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Show SENTINEL THE STOCKTON , PUBLISHED The Marriage a la V THI STOCKTON PUBLISHING OO. P. Coaaore Store, Main If. O-- Bo 120. - Mj Jakkman. Oas. T. STOCKTON Ult'AUL Everything is Republican in this county. The Ben Harrison is working and hoisting some tine galena ore in large quantities. There are four out of ten Republicans elected in this county on the fourth, holdovers. One of them, A tty linker, has held the office two years. Our old pioneer camp will yet make a showing that will set people to thinking. The mines all around us are promise of big things in the near future. There has been some scarlet fever in town and also measles. While the health of the community appears to be fsirly good, there has been several deaths recently. In an interview with one of the con tractors on the cnt off a reporter learned that fourteen miles of grade north of Leamington is completed, and by the 15th grading will begin from Silver south. Smith & Watson and Reese A Casier Bros, are the contractors on that end of the road and they , will be finished np by the first of January. They have a steam shovel at work in a big cut four mllea north oJ' Silver. The expression "watered stock," which describes so well the expansion of the stock of a company beyond thv value of the property, originatqd'Tt is said, in connection with JDaiifel Drew who waa once thevCaTthiest and most unique manfpulalor in Wall street-Drehad been a drover in his younger and it waa said of him that days, glv-Sn- If you are in a hurry to got married this schedule ought to prove helpTuI. There are always plenty of hints on bow to live on $2 a week; how to catch, .a husband ; how to procure a wife; how to make beef stew and clean knives, in the newspapers, but, sail to state, there has been no one to get up an official schedule or guide for the use of young people who want to get married. Most men think it takes all day to tie the knot. It might take all day or all year to untie it, but it takes Just nine minutes, by the watch, to tie it You might be standing on the corner of Fifth avenue and Smlthfleld street at say 10 oclock in the morning, heart whole and fancy free, and you might return to the same corner in exactly nine minutes with all the . be-for- selling his cattle in the market he would first give them large quantities of salt to make them thirsty and then provide them with all the water they could drink. In this way their weight was greatly increased and the purchaser waa buying "watered stock." TOOEUS ITEMS. A double wedding was held at the home of Mrs. Polly 8keltoninthis eity Wednesday evening. Albert Snyder WratTOF ana Hiss Olive Skelton, were married by Mayor Lewia Strasbnrg. Both brides are the daughters of Mrs Skelton. ' After the double wedding a marriage feast was partaken of by the merry guests, and a very pleasant time was spent until the midnight chimes. The total vote cast in this city on Tuesday was 402 out of a registration list of 553. 158 straight Republican, and 125 straight Democratic votes were cast; the rest of the tickets were scratched. Sneh a slaughter was never known in this city before. The Republican majority in the county runs from 110 on Frailey, recorder, to 379 on Bryan, county commissioner. A few votes may be changed at the final count on Monday, but it will not run far from those figures- Transcript. - GKAMTSVILLE. The Grantavilla shearing association are putting np a good substantial dipping pen at their shearing corall near the six mill spring and intend to have it completed and ready for operation in about two days. Hampton Worthington, aged 28, and Miss Mollie Johnson, age 22, were married in Salt Lake City on the 30th of October last at the White House parlors by Judge Kroeger. The bride, groom gave a wedding dance in the Johnson ball the following day. The bride waa dressed in white silk and was admired by every one present; and many waa the valuable presents given by relatives and frienda At present they will make their home in An Absurdity. The craze for affixing tablets to historic houses has now reached the bathetical stage. It is announced that a tablet has been affixed to a house at Soden. near Frankfort, with the In this house following inscription: Richard Wagner spent the first night on German soil after his exile of I860." eleven years. August She Is a Climber. Mrs. Fannie Bullock Workman of Worcester, Mass., has broken all climbing records in the Himalayas by making the ascent of Loongma glacier. The feat has astounded the British authorities, who did their best to dissuade her from the attempt. Mrs. Workman Is the wife of William Hunter Workman, traveler and author. Ivory-handlr- d Starting. on your cares and responsibilities shoulders as a married man. Of course you must needs have provided yourself with the girl, but if what men say Is anything to judge by, you can get the girl in lees time than it takes to go from the corner and get mar ried. Be that as It may, for the fellow who wants the whole thing over in a very short space of time there is plenty of opportunity. The hurry of Americans Is proverbial. They are always up and doing and never waste more time than is absolutely necessary on any one errand. Thus you see with the aid of this schedule the busy man of Pittsburg makes an appointment with his future wife. They whisk off to the thance-i- n. WII'',1M lfanei-Jirfni- t-. the apwcijpent of the fellow who ties the knot, ihAn nine minutes he will be seen shaking bands' with her and on his way to his office, while she boards a trolley car and makes a call on her new mother to acquaint her with the facta of the case. There Is no useless waiting all day for a marriage in the evening and no crowding out of a bed on a cold morning, at an unheard-o- f hour to participate in a morning wedding. You choose a sensible hour and like