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Show BOW A FRIEND- - snip TORPEDO BOAT FOR COMMERCE. and telt on need tor add cream afterwards. A pimply face waa treated to a dally bath- lug with the full suds, and promptly be- Tartar on cameclean tbe teeth yielded to It. feet that y GREW yy and The Story l, WHY TAKE DAINTY CARE of your mouth and neglect your pores, the myriad mouths of your skin ? Hand Sapolio does not gloss them over, or chemically dissolve their health-givin- g oils, yet clears them thoroughly by a method of its own. n. t bad a ta tend-ward- s time mre plunged Into a whimsical worry ns to which they could heller spare It they bad to make a choice. TRY HAND SArOLIO. Its steady use will keep the hands of any busy woman as white, and pretty as if she was under the constant care of a city manicure. It is truly The Dainty Woman's Friend," in tbs suburbs or on the farm. Those ugly dark brown streaks on the neck, arising from tight collars, and the line where tbe sunburn stops, can be wiped out by the velvety lather of Hand Tbe Safouo. It Is, indeed. Dainty Womans Friend.1 ed S&MsZ Burglars Wear Gloves. Four burglars, arrested in tbe act by the London police, were all wearing gloves In order not to leave finger prinu behind them. It freshened up the bands removing the most disagreeable feature ot that necessary task. It waa found to keep delicate CHEAP EXCURSION TO baby aklns from chafing better than CITY OF MEXICO. aalve or powder, and the crowning n note In the song ot delight came when Under Management of The an adult member of the family used It 8ugar A Livestock Company. In a full bath, and realised that a Tickets Only 175.00 round trip. Turkish Bath at a cost of one dollar good leaving Utah October 21st. Final waa outdone by a small traction of tbe return limit December 21st. 1905. Route going via Rio Grande Santa velvety cake. tittle, tea-ceFe and Mexican Central Railways. seem, But, strange though it may Sanvia Mexican there were people who bad not learned ta Fe and Union PacificOntral Railways. adverTo the to prize Sapotto. these For further Information see local tising of Band Sapollo came aa a representatives of above lines, or Heber M. Wells President, or James surprise. Sapollo, a Meowing soap. T. n Hammond Secretary, Sugar ft Livestock Company, 8alt Lake Cltjr, Utah. OF THE THE DISTRICT SCHOOL OR SPOTLESS TOWH a -- ALGXBKA XX Lctfcomewile equal XplsiX; X Let X the alga for Sapolio bo ; X For dirt let miaaoXbo had; Then all there armhole wr will add. XX The XaodaiaaaX drop out ( As aayoae cea eeo ao Coobt ) A ad leave what aiost the hooarwife please The happy ay aihol we call eaae. the bands and could scarcely realise bow soft and comfy they felt after the washing, Them began Hare is Rsflef for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, die eevernd pleasant herb remedy for women's Ala, called AUSTRALIAN LEAF. It Is ths only oertaia monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and troubles. At all Druggist or by Urinary mail ftO eta. Sample mailed FKEB. Address The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. tbe excitement of adven- Wouldnt Play Second Fiddle. Here is a story a Kansas Irishmai tells on hash. An Irishman who ar rived In this country only a few deyi before, was offered some hash. Hi refused it. Let them that chewed it eat It," he said. Kansas City Journal Storekeepers and Hotelkeepers ture; what would tbe new soap NOT Her Should Investigate acetylene gaa dot A girl tried a shampoo. Write "Acetylene Jones hair, pretty, soft and silky went up perfectly, with none of the unmanage-ableneBritish Goods in Petersburg. that generally exists for a full An Englishman traveling in Russia week after tbe usual process. A man was depressed on scanning n mile of arsed the delightful lather, for shaving. shops In Si. Petersburg and finding only one which displayed an article of to-da- ss Game Name to Small Coinage. British make. obtained tbe of honor having distinguished