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Show J fc .. 'ts v'- - . V Ukmiy yv. MercuiVfiaricHig - natter, J. eMp O. 01son, on L A baa commenced h j. ?.cjft?of1 O. C'wurt Admlshlwi llaulli liluw lulooiblu. After United States Attorney argument in the United States Circuit court at Sau Francisco upon his petition to destroy the Federal Salt company and its associates as a truit. United States Circuit Judge Morrow .ordered that the temporary injunction be made permanent as to all the defendants eaeept the Imperial Sait company, which was not shown to have been a member of the trust. Judge Morrow intimated ' eery broadly that should his decision be appealed from that the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, following its reasoning in the red cedar shingle trust, the tile, mantel and grate trust and the coal trust, would sustain the injunction. The decision kills the td. VMM C'lrrult 4 salt trust. There are 140,000 cases of epilepsy in tbe United Stales Since the first instant there have been 140 eases of cholera and 133 deaths in all Egypt. Burglars blew open tbe postoflice safe at Culver, Ind., and gut away with 11000 worth of stamps. Conditions in the llussian iron trade are aa critical as ever, says a Petersburg dispatch by way of London. Jeff Chenault, City Marshal Jordon and Toney Jones were killed in a shooting affray at Orange, Texas. A consolidation of leading manufacturers in this country of axes and certain lines of edge tools le in prospect, lien. Matos still has VMM) men under bis command, opposed to the SIMM) troops commanded by President Castro. Tbe Indian government has refused CUBAN RECIPROCITY. the Standard Oil company permission Slain Iwme llrlim NrpulUlurs Is Kata to prospect in the oil fields of Burnish. of Krbaieou Pufcar, General Toral, who surrendered SanWhile the Cuban reciprocity treaty to the American farces Cuba de remains in Havana, President Palma tiago in has become insane at 18V8, July, - baa supplied to Seuor Quesada, the Murcia. Cuban ininiater at Washington, full in Robbers blew open the ssfe of the strnctiona aa to the representations to be made to the United States govern- Tampa, Kan., state bank and took ment respecting it, and these hare al- about S38UO In currency, escaping on a hand car. ready been kuown to Secretary Hay. beissue main is the There have been slight eruptions of that It gathered tween the negotiators is the rate of the Koufriere volcano, on the island of rebate to be allowed upon Cuban sugar St. Vincent recently. The crater is . and tobacco entering the United Slates, smoking conti Dually. . and, as indicated last week, it ia prob-George Vest, Jr., son and private a able that there will be compromise secretary of Senator Vest of Missouri, between the S3 per cent which the died suddenly at the Columbia hotel in United States government is willing to Washington of scute gastritis. allow and the 30 per cent which the Aa an evidence that President Cuatro Cubans demand. of Venexuela does not consider that he has peace 1ms been LOST AT SEA. ordered 3,000, 000 cartridges from HamLives Lost by the Wreck of a burg. Thirty-al- a British K teenier. The trip of the gunboat Marietta to Barcelona, Venexuela, resulted in a steamer The British Elangamite, bound from Sydney, N. S. W for satisfactory settlement of the case of States Consul Baize at Auckland, lias been wrecked on Three that place. of those on Kings islands. Forty-on- e board the steamer were saved and Secretary Ilay and Sir Michael Herbert have taken up again the Bond arc missing. thirty-si- x to The ateamer Elangamite belonged treaty, providing for limited reci& Co. of Melbourne. llurke Ilnddard, procity between the United States and She was used in the gencrsl passenger Newfoundland. and mail service carried on by this In Buffalo, N. V., Christopher Willis company between the colonies and shot and fatally wonnded Mary Fer v along the coast of Australis. She wag guson, his fiancee, tnd then shot and fbuilt In 1887 and was of HUMS register killed (ii t lotig, W'Ml Vide an! been ascertained. feet deep. Three Kings islands are It is reported from Denain, Depart' a small group of islands thirty-eigh- t Da Nord, France, that at a meetmeat miles northwest cf New Zealand, 3000 miners held there it was of ing Flra Kagrd 835 In the Air. voted to continue the strike. Denain The new East river bridge, in pro- is being patrolled by troops. cess of construction between New At Wilkesharre, I'a., Dennis Dorris, York snd Brooklyn, was damaged to a foreman, was fatally shot by a miner the amount of at least 300,000 Monday named J. C. Hennessey, because lie had nlgbt by a fire that raged for four hours been refused work. Doris is popular 335 feet in the air, on the summit of and there were threats of lynching. the great steel tower on the New York Walter M. Jones, .who was superinside. There was probably no loss of tendent of the harbor police at Halife. Owing to tbe enormous height vana from the close of Spanish of the tower it was impossible to reach war until few months the when ha ago, fire the with any nppnratua in the retired because of 111 la dead. health, fire department, and tha flames, after A rebellion against taxation to meet devouring all the woodwork on tha top the indemnity China is to pay to the of