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Show t. exactly j :..i j ;a . loo, I'll i.f uf vaul1.-- : rvt-i- i, l (UHL'S Tli AUDI DEATH , i i , i ritr:ii.ii the : , Was 1 twin-!- , 'i i lit .I,-- ' !,i- - h u, LOOKED in l.i! f;fi .ii air - h'i Ii m i Tin-sff"!'l a n,ri l clii I, alui.ii, , dug trtitu tin w: Oua tiieU: - of l fii' prop rllis uf il.i- i it'h LAST OS LIFE MOUNT WASHINGTON. , l.al-.iiu- - ON cumbed to Fatigue Incidental Long and Arduous Climb. ti:a The soul of Mom-- b to was called to of tea, but done enjoy it? More coffee; but do we en- front Aaron's from Mount Hor, IJxzie liouniwa aaj freiw Misint Washington. The travel joy it ? mountain n I oar Kan!ia I CONGRESSMAN Km j Finds Quick Relief from Bladder TrouEmbarractmg Demonstration gf bles Through Doan'a Kidney Pills Ability to Und'ess." ! wiih in mi.; .r ii;..- ailing y Hon. Joseph A. (Iimldt-n- , Member fu Bi i i; Th pal rliiin-l.i'of Congress represent mg the ltlhlii.e i! (if tlii ua honority trtel of New York, rl.urvh a i'i a iNIt. The a tf also trustee i.f tLo , i vicr ovi-rj anil la fi)., wah Jnt Soldiers Hume at of the parish l,J l,lt Bath, N. Y, writes: for the school Sunday gathered Aa Gentlemen: A certain small boy in the t Ly of my friends many carten depart meat did not have used Doan's feel the greatness of the occasloi Bills and Kidney tb bishop might a pf any moment have been cured of In the room, yet Jamie, the unqt t; kidney and Madder able. Insisted on proudly tellliJ j troubles, I feel It s memts-rof the claaa: "f other j my duty to recomd'ess myself!" mend the medicine, "Hush, Jamie," remonstrated experience I know Dunn's Kidney Bills will cure Inflammation of the bladder, having experienced relief the second day of using the medicine. J. A. GOL'LDEX. (Signed) Sold by nil dealers. 50 ceuta n box. Foater-MllburCo.. Buffalo, N. Y. IMi a AklUlu, a er who has Is this msj-sti- c attracted with great terest to a huge pile of atones In- which a. In-li- g TEA n p un-de- m I TEA d Wy-com- enn-fully- In-ii- lung-hande- d 1 TEA thought wings bands of the tongue ? Estimate of tho total amount ( Tho monument which waa intended tnviiK deposits of the world show tbi to mark the spot where she died on IT.OoO.OOO.utk). of amazing flgurea Mount Washington, but which is now over her remains In Hopa cemetery, OSK TUB rHOPU . lkMrs ad Cross Hall Blue. ! Kennebunk. Main, sale. Tbs Hum ikHnpsnir. Souih llend, Isa dlate from heaven above, and whose glory la spread upon the earth Didn't Belitve In Daily Bath. A Berlin landlord haa not only ail'd a tenant for Iota sustained throuib Birth of Youno Son Recorded. her excessive uaa of water for bath' A notice sent to the Syracuse HerIng purposes, but has promulgated the extraordinary theory tost "no respect ald the other day read: "Mr. and Mrs. are rejoicing over the birth of able woman takes n bath every day.' a young son." Lucky and Unlucky Rubles. beautiful Idea is prevalent in mah about rubles. The native: lieve that their color changes gr:i ly, while they ripen In the eart If a fruit. At first they say the la rolortee. then It becomes y. green, blue, each In turn, the stage being red. says Hearth Home. When redness Is attaine ruhy is ripe. The ruby Is salil fluence the wearer very strong! good or evil. Ii Is supposed to one's due in money that has been appropriated. If It brings bud lu I the wearer it should be discard: I l malevolent. A Ly llo; i iijcilr on bow lu Iciuq up Ilf ibis Ariel, J KIDNEY TROUBLE Gj.it DUE TO CATARRH. BABY. b-- r ttl.11 Wll": in t'li.l.Tnliil he Th a an inti u'or comes forward . D. bangs on a bool, cradli-swinging with a spring, like a canary's ea-You give D a llttb- - latt and it tinucs to boh up and down fur Mine time. This arrangcfiieul keeps ihe baby satisfied, while thu mu her may tis go about bt--r housework or rect-vtors. The doctors object