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Show I FROM RAISED A BEAUTIFUL BIRD DEATH-BED- . Aa Hathaway at fskow-kt"Si-.cyear ago I wa au run down and arbed bark By K. Plus. Me., CO r u, u hay: that laid cxci-piio- M I jp 1 four had month uUht aweal and faluilug a pel I a and dropped to 9if pounda. Tba urine panned perry few minute with Intense pain and looked like blnod. Drupay i art in and the f derided I could not live. My gut me umIuk Iktan'a Kidney Pill, and aa they helped uie I took heart, kept on and waa cured no thorwell three oughly that I've bet-yeara Bald by all 60 cent a boa. doctor wife Peeler Milhiirn tea"" Oar dealing a challenge Oar dealing a challenge Oar dealing a challem e Our dealing a challenj e Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wonderful Jamaica Family. A rratury ago tbnre died In Jamaica a woman named Mill. Her aga wa given aa 118 and aim waa followed to the yrate by 2!i5 of ber children, grandchildren. (treat - gruiulchlldnai and (trot treat grundelilidn-no fewer than 1x1 y of whom, all named Khanka, belonged to the regiment of Militia for Ft. Kllralu-iimrlab. tar. tub fa Mora Hull HI in. I .urge tot Hum I Bed fkuM anal a. Tit 'uruiwuy, Preacher DROVE EMPEROR FROM CAPITA Weed Warblere Found en No Other a a long, atraggllng Continent but This. clal tang a bell and So email that tin- - casual glance fre- turn and gue back . iht-lpresi-nei-fresh start la necessary. But quently does not the great faintly uf wooil war bier I only on the race track that tin almost without start are essential to the There are cone brilliantly and striking rotund uf our meot of result Auierlcau bird group. Tin lover uf Instance uf hualneaa firm o Ihe t. f nature will be well fresh starts after visitation repaid by careful scrutiny of the llttli fortune. Individual without m crest lire, citlo.--r with field dally turn their hacks upon k1mmis or the naked ee, fur there ate agementa nf the peat aad take tart. The man who falls uuiii; of them timid, and patience will reveal marvel In tLe Is unwilling to do battle over Aa Individual suffers e veriest In d' way nf artlstie color ruiiiblnationx. ure If, when confronted by obai i The wood warbler family I distinctbe refuses to gird up hla loin d no On continent America. other ly lu the world I It represented. Some taka a fresh start. Freeh atari f the foea of sluggishness and la IF tad the guarantees of a bright eeas than could be poaalble wfgt them. Baltimore Herald. Mr. Pitta, One Pronouncad Incunblf, Haa Bean Wall Three Vaara. R. Taka a Freeh Start. tba horse trot dewa to thg IS AMERICAN. TipnUntNrmrXm ia fetllllrilM The Honeymoon la Still Shin The Ideal Man lives In Au(us. nia wife burnpd the steak and rft have time to cook anything else, IF haps he will not uotlce It, it thought, "if I put a flower wit! Bo she at on It beside the steak. out and gathered an aster, and nit beside the burned steak, and be er Noticed that the meat waa u ;iif At All. Atchison Globe. imrkMi S Snub (trail, lad Waa Mluundcratood. iSt hijp Ilhiinflrld diarni ered one day aa h entered the pulpit that he had forgotten the nianimrript of hi It waa liiiixmsihle to do aa tba Fcottluh mlnlMer did in in liar clr eumatancea, aen' fur the aerimra from hla home while the congregation sung Paalm 119. No. he muat preach extempore, and did an, taking for hla theme the exigence of God. Very well aatlafled he felt with hla effort. Aa he walked home he overlook one at hi congregation, wIiiihu opinion of the aeruiou ho invited. "Well, It were a very good aermon," Va the nply, "but I don't agree wi' it. I believe there la a God"' aor-mn- sixty Important to mothara. and aa UmI It Beam Ten. Tba Kind Tow Have Alwj (taugbL Elephant'a Milk. The milk In an average cow contain about 4 per ennt of cream; near ly 20 per rent of the elephant'a milk la cream. Kven