the tower, seized on the timber falsa has broken out in the southpowers work of the two fool bridges snapended western part of Clii-province. from the main cables, burning away have been to sent Troopa the suppress the supports. Nearly 1,000,000 feet of disordera lumber fell with a crash and a blazing In Washington, D. C., the coroner's bias into the stream. Tbe falling foot has held Richard Cole, a colored a jury score carried of bridge away lighter ablee and guys, which trailed in tbe porter, for the murder of Mra Ada water, rendering it necessary for the Gilbert Dennis, the dressmaker who purpose of safety to atop ell traffic np was assaulted on tbe night of Decemsind down tbe river. The steamer ber 10th last, and who died recently. Puritan and other crafts had narrow Insects imported into Hawaii from scspes while running the gauntlet of Mexico for the purpose of having them the fiery brands that fell in showers attack the lan tana, which is a most from the burning bridge. Tbe fire destructive weed throughout the wan the most spectacular conflagration islands, are supposed to be doing what that baa ever been seen in New York. was expected of them on the island of Maui. Labor Candidal Win. Tanbara Gisaburo, a Japanese, who The official canvass of votes by tbe was found guilty in the United States commissioners Deer of county Lodge of the murder on the high seas court shows Montana, the election connty, of Miss Mahoney, Labor candidate for of GspL Jacobsen on the schooner superintendent of schools, over Miss Fred J. Wood, han been sentenced by Marcliiec, the Republican candidate, J udge Estee to be hanged on Decemby only four votes. The Republicans ber 34th. . will contest the election, ns they claim August Kregle of Stillwell, Ind., lias fully fifty illegal votes were counted within thirty precincts. They jnst been reunited with his sister Jusclaim that many laboriles voted their tins Iv regie of Oxford, 0., after a septicket by drawing a straight line aration of forty-eigWhen years. through the names of candidates belost each other Kregle was 0 longing to the Democratic and Repub- they lican parlies and leaving the Labor years of age and Miss Kregle was two candidates names unscratched. years his junior. PRACTICED WITHOUT LICENSE It has finally been decided that the details and conditions of the evacuaInformation Filed Against a Christina tion of Shanghai by the troopa of the Helene llMlr, Powers are to be adjusted subsequeut District Attorney Gray has filed an to the actual evacuation, which will, information in the district court at aa previously agreed upon, take plaoe Glenwood Springs, Colo., against Mrs. an early date. at Lavina S. Carpenter of New Castle, Edward llahoney. a deputy sheriff, charging her with practicing aa a was found dead on the lake shore at physician without a license. Mrs. Car- Dnlnth. A man and woman were seen penter is the Christian Science healer late Saturday night near where the who took charge of Mra Hugh Miller wai found. Mahoney for many body during her illuess, and as a result of had acted as trainer for the Du- ryara is whose treatment it alleged that MffiP Yuth Boat clnb. Miller died of blood poison. - Vice-Unit- ed . l,lm,H!LMsa,Jaee ft Ll ht t . Many of the French toilet pltxion. NEWS SUMMARY. pink, cameo, orchid or aea-sbel-l and pink alone, are of chiffon or moua-selin- e de sole, over taffeta or peau do rygne of a deeper shade. Other Su .toilets sre mixed or1 delicately toued with rseIa or sea green, pale mauve or yellow and also a certain very beautiful faint shade of honey-suckl- fawn co! . Pin pple Juice. fresh pineapple the In peeling eyes and pulp liould never ho thrown away until tl. y, too, have rontrlb-der- , Put these frag-rguted to the 1: ments from a pireapple with six unpeeled green lyr or oilier tart, juicy apples Into a e ucepan. turn on water ly lover them, cook enough to they are Jit and drain through a jelly hag. I il the liquor thus minutes. Then tained for measure it, a' an equal proportion of sugar and v ill again for live min-- ' utes. Fill into umhlera. If time Is si rce an easier process la to cook the ijVes and core in water sufficient to cov r them until they are soft, and then' iress them through a sieve and lioil the juice with sugar for a few i Unities. The flavored syrup will he Iseful in an apple or peach pie, In a guiding sauce, in lemonade or fruit ilinch. to serve with a fruit macedoine! or with cut up bananas and or&nies, and for no end of ' . purposes. e I net-unti- l y . vt! ? ? jt. Plaids in Wool and Silk. Plaids in wool materials and silks' have made their appearance once again, but they are never a pleasing revival, fn spite of the fact that they are sure to come around with periodical regularity. In the hairy wool materials you see small, almost Invisible plaids which ( subdued enough to meet with some success, perhaps, but women who dress in the best of taste are not as a rule fund of plaids. At least not f anything more pronounced than the dainty checked silks. Fur children's wear they are espe-.