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Show - WE MAKE TRAVEL? '"' r llunk ismld r and mm I.akt c iry. r. . Wth Dr. Hector Griswold for th ; past three years. IS.. ; EASY. j FAIRWEATHER, C. I 3 Quiet Ending of Two IDomestic Spits tt determined to make way with her s- - lf The determination did cot laaL however. She concluded, on the contrary, to see what he would do In case he should end It all. Thi-pwas a small pond nearby. Sin- - couldn't have drowned herself iu i' if she bad laid down and drunk up :i!l the water, but she nevertheless toie this farewell letter to him: "I tear John I can endure this life , 1 have thrown myself in and God bless you. the pond. Good-b- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Una. Worry I.MTkinHiM I Over DiatumncM That Sri1 Bound to Occur in l ha Jour- ThroughLlfa. ney thi-iii,- Officer Co., ! nd Com of Safety. Sjwd The frl 3 Trains Daily. 3 From tTAH to KANSAS CITY. ST. JOE. CHICAGO. GALVESTON, EL PASO. And the Mining Camp of NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA. Aak ua about Cheap Rates this Sum-at- r. C. F. WARREN, i:o e 5 3 G. I i j I hi II ! li.tlf illl'lled. title i.v then turned further. I: i illlll'ller hi a small closet 8he nearly i:oUiered there, but she waited with ju. t eiiuuKh of a crack In the door "Ii Slllljl. " '.lark ill d I had Chops this T think in.'. slu- - Kulil(Muis-d- , 8ARA11. Von r loviiiK "She put the letter up on the table, re lie would be sura to find it, i hen went into the closet and hid her--.!f- . ai w.....-- Nut mi a Uhl hack, but lupir'i igorD w;ik iu hreaihe through. "At last, after what seemed an srrak for tomorrow.' time, she heard bla foot "Slu- i 11 Mi and went hack hour ' lie eame in and eat down by Ah at wm rh- - hUKli.mil doing? Ht'l After fumbling around he uuiii- - out ami made away with Kb ihe table. S I- Ilf No. indeed. He wait Klttis" .iwhile he came upon her note. She ' ly at the table where she ltd lean! him i ear It up when he had !in-i- it d reading It. I hi'' Id in. t mllm; his new m per. "Dim' that woman!' he laid as ht "Tim1 's iiuiliiiiK,'' pul iu ihe I, reft-- . - l jrii 1. "I knew a woman onee ku threw it on The floor. "Then he pickl'd up a book and reah 1 luarrilcil with her hunhand, nr hr wi'h her. I never knew which, in' .11 slu- - came out of the closet had to wle-he had none out of the him1 HI' MIlOtiUT." 5 . . ..c.iiiwrixiTWt fWWt n u FIVE TRAINS ! . . . a 1 GATRELL - D. F. Balt Walker llutlding, City. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Wa Buy. Sell and Trade Real Estate. We bava a large Hat of farms and j Rail- road from Omaha to Chicago. First-classervice also between Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicane as well as all point in and 8t. s the South and Southeast. For full information call on or w rile J. A. FOLEY, No. 76 Commercial Agsnt. West Second South Si rent. v. fJhrouflh SrvlM stTlolis cure. the keeley Cured. Paul Morton at a convent ion of cure to j road men Kaid of the railroad ho: 1 could witih I lial all iheHo nu-drankenneaa and the opium diaeaaea. as s be treaii-Marylander Thera Is no publicity, no stfkneas. treated as privately as at their once was. I4 "The own homes. The Keeley Institute. Marylaiuler boarded a tnin or Temple. Salt Lake City, Utah. with two arm loads of bundles. He sat down nud piled tils buudies betide WINDSOR. him. Then he oeiied a paper and beEUROPEAN HOTEL. gan to read In great comfort. Salt Lake City, "The car by degrees grew crowdtd. liocated In the heart of the city. At last ihe only varant seat was ike Rates Reasonable. bundle (Hied one beside the Msryliid-er.- . Light, airy, clean rooms. Firshclaas Electric Though several paKsengers In every respect. Steam heat, beside this wnt. ltxiklng at lbs Lights. Marylander wistfully, he made so OLADSTONB HOTBL. sign. He would rallier let (he peuyle stand than remove Ills goods. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. Finally soiucono summoned iks Ill South Main Street Balt Lake City conductor, lie hurried In and skid: Neatly furnluhed Rooms by tha Day, Tske dow n those bundles, please, it Week or Month. once. Don't you see. sir, that then par dny. are ladies standing all about you! Rates, 60 cents to tl-6Special rates by the day. week or month. IA-dla- a hni-lafe- d m work,' a full guarantee and courteous treatmant to alL Not a few of our prices. Full set of teeth, 65.00. 66-0- YhiioooIoj COLORADO S jTu our Fine Selection of IANOM PIANOS. OJONL CARO. 0 V mmuxa ION 0 wrvrwvwvrrwwwwrwwrvwwwrrvw FKMTILB i I farm. Oa Day 9 tion of tho qLatea and Best q r ; 9 Wo have added the Chess A Baker 9 9 Plano Playsr, Victor Talking 9 p 9 Machines, with a choica selw-c-9 3 J Rolls and Records, q Beesley Music Co. Is an excellent warIt has been railed ike bright weather of the heart U gives harmony of soul: and Is I perpetual soiik without words. It is tantamount to repose. It enables nature to its strength; where ai worry and discontent debilitate It. Involving constant wear and tear. How in it that we see such men as I .or 4 Islmerston growing wild In harness, working on Mainly vigorously to the end! through equanimity of temper and habitual cheerfulness. They have educated themselves in the habit of endurance. of nut being easily provoked, of bearing and forehearing. or heir Inc harsh and Sven unjust things said of them, without indulging In undue resentment, and avoiding worrying, log cam. petty nnd An intimate friend of Isird Palmers- ton, who observed him closely for Cheerfulness ing quality. Solid gold crown, 32k., 65.00. Bridge work for tooth. Absolutely painless extraction. Rooms . 10. 11. 12 Galena Block. Entrance. 69 B. Second Sooth. RAILWAY q 3 5 The Popular Music House, 46 So.q Main SL, Salt Lake City. q q 9 9 wrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwwwwitwst if self-torme- Ind. Tel. 756. DR. ALVAH LEWIS. SALT LAKE PRI VAT. Pay Littla Attention to Demands of tha "Art That Concosla Art Psrformsncoo Last Entire Day. ih-i- Special Attention g'iven SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. ONLY STRICTLY PRIVATE lltwpiT! IN TUB STATE. No. 252 EL 1st SontlL Salt Lake City. r Wholesale and Retail Tor It Isn't the Winning That DEALERS Corner South Temple and 2d West St. SALT LAKE CITY - - Plan." Oh. niu-l- i ham I Anil inuny a tol" s Thut Than tho A roKutnr niutKi-- t inMkpM nnil.-!t:i- LUMBER UTAH s l in hl.i-- r ,!.l sn4 vtrss. portions of rapid exit are frequently gone through upon this narrow footway and not on the stage at all. The effect is apt to be yery often unintentionally comic. In a Japanese theater there are two tiers of boxes, the lower of which Is provided . with sliding paper doors, forming small rooms like bathing machines. The pit is divided by low cross bars Into squares, reminding one of the cattle pens of old Smlthfleld, each capable of holding four persons comfortably. A Japanese family bent on enjoyment engage a compartment for a day In a position stilted to the purB9R the middle of the house.. If well to do. nearer to the stage or the back, according to the scarcity of coin and. having deposited clogs in the tske up a position with gnte-roosmoking-tray- . cushions, kettle, and never move till midnight unless to pay some visits to their friends. tea-thing- lii As strnlsht an a hat could he. Oh. the halls he slogged and tha ball, ha snicked. And goals ha uved and the goals he kit'kf'fli And the blustering bullies ha fought and licked. Were a marvelous sight to sec! p wig, And now he's s Judge in a A Colonel, or College Don. who started wonderful boy big This And never stopped getting on: call a halt For no one ever could To the hoy who was burn without a tip-to- !., ,.t ' an-- i lmrootV Joy. III,bly-hl-mantor1llli'il.will-nm- -. i:!,,i, mutii-- l A b,.y A noiuJcrful lioy of aij. II muld Jump ,i far ik h kanntaiv. Am! run Ilk hunt, t m l :ni he Mid Whatever he did wai t.iir. The "Mpplns'' that ni.ikm your sen6 tin. And your hair stand up. and n,r eye yrow dim. Wan a kind of Jolty ood Juke ta him Me did it with time to 4rv. Whenever he honl.il he Mined a hat By nrattrrlrs wtcki-tthree- Re punished the bon ling hN ,i kept PULLMAN AND TOURIST SUPERS FROM OGDEN OR BALT TO ST. WITHOUT CHANCE OP CARS Trie Reclining Chair Out. Dining Ckr Bervton a la carte oa all through tralnsi Tor Foldara, rated BookUtsL Ma address . Illt L A. BENTON, 0. A. F. XX f t ft ff loti BALT LAKE CITY, UTAB t ' TO CALIFORNIA AND IT8 FAMOUS RES0RT8. SUMMER L08 ANGELES. ii CATALINA. OCEAN BEACHE8. ORANGE GROVES. 8AN PEDRO. PA8ADENA. e- - - DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. Palatial Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. servatlon. Drawing Room and Stindard Pullman' Sleeper, Tourist .Dining Car. f I Ob- - and'' FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or4 write to J. L. Moore, DisL Pas. Agent, Ban Pedro, Lon Angeles A Salt 4 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. i 4 .' 44444444ef4e 44444444 REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB Dne Short Oregon r r- - - RAILROAD I a E. BVRLEY. S.P.GT.A. I f im OBBcr coNocnoN wnu im UNION PAOFIC 8. SPENCER. A6.P.8T.1 THE OVXRLAND BOUTI scene which demand n Victory Always in Playing the Game Makes a Man, but It's Playing the Game on the Good Old TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. THROUGH Queer Things in Theaters of Japan A Japanese theatrical performance commences generally si early dawn and lasts a down hours The stage occupies the end of the building from wall to wall. Oddly, the actors do not make their appearance from tha side or the bark (there are no wings), but strut along a narrow platform over the heads of the pit hy means of Just such a lKiarded footway as Is used hy European ennjurers. Faithful to ihe ration of no illuxIoD. the performers stand ready .tressed is su open plare off the emranre lobby, where all who rome in may vet them. cue they push When they hear through a knot of lolii-- rs and march to the stage along the platform, acting as they go. Indeed, important THE twenty years, has said thut he never saw him angry, with perhaps one exception; and that was when the ministry resriuis:lili for the calamity of Afghanistan, of which he was one. was unjustly accused by their of falsehood, perjury and wilful manipulation of public documents. So far as can be lenrneil from biography, men of the greatest genius have been for Ihe most part cheerful, contented men not eager fur reputation, money or power hut relishing life, and keenly ahscept Rile of enjoyment, ns we And In their works. Such seem to have been Homer, llorare, Virgil. Montaigne, Shakespeare and Cervan-tea- . Healthy, serene cheerfulness Is apparent in their great creations. Among the same class of cheerful-minde- d men ntsy also he mentioned da Luther. Moore. Huron, Vinci. Raphael and Michael Angelo. Perhaps they were happy because constantly occupied, and In the pleasantest of all work that of creating out of the fulness and richness of their 9 great minds. Washington Star. 3 CHOICE OF ROUTES. B Actore Bell Tel. 766. They belong to a man In the smoker.' All right. said the conductor. Til pile them mi here, then, till he comes.' And he put the bundles in the rack overhead and gave the vacant seat lo a lady. The Marylander laughed because lie had noi had to move his bundles himself, but when he came to get off he did not laugh so heartily. As he was gathering hla preckius pile together the conductor hurried to him and said sternly: Don't touch those packages, air. They belong to a gentleman In the smoking car. "Ah, what's the matter with yon! snarled the other. 