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Show THE ALTA DEPENDENT Successor to th Utah Pioneer. VOIi. X. AIjTA, SALT LAKK COUNTY, UTA1 The Alta Independent Published only question is as to what extent it has grown: At the election spoken Every Wednesday of the Republicans polled in round at Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah. numbers nearly 10,000 votes In this D. E. Despaln Local Editor city, while the Democrats and AmeriEntered as second-clas- s (hatter, Sep- cans each secured around G.imhi. it tember 13. 1905. at the Itostoffloe at therefore follows that to win If anys Alta. Utah. under the Aet of of March 3. 1579. thing near as follows s vote as that Cun-pres- Mam the magician and artlat, and ills (iiiiiiwnv, will give a performance at the Salt latke theater Monday. October 23. under Y. M. C. A. auspices, of amusement were of the best and V. OCTOBER 13, 1005. rmemseaaaaaaaaaaawaaa .PORTLAND EXCURSIONS. JjJ pit ip) pli NO. 12. wwwwwwwwstwvwwpwwwwwwwwwat Oregon Short Lins Railway. Luke iu ilirilnnri and return $::i.ri. Luke to Portland and return )' via San I'raiiciM-oi- . (to Jl Jl $42.50. pt Lake tu Portland and return, Last week's bills at all the places , y via lam Angt-leslS $:ilt.50. were well patronized. flrkeu to Port (ami ami Mum. diJl We ran say to our readers that they re 00 "ale daily from May 24th to 30th, inclusive. Tickets will be repaid by noting our columns one way via Sail Francisco tn of the attraction In the metropolis if LSI Aagelcs on sale August 30. 31, aa( September l. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 13. 14, they contemplate a visit there. -- 8, 29. All tickets good for - jl BtoV-mli- instanced shall be polled the AmeriSTHSCR1PT10NS. cans would have to draw something One year, 75 cents. over 2,Ut0 votes from the Republicans Six Months, 40 cento. Three months, 35 cents. alone unless unlooked-fo- r thorp should he Demoto until them hold from the defections These rates January pood & 1. ISM ui, but do not apply to back crat also, each of which would amount to a negative gain on half a Advertising rales on application to vote for the Americans while each OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES the Publishers. P. O. Hox 17. Salt Lake City. vote going to them from the DemoThe new hunk house of the Columwould ha a full vote gained, bus Cun., is nearing completion. crats LOCAL OFFICE. . Jl The office of publication la at the and each Republican vote would The election In Bingham Junction local represenwhere the Postofflce, amount to two votes gained. II is in will not he as Interesting a It would tative, 31 r. 1). E. Despaln. will ever be ready to receive money a or attend this connection, to be noted that to have been had the Incorporation cap ried. to the business of this paper. all appearance the greater number of THE MANAGER. .4 Jl The smallest monthly output of the accessions to the Americans of late Columbus Con. in the last three This paper is kept on file by THE have been from the Democrats, CONGRESS, though previously they were almost mouths was $47,mmi. Surely Alta AMERICAN MINING should have a railroad. Chamber of Commerce Building, DenJl .4 ver, Colo., where our readers will be entirely from Republicans, and among The snow has begun railing early welcome to the use of the leading these the desertions are continuously from the varioua mining aections this year and if the same continues f the west, a acientiflc library and occurring, though not, as stated, to the there will be more happy people In mineral exhibit same extent as is the case with the our neighborhood than if a new gold Democrats, so far ns can be deter- mine were to be discovered. READ THIS. Jl Jl All new subscribers paying 75 cents mined. The Albion mine has again comBix ThB situation is a very interesting menced to forward Its ore to for one year, or 40 cents for the valmonths, the American Fanner will be one viewed from any standpoint, and ley smelters. There seems to be plensent free for one year. This offer d ty of work for men and teams In the holds good until January 1, 1906. If the Americans get as much as THE PUBLISHERS. now as winter Is coming and canyon the of votes of the municipality the mining company's have began to METAL MARKET. they stand a good show to win. un- put In supplies for the winter. .4 .4 Saturday. Silver. 