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Show HAS NO DESIRE The Stockton Sentinel JAS. T. JABEMAK, UTAH UTAH STATE SEWS. ALMOST WAR. dab. A XX- - BRAVE BOYS IN CLEi Eight Mss Idi ho and Wjrou tag Wlo t Urwl Returns received fn. voting precincts in I la Coiumondar Aiuarleaa to rails a letter many of the, larger Whlrh II Avoir II I In Only Frlnd-llua- a total vote for congresi for 1'iirl Kora Expedition last at 59,931. The as Agitlu.t Sultan Will 1rulinbljr b Ahaudanad. years ago cast 65.493 OF IIAl'AIAU) DISAVOWS TKNTIOX OF FIUUT1SU. BCLTAK HuW STOCKTON. FOR A R.puUllcma etory. ADJCTAXT-GKKEBA- of the 819 Uh, including ilaces, glv tbe nan on Tuesday is precincts two ites i COBMH 1. SL'B- - sura inn anmal ksfobt. 309 Bv b 1st th Kosalsr Army Will t Blued 60,0X0 Mn Thirty-f- it ODIcars ni1 1171 Enlisted Han Hat Ciutlng th Fiscal Year. Dnvnbn ntli KcpurtMl Thr Vraaola wn No leas than eight men were drowned,' three vessels driven ashore sod pracNome tically everj lighter on the beach was wrecked in a storm which commenced o Tuesday. Ot 14, and continued the following day; These facts are suppled by Fursuyr Robertson of the Ohio, vhlch has arrived The known dead era: Frank Kelly, George Robertson, George Fleulh and Sam Joaephaon. A dozen or more people were thrown Into the surf and rescued by tho lifesaving crews. The schooner Louise, the steamer Elk and the launch Fleet Wing were on the among the larger craft wrecked crews . the instance each In beach. tbe reach to were rescued or managed shore. The storm esused tbe water to back up in Snake River anl Dry creek and the Dry creek bridge was carried. away. BOYS SLAY FATHER. Joseph Howell's pin The annnal report of Adjutant-Generin sentative movement is on foot At Mt, Pleasa sent congresi has llacalod Corbin of the army deals with The aultan of William McCarty, fu ant to atari a new creamery to be run letter to Captain Pershing, commandevery feature of the army and begins carrl court, Vicsupreme plan. on the with a statement showing that tbe at American Camp troops ing the about 4,900. Howell army la to he reduced by December 1st The foiled Slates smelter at West ars, island of Mindanao, disavowing even outside to 60.C20 men, of which about 2677 beJordan began operations Monday, one any desire to make war on the Ameri- about each having in. blown county, long to tbe staff departments. cans. He denies molesting Americans of the six furnaces being in ths about 4,100 of The report shows that during the and says he is not in possession W. Wells, abraUeinan on the Oregon leads llowell ties, fiscal al Blgadler-Uensrhla and stolen American property. year 35 officer were killed in Short Line, had a finger cut off and these counties, or died of wounds and disease, action to been lie haa Sumner preparing left hand badly maahed at Murray, of Howell in others, Of the en31 resigned and 68 retired. the but to column a a Hacalod, send slipped while making coupling. all is in or died of killed remarkably listed men, 1277 were be abandoned, Ebert Carlson, while attending to expedition will probably wiH watch tbe Lake county You diswere 35,806 wounds and disease, hla duties in the woolen mills at Provo, although the military "if followin Tbe of King. service, on the expiration his friendly charged sultan had his right arm caught in the mavote of the state apl 5098 were discharged for disability or is expected It cesave crushed. genuine. most instances plqfMties being given. dismissed by order of eourtmartial, chinery and his wrist badly the completion of the wagon road and Uoweltxklal plurality at 4667 deserted, two were missing and James Cullinan, aged of the north shore of This places the occupation in a clothing store 5,601 and McCarty's t4, 851: 303 retired. the lake will finally show the attitude Crlma f Tlirea Dili Who Ihoot asd Kilt ' shooting General Corbin approves the plan of w Jsiwit nl Hur His Body. Moroa. They continue to show the of held himself inlMTread with a as last and maneuvers, navy army Three children, the oldest of whom as great friendliness as possible.' be rifle. that and they DISTRICT. suggests September, la 14 years, are under arrest BONI WAS BOUNCED. held every year. He also favors the Mrs. Minnie Cooper, who was shot Nebraska, for killing of the army canteen. in the face by Fred Roberts, at Pueblo, Abbs Gould's llsalmnil Los His I their father, Gerhard Borchera, a . 606 will recover. Roth Mrs. Cooper and Heaver th Frrurh Chamber of Drpstl. farmer, and burning hia body. BorchTHE CONTEST FOB SPEAKER. Box Elder 18027 Roberta were well known in Salt Lake the debate era was killed, according to a stateCache an After exciting Carbon Is Is ths ment alleged to have been made to tbe r treasure Lltllr6Id of Mains City. U French chamber of deputies by a vote Davis son, sheriff by Herman hla Wla. deKac Emery The Utah Sugar company has of 375 to 338, in validated the election MS had purcbe which used a .... .... who Uartlcld shotgun Congressman Charles EL Littlefield of hased for the purpose. Then, with, cided to absorb tbe Rear River Water of Count lioni de Castellano as a memGreene IPO . Iron concerns in an interview at Seattle, the help of two brothers, August aged two 10U came Maine, the ber of the house. The question company and operate Jusb. . .... ..... 