buffalo milk la ahout twice aa rich aa row' milk, and the craamleat of all. Hint of the pj'polao actually hold over 345 per cent of cream,' waywicnnwredre. Onto, City or Tolido, ftm or Likim Own. I FICAVK 1 I Kotabv Fvauo. Uair Catarrh Cant la takea taianully aad eeu dtraaliy aa lha bUmd aad aiaiwaa Turfere ut ltd , CfMmn. bead lur iMilameleia frv. r. j.cHKakxaooHTdMwOv all DnnWAlh. tar eeeetlyaliua. Dreadful Cataatroph. Sullivan county farmer lont a in a peculiar manner lnat week The animal la rummaging through a aummer kitchen found and devoured au old umbrella and aeveral cake of t yeaat. The fermenting la the poor beaal'a atomach ralaed the umbrella and the cow died In great agony, New York World. Arc we on a Collar. collar haa been put to atrangc ue by a reaident lu Glourca-trr- , England. Upon clearing the letter box at the poatofllca there recently It waa dlacovered Unit a letter had been written upon one aide of a collar. It bclag properly stamped, the mlaslve reached Ita deattnatlnn. A linen ' TEA Japanese Art' TEA ad- vice is sound. Our advice is as sound as our tea. amt Mara year meaer U yea deal er Thanks Cuticura. little glil had ecxema very can di iyifofylltaHIS We export millions on millions of wheat and pork, and take in exchange a few Tear My Israels Golden Candleatlcka. The best According to recent account, the and other articles candlestick golden you can dot Schillings Best uaed In the tabernacle by the childfMTSNMVI ren of Israel during their pilgrimage through the wilderness have been re- Edwin Booth's Fondness lor Tab toco. covered from the lllver Tiber, where Without a cigar waa Elwln Booth, they were thrown by the undent Ro- tho tragedian, scarcely ever f-Eve- n man when the sacking of Roma by while engaged on hla profession(he Gotha seemed Imminent al duties his beloved weed was pre lu the box were discovered many cut In the wings, ready to be snatched vessels and trumpets which exactly from his dresser's hand for enjoyment answer the description In the old tes- during the sometimes exceedingly tament. Should the Identification be brief Intervale between his exits and am-pte.this candlestick would be- entrances. Twenty-fiv- e cigars a day come one of the most valuable treasware at one time his usual allowance ures In the world. an allowance, however, not tnfrs The value of the gold alone la more tuently exceeded. thus 930,000, and, In addition, the rich : working enhances Ita value, being of the finest It stands nearly three feet high. The English anti Irish old TEA Our tea is sound; our Face Like Raw Beef Thaught Would Loss Her Ear Healed Without a Blemish Math- The best you Schillings Best jc-aa- Letter BABY'S AWFUL ECZEMA. TEA A tea. Jlignfty of Chines Physician. Chinese physicians of much rqpti never ylslt afoot, but muat be rarmd to the patient on a horse, mulpr nek, or In a carriage. At tba patffril residence tlm doctor first rests wm, and in the meantime is served Mk liquors, confections and often wlpi formal meal. Th-ar- Baaa en bnfom ma aad lull riii.. inJ.CHKXry. air ptnevacSL day III Oecamlwr, A. U.. 14. . I A.W.OLCAHOX, cargoes of losers? not very nervous peo; they drink a good deal of tK e I blew Bum by The Chinese and Japs when she was ten months ol4 I thought iho would lose her right It hud turned black, and her fast like a piece of raw meat, and itf Early Egyptians in Franra. the sore. It would bleed when I wxi lei There haa Just been laid French Acsdeiny of Helensei a well her, and I had to1 keep doth ah t aulhcntlenled rase of prehialurlc Egyp- day and night. was aofcWM-spo- t tian remains found snirog the prehison her face when I begat nvRg toric remain of nnr.ent Gaul. The Cuticura Soap and Ointment; wd new connect Ion between Gaul' uud Egypt It le completely healed, wittout star wa established in this way: or blemish, which Is more