M: named after him the three-penn- y throughout South Africa. When he Tea intelligence; what do went to Cape Town flist there was no coper coinage, and he was provident you think that is? enough to take out a sackful of the Wrlla tnr oar ImMin Beak. A. SlkllUM A smallest "collection In silver." to he rwpwr. su FMrtu used for tipping. So throughout the colony this coin is still known as "Sir More than 200.009 pilgrims visit John, when It Is not called a "tickle." Mecca every year. Sir John Swinburne TEA Benefit of blight Fasting. Fasting for one day will often prevent s serious Illness. More people suffer from eating too much than too -- ftittle. To Disinfect Dishes. Soda, In a 2 per rent solution, Is recommended by Prof. Esmarch of Gottllngen as the best means of disinfecting eating utensils. TEA It is a most mild delight; but it is a delight tea, fin good tea Egypt was the Brat country to any army. . .1 1, mi ilu- - ' mi'.Ii a . juduiu-- - ro he f .r City Gas, u-- e. m icni-rator- Well, thr tmom in Aertlem- - Lighting made tower derived from, viz., fries111111possible 011 the tnatrrial it is look like Granite Cuk Carbide, a material that bnt arts like Magic. Today. Acetylene Light i a full third cheaper than Kerosene Light, nr Ga.oline Light, per Candle Iowrr. It is not more than half the price of Electric Light, s that of City Gas. fiur If i can't prove these statements to your full satisfaction my name is not "Acetylene Jones." Hgt Acetylene is more than the safest and cheapest three-fourth- Light of tlv year KjriS- It is also the Whitest Light the nearest to natural I due and Violrt rays, and Sunlight in health-givinof this, with its freedom from flicker, it is the easiest of all Artificial Light on the lipes. It is so much like real Sunlight that it has made plants grow 34 hours per dav in dark ci liars where no ray of Sunlight could reach them. It made them grow twice as fast as similar plants that had only the Sun' viz., half the time. light of s' That was proven hy Cornell University in a experiment made this very year. three-cornere- d Light a setback, at first It seemed so simple to turn Calcium Carbide into Gat-ligthat over (no different kinds of "tanks" and were invented, patented, and Acetylene Machines marketed for the purpose, by about as many different day-tim- e, three-month- ht World's Smallest Graveyard. What la said to be the smallest graveyard In the world may be seen at Galashiels, England. For over a hundred yean no Interments have taken place, and the graveyard may now be People- Now, I've savrd up for the last a point morr to you than all the others alxmt Acetylene iglit. as much of the vital It consumes only im-ria- nt - the thing to be expected rertainly happened I About 5JO of these "Acetylene Machines" had been invented and told by people who knew more aliuiit Tinware than they did about The "Calcium Carbide" was all right all the time, but 5J0 of the machines for turning it into Gas were all wrong all the time. So Acetylene Gas got a bad name, though it is dear enough now that it never deserved it at any time. It was like selling Wood Stores to burn Hard Coal in, and then blaming the Coal for not burning, a Lots of things happened to grieve the Owners of . these 5JO makes of alleged Acetylene Mach-net- . But very few accidents occurred from them even in the days of rank experiment and dense ignorance, ' among, "Generator" Makers. Of course, a gun will go off unexpectedly, now and then, if the trigger he pulled by a person who "didn't know it was loaded. But, that'a no fault of the Ammunition is it? the . Insurance Companies gut after , Well, finally Machines" that yMiese 5.to pdd makes ofthe Acetylene Insurance Board madean I wouldn't Acctylale. and investigation of all Generators that were submittcirto than. Then, out of the 600 odd "Machines" patented, only about 70 were "permitted" by the Insurance Board to m used. . (li, what a howl was there! By permitted" I mean that tffe Insurance