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Show slilc and canic-- l it to Ids Bps. JjMdp tlic cr ground u:i trend l:i!iioiis risible faculties, for at this innini-iilic laughed outright, a clear. IicIMiLc sound which irritated Bum- t Rumbolts Heir 'WM "Why . be rr BY MALCOLM F" h ImM. FURZE. HERE nothing else that mti be done. of course." TIjf sptaker thrust 111 well liaiil li.ii nis through his thick, curly hair. "I am the lMir to my uncle's titu hut Ills MtatF are no mortgaged that 1 mu forced to sell Ibcm. Of rourse. 1 hare my profession, hut uiy client are few aud far between, and 1 have been accustomed to a liberal allowance. little dreaming that some day 1 shonlil have to pay for it out of my heritage. The late Ixird Bumholt' family lawyer looked sympathizing!)- - at the young man whose fate wa different from what It ahould have lieeu. Up stain. In the room aliove them, lay all that waa mortal of Uuthhert, Harou Hum-bolwhose funeral was to tube place that very day. The morning sunshine flickered In through the deep, bay windows, as If mocking the young man whose prospects had been shattered at U t, necessary paper and wrote the word tli.it signed the ('1ihc away from himself and his heirs forever. Then he worked harder than ever at liis lambs, thrust the thought of his lost inheritance far into the hack reeesses of liia mind, and purposely ground all through an unusually hot August. The result was only what might have been anticipated, lie broke down comhim pletely, and the doctor onlt-reaway for entire rest and change of air. Hi thought turned Involuntarily Into the forbidden direction. The temptation was too great for him. The physician murmured something about the Continent, u sea voyage, etc., etc, and HuniUilt acquiesced ungracefully, tint lie hi hag with feverish haste, and the train took him, not to Ikiveror Foikstone, but down Into the heart of Devonshire, where, In the fairest county of England, hi forfeited heritage d iiui-ke- stood. blow. lie pnt up at the little inn of the But Anthony Ilunibolt was no cow- market town, which was situated about ard and no fool. Once he had mas- ten uiilea from the Chase. It was tered the news he waa ready to be up rather a rough night, a boisterous gale and doing. was howling across his beloved pas"1 can't stay here, under the circumtures, and the rain was coining down stance. for 1 can't afford to keep up in sheets, KiuUlenly, below in the hall, thia place on the earnings of a briefless he beard a commotion. A private carlawyer," he told Carew. "There la riage had met with an accident; the nothing else to be done; the dear old horses had just escaped being killed by place must come under the hammer. a tree falling across their path, hut I expect It will fall into the hand of the carriage had suffered, being almost some upstart local merchant or a mut- crushed by the weight of the brunches ton raiser from New Zealand, Thank at they fell. Anthony wus soon in the heaven, my duties will keep me In Lon- tiny hull, listening to the tale of woe, d don, and 1 shall not be harrowed by its as a tall, slender girl, with her desecration." head, came forward Into the The lawyer looked at him a little dim light. ' She turned her eyes on the young keenly from under his shaggy brows. "Yon might marry," he ventured, tim- man who had just Joined the assembled company, and liuuibolts heart idly. "You are a prise in the matrimonial market, lord ltumbolt. Many gave a big throb and passed out of his " Will own keeping forever. The eyes that Sell themselves for a title?" burst had wrought this havoc were wide and in Anthony, Impetuously. "Don't think velvety, of a color something between f that again, please. Ive not sunk so a deep shade of gray and purple big. low as that yet, and, please heaven, I Innocent, fearless eyes, that rested on his face for the apace of a second, and don't Intend to "But there are many lovely girls, then sought the circumscribed hall for who have enough money and you are the innkeeper. The hitter cumo forgood looking! put in the elder man, ward a little