Show y You’ll make a ’dultery murder won’t you? hell of a reform mayor How’d the people enjoy that?” "Why are you offering me anything If you possess this power and are confident as to your Information? Why don’t you publish this stuff and knock me out without giving me any chance to withdraw?” "See here Gormly It ain’t for you It’s for you to do what to question! We’ve decided that this you're told Is the way this scheme Is goln’ to be worked that’s all there Is to it If we have our reasons for not publishln’ the stuff why they’re ours they’re not yours “Why man all I’ve got to do Is to go down to the district attorney and swear out a warrant to have you arrested for murder We’ve got our fingers on the woman you run away with— and a pretty lookin’ old bag she She don’t want to be is now too mixed up In It but we’ve got hold of her and If necessary she’ll swear that We’ve located several you done It people that wed to live In Camp Kill remember who Devil the circumstances One of ’em said and the woman corroborates it that you wrote an acknowledgment with your own hand sayin’ that you shot up the man and you left It In the cabin Maybe It’a all as we can turn that up too clear as day I don’t really know why I Btay here talkin’ about It any longer except I rather enjoy seeln’ you Bqulrm” “Have you seen me squirm any yet chief?" "No not yet but I can Imagine how you’re feelln’ beneath that Iron composure of yours I’ve had to deal with too many blackguards and criminals not to know that Well” the man threw up his hands laid down his “It’s cigal1 and yawned prodigiously I’ll take that withdrawal glttln’- late and go” It be better for me to “Wouldn’t have my secretary here?” said Gormly “and dictate what I have to say? Let him make a number of carbon copies of It so that we could send It to all the papers” "Well If you want to let your secretary In on this game I don’t see that I’ve got any objections” said the chief Gormly stepped to the door theft VlTII SOME INCIDENTAL TO DIE WOMAN " Cvpias To wnstEiD Brady uvsrMTONS By D£pborn Mavtu cmrmr nmnfofT mt trmrm n w 8YN0P8IS foolish young tenderfoot becomes fascinated with the bold artful wife of a mining drunken prospector In a western town Thav prepare to elope In a blindby the ing billiard but are confronted He Is Bhot by the maudlin husband P1" boy wife but the chivalrous note to the body taking the crime In their flight to the upon himself woman s horse the station railroad the youth puts her falls exhausted on his own and follows hanging to the 'mP‘“" Seeing he is an stirrup strap ment the woman thrusts her escort Into a snow drift and rides on he stumbles Into the railroad station Just as the train bears the woman “way years later this mammGeorge hlew Oormly Is a a Haldane York He meets Eleanor worker beautiful and wealthy settlement with he£ In her work and Oormly becomes owner of a steamship pL'j! line and finds himself and track extension plans by gra“'n“ dermen backed by the Gotham Traction hringd company An automobile accident home Oormthe Haldanes to his country be mayor of ly announces that he will corNew York and redeem he city from The political declaratlonofthe ruption merohant prince produced a tr®JnlJd°h The whole sensation to used dig city’s detective force Is toto be ' up something damaging fayorable press heretofore unanlmously to the merchant candidate hJJ sure divides and the campaign warm A resolution Is linrucd traction a gratuitous renewal of the dol Oormly offers ten million franchise lars for the franchise Miss H“'d“"L5°nl gratulates Gormly on what he new Declaration of Independence olJ°hl: makes an unexpected U8Uta“ He Is” shocked by the contlrmaton the head suspicions that her father is traction and backbone of the notorious to ov company which he Is attempting discovers his throw Young Haldane father’s connection with the ®5thall Traction company and Is and Hal an Interview between Ooimly oireTs hls dane the latter practically to daughter's hand as a bribe forIn Gormly an interOormly refuses withdraw view with Oormly Miss Haldane learns of her father’s baseness though Oormly Memhcrsofthe it vainly tries to hide for whose sake Bing find the woman a murderer and Oormly declared himself decide to force him to withdraw under threat of prosecution A If bo will you please tell me without la what you wantTwbere Inform and incidentally me why you come In plain clothes ?” or come I how mind “Never why I “As come!” said Connell wrathfully to say to I said I’ve got something you"— he paused for a moment— "Mr I’m goGormly If that’s your name ing to say It and you’re going to listen!'’ “Am 1?" said Gormly “You see that He pointed to one of the butbell?" tons In the big desk In the library “I have only to press that to have two men here Instantly The three of us are Quite equal to throwing you out of the apartment and two of us 1 know would be more than willing to 1 think I have bad about do It enough of you anyway” “Well I don’t leave till I’ve had was the my say George Fordyce!” further delay your warrant answer In spite of himself Gormly started howHe controlled himself Instantly ever "You seem” he said coolly enough middle “to have discovered name my for reasons which I dropped that seemed good to me when I came to New York" "For reasons tjiat seemed good to “J you!" sneered the big officer guess they were good to you!” "What do you know about them?” asked Gormly quietly “I know what they were” "And It is to tell me what you know that you came here tonight?” It’s to tell you "Not by any means what you’ve got to do that I’m here" “And what have I got to do?” XVI CHAPTER t — The Chief of Police Visits Mr Oormly On the evening of the second day before the election Connell dressed