Board waa willing that any building should he Insured, with Well, one-four- Oxygen from the Air of Living rooms or consumes. as either Kerosene or City That's a tremendous difference in a lifetime, mark s of a difference. you Because, Oxygen is Life. And every bit of Oxygen stolen from the lungs ot Women, Children and Men, through Lighting, is a kiss that ran never lie made good again. A 24 Candle-l'owAcetylene Light exists you only of a rent per hour. Thats alxmt $5X5 per yrar, if burned every night in tlie year for four steady hours. A Kerosene 1 amp of equal capacity would cost you ot a cent per hour far a third morr, viz. : three-fiftKerosene alone, or $S.7S PT year. That's exclusive oi broken lamp chimneys, new wirks. and the everlasting drudgery and danger of cleaning, filling ami trimming daily. Gat-makin- g. A Neglected Comer In Galashiels, tyled "no man's land," and a receptacle for rubbish. The burial place measure! 22 ft by 14 ft. and la surrounded by walla. Of the two tombstones which have survived neglect and abuse, one may he seen on our picture, blocking np the entrance, and the other a large flat one may be observed In the center of the graveyard. Made Good Guido at Night. Jason Hoover, a farmer of Western Wisconsin, ventured out one very dark night to visit a sick neighbor. Hia wife followed. The man kept np an incessant conversation, not for entertainment, but tbat hia helpmeet might be guided by his sonorous voice along the treacherous and uncertain path. Suddenly Farmer Hoover shouted a warning, stumbled and fell heavily. After some grumbling and much assistance from his sympathetic wife, he continued the Journey, limping painfully, and rubbing bis braised thigh. Jason, you may stop talking," sugit is gested his wife, considerately; easy to follow you now." f Mr. Hover became inquisitive, and was astonished K- - learn that In rubbing bla thigh he had caused tbe phosphorus to glow, which for a long time bad been accumulating on hia trousers from the many matches struck there. New York Herald. $11 Che-Klan- a, three-fourth- er two-fift- Tell me how rany rooms you've pot and I'll tell you what it will cost to light them with brilliant, beairtiful. Sanitary, ey- - raving Acetylene. Write me today for my Free Book about "Sunlight on Tap." , Just address me here as "Acetylene Jones." Adams St.. i Chicago, Ills. ilU LL f nnra the most particular housewives. It clean, whitens and purifies the clothes to perfection. Try It Your Remember the name ao that yen will not be deceived. A large package for 5 cents. jeer Bella it PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Msr waraaMtfs Mshtar and tart WMmTwM ripin mrt ertws thaa aa rtk im. On. tOc MtlM. ertws all lUo. Jkftdgla If If btoklit Hw li Pti Blmfc iwl Mu CilQBi mmONMOm WrHt YOU MUST NOT WAIT Valil tka la gay to fni ant abaal I.IM.I wa aw auka Write inaatoa. to a art yewraa-Imia- FL U F F-RU- a. FLUFF-RU- G ledeseedeet Jfg-8?- 1 WORKS City, TTteb MeThose Troplr t.. SellHell Hue x 'Ft- - - - Whs Anc waring Advertisement Kindly Mention Thla Paper. Thompson's Eje Water W. N. U Salt Lak NO. Mina on Firs Many Years. mine in Warwlekshire, Eng., baa been alight for years, and man ia powerless to rtierk It. The blaze atarted In a seam of highly combustible coal, and the workings, which stretch under parte of Birmingham Itself, are gradually being burnt out Mrs. Wlnriaw'l Soothing Byrap. to 'WMltoginM.mlsMd dlldnulkl. ynrrMMrra IMUhlsg f WciMUdb Venomous Even In Death. William English and Milton Davla of near town, were out hunting on the form of J. D. Powers a few days ago and they shot a large rattlesnake, shooting off its head and about four Inehes of Its body. The severed head was hurled by the discharge against the bird dog of Mr. English. It bit the dog and he died within a few minutes. Perry (Mo.l Enterprise. who goes straight to work to euro Hurts, Sprains, Bruises TktallfeeMUfM?ea rmS about. MaSala Ire IlSenni grade. Prtiwa from IK. Ob lo IU.M Aik furniture dealer for II. If geeelee. eer Trade Irnr la ee the lag- Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. 