tremulously. The acciunabashed. "Theres nothing like look- dent waa not his fault, but the young ing all your chances in the face, I lady would doubtless want to tie pat up for the night, and his lordship had "So yon want me to look one chance the best room in the house, and the In the face forever afterward ! added only one that waa worth offering to a his lordship, grimly. "No, no. Carew, lady. I cannot go on." she said, in clear an I have aald, I hate all that sort of thing. When I marry, it will be for tones, which readied ltuinbolts ears; and nothing bnt love. "perhaps, Mr. Jenkins, you will, place love akme-rloglad you broke the news of my un- a room at my disposal? cles bankruptcy to me beforehand. I The Innkeeper prevaricated to gain should have bated to have to face all time. He murmured his desire to those gaping relations unprepared. As meet with the ladys wishes In every it la, of course, I shall not give myself respect, shrugged his shoulders, and way, but I shall take It stoically, and Invited her to be seated in the parlor lets hope that I shall not be commiser- until her room had been prepared. Then he turned helplessly to Anthony, ated with, that's nil!" The two men passed ont of the li- who stood leaning against the balusbrary then and Into the hall. The trade, watching the little play. eofiln waa on its way down the broad, "Its your room, my lord, which is Mken stairs the dead man's last jour- tho very best, he said, entreating) ney across the threshold of the ancesMight I make so bold aa to aak you tral home he had ruined waa just to bout to be taken. lie slopped, awed by the curious look Anthony slipped Into his place at In his companion's face. Anthony purheir-at-laand chief .mourner, and posely misunderstood him. Give her the best room," he said, many a seedy connection of the late baron's, who bad not been aware of magnanimously, "aa loug aa you don't the state of affairs at ltumbolt Chase, disturb me! "But lipped Into the procession which followed the body serosa the soft, green Anthony waved him aside with a grass to the little churchyard, where laugh. Don't 'but' me, be remarked. "Put the service was soon read and the dust g rally committed to the dust Then the young lady In your best room, and and nuke no more apologies about it the solemn procession made its way back to the old mansion There, that will do! Consumed with a desire to meet the in readiness to bear the will read. All eyes in the room were turned on glance of those lovely eyes once more, 'Anthony ltumbolt as the word fell ltumbolt sauntered Into the little room clearly from the lawyer's lips words where the lady was waiting nntil her that made him practically- penniless, room should be ready for her. He was with a title to keep, and only bis pro- rewarded, for the girl looked up at his entrance. She smiled at him so fession npon which to do It. There were mnrmurs of disappointfrankly that he decided to Ignore Mrs. ment; growls of surly rage, sobs from Grimily. "It was an awkward accident," he hysterical feminine relatives, who subhandsided behind their black-edge- d said, taking a chair at the table, while kerchiefs, presumably to dry their he concentrated Ids gaxe npon some tears and swallow their secret sorrow. wax flowers In a glass case at the In the midst of it all the lielr stood other end of the room. "It was lucky " and threw back his handsome head that you were near this place with a thoroughly characteristic ges"It would have been luckier If 1 had been nearer my own house, she anture, "Friends," he Mid, and his voice was swered, with a faint show of conperfectly steady, "I am very glad to straint. Something told her that Just aee you here, and to know that you because this young mnn was handhave joined with ine In honoring my some and everything Hint could be dedead uncle. He was, as you all know, sired, she had bettor keep him at a disnever a very wealthy man. and some tance. You will be quite comfortable. I asnder takings of his were not successful at the last. That is the reason why sure you. here." lie assured her, smilso