Show Ml HE Official VOL Paper of North Sevier The Garden of Opportunity SALINA VI UTAH DEC Ambition Talks Big Christmas BeetDiggingDone the scales J Ivie Foreouau Gudmoudseu Harlan are the Salina Richfield lived Concert ab The general average has familiar terms ten tone the year not () aud to in out closed Monday went home beets been 15 Lccal At By the Statistics Wanted f CreameryMeeting Primary Doings ' riH Deis' S$Tkf op Agent Coffin&Casket Work For Xmas and New Year presents Presents for mother Presents for father Presents for sister Presents for uncles Presents for aunts Presents that will sure make all the children THE SALINA C-j- - MERC INST uzzzrzzi tzsxsa SEraoCTassariss- - Good Lecture Items Read Lem Allred is having the big trees t the time who n A young A kis residence out down rf with which when Aetop wasou 14 deildtj Improvement auitnals escaped from his master 2 lbjOCbristmas for 23o Canday Fiud’iig a dead Lion lying bv the road Lewis 1 ig ( o he arrayed himself in the Lion’s sktn and read terror around the countryRn(lr Kale every Day till side Filled witbocneelt be set op a New Year at the Kailua fearful braying which he thought reWe sell Christmas Candy 2 lbs sembled the roar of a lion but hh mast for 25owillAgain this year the same as we er reoogtiiziug his voice took up t stout cudgel gave him a sound beating alwaya have Lewis Drug Co he that soon bins made sensible and Jsmea Hdorup arrived home from waa no more than an Ass the bait country late lawt week I knew a college president who kept and reiniii thing a in a satisfactory his job six years by looking wise aud coodit Ins oat t Is in'erests He the is well aird'ified pj e ( Louie saving nothing hut at the end of for the sixth year thinking he bud the situa- Chrietnigii L'ivula he cal ed a special well In hand lerand prognosticator beautiful son:8 Cbrlstiiies Mr A 8 Toone of the Utah State tion aud attempted Lewis Dng CoPipes and Cigars at the meeting of recitations and other little ditties ap- Bureau of Statistics Labor and Com'1 he trustees to make some remarks A very fileeKing ihower was tetxfaded Following merce viaited in Halina tbls week lie recognlriug bis voice took upas ont propriate for the occasion W jM called at this office and explained to at her new Foruey is the program: aud soon made him sensible Mrs to whom blanks are cudgel evening Her fartwar Indy be was no mors than Hit Ass 1 Selection by High School Band and us that those that sent to till them out aud return them solum) stuients and their invited high hut is goldsilver is silence Speech Kills “The Orchestra Bangers” King to the office at Halt Lake Fuf instance en and whoso counsel gues'S lutaded the boms at an early own his kespeth ‘2 Chorus by 7th aud 8th grades and be is now Irving to get the threshing and a evening hour loaded with is be for he eh til sit in the for this year The law makes happyof kings basket full of granite waie with which lligb School "Life of Youth” Geibel statistics it mandatory for those who are esked The first rule Of a good conversation they preseuteii her to go wrb the 3 A Farce by The Sunshine Society to seud reports beautiful Mr range to Forpresented those subjects up4 Santa CIhub Song dramatised sung Tbs work should be attended to by Is to talk only aboutwall A few on which you are informed and ney sometime ago delightful those whose duty it is to do so hour were spent Luncheon was servby 12 small boys and girls the rest of the lime listen o the ed and Orowlere guests had tbs pleasure of 5 Chorus by the class Boasting strengthens the voice but Don’t forget that yon can get a most it lengthens the ears at the same time looking through the new home the Chorus ‘‘Christmas Bong” sung by which has been The chief mark of itrnorauce is to Barnard residence gift for jour appropriate Christmas third and fourth grades Sweetheart at the Lewis Drug Co know too much sod the adviae H6arst nicely dlted up end where the happy and 7 A school paper by 8th