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Show THE ALTA INDEPENDENT 1 Successor to the Utah Pioneer. VOL. X. ALTA, SALT JjAK The Alta Independent Published Every Wednesday at Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah. Our jear, Six SUBSCRIPTIONS: 7fc. mouths, 40 rents. Three months, 35 rent. rates hold good until Jan. These ' 1, 19U6, and do not apply to back count. ac- on appllratiou to rate Advertising P. O. the Publishers. Box 17, Salt Salt Lake Office, City. 257 Commercial Club Building. O. E. Local Deapain Editor OFFICE. The office of publication la at the 1 uut office, where the local representative, Mr. D. E. Despain, will ever be ready to receive moneys or attend lo the buninesK of thin paper. LOCAL THE MANAGER. This paper ic kept on file by THE AMERICAN. MINING. C0NGRE8S, Chamber of Commerce Building, Denver, Colo., where our readers will be welcome, to the use. of. the. leading papers from the various mining sections of the west, a scientific library and mineral exhibit. READ THIS. THE STATE FAIR. The annual exhibition of the SoAgricultural and Manufacturing ciety is now recorded history so far as the current year ia concerned. A great and instructive show it proved to be. The slate's stocktaking is always a matter of inerest to the citizens. but this year was unusually so. Not only were the exhibits larger in kind and if possible better than ever before, lint the variety was greater and the methods of exhibition much improved, the prlnciital structure itself having undergone marked improvement. The sNirting element, and not a few who are not so classified, had a new feature to attract heir attention in the splendid dog show, which proved to be a strong card for the fair as a whole. The batiy show alit seems we must always have, though as a means of accomplishing injustice and wounding maternal feelings ll has no equal and might pruiier-llie passed up to stay. The display of horses, live Btock. poultry, fruits, vegetables, fish, etc., was as usual fine in all respects, there being more of each than at any previous time. Those who failed to atend the fair missed the greatest treat of the year. Ik-ser- y AMUSEMENTS. new subscribers paying 75 cents for one year, or 40 cents for six Florence Roberts, a prime favorite, months, the American Farmer will be sent free for one year. This offer put in tfye whole of last week at the Salt Lake theatre anil did a tine busiholds good until January 1, 1906. THE PUBLISHERS. ness throughout. She was succeeded a rollicking by "The Tenderfoot." METAL MARKET. musical burlesque of western life, Thursday, 28 Silver, 61; copper, which also did well. Other strong attractions are booked for rapid suc15; lead, 93.50. Friday, 29 Silver, 60 ?; copper, 15 Vi; cession. lead $3.50. The Grand has also had a fine run Saturday, 30 Silver, 60 Vi; cop iter, of business, it and all the others belend. $3.50. 15; .Wednesday, 4. Silver, 614,; copper, ing strengthened In this respect by the conference crowds. Here also at15; lead, $..50. copper, tractive bills are In order and follow Thursday, 5. Silver. 15; lead, $3.50. each other rapidly. copper, Friday, 6. Silver. lead. $3.50. The Lyric keeps its seats well filled Saturday, 7. Silver, 61 ; copper, at every performance and has a hold 15; lead, $3.50. upon the public patronage which seems to grow as time advances. The In the Local Market reason is obvioua it gives the people e OntUrfflwis evnu u 4 The' worth" offheir Investment. T t tive,- 400 ahafes sold at $2.13; 100 at $117; 1,000 at $2.20; 100 at $2.21' 300 at $2.22, and 600 at $2.23. In all there were 2,400 shares changed hands at a total valuation of $5,472. & Thursday, 5. 100 shares of Columbus Con. sold for $2.18; 100 for $2.19, and 100 for $2.20, a total ' of 300 OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURshares bringing $551.50. 