thin I bad A card of cut Hint of the Neolithic hoped for. (Signed) .Ure. Ibo Ethw. period whs obtained from Egypt and 291 Eckford St. Brooklyn, I. Y." a card of exactly similar fllnts found Scientific Point Explinad. on niou Island, nine miles from MarWhy alum and other ratierxl aalta-wll- l seilles, was shown w it la them. cause the dirt to aette in turbid At the spot on the Island where these flints were excavated then were water was explained at a wcent meetfound lying nearest the surface some ing of the Chemical SocMy. Turbid Roman pottery; below that Greek pot- water le charged with ngatlve ela tery, with Ligurian and Egyptian still tricity. The alum sets npan electric lower; and below these again masses action and Joins positive aolloM hyof marine sheila, pottery and flints drates. different from any yet found. The remain found go back for ut least 6,000 years. lxndon Globa. wm Taa (Lui'c Family (TU class!-flcalln- New. f J. Cmnv awkec nub tbi ha h ! rwtiwv or Ik In of F. J. I.'UKNK WH a la lb (lily uf T lMdo. Omuiy tn., u4 ium HW afiamcM, and lb I ld driu will u.v Um mi M OKU IIUNOIIkO IHII.LAKX f..r Vh nd every M r UiTuu Unit ba eared by Urn bm u, (Uraaaa Uvaa. kun are Included in Ka For the must part tbo bird are of rldlculuiisly inadequate proportion to eoinlial with the danger of Ihe lung lilaniiiiiil Journey which they niskii in the effurt to obtain Ihe Insert food upon which they autialat. Uulnrorined persons often confuse I hem with huininluR birds and wren. They are liicunsplriioit in their movements, keeping always in the shelter or the leaves of trees or shrubbery. several With except Ions, notably among I Item tba palin warbler, they rartdy alight on the ground, preferring to slip nervously but painstakingly about green upper foliage, removing many small and noxious Insects which escape the larger and berter known bird workers in the interest of tlm horticulturist. Chicago Jbamlae candidly awry butu of CA81YIRIA, a ofa and aara wamly fur lufiule and ctuidn-a- , tba Mgaaiaiaaf la Vw For Owr 30 api-cl- Tellnw Warbld Uba Alda In School Work. Boston has nine school gardens, aad Inda them great aids to education. both pedsgoglcally and sociologically, for they bring the children la closer touch with nature and the soil, which make for so much la the past history of New England. Acetylene Gas. ah eoantry people will be Interest-ele reading about it in another part of this paper. d Philosopher of Folly. Higher criticism may next he expected to prove that the scriptural statement about the prodigal aon feeding among the swine waa merely a metaphorical way of aaylng that he reatatt-awatook hla mcala at a quick-lunc- h CleM'Jtod Leader. L Reproductions of "The Nocturnal Sortie," Outamaro. and "8wlmmlng Fish." by llokouaar, two of Japan's greatest artists. Stolen Goods Strangely Recovered. Nlnetccu years ago the general store at Ilayneaville. Me., waa robbed of a JAst week quant1 ty of merchandise. to one of the rows belonging farmer In that village failed to return to the barn. Search revealed the fact that she had fallen Into a big hole In the ground which had been used by the robbers of nineteen years ago as a cache. It waa about six feet deep, lx feet square and roofed over with logs These having become decayed, were not strong enough to bear the weight of the cow. All the good taken were concealed here. 4 of Hungary, George Uoaxa was a Szekler. or peasant of Szckelfyfuld, a district of itunsry. He was a quiet, lawahtd- Ing man, notable only fur hi great strength and tall stature. One day, however, an Austrian no-hie thought fit to decoy ns ay from ber father's house Hoexa's only daughter, a maiden of 14. The die traded parent sought the abductor far and near, hut, falling to find him. Journeyed to Vienna and laid hi case before the emperor. The latter only laughed. Whereupon