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Show AS THEY j I r 'P1 1 TfyftJ ! PSfFW llJ I m :i . :' ,,-- W - ' u i.' ' ' .fUl.f-- A The Proper Care The Kind You Have j ssssjsmsis Patient. t!-.- Hie mi American 1 llrliirt- r.iils ;i:!i i rii-i- i (lie iuU'ivm uaia ci.-i'- t from in i !i. l;il il.iriv of all ili'ath. lo li rtr Tl.t-rbut rt'Mliia HIV lUH :li'l'h!-llul- , r.iv clt'ai'y t!io to th;- int-- i rattotl knowledge of tile Us' tiu ilui.Iri of treating In oi'iii r In paint out this the host ivih-ml.r rails attention in the following dmIs ti some common 1 vu Ho - i Signature of ; i C)piimi.Morj!ii:u nor Hiiwral. OT X.Ut C OTIC . errors still prevailing: Men grow fixed in L their Ideas; they iP-- t SCO1 nKl'tor iliiii;.;! a rr.l- - iv.l ai a u::.; e bin (he yiriui.i a ylm iii ul liuili-'. ii iv Kv -! . , siir.-'iuii- come to ree.-m- l their notions as im- tin cf i lii Imhi.'U j. ihtm-in ,i.-- i ami so are slow to discover inkctor. mutable, SatU' cudurt vi ry t,ij!i esi easier It to somehow and -is change. Alx.Jaum iimUUSJmfor ns to think that quinine or cod WiA lilllt i'!iiii.. r my Bhi-- t the is liver oil. c reunite nr a change of cli- lltot nmrbir.i-i N,Msitili-- . mate: some inhalation of drugs or t wid that Kiinsi HinmSrmJ- Sunstroke IS t iili'il SiV- antitoxin, la good for tubergyliM hw. btr.M.-tr. . liuH of ni culosis. than It is to understand that .rf d the great first purpose of ail treat- hedth loss of ai st itnl lam. Apcrferl ltoniedy for Constipament Is to Increase the physiologic coiiistioii. ws!ti- n iniiiMn and tion , Sour Slonwtch, Diarrhoea power of the patient to resist tile dis- iltdrpOllIlJoik 1l Worms ,Convulsions ,Fevm i'frrihi. Tit1 ease and to destroy or circumscribe stuping of an inninoiiM .i.i aim Loss Sleep. sir- its cause within his own body. Than s porsiiii foil-- , wirh Far Simile Signature or The sober fact confronts ua that the one supreme need Is for more pow- hfiiiy roniplnin of pain in tin licad er in the afflicted body to restrict or or wsrthe hi"irt. Tin- Kin is hot and NEW YOIIK. to lu8 destroy the tuberculosis process. For dnt temperat u iv v. i y hiyh--iour present guidance this truth Is so degees, with disi'.iriiani'i'it tif rosplra-tio- r and pulse, iunsi--- i ami vun.ittng, vital that It takes rank with a confession of falih in religion. Insnslbility and nlupor. weaknctis, or We have given our patients some evo complete parl sis. EXACT COPY OP WRAPPER. lie patient, should lie removed at drug, anil have neglected the half dos-emeasures whose tendency Is to in- one to a cool, shady place, his clothcrease the power of the patient Thus ing loomed, Ice npplied to the head we have often thrown away the great and spine, and mill water douche resources of rest, fresh air, outdoor given; a cold bath ran be used, also life, changes in surroundings, and a coif onsmas. A very simple and efsystematic effort ot Increase the nutri- fective treatment is the shower pack, which is given as follows: An orditive forces the body. There is no objection to the tonic nary mattress is covered with oilcloth, medicines, alwsyk provided they sre upca which the psilent is placed, understood to be minor and subsidiary wrapped In a sheet, and sprinkled cold water as often as the sheet things, never of great value, and to be with niMxny Vilot with ocher cereals and dries Ico may be apby evaporation. used only as aids to the general measyou will instantly recognise plied, to the head at the same time. ures referred to. PILLSBURY PURITY To amid sunstroke, see that the genTo give drugs, while tbe patient Is In the rich, whits color of allowed to go In an unhygienic course eral health Is good. Discard alcoholof life without advice or correction. Is ics and narcotics, use Iced drinks sparingly, especially when warm, keep an error awful In Ita results. one of these patients should ths bowels active, and use an abundEvery be constantly supplied with outdoor ance M fresh fruit. A cold siHingo a little atmosphere In such abundance that bath h the morning, adding a the to followed salt vigorwater, by every