to oobng - o. one-thir- The Curative Power of Nicholas J. Hertz. Member of Ancient Order of Workmen, Capitol No. 140. Pearl Street Hotef, Albany, N. Y., writes: A few months ago I contracted a heavy cold which settled in my kidneys, and each time I was excised to inclement weather tbe trouble was aggravated until finally I was unable to work. After trying many of the adver- r TEA How much money do we return to dissatisfied people ? All that our grocers get asked for. Your ffrorr nstartu jour efciUlaftlM. imt 170601 llki cent of the Japanese dead are cremated, lO.OUU being Forty-seve- n pi-- r Incinerated yearly has alx crematories. at Toklo, which European Countries Tax Salt. Salt la in many Kiirupt-acountries a heavily taxed government monopoly. Italy patrols Its beaches 10 prevent poor people from evaporating sea water for low grade salt. u ln-c- u THE PUBLIC INTERES.'. Overzealous Reformers Work foe Law Against Proprietary Medicine. "Schemes to diminish or destroy tbs sale of proprietary medicines art constantly being devised by Interested parties. Every now and then some xealoua reformer comes to the front with the demand for a law to require every package of proprietory medicine to be labeled with a printed statement of the formula? showing Just how it Is manufactured. The mil lions of people who use proprietary medicines seem to be satisfied; but mag with a mania for reguljBl! affairs of other people or who Vis e personal Interest to serve is one who agltutesi the proposition person who has never takei to. consider It, such a proposition it seem reasonable enough; In (act nothing more nor less than cheme to compel the manufacture s to put their trade throughout the tire country at the mercy of ev.nrj mmercial pirate who might choose ol flood the market with Indtatioo lr goods. Under such conditions the lneen-for the original manufacturer to advertise his goods would be practically destroyed, for the money spent on advertising would Inure mainly to the benefit of the pirates and Imitators. Without advertising, the public would receive little Information In regard to the medicine, and all future ales would be greatly Impaired If not wholly destroyed. It Is mainly by Judicious advertising that the knowlmedicines is edge of proprietary brought to the public. Nothing Is more certain than that millions of people have found relief at a comparatively small expense by (he ns of some remedy first called to xhetr notice through newspaper advertising. Why, then, should the manufacturer of a meritorious proprietary remedy be compelled by law to practically destroy his business as a condition of being allowed to carry it on? Tct that Is exactly wbat the6 formula bills mean. Exchstin yt e The Ice Industry begun in Iloslon It of Tu 1S05, when a man by tt c nun dor shipped It to Martinique Advancing the Farmers' interests. Traveling agents and salesmen are now sent from the home officer of the Chicago packers into all South American and Asiatic countries. They are going Into every land, no matter what language may be roken or what money be used. iey will exchange their goods for cowries or elcptant tusks anything to' sell the product and get something In return convert!' ble Into money. It may seem odd to some folks, but traveling men, carry' tng cases with samples of American meat products, can be seen In the desert of Sahara, the sands of Zanxl bar or In Brazil, where the nuts come from." Great Is the enterprise of the Yankee merchant The greater the market, the greater the price and stability of the price of the product and all that goes to make It In Its various -- -- stages. Long ago poverty-stricke- n tised remedies for kidney trouble, I The Latest Inventon. took Peruna. babies. Babies, say tin: doctors, arc finally week the intense pains in a In not to be soothed by such artificial were much