Show PREVENTS better than car Tutt'a Pill If taken n time r Dot enly a remedy far but will prevent SICK HEADACHE Mbuiuu conatlnetlan anil blnHrail HOW By Prof 3 C Hoeenson bi vision Utah Agricultural Extension College Tt Ib one thing to grow good potafend another to store them in such why that they will keep fresh and firm BO that when the tubers are to be sold eaten or planted they will be in prime condition First—Potatoes when dug should hot be allowed to lie for any length of time in the warm sun to wilt because they will never again regain their firmness and crispness Second — Potatoes should be handled in such a way as not to injure bruise or break the skin because when the potatoes are bruised or the skin diseases find an easy foothold Having harvested the potatoes in good shape the next question is to store them properly Wherever potatoes are stored they should be kept at an eVen low 'temperature and perfectly dry If it is desired to keep the potatoes In a pit 'a hole 'may be dug in the ground from one to three feet deep abodt four feet wide and as long as needed for the quantity of potatoes to be pitted A well drained spot should be chosen for the pit so that water will 'not stand afound 'or in the pit About six inches of clean straw may then be spread over the bottom of the pit This 'however Is not necessary and is not desirable if a shovel is to the potatoes he used in ’removing The potatoes are then from the pit piled neatly into the pit so that the face of the pit at the center will be three or four feet high Cover the potatoes with from three to six incls of clean dry straw then cover the straw with soil beginning at the bottom and piling it toward the apex Do not put too much soion at first The ridge of the pit should not be covered with soil until after the potatoes have gone through the “sweat" Dig a ditch all around the pit using If possible the soil for the covering be the bottom of the ditch should lower than the bottom of the pit and should have an outlet so that water bottom a will drain off and insure dry for the pit As the weather gets colder more soil must Jae added and the ridge entirely covered with the exception of a small hole about every eight feet which should be left free from soil and covered with more straw or hay for £o afford the potatoes ventilation If potatoes are not kept at a temperature betweeen 33 degrees F and 40 degrees F they loose considerable wilt their vitality is lowmoisture ered to a great extent diseases creep In and hence the potatoes come out in the spring a little better than no potatoes If potatoes stored in this way are used for seed many do not grow at all and those that do grow produce weak and sickly plants If potatoes are stored in the damp moisture to wet pits ' they absorb such an extent that their breathing or respiration is interfered with and so they lose their power to grow' that while the potatoes come out In the spring very hard and crisp (more so than when they were put into the pit) they are not good for planting If potatoes are to be stored in a cellar it should he constructed so that it will keep perfectly dry well ventilated and an even low temperature Have a raised board floor in each bin under the so that air can circulate potatoes as well as over them Keep toes 8tV SORE LIVE HUSTLERS “ak Writ fALB kACX'O&lhtg W N U Lake Salt BOTANICAL EYES to a dayielin auto spaclult Uomburg Wuco&gl City No BADINAGE She — Ah dearest one 'wheu I shall pine away tut! Spruce up are yon gone He — Tut! PURCHASE JEWISH OUTLOOK Denver — A number of prominent Identified with Denver’s gentlemen business and professional interests have purchased the Jewish Outlook and will make it the4 representative of Jewish sentiment in the states while heretofore it has been only a local paper The Outlook is the pioneer Jewish publication between St Louis and San Francisco Give and Take Howell — Does he take things philos sophically? Powell — Yes but he doesn’t part with them philosophically — Woman’s Home Companion Just to Make Sure express my sentiments said the young man "How shall I towards you?” tenderly “On naner “Then there wriggling please" said the be no chance of can out of glrL your it” Measure of His Intelligence Fido’s Mistress (sobbing) — I’ve lost my dog my sweet little innocent pet! Friend — I’m so sorry Have you put an advertisement in the newspaper? — Oh what would be Fldo’s Mistress the Use? The poor darling doesn’t Home know how to read— Woman’s Companion Fellows In Distress of a An efficient woman principal New York grammar school though devoid of good looks and bearing the marks of long service in her profession still retains the charm of a defrankness One day while lightful watching the pupils pass out of her building two by two as usual she nowith ticed one hoy marching alone his arm to his eyes sobbing tumultuously! In answer to her solicitous inquiry as she drew him from the line the little fellow walled: “I— I haven’t no pardner!” The principal extended a prompt and sympathetic hand “Shake dear boy' shake!” she invited ‘1 haven’t either” r " — a the cellar dark of the failures A large percentage to get good stands of potatoes can rightly be laid to poor storage of the seed tubers Improve upon this