many of you are disappointed of ing. Do you live near?" That la all I have to (the looked out of the window. legucics Bather near. she answered In low aay, I think. Thank you all very much, tones. and good-byeHe turned to the old lawyer, shook Then pcrhnps you have heard of the his hand warmly, and. still holding his gentleman who bought Uumbolt head high, he left the room, leaving Chase? he ventured, eagerly, Gentleman? You mean er yes, of those behind him to retire as beat they could. course, I know him!" the girl anBut bis heart was heavy when he swered, hurriedly. "Nice girl I mean went to bed that night, and it did not nmu Clive Warrendcr! Have you met grow any lighter as the days went on him? and the time drew near for Bnmholt Anthony shook his head. "No," be Chase to be put up to auction. He was answered, decidedly, and I don't want young, handsome and a baron, but he to, either. You see, I waa the heir, hardly knew from day to day where and I waa forced to sell the old place, his next meal would come from as he and it went against the grain. One said himself, lie waa an impoverished can't keep up a title on nothing, so the baron! place bad to go!" "You yon are the heir? repeated Then, one glorious spring morning, the news came to him, as he ut In his his companion, wonderlngly, a little stuffy chambers in the Temple, that flush mounting to her half averted the Chase bad been liougbt by a cer- cheek. tain American, one Clive Warrantor Tony bowed. "I happen to bo that by name. Whoever it waa he wrote a moat unfortunate person," be returned, decidedly bold and legible band, An- gravely. Something seemed to excite hie cob- thony thought aa be looked over the well-shape- ay" ve Id . - 1 what all Impoverished peers do nowaday. don't they or perhaps you are already married? It was curious, hilt with those eyes lixed n hi ii him la was glad to answer in ine in gaiive. 'I'm not iiiaiTicd, nor ever likely to n licneilict.'' he answered, rishi to feet and going over to the ing ,l would never demean myself so much ns to marry money 'But if you loved -- the girl. Irrespective of her money? The qneatiou was asked in a low voice. Tony shrugged hi shoulders. "I should give the girl too wide a berth to make such a iolbillty possible, he returned stiffly. And at that moment the Innkeeper returned, saying that the room waa for the lady, and she promptly followed him out luto the hall. Fortunately, he was nut In the hall when she caiue down the next morn ing, her groom having driven over a smart dogcart to fetch her, and she with a mixed feeling of resentment anil relief. Once at the Chase she nought a Idg, sunny room, where a sweet faced woman lay ou a couch with a hook In her hands. "My darling Clive, I thought something dreadful had happened to you! the elder woman said, taking the lovely, flushing face between her two thin hands and kissing her tenderly. "Fortunately, Jenkins told me you were putting up at the lun, so 1 knew you would be all right. What an escape you had! Thank God, you are safer' "Oh, I'm all right, aunty," the girl answered, throwing aside her cloak and kneeling by the couch. "Is your head better If so, I will tell yon of my adventure. Mrs. Warrendcr patted her niece's hands affectionately, and listened to her account of the meeting with the heir. "IVyor man! the girl sighed, softly "IIo was to handsome and looked ao y sorry, aunty. If he cornea shall show him round And do the honors, though I am afraid he will hardly allow you to do that, considering what a violent dislike he seems to have taken to you already, though he has never seen you,1 the Invalid answered, stroking the bright head. An Idea waa borne In upon Clive's mind at her aunts words. Why let r him know that che waa 'be Clive whose money had enabled her to buy bis heritage from him? Why not make out that Mr. Warrendcr Lord Buinboit believed him to be man waa away from borne, and that hia wife, to whom she waa companion, waa too HI to see him? Her decision waa quickly made, for a servant came In at that moment tell, her that a gentleman stairs who would