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Show HORSES, MEN AND GUNS WHITE SLAVES VTAH STATE NEWS WENT OVER THE irxaiii-i- l company hat among the farmer uf Wayne wiuuif a for tha purpose uf esrabliHliing reamsry. The Mlnl'irrial Lake Clijr ha l bill Horae, Who CLEF GIVEN Dd Women are Purchased in agalnt Young at tha the United States for the Sunday night perforniaw-Junction City, Kan. Frivato Alb theatre Oriental Harems of the Twenty-nintLast battery (t a fall Jem t'arf sued field artillery, was killed at fat train In Halt lake t'lfy. hi foot lieing lUley at noon Friday. Private Jot io badly crushed hat amputaiiun U and J. G. Simpson of ,11 Maids or High a fight h . Connolly aama battery, are thought to be raui Charles W. Karr, who acridi-ntallly injured, and Privates Leary, Kie hoi himself whllrt examining a revolman. lamrast'-- r and Cline of the nF ver. lu Halt lake City. died m Thun organization, are in the hospital wfil I day n laat week. broken llmba and Internal Injuries 4 . 4 'bn Tha annual convenimi of the 1'tah large number of other artillery mi. - TiiiNte III young woiiu-llFederation of Wuuieu Club will be piiirliiiM'il ill riiicHgu fur practical were badly hurt. The accident ft hold lu SrliiKVlll on 'I'h'irxilay and sail in all pal' if the empire of caused the death of Lasts and lnjwf about tN Friday of I hi week. Chin, i. has been discovered bv local of the others occurred but miles north of Port III ley. frill i .il mid fuller authoriti'-a- , Charh-Odd, of Kays ill1. UiM hi The Twenty ninth battery la one thu f,ii liu law haa In 'eg found pio barn. Mtatile and hay by the iaM the six making up the first provision! i of children (InlilhmuK started by fire rxpoiilng the being regiment of field artillery at targd r count lhK. The Wullii-l- i to foil-lul- l The batterys playing with matches. guns bid practice. of till nalllCS llf been placed and Its eight Umbel lire III An organized Kang uf dug ihlcvi- -t N loaded with ammunition were at tM two wmiii-ii- , on- - iu Chicago and operaitiiK In Halt lake t'liy. many r with lx horses hitched to eB In Sli.iioliai, who tin- - Ihouglil diniM-reanimal valuable having The driver had dismounts. Umber. - li .idi-- i I hr InIII to practice. When the battery waa ready for flrlif during the ant week. III the operation Of a Ttii- - plan iiiu-large rod Bag waa run up on a atif a miner, was 11. Killkeney, I I aa a algnal to the range party at tha it believed, ilic van, ring In I'ark caught by a cave in in a mine to get out of range of tM target women, to Him hire iiiiriimpei-tliiCity and badly lujurcd. being partly gun. tempting I hem with lurid stories or The wind blew the flag out In tM buried beneath the dcliri. wealth In the Orient. A foillon of face of the horse and they stem priof town of the The dlainnirporatUin inubl or high servant lit wealthy Chi- ed at once. Some drivers succeeded Moah I to bn voted un thla eieetion. nese families is said to have bien llm In getting Into their saddle, oth but It la aald there U little llkelihoml halt offered. To bind the contract the were dragged, but the most of tM driver were left behind. The horse of the town being dialnrorporated. applicant for the isudilon was told dashed over a small cliff and west B. K. Mra. ami A young aou of air. down In a frightful mans. that lu-- r traveling and living expense Keyes of Annabella received painful would be furnished und all the clothDEATH 8UMM0NS FAMOUS ACTOR though not aerlnua Injiirlea a few days ing necessary furnished. horae. a from ago by being thrown When the women reached China Sir Henry Irving Expire Soon After Freil Mazxu, the Julian wauled In they were Immediately placed under Usual Nights Performance. Hit Halt Imke for the murder of Joaeph guard and sent lo the purchaer, who Sir Henry Irving, the nob London. Vartella. haa been captured In Colo- hud previously paid from $5tM) to ll.UOil Bit tiled ed actor, Friday night Hall to rado and will lie brought hack for each. Many are supposed to he He In died harness. Henry literally hake for trial. held In puluces of weulthy Chinese unwaa giving a aeries, of farewell pee The clly council of Coalville ha der gourds. formances In the English provinces awarded the rontract for the conai moand was playing an engagement tt DEATH. TO BURNED SIX election of the power houae, and an Uradtird, appearing In several favoe tric light