relieved and in back methods as crndles and sugar plums my I was able to take up weeks our or rubber rings. These things are again. really nerve' destroyers. Opposing myT work continued to nse Bernna tor still mothers then want to know how it Is and at the end of that month another that so many apparently healthy peo- time I was perfectly well. ple have been rocked in cradles, "I now take a divus or two when I on rubber nipples fastened have i brought up exposed and find that it is lo eorks and lumps of sugar carelessly splendid to keep me well." (led in a piece of unsierilizerl cloili. Hundreds of Cures. They want to know If the aciiseplic is constantly in receipt Dr. Ilartman baby Is any better than the of testimonials from people who have kind. But these cured of chronic, and complicated folks will no doubt welcome the new kidney discsisc by Benina. For free canary cradle, a picture of which medical advice, address Dr. Hartman, snows at a glance Its great simplicity. Intiident of The Hartman .Sanitarium, One (hlng lhat tbe Inventor sas Columbus, Ohio. will give It wide popularity is its portability like a bird cage. It Is handy to take on a journey. lv-ci- Mrs. Winslow's Roothlng ftyrnp. TorrUldras ImUiltui, oflf ilia gunu, rtoiwaa W awiiiaUisi,llaya pals. cure wlsUuulli.. XteaUiwhi. AGAINST PE-RU-N- A in Kidney Disease the Talk of the Continent. d Itivli-Riw- tV-- Jiar flll-l- I In-I- teall-monl- FOR Immense "Public Domain," The public domain" la still nearly of the whole country. It has been surveyed In squares six miles on n aide called townships, then Into squares of one mile, railed sections, and these again Into ntiarti-- sections. nt-ei- l: to-da- MOTION ji'-i- 11111:0 If Uh PERPETUAL Swinging Cradle Cuarirtrrd to Most Fractious Infjrt. ti'-roii'i,--'- ! Cradles bale m-- tells with appealing sentiiuent the fact of a pal e and tragic death. Before tliH ituruiliiriiiiu of coins an 'I One stands ami gazes reverently umn Ihe where Uxle ljiurue looked Blilitu Rillll iiTl'l 11, IT iiiun 111 upon Sj..'i life for the last time. In ttm of form tlflit lumps, button Fifty years ago, on the evening of wedges, or spike. Bepl. 1!, 155. a small parly, chiihihi-iuor lleury A. Jones and vife of Portland; George W. Bourn. . wife, and ilaughler, l.ury, together with The cast of tea is all in Kllxaheth, a niece of George W. Bourne, arrived at the Glen House. Inthe tea; the cost of coffee is tending to ascend Mount Washington the following no all morning. A heavy rain, means in the coffee. by however, frustrated their plans and Tar srentr rMarM four maurf If fm i Just lit the trip was abandoned The diap laiiliiv'i im IMiinTitient was great. to tie two girls, end Lizzie particularly A Good Miaer. Johnny 1a. wliai U a Rood mixer? seemed to feel it most keenly. At lu A man who P ran mingle the o'clock the sun burst gloriously forth, Rescued by the Bishop. mint of the money rd elsts, the Ire and then the earnest and coiiIiiihi of the Indifferent and the whisky of solicitations or caused Mr. teacher. "You must stop talkln, il Bourne and Ms daughter to carry mil the majority into no irnd Julop. shall have to punish you." their original plan. Klill the small hoy, filled wll te I teal ring to sleep ou the miiiiiiiiII BIO PUBLISHER SUED. that night, the three set out, amid the thought, of recent acquirement, a "I can d'esa myself." Oilruro, Oct. li The IVrtina Pruts protestations of tile rest of the party. and stand behind that "(hi Manufacturing Company, nianufartur-or- a said the teacher, at lust . lowing of a widely known pruprli-isrmedand anxloua to restore or! in icine, has brought suit In ihe Superior the class. Court of tho city of Chlragu aeulnht In a few minutes the rector, v h the rurtla Publishing Company of Philthe bishop, entered the room. (, lacadelphia. alioglug that II has Lien ing around at the