Show THE SALINA CALL By C SAUNA N Lund ' Explosion Mine UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS The residents of Pleasant View Utah county have decided to have electric lights The voters of Box Elder county have decided to bond for $200000 for School purposes ' stunts are becoming a Elopement popular fad in Green River two such escapades having occurred within a week One of the features of the tenth annual meeting of the Utah State association to be held In Dairymen’s February will be a competitive exhibit of dairy products x As the result of a merchant at Tucker mistaking gasoline for kerosene a number of lamps exploded in that town one night last week but fortunately no one was injured The Salt Lake Route is distributing 300000 1912 calendars It is the first road this season to distribute this kind of advertising matter Many of the calendars are being sent east JameB E Welch reputed to be the heaviest locomotive engineer weBt of 320 the Mississippi river weighing pounds fell down a flight of Btairs in Salt Lake and is in a serious condition A call upon the state and private banks in Utah for a report of the condition of their business at the close of business hours on December 43 has been issued by the secretary of state HUNORED MINERS ENTOMBED Ji STIMSON 8 AYS ARMY SECRETARY IN BE INEFFICIENT WOULD A REAL CONTEST TO TRIAL HYDE IS BROUGHT BY DISAPPEARSTANDSTILL ANCE OF JURYMAN Attributes This Largely to the Fact That Army Is Scattered Over the ' Country and Urges Centralization of the Troops Mistrial nortrn ' the Case of Physician Murder of With the Charged Colonel Swope Will Probably From Strange Action — In his annual report Washington to the president of War Secretary Stlmson declared that the continpower gency of war with a would find the army of the United States practically unprepared He attributed this largely to the fact that the army was ‘‘scattered out over the country" in too many postB reserves to The army and a lack of on the peace footing habitually maintained with miniature companies and AMnaPATfDM troops he characterized as Ineffective for serious war service (Copyright U1L) As to the ‘unpreparedffess of the and ammunition army in artillery at the Secretary Stimson says that it is espresent rate of appropriation timated that it will take more than a reasonable fifty years to secure supply of field artillery guns carthat would REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS ARE riages and ammunition be necessary in the event of war NOW WILLING TO ACCEPT of the The secretary disapproves LIMITED MONARCHY and favors long term of enlistment the shortening of the present term to less than three years bo as to allow aq many men as possible to go Leaders Seem Willing 'to Concede through the training of the regular Full Power to Premier Providing army the government retaining some of Man He Agrees to Elimination hold over the discharged soldier by chus From Government which he can be called to the colors In case of war who has been emAugust Gundval ployed by the Utah Construction comof the pany on the Oregon Short Line was struck by a SEIZURE OF PERSIA PREDICTED passenger train about half a mile south pf Kaysville station and in- British People Expect Russia Will Esstantly killed tablish Protecorate Over Best Parts After coming to within four years of Country and Never Withdraw of reaching the century mark James London — Details as to the advance died last II Salder aged ninety-siof the Russian troops in Persia have week at the Salt Lake county infirmbeen kept completely in the dark for ary He was bora in Yorkshire England and came to the United States several days IIow large a force has been disnearly half a century ago patched by the Russian government Marshals’ assoThe Utah County to Its movement ciation met at Provo last week for and particulars as are unknown in London but the pubthe purpose of taking up the question lic feels that the end will generally home for Utah county of a detention of a Russian' The matter was put up to the county be the establishment ' they being requested protectorate over the best parts commissioners Persia including the two to provide a detention home Tabriz and Teheran The Ogden federation of shop em- capitals and politicians g$ Newspapers ployes of the Harriman system who It as " kebWhat erally are on strike adopted resolutions siajolnceregard la entr&ibjhid n "’VtSaaar recommending that wlttyliaw exl lialty of brqtVoTgetl ofl The Teheran correspondent Jaken actiomA beThis Times predicts that Russia’s men Were senNld act will be to substitute a new fbrm Fifteen hundred corporations in of government for that of the na''Utah are delinquent in their corporational council tion fees which should be paid to t- -e WIPES OUT DEFICIT secretary of state each year Unless