next train would be allowed gradually to catch it up. It would then form part of the new train until, having passed a sufficient number i.t stations, it came to be the last carriage again, when it would be once more slipped. Of course the cara vould be electrically driven, and the author exhibited a model showing how by an electrical device it could be shown In the separate car and in far the two the overtaking train were apart. IN EFFECT AFR. 1. PUBLIC, 4 NEW IDEA FOR EXPF iSS TRAINS. Makes No Stops, But TIME TABLE. 1.(5 p 6:50 p S 1.10 p as 0.16 a 6.00 p a R 6.55 p ns Dally except Sunday. D. K. BURLEY T. M. SCHUMACHER, Act. Traf Mgr. tt. P. A T. A. D. S. SPENCER. A. G. P. A T. A. LAND ATTORNIY, . BwingartA Salt Lake City City Ticket Ofllce 201 Main 8t Tela nta one No. M0. hurry back SALOON-I i J. M. LEE, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, a ta a Ia aa STOCKTON. MARY E. BROWN. I ...DEALER IN.. . T m aa aa aa General Merchandise. aa a 3 GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, ETC. t I i i ACROSS THE STREET FROM PUSTOFF1CE. a aa a aa aa a aa 5 r aa a aa a aa a a aa a i i N&in Street To Chicago Inexpensively. 3 a Stockton, i a Ail travelers do not rids in the Pullman; many patronize the free reclining chair ear from choice or notions of economy. Such persons have about aa pleasant & journey as those in the sleepers. The Santa Fe rune comfortable chair cara on its three Chicago trains, with a competent porter in charge. Complete toilet accessories are provided. aa :x 4 4 411 DOOLY BLOCK. 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. 4'4 - 4,4- 4 mmf LOW RATES EAST Everv day, June 23 to September 11. To all points in Iowa and to many iioints In Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Tickets good to return till October 31. P. R. Thro' elrrpera to Omaha and Chicago leaves Salt Lake City at 1:15 p. m. daily. TICKET OFFICE: 79 West Second South SALT LAKE CITY. R. F. NESLEN, General Agent. SI |