one will find point and potato growers become that their years of failure fewer and fewer f LOT8 dvsky potentates wars reiplsndant la the magnificent jewels for which they havs long been famous Indeed such display of precious stones never before wag seen in modern times The rajahs after making their grouped themselves about the throne where also stood the governors of the Asiatic colonies "'"‘of the TO STORE POTATOES Splendor of Ceremony fore Equalled in GREAT George rial DISPLAY Never Be India OF JEWELS and Mary Seated on Imps of Hindustan Thrones Witness a Wonderful Pageant ' Delhi India Dec 12— Amid scenes splendor never before equalled even In India the country of marvelpageants nor in any other land in modern times George and Mary of ous crown OF EXCITEMENT Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors all eruptions clears the complexion creates an appetite aids digestion relieves that gives vigor and vim other distinguished government officials and invited guests Queen Wears the Kohinoor The king was crowned at Westminster so he took his throne already wearing a crown that had been made especially for this occasion garbed In the royal robes of state wearing the state jewels and carrying the Bcepter By his side sat Queen Mary on her brow the crown that was made for her coronation and in the front of which blazed the great Kohinoor the Indian diamond supposed to bring good fortune If worn Her Jewels were even by a woman more magnificent than those she wore at the coronation at Westminster among her new ornaments being a Get it today in usual liquid form chocolated tablets called Sgrsatabs ounces to the package — other starches only 2 ounces — same price and “DEFIANCE” IS SUPERIOR QUALITY 6 slow? Native — Slow? Say evenin’ there’s the gol excitin’ checker game you ever seen! nearly every dlngest most at the store TRAPPER’S TO AND NEGLECT wem it tmm GUIDE ms HAIR TJ Think of the suffering entailed by skin troubles — mental beneglected cause of disfiguration physical because of pain Think of the pleasure of a clear skin soft white hands and so essengood hair These blessings tial to happiness and even success In life are often only a matter of a little of in care selection the thoughtful remedial effective agents Cutlcura do so much for Soap and Ointment red rough hands poor complexions and dry thin and falling hair and cost so little that It is almost criminal not to use them Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere a postal to “Cutlcura” Dept 21 L Boston will secure a liberal sample of each booklet on skin with and scalp treatment A Sticker “Say pa?” “What Is It?" "Does It take sixty minute men make one man of the hour?” to BROWN £5 FUR CO w FREE K4NIAI wm sstm 7v Wur AUD COUNTERS When you hear two men talking so loudly that they can be heard In the next block they are talking about something they know nothing about No More Shoes No Off Heels For All Miner Railroad Men Axemen and Qoorrytnen can now wear metallic heel which are lighter leather Support the heela and counter and dewbiw he near in work shoe Don't buy another pair hoes unless they’re fitted with metallic beel Bet ion’t wait have them put on the ehoet you’re g If your dealer A cobbler can fit them now Free booklets isn’t supplied write u KAS&- SHOE CO - The Human Heart The Great Durbar king and queen of Great Britain were recognized today ss emperor and empress of India Up to their thrones marched the proudest chiefs of Hindustan and there did homage The ceremony was Without precedent for never before has a British emperor of India come to Delhi the ancient seat of the kings of India to assume his title The Durbar for which elaborate preparations bad been under way for months took place in a great camp to the north of the city Borne five miles square The temporary population of this camp is about a quarter of a million and it is furnished with all the conveniences of modern life including 31 post offices ten telegraph offices and even elecmotor cars and tric light railways There the people gathered Procession beautiful lotus flower of diamonds She was garbed in the white and robe worn at the gold embroidered coronation Close beside the imperial thrones state trumpetwhen the twenty-fouers with their silver trumpets heralded the durbar were of course Lord Hardinge viceroy of India and Lady Hardinge Most spectacular was the grand review of troops about 90000 In numMost of these were ber native troops and they were garbed in the most gorgeous uniforms In the world The rajahs and other native princes present brought their own elephants the size of the animal depending on the rank of Itc owner and the huge brutes with their magnificent howdahs and other trappings added The heart is a wonderful double pump through the action of which the blood stream is kept sweeping 'round and round through the body at the rate of seven Remember this that our bodies miles an hour without good will not stand the strain of pure blood any more than the engine can run smoothly without oil” After many years of study in the active practice of medicine Dr R V Pierce found that when the stomach was out of order the blood impure and there were symptoms of general breakdown a tonic made of the glyc$rio