e (he pessar--t returned to hla own and panted upon the duor of bis lit I lo cabin a formal declaration of war against bis sovereign. A month later he was marching on Vienna at the head or a huge, but undisciplined and ill equipped army. At first the luck wee all on hla aide. He defeated the regular troops In a number of pitched battles, carried by asnu!t several large and strongly for tided towus aud was actually within sight of the capital, whence ike emperor had already fled, when he was the betrayed Into ambush through I reachery of a guide. The misfortune constituted the be--1 ginulng of the eud. The bulk of his followers fell away from him and were hunted through the mountains and woods like wild boasts. Altogether. U lx said, that over 160,000 of them were put to Ihe sword. The Jack Cade of Hungary," having been taken prisoner, was seated on an Iron throne, beneath which n I nge fire had previously been kindled, crowned with a red-ho- t Iron crown, and his flesh torn from hla bones with t pincers. Exchange. Make Unhappy Homes -- Their Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children How Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and WelL rv SI IIMM I S M MU SB Chester Curry MS fj JMrs. A nervous. Irritable mother, often on Mr. Chester Curry, Leader of tha the verge of hysterics, is unfit to care IAllies Kviuphony Orchestra, 43 Sarafor children ; ft ruins a child's disposi- toga Street, East Boston, Maos., writes: tion and reacts upon herself. The Dear Mrs Finkhamj yor eight yranil ws troubled with trouble between children and their nervuusiwssami hyxleri. brought on by mothers too often ia due to the fact 1 ixhjM neither enioy life nor irregularitii-that the mother lihasoiue female weak- sleep night: I wa very uritabui, nervou ness, end she is entirely unfit to bear ami dmio!hlent. the strain upon ber nerves that governCompound "Lydia K. Finkhar.i'x to lie the only ing children involves; it is impossible wax nHsuiuuemU-i- and me. ml I have daily that Iwlped for her to do anything culuily. remedy until I am now strong The ills of women set like a firebrand L'lipruved in huultli and well, and all uiiTvousliett has upon the nerves, consequently of the nervous prostration, nerMrs. Charles F. ltrown, vous despondency, the blues, "sleeplof the Mother flub, 21 Cedar essness, and nervous irritability of Terrace, Springs. Ark., writes : women arise from some derangement Dear Mrs. llot linkbaiu: of the female organism. J draggnl through nine years of mhwraMs A Revised Version. IV you experience fits of depression exhtenne, warn out with pain and nurvous-niwJohn Alden bad just concluded hla ax though I should fly. until it with restlessness, alternating with trou1 eloquent praises of Capt. Miles Stand-Isextreme irritability? Are your spirits than noticed a statement of a woman wumlerful result ha bled I and walled anxiously for Priscilami the a won, easily affected, so that one minute yon derived from Lvilis E. Iinkhoius Vegetable la's answer. Coyly she regarded him laugh, and the. next minute yon feel tVsiqiound. I divided to try it. I did no. and for an Instant, then, blushing, she like crying ? at the end of lhn month I was different Do you feel aomethinglike shall ris- woman. My iMirvouxuiw was all gone. 1 was to and in no k surer irritnliki, and my husband fall in throat threatening ing your "Why don't you speak for yourself. choke again. you ; all the senses perverted, Jura with me all overremember John? Women should that Lydia sensitive to light and sound ; morbidly "Great Scott!" ejaculated the young in the ovaries, und especially K. l'iukhain's Vegetable Compound la pain puritan, "what do you suppose I am? between the shoulders; bearing down the medicine that holds the record for . and almost the greatest number of actual cures of ain't workln no lloch