like to seethe pis if It waa possible. Going slowly down stairs, she fouid herself at length face to face wftb Lord Rumbolt In the big, drawing room. j He started upon seeing her. and she anticipated the question his lips were framing by Hying quickly: "Mr. Warrendcr will be delighted for you to ace aa mucu of the house aud grounds as you like. Mrs. Warropder ia, I regret to aay, too 111 to come down stairs, or she would have welcomed you in Mr. Wnrrcnder'a absence, which she much regrets ? "But you lie stopped, and she smiled at him bravely. I? che repeated. Mrs. Warrcnder keeps a paid companion. lie Jumped at once to the couclnskn she wished. "Ah! You are the companion. Now to-da-y. ." to-da- to-da- War-rende- I understand Tho glance he gave her was such as made her turn round hastily to the door. "I will show yon round, or would yon rather go by yourself? He hastily vetoed the latter sugges- tion, nnil together they made a tonr of the house and garden?. After the rains of the previous day the skies had cleared, anil a brilliant un shone high 'in the liluc heavens Rumliolt waa young, hia conqumion was young, the eartli was fair hope was In the air the summer hours flew all too quickly, anil she dared not ask him to stay to Iniu-- lot, something should arise to disclose her Identity. , Bnt IlnuilKilt was very much In love for the flrst time in his life, and the obstacles were iik nothing. This young girl was n paid companion to wealthy Mrs. Warreuder, ami he loved her. Why should she not become his coin '.Is profession brought him panlmi? in enough to justify his asking such a girl to mnrry him. Ho he ent at the corn as lie walked through the scented Helds and wandered by ill silver trout streams, and when he caught sight of her pink linen gown through the hedge, two days later, be made haste to overtake It. Someth I eg in his eyes warned her, She noted the danger signal, and a shy flush rose to her cheek as she extended her hand in greeting. Then be became conscious that he did not know her nnme. She had never told him heyond the liare fact that It wc- - Murtyn. Miss Martyn, he cried, all at once .longing Into the subject that was uppermost In hia heart, "I have something to say to you, and you will listen to me patiently, won't you? I am poor, but I have reason to believe that also earn your own livelihood, and 1 want to know If you think you could ever bring yourself to give up your luxurious life here and marry me? I love you, darling, with all my heart and soul. Come away and he my queen, my beat beloved. Say you will try very bard to love me. Ha caught one slim hand that bum h fervi-iiiiy- "i::w . me, oh, a little linpc that miiiic Os) take pity un u.e " love iin-i asked, softly. are unite, qisdc sure of that. li.iis-nk:'- ' Ihu ipi.te, tpuic Mire of thnt." lie D'fcred, i'a imialcij . "Ln'k ill uiy it fin ji'iirsclf.' 1 In-- r adjured, sinlovely $,'to hi, and in a second lie bad 'kbt her, iiviiibl.iii; a ud blushing, to beast. Yliateicr li:ipn-iiktill death u do lie cried, . "You ver gu back mum ihul. dariiiig." ve pushed li i in iroin her u lit lie. name is - Mary.'' she said, with an wvable little Miiiie. -- 1 must break ttonew to Mr. Warreuder. and per-M- l she will rim ske hid Lit fare on Ida breast n and sped a ay mi swiftly that he drilled she wanted to be ulone, and pasted the teuipl.iiiini to follow her. Be received a hurt note that even-- 1 Ut- at the inn. It was in a bold, decl-gvthaiwl, and whs signed "Clive The writer desired to see Jntd ltunibott at lu o'clock the next wmiug. o at last 1 shall see the brute! he annuun-das he replaced the small "K of note paper In the eiivelojie. 