grade R after Africa and before oonpie will reside indefinitely gave to Do yqQrCbristmae Shopping by DayHigh School Europe was ninth to the point— “Keep p your ears hidden and above all don’t light at be Salina People of Salina kindly take notice bray" btockaiigi knit by M re Jo Francy Professors of this concert Bnrgeuer The elgogcment of Mr Bert Qledbill Hose and Anderson the teachers and of the Salina The' Btookbolders' and MisaiMaggi McMillan of VermillLOCAL ITEMS all connected therewith have worked Creamery held a meeting Tuesday evon ion is alonnoed aud the marriage will bard and untiringly to make it a suo lug Mr Ferris Sup’t of the Jensen take plan on December 2U cess You can't afford to miss it and Redmond Makr'iVv Hens Lay P sr Peterson of was of Lake Salt jr Egg Food will prasent Creameiy in week Wus a visited maids and blethers Fathers bachelors this Spring City package at Lewis Dru many matters pertaining to the and their beloved all are invited Mrs Lee Clark is visitinR with' her institution were discussed Mr Ferris announcing the firm name of At L D S meeting louse Friday stetedthat with the available supply parents Mr and Mrs O vJaddeback ud Kleiuschmidt general and evening December 22 at 8 p m Tick of cream in this section a local creamMalt Lake has oonsnldng engineers The Salina choir was reorganized ets 15 cents been received The Call congratulates ery could not run and he did not think last Tueaday eveniog as follows: Ar the Jeu-ewould do any- nold Borgener Leader Janies C Jen- Mr Kleinsohmidt and knows that be Creamery will makegood thing farther to help ran it after ail sen Assistant Leader Mary Herbert Fine Chrietmas Pocket Knives and the money they spent aud lost last Sea end Trees Rhoda Humphrey Razors at (he Leie Drug Co The L D S Primary Association will summer This company will however Bye laws were adopted to CASE paid for bad debts Eordham Organist give a Christmas entertainment at the buy all the cream from here if the di- suit the purposes Mrs B'shop daughter of Mr ward ebsprtt on Wednesday evening rector will secure it and Mr j Beilou has sent down a V7: 30 Cbristmaa tree The local direc ore will shortly levy The Salina High School baa now ab- fine pia-- o tor the folks to enjoy as a Redmond out students Four fony Ooristcjspresent there and a Bn assessment to cover the indebtedmen have recently entered viz: For IVrtlday Wed dingor Christmas Viered fld j'roJm All invited ness sud then it is bard to tell wbat young Andrew Jensen Ward Jensen Aden present" get soma of that fine Gut will befjns od osnse Glass a" ‘tv Lewis Drag Co Rasmussen aud Edgar Christensen C3 cent 'rWWers are requested not to N MonJ i Low Ferd tiastoeams home Good cabbage for Sale V V A'— Apply to ioigs' o Chris'mae (Cionary at the Lewis ihs bospiral at Mt Pleasant and is p Day at the Stiua Mrs Joseph Prows Drug Ce it recovered from his operation for something doing at Louis ' ' Hen McKena is certainly fixing op a Jacobs’ store these days Hebsseome appendicitis to'- beautiful plaie of business “The Rath inviting Christmas eoods in different ' LIGHTNING KILLS FEW skelter” a description of which will lines and oLers good inducements peoIn 1906 lightning killed only 1G9 peowho are in the market for Christple be iven later One’s mas good Gall in ple iu this whole country hancee of death by lightning are lb8s Remember the CALL OTTO G OLSEN Gut Glass at the Lqwis Drug Co ith Christ F Ihe chain's o' mas than two in a million present of $1 Reports ha vs it that the Stake presidca h irom liver kidney oi Btomach dency will visit Salina figaln on Sunbut not if trouble is vastly greater To Mrs Soren Frandsen of Redmond day and meet with the L D 8 people as Robert Electrio Bitters be need WoDder if a son at their regular meat ing Madsen of West Burlington la provthe new bishop wilt be put in? after him doctDrs ed Four gave up A child was born to s Japanese lady Ask the Clerks wbat is going to take UTAH- - ' EPHRAIM eight