a sensible man after consuming nine minutes you return to your office a married man, attend to your day's duties, and then in the evening you hunt up Polly at her new mother's, or her own mother's, and you are now in a position to pay a board bill for two instead of one, lost from aa a result of the office that morning. After you have made several kinds of a fool of yourself at the marriage license office by tripping over your age, nationality and so on you move on to Mr. Brown in the prothonotary'a office, who was at one time a preacher. If there is anything that Mr. Brown does love It la weddings. He is so fond of then that he la always armed. In his pocket he always carries the little book so indispensable nine-mlnute- a . J - THE the door to guide the trembling have said steps of strangers. that all the world loies a lover, but the poets are wrot. They should have said that all the world ridicules a lover. A .man feel in the vernac-- ; ular of the street, "1 10 rents and a plugged nickle.' s hands seem to have grown so i at he doubts whether at any time, Itber now or in years to come, he w ever be able to get gloves to lit the Why in the world has he never roitced in all these years that bis hands' Ire in the road? How has he ever managed to earn a A Man Feels Like Ten Cents and a Plugged Nickel, fioot-juet- s J. W- - LAWRENCE, Manager. 1 1 Carries a Complete Line livelihood? In shuffilng around 'trying to make known his wants hla feet assume the proportions of an elephants tootsies. That settles it. They1 are canal boats pure and simple, llejis positive that a man with feet likejhat hasnt any right to live, and at this he gets a look at his face ii yonder mirror. Red isnt the color xiat describes it. It is a clear purplish pink, and his eyes are protruding Oh. yes, he is sick. He is satisfied with that. Why, he hasnt looked tha way since he had scarlet fever! Yes, he Is sick untOjdeath. No well man ever looked like that. And the sad part is that his "poor little wife will be left alone in Ae world to paddle her own canoe. lias anyone ever heard of such a pathetic tale. Another look and ne sees his features working. Why, he I( actually in convulsions and then thje pipe goes out and he wakes up. Iff has been talking to himself. Of bourse, if he is marrying a widow he isnt half so stupid, for former experiences have taught her to keep her eye on the groom and with her help he puts in his I wills to the satisfaction of Mr. Brown. Here Is a story you'll hear In case you happen to have five minutes to spare when you go to get married. John Smith came in to hare the knot tied, and being told that the charge was 2 he almost dropped and exclaimed: I've never paid over 21.50! There are no frills on these marriages while you wait. Your ducky cannnot wear a liberty satin frilled up with chiffon, neithli'an she float a of GROCERIES AND MEATS Main Street, Stockton. The Best and Largest Meat Market in Tooele County .Fresh Meats. Always on Hand, and Always a Variety. BEET, MUTTON, Taking a Drink after Going Through the Ordeal. long white train and a tulle veil that hides her blushes. Instead If, as you are, she Is hurrying through to get back to work, she will probably wear a blue and white calico wrapper with slippers down at the heel and her hair up in curl papers. She has been too Industrious in putting the house to rights before she met you, and inasmuch as she expects to go back to her work. Just as yon have gone back to yours, she thinks it a waste of valuable time to go to the trouble of taking down her baugs and changing her wrapper. A good, sensible, matter-of-fac- t wedding it is. You want no flummery, There are no decorations in the apart-meuwhere the marriage ceremony is performed with great eclat, unless it be a lacy cobweb in a corner and the wedding music is supplied by the musical click of all the makea of typewriters under ibe skillful fingers of various employes and making various sorts of noises. It may be that yoi will spare a min ute to take a drink f malted milk or other refreshing beverage after going through the ordeal. You have gone and got married in nine minutes, and if that isnt a herrul ean task then no man ever deserves a drink. Pittsburg Dispatch. Was There i i Waiting, A Missouri man n his will asked his widow to strev flowers on the grave of his first w fe every Sunday. He waited until he tas beyond reach before he made the Request. to functions of this kind. Through somo wireless telegraphy the same Mr. Brown hears inurmtirings of your applying for a license, lie stands up, brushes down several imaginary Has Had Enough of Polities. flecks of dust from his Gov. Candler of Girela. whose term coat and grasps the little book tighter of office soon cxpfils, says he will than ever. lie has the assistance of herearter stay out offclitics, if the the urbane usher who is posted at boye will let him.' well-fittin- g Sfflil I PORK, $ JAMES HICKS... o hotorcipher T Well Equipped V holograph Cattery . q VTAH. STOCKTON. SvS!5 t . 12-1- o How Loving Couples Are Quickly AL ie Happy in Pittsburg Nine Minutes fill the Time Required for Ceremony STOCKTONl UTAH. OfficB Opposite h ode o o ?! rasas Operates Beat LoceJ Train Service in the State to Bill Points. Connections made in Ogden Union Depot with All Trains of Southern Pacltlc and Oregon Short Una, 3m FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY Leaving Salt Lake at 8 JO a. m., 3:15 p. m.,and 8:21 p. m. O And Three Distinct Scenic R.oites. Pullman Palace and Ordinary Sleeping to Cars Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, WITHOUT CHANGE.... A Perfect Dining Car Free RocUnlnr Chair Cara. Personally Conducted Exeuralona. Service. For Katea, Folder, etc., Inquire of Ticket OOlce. 1U1 West Second South Street, Dooly Ulock Corner, or write, I- - A BENTON, General Agent. Passenger Department, SALT LAKE CITY. |