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Show WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY. I j . mil:"' I. Tj 'i I .! t 1'OIL) 'HifSinffcy'vJiDtrise I'TVOMfl I r k i Hclur C- - W Vi Ur. ist thrt?? aj : SJftfWVfa0flpjwfftlG' ' 'I I ' f . 3 i I'hi-- i i lt 'fir'j&g-.wm- Officer & Co., R. H. i Aseayera and a W. Twcpi Chem-et- m yj li.eit '"I AM isi.iia,irft.ia,.i.,aif.i.r,i.i.ifSL a'f.' 'a aiaiaiaia;alaia(aia;a.ta;aia, - KANSAS CITY. ST. JOE. CHICAGO.: GALVESTON. EL PASO. And the Mining JllD ICO AND ARIZONA. Aak us about Clu-a- mer. C. 5 lltr K. Fa M. H Cainini of NKW MK U..II1 f l Sum- ihiH I tieneral Ageui. CYRUS - i p Fa -. h i'nHiii. 419 I) F. UVI.ei : Salt lJiki- - City. ;E THOMPSON j iro SALT LAKE CITY UTAH for them? SiipioM-fin.!- i ix eiicmiraged lo the i MKiu-ihiiixt-e- If yrai would In- rcMuirrefiil :o rcsuum-tiiliieRx- ill could you helping other . t lllillOHd Wit hull mi In luiil to use reKuurcf 'i.i it :.i liiirina II count nn-Lin oi : r u m i coiiih llie ojHr-itiiim r mid the di;;aiiis i pi ui'eri i ii . I youiis doetur worked his way acroxK the AManilc on a cattle ahip Then save leKKOiiM in Kumiiean dliea in uriler lo lake InaKtuia there. He I. ax will! eti me many letlera, durinu nix inp. alno before and since his trip. This morniuK I am unable to And two or ihri-- letter from him recelvtnl before hi last one. I have the big linn lle and I he letter, hill 1 had a ui:ill liiindle u few wih-ago in my iiek mi'l II liwnot away front me. It ! on ill In In the renter drawt of the desk or in a big box user for uncluMKi-liei- l live maierial and an annex to the A .1 , ' in !i iuiv . S 'iiceiilwl anil - eli ii iii c !i :t ii if n many ii REAL ESTATE CO. : viu-un- ; ( ' wonilo-- uf i l is koimI work, 'lu-s- ni'ed more examples case 'iiiil'li1 A n nil "I xpi rience or any V Im if Ini'll "nil! loll ll'il useful to-- . i .' us lo lie more rewnirce is l III is miii'e likely to lip lliefii ' viii .i i'iviti of iurHise ; in nun x to hose who h: .'t'Ue jii i- i - CHOICE OP ROUTES. lat and oi iiiiniv We Buy. Sell and Trade Real Estate. We have a large list of farms and t and Improved, elty properly, cheaper than any other nrtn fall and W"ii Second South St, see ue. Mtlt Lake flty. hur hen ill omi who wan line for It. i '-s j Corner South Temple and 2d West St. of wanting desirable quaiiii'K. fi.":li! "M reMirt which you .MWr ml. heard, experle ncid or il'iuichl viliich would help to the of iiniiiey. airetiKth and It d 'llllii'iiit . !i riiaii i" i :i!ckiiii-KII: ilke. sicliht'Sh, iu I,': i n ilefieleneii'H ii.' vwiiilil in- worth kimwiiu x:i ! DEALERS - and ii.r-:-- I.,w ii. .ii: V BulUiftg, a:iii'u!i ii: n . if H i' i i a ci,,a,i- c. i Attorney A Counselor. - yon repiirt some event in a say I ( The Atchiion. Topeka A Santa Railway Company. Salt Lake City. Utah. - ! :l I aS.i;J GATRELL G. .. J ')if III 111 al.d l.i.I.A'VfJtStifltf frfrmwWKiftilffcaftpu WAHKKN. LUMBER r " no1 e. fiiiiii"4.i Ik alHiu I.' BISHOP, ia,aTalaIaiilajfalalariayajar illl! real M- - A88AYER. W. Ind South. Salt iftka City Oppoulte Poetufr.ro. Mailing Back Furnished Wholesale and Retail RESOURCEFULNESS : 1 .: , St., Skit UL( Writ for Mailing Back . . rflins Daily. -- j ; . TAYLOR, ROMNEY. ARMSTRONG CO. . J Inin .f lb- - I l THROUGH AND TOURIST SLEEPERS FROM OGDEN OR BALT LAKB TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS So far si finding that small is eon rented I am defeated, but vi his is a better collection of (irHilui tor you that) the one THE KEELEY CURE, To Im ensured of a pleasant trip w oubl hate I hail 1 found the Cured. Drunkenness I have written some-tbiiu- ; liuinne. ;ti iiml uxe it wisely. Stren ' iiiom-the via tickets east, purchase your cure to i in.