Show li Doans Health For tho Child ( '“-- i ?! If) fsk n I I) fT fh t'l 'fSl A: I V x ”' ' J30J2J&3 Of ££££13 ONE of Americans ' OH THE ' JEITGWH v? Noel! Noel! ' - Cease cease each Christmas bell v' v ” V ' a’ a OUST- was fiercest of the battles fought between the Chinese revolutionists and the Imperial forces minister ordered There was great slaughter on both sides A few days ago the American in the interior to proceed at once to the nearest treaty port the at all unnecessary for young persons no matter how poor to meet each other and do their cdurtlng in the streets “If we paid more attention to preserving the vitality to to fostering lty— a good thing since if one generathe poetic ideals of oun boys and Playless Youth Makes Restless tion accepted blindly the Ideals of an- girls we would not have nearly so Married Man other there would be no progress many unhappy marriages so many But this enthusiasm this eager queswife desertions tioning of life has no place in busi“You must have noticed how often I think society to ness owes it the man of forty or fifty who has led Mrs Mary Austin and Playwright self to preserve the vitality of Its a strong and good life goes astray Authoress Explains Unhappy Marof the morally young people for the benefit That’s because he was brokriages — Boys Assume Burden race en to harness too early He had no of Life Too Early "All boys and girls inherit certain time to work out his hereditary traits racial certain traits hereditary Some persons may think I mean to New York — The reason have a encourage immorality in young peoso traits which they should why many husbands forty to fifty years of chance to work out before they take ple but that is far from my idea" Everybody age tire of their wives and In many up the burden of life “Then you don’t mean that we cases desert them is according to for instance goes through a period must give a boy time to sow his wild Mrs Mary Austin because boys are when he wants to live in a tent and oats in his hereditary traits?” made to assume the burden of life shoot bows and arrows "Not at all His vitality may be dl too early Just as a young colt may "A state or city I think should rected in good and proper channels be ruined by premature breaking to foster the develpoment of Bentlment I mean that boys and girls must have harness so the moral fiber of youth between boys and girls some time to play to write poetry to may be weakened permanently by as-“Every city should have a social sentimentalize We must not thrust suming too early the obllgatlfjafrhrtterwhere and girls the burden of life upon them too poor hoys meet could' if we do not want them to sink under proper maturity she thinksT chaperon rfjy early r Mrs Austin who the Ardo tbeir courting It should under or run away from it” age wrojj row Maker" and who lsaIo the author of several novels has been making a study of conditions in the domestic relations court recently “Youth” she said “should be a WHY HUSBAND TIRES They are soulless elves whafain would peef Within and laugh at our Ctiristmas cheel? Ring fleetly chimes I SwiftswiftjTihymes They are made of the mocking mist ' The careful mother who watches closely the physical peculiarities of her chtt( dren will aoon discover that the mot Important thing In connection wJth a child’s constant good health ts to keep the bowel open Sluggish regularly bowels will be followed by loss of appetite restlessness sleep Irritaduring bility and’ a dozen and one similar evl- dencea of physical disorder At the first sign of such disorder give the child a teaspoonful of Dr Caldwell’ Syrup Pepsin at night on retiring and repeat the dose the following night If necessary— more than that will scarcely be needed You will find that the child will recover Its accustomed good spirits at once and will eat and sleep normally This remedy Is a vast Improvement waters laxative ever salts cathartics and similar things which are altogether too powerful for a child The homes of Mrs E B Jackson Burr Oak Kas and Kas Mrs J H Walters Mulberry are always supplied with Dr Caldand with them well’s Syrup Pepsin there others aa with thousands of Is no substitute for this grand laxative It Is really more than a laxative for it contains superior tonic properties which help to tone and strengthen the stomach liver and bowels so that after a brief use of It all laxatives can be dispensed with and nature will do Its own work Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying It in the regular way of a druggist at fifty cent or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Dr W B Caldwell 201 Washington St Monticello Your name and address on a postal card will do- Too many "eye man’s eyes The Origin of Christmas Customs It is Interesting trace the origin to of customs to festival with those connected Druldical superstitions of classic observances and it will surprise to learn that many present-da- sports very Othe celebrations closely resemble bserved of old in honor of Saturn’ or Bacchus The Roman Saturnalia which occurred in the winter solstice were a season of great festivity and rejoicing Honored and by many privileges The spirit of gaiety had and even quarrels were to be renamed after ' the free charter suspended (holidays As a manifestation renewed 'felt at the of the gratitude prospects of the returning march of the sun gifts were were and special hymns exchanged These latter were really the sung Roman