42. 1005. A HE ATTENDS TO BUSINESS by Iho use of vmUw GOf IlMMVRrii GS freight piU eee vey (Si W. Heath ngatONAiLB awicaa torus in salt lakb and dinvkn wWggKWig, HIGH QRADK AND REVERSIWJt Made from roar oM Panels. leirratM and Bnnwrla, Chaallla Curtolea, Xl& Wa will lay anything aarta far yaw. tor rtask ia as Ursa we weal ariae K. e Constable aa Violin Maker. Police Constable Gaskin, who has Just retired from the Metropolitan force, has made quite a reputation in musical circles by the hand-mad- e violins he has constructed during hia pare tins 80m e of hia Instruments have been praised by the finest play-erand recently Kubelik paid him a visit, highly commending several that he tried. London Tlt-BI- Gas-Lig- QUO Had No Cause to Complain. Tbe Hon. Benjamin Kimball, one of New Hampshire'! well known railroad men, ia laid to have complained to one of the butchers at Gilford, where )lr. Kimball's summer reaidAce Is. about the quality of meat supplied, saying: "That lamb yon sold me most have been old enough to vote. It was no tough I could hardly cut it." Alcoholic Drink from Rice. Oh, said the butcher, "tbat is The alcoholic drink used In the Mthing; Tom Fuller said the laal In China, Is place of meat-hprovince of. bought of me was so made from fermented rice. Fermentooth he couldn't get hia fork into the tation la Induced by the addition of gtvrf cakes made of wheat meal. An exA Greeley Story. amination of these cakes by K. Salto Horace Greeley waa once asked for shown that the particles of wheat are ranetrated through anL through by a location by n minister to save peoHorthe mycelia of varloua fungi. Some ple's aoulg from going to hell. seven or more different species were ace wasnt feeling well that day, so he Irritably replied that "there are not found. These fungi grow on the moistened nee, fermentation follows and a half enough people going to hell, as it la." But the minister got hia check. yellow liquid with an agreeable odor Is produced. f. lum-i- t- - Cal pipe with irrinilii-- 11 conditions inr h.lectricily, smelt r know oui.lt i;w, the Insurance l'i:iiipai-.- i tln-shIu-iIh- t or not 70 diinrent in, ikes of Acetylene Leiicr jtors acre alnlutrly S.,fc 1, Inil-r- , if Fire or this lime to pm occur'!., from any one of ilie Acetylene Generators they authorise. And. Iicre'ii a proof of iheir good judgment. people using Though there are now lu l'i re luxe only Acettlene Light in four in our from hires from it year, agamxt AJOj . GaMih-ieKiroxeiie and Tin re have alu hern 4111 hue from Electricity, frni City (ia, and 5 i Liu- from Candles. 1707 Ihxiile the-- e there lime hern jo hires from the Sim's ray- -. Rut, only foor hire from Acetylene. Hoard was 'that shows ho'v or, ful the . in it - animal ion of .V-- t Irnr ( and in ' "permitting-- onlv the 711 makes that werr al'ore that were once on out of the Ux experinieui the market. pirce tight-liltin- i- Quaint Old Custom Still Prevails In English Town. CltirenR of the old Devonshire (Eng l town of llnnlton are lmmup? from arrest until sunset one evening, for while the horse fair la In progress the arm of the law is isiwerless. This Is In continual lmi of a quaint and pic turesque ceremonial which baa been handed down front the time of Henry III. When the horse fair begins the town crier, in the gorgeous dress of n beadle of the laid century, appears carrying a pole, at the end of which In a large gilt glove, decked with flowers. Having rung his handbell three times, the crier, in hia hat,1 announrea, Oyex, oyox, oyer! The fair ! begun; the glove la up; no man can be arrested till the glove la down. God save the king. Each sentenced Is chorused by the children standing round, and at the conclusion they scramble for nuts. The glove la taken down at sunset. TEA Another wan certain It would burden I. I'.r -- SUSPENDED. LAW windy place. A gentleman Just from there