plant will he I:. .Hailed a Home Caught Fire in the Night and ite roles Thursday he presented aoon aa poaalhle. , All but One of Family Cremated. TM "King llenea Daughter" and accident fiMitball Brut aerlou The St. Izuiln. Mrs. Alice Hartman and UeUa,H and seemed to be in excelled the exhausting part f of the aeaann hapiiened In Balt her five children were burned to death health, taking In latter play with aB the Matthias laat week, when Frank Htiefel, a high In a fire that destroyed their home lit the vigor of youth. Friday night, he broken bone collar hi acboul boy, had Fort lloyul, a village In Franklin hire an enthulatlc audience he pee during a acrlmtnage. county, Tuesday. The news of It wa trayed one or hi moat characterlstlo parts, the title role U The recent atorma have covered the first received at Chiytnu through a hiy Intellectual s own stage adaption of Lord The hushiiml, William htlla around Park Clly with aiuiw, and messenger. "Docket." with marked sue j It I probable that thewe mountain llartinun, escuiied from the burning ccaa. After the performance Sir Htqif will be covered from now until away Iioiiho, lint was unable to save any ha member of hi family. The family returned to the hotel, reaching wa lata In June nest year. rooms at 11:30 oclock, when It The grain threahed at Amurlcan wa HroiiHed from sleep by dense observed that he waa In great pji Fork thla ycjr waa slmve the aver- smoke. Mrs. llartinun, currying her Physicians were Immediately nit but before they could aiw age lu quality, being free from dirt. why, rushed uptslr to arouse the moned, Sir Henry wan seised with an altug The crop of both wheat and oata ran children and before Hartman could of syncope and expired within a fuv follow the building suddenly burst into above that of last year. without hiving uttered t minute, haa Just lame throughout ami he wi forced word, In the presence of Braa Stock A Davia county shipper to leave hi entire family to perish. er. who had been hia Immediate manhipped two carload of choice apager for many yean, and a few other The charred hoillo of the six victim ple to Minnesota. The two carlnada Intimate friend. and the were found In the ruin. The oldest constituted 1,200 buhela child was twelve year old. FIRST RECEIVED ROOSEVELT hlpper realised 91,400 from hia venNEWS. ture. THIRTY-FOUINJURED. Thomas Teakle, aged 47, an emof Russia Sends Word That 3moker and Day Coach Go Over an Emparor ployee of the Z. C. M. I., waa Instantly Ha Haa Signed Peace Treaty. Embankment. killed In lha Oregon Short Line yard 8L Petersburg. As a graceful mark perIn Halt Lake, being run down by a Cheyenne, Wyo. Thirty-fou- r of appreciation of the part hd took baggage car aa he waa crossing the son were Injured, throe perhupa fa- In bringing altout the conference at mily. in an itvcldent to the northbound Portsmouth and the resultant tracks. peace. Tha augar factory at Lehl la con- pusMeuger train on the Cheyenne 4 President Roosevelt wa the Brat perA son to be notified by the Russian govsuming about 1,200 Iona of beet per Northern railroad, a Colorado hruneh Southern oil line, Tuemluy, of about 3,000 bags ernment that Emperor Nicholas had day sad sacking miles ratified the augar. Tha plant la running smooth- ueur Horae Creek, thirty-fivpeace treaty. Aa soon as wa the eraperorki signature had been at ly and tha beets are running well In north of Cheyenne. The train rounding a curve when the smoker fixed to the instrument and before the saccharine. end day conch left the rull and rolled treaty had been brought back from old baby girt of The Peterhof for the counter signature of down the embankment u ditance ol Mr. and Mra. Thoms Foreign MlnUter lutmadorff, the newe RUhton, of alniut twenty feet. The locomotive and was sent directly to the president The HoyUvIUe, was playing near a large ear hud pncd over the weak official notification to the French canal when it fell In and was drowned, baggage government, acrbrdlng to the foreign SkiI In the truck In safety. the body being found half a mile from office, followed several hour later, of the unfortunate passenger Many when Conn Lamxdorff bad completlha house. were pinned under Meat and In the ed The ratification by hia elgnatare. A petition la being circulated and Is areckuge, and their cries were pitiful. being liberally signed by the citizens TAGGART WINS DIVORCE SUIT. Shower