little flock, the km damnst'd to tint extent of $:5(,iwf by eyes of I lie bishop missed one fan br recent arllclu in the I Julies' Huuie face. It was that of Jamie, his itld Juiirnal. frien-l- . The anil la based on a suicment re y "Why. where la Jamie V jo ceutly made In Mint journal that a asked. testimonial as to Mm miTlt of the rem"lie had lo stand behind the ibnr edy inamiraciim-i- l ly the plaintiff, for talking too much," answered tic to have luvu given by Congrcss-malonelier. George II. White of South CaroThe bishop, quickly pulling the lina. was fraudulent, from Mr. pair uriile. disclosed to the astonished pxe White that he evi-- nave aurh a testiof all present his little friend JaaRjla monial also is printed. the "altogether," a truly cherub' The 1oruna company declares that dltlon. At the name time a cl Congressman White did Rlro the voice shouted with a peal of trl In rwmI faith, and that It haa two original letters from Mr. White. It "I can myself! M5J He had proved the truth declares that Mr. White waa led to words. Aa for the rector, h repudiate the testimonial throuRh a filled with mortification; the ti misunderstanding. Tbla la the second larRe damage ault cheeks took on n burning red, that haa been Hied against the Curtis The Mound of Rocks and whits bishop, true shepherd that h wooden slab which mark the place of snatched the little lamb to his Publishing company since It alad Its alUcka on 'Tatent Medicines. her death, ntar the summit of Mount a r ' Washington. 8now Banners. UXW Bta,u,M SV,r paces, need In the Sierra Nevada moat In England, waa fixed lu the Unit and agaln started their ascenL They wheiv conditions are favorable In high glee, stopping now jhnd r. there jircut: ms . tho Baiun. at length to the terminus of the ves ip. leaving the road, they climbed a mountain aides In TTiain dre steep and rocky path called the ledge, with sufficient velocity where the wind waa blowing a gale aiyl out upon the air anowban stream vkdent that for a time they were from a hundred It is easy to brew a good so mountain p unable to proceed. are formed by the circling They two and who know the violence Those pot of tea. There are upon the light snow, and suddenness of September galea on acting ami dark at the top of Ike ni thick ways: one is to do it; the thla mountalntop will not wonder at tain, like a flag staff, then tley a tho sad climax of broadly for a mile In Irngt other is not to. wish on the part of the two girls. away waves of Iridescent light. Tills ! filled were aoula wilh I Their TS airange niflrent display Is rarely icen is tmi psrWt Nrkilunr M- Hoa is Hats Iis To forelMMilngs, yet they persistently urg-i- l other eyes than those uf savages going on, climbing peak after peak, sometimes It has been the good Rare Old English Coins Found. cheered by the thought of sunn accomtune of a naturalist to wltncs Karo specimens uf a silver groat plishing a great feat. when among the wild beauties &. of both Richard and n silver peuny, was followed by approachTwilight numutsln fastnesses. New York 11. have been dug up nl High ing darkness. Brogres became slow- aid. Bucks. er, and soon the path was no longer visible. The wind blew a hurricane, Bible That Sfved a Life. Linen. Embroidered To Uaundsr Colored Ihe storm urged fiercely. Their only , ivku-cdliiunis titilmiiilori'd To launder with kimmI results, . tlm work should bo dune protect km they found under the bare Wash through rocks whlrh Jutted out of the mounquickly nnd I lie warm. Ivory Koa siid-i- , rubbing with limn tain aide, forming a breastwork huiwLn; rlnsn tlirough s elistr water, liliw. against the fury of the gale. Here UinuU uollur wliirli it hoped to lie safely until morning, Dry liubsim; lolnm. bavetlm piixn very on a they 10 o'rlock IJxxle, overcome by at but damp and piitew It, right aidu ilowii, . soft ulauket. Irva