nor WItzhoff pains; nervous female ills, and take no subbtitnle. game I'm runnln' a straight, legiti- continually cross and snappy? Free Advice to Women. If so, your nerves are in shattered mate matrimonial bureau, that's what Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn,' Mass., invites condition, and you are threatened with I am. I'll go straight back to Cap. all sick women to write to her for ad vice. prostration. Standlsh and tell him that If he wants nervous I roof u monumental that nothing in Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with old female that at the the world U better for nervous prostra- female troubles enables her to tell man Mulllna house, he'll have to get tion than Lydia E. linkliam's Vege- yon just what is best for you, and Fm table Compound ; thousands and thou- she wiU charge you nothing for bet somebody else to do the Job. advice. sand of women testify to this fact. through! Ask Mrs. Piikhans Advict-- A Wooai Best Understands a Womais IDs And, Jamming on his hat, he rushed forth, banging the door behind him, while Priscilla wept bitterly. Detroit er-ter- t Vep-tuhl- e l nine-tent- dixap-tHsatv- hs Vine-Preside- red-ho- TEA Illu Winged YrlMw Wai Merit. Tiled, Neivous Mothers Peasant Almost Saixad Crown i, 1 dys-psia- bunko-steere- r News. Sawyers Description of His House. Some years ago a church conven-- Prove It "By the Oven Fire 1 t!on was being held In Calais, Me. and the church members were to en tettatn the visitors. A visiting divine was notified that he would lie hospitably cared for with Lemuel T. Saw ysr. Not knowing where Mr. Sawyer lived, he was dlreeted to the faar ness store of Sawyer & Haliiday. As It happened, when ho went in he met Mr. Sawyer and, without knowing him, asked If he could direct him to Lemuel T. Sawyer's residence. Mr. Sawyer replied: "Oh. yes; go down Main street until you come to Chnrch avenue; turn to the right, go up the avenue, and you cant miss It; you can't miss It, aa It has a brick underpinning and two mortgages on Put the wonderful KC Baka ing Powder to th 4 test Get can on approval Y our money will be returned if you don t agree that all we claim is true. Youll be delighted with the deounces tyf licious,. wholesome things that Kf. BAKING POWDER will bring to life in your oven. K C Baking Powder is two- thirds cheaper and makes purer, than better, more healthful foodnear other powders anywhere KC Quality. 25 ounces 1for 25 cents. Qct it ft Conditional Piety, Two Scotch fishermen, Jamie and Randy, belated and befogged on a rough water, were In some trepidation lest they should never get ashore again. At last Jamie said: "Sandy, I'm steering, and I think youd better put up a bit of prayer.' "I don't know how, said Sandy. "If ye dont. I'll chuck ye over-board," said Jamie. Sandy began : "OJt. Ixird, I never asked anything of Ye for fifteen yeara, and If Toll only get ua safe back 111 never trouble Ye again, and "Whisht, Sandy!" said Jamie, "the boat's touched shore; dont be beholden to anybody." New York World. to-d- ay JAQUES MFC. CO. Clilcago Smd a pnatal tar "Houk of Prannia" WE,.,. 1 TREAT and GORE CATARRH sod all sanbla diuawa of tba iyi.au, aaaa.throat. Im, atom-cIir, bawala. bidary. bit Jar aad II chronic, aarvoa sad snveta Jimcco af bath him. and diMOMS of children. Hums TniIdnI Cnroc. Write fur frru symptom Itat It ran ann-nanil, t'aaaultatlan I rra, ut One of Them. There were three men sitting to aether on a seat of the open car. and after they had talked politics for ten Iiout Da. a. I. Special Offer In Prirate Diseases twuccJ by (scar-cne- e UatartcMMc. of both mm. who M Mttarlm rrmc Pnrstc Itatm-vtirth- cr miner been looked upon a IhUIbmi imr by the Shark end cxactureontaloc-hT- c -fUta C haricot n who ome ns Siectaliu" end nX ihe iiffrrer for worth HI imlmaaL UMLKtt SK YOU TO rAY THUS