successive Inspiration brings a ous ndMng, la s simple and valuable fresh dose to air and the uf lungs, is actually the Meal o( the Wheal." k which none from previous expiration. Every stimuls to tbe healthy action of the It la the white heart ot (he wheal skin. one should have long hours of rest kern!, sterilised. Nothing added: The teatment for sunstroke Is cold If feverish, the rest recumbent should gushing taken away. he almost or quite constant, for exer- applicalona, and practically nothing cise increases the fever. The digestive powers should be made to do their, gads snJ Bedding, beat, under the most careful supervisf .re still bedrooms wherein Try this Common Sense Breakfast Food andymrtWtl'never change ion, toward improving the nutrition K ! NEALTHPUISUMTANTIAb-CCONOMICA- L ind reminders of a bygone and possibly also the resisting power id PACKAGE MAKES 12 POUNDS COOKED --See the form of unwieldy bedsteads of the pjitlent Economy' monster bedposts and side been have allowed Patients to stay nice 21 CENTL as large as bridge timalmost Indoors parts without proper " ventilation ... As Peer Crecer which afford convenient ber, and house-ai- r and a breathe TtLLfiBUAY-WAfilWUKpoisoned FLOUR Mi:Y- - CO. Ltd. Mleneepello, Mine. of the time. We ban camping grounds for vermin. Bitch subscribed to the popular untruth si bedsteads usually have for their im pitiful as It Is groundless that pa- mediate companions some of the old tients In a gentle current of air called ftuhioned bed springs, which appeal a draught are In danger of colds and very crude when compared with the IF YOU other harm, and so we have kept then elegant and simple springs now found FOB BAD WANT.. homes. breathing over and over again their in all Tbe simple Iron bedstead, with Its contaminated air. The truth Is, one MOTE. AMO ACCOUNTS, aever takes cold in any draught, eveh woven wire springs, provided with a wind. If his body and head are kept some of the later contrivances to pre warm by clothing. The advice of the vest sagging in the center, represents profession ought to be to keep in s the highest form of evolution in the draught, never out of It; only It would lint of beds. It Is comfortable, readNo muter how lento or old they are. or In lessen the business of the physicians ily moved about, easily stowed away, what lows, city, state or territory. while it would be of Incalculable ben- and, best of all, affords no lodging If wo did not know we eon Id eollert Mile, we would oot be paying out money to edrartlae. It places for either dust or vermin. efit to the people. Title bail dmn 1 uo elite lueue with as. If be for can cleansed any A alreadily consumptive's body should We do not will reel ewtue. write Imuram-e- . nr loan money, but we eol Iwt Had liebte. tryitrd-lek- e ways be well and equably clothed, and came it has been exposed ot dangerof Indie politic, or tellttiou. should never he hampered or restrict- ous in feci Ive disease, and for its very d Like bund red. of cilcnte that are ed by garments. continually lalklud for u. this ad la aura to Snug correts and sirylicity and neatness is a suitable brine many claiuM tou. for collection, and we conventional gowns are an absurdity eminent for any bedroom. are junta. sure loeollrrf I brae claims and maks TkY passing sway of the good old money in eoinniliuuonk tlwreon. for the tuberculosis woman; worn as Wky not Hal your claim, today? they are by most such women, they duTs' haK deprived us of much that Wa recently collected flit fur Clark Rraa.. of frequently tip the scales in favor or wai mbslartlal and real, which has FlaneantUtore. It was kard work, but wafotlt, befi Replaced by the shallow and Redeath rather than recovery." but it Is certainly a matter for illation that modern civillza No Specific Medicine for Tuberculoeie. MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION The Committee on the Prevention emancipated us from the bed- that used to he of Tuberculosis of the Charity OrSCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS. lown from cenerallon to gen ganization Society of New York, in Ita annual report recently issued pubis a cherished heirloom. The TOP FLOOR COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG., SALT LAKE CITT. med quilts which were re lished the following resolution: FRANCIS G. LVKE, General Manager. Some People Dont Lika Vs. again and again at quilting Whereas, There la no specific medicine for this disease (consumpsdually became liab'e to the cetion ss the tion) known, and the cure, anil specifics, and special methods of PRICE. 