162 he waa going home to begin 10, and John, aged 8 years, Herman Ksue of stock stated contested that on head. The one under capital 100 up when the committee stack and-se- t Millard 867 his fight for the speakership of the dragged the body to a straw e the new company will be 16,000,000. election presented its report without Morgan .... is said who to Herman, fire it He Flute.... 11 house of next chamber representatives. hla killed the Ms that and killed fired the gun recommendation, leaving Rich...... ...... Yip Sing, who shot W0.... Salt Lake believes he will be elected, hut de- father, implicates theyonnger brothM. Chauvin 5 .... San Juan Quong in Salt Lake City, is still at to pass on the election. cool.-.- . clares that whatever the actlou of the ers equally with himself, while they on Count de 40H... large. The officers believe he has been made a bitter attack the blame on him. The only of MM 17V Republican caucus may be, he will be put declaring he had been guilty Summit hidden away by friends, all efforts to for the crime given ia that motive 600 Tooele Mr. Littlefield haa been content 608 686 who is a widower, had not irregularities and saying that the Uintah locate him having proven unavailing. SOW 4380 the California be in of . . .. ........ during them kindly. Neighbor ley-thebis accused treated had Utnh. peaking opponent 78 .... Postmaster Rosa haa received orders count Wasatch sens no mistreatment on tho the work of tbe knew 830 a Dreyfua-ar- d. and Discussing descent campaign. 'German of WashinKton... fronutbe department at Washington to ing father. (5 of the said: part Wayne coming congress, he Writer install the rural free delivery route on thequesliou of trusts Caatellane classing de 'Legislation replied, Count MOLINEAUX NOT THE MAN. from the Lehi office and will have the Plurality. had moat important feature of will he said be the He false. as the chsrges route in working order December 1st. In Beaver the Republicans elect three congress's work this winter. I under Dofosso In Celebrated Murdor Case Springs been accused of buying the election Surprise. The home of C. C. Rowe, a pioneer and and tha stand Attorney General Knox is draftpracticing charity for election commissioners and sheriff, in the Meond sensation The citizen of ML Pleasant, was destroyed greatest ing a bill on the subject at present purposes. Nothing of the kind had Democrats the balance. RolaBd B. Rowe charged Mr. Molineaux, of adtrial fire escaping last week, but and1 all the Cache elect by which will probably embody Republican! in ever been proved, he declared, came of Mrs Adams, murder with tha with bnt the clothes on his back, all closed his defense with an appeal to one commissioner and sheriff. sentiments. ministration's deHannah la Mrs. anti-truwhen bill that late Thursday, "I believe the the contents of the bouse being The Kane Republican ticket was the chamber to uphold hie election, will refleet the sen ti men is of Stephenson, the wife of a Brooklyn passed assessor. of the stroyed. with elected exception which, he asserted, truly represented President Roosevelt He has spoken was called ty the stand by Millard county eli feta the whole Utah postmasters appointed on the the wishes of the inhabitants of the so plainly in bis campaign that the policeman, and testified poeitively that defense the diatricL Basses hia Alpes must follow ticket 6th InsL were: Manila, Uinta county party Republican publican was not the man who mailed Molineaux chamthe left count the Just before ticket ! leadership. Moreover, his la a safe the now famous poison package at the The entire Ri Sarah A. Smith, vice Charles L. Larks, ber he turned and shouted defiantly: elected in Pints. postoffice on the evening of resigned; SL John, Tooele county, "Gentlemen, I will be with you again! bill that will be passed will not general December S3, 1898. all elect Means A. ( .? vice Arthur, In Rich, the,. Mary Isaac Evans, be a drastic measure, nor will any witness partially identified! Then the HIB EARS CUT OFF. clerk : ...bat lutoner, re euurCKs III mail wfittft fif nV'V1 publlcans-eie- cr im 'W ItpHWti mini Bsigway and Jun- - two commissioner treasurer and possible for great corporate interests standing in front of her in the line at secure a divoi oflha ny san give brief details of a horrible e assessor and the Dmodrata the rest to exercise a harmful influence upon athe posioffice and bolding in hia hand bar. Hubby charges ample of witchcraft and the business interests of the country. package addressed to "Mr. Harry superstition The vote on countyMa removal waa against her. Tbe Democrats in Congress cannot Cornish, Knickerbocker Club. That In the Hoonah Indian village, forty 2683 for and 1365 dgalJst, Park City oppose an anti-tru- st and I believe was all ahe saw. . Her identification of Thievea en tered Dahl Bros. alaugh ter mitea distant law, from Juneau. Though She said