60, copper. 1G; less there should be a slump from one The construction of the two new Lead, $3.50. to the other of the old parties, as was power plants of the Intermountain LOCAL ORES AT THE 8AMPLE8, the case last fall. It Is not likely that Light and Power company, has been more than 20,000 votes will be cast started in Little Cottonwood canyon, Saturday. One car of Alta ore. and it la morally certain that the Am- one to be built Just below the Columericans have gained at least a thou- bus power plant, the other to be built about half a mile above the Wasatch sand votes since last November. This resort. would give them 'about 7,000, a clear The Citizens party at Murray have ONE OF THE TRIBUNE'S COM- plurality with the situation remaining nominated the following for city ofPETITIVE POEMS. otherwise as it was then end not ficers: Mayor. J. H. Stratton; rerord-ei'.'W'(wufcUai ,tW-- - aellV0ailirtaiic' of Warenskl; treasurer, D. A. to be McMillan; which the Socialists, party ought attorney. Stephen L. RichAnd treasure rich within their heart All typify the noble race good for fully 1,000 votes. We shall ards; Justice, C. M. Durand; marshal, Which came and gained, through soon know all about it. Michael Manas; coundlmen, Daniel storm and stress. A. E. Lee, John Birch. L. R. Smith. A state born of the wilderness. Powell, J. W. Cahoon, Matt Gibbs, THE DRAMA. Their hearts made brave with thrillJames Godfrey, Frank Hartman. A. J. Last Week, This Week, and What la ing hope Wslquist, A. Short. ' And foreheads lifted to the skies. Coming. S Jl Our hero victor gave them strength For less than 300 tons of crude ore And bade a nations home arise; Every reader of American literawhich was marketed In one lot by the Through long, dark days, with danger ture is familiar with the great novel. Columbus Consolidated company the filled, The Pit," and ever since It waa antook down a check from management They did the work that God had nounced to appear at the Salt Lake the smelter for willed. $20,000. The consigntheatre on Thursday night of this Where once the sterile plain lay dead, week all the theatre going people have ment netted within a small fraction of $67 per ton. This ore came from the The mighty hand of labor wrought; Down from the barren mountain been looking forward with pleasure new ore body 100 feet below the tunfor the event. slopes nel workings of the mine, and IllusJl Jl The crystal floods of life were trates perfectly the value or that Ideal .The this Burlesquera" appear brought; All Nature smiled, her power freed. week at Lyric In "Every Day Life, shoot. o And spread her Joy o'er field and which same life is full of comedy, mead. THE POPULAR MOUNTAIN WAY. and electrical catchy music, dancing, effects. In addition to the chorus of As now to Utah glorious State Our voices ring with words of praise, girls, the company includes the four to all points east, during any season of the year for scenery service and Oh, may we not, In present pride, Livingstons, said to be wonderful equipment is via the Midland Route. Forget the men of other days; And this our prayer; that God may be acrobats. Others in the company are The line of more unique and interestMiss Katherine Claire, Frye With ua to shape our destiny. Allen, ing mountain wonders than any other Gruet k Gruet, and Frank O'Brien, in the world. It isn't so much where you go that with little Carrie Franklin in the THE CITY CONTEST. makes the trip pleasant. It Is bow you part. go that counts. Start right by seeing Jl d that your tickets read via the Colorado The nomination for offices