representatives of the modern carol At the Saturnalia the Roman feasted sang and danced as we do at Christmas A ruler or king was apwho enjoyed certain prerogapointed He presided over the sports of tives be is the anthe season Probably cestor of the lord of misrule who exercised a similar power in more recent times was a matter of general Merriment concern and the joyous spirit of entire districts is now narrowed to family parties It is the touch that makes the whole world kin and it is a pleasant reminder that after all history repeats Itself We are apt to Bpeak of a man as being lucky when he has succeeded where we have failed be Dr Pierce's Pellets small jasy to take as candy regulate and invigorate stomach liver and Dowels and cur constipation It isn’t until a man reaches the of discretion that lie discovers he have a good time without suffering It the next morning The True Spirit of Christmastide is hardly a There festival in the calenwhich has such a hold on the hearts of old and young alike as Christmas The Day ring of the car bells and the voices upon the streets seem to take on a more cheery tone and the spirit of the time seems to throw a over places and things which glamour ordinarily are devoid of aH beauty As It is with places so it is with They too not only seem to people does change but the transformation 'take place in millions of hearts to a The spirit of treater or less degree dar & even affects people who for the rest of the year are devoid of sentiment and of feeling for their fellows The most Interesting stories of Christmastide are those which will never appear in print— true stories of men and women whose thoughts hav been only of their own Belflsh alms and pleasures but have been awakened if only for a day or two from moved their usual by some forceof which they are- only to do some act of kindness to make the day happier for someone less ' fortunate than them-selves in a worldly way— The Chris tlan Herald Christmas Li: Searchers Expect to Cargo Which Recover From Lost Steamer Lea--‘ dora Estimated to Be Worth Not Less Than $50000 Sioux Falls S D— Like a hunt for pirates’ buried treasure Is a search now being made at a point on the Missouri river where South Dakota and Iowa join The object Is to recover one hundred barrels of whisky and other goods supposed to be in the hull of the Missouri river steamer Leadora which was grounded and partly destroyed years ago The cargo which the searchers expect to recover is estimated to be worth not less than $50000 The Leadora was 175 feet long and was bound from St Louis to Fort Benton Mont when it met with its mishap The as near as can be cargo consisted learned at this late day of more than one hundred barrels of whisky and mining tools When the steamer reached the southeastern corner of South Dakota its crew discovered that what had been the main channel of the Missouri was temporarily blocked by a sandbar So they worked the steamer over to the South Dakota side of the river in an endeavor to find an opening through which the boat could pass The boat ran aground and while an attempt was being made to free age can for Important to Mothersbottle ol Examine carefully every CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 YearB Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria Particular Woman on having a woman “She Insisted lawyer secure her divorce” was she bo particular?" "Why “She did not want to go contrary to that portion of the marriage ceremony that reads ‘Let no man put asunr t der’ — Judge Precise proofreader on a small dally was a woman of great One and extreme propriety precision day a reporter succeeded in getting into type an item about “Willie Brown Amphibian Escapes From Chicago found a despairing group of men who the boy who was burned in the West Theater and Flop Toward Lake had not the slightest idea what had end by a live wire" On the following day the reporter Followed by Admiring Crowd befallen the lion Then Borne one observed the broken window and con- found on his desk a frigid note askHolmes fashion ing “Which 1b the west end of a Chicago — A sea lion whose daily nected it Sherlock boy?” task ts to balance a ball on its nose with the missing attraction Several It took only an Instant to reply— the other night decided that it was men joined the search simultaneously So it flopped tired of being a slave The result was that the lion was “The end the son sets on of course" into Hazel avenue —Ladies’ Home Journal through a pane of glass in the rear sighted steaming of the Wilson theater and down Into at the rate of IB knots an hour withsniffed the air felt the out showing tail lights or a license the alley Question for Question snow and pointed its nose toward "I shall discharge our butler” said tag It was promptly seized and reLake Michigan turned to the theater There the sea Mr Cumrox lion slowly ambled out on the stage A score of men women and children “What’s the trouble?” resumed its for "He doesn’t show me proper defersighted the runaway and followed it and disconsolately not quite certain whether it repre- saken duty of balancing a ball on it When I am paying a man libence nose sented some new form erally 1 consider it his duty to laugh or was dangerous at my Jokes” Goat Cause of Murder ' While the chase was on with Lake "And won’t he?” Cleveland 0— A goat tied in an “I don’t think he can He’s an Eng- Michigan several blocks away Michael Licalzi