200 6. SELVES. Columbus shares Con., Friday, sold at $2.19, 500 at $2.20, 100 at The Pioneer Mining company has $2.21 and 200 at $2.221.000 shares, levied an assessment of 2 cents a bringing $2,203. on outstanding stock. Saturday, 7. Con. Mercur, 100 shares share Jl Jl sold at 49 and 100 at 50 cents, and The Utah County Light and Power the Columbus Con. 100 at $2.20. company of American Fork has just declared a dividend of 6 per cent It RECEIVED AT SAMPLER8. is their first and if kept up at that Wednesday, 27 Two from Alta and ratio stock will be found a paying investment. one from Milford. Ji Ji Thursday, 28 Three from Alta and After the death of Mrs. George one from Stockton. Wheelen of American Fork Inst week, Friday, 29 Four cars from Alta. Saturday, 30 Two from Alta and one two of her daughters' and one son were taken down with the disease from Stockton. Monday, 2. Two cars from Alta, one that caused the death of the mother car from Stockton. typhoid fever. J J Tuesday, 3. Three cars from Alta, Mr. Beemis, who made location of one from Mercur and one from the Alta townslte, as mineral land, Is Marysvale. Wednesday. 4. Two cars from Alta. ready to defend his claim and. it It Thursday, 5. Three cars from Alta. seems quite certain, successfully. will be some time yet before the town Saturday. 7. Three cars from Alta. Friday, 6. Two cars from Alta, one Is undermined by this location, but tt will eventually oome, and Alta Is In from Big Cottonwood. danger of serious trouble. 61; 15; y - Local News Itens . Jl Jl The theatrical and dancing season is now at hand, and many good plays are already booked to appear here. Bingham Junction has always had the name of being a good "show town," ONE OF THE TRIBUNE'S COMand any theatrical managers having s PETITIVE POEMS. attractions may be assured of a hearty welcome, good attendance Lift up thy voice, oh mountain high, at shows, and may leave town with s good purse. Grandly thy muse should sing; Within thy vision all hopes He; ji jl From thee all strength shall spring. Manager Tony Jacobson of the Colof fair sister the umbus Consolidated, seems very much Stars, Utah, In glorious Union bound, pleased with the manner In which the Though small thy part In patriot wars. lower levels of that property are reHeroes thy praise shall sound. sponding to development. In addition to what the mill did last month, the Thy story hath Its deeds of fame. mine supplied more than $46,000 Of travail, pain and toll; worth of crude ore from the 100-foAnd Time thy eons ahnll give a name level below the tunnel workings, and As fruitful as thy soil. that without doing a pound of stoplng. on Fair thy valleys smiles the sun. .4 Jl Thy mountains kiss the stars; is It that the new boardexpected Freedom with thee shall make her ing house will be ready for occupancy , home. by 15th. and It is one of the coxiest And gknry unawares. homes for miners that any camp in the country can boast of. In addition not wastes avail shall desert Thy to this Improvement, which is being To mar thy gloty long; made at a cost of approximately $7,000 Heirs of thy Freedom shall not fail it ia the Intention to build a set of To wake the lofty song. comes the new ore bins before winter closes In Down from our fathers and everything In shape for any kind strength . of weather that may hit the ramp. Valor and manly pride, .1 . Of hearts heroic, that at length A winze is being put down from the Shall wake thee Honor's bride. 100 level to the 200-fomark below Loved mountains, seamed with gold- the tunnel al the Columbus Con. It Is en velna. going down In solid ore. and, contrary Sweet streams and fruitful vales; to nil the predictions of the wiseacres, Cities of peace, where home-lov-e little water Is being encountered. As s matter of fact, the pumps that have reigns. been Installed on the 100 level to lift Thy bounty never falls. Oh Sons of Utah, loyal prove the water to the tunnel are handling To Country, Truth and God; . less than sixty gallons a minute, while Till great ness, glory, freedom, lovo, the pumping facllltlea are equal to 600 Reign o'er my native sod. gallons per minute. EDITORIALS first-ciss- COUNTY, UTAl JYEDXKSDA Y, OCTOHKK BINGHAM All 61; K JUNCTION LOCALS. Business is picking up alter the slack time that was experienced by i he business men of this town last summer. )WlNG A tom That RELIGIOUS la in XO. 11. 