of the At the Grand theatre "Wyoming, a Midland. Tell me where you are godifferent cities, are pretty much all new play by E. Allin Martin, will be ing and I will do the rest. Ticket ofmade now, and the work of the varioua given. It Is a comedy drama of the fice 77 West Second South, Salt Lake. H. Harding, General Agent. Illusconventions Is before the public for Western type, as Us name Indicates. trated scenery books free on request : o approval or disapproval. Of course In stating his reasons for presenting CHEAP the here the EXCURSION first, TO CITY OF play manager says: the greatest Interest centres In Salt MEXICO, associates urged me to take My Lake City, where there is a four-side-d 'Wyoming to Chicago or New York Under management of n fight the two nations! organizations, for its Initial performance. ( said no, The 8ugar k Live Stock the American party and the Socialists that If 'Wyoming will go In Balt Lake; Company. Only $75.00 Round Trip. making np the quartette which will it will go In any city In the country. I Tickets good leaving Utah, October remember ten years ago, when 1 was 21st.. Final return contend from now on for the mastery. limit, December In Salt Lake with the original produc- 21 at, 1905. The election occurs uniformly In the tion of 'Pudd'n Head Wilson.' we ROUTE: reGoing, via Rio Grande, Santo Fa cities and towns of the state on ceived equally as strong a reception as and Mexican Central Railroads. Tuesday, November 7, so there la we did In any city In the country, and via Mexican Central, Returning, abundant time for each voter to post again three years later 1 came here 8anto Fa and Union Pacific Railroads. For further Information, see local with Clay Clement, a new star, and a himself thoroughly as, to the merits new play, and the handful of people representative of above lines, or ..HEBER M. WELLS, President, or and demerits of the parties and the that witnessed our performance was J. T. HAMMOND, Secretary, candidates representing them; It is indeed grateful. When I returned in Sugar k Live Stock Co., Salt to be hoped each will do so and then September of the same year the ap- Lake City, Utah. o act Intelligently and Independently In proval of Mr. Clement and his play AUTUMN EXCURSIONS TO LAS In can found box be the office receipts accordance with his convictions. VEGAS. at t&e Salt Lake theater, and I told In the capital city the American Autumn Is the Ideal weather at Las my associates and the people that it party which made Its trial trip In Is as artistic as though It had been Vegas, Nevada, the new town on the Lake Route, and In response to a November last, was first in the field built In New York. We carry every demand special excursion rates have this fill and Is the subject of no little piece of scenery for this production, been put Into effect on various dates a stage coach, two horses up to October 29th for the low round-tri- p speculation as to its strength and including rate of $30. In addition to the Inand a steer, and there are twenty-tw- o terest surrounding this new and thrir-in- g prospects at the present time. That people required to product the play." town, It should be remembered It has grown considerably since It was Jl J that It is the gateway to the famous next On Sunday (the 22nd), the gold fields of launched upon the turbulent sea of Nevada. Grand will offer Its patrons the meloSee any agent of the San Pedro. I os will he scarcely disputed by drama. "Uncle Josh politics, Perkins.'' This Al,eB Salt Lake railroad, who even Its most virulent opponents, be- will be followed on Thursday to ticket you, or call No. by the W'tnd South street both phones The comedy drama, "Sweet Clover." Jl came the fact la 1988, Salt Lake City, Utah. Local News Itens pa-pe- one-thir- EDITORIALS "'KI)KS1). , ret8 $,' See agents for further city Ticket Office Ml Main Stefs'-- par-tlcskr- a. 8t vwwwwwwwwwwrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwt n Weiasitudes of