they will vote with the Republicans Cornish was failing to get the necemry house at West Jordan on the night of much like the man, but when the bill comes to passage. quite and peaceable, the Iloonah In very vote 47. by the 4th and carried away two dressed Bans are hesitated before replying affirmatively very superstitious, and nearly .The Republican cand when naked if ahe did not think he waa muttons. N. II. Henderson and George AGAINST STATEHOOD BILL. every year one or more suffeip death commissioners and the man. in Hunter have been arrested, charged eouiiy attorney violently. Several days ago tbe In Uintah. In with the crime. Republicans grant Oppnra Admission diaua took a man who was believed to Chargod With as Awful Crime. All the Republican candidates except of Kaw Mexico and Arlsona. A. S. Watson, an undertaker of he Intense excitement prevails at Harof Salt the devil and made one commissioner were elected in possessed The statehood bill, by which it is rison, Lake City, was shot and probably mor- him the victim of the trial of Louis Blacker 0.,over frightful atrocities. Wasatch. proposed to admit Oklahoma, New and Harry West for an alleged assault tally wounded by Clyde II. Ellison, a Ilia ears were cut off and his body The Democrats el Mexico and Arizona during the coming on Mabel former street ear employe, who claims frightfully hacked in an Wright while returning' unsuccessful 850 In Washington session, is to be contested by the Rethat Watson had alienated the affec- effort to drive out the demon.. The one from school last Tuesday evening. of 013 in 1900. tions of his wife. publican leaders in thesenate. Senator Blacker and West were hunting in tbe victim was troubled with eiileptic fits, Details of the vole of the state of Beveridge, chairman of the committee woods when they stopped MIm Wright The city council of Salt Laka haa which continued. He waa finally at the point of their guns. Her are coming to the atate cen- on territories, left Washington Wyoming buried alive in the earth and hla scalp Friday Mreama attracted neighbors, passed an ordinance compelling the cut who aptral incommittee loch in and to meet off, loch. a Officers comof very slowly have that street ear company to place fenders ou hurried to the by prehended Blacker and Weat and curscene from Juneau on a complete form. Such returna as have mittee in Chicago on all ears, hnt the company will be special steamer. Monday, to visit ried the unconscious girl home in a bean received from about 50 per eent the three territories and take teali frightful condition. West denies the allowed nntil the first of next April to of the voting places indicate that the mony on all questions involved in tha assault: Blacker admits it and aaya he fihorklns Tragedy la Hoaolaln. ao equip the cars. was under the influence of liqnor. vote wee between 4 and 6 per cent claim for admission. A shocking tragedy occurred in more than two Salt Lake valley thua far this year ie Undo Bans Will Briag Thom to Tlmo. From intimations, dropped by SenaHonolulu when the home of E. B. years ago. Canvassing nearly five inches abort in the matter Friel tor boards of various it counties meet is there Beveridge, that at appears The United States gunboat Marietta was burned to the ground and of precipitation. aa strong opposition to the admisIt will he necessary various times. That of Laramie still arrived Thursday at Barcelona, Veue-xuesion of for an unusual amount of snow and his wife and all three territories as ever. daughter, will commence on 17th. the county Id Mrs order to compel the revoluThe ground of objection ia that New Nigel Jackson, was so severely rain to fall from now on to make np In Idaho two but counties have Mexico tionists and Arizona Mexiburned are there to release the United she that died in a few hurs, largely the present deficiency. in population, and that they have States consular after fearful suffering. The fire la reported complete! They are Ada and can agent, Ignacio II. Baiz, At West Weber, Sidney Jackson was and the total vote east in the not sufficient population to entitle who was arrested for refusing to be Canyon, to have been thought them to become state with an equal incendiary and two on to shot and killed by a a forced loan. Mr. Bals is for was Tuesday congreraman boy Nigel Jackson, husband of one of the representation in the senate with the the richest man in Barcelona and a named Reed. 8047. Two years ago th same counYoung Jackson had victims, is in custody, under older commonwealths of the Union. man of high The treatment position. suspicion leaned his gun against the wall when of having committed the deed. Jack-so- n ties east 7307 votes. Tf.'is shows an in- An effort will be made to have Okla- to which he has been subjected is only homa admitted and leave tha other an incident similar to the boy picked it np sod fired, the crease of 840, or 11.9 per cent. many others had jnst been sued for divorce. two out. which have occurred in every part of charge striking Jackson in the breast. Venezuela GHOULS CONFESS CRIME. Murdered by Agreemeat. The mortality