reports that last week the wind blew a sheep up against a bam, about twenty feet from the ground, and held it there four days, until It starved to death. Drain (Ore.) XnnparelL soap-boiler- 's Cl'.lli: ;i uli. j-- The Big Wind in Oregon. Port Oxford evidently is a very adapted for tbe hands, the face, tbe think there is in th taste general toilet? Impossible, It would be horrid. Who ever heard ot ouch a of it? use ? Finally a bold abopper carried Weight is no measure for borne a cake. Does it look like kittea! chen Sapollo ? No one la aure, and a cake at that la bought, and comparison 8oap from Pompeii. made. Behold a family using both the A few years ago a shop SapoBoa for every conceivable - purwas discovered In Pompeii, having pose, and comparing notes I After been burled beneath that terrible rain aastty and quickly cleansing a greasy of ashes that (ell upon the city 79 pan with Sapollo, Jane thought tbe A. D. The soap found In the shop ether would be gritty, nod waa aston- had not lost Its efficacy, although It ished at the smooth, dainty lather. had been bnr'ed i.ww rears. : m Ami-ric.-i- , Utah-Mexl-ca- is almost nothing; how much weight do you I ! - on its t'-- nt, Tea l'.pi, Xnijliuc" v, fk 'i Utah-Mex-lea- CLASS for t out extra charge, which ned nnv one of il rxr 70 ifi-- , and r clt!i-i.- r it had i !.ii 1: - I' Kitted with tri fitainrs. uir pumps nud water the vessel can be tlgnt ctiiupurti'ii-nis- , driven at a higli rate of speed through or under the water, aa opportunity offers in any weather. Her length over all Is 100 feet, with but nine-foo- t beam, and her appearance lying squat on the water much more resembles a fish than a fish carrier Fikhlup llarotte. ARM i i I coin-roun- d of the skin natural condi regained their tion, till another family had Joined the chorus of friendly acclaim. And so It Is everywhere, those who know the elder brother welcome the newcomer, for the sake ofths first known, and those who meet both for the first 'uudify r jf lios. ency V&iZMA Os g, Gas-ligh- Country Homes n yow-nimoti- rn dlsb-wasbin- To make Cheap I ji-c- i HTtetber Hand Sap, din got a more enthusiastic welcome to borne where Sapolki u as an old and tried friend, or when it t a a stranger, la a ques-tloWhere m omen had come to rely on Sapollo for rapid, thorough cleaning in every part ot the bouse except the laundry, they commenced without has of time, to avail ot this new prize. Grubby little hands, and stained, work-woolder ones, whitened, softened, and smoothed out as If by magic, cci-kuspots disappeared, and comChildren ceased plexions cleared. their strenuous objections to the scrubbing up process, because it betaine a pleasure. after Will Carry Fresh Herring to Ports on Puget 8ound. The English turiili boat Albatross, which wa offcri-for sale by the authorities when tf.e navy depot at E was abandoned, baa qiifiuault. It. l'Ci-stvered by the Nanaimo tibr-leivinputiy i.r Vanulmo. H. C., with of running fresh herring to the il sound inaiki-ts- . The boat is a very fast craft. She was built some thirty yours ago for and saw servthe Chliian ice in si- oral South American ImbrogShe SaiT lade C-t- Uth Hunger Might Be Good Loaaon. It would be an excellent thing for the softening of the hard hearts In this wgrld. an almost complete cure for man'a Inhumanity to man. If the heartless could be compelled to live on three or four meals and no more within the limits of a single week. . It would be especially beneficial to those who make tbe laws which make hanger In such a land aa this possible. Wallace Rice In Chirago Journal. What Ha Paid For. cynical highland gillie thus explains a certain rich American's action in paying $25,000 aa n year's of rental for a castle In the "He pays $5,000 fo- - the Scotland: house. $5,000 for I he fishing, $5 000 for the deer, $5,000 for the grouse and 0 for being near Balmora', wtcre tbe king ocpxsliwallv visits." A $5,-00- St Jacobs Oil and saves time, money and gets out of misery quickly. |