of Molten Metal. of Park City, asking that a team of Chirago. Five ton of molten metal Mra. Taggart Denied Poiseeelee of horses be procured for service on the Her Children. lire depar(mrtt of the town, declaring exploded lit the Joliet plant of the a lu Steel company, fulling Wooster, O. Judge Eason, who that a man power department la pracwork-incon u of of death bund shower the divorce case of (aptala Elheard uncles. tically Unit the converter. One man I E. more Taggart against hi wife, renN. died at Allrod. who Keddlrk, dead, lhnc are fatally burned, and a dered hi decision Friday afternoon. of last week at the 81, City age Spring was a pioneer of this state, and an half dozen Injured so badly that they The court grant Captain Taggart tha divorce nnd the custody of the two niuy die. Many other suffered Indian fighter, at one time hia life burn on their feet and hands. children. Culver, aged 11. and Charles, saved In a tight with Indian The explosion shook the whole pluut, aged 7. Although Mr. Taggart I deowing to the fact that the bullet struck ending piiulc Into every eorner uf the nied possession of he chlldreq. she hi watch. works. great will be permitted in sec them. A round-uof schil children who are not attending school has been beCivilizing the Filipino, Ids Will Resign. of Salt Kan. The divorce gun by the truant officer Washington. Manila newspapers Ijake. The law require every buy and suit of Conception Vasques, the Fili- just arrived Indicate very clearly the girl between the ages of 8 and 16 pino woman. aguint First Lieutenant understanding that there are to he year lo attend school at least thirty Sidney S. Durimuk, Sixth infantry several change in the personnel of weeks during the year. which has attracted much attention I the Philippine commission. It I statIn some unknown way the hay- the army, ha been decided lu favor ed with a good Meal of posittvenea stacks of Itasmus Raamusson of of Mrs. Burbank. Word haa reached that Commissioner Ide is shortly to on account of advancing years that Judge Bate uf retire Bphraim, caught Bre and before the and while Governor Wright resignafire department could roach the scene the court of first Instance at Iloilo, P. tion Is not so directs-forcasted, it 1 of the flrn two stark, a fine harness I., had granted a divorce to Burbank's Intimated that he wiil retire himself soon after he return to the bland and a few head of cattle were burned. Fllipluo wife, had given her the The loss amounts to altout 50i. of their daughter and allowed her from hi projected visit to Waihlnf-toIn December. Will K. Swan, of Ogden, charged alimony of ten peso a month. with a felony In connection with Commission Finishes Its Leber. Not Satisfied With Sontenco. bounty fraud on January 4, 1905. In SL Petersburg.-T- he nea Ky. Virgil Bower, solsky 'recomplicity with Arthur II. Conllsk, who. on the witness stand, turned gro, was taken from the county Jail form commission appoln ed to artale's evidence, waa found guilty by here and hanged to an apple tree on range the measures for the election a Jury after two and half hours' delibthe road leading to Durbourvllle. On to the national assembly ha finished eration. Angus! 6 Bower shot and killed Ita labor. The commisx'.nn b now A. A. Mistier, of Salt Lake City, was Harris, a weulthy Knox counthe victim of a peculiar accident In George lumber dealer. At hi trial last mrat of a ministerial cabinet. 4 Me was about to ty Vernal recently. the week disagreed, ten voting rial conference, to which all ths Jury a from buggy when his foot step functionaries have been Invited, for death the penalty and two for a meet lipped and he throw out both bands next week. At this mretiar to save himself with the result that life aentenee. A second trial by a Jury will undergo final both hia arms were broken at the brought from Rock Castle county ren- project congj iibnu-hlo- n to th dered a verdict of life aentenee. after tion before wrist. paror. ten Juror bad voted for banging. Girl RECEPTION NORTHWEST NOTES Seattle la In the race for the NationEndeavor coarentioo Christian al by of 1907. Making Demonstrations. James A. Crawthy, aged 44 years Issues a Semi-Offici- al Note on waa found dead In the Diamond mine the Squabble Over the at Butte, hia death being due to sufToklo. Baron Kumura. the foreign focation. Moroccan Affair. minister who acted a chief