in Salt Lake Mob Afraid to Face Soldiers' Bayonets. City for Cs Had to Ills Door and Than Shot Down. A remarkable atory of murder the month of October was 79, repreby Faint Out Gravrs In Indiana Ci Fearing further trouble at Anniston, Aa a result of the prolonged war g between two an hind agreement has Whlrh annual death rale of 13.61 Bobbed. senting Japanese Thoy Alabama, the sheriff appealed to the between the cattlemen and per 1,000. For the same month last been unearthed by the finding of a waged Rufus Cantrell an l John MeEndree, governor for more troops to protect homesteaders year the mortality was 53, the increase woman's dead body in a canefleld on leaders of the in western Oklahoma, the who is comnegro ga ag of confessed suspected of this year being due to the numanother the Island of Maui. The victim was mnrder has been committed. large an of Indiaua assault Mrs. have John G. oils, ghoulda ber of deaths among persona over 65 upon pointed mitting W. Lane, a prominent figure named lehi. She la alleged to have out between Williams. A waa and from sent amosg years of age. company thirty forty graves signed an agreement with one Fugiti which they said we e robbed by them. Gadsden and arrived at Anniaion at the homesteaders, was called to hia Christian Christensen, door and shot dead, the murder occurremploy ed in the Lehi Sugar factory, by mistake Klchita Kichita, whereby she agreed At the Anderson ce netery the men told 10 oclock. At midnight a mob formed to leave her husband for him with a the detectives that ibout in East Anniston and began a march ing near Shirley, In Dewey county. A turned on a valve which threw hot forty grave further ahe if that failed on stipulation were empty. the county jail with the intention prominent cattleman named John Joy water and steam upon him and two has been arrested, charged with comher out Kichita toearry of In Anderson the agreement, Cantrell others. lynching the prisoner. When near cemetery Christensen is very badly In the crime. The murdered burned, but the other men received might kill her, sod last Thursday ahe pointed out tha gra ret of a woman and the jail the troopa under Major Daniels plicity mao a wife and three men were also was stabbed to death. mob as met and laer daughter the an mg thoae which he upon the order only alight injuries. had robbed. The sexton said he albayonets the attacking party arrested. "charge Tbe city fathera of Pleasant Grove fiaspccted Maf Ulowors. ways thought the I dy of the former Mattered in every direction. Hun tar Dir of Starvation. and th it there were some so far have been unable to strike n. CL H. W. and Murray Gutherie, was missing a flow After POSTOFFICE PHYSICIAN. wandering three days in ths of water near tl.e O. S. L. two young men, are lodged in jail at persona who suspecd her husband of depot, even ted. desert James Williams of El Faso. Cantrell said ha being implies though they are down about 150 feet Rathdrum, Ida., charged with blowing stole the body of thj woman by agree-m- d Order Is laanrd Abolishing ths Position In Texas, died of starvation and exhausand several wells with her husl and paid tha Many ORIcra. running only 60 feet open the safe in M. D. Wrights store meat tion and only three miles from a town, deep within a stone's throw of where in that town Thursday night of last husband half of th !10 which a prom-pai- d lie had wandered for fifty miles, travelal The ordered postmaster-generhas local inent for ths physidal the city is driving. body. week. The men had been working in that the postoffice physician he abol- ing ia a circle. He strayed from a John Brady, for over fourteen a livery stable at Rathdrum but disapAt Yorktown, jV. T., a young ished years In all postofficea in cities under hunting party, seeking antelope, Suna conductor on the Kio Grande Western peared the night of the robbery. They Doukhobor woman attractive sp- 500,000 population. There are about a day. His companions came to El Paso, and one of the best known were captured at Hope, where it la re- pcarance dressed lie lit in white cot-la- dozen cities in this class where such thinking Williams hsd railroad gone by rail. inen in Utah, died at his home in ported they had been gambling and ton, with white r Salt shops, and positions exist, and a number of post- When he failed to return they emLake last week. Mr. Two hersell men other Se VirgiifMary. are proclaimed Brady', death spending money. ployed and old chief, Marianna, of the iwlll be mourned by hundreds of under suspicion, but hare not been Many of the Donk ''Kirs belipve her masters reported that the position waa I Ysletas, wh trailed on the lost man's raU. ise trouble if her not necessary. It is expected that this atory and she may goad men and others in Utah. caught rrgyse till his body waa found in the advice la in the wn r direction. action will save the government about Sagebrush. 110,500 a year. al A 24ujed inJrCity, e. Ht .' to-hav- Caat-ellan- e, the-fathe- . f - st Re-lic-an -- .4 num-briug- a ' k two-thir- fifteen-year-o- not-positiv- ds ia, ld sub-Mri- six-year-- old be-in- ss f |