they pay their fees bfore December Postal Service Shows a Surplus for 15 they will be subject to a penalty First Time Since 1883 to the each in addition of $10 regular ’fee Washington — For the first time Idellus Monro Dye under arrest in since 1883 the annual financial stateSalt Lake on the charge of having ment of the postoffice department murderd Joseph Rainbow on the shows a surplus Instead 'of a deficit night of November 26 claims to be This Is the burden of the annual rethe son of a prominent attorney of port of Postmaster General Hitchcock He indiPueblo Colo and says he has al- made public December 10 cated that the placing of the postal ways been the black sheep of the baslr service upon a family The first conviction under the new meant an improvement and extensi: and at no distant date 1 liquor law in Davis county was secent letter week when postage cured at Bountiful last Josephine O Day proprietress of the Governors at Gotham Davis County Fraternal club of St New York — The governors of eight of found was guilty violating Joseph states on their special train bearing the law She was fined $299 and senarrived exhibits from their territory tenced to five months in jail cars a short dis- here Sunday morning The party wasa While switching met at the Jersey City terminal by tance east of Echo John Milburn a Committee of city officials business freight brakeman residing in Ogden club was instantly killed by a passenger men and the Rocky Mountain The governors were guests of Wiltrain Milburn did not see the apliam R Hearst at luncheon and sevproaching train of of the Y M a eral A them were guests aged George Taylor where branches Cs they made pioneer of Utah is dead at Goshen The party was entertained speeches General debility was responsible for it dinner Sunday night by John Hays He came to Utah in 1862 his demise Hammond who also Invited officials and in the early days was a home club and the of the Rocky Mountain guard in the Black Hawk war California association and Governor Utah day was celebrated December Dlx of New York 3 at the big land show at Chicago Woman' May Obtain Vote 'Lectures lllustated with moving pictures and stereopticon slides were Trenton N J — Women of New Jerin the two beautiful delivered sey who have been fighting for wohalls of the Union and Southman’s suffrage believe they see vicern Pacific companies on the farmtory In sight and are throwing all in the state ing conditions their strength to the support of Miss who is Utah being entitled to two conMary Philbrook of Newark under the reapportionment gressmen battling in the state courts to gain for Promiact of the last congress and there be- women the voting privilege nent lawyers predict success for Miss ing no regular congressional election Philbrook until the fall of 19x2 the question of a second conof the Appointment Burned to Death Paralytic gressman by the governor will be put Oakland Cal — Alone and helpless up to the state department Mrs Louise Loze an aged woman As a result of swallowing a quanafflicted for many tity of lye two months ago James who has been slowly years with partial paralysis Knowlden Leroy burned to death- Saturday when her son of William J Knowlden from a small oil fire of Salt Lake died December 3 The garments caught stove which had been placed near about secured a child while playing her feet to ward off the cold The of concentrated lye and package body was found by her son when he a small portion of it swallowed and returned from his work The entire plant equipment stock of the Riverdale Canning comTook His Gold Teeth six miles from pany of Riverdale a Spokane Wash — Frank Ogden were destroyed by fire which rancher from Spangle Wash was held out in the canning broke factory up here by two men early Sunday and Sunday night The loss will be at robbed of $120 The robbers noticed least $30000 his gold filled teeth and pried out two It 13 believed by the Salt Lake ofof them alias ficers that William McVey Financier Suicides “Bakersfield Slim’' notorious cracksman and Robert L Burns highwayPhiladelphia — Peter Royd a both man by occupation financier of this pity shot and killed himself state prison murMr from the Nevada Boyd Saturday of the Tradesmen’s dered William A Sandercock at Gar- was president Trust company of Philadelphia which field November 21 recently failed In Pekin— Slil Hsu the Manchu prince who was offered the grand guardianship of the emperor on the resignation of the regent has accepted the Hsu Shih Chang the Chinese post wno council of the of was offered the office guardian declined but the throne insists on his acceptance A telegram from Wu- - Chang says the revolutionaries there are hopeful that the extension of the armistice will result in peace The leaders are full concede to power to the willing