US a HOLLA li UXT1I, CL'HKLI SIH'SKS' HO MOT YOU WISH TO YOL llKI.V. lIM SHORIM' KNOW T11BT CAN CTRR AND TO CTM PRIVATC DIRKASH lM BOTH SSXIM IHKMAKKNTLV. end to I lHOVK their (kill, tn tbli sIbm of stlnrnts. May treat and raqalrsd la pay IHn Shone' one dollar. Or tboae who prater, rare inthram before the patientnr nwnlhir la allocate ne Ihe turn pruemwaa. THIS lloses T mar ar tba tee lesaiall weekly PLANOF HKALI.NO WITH TUB AVFLiCTKIi. dealt ndreih blew to the quark end Fehir who Oaniaad all Cah, In rxrhaaea for rapt, promlMC IM you aver haw of a Fakir iwrnndtaf a aannr to a deped patlont? Take aa ehemxn yon cannot hat yoar auwar If yoa don't pay It Hi Illno-tent- h of to called WKAKMKSkKS OF MBS" am limp y the raanlt of enlarged or InSeaied I'K wrATB ULASI In, Sherm' new LOCAL THKATMEXT for inch seen. 1NVABI-AHL- V CLRSa art oihr Uaetota how many eecm ihey rate andar the od and nMlree plan of tiwBinwal tar tali irrahle. We ram LOST MANIIiniI). HeHinal Weaknewi. Speinwlorrhoea. VAKIiOCRLB aa kindred troubles, la lem tint and for Ira HVTHII.IN. UONOKHIIOXA. every ease I mnfldeailal we never ace a name or betray money, than aay InMItntlna la the west, c mrf I'oavuliatloH. Bxamlnailoa and Advlae FKBB by null or at tba oflhm.I OFFICS HolUd: KraaincIio; aundsytaat bolide, a m to IX mlnuta one of them observed: "Excuse me, but here Is my card." The other two scanned It and saw woman lives in a garret on and then that he was Dr. tea, and dies in a garret on the second man produced hts card. It showed that he was Undertaker So Then the two looked at the tea; and how did she get to and-So- . man. who made no move to prothird be old? On tea. duce a card, bnt who presently said: "Well, I a'poae I sorter belong to Well-8peLife. the profession myself." born ia Every person possessed of a Itanipa; Druggist?" God given gift. To find that gift or DBS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 &.U "No. I see to the grave-diggin-g talent, to develop It fully, end to use part" It unselfishly In the general ex use life. that ia n well-spe25 Cts. PRICE. Brown's President Lost a Point ASTI-GRIPIC- 3E President Nicholas Brown, for whom T0 CURE THE GRIP was was named, university Brown IN ONE DAY of quizzing small hoys. One day XS GUARANTEED TO CURE We want no money for fond while walking in the streets of ProviANfHHt IPINE GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AMD NEURALGIA. dence he came uron a tittle fellow I won', sell tatkftrlplar to a dealer who won't Ownrnwtee unsatisfactory tea. lUSHOEQt'JU.FU'NrAIMae It. Ceil for your MON BY HAIM 19 IT WON'T COMA who attracted his notice. IF. iHrmrr, B. J., KenufaoUirer.NjWnf,J?r!f, Jfo, F, do do, said the my yon "How boy? be Dont shy! Is "What name? your president T r SMMUvtamsroMMMWIfrmOnsfSBXS My name la Harry, sir, replied the HILL'S CANKER AHD DIPHTHERIA REMEDY child. la it?" returned President "Harry, Female Monkey Did Housework. 'OR ALC BY ALL DNUQQIST9 "And did you know the evil PON TH1 MOUTH. THROAT. .NFVFRFAIK. A female chimpanzee once went out Brown. lU.lLIl I MILO AND QAN AfVAL DTOIItD.M.. TOMACH AND IOWILG.mi railed Old Harry." often is one to service at Loanso. Ituly. nnd made Nelden-Judso- n Salt Lake City, Utah. "Why, no, sir." answered the boy. Drag Co., General Agents. the beds, swept the houe and assist"I thought he was called Old Nick." ed In the kitchen by peeling the potatoes and turning the sp!;. Cider waa first made In England, Subway Parlor Car. The first parlor ear ha made It where It wa originally called wine. Canada's Largs Flour Mill. Ths largest Hour mill In the British appearance on the New York aubway, The best elder now made cornea from empire Is in Montreal. It turns out being Intended for the directorate and New Jersey, and quantities of this are ataff. old aa champagne. 1,000 timli of floor a day. TEA |