plenipoTwo Butte miners, named ONiel and tentiary for Japan, arrived here Mon- Anderson, were caught in a cave-l- la day from Vancouver, 11. C. Hia recep- the Speculator mine, and Instantly Will Continue to Uia Ita Influonea at tion at the railroad station waa not killed, both bodies being badly manParis and Borlln for an Understandnthiisiiuitlc, those present being prin- gled. ing Between France and Germany. cipally government dignitaries. The Jury haa found Herbert Ambler street were Htrongly guarded by the guilty of holding up Coxgriff Bros. troops, police and gendarme. The store at Laramie, Wyo., on tha night Rome. In conectlon with the al- baron drove to the palace In an im- of June 5 and taking goods and money leged revelations regarding the event perial carriage. to $451.75. which preceded the resignation of th The emperor showed exceptional amounting A Dillon, Mont., dispatch says Owe French minister, M. Delcaase, the fol- honor to Baron Komura In dispatchcommunication ing to Yokohama, where he landed Ellis, a Big Hole valley' rancher, waa lowing hot and killed In Ellis saloon at Wisnas been Issued here: from the Eniproa of India, Colonel dom "Tha action taken by Italy at Paris, by Sid Houk, a gambler, after an hi majestys aide de camp, In which Houk had the encounter and London Berlin in connection with who went alongside the steamer in a worst of It. Houk gave himself up. the Moroccan affair waa absolutely despatch boat and brought Komura haa been announcement friendly and conciliatory and In the ashore. Baron Komura landed Definite at the Interests of peace. The aetkm waa Imperial enclosure. While F. J. Haines, president of the made by the baron not fruitless, aa owing to It France ac- was on hia Yellowstone Stage comway to Toklo by train, Monlda ft new hotel, to coat $160,-00- , a that cepted the conference proposed by Colonel Inouye pany, at constantly kept la to be built In Yellowstone park. Germany, which the former originally Komuras aide and on arrival here will be opposed, to agree to the fundamental they drove together to the palace In It la stated that the structure of Yellowstone conditions claimed to be discussed by an the a product Imperial carriage sent from the strictly the conference. Foreign Minister Tit-to- household stables. country, and that it will be completed communicated thla to M. Barrera, The emperor cordially received Bar- June 1, 1906. the French ambassador to Italy, and on Komura and during the audience, Robbers drilled a hole In he safe of which lasted over an hour, it la be- Nlhlll ft Malsoma real esate office at nothing else. It la also understood that the Ital- lieved the baron made a full verbal Moore, Mont., and, pouring In nitroian government will continue to uz: report to the emperor of the course glycerine, wrecked the strong box, It Influence at Pari and Berlin for of the peace negotiations, emphasizbut secured only $26. The Citizens bePresident ing effort Roosevelts In an understanding between France and half of peace. bank la temporarily located In tha Germany. At the close of the audience the emThe relations between Italy and and the robbers evidently building France continue to be most friendly, peror honored the baron with a writwere breaking into tha they thought (he French government having em- - ten personal message, highly prized bank safe. statesmen. by The Japanese denied a speech attributed message Catlcally Rouvler, which waa consid-ira- d expressed satisfaction at the fact that John . llogau, of Chicago, gava was concluded and commended himself disrespectful toward Italy. In- peace up to the Portland, Ore., polios lead. aa one evidence of these good Knmuras able service aa shown dur- and confessed thnt he delivered tha relations, France will send a naval ing the negotiations. blow which killed Mrs. lioulse Jet squadron to Genoa to greet King VicUNION DISSOLVED. tor Emanuel, who Is going there Octo kina. In a resort In the restricted disber 28 to Inaugurate the new harbor trict of Portland. According to Ho works. Norway and 8weden Hava Been Forgans story, he struck the woman ao mally Separated. ddentally while Intoxicated and did CONGRESSMAN SENTENCED. Stockholm, Sweden. The union be- not know that he had harmed her. Williamson, of Oregon, Sentenced to tween Norway and Sweden, existing The control of the State Raving since 1814, haa been dissolved, both