25 Cts. remembered Id always be treatment widely advertised In the lollies sre not warm In pro TO CURE THE GRIP daily papers are. In the opinion of the committee, without apodal value, their weight, hut Just to the IN ONE DAY not and do all t at the extravaJustify they have the ahillly to re CURB TO IS GUARANTEED claims made for them, and serve and that this depends more GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AKD KEURALGIA. gant to lellooFPnctw of their texture enrich the promoters at the chiefly to a deilw who wont Oaanulm I won't mil YttSmi9ULFMHD(Mac t'all for your MONK Y UAI'K If IT UOVT CVKIE. expense of the poor and often IgnorIt. ow, the amount of cotton that -Wa rrT F. IF. Ittemer, JT. it., Mnnuf saturer.Nprf nstJIcM, Jfo. ant or credulous consumptives; .theretogether and covered I jnhtted fore, again with new quilting. to Resolved, That a public announcesMNIothes. without regard ment be made that it la the unaniDIPHTHERIA REMEDY HALLS CANKER 'Jflgl from which they are con- mous opinion of tbe members of this ilbould every week spend committee that there exists no spePON SSLS BY ALL DftUOSISTS '.becoming acquainted with ? WOn TMI MOUTH. THROAT, IICIPR Fill Lll I MILO AND OSNSnAL STON1B cific medicine for the treatment of pulSTOMACH ANO SOWSLS.... " fid thereby have the addi-tag- e and that no cure tuberculosis, monary of thoroughgoing Nildan-Judso- n Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., 6emral Agents. can be expected from any kind of filiation. medicine or method exrept the regularly accepted treatment, which relies What He Wanted. WE WILL SHIP TO YOU mainly upon pure air and nourishing pie would rather take of some drug periodically, jb On approval, anything yeti requoot by food" S. A. Dr. Knopf states very emphatmall. Wa have everything In Watches, Mr thereby counteracting the Jewelry end Silverware Latest styles ically that consumption is cured aim-plfl. Of their unhygienic and guaranteed makes only. and solely by the judicious use of their course of life SALT LAKE CITY God's fresh, pure sir, sunshine, plen'Established tm'Aaallhrully. The Mother's ty of good water. Inside and outside, G. O. HUNTING, Buporlntondsnt attains a suggestion which and good food." well to ponder: Ig'f'do remNevertheless, new specific ua dissipated youth, on con edies" for this disease are constantly T acted phyaielan In Paris, A Paris physician exploited. being ta set of hygienic rules, and Iron and Western Metal Co. Gnat la now advocating Injections of sea tel a speedy cure. But that ineoapoanTBD. water Into the tissues as s cure for halt all to the young gentle-ig.- : PnlS ap aapltal IK MO. Wholesale a ad BetalL Ws pay bifhmt prims tor Scran I run. Copper, An tuberculosis. American doctor is 'Any fool. he said, Braaa Land. Kara. Bnhbar. hnttlra. Hidm. HsapoNasLS micas also experimenting with s compound rails, eta Bell Pkoea iMPa ladepeadeat IHI. iw natr taice ahp ogwyan w hed get well If he did stows Nob BO to MO goatk Flint Waal Street, of raw vegetable Juices In connection iata not what I came for. When Answering Advertisements SALT I.AKK CITY. tTAH.. with other diet Doth of these Iclne. Kindly Mention Thle Paper. remedies, however, have yet to bd to button ols coat over be horoughly tested. MreUJk-XIKiJimCUD-t do you kfinw who ami strougV We d.iv tin- - buiuc .lory over amt h:ar ' i do not feel well; 1 an on-- Spain. BO tirril all the timi-1- " How in, my i ii!r;-.ii-l- n an LIk ill i iir',.i::i i wi-l- l r - lo'i-n-pari- wniiii-i- iv Oi.t-da- i.t via? po tir'. on bi- - bi ltirmir-t-: .oi.l uppi ainl it 1 - In-- , . by rliiry wlm yiiur bath rnuii-- fri Is lil ill! w:i- - nwakict'ii lln- - MTVIIM Ii t f piiilmp ul bin fiHil the inan--s- a who.pii-i- l iii.von hili, wliill hiii 1 id do? M told me to wake him :it liuif pay. C t ill 7." but he did not m k- of a liroilu-"Sahih," , Tin ju.ic nl u-- t? i,:' yoUr.i-r- IIIOIIlillK Olll . -- r ii unknown ptfom. aiVi.