months of suffering from Kurmumada Mrs K house in a New at on Year’s the camp Salina place Day liver trouble and yellow jaundice Tbs wo He waa then completely cured by Elec- out in the fields this week Salina Utah Call at Salina Mre N P Rasmussen bat been very tric Bitters They’re the best Btomach man was alone at the time but hel(J We have a fine line of Caskets 'in liver nerve and kidney remedy and wa secured and Dr Freeoe summon sick for the past week or two and her stock and can please you 8he is sufblond purifier on earth Only 50o at ed The husband was away on business recovery is still in donbt all Druggie s fering with pneum nia Distent memb he Vermillion Canal $md Extention era of the family have been summoned Go held an anoual meeting MoudBy and gave the financial report New of CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED Hce s were elected as follows: Pres E W Crane Vice Pres James Hansen with Local Applications ’as tbeyoan-oDire Jtors Geo Fenn Chas O Nelson reach toa seat of the disease CatChristmas Pertumes at the Lewis arrh is a blood or constitutional disease and iu order to ours it you must Drug Go Hail’s Catarake internal remedies rh Cnre is tak n internally and ao A TERRIBl E BLUNDER the blood and mucous sur' to neglect liver trouble Never doit tirsotiy onHall's Catarrh Cure is no' Take Dr King’s New Life Pills on the ace - It was prescribed b first sign of constipation bil ousoese iurt" madioine neof tbe beBt physicians in tbs oount-or inactive bowels aud prevent viru-mid is a regular prescrip- Dt indigestion jaundice or gall stouev ionfor years is best tbe It tonics of bowta composed and They regulate liver stoma uown combined with tbs bust blood els and build up yonr health Only 25o iiinflers acting directly on ihe mucous at all Druggists qi faces Tbe perfect combination of — o two he ingredients is what produces The Best Bnd Cheapest Christmas nob wonderful results n curing Bnd New Year's Presents are at the Bend for testimonials free Salina F I Cheney & Co Props Toledo O For Grazing Permili Application Bold by all Druggists pries 75 NOY It E la hereby Take Hall's Family Pills for conati given that all ap The ‘alina Co op has the best and largest sele jtion' Oue price to all atlon plications for permits to graze cattle t tie Flbll horsps and sheep with’-LAKE N'TIONtL FOREST during Notice Delinquent tbs season of 1912 must be filed in my office at Salina Utah on or before Town of Halina Sevier County Utah np January 15 1912 Fu1! information in ou NOriCE—Thern are delinquent described - ater rigb’s regard to the grezing fees to be charg- on tbe fbllowing account of an a aa a merit leviei on ed and blank forms to be ned in mag 1911 the several 14fh of the October be will furnished upon ing applications amounts set opposite tbe names of ha request C B ARENTSON respective shareholders as follows: Supervisor Name Am’t 3(K) P F Peterson Delinquent Notice 1 3 00 Hans C Clawson 1 3 00 Salina Creek Irrigation Company Geo k Gates 2 0 00 Principal Place of Business HhIiiib Ut Heber Ivie 1 3 00 There are delinquent upon tbs fol- Sophia Jeneen 1 3 00 lowing described Water Rights on ac- E M Peyton 3 00 count of assessments levied on tbs 26'b Rudolph Nordfell n 1 300 If vie dvy of August 19li the several am Dolla of every description Tdvs galore for the Children 1 3 00 set opposite the Hemes of the "f B Humphrey oun'e Handkerchiefs Fancy Collars 1 300 For Young Ladies we have Satchels follows: as shareholders Lapieh respective Joseph (Eat ) deWraps and Fauey Articles of every Toilet Seta Silk Scarfs Wool 3 (Hi Oliff Jeopeseu 15 she 2nd class 750 Frank Jackson “ 2 “ 1st 000 8 900 Jesse Steela James Feters Silk Mufflers 1 Halina Meat and Snnply Compsnv 300 fer Young Men Saspeuders Ties Silk Handkerchiefs IVjlejr M"Douald Our ss'nds Ttus Cuff Set- - Watches 15 sha 2ud Class 750 U A Ash 3 00 Fancy Arfctlets Suspenders are eXehlleut Quality Prices Men’s aud Boy’s Suits and Overcoats 300 440 Xavier