premier Yuan Shi Kai provided he of agrees to the entire elimination the Manchus from the central gov- ernment The armistice has been extended until December 21 j Prince Tsai Tao a$d Prince Suun brothers of Prince have contributed 1000 taels each for military expenses An edict was issued imperial Thursday sanctioning the cutting off of queues LZ Salt Lake Wins Congress Salt Lake City — The 1912 session of the National Irrigation Congress will be held in Salt Lake City This information was contained in a telegram from Douglas White publicity director of the Salt Lake Route who at Chiis attending the convention cago to Governor yilliam Spry ThursThis success is the result day night of the effective work of the Utah delegates to the congress now in session at Chicago Penrose Chosen as Counselor Salt Lake City— The first presl and apostles of the Mormon church on Thursday elevated Apostie Charles W Penrose to the position of second counselor in the first presito succeed the late John dency Henry Smith and High Priest James Edward Talmage director of the Deseret museum was called to be one of the twelve apostles Apostle Penof the rose has been Desert News for over thirty years dency Persia Appeals to Americans Washington— An appeal from the Persian people to the congress of the United States for aid and sympathy with Russia in their controversy was threatening their independence read Thursday In the house of repreconsistent asked aid It sentatives with Persia’s dignity and independence The appeal was referred to the foreign affairs committee Cabinet Discusses Problem Washington— For two hours Friday President Taft and his cabinet wrestled with the Russian passport question and at the end of the sesa solution sion it was acknowledged Jews that would satisfy American and at the same time not embarrass or Russia United States the either found had not been $20 Bills new counterfeit a photograph $20 gold certificate production has been discovered by The officials work secret service the officials say is evidently that of an amateur and should be Easily de- Watch Your Washington — A tected Taft Entertains Governors nine western W’ashington — The governors who are making a trip through the east exploiting their reentertained spective states were Thursday night by President Taft at the first dinner of the official season Fifteen Hunored Sheepmen McClure of Nev— S W secretary of the NationestiGrowers’ association men mates that 1500 sheep representing twenty states will attend the here December 14 convention annua Expect Omaha Gooding al Wool Kansas City — A mistrial of the hearing of Dr B Clark Hyde second with killing Colonel Thomas Swope appears probable Made desperate by the sight of his from whom he had been two children separated for six weeks In the court room last Saturday Harry Waldron one of the jurors escaped from the Jurors’ hotel quarters early Monday While Frank Jasper a deputy county marshal who was on guard slept Waldrou pried open a nailed transom crawled through the opening tiptoed to a fire escape and leaped fifteen feet to freedom The entire city police force and a dozen deputies from the county marshal’s office have searched for him His" friends fea since his absence Waldron has suicided He objected to serving when he his dairy was first selected saying interests would not permit his absence Later he was taken ill and and wife for his begged piteously children His wife wrote him daily and he seemed better contented charged H ©lAUMjXSW MAINE WRECEKEO BY MINE Naval Board Finds That Battleship Was Destroyed as Result of an Outside Explosion United States Washington — The battleship Maine which sunk In Havana harbor February 1898 as a result of an explosion was blown up from the outside This was announced Friday by the naval board that has been examining The finding confirms the the wreck report of the original Investigators who made a superficial ‘examination of the wreck soon after the disaster The statement was given out by the navy department in brief Secretary Meyer does not believe it necessary to issue any extended explanation of the board’s conclusions beyond the flat statement that an exterior explosion was resopnsible for the loss of the warship and the lives of many men announced that Secretary Meyer there might be a further statement on the report of the board after it the had been considered presiby dent One member of the board was of the opinion that the report would not be published In full but would files of be kept in the confidential Tp-n- department MURDERED BY BURGLAR Man Shot Dead by Robber Who Had His Niece Assaulted Wash— Chauncey R SimSpokane for County mons head bookkeeper was shot and killed Butler Auditor of hi Monday night in the house brother by a burglar who had attacked Miss Libby Simmons the