-i- . ST ry hi tW f lariii ii:aj.i prdkpom Ltmiitli Thus I,ost ti Kentored ly I.yd'.a E. VegeiHblo (XimpouiuL n t'liiin u i um-.U- Mi.d "Sali'.li," rcinly. fts'iiiiug ii. .u SUFFERINGTHESURE PENALTY :iie tbe Mnr.ii ir.i i bis r.lr . .;i- itiDi'-.ib'- lii.lii-ii- a plan. to I. Ic-'-.- Or- . 1' .. (xSUra'o. 1m MMCii.ii, l) I Hill India, qWi I of r. Norman id ilio fat'l that lias bet'll 't i!i AMiia!:iMi Bears the du Skau'ttJs i'.ndlivwol3 of in Skiiiirrc' The Supreme Need of the Tuberculoeie In g Tromnics Dicalion.Clverfi Body nu-ot- Always Bought ness anti Rom CoitUiins neillur Naiiw ilii'oiiVt i:t ir.,n- - o-- l!:i doiliK My a. lln ) sn- tiMulili- - i$ ili.ii I b,-m '.v.i-ii- i ( AM'CriiiU-. uicitjoj andKcvjula-lui- cf the W0MENSJJEGLECT Native Servants in India Interpret ders Much Tufl Literally. u For Infante nnd Children. ' 'r PRACTICAL HYGIENE TOLD. ARE r oflii-i-- r Vi-.- i i Atii In r iiiqii-rfrc- A ( Use sh-nr- ss i ii For Over of i Thirty Years - n Compare y N three-quarter- CASH YOUR s DEBTS WE CAN GET IT! 1 Mli-th-- Whittiers Lioad Wishes. rut at young won, su om-thoardlug house uthle lieslde a re boy rim n try served and awkward whom she lo tease. Whi-she left she asktd him to write lu her The poem which autograph album. John G. Whittier wrote there, and which has Just been published fur the first lime, stands as a warning to other young ladies that she who laughs first at s seemingly dumb countryman may he herself laughed: The quaint con many years later. eluding Ktsnxa is: Thy life may nothing vex It, Thy years tic not a few. And at thy final exit May the devil miss his due. Hum on Transcript - A More than likely jrou apeak the una words yourself, and no doubt you feel far from well. Thecausemay beeasily traced to ooiue derangement of the fa male organs which manifests iUt-l- f in dcpreabion of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything, hackoche, Itearing-dowpmius, flatulency, nerv ouMiCMt, sleeplessness, leueorrhdaa. These symptoms sre but warnings that there is danger ahead, and unless heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation U the inevitable result Tbe never-failinremedy for all these symptoms is I.ydia E. Iiukhatn'a Vegn g etable Compound. Misa Kate McDonald, of Woodbridga, N J., writes: Dear Mrs. llnkliam : 1 think that a woman naturally dUiktafto make Imr troubles known to the public, bull Mkml health bos meant so much toms Unit I rams help from telling mina tor tin sake women. of (Slier sum-rin" For a ksig time 1 sulTored untold agony with a u ten us tnwlde and irragulariUea, which uuula rw a physical wrack, and no one 's thought I would recover, but Lydia B. Vngotalda Uompuund bos mtiiwly cured me, and made me well and strong, and I fool it mv duty to tellorimr suffering women what a splendid medicine it la" Came Near Finding Out. Among examples of American humor recently given In (lie Nineteenth Century and After la a story which a bright ornament of tbe English bench is said to have told more than once. A apeaker in a Western town had started out to sbuw that there might be great differences between national and local reputation, lie had said. A mao can't alwrays tell what his neighbor! think uf him," when be was Interrupted by one of his bearers. 