-A positive aud permanent in ihoM' who have slrcnutli ;ri i, anjwav beeaiiKe I remembered drankenneae and the opium diseases. Iti'KOlirCr'fuInrKx C) b'xluu a iiiatiiiKrripl for a Cleveland, Rail- There la no publicity, no sickness. Iia use ji 111 luive iiei'ii reaoiireefui u nl.lo. trip anil I determined to prepare oi il'ue aim dies treated ax pi irately as at their a better one and thus make the lo,. 134 I'lihiiUiK' eiiiinni-lK- . own home. Tim Kwlev institute. without mriiir-)- a Utah. Siim pro iilentfal. l.ake City. Salt W 8a Temple. from Omaha to Chicago 12? North KaM avenue. Oak Park ;li or rexoiircefullieMK mtii llexi llllt ilui-also between not want them, ronii llliimis. service WINDSOR. Omaha auil MatiicaptdU and Chi.-agEUROPEAN HOTEL. DIALECT OF THE LUMBERJACKS. NOT EASY TO FIND RHYMES. Salt Ijtke City. and St. lamia, aa well as all points In In the heart of tha city. Ideated the South and Southeast. Revised Hit Opinion A boat Have a Breezy Slang of Their Own in Rates Reasonable. ' the Piny Woods. Work of Poets. Flretelaas room. dean Light, airy, ' For full Inforiiiatlou call on or write Franklin the Tin breezy xlang of Hu pine forests Electric A vImIiIiir Steam whs hunker heat, la every respect. A group of minor uf Xorihern MitmeKotu iiervaded the Iiiii. a binary Lights. J. A. FOLEY, Now and tine wind in St. Mary's Imxpiiul when a Kiirmiiinli-him. luieis Commercial Agent. QLADITONE tOTBU mie or 1111111 would reeiie an original liiinberjaek, n top loader, iafnfu!ly ex , plained lo one of In sister how it INielll. No. 75 West Second South Sired. Mra. A. M. Marbhal, Prop. "Thin minor poetry seem futile to liiiipeiud that lie had broken a leg 119 South Main Street. Salt Lake Clt) me." the blinker wild, xneering. After i lie broken bone had been el iiotlcf- uiid Ihe Neetly furnlalied Room by the Day. ciiii turn it it'll. And patient wax made a comfort Week or Month. Industrious mini uble mi powdlile, one or the alsiera uioki die that aland ' A Rate. CO cent to 91.50 per day. can only make alsnit 92 a wek." and asked him how In Special rale by the day. week or poet "Itul i he art.' the art of llie 'king. liad met with the accident, month. . a liubl, fai H't said. The hlg wcMulxnuin was ready to 1,, "Art?" IkwhV scolfwl the bwkfr. tho sister left the rot with a While In Salt Lake get your teeth "A lunatic can write minor J'R'jT' puzzled liwk on her face, anil to this fixed at THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL If only a riuestlon of rhymes." . J ,av d'a not know Junt what liap You sneer at rhymes." imerk H.ied to Ihe niiiii. Thla was the way COMPANY. the fat and bahl poet. expla)ieil it to her: Ijlvc Flrgt-clMwork, a full guarantee " for 'loutise. MTlP. MkH'rrr anf'a sky hooker. rhyme and courteous treatment to alL Not IIIII for tliti Veil The hanker thought wi were shy a grounder that a few of our prices. lltes. hut in valli. lie was sinciput morning, when a gaxuhoo blew up ihe Full set