daughter of A H Simmons Northern Pacific depot master according to the story told by the girl As the girl let herself in the house with a latch key she said she was confronted by an armed burglar who attacked her Her uncle Chauncey entered the house and the burglar then thrust her Into a closet she said ou and locked the door Stepping Into the other room he shot Simmons and fled leaving the body on Uie The girl was a prisoner in t$e floor closet for nearly two hours she said before she managed with her hatpin to shove the key out of the door and then used the pin to draw the key under the door and release herself and give the alarm The declaration that a low form of explosive was used in the outside exthat a plosion indicates a belief and not a dirigible mine torpedo was the instrument of destruction of This only deepens" the mystery of Tragedy Was Warned the destruction of the Maine A mine Iowa— A C Brice of this Bedford to charged with sufficient gunpowder must blow in the bottom of the ship city who was United States consul at said Monday in 1897 Cuba Matanzas hundred several have weighed To plant such a mine and that two days before the battleship pounds neces- Maine was blown up in Havana harlay the electric connections sary for Its discharge would have re- bor he was warned that the vessel of was to be destroyed Upon request quired the services of a number he said pubof President McKinley men licity was withheld Husband and Wife on Jury Pest Grove for Parasite Orange — “We voted togethWash Tacoma — After traveling Washington er from the very first and I guess wa for eighteen months thought Just alike all along" said around the world with her in search of a parasite which would Mrs Gideon Fraser who husband sat three days on the same attack the white fly which Infests the of the United States jury and helped get a verdict Friday orange gr6ves of the bureau of enR S Woglum Meyer Cohen of embezzleconvicting It was tomology department of agriculture ment from the Moose lodge with the the first time a husband and wife has reached Washington coveted prize have served on the same Jury in this state possibly In the country and Life Saved by Penny the couple were the center of attracNew York— A Lincoln penny In thq tion for many who visited the trial left pocket of Joseph Herman’s vest West and South Meet saved him from a bullet through the and heart In a row in a Bronx borough Baltimore Md— The west south met In Baltimore Friday when resort The coin diverted the bullet is condition the governors of fifteen states gath- and though Herman’s ered here as the guests of the city serious from a second bullet wound on his recovery is expected The southerners held a conference the question of immigration to the Mrs Dewitt Acquitted and the westerners who are south Philadelphia— The Jury In the case touring the country came to exhibit the agricultural and mineral re- of Miss Harriet Dewitt of Easton Pa An elaborate sources of their states charged with being the writer of for the anonymous letters that caused scanof entertainment program visitors was provided culminating In dal in church circles In Easton renBelvldere a dinner at the dered a verdict of not guilty There letters all were several hundred Lineman Blown From Pole scurrilous In character Los Angeles— One man was killed Attacks Child Labor Bill the lives of many others were menaced and much damage was done to Washington— Vigorous protest that which began property In a windstorm the bill creating a child labor buThursday night reau In the department of commerce here about midnight and continued Friday C B Jack and labor was unnecessary interferwas blown from tha ence with the home was made Monson a lineman t pole while impair- day when that measure was called top of a Instantly ing electric light wires up in the senate by Mr Borah of killed Idaho ad Morgan a Red' Eagle Berlin —The bestowal of the decoration of the first class oath of the Order of the Red Eagle on J P Morin the announced gan Is officially The Gazette insignia ol Imperial the order was presented to Mr during the Kiel yachting week Cuts Throat on Train in his Des Moines Iowa— Rising seat in a crowded passenger coach Rock Island train on an incoming who claims his horns James Wilson his cut throat Nev is in Caliente He is In a hospital with a razor Woman Slain by Robbers Kan — At an inquest Leavenworth into the death of Mrs Benjamin Grey the aged woman whose body was found buried In the ruins of her horn here Saturday facts tending to show that Bhe was slain by robbers were disclosed Tired of Life Lake City — Tired of life beMrs troubles of matrimonial Cecelia Jones aged 19 wife of Claude suicommitted an engineer JoneB cide at tho home of her sister Mrs Helen Potter in Garfield Salt cause Yale Has Tall Men Railroad Men