11, UK).!. RITE. Vogue in One iiiiittcum Jl Jl Tele-her- Tile election excitement going on in is u,i inti'ivHtiiig Salt City is being felt here. fur whst is called Wherever one goes the principal topic or conversation is the coming election among tin- - Itaiisn lie--Iiii'IiimimI and which jiarty will win. .4 Jl minis and the Attorney Goo. Buckle is a frequent Ajj iilc. visitor at the metropolis. Humor has ;t4anu ill Ilnt pans at work it that other attractions besides hi tiileil up display a card. Is work the msiu drawing legal C $ian sin.lxil uf nuu,- - sun nr t "It Is not good for man to lie alone," and Attorney Buckle evidently real- tripled in Min- ink on tliwr brown This aeeMjeaseejeeeeesseeejBe. In liits on ilit-izes this fact. tii H'line festival, Jl Jl food en Mock is A very large number of people of pressed iimiii the this town and vicinity were visitors llg4y drawn skin in make the to Balt Inke City the latter part of diVgu. This is then pnne-W-last week. Conference and the State Wd a nine Ink is rubbed Into were Fair, besides other attractions, l$4 sounds, winch usually heal In the cause of their absence from their Blau DEALER IN. (twenty lour hours. The custom. home town. In wVJs Is essentially Christian. jl Mr. George Dorton was a Salt Lake codlemerailon of the branding of til. who founded a monastery visitor last week. Mr. Dorton has built up a good trade for himself since ekr Jeretto. moving to his new stand and his methods of doing business are meeting The best place in Alta to get supplies for the Home or STS OF CITY STREETS. with the hearty approval of his Increasing list of customers. the Mine. Miners' and Prospectors' Supplies SMtilrs With Sham Afflictions Art Jl Jl The hand that was recently organiNothing New. zed here and received so much favor-sid- e 'foTgXr wliu feign diseases are no comment wherver they chanced to appear last summer, will lie heard nrl flUng In the streets of Ijondnn. here quite frequently during the com- ThpLexWd in Charles Ua time, only ing months. That they will add new tlM the beggar was called a "ruffler," laurels to their already good name ia a lllifor a "Miuliharoon." If he was an assured fact. (nd dumb lie was called a "duni-i- . SALT LAKE CUT. Ogpeefte Son Gal. TMgb Muck. o The woman who sung hymn BRAINS SAID TO BE INHERITED. borrowed children by the hand w-- MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. wit tylled a clapperdozen." Vagrancy Not Merely Their Quality but Their Is at lew thing, though It practically MANTELS. GRATES, TILES. Form Handed on From Parents. dlwvjf exist in mediaeval times. It The inheritance of bodily character- wivben the cities ceased to lie their own walls, and long istics, both by man and tha lower animals. is too wejl known to need com- lefoi' the days of policemen, that (he ment, says Collier's Weekly. In- - the psopl get beyond the control of tha same way we are accustomed to think nlfler en and their officers and a regular profession. of mental attributes as being more or ISe wt English lsw against beggars less hereditary. From a priori considdr by Henry VIII. who gave eration we have every reason to to beg to the old and expect that the organ which la tha that all other beg-ulphysical basis of the mental faculbe whipped and sent back 5 3 ties, the brain, should show In Its We carry the largest stock of Men's $3.50 and $4.00 tiarlkfaca trnctnre the Influence of heredity. It Slioo and PROSPECTORS and MINERS BOOTS has rarely happened, however, that any comparative study of the brain in Salt Lake. Scans ef Much structures or near relatives has been ,r4 aa iVl"M&e is Spanish .seaport possible Jfpr Catalog J jt-j.waf;tt.wgi iyctilisriqne, jaiitwtuBHy Mr. Norris sailed such observations was affordeif when uy place Don Antonio on the the brains of tnree brothers were gtyl or, Port ugal. They burned en to s comiietent observer for exaxer 'lied to capture Usbon, and (nation. The brains were those177 Main St, So y cursing each other. Willis, Burton and Fred Van Warmer, com-ipr- a was there that the der ail of whom were executed in New Salt Lake City. received but 5 shillings York state. All three brains showed -In- wages, and took to robbery, marked