- . dally useful, while in velvets and silks ' lir millinery purposes they are shown In the brightest colorings of the' original Scotch varieties. How they remains to he seen, but It 1 hardly to lie exjiocted with the present elegance in drcBs that they will find universal favor. placed In the hair entirely for service, as it does not show when the coilUre is completed. The newest, coinlis arc certainly designed willi some hha of comfort, for the lims are rounded down in the center to fit about the flat kimli on the top of the head. Even the larger comb, Intended to Keep up stray 'scolding locks," is curved after the same fashion. This, liy the nay is narrower than formerly, and doe.i not give the head o luoad a look as the heavily rimmed ones that have been the correct thing. For evening near tnere are jeweled tortoise shell mmlm. in Bets of thrie and four, but for the street nothing Is quite so pretty as rich ruby shell, plain and polished until It glows. - will-flouris- General Federation Roll. According to a list which appears In the Clnb W'oman, the organ of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, 117 orgar.ixations have been admitted to the General Federation since April. Kansas contributes 33 to this list, the largest number front, one state, and California is second, n being the numStylish JCIoth Suit blouse jacket is ber admitted from that slate. The The fastened with two rows of handsome American Women's Literary Society of Shanghai. China, and the Woman's Club of Sitka, Alaska, have become affiliated with tho General Society since the May biennial held In Los The Snanglial organization Angelea. is the first club from the Flowery Kingdom to be admitted. Two federations have also come into the fold namely, the National Federation of Catholic Women's Clulis (headquarters In Chicago), and the Seattle Fed' eration of Seattle, Wash. New York city is represented on the list by two organizations, the Emma Willard Association and the College Women's Club, both of which have a number of Brooklyn members. Application for admission has been made by the Women's Club of Saltillo, Mexico. Mrs. Dimies T. S. Denison of Manhattan Is president of tlje General Federation JUm double-breaste- e Pretty Theater Waist Blouse of white silk ornamented, with rows of white silk fagoting and trimmed arouud the low neck, down' the front and on the outside of the sleeves, with motifs of white filet lace. . d alternating with white chiffon rosea or rosettes. The cuffs are fagoted. fruisethejerries witlTThe'cof 15 admitted slnccf the present arimistra-tlo- a spoon and Btrain through a flannel came Into Vower an the Increase Add 1 pound of sugar to 1 quart hag. Is regarded as an aus- of Juice, stir well and cover closely, buttons, and has a fancy shoulder col- in membership lar of the material finished with a picious beginning by the friends of letting it stand for three days, stirsingle row of stitching. The sleeves, Mrs. Denison and her associates on ring well ede-- day. Four off the clear full at the bottom, .are ornamented on the executive hoard. juice and add aherry wine if cared the outside with buttons and tassels. for. Bottle and use in two weeks. The skirt Is trimmed with seven gradSatins and Brocades. uated shaped rsllles, edged with stitchNext to the sumptuous yellow sating. The girdle is of black duchesa ins, inolrcs and brocades that rank satin. Chic Parisien. prominently anim.g tne evening textiles to he worn for two seasons to Some New Hair Ornaments. come, the beautiful rose tints stand Tortoise shell combs are worn as supreme. In danoing toilets of silk much as ever and the usual set in- or satin draped with lare and trimmed cludes three or four, the extra one with satin ribbons, a soft pink gown being a pompadour comb, which Is imparts an exquisite glow to the com- n CARRIAGE AND OPERA WRAP3. To boll cream the day before enhances the richness of the coffee Into which it is poured. To Take Stains Out of Knives. Take a piece of raw potato, dip it Into brick dust, and scour the blades with IL Red tablecloths keep their color If a little borax is added to the rinse water and they are dried Intbe shade. rusty keys and locks In paraffin oil and let them He covered for some time. The oil will loosen the rust, so that it can be rubbed off. To Prevent Rust. To prevent articles of Iron and steel from rusting. Immerse or wash them for a few moments with a solution of carbonate of potash or soda. To Whiten Linen. A tablespoonful of turpentine In a clothes boiler will whiten linen, take out the stains and render washing easier. Flour Is very cleansing and will clean the goods as well as soap; rinse Fell afterward. 7ha Safest ideas from Paris Flower boleros represent the latest Idea In floral garniture so much In favor, this and last season. Rome of the newest combs for the hair are surmounted by artistic decorations of fruit or flowers or foliage. A wrist hag of suede frequently has the ordinary chain handle replaced by a narrow ribbon of the same shade as the suede. The ribbon is doubled and tied at one side In a how. Eeru Valenciennes lace la used again this year on gowna of white organdie, though preference la given to the pure white lares as a trimming for the new gowns of this dainty material. The rage for green this season is carried out in laces, dyed in several shades of this vivid color. A hat trimmed with green and white shows a crown and brim of pleated white tulle, drfiped-wrltdeep green lace. A bow of dark green and cd velvet is placed at the back. -- ' |