Ton Months' Imprisonment. of Butte, one of the most prombank, houses of the riksdag having passed Portland, Ore. John Newton Wilinent Institution of the banking from Oregon the government bill repealing the act northwest, has passed into the hand liamson, congressman for tha Second district, wa sentenced of union anil recognlzlnx Norway aa of F. Augustus Helnze and M. Sellers In the United State court on Satur- a state separate from the union with Largey, Thoms M. Hod gens, caahlei Sweden. The lower bouse adopted Imprison-iften- t day to serve ten months and one of the founder of the bank, and pay a fine of $300. He waa the bill without debate, but two or nnd hi brother, J. O. Hod gens, dislectured by the court for failure to set tljree members of the senate ex- posing of three-fiftof the stock ot a good example to others because of pressed the opinion that the dissolu-- ' the institution. tlon was an Irreparable misfortune hia exalted public position. and that the time would come when When the gate of the Lewi and States Norway Marlon R. Biggs, would perceive the benefits Clark exposition closed at 1 oclock taxed' court was the commissioner, by of the union. with a similar dereliction of duty and Sunday morning a total attendance Both houses passed given an equal penalty, but In tha the new flag law.subsequently The flag will be a for the day bad been regia tared of case of Dr. Van jGesner, convicted of yellow cross on a blue ground, the 66,960, making the grand total for the being a fellow conspirator to suborn same as existed to 1814, the entire fair period 2,545,509. The atperjury, on account of age and feeble union mark, now prior showing In the up-- ' tendance for the last day rank third health, the term of Imprisonment waa per left hand corner, being elimi- In point of number, Portland day cut In two and the fine doubled. nated. of a and are stay pending Appeals and Fourth of July being the only execution waa made pending a further LOST ALL FOR LOVE. greater day. order of the court. Meanwhile, j Williamson will go free on A corpse found Just west of Great Grand Duke Cyril Feels Weight of la own recognisance, but a bond of Mont, near the Great Northern Falla, Czars Displeasure. 94,000 waa required of the other two of way, ha been identified nr right defendants, as during the trial of the 8L Petersburg. The official Mea that of Douglas Catnlck, an em- case. Aa the term of Imprisonment la less than one year, the sentences must aenger publishes an Imperial ukase ployee of the Bower Brothers ranch. dated October 15, dismissing Grand He ha been be served In the county Jail. missing for three weeks. Duke Cyril from the service bemuse Is believed It he was crossing a tresBATTLE IN CRETE. of hia recent marriage to the Princes! tle and waa struck by a train, throwhim to the ground, eighty feet beflva of tha Insurgents Killed and Victoria, the divorced wife of the ing low and breaking hia neck. Grand Duke of Hesse. The ukaae also Eight Wounded. The supreme court at Helena haa deprives the grand duke of hia decoraCanes, Island of Crete. Russian tions and other honors. denied the motion of the plaintiff lor soldiers, gendarmes and civil guards In addition to the other punish- a rehearing In the famuta case of the tm Friday occupied the village of Ary-In- o ments mentioned Grand Duke Cyril la Nipper company, owned by F A. In the Italian zone, and a fight deprived of the right to bear the title Helnze, agalust the Anaconla and with the Insurgents ensued which of imperial highness and hia entire Washoe companies of the Amalgamatuntil night.' The details have Ruaalon income, which Is derived ed Iasted from Copper company, action to qntet the set aside for $2,500,000 each recensored, but local papers duke at his birth and which has title and Involving the ownership of port that five of the insurgents were grand the Nipper vein, in which the supreme killed and eight wounded and that luce been augmented . In various court last July reversed the trial ways. The grand duke left Peterhof the Russian troops suffered no. Judge and ordered the case back for Monday night a rehearing. RAILS SPREAD, TRAIN DITCHED. WILL DEVELOP KOREA. The cornerstone of the Federal In Laramie, Wyo., waa laid building lapanaaa Expect to Develop Natural Seventeen Persona Injured on Mis- last week, by the Grand lodge of Wyosouri Pacific In Colorado. Resources