Language. people belii-tithat English wlB.Jse day be the universal language anMok upon the retain that the ern-P- f dowager uf China has undertaken lu warn English In her old age as atoffiw proof f this. English baa halftone remarkable ups and downs (n US Ota home. For Jim years It was (iiyproaed from the Norman on u 1362, alien it a as intro-ducl- d JOHN G. STILLWELL - DEALER IN. ...General Merchandise... it con-qiic- u the language of the law. Wttn the house of Hanuw-- was waa anticipated that ihere wolil be another suppression of the Eall"h tongue. The w ife of George 14et ion could not apeak EnglII ish,., and It was suggested that she shotld be taught. -- That is unnecessary. (tld her mother, "the houwe of ltasnver having been above twenty years os the throne, to be sure most people speak German as often and as wel as English." The best place in Alta to get supplies for the Home or the Mine, XXXX Miners' and Prospectors' Supplies r ELIAS MORRIS Star's Flesh Good Eating. The value of bear's ham an an article of food Is pretty generally known, bat'll h not. perhaps, quite so well understood that every part of the animal I Just a useful as that of the FiRE-PRO- BsaiHMIf ISntriM hog.; UanoAd Is 44 44 Every Day From Snnrty. 44 $1.60 to Alta $l.h0 from? 44 44 Alta to Sandy. 44 .44 r.M!XSXsX 44 Utah-Mexlca- Will Carry ind Do or Yourself to or from a ALTA. f WafkOv6rSh5e' Store, i 177 Main St., Salt Lake City. 44. ii 3 To those who contemplate building Homes snd Houses in Altai The Jensen Lumber Company BaathounA iwLk.Lv. Ar. F. m. A. to. U:00 Balt Lake City M l:W B:47 1:4 Iffi 1:11 Murray Lr : Idi J:B Bingham Junction IAS : Mi I4S Riverton Idi SM Ml Idi Lchl Idt l:M HI Idi 1:17 American Fork Ml Idi Provo Idi Idi :17 Mi IdO Bprlnnvill. :li WMbound. Stations. SANDY. UTAH S.-t- Idi Idi B3T ldl Eureka 4 at Ml Loans Ar. Yt'ver City Lv. VS5HT Mantl, Lv. MB Richfield Mar 3 vole, Ar. TROUGH TRAIN. jrari Thl.tle Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL Hi THE HIGHEST PLACE Tito . 8:1 tn. t I for cigar anywhere In the country, where quality counts, Is given the Blue Point by anyone who knows what good tobacco and clever cigar rolling combined will do for the cigar lover. Sold everywhere. 7:41 U:Sa.m. 11 :W sl to. Provo .... .... 11:40 a. m. American Fork Lehl 12:Z7 a. m. Uw Leins Bingham Junction .... 131p.m. Anton Bait Lake City 1: p. m. BINGHAM BRANCH. Arrive. U A A 1L P. If If P If S:40 10: 99 JJJ Balt Aks CJt? LSSV Lmn IB 1:41 Ito Ml Junction 14 Bingham Raver. J Idi Lead Min. Idi Bingham . Qi. 10d7 1:17 10:40 1:50 l:B4 t:46 1:40 .mi WHITTAKER A DALLAw, MAKERS. tdl I. A. BENTON. Agt. Porn. Dept 131 W. 2 South St, Salt Lake City. FINE TAILORING. The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta the bio sandy merchantxxx Miners and Prospectors, Don't Forget the Place. Utah-Mexlc- -- t. i' f on Time Every Day. A Writs Ds. Send for Catalog. 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 A. W. THORSON titiloen Sot Fvss. We carry the largest stock of Men s $3.50 and $4.00 Shoe and IMtOSHKCTOHS' and MINERS BOOTS in Salt Tjiko. u j. ;. y 444MMaM4444444444444M444444444l J 4? jYoitr Express I CHIMNEYS. CEMENT. ETC. Or . 1 SONS CO. MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES. MANTELS. GRATES. TILES. o g (3L SALT LAKE CITY, Opposite 1 3 sou-bret- 4 C. C. CRAPO XXXXXX SANDY, UTAH young man If your taste for good yoa to be critical of clothing loads Style. Kit and of your garments, you will yourself no end of trouble by tooknx Into our store and examining os of tbs and matworkmanship erial e turn out Finl GOOD JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S LIVERY STABLE BUSINESS SUITS FROM $18 Opposite San Pedro Depot Sandy, Utah UP. Sorenson & Larson, W. Second South, BALT LAKE CITY. 0 of the day or night, i Any hind of rig or saddle herse at any hour fcaaooaMs rates and courteous treatment guaranteed. X Burkinthiw's trams aaateh and other Cottonwood resorts- wcU known fas Alta gy 0 |