1 hope he will let me carry off hia fes companion before the year ia oit. There is nothing to wait for. It was with curiously mixed feelings Bathe had awaited in the library the cnobig of the muster of the house. Tbs loom in which he stood bore little .1 ri-i- - It Is hard for a man with a full to understand how anyliody can ever steal to avoid starvation, admits the Kouienille Journal. SPECIAL WORDS. stoinui-- ?lli jou -- uiarry money? after a pause. "That a didn't lioi-oui- e ,4(0 said, J r.iid mother site In iei:idl words She's a toil! u.jii, lint I find cam tli.ll lie iiiimt el ten heard Is ef um by and Never nnud. My Tin- - Whenever I ctn'l have mv way, Auil beg her when? and After twenty uiontln- - of war the Russia us Won their llrst victory. It In frutu the possibility of further mil tar defeat, the Hartford Times. - e 1 eon-sialc- d The Is And w hen our piruir slnmo-liern ll mined, oi kUiiqniT of the kind. The only i liiny lie told n Just fiy uni hy and u A dog "IbsiM M-iand belonging to Judge Barlow, of Long island, scared away Si mini pirate who wcrc looking for loot. Thill name certainly lias powerfully strenuous qualities, dc-- 1 tin- - Bnifalo t 'mirier. cluri-- at when by would he She told me "Xevtr ir.iinl! so I Asid "Wh.H is Netir M.iid? sud h Slid I'd By umny. I lty-ui- diM-ove- Mv mother she has spicia! word Kur qiieslioii ami Mich, Hut I gin i some But 1 liner lieeril lion'i resily mean so solid nnu-h- . lluiges .iuiuisuii, :n llsrier' Magazine. siitiiiig s London Is going mud over a jin Jitsu for women by whii-l- i a woman cun throw a miuii down. That's nothing! liOts of our girls who never eveu beard of euu throw a nmu down any old time. Jiu-Jits- u lrisoiicr-,YesT- n; I'm in prison fot Visitor robbery at s suinnu-- r lioti-L"Were you proprietor or head waiter?" -- Judge. The man who Is disappointed in lovs la a happy fellow compared with ths one who la disappointed ia matrimony. Town Topics. Why. I thought Wadleigh was man of large means." "lie used to be, but lie owns six automobiles now." Chicago Tribune, Flinders "I hear you've gone In ths Cinders "Yes, automobile business. I thought It would be cheaper than sending my machines out every time they got smashed up." Detroit Free War-tunier.- " , true wl.yr" tlnnas the likeliest to say Never nnud and " Not the least Impressive of the inuuy figures lu regard to railroad mileage, passengers carried, etc., are those which show that 10,010 persons lost railroads last their lives ou Aiuerk-syear, asserts the New Y'ovk Tribune. In other words, the railroads snnttnlly kill as many people as perish In a great battle. It Is cnluclsted tlmt In every 10.000 trace of masculine occuimtion, of the English and Welsh population bit the fact escaped Anthony's stten-- 1 31.4 people are liinaties, states an Eng tbn at the time, though afterward it Halt pcrlodiml. In every 10,000 of the otcurrrd to him Scotch population .kl.ii people are luna- Ires. There wu s slight hesitation outside Hhr loves me from the bottom el tics. In evety 10, out of the Irish impuHer hesrt, she says bat stop! tie door -- it opened slowly, and File hasnt Mid she doesn't lovs Alto- not the tall, ovevliearing man tation 40.3 people an- - lunatics. Home others from the top. he expected to see, but -- Mias Martyn, lu every .Kit; inhabgctlicr, one "They tell me that Ivry wan Conley kukiag for all the world rather itants of the United Kingdom Is de-a- v do bo thrslned this Japskla ailismcd of herself. I lotos." Kerrigan "Well, I think that 11s strode forward eagerly, but she will give thlin even tli ltooshisn held up her hand. Dean of Canterbury, preaching rrlillt for knowiu' how t put th' shot The ''Mr. Warrendcr ? be said. In Fuck. Bun of surprise. "Has he sent you to In thp cathedral, mid the progress of the! "life insurance is a great blessing," surgery bail boon so great that my " said tlie prnilent man. "Yea," an 1 rich-"I im Clive Warremler." she said, time might come when all but the swered the apprehensive policy holder, Then she slipped Into a choir eat classes would resort to hospitals I "hut It Is one of the blessings that bap while Buuiboll drew a long breath, for treatment that they could not have pen Just now to be In dlsgiilse." Wash 8he flsuced up furtively between her In their homes, relates the Medical lngton Ktnr. Angers after a king pause. The siBeconl. lienee the support of these I Rcagsliy "There's a little summer lence was becoming unbearable. She wonld rather he had commenced to waa a duly for