of Country. Master M ming Masons, with Colo. Seventeen InterPueblo, when Baron peraoga R. Johnston present and CongressToklo. Hayashl, were injured, one perhaps fatally, by viewed by a Jiji representative at Osa-fcman F. W. Mondell as orator of th said that the uprisings In Korea the wrecking of westbound Missouri day. Pacific passenger train No. 7 at Otto Chenoworth, who, a few yeaie ire not serious, the Irregular mobs sixty-nin- e miles east of Pueblb, declare He leaders. without ago, waa one of th most dreaded ol telng hat the peninsula la now practically at 6:30 oclock Monday morning. The all horse thieves and outlaws that Inof Japan. Adequate accident was caused by spreading fested the country lo the west and l dependency cer- rails. The last three cars of the capital and wise foresight would northwest of Casper, Wyoming, is tainly develop the natural resources Pullman sleeper, a tourist sleepertrain, and aald to have the Korea make and returned to Natrona counthat country a day coach, were overturned. Source of considerable wealth. ty less thsn a month ago. Janitor Looked for Gas Leak With a The Pacific ft Oregon Eastern RailDatto All la on tha Warpath Once Candle. Lighted way company, capitalized at $7,500,-00More. filed articles of Incorporation, at The First Presbyterian Pittsburg. Manila.--Datt- o All, with hia folchurch at McKees Rocks, a west end! Salem, Ore., last week. The purpose lowers In the province of Mindanao, suburb, waa demolished .on Monday Is stated to be to build a railroad haa taken the aggresalto and la killfrom Huntington, Baker county, Ore, to the gov- by an explosion of natural ga. The to Alturaa, Modoc county, Cal.' ing many Aloroa friendly la to said have rebeen explosion the ernment All haa Informed dattoa sult of a leak In Edmund Hackett, an old settler of the basement of tha who are assisting the federal troops former government Mont, Kallapell, building which was sought by the Janlo effect hia capture that ha ! now itor with a and flrat of Bismarck, scout, mayor candle. David lighted Proprepared to meet and kill them. N. D, In 1873, died on the trail thirty the waa now Leader, are Janitor, burned of badly troops visional companies miles west of Kallipell while returncam-balgtaking the field for a vigorous who and waa caught under the crumbling walla, but was not fatally hurt. ing from hia claim on Flaher creek. aided by friendly dattoa. There la no suspicion of foul play. pro being armed by the government Crew Had Narrow Escape. The Auclalr saloon at Butte waa Fathers Awful Crlmo. Portsmouth, Eng. The crew of six- held up by two masked men and $926 ilea go. The charred corpses of teen on board the submarine boat No. In Jewelry end money was taken from and 1 had a ph Kantrun, 27 years of age, remarkably narrow escape the proprietor, who was alone In the child were found In Monday afternoon. The boat waa en- place, and from the safe Auclalr recboth men, and one of them, net beneath a stairway In a three-- f gaged In diving practice off Splthead, ognized Arthur Cummings, was arrested shorttenement, 672 Jeffereon street and waa submerged, when water leak- ly after. extln-he- d ed through the exhaust pipe and irday. after firemen had Fire which originated In some unA a fire which la thought to caused an accumulation of gas. known manner destroyed the Lewis Dur-th- e explosion followed, light demolishing town, Mont, creamery. The loss la been of Incendiary origin. The crew, however, from fir several occupants leaped the machinery. $8,000 to $10,000, with $3,000 Into raise the vessel, which managed windows. It la believed that the .came surance. The plant was a new one stern A first. up Kantrun. waa government toaed Incendiary near by went to her asalat owned by Lewlstown business men. that Wa object waa aulddfc Ha gunboat Twelve thousand pounds of butts ance and 1 saved all the crew. ware destroyed. quarreled with his wl. n I necesi-ary- . COOL TONIO Streets Were Strongly Guarded Troops te Prevent tha Paopla Flag Frightens Over a Cliff and Go Down In a Frightful Maas. of Halt shimm-IbiIii- NOMURA REACHES ITALY ACTS US Are Hired Servants in Wealthy Families, and Sent to a Fate Far Worie than Daath. m-ek- , Anu-ricai- po-Ilr- r iilli-gi'- y To-nyson- ' e 1 1111-3- ho-ve- ho-In- g p Forl.I-euvonwort- h cum-tod- y n semi-offici- Con-resima- n cae-baltle- a, Kit-bur- n, 0, 1 |