of teeth, 15.00. tote mad from Miinewhero and the "Try me again." he said. . ' A rhyme for 'sylph.'" Solid gold crown, 22k., gnali liin.nl him, he representing that Again the hanker failed. RAILWAY Bridge work for tooth, 94.00 Impersonating a grounder wax hia A rhyme for 'wasp.'" Absolutely painteaa extraction. long suit. Well, the Aral thing he sent doing." sold the banker, up to me was a blue butt. I yelled at 12 "Nothing Block. Rooms Galana 10, 0, 11, IQH SOI after a long pauw. him lo throw me a Saginaw, but Entrance, 99 E. Second South. (iiilf. hemp, pint, pax. " of that he gave her a clyder and "By Jingo." said the banker. "I gunder, and she came up and broke FKNTILB can't think of a rhyme fur nny of thiise my sieiii." Tu our Kino Selection of words." " "I I dont (iiiie understand The minor act tried him again with began the mystified sister. nFULLMANH "wolf." "with." "depth." "Idlge." "Neither do I," exclaimed the LtIPtNQ CARSl "bulb" und "srarf." "volt." "fugue." "In must have OBSERVATION woodsman, cugerly, J. We have added the Chase A Baker "liiiiirne." DINING CARS. been bughouse or jiggerroueil." l)u ClKOTRIO LIGHT. "I'm xinek." confessed the banker. tilth Piano Player, Victor Talking elcctnio Fans. 'Minor iMictry Is harder than Machines, with a choice selec- iluumlit. It's n wonder to me you fel Rkcuninq chair Cars A Handicap. Surely. rass). lints tion of the J lews lire nut paid iiuur." A prominent railway nuin lma a IlMe-MPar cottw. "We don't care anything about Ihe story of a general of a Late and Beet Roil and Record. Mr iKtH.mitt, FdUn, RsiftiN V pav. It's the ebiry we ate after." the western system that la ulwruys in w iili .ih t lui.'Wfii'd. duniiy. "But, financial straits. ? .dll Ilian. I luive tie'll 'licking you. was a This fluporiinrinli-ii'nthe words llial I gave you there in the sirb'test. methods of Tlte Pupulnr Music I louse, in So discipline Isn't a rhyme in the F.nnl'xh tnngne." Whenever (rains got to running lute Main Si., Salt latke t'ilv. ihe clerk in ike ofllce always knew Demoralized. ii; and Ihe word would be passed A Southern enncrcsKT-Hn- . who lias around that "the old man" would In warm day Itul. Tel. 755. been spemiiua some of Bell Tel. 755. "throw another fit" if Conductor This-anar t!.m lie I'ity. told some of hta DR. ALVAH LEWIS. that, hauling No. Sound-xo- , didn t SALT LAKE PRI VATF unepiTSl., frielidx ib. it lie wax Koing boine xmafr into the end of the division on pull l vtiai ili'Mior.ili.-ei"Yix, sirs." said lime. "I ii'.n ib'inoralired, the i.i w nia k r One morning an overland train that uuof n siory nm! ibis r Swanson. wb! had departed a I about llie lime (ho up It i "i superintendent reached his desk nc a iniud: crepaign b.ix bei u of the first division Ihe j PULLMAN Free Radioing Chair Cara. Dining Oar Berrios a la earls on nil through kralna. For Folders, Ulnstntsd Booklets, eta., piii I address i 'i-ul- . Illinois Central LA. BENTON, 0. A.P.XL f l BALT LAKE 0XT7, UTAH road Klrat-elBM- a I I as $ TO CALIFORNIA as SUMMER RE80RT8. AND IT8 FAMOUS Ite . I Anf-bod- - 1 JprpjQh Binrtot nppi-onche- ST. LOUIS n-- , &zaoy 1 mstm ; tf DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. Palatial Vestibuled Trains leave Balt Lake City 8:30 p. m. daily. Ob- aervatlon. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and Dining Car. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent tor information on Pacific Coast Excursions, 4. 4 write to J. L. Moore, Diet Paa. Agent, Ban Pedro, Los Angeles A Lake R. IL, Salt Lake City. or' 95-0- COLORADO Kisusumst003l Newa-Trlltuu- REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT TUB Oregona Short Line RAILROAD Dl e. bvrley, . Tt B tr.ST.A. 1 VITH IMS UNION PACIFIC D. S. SPENCER. LC.F.ST.L THE OVERLAND ROUTE Beesley Music Co. d ns DOtBCT CONNfiCDON WHICH B THi TOMAS HOWS TO AIL IONIA gABT CMOIMNO B SPEED COMFORT on ncui met SAFETY 201 NAIM SALT TTNION PACIFIC NEXCELLED JL ROGRESSIVB ST. LAIS Cl IT. (THE OVERLAND ROUTB) VTAS. jii-l'-i- l d i , Vi-'ii- Swiiiixon at sayl sonic- twenty - I j - i. j'. ,) ; end minutes lute. The super- intendent immediately wired the run duel or. asking the cause of the delay, Several but no reply was received. divisions wore passed by the train in guest inn, and each time (ho rcpnt i showed further loss of time. The tuperinleideul. ludng in anything but an amiable frame of mind by iliis time, filed a rush telegram in these worda: Why in thunder don't you make 9N99I BrBBTTMBrilTrr The Fall of Japan. V:n jp Reduced Rates 'y; to EASTERN POINTS. Every Day During JULY, AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. Limit October 31. Write for Further Information. SLOAT. General Agt- 800 17th St, Denver. E. DRAKE, Diet Past. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt-CHA- Be't Lake It. "Interim." explained the teacher. "Is that which follows one event and precede another. Now. I would like It. have each member of the class senience containing the wort interim and read it when we tiavt our recitation Little Willie was the first to bt asked for his composition on ihe fol lowing day. It was ss follows: When Charlie Bronson come town I house to see Sister. Helen the othci and tola nlte, P went downstairs a hold ol him to git out. but he took Helens hsn.l and they Imtn looked al wouldn't ever part pa ami said they of ont no more. .So pa cot in l.'vpnt and followed Hie riher inward he door and threw iu bisit Intetlm. The class, was fixU'ixscd wiuiout .t'l'.tte. Lny further report As Willie Understood r.a wi:! lor in. ll.ule ' ; Uil,.,ri-ll,.;,- g rphiit .om i mux:' ' W;i (I1tl tainng a dinner .ir:y tin mher W . ing at her rum try kn-(The Ceiln Avon. N. .1 Tbt. loom ft:u a !i'', ry ns ice. T!:.' .nr ram in wit w.!Miideii and tal uw.iv from Cl., mb:,. dopot( Mu-0 lot: t e iiH'ii h;. f, s i pi tt Ik a rtux'i t riii i.u.xi i' is Miwmi-hinr.'- dii-.in- i Agt City. Utah tabii:. M.irji- 'i v '.:i a w .. 'w r. for. Lui i' "w.l eii.t'i'ril 'liri.J .p wn- - t- xi-- l '.nm-pos- J I Ii NEXT TIME YOU GO EAST Be Sure And Use The UNION In ft short while the answer came from the conductor as follows: "How the deuce can I with four cap loads of receivers on board?" BIUll I4HIIM tttfftftttftfffHfffftttttttttttt lime?" Special Attention given SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. THU ONLY STRICTLY PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN THE STATE. No. 352 E. tat South. Salt Lake City. ilBL PACIFIU and Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway &i The Reute ef the OVERLAND LIMITED Through Cara to Chicago. S. WILLIAMS. 1 . COMMERCIAL AGENT" 06 West Second South Street Belt Lake (Sty. . 4 AAAA imwnwHiminHH9nwnmfwgnm(y |