all, and un-- ntsme dished, all right. I bet." Rigs Yes. She made believe she was atom sud rave at her! lea that duty was carried out volun liy life , drowning, aud the chump called Albany's handsome face was In , wou,d him- out her Ur,,y of Instead pulling do ganger of being sailed by guard. very aelf." Judge. ckM frown. Miss Warremler took the aary. bull fey the horns, and, rising, she went Yes, I did pay some attentions to evs aud laid s very contrite little Toklo dispatches to the London Times Miss Filbert, but I finally began to head on his shoulder. say it has Im-- ascertained that the think she was a person of very poor " "Kir, she is to be siy Uusslau warship at lort Arthur were taste, and "In said you would lore she murmured, softly. not blown up er sunk by gunfire. The wife." "And now I know it." CleveToy, you aren't going to take lmck Russians opened valves, having pre- land Pialndealer. "One doesn't hear so Old Lady joiu words because because I hapviously greased and otherwise protect- much of the young ladles running off pen h have a little money 1 Ji'uoutli began to show signs of ed the machinery aud vital parts. Evi- with 1 belr uiut:lnuoix D Hill oml Ditto "No, but they go and marry (pg. It was hnrd dently' the capture of a4e wus so near! their chiffoniers, aud thats worse." to that such danger exposed tho ships " he began. Hi t a told you iJfe. Washington sink decided to Russians the them, Rite woke In with a' little, troubled I Some folks are always in ths air d when the their recovery pcndldg laugh. Or else tie off their trolliy. of the sen lisd lieen gained by "I know you did. she annwered. "If They reach the depths of (trim despair, J Or else the. heisiit of folly. ycu hadn't perhaps I shouldn't have the Baltic fleet. Their four bnttlcehiis Khe (referring to moving sidewalks) deceived you so it's til your fault. and two cruisers will speedily form s -- "It la wuislerfiil how many labor-savin-g In fact stepping back from him and serviceable addition to the devices there are nowadays." Japanese looking rather severely at Ida troubled eou itenancc I don't know that 1 navy, concludes the Army snd Navy He Yes, Indeed. One henra every day of some fellow murrylng an heirshould have thought of you at all If Journal. ess." Brooklyn IJfe. you had not said you wonld give a girl are with money a wide berth you know First Shoe Store Clerk-WoWhim nil the world Is lauding our Kecond Ditto iiiireasonuble." so you dll, Tony, theres no denying our not need we stint IVesidciit, praises "Suppose I dont deny It? He was of him; bnt we praise him most far Thats right. A woman came In yesterday and said she wanted a shoe that certainly relenting. seized so strongly and em- was both comfortable and stylish." Kuppoae I give In, she relumed, having ill at once. "Im sorry to have caused ployed so nobly the function of Amer- Philadelphia Record. you any inconvenience. Lord Rumbolt ica as the brlngcr of pence on earth, "Haven't you ever thought of going bat I give you back your promise I Now York Evening lost. In to work?" asked the farmers wife of the says r with n aob "dont want to iiiHrry Yes'in." replied the which he has cast Kanntering Ram. lie strode over to tier again and tho new radiance I thought of it once veteran tramp. wc see her again as pressed her In his arms. The sob had upon our country, but I wus ileelceryus at de time." first she from tbe appeared to lofty Cleveland Pialndealer. (life nndermined his courage. j " be said, You are going to marry natures looking for a bettor age the "Dont yon think that it wonld be pmion&tely, of course you are. Clive, thing to he praised by posler-pressigreat protest against tyranny nnil biing who are you going In mnrry? "Yes," answered Kenntor BorHy? seros hall wur. and Shelley' " MJ me quickly a man Is doing very. "although ghuin, The spirit of mischief died hnrd In the ocean to "a people mighty in Its well nowadays If he avoids being con- embodied tills conception ot d(1,nned j,y H contemporaneous grand krj She struggled to free herself, and ynnlh moping s low courtesy, she smiled