extract of certain This he called Jroots was the best corrective Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Medical Discovery ” helps the stomach to Being made without alcohol this It is especially adapted to diaeaaeat assimilate the food thereby curing dyspepsia attended with excessive tissue waste notably in convalescence from varioo fevers for people and those who are always ” catching cold" ' Dr Pieroe’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 book of 1008 pages Address Dr stamps for the French R V Pierce No 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y 'WOICTil lamps and lanterns give light for the oil nsed Rayo most ' The light Is strong and steady A Rayo never flickers Materials and workmanship are the best Rayo lamps and lanterns last your dealer to ehoie you his line of Rayo lampe and lantems or write for illustrated booklets direct to any agency of JA Continental Oil Company (Tneort)oratl) W L DOUGLAS 400 SHOES 250 300 ‘350 & All Styles All Leathers All Sizes and Widths for Men and Women THE STANDARD OF QUALITY peculiarities “Why” said the prisoner’s counsel “these ducks can’t be such a rare I have some like them in my breed own yard” “That’s not unlikely sir” replied the farmer “they are not the only ducks I have had stolen' lately!" "Call the next witness” said coun- FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has madeW-Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair If could take you into my large factories at Brockton Mass and show you how carefully WLDouglas shoes are made you would then realize why I warrant them to hold their shape fit and look better and wear longer than other makes for the The eniilne have W L Donnies ij nnine and price lamped on bottom Shoes Sent Everywhere — All Charges Prepaid flow to Order by Mull if WU las hoear not sold tout town send direct to Tk Ideas Confidences Gwennie — Why' did you refuse him If he is such a prudent man? Getrie — He said he thought if tie save more got married he could Opinion money!— London measurement of foot as shown factory in model: state style desired size and width usually worn plain or cap toe heavy medium lttfht soli do tho shoo wtaiE Perhaps the dead women could speak on the day of their funeral they would say to the donors of floral offerings: “How sweet of you! It IS just what I for the durbar1 have been Amusing wanted” themselves for several days with polo 0 hockey and military tournaments and New View of It other festivities "I envy the man who believes that Display of Jewels Is Wonderful supersitlon about Friday” said Mr The durbar proper took place In Growcber an immense amphith“I consider it depressing” eater on the historic ridge where a A man ought to be few “Not at all once made a heroic Englishmen mighty comfortable who can feel sure stand against the revolting natives there’s only one unlucky day in the In the center of the was week”—Washington Star a throne of gold and silver surmounted by a copper dome Taking his ' On the Alps seat on this George received the homsake Anxious Wife — For heaven’s age of the rulers of the “dim mil1 there don’t fall down George lions” of his subjects about 150 rulshall never find my way down by ing princes of Hindustan These myself — FllegendeBlaettgr I If ) to much scene the oriental splendor of the Presents for Indian Subjects The king and queen brought from England a vast number of presents for their Indian subjects Including a thousand plum puddings made in the Buckingham palace kitchens and a great number of rich cakes York bams and Stilton cheeses Then there are rolls of English linen piles of Buckinghamshire hoirlton and point Jaces Illustrated books fancy leather goods silverware of all kinds British silks and velvets pictures and and a grea variety of photographs other articles JL in the world Illustrated Catalog Free W L DOUGLAS St Brockton Mass A46 Spark ONE PAIR of my BOYS J$‘20Oor 9300 SHORN will positively outwear TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys’ shoe1 fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively PERFECTION Smokeless Odorless Clean Convenient The Perfection Smokeleas Oil Heater warms up a room in next to no time Can be carried Always ready for use easily to any room where extra warmth it needed A special automatic device makes it impossible to turn the wick too high or too low Safe in the hands of a child The Perfection bums nine hours on one filling — glowing heat from the minute it is lighted finished Handsomely drums of hlue enamel or plain steel with nickel trimming) Ask your dealer or write for descriptive circular to any agency of Continental Oil Company (Incorporated) i 1 d mil ten wtm mnim If U fill Of lU NLUCSms' Many people have receding gums Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums and stop the chase the disease germs with a decay mouth wash of a few drops to a spoonful of water ' ' CW' Starch Defiance IT IS CRIMINAL THE SKIN ' The Missing Ducks ' In a country police court " a man was brought up by a farmer accused of stealing some ducks “How do you know tney are your ducks?” asked the defendant’s counsel anyknow them “Oh I should where” replied the farmer and he went on to describe' their different sel— London n®®dl’0 |