'They belong to me.' "You said they didn't. answered the conductor, and I am going to take you at your word. The only way you can get them is lo come and Identify them at our main office Evenness of Temper Means Long Life History Shows that Men ofuke Greatest Geniue Hivs.Mn for the Moat Part Cheerim and Contented. First-clas- s Obsousi Pacific n RgoujsjimC a Salt COMPANY. VIA Mhti, get yotir teeth THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL EAST: twcTNio nil- - Drunkenness While In Used at PAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEJT AND DKIVVEI! - Conductor Kvidontly Had Mat die The Marylander was a perfect expie of the railroad bog. He said Species Before and Welcomed am in a blustering tone: Met to Out Psa Opportunity What Is the matter with you! lahment for Olacourteoy. Those bundles don't belong to me. A positive and permanent AMO VMS I AT ! THE TOURISTJ8 FAVORITE POUTH Railroad Hoji Checkmated at Own Game ; elty property, vacant and Improved, sheaper than any other flrnt. Tall and Wont Second South SL. see ua. 63 tult Lake City. Illinois Central M The Rock Islsnd System now offers a choice of five daily trains from Colorado to Eastern paints. THREE of them are for Omaha and Chicago, and tha other TWO for Kansas City and SL Louis.. The equipment Is new and M and a dining car on every train.. All leave at convenient hours. Let us figure on your trip." A folder and full information from 3 N. L. DREW, General E. DRAKE, DisL Pass. Agent-Agent, k'W 17th Street, A. BIBLE, Trsv. Pass. Aflt.2 Denver, Colo. or luo West Second South SL, $ I 416 To be assured of a pleasant trip east,' purchase your ticket! via the v - Fe Atchison, Topeka A Santa Railway Company. Salt Lake City. Utah. i S A8SAYER. Halt Lake Clty.tf W. Ind South. Opposite Bostofflce. Mailing Backs Furnished. CYRUS a, !i't!e ' 1 , I Oniritl Agent. Slu- - '.iiii-r. F. M. BISHOP, , l.-- I a a -- kini the wee quoiod the t&rfiJSf&sfs&i ;L jVu iv wj iitt! lauii i m ij 'but not fur love.' ,i ; :o lux. I & eut to call R. H. ' Mdiitia hi- - oilier day. She was A stayers and Chemists. :i.- - It w sinand Jack had quarried ? 169 8. W. Temple BL. Balt Lake-- i ll.i'l iu;tnvii 7"o 77..71i7"'.i.",."""t7. liiilfrfy ai . v. City, ii iriir-- i ftii- - ki( up, pm on her U Write tor Milling Backs. him fureier. .1 ) mXiyifijtJ "I: was I'sik m ihe street. 1It-i make i .ii l.iu.ps aiii-ui-eiiiiw- - liicd w H a fault Though I take the tiniest grain of salt With tha tale of tha paragon. But he kept a rule. If a thing seemed right I hope I may keep the same To go and do It with all his might And hardly a thought of rame; For it Isn't tha winning that makea r man But It's playing tha game on tho gom old plan. Aa hard and straight as a mortal can- In fact It's playing the game. London Punch. COMFORT SAFETY eirncor sms 201 TTNION PACIFIC NAM ST. LJnexcsued A rogressfvb ALT LAKE CITY. (THB OVERLAND ROUTB) FTAS. 444444444444 4 44 Name Your : Route East On your next trip Knst tell your local ticket agent that your ticket to Cliicago must read via the tiChicago.Milwaukee&St.Paul;-tE2- Railway 4 4 4 4 4 You will do yourself n kindness, securing the maxi- - 4 mum Hinount of comfort nt the minimum cost. I 011- ble dnily train service from Ogden to Chicago and from Denver to Chicago. Rate in through sleeping 4 ears, Ogden to Cliicago, standard, Tfr.O.OO; tourist, 4 $4.75. 4 4 4 4 4 4 is 4' I444 " Folders and complete information free. Any ticket agent can ticket you East via this line. Ank him to do so. C a S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. AAAAj44A 44 4 4 4AAA4AAAAA.ai |