our trite natlimul greatness; anil there I jury." Washington (star. bfldiy. of what am going to mnrry Lord Rnm Is something almost prophetic ,Soo,, In his witnessed dcserlp-we have Just '.'"V,"' summers si And Hie said she snid. heir." A writer who spends " Turns to 1,rrltl HrnKllnM tells the following story coming to Ills senses, stopped fur lion of how Europe nfessions with his kisses. New elidlnlcss child for succor now. To An Ignorant countryman who saw Uio Weekly. world-this so ea have recovered for the flrst time was nmch inr vividly with the ffi rt of the blue Mr. is Hie Stoics United pressed for position WORDS OF WISDOM. asked a fisherman If h and water, Roosevelt's truest glory. Hi owner, as he would, him could tell lirihie by ooleu'nll'm Is the virtue of a gallon to take home to his like to buy ouhert. corsets nre going out. Straight-fron- t wife. The lislierimiii replied proudly: hi bust a loitering scrviui'. rend Collier' Weikiy. At least so "Us. wc nmu-- we riiites own It! lb before st thy errnuil Ji have decreed, and the dressmaker "Land's snki! exela lined the rustle. I "f'oiihl yon sell me a gallon for lifly g stupid nnd ire us near to henveu ns wc are their usually whatSwpi self ii i id far from the love of word Is law. The round kind, -Sure." said the flshermnn: ana boworld. Rutherford. ever they lie called, that ernsh all flic .tnriilng lu a few mod,wlM..irpdt never was any heart truly organs info the space of one, are to diciiIs with a Jnr of water, for which be I sfld gracious Hint was not also received the eomitryumn'a fifty cents. (i rpp)niL to give variety to the fr and compasslonato. South. 'The hitter departed with hia purmale form and work to the profes-lo- n appy he who from the first of which flniii,lhl,s hy making new gar- chase. Returning Inter In the day, arter the tide had gone out, he gaud society cut off. Is left lone, ethls world of death. Thomson. ments while Hie old arc still ns good in silent wonder at the water, which male dress Is ugly had receded far from the beach. 1ST Hf. great or small, la the brink us new. Modfru anil hygienic. Modern European nnd "Ltiininr!" he exclaimed, "dont they lit eclplce, the depth of which noth-s can fathom. American female apparel substitute do a trader Harper Weekly. jit Omniseiem-one idea of for an artifleiiJ beauty S Cm Tor Anything. to hold any one by tire button or which was good enough for l'bidln. Dr. William Osier, in one of bis Beld id. In order to be heard out ; for, In dace of a covering which respected li more lectures, recited a quaint old 'fie arc unwilling to hear you mv f,J tlle gout a urc. ftoin d belter hold your tongue than the functions : and needs of a healiliy ,un' medical work, that enteentb century human animal, our women have invent-- 1 Chest erfleltl. dpgIpie(, lo ,i,nw BOut'a hopelessand to decrease their a ed vitality cage uPW(. ry Jowly Faauit Hubbrr Tree. mnke a natural life dltHenlt and rnre. "First pick, said this odd cure, a reported that a new kind from the wicket of a handkerchief in the not discovered a been aliout tree has pasture, Iiccp rush madly st 1WTer in search of any comprehensible Ideal, I wished to wed; seeonu, wt , . loutchouc Juice, which coagu-- 1 0,1 krrehlef In an honest millers pond; bon being boiled, producing b,,t with eneb sheep that third, dry It on the hedge of a parson Increases Hon dM pir cent caoutchouc of Is the tree who never was covetous; fourth, send silty. The tree Is called Tlra- - Joins. IJkewise reasonable of s physician who never y the unlives and attains sdenry of women to Imitate an hour- - It to the shop ,nnrk nature. f over forty feet. It Is found . Ths ,jw,,kc 0( Ink who never cheated s the lawyers pnrt u ion AmlSyo lud crsrt hns been perfectly atl(1 ilslhi applf it hot to th la marketed Uralgbtfront w to her, and the has no port, A speedy cure ITS g. This caoutchouc has slight satisfactory I ideu Herald. must follow.-llnltiii- iore is about to give it up, she why Ingredients. 9 ;! so d. 1 1 . - roin-umn- men It" 1 1 din--full- time-servin- nj 1 e t -- . ...... ltfp g0ut-toment- |