Pacified Conn— This year's New Haven of the British London — Meetings freshman class at Yale has more tall railroad directors and representatives men than any other class in the hisunion Workmen's of the Railroad man The tallest tory of the college settlehave resulted in a peaceful in the class is six feet six and the ment The companies granted a few average height is nearly six feet minor concessions Wrecks Workings In as Men Are Beginning ' Their Day’s Work Coal Bricevllle TentfOne hundred an4 Saturday seven men were entombed morning in the Great Cross Mountain coal mine as the result of an explosion thq begin They had entered to day’s work when a terrific explosion Three only wrecked the workings have come out alive They had entered a lateral off the main shaft and succeeded in getting Into the open before the flames and smoke caught Polston Lee them The body of operator of the mine fan plant was found burled and mangled under the in the main shaft cave-i- There are three theories as to the cause of the explosion One is that the second powder or dust exploded is that an electric wire came in and the third Is with explosives by that the explosion was caused poor tamping of a drill The mine was thoroughly inspected a week ago by J F Hatmaker who has been Inspector for eight He said there were no gases years in the mine The mine was also inspected recently by an George B Sylvester state mine and a representative of a Inspector which carries incompany casualty surance on the employes of the company also Is said to have reported was in excellent'condition that it URGE BETTER ORGANIZATION for Must Get Together Woolgrowers Their Own Protection Say Speakers at Annual Convention Salt Lake City— Better organization was the plea of the Utah of session at the opening their annual meeting in Salt Lake on 8 December Speaker after speaker to get' tothe sheepmen urged thefr strength gether with all For and otherwise numerically said these speakers the hour impends when the fate of the’ wool InWith organidustry will be decided zation there is a reasonable hope of winning the battle with division and the contention among the sheepmen cause is hopeless they said The attendance was larger than it been at any previous The second and last da meeting was given over al deliberations — a seeki mation beneficial to thd era themselves and dlscu best trail to follow in brii to the American people everywhere that educational understanding of sheep raising which will correct the erroneous impressions that threaten the very life of the Industry hayer DYNAMITERS BEGIN SENTENCE McNamara Brothers Taken to San Quentin to Serve Their Terms Los Angeles — James B McNamara confessed murderer and John J McNamara confessed dynamiter and of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers started from here Saturday for San Quentin penitentiary 501 miles away who blew up James G McNamara the Los Angeles Times building October 1 1910 with a loss of twenty-onlives began on Sunday a sentence of life imprisonment while his brother faces a term of fifteen years for complicity in the dynamiting of the Llewellyn iron works here last Christmas Cowards Calls Congressmen Washington — Characterizing his associates in congress as "political cowards” on the subject of pension legislation Sherand declaring that the wood pension bill is a $50000000 contrlbution Representative Martin Dies a Texas Democrat swung the pension debate in the house of representatives out of Its routine channels for a half hour Saturday afternoon Mr Dies declared that members were not on their convictions the following pension subject but were supporting an increase in pensions for fear of losing their seats Made Sure of Reward Chicago — The murderer of Mrs Kaufman was reported under late Sunday when police officials secured from relatives of the dead woman papers guaranteeing payment of a $2000 reward offered for the capwas shot and ture Mrs Kaufman killed on the north side a week ago by a holdup man who Jumped from au automobile Hattie arrest Leader of Holy Ghost Society Guilty Portland Me — Rev Frank W Sandford leader of the Holy Ghost and Us society was found guilty ol causing the death of six persons on board the yacht Coronet by the Jury In the United States district court Saturday The maximum penalty fax Sandford’s crime is ten years’ imprisonment and $10000 fine Will Meet at Salt Lake Chicago — Salt Lake Utah will b3 meeting place next year of the National The Irrigation congress before adjourning its ninecongress teenth annual convention formally selected that city the Says Soldiers Are Not Needed Denver — Governor Shafroth has rehis statement tnat the I not needed in the northern Colorado fields He based this deon of claration the report Secretary of State James Pearce iterated lltia is |