wilh a hut an affection of Ihe heart superinduced KU:ANtU It. BAKKKIL by fallgue and exposure, lifted her face to his, her lips quivered for an InTo Improve tho Grip. A broom makes an ex- stant. then grew cold beneath his cellent exerciser for the wrists, ami own. She sank in her pillow of rocks, will Improve the grip. Grasp the lot and a nmrble whiteness overspread Capt. Daniel Ellis, an English end of the handle und raise the bruont her feat tires. Then a new glory suflevel with Ihe shoulder, keeping iht fused Iter fare, us If at the end of her who served in the confederate Journey she realized that her dream during the American civil war. cm arm perfectly rigid. Exchange. , bud become niysterkmsty true. a Ilible which saved his life. A bad not been was Imbedded In the book, whir Mount romiKT Washington iHtvT i Itatl Ulus. only A tsrv-- e Srf. pvliw reached, but l.ixzle Bourne was trans- carried over his heart. hmiiIi toeob. The Kn-- , ported to a height whuse splendor ru Henry III of Knl:iti-- l Is repute l nt Castor Oil as Embalming Flui kaviug chosen a gr.iin of wheat fruit After elaborate experiments, the middle of the ear :is a slandnrc derhtted that the embalming flu of weight. tt'C by the ancient Egyptians Is ing titnre nor less than the cast a of commerce. Instead of some Intricate an Think of the chccr in a vnlved process, the seventy dat natron" was followed by the trjt cargo of tea. of castor oil. and M. Berthelot, r tary of the Iaiuvre museum. ha( ChIIkuLi, most cruel of Roman om tnMIshed this fart beyond a doit pemrs. built a bridge of lawts litre tuilos long at liable und eelebniled lit Many Investigators have opening by throwing many of hit sought to fathom the mystery o guests Into the sea. preparation of the preserving guents. but they have gone thetr work with the Idea that r cated formulae were to be dcdn Is it tea that unlooses the and have defeated their own through elaborateness of re sea re and the of f, fcH GOULDEN : In Storm Near Summit Lizzie Bourne, One of Adventurous Party, Sue- - We consume a reat deal WMIa HIS ASSEft-- J j I:,.in, iii i- JAMES PROVED English the parents sold their offspring to Irish, who made slaves of them. TEA The modcstest thing in the world is tea. It is onlv tea! REGULAR AT CHURCH SERVICE. Two Philadelphia Cats Have nounced Religious Turn. Opposite Hunting Park, on Old York road, resides a family, Torpey by name. The Torpey own two cats that are different from other cats In that they go to church. As regularly as Sunday morning arrives the pair of felines may be seen following the Torpeys to SL Stephen's church, Broad and Butler streets. No matter what the weather or tronspltlngs on back fences, the two pious cats brave probable attacks by Impious mongrels and set an example that many humans would do well to follow. Neighbors will attest to the truthfulness of the statement that the church-goin- g felines spend the very early morning hours of Sunday in licking themselves into that state of cleanliness which Is said to be secondary ouly to godliness. Their fur is glossy, tlielr paws immaculate, and not a whisker is out of place. Arrived at the church, the cats content themselves with peering in at the door. They are seemingly content to delegate the praying to their owners. Then they slip Into the vestibule of the priests house adjoining, curl up and doze until church Is out, when they follow the Torpeys home and live normal cat lives until another Sunday. Philadelphia Telegraph. Famous Highwaymans Pistol. children today listen with rapt attention to the wonderful exploits of Dick Turpin, king of highwaymen, and his nightly escapades on the English heath, but they know the Wide-eye- d A SAW UNSEEN IN There an nniMBthlDRisboatthli Saw. Vos can out ee the flue texture of the Steel; take a eharp, cutting min and hold It louger thus anr other