Bellon JohnGiihble dueon 10“ 1st within the reach of all In accordance with law so many In accordance with law so many 25c Do yonr Shopping In shares nf each parcel of water rights shares of each nroel of siu'h water Special Gaudy for tde Children 2 lbs for i aa mav be necessary he Daytime will he sold at rights as may he necessary will be sold be Brand New cant MnoeMeat of Groceries Fancy the front door nf Ihe Town null at the at the front door of the Town Hall on Splendid line hcHt auy where Nuts Oranges aud Clear Toys hnnr nf 2 o’clock p m Werfneedsy the tbe 15th dnv of December 1911 at the ' 27' h day of December 1911 to pay de- hour of 2 o'clock p Ten per cent off for Cash on Dishes and Glazeware m to pav delinThe Directors wish you all a Merry Christ maa aud a Happy tbereon together linquent assessments thereon together quent assessment ' with the cost of advertising aud ex- with Ihe cot of advertising aud exProsperous New Y'ear pense of sale of sale pense W II Lvxs Secretary A 8 Cut vt CO-Oij Treasurer J A imussKV Town Clerk 2t D°teJ at ‘alina Pe 141911 Dated at Salma Utah Dtc 2ad 1911 aa all per acre Home aid real well a fair one The big Christmas Concert to be however Those reported etnotig the schools beat on next Riven by the Salina producers sre Hyrom Anderson Friday evening Deo 22 at the ward and sou whoproduted an average of nearly twenty tons to the acre Janes chapel sill be the biggest thing of the Mouroe was about as good J S Jenare as follows sen did very well also Many other season The attrao'-ionA big Christmas tree loaded with fairly good j ieids might be mentioned Money can tie made at an average of 10 preseut for every child In town also tons to the aore ami the farmers are for the old maids and bauhelors and not discouraged lid oars went oat u the old people1 Mnsio by the bund stories Christmas itud orchestra boys’ and girls’ chorus students’ grow jrgi NO 34 1911 f State Sup’t of Public Instruction A C Kelson of Balt Lake delivered a leoture on education at the L D S Chapel Sunday evening under the i '68 of the high school end the Mutuals The lecture waa of nnusnal interest thoughtful forceful and eloquent full pf that which appeals to the mind and the heart It was well attended and will nudoatitedly be loog remembered by those who heard it Mr Nelson ie one of Utah’s big men today not alone In a physical ense but in mind and soul Redmond Dedicates School The 'leading event of the week in Redmond waa the dedication of oaf For this event ovr school building State Sup’t of former townsman chools A O Nelson and family hvs been visiting our town aod his relative On Monday all day oar enterprising school board had about W g men and team banting gravel and banking cp aronnd the new school building and on the street in before And front of sann night ths school bouse had a nine appearance In the building itself with its steam The local Woodwieu Lodge had a very heat the electric light in all part of even- the building and the new tanttary delightful social last Wednesda fountain in operation in tbs ing at their rooms’ Their wives and drinking hall all seemed ss changed from the sweethearts were guests Progressive old school house that our entire comhigh five was the order of amusement munity seemed to want ta see and enMrs P C Soarup won first prize for joy it and the people seemed to have turned ont in mesa for tke dedication ladies and Art Nelson won first prize Monday night for gents After tbs gams all repair-eMonday evening at7 p m the people to the Gates bo el where a delicious assembled in the opera house whe under the direction of onr Principal spread was taken advantage of of ecbools Lafayette Olsen the following progiara wss rendered: Hoog by School Unoie Sam’s School Song bvt Prayer bv C T Nelson double Quartet Come Where ths LilReoltation The Ladies’ Literary and Civics clnb lie Bloom by Golden Jorgensen Song by Beginners sud will hold its regular meeting Monday bv Lyman Recitation