1 came mighty near knowing once," said tbe man, with a retufn Iscent look, but the Jury disagreed." g link-ham- If yon are 111, dont hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia B. Iinkhams Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs Pinkham, Lynn. Mass., for special advioe-- it la free and always belpfuL Dont Get Wet! Find New Rubber Tree. It la reported that a new kind ot rubber tree has been discovered In the Island of Madagascar, aaid to contain much caoutchouc juice, which coagulates upon being boiled, producing 19 per cent caoutchouc of good quality, The tree is railed "Plrebaso" by the netlvee and attains a height of over forty, feet. It Is found in groves la f- - the ..the lYHirthwmaliaeB sac Ma4 near Amboyo an die marketed la This caotilrhouc has alight mineral lngredlenta. TOWERS SUCKERS will keep you dry as nothing else will, because ire the product of materials and best the they Boo-loin- . tflWSj ltfAvy J 4triu . NO TONGUE How CAN TELL I Buffered with Itching and Bleeding Eczema Until Cured by Cuticura. o wiffM oft, m 3 SHOES 3 e Thousands of miles of southwestern Alaska are covered with primeval forests of yellow cedar and white spruce and halsinn fir. jBiyaun. W.L.OOUBLAS MAKES AD SFtlS MOKE MeMS tn.BO SHOES IMAM AMY OTHER MAHlir AOTURUL nnn MSARD t anysss wto css IUUUU Risptsvs thliitatmsiit W. L Doaglss f J.SO shots have by their style, easy fitting, sod super tor wrs ring qualifies, achieved the largest sale of any fM. ehne la the world. 1 hey are Juet as Read ea those that cost you IS. IS) fo $7.00 the only diliereoGc le the price. If I could lake you htta my laclery at (track f on. Mesa., the leryeet la the world under one rani making awae fine hnee. and show you the rare with whkh every pair of IkmglM shore is made, you would mllrt why W. I. Uaurlos M.fM) shoes are (he brsl shoe, produced In the world. It I could show au the difference between th, share made In mv factory and lhaee el other mokes, you would understand why I (duels. S.1.MI stmrs cnl more la mskr, why they hold (Heir shape, fit better, wear lunger, end are nl greeter Intrinsic value then any ether Id. 50 shoe on the market today. tin St. Jacobs Oil L Oaiiefs, Strong MmdoShrmmtar Men, ast.fiO. SS.OO. Soys School 4 Orass Shoms.S2.Aa, $2, SI. 18, ft. SO CAUTION. Inhi't Umn having W. LlXiug-Isslnirs. Iska no (uMItiil,. Non grnulns W. for many, many years has cured and continues to cuts . s RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA LUMBAGO BACKACHE SCIATICA kU y torn c & Su "No tongue can tell how 1 suffered for five years with a terribly painful, W. L. Douglas 4.00 Gilt Edge Lino cannot Iso equalled at any prica. itching, and bleeding eczema, my body and face being covered with sores. Never In my life did I experience euch awful Buffering, and I longed for death, which I felt was near. I had tried' doctors and niedi-cinewithout success, but my mother insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt better after, the first bath with Cut!-rurHoap and one application of Cuticura Ointment, and was soon entirely well. (Signed) Mrs. A. EUan, Bolle-vue- , Mich." time-honore- Antl-Orlplii- A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, UAA. W. L. Douclas - mmm I experi- seventy years ence in manu Titlioul his name and price (damped an Udlucn. YAVTKII, A shoe drsh-- r In srery town where VI. I. (mis!s Klicra ere i(t sokl. Full line of Samples unit free for iiisiwtiim upon nquesl. Fast (War f errrft esedr Yeg mill m at soar truly. Write fur lllmdrstrd Cstslng of Fall Rtyles W.L. UOfOUt, Brockton, Mnen. SPRAINS BRUISES 60RENESS STIFFNESS FROST- - BITES Price, 25c. and 50c. uun ecowhc-'Hr- c FOR WOMEN r.n coroNFttf I res Med with HI peculiar to esed a a S racks la msrve: their ersslsl.hi,Thereugklycleaases.killsaiseise germs, stop f iscbaiges, heels laflassautiea aadiecal MATTBf as. Paslise is In powder form to he dismlwd la pum outer, sod ii far mom cleansing, healing, germicidal sod economical than liquid anuacplhs for sB TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For ssle st dniggiuls, SO cents bag. Trial Bra and Book of lastroctlsM Pros. . SMS TMsIsihe Slailrem yos rasd nknoi. Mode In Are IIRerrnt grades. Prim fnnri BM to SIAM A.k furnlluro draler tor It. If trsmue. car TisOe trior Is on ike (M- - Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. ssV Laos C'TV, Utah i I a. PsSTOU COBM.t SOUTOU, SSsum, HOWARD L BURTON, s55S7ait.,,, Stiver, leod, it; ttoid. Ml- bprrlmra piirm: tii-I- rS'TrS'M villa, Colo. Itefeieeee.Vsrbuesie bsihestSaBk. |