manager of the theater alley blocked the escape of Angela Iish butler When in a spirit of genLouverla had of become what to and Ernesto Dar wonder I said began tle and condescending badinage nlco thirty shot him dead after a to him “Hawkins bis prize attraction can you tell me He hurried behind the scenes and quarrel over money which came first the chicken or the Which did you order 4g?’ he said Such of the timbers of the old craft Vst sir?”’ as have been uncovered are in fine ' THE LITTLE WIDOW condition and the iron work does not appear to have been damaged by its A Mighty Good $ort of Neighbor to Have It it was found to be on fire To exposure to the elements and the wet prevent the fire from destroying both sand MA little widow a neighbor of mine A second hole near what is supboat and cargo the craft was scutwhen tled The nine passengers and crew posed to have been the stern of the persuaded me to try of steamer is now feeing gu barrels and ani this my stomach was so weak that It twenty escaped food of any other would not retain whisky together with some groceries has gone down rapidly until the hull woman a from writes kind” ' grateful has again been struck ' were saved In 1871 six years later the insurThe other day the men engaged in San Bernardino Co Cal “I had been ill and confined to my ance firm which paid the insurance the operations recovered a broken on the boat sold the salvage to James bottle with the words “O K Planta- bed with fever and nervous prostrainto the glass tion for three long months Weafter the Boorge of Sioux City and he set to tion 1840" blown were in birth of my second boy Men Within a few days they have found the cargo work to recover worked two or three weeks on the peanuts coffee almonds and other despair until the little widow’s advice brought relief boat and had taken off some of the goods food from the “I liked cargo as well as the engines and and in an incredibly short beginning boiler excepting the “nigger" engine time it gave me such strength that I IN A COURT when the river rose rapidly and GOOD MORNING was able to leave my bed and enjoy forced the abandonment of the work In 2 my three good meals avday Since then until the present effort lit- Amusing and Peculiar Hapmonths my weight increased from 95 tle has been done to recover the rest pens In Chicago When Foreigner to 113 pounds my nerves had steadied of the cargo Confront Municipal Judge down and I felt ready for anything are being The present operations My neighbors were amazed to see me conducted by the Cole Brothers of is your name?" Chicago — “What so rapidly and still more so Alcester and E E Wenner of Elk asked Municipal Judge Dolan of a tall gain s when they heard that Daniel Point assisted by Ballinger black mustached Italian arraigned be- alone had brought the change now a resident of the vicinity who fore him on a charge of disorderly boy had eczema very “My was a passenger on the boat on Its conduct the other day bad last spring and lost his appetite last trip “Goodmorning” replied the alien which made him cross and “Good morning” returned the Judge entirely Wenner located the old boat about s I put him on a diet of with a smile “But I want to know peevish which fifteen years ago by means of a comhe relished at once He pass and metallic attraction and at your name” from the the beginning “Goodmorning” again came the Improved that time he sunk a cylinder down to and now he is fat disappeared what was supposed to be the deck reply and rosy with a delightfully soft clear “Is that all the English you know?" He and found things in good shape skin The diet did it I will as long as the main the Judge asked decided that answer Name all willingly inquiries "Goodmorning my name" replied channel of the Missouri remained Co Battle Creek Fostum by where it was'' fhe old hull could be the prisoner ?’JlarOoodmorntng they given Mich call me in this country" Since then Wendamaged but little Read the little book “The Road to "All right Jim Goodmorning" the ner has had the old boat in mind but Wellville" 4n pkgs “There’s a reason" not until a few weeks ago did lre da court said T thought yeu Were to be polite to me Ever ml tb above lutrrl A sew You are anything further about recovering the appears from time to time They Good morning !“ discharged are ernuine tree aad full ot haaua cargo latere t The To Dig for Whisky Syndicate Seeks to Recover quor Lost Years Ago will close Mr Wtnslow’i Soothing Syrup for Children teething softens the gums reduces Inflammation r dad’s pain cures wind colic Die a bottle Little Stroll of Sea Lion When young peoperiod of efflorence ple girls as well as boys are put to work too early the business life tends to destroy in them certain secondary sex characteristics which are of utmost Importance to the race “For instance’ take sentiment and romance in girls In hundreds of young girls working under the supervision of men the romantic feeling cannot be fostered It must on the contrary be suppressed perhaps ulfor the girl’s own timately destroyed Men bring out In the girl protection of sixteen or so the characteristics which appeal to them their flirtiness pertness smartness There are other qualities more sentimental and poetic which only women can bring out in girls So if a girl of sixteen has to go to work it Bhould be under the direction of women has certain qualities of “Boyhood enthusiasm of resistance to author- - openers” nt |