First Grade evening and the foilowog program is Rasmussen Speech by N L Petersen to be rendered: Speech Chairman of 8ohcol Board Leoture by Mrs Albert Dastrnp Bong by by State Sup’t A C Nelson R 'hool Colnrabia th Gem of The Recitation by Mrs Hyrua Oates: to th Onesn Ths people adjourned Song Mrs John Dastrnp school building where the following Instrumental Music Katie Brandt program wa given: Conntrv’tis Choir Ward Comic Reading Mrs Geo Alma Gates My Song by Duet Mrs T P Peterson and Mrs of Thee Dedication I rayer bv Elder Cha Jensen tong bv Ward Choir Leslie Harmon The club reads a chap HI Battle Hymn of the Repnbtio ter etch evening from "War on the then retnyned to the hall of tbe buildWhite Slave TreAD" ing where ntider the supervision of the Relief Society OfTloers a fin lunch waa ‘ Aftar supserved to about 250 peoole LOCAL ITEMS per a dance in ’be opera house interRome of th spersed with speeches To Mrs Allen Waters a son features being a speech by J 8 Jensen Mrs P C Hoornp has gone to her who with G L Breinholt and M P of Sup’t A C Nelson servformer home in Charleston for a visit ed a father ths first anhool board of RedTo Mrs AlmaCrowthers of Aurora mond Sup’t Nelson and Chas Jeneen Ex Bishop Rasmussen end a son played prompting for several Quadrilles just James Monroe went to St Marks ho as they did 30 years sgo j Mies Elvira Christecen j who bar pital yesterday to undergo an opera- been for some at Svifl-dpast tion for an ailropnt called hernia has again returned t Iirtmond A real estate neat has boon madear H v H of M ont on y on by a sold hi s bi o sub f (Hoe-In Po£ t re scription trf b WUAnd attend “Yo Archie MirkIs-par- l iijviga other business of Milo injf It ia truly cold wintry wsther at erhome A ol 'S id fljP'rts wii present cold enough to orack a per- nesed the Yokel—t? !S jdno?7s WreetY son’s voioeand freeze his swear words liny ma'ch at KioUL-- i last Saturslay Rembertbs CALL with your sub- night The tiown water works denartmsat scription money for Christmas —— o has just received a large Fairhank— 8AVED HI8 WIFE’S LIFE Moraeduplex power pump audit wilt “My wife would have been in her be nut in operation within the next few 1 he demand writes O H Brown nf days npon thJ water Muscadine Ala‘‘if It hsd not system Iscone'entlv increasing hen i Dr Kjng’s New Discovery She wss the neoeseity to enlarge the capacity down in her bed eot able to get np Hvrnm W Toreeneen ts buildings without help She had a severe bron- nice home on Depot street chial trouble and a dreadful cough I Mr and Mrs Chris Larsen have now got her a bottle of Dr King’s New Dismoved into tbeir new home and she soon began to mend covery tl and was well in a short time” for coughs and colds its the moat Forest Supervisor Arenteen and wife reliable remedy on earth for desperate have to Ogden to nomain fora lung trouble hemorrages lagripp monthgoneMr Arenteen will enter th eat bma hay fever croup and whooping 50c fl 00 Trial bottle free district office and take instruetioni cough Guarranteed by all Druggists during the 'ime Lodge Social Club Doings tits 4 I What is this I hear! Isj J About Buggies That Never Have to' be Greased? said a wise buyer upon entering pour display rooms the other day We showed him the rigs also the small models of the axles the fifth wheel which prevents buggies coming nuooupled even if king bolts break or dropout extra braced shafts seats and bodies arid the A grade hickory wood used throughout read kiua onr Three Y'ear Written Guarantee then told him to see satisfied cuvtott ers we now have from Monroe to Guonisoa having sold a full car load this fall all giving satisfaction After he talked to these users and saw the rigs we have run thousands of utiles without in onri greasing WJ grain buying business he purchased a rig and told us the prioe was' That’s because we bay in car lots reasonable te M B ra j : Let us talk it over with you — Sevier Valley Merc BOX 1 PHONE NEAR DEPOT SALINA Co UTAH g § & ) f ff |