Saw. You cannot ere the toughntua of fibre; bendi without a break or a kink. KILVKR 8TKKL, tha flneet erunibto etoel is the world, la made on the Atklue formula, tempered and burdened by thu Atkina secret Saw. prnoeee, and nerd only In Atklue You cannot mo tho perfectly nreduated taper of tbe blade; rune eaaily, without and Bat you ran lea tho Atkina Ilia your protection when yon buy a Saw. W k on a Saw are and our meant that tt I our own make and that wo are Juatly proud of It. We make alt type oCSnee for an warfare aadaie.i 4 infra Irra Onra Kalvra, Far faction Floor trade-mar- k trade-mar- Sera port, etc., are eold by all good hardware drateri. Catalogue on requeet. C. ATKINS (BL CO., L Largol (aw Maaafacmnn la Inc. Ike World. Factory aad Exeendre Ofioa, Indwmpnlir Whoa, ew York, CMmirr, USmeaweMa BRASTHn- Port laud, (Onwooi, Seattle, Haa Mwidikt Atlanta and Toronto, tOanaUa). rnatea Accept no Subitinae laridoa SOLD BY G000 DEALERS rf the Atkiar BnaJ EYERYWtRgTT Have It I Must Refuse Substitutes and Imitations You will know them, despite thetr names they are usually mixed with fiss-elf- hot water and do not have the cementing property of Mix withcold water.any onecan brash It on; A Rock Ceisont and tints. Xffls vermin and disease germs; does not No washing of walls after rub or once applied. Other wall finlshrs must bo washed off every year expenaivc, filthy work. They rub and scale, and the glue or other animal matter In them rota and iWxis disease germs. Buy Alalmsiine only In fire pound packages, properly labeled. Tint pretty wall and ceiling design, Bints on Decorating and our artists' aerrices in making color plans, free, card, famous highwayman as did their ft' there and tbeir fathers' fathers only by tradition. But more suggestive than any story of the famous knight of the hichwny is Ihe original pistol carried by the robber in his nightly forays. This pistol is to be used on the stage af'er long years of idleness in a private museum and will make its first music hall appearance shortly in "Dick Turpin's Ride to York." ALABAST1NE Grand Rapids, Mich., or 105 C- Water O- St, Ii V HAVE YOU COWS? If you have cream to tu--j urate a good Cream Separator is the most profitable investment you can posaibly make. Delay means doily waste ol time, ialior and product DK LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS save $10- .- per cow per year every year of use over oil gravity .-setting systems and $5- per oow ever all imitating separators. They received the Grand Prize or Highest Award Unique Lighthouse. The most extraordinary of all British lighthouses Is tu be found on Arn Ish Rock. Stornoway Bay a rock which Is separated from the Island of Lewis by a channel over 500 feet wide. at 8t. Louis. On this rock a conical beacon is erect a Baying trashy ed. and on Its summit a lantern Is is penny wise, dollar foolish. Huch machine quickly lose their cost fixed, from which, night after night shines a light which Is seen by the instead of saving it. H .you haven't the ready cash fishermen far and wide. The way In which the lighthouse Is Illuminated DE LAV AL machines may be bought on such liberal terms that they actually la this. On the Island of Lewi is a for themselves. pau window a from In and the lighthouse Send today for new catalogue and tower a stream of light Is projected name of nearest local agent on to a mirror m the lantern on the De The Laval of Arnish Rock. summit Separator Co. uflelsh 4 Canal Its. 14 Cerlleitet tired I new York Chicago Calves Coma In Triplets. A cow ouned by W H. Taylor of W. N. U.. Salt Lake-N- o. at. 1805. Hongha Neck has presented Mr. Taylor with three perfectly formed calves of fairly good size. One of the calves lived only a little over a day. but the by dnumm. other two are lively and well. The mother la four years old and one of sepa-rotor- 1 quintet |