similarity In general form, were Ich them of hanged many differing chiefly In the matter of slsa When the Eng-lli- h Some tinusiial features were present in and near London. under Hooke put into Vigo harin all three; one characteristic In pas THE HIGHEST PLACE ticular. which is of great rarity, oe bor again there was treasure in sight curred In all three. These facts lend A fleet of Spanish galleons, of which for a cigar anywhere in the country, much support to the Ides that pe- Brabow had been in pursuit was in where quality counts, la given the the a French fleet bay, protected by culiarities of brain structure are Inhes Itert as well as peculiarities of far Several galleons were captured by the Blue Point by anyone who knows and figure. In the rase of these three English, bat more went to the bottom, whut good tobacco and clever cigar brothers no attempt was made to a and there remain to thla day. Nowrolling combined will do for the cigar aorlate the configuration of the brats adays Vigo i a commonplace little with the nature of the crimes of the town. lover. Sold everywhere. men. o WHITTAKER A DALLAS, WATER IN THE DESERT. MAKERS. Chrle Hinson. ALTA HACK LINE. 13d W. S Booth St, From Barrel Cactus tha Only Hops of Thlr Mountain to the City. Sandy Salt Lake City. ty Travelers. Day From Sandy. A traveler gives an account of how I Rites:Every $1.00 to Alta frorag $1.50 the Indians of the desert obtain drinkAlta to Sandy. cactus. from the bairel It ing water The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta 00, was among the desert hills west of Torres, Mexico. The Indian cut the top from a plant about five feet high, and with a blunt stake pounded to a A. W. THOR80N pulp the upper six or eight Inches of , Will Carry white flesh in the standing trunk. our Express or Yourself XXX From this, handful by handful, he BIO SANDY to or from squeezed the water Into the bowl he ALTA. had made in the top of the trunk, Do on Time Every Day. on It discarded the the Miners and Prospectors, Don't Forget the Place. pulp throwing i) ground. By tills process he secured two or three quarts of clear watei, XXXXXX slightly salty and slightly bitter to the SANDY, UTAH C. G. taste, but of far better quality than some of the water a desert traveler is occasionally compelled to use. The Indian, dipping this water up in his To those who contemplate building Homes and Business hands, drank it with evident pleasure, and said that his people were accusHouses in Altai tomed not only to secure their drinking water In this way in times of extreme drought, but that they used It also to mix their meal preparatory to cooking It Into bread. o SANDY, UTAH Advice to a Schoolboy. William HazlitL the celebrated essayist and critic, wrote a letter to hie eon (of the same name) when sending Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL him to school, ays St. Nicholas. It contains excellent advice. Is written In simple and direct style and will be found well worth your reading, though s quality that decidedly makes It the more delightful. Hszlitt warns his son against being too fond of books, saying they are but one Inlet of knowledge; and the pores of the mind, like those of the body, should be left open to all Impressions" wherein the worthy father shows UP. considerable ignorance of physiology. Opposite San Pedro Depot Sandy, Utah the Hazlllt's And, by way, essays and & touch upon every sort of subject, and S9 Any kind ef rig or uddlc horse at any hour of the diy or night, all are charmingly written, so you reasonable rates and courteous treatment guaranteed- - JV Burkinahaw'a teams are W. Second South. might make a note of this when you well known in Aim, Wasatch and other Cottonwood resort. wish for a book that is not a story. SALT LAKE CITY. . eollec-WucU- ; rgrewssveersrrorysrrerses iiui-riute- spi-cia- l JOHN G. STILLWELL out-Hth- e ...General Merchandise... XXXX ELIAS NORRIS SONS CO. Impo-ordere- d jj f . - J Walk Over Shoe Store, J rr,,,,,,..,....,...... . MERCHANT THB TAILORING. CRAPO The Jensen Lumber Company . JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S LIVERY STABLE mson Larson, 1 |