In unaccomplain clothes and entirely at panied presented himself very late and denight at Gormly’s apartment It was Somes who sired to see him admitted the official Gormly’s estabwas a simple one and the lishment other servants had gone home for the to night’ 'was Barnes knew very well whv-while he Ijad some of the English haawe of the police he had all the tred of a zealous and devoted partisan of hie master Which he certainly was Therefore he refor the enemy to take a Beat quested the functionary Inwhile he carried the request for an “ah(f terview to the library Somes entered the library without a most unusual course for knocking He also took occasion to turn him the key of the door behind him Then he stood at attention In his respectful looked uj English way Gormlywashad and opened Instantly the door his dictation He was had stopped envalet’s the at greatly surprised trance and more surprised when he locked the door but he realized that was up and said unusual something nothing "Beg In pardon sir" began Somes "but there’s a party out the hall wants to see you” “Who Is It?” "He didn’t give him I recognized lice” "Yes any name sir hut as the chief of po- sir” does he want?” "He didn’t say sir" "What was his message?” “Just to tell you that a gentleman — that’s what he called himself to see you” “Where Is he now" "I left him sitting out In the hall but I wouldn’t be too Bure as to where he Is sir He seemed to want to come right In here without permission and that’s why I locked the door sir” "I see" answered Gormly a twinkle "I wonder In his eye of amusement what the chief of police can have to say to me? Well I suppose Td better will you go Into Chaloner see him the dining room and wait until I call Tell the chief to come in for you “What “And If Do This Asked Gormly What Do Get?" “Mr Chaloner” he said “will you from this “You’ve got to withdraw bring your notebook and pencils here? campaign now tonight” Mr Chaloner this Is the chief of po“And how do you propose that I he continued as lice Mr Connell” should withdraw?" the young man entered the room “Set down there and write that for to know you” said Con"Pleased reasons you've concluded to nell business grimly that from the campaign withdraw Mr Chaloner “Will you be seated you advise your friends to vote for and take a statement from my dictaPete Warren the best mayor New tion? By the way” he pushed a butSomes” had that you’re convinced While Chaloner desk and the door Into on ton gathered up his York ever were the wrong In the chargee and letters and that you notebooks pencils has the hall opened Instantly with suspithat Investigation withdrew Into the dining room across you've made It might have been Gotham Freight cious promptness the hall Somes unlocked the door showed you that the thought had any of the party given It that all and Is Traction company right said Gormly stepped out Into the hall and presentany attention “Somes” Sachem society Is equally honorThe servant stepped want “I ly returned He threw the door of the the you” You’ll' know how able and virtuous "Lock the door Into the room library open In great style drew I give you the substance to It had If as put it announced and sure we are be up please so that I may Fancy it up In your own language not been a reigning prince: Interrupted” and words can good You plenty sling “The chief of police of the city of “Now” said Gormly “this gentleas has been proved In this campaign man as you know Is the chief of poNew York!” That’s all you got to do” "To what” asked Gormly suavely lice” if I do this” asked Gormly "And of honor for this the Indebted “Yes sir" said Somes I "am “what do I get?” "He has asked me to dictate a cervisit at this late hour?” "You’H get silence as to your doat the clock as he He glanced tain statement to the people of the r ings years ago" spoke and observed that It was city of New York and I'd like to “Would you mind telling me what have you hear what I have to say and eleven twenty-fivyears witness all that occurs” ’’I’ve got something to say to you my doings were "Yes sir” began Connell bruskly ago?” Gormly” "Are you ready Mr Chaloner?" not” said the chief '’No “I am not aware of any intimacy "Certainly between you reason for concealment "Quite ready sir" between you and me Mr Connell which warrants you in your familiar and me that I can see You ran away "Tonight at half after eleven Address me with with a miner’s wife out at Camp Kill o’clock” began Gormly “the chief of mode of address have or I’ll a in the midst howlin’ of you and Devil Wyo police of the city of New York—’’ respect decency me Into It!” “You needn’t With the wife you took the bring blizzard put out of the house!” “You’d lay man’s' pile product of his “Me!” roared Connell roared Connell sitting up "Will you have the goodness to be toilsome life for a worthless womhands on me an officer of the law in an and you And before you left you silent sir?” cried Gormly "I am dicthe discharge of his—” “Are you come here as an officer of put a bullet Into the man’s breast tating this statement not you!’’ “Well you’re going to dictate what you the law In the discharge of your duty? There’s three counts against I say” thundered the chief' slamming bis big hand down on the desk “or III—" Somes” back there said "Keep Gormly sharply as the man stepped his face aflame "I can deal forward Connell” he continwith the man ued “you are going to sit right there until I’ve finished with you Now said Somes” he “you stand right behind him and if he attempts to get out of his chair keep him down” “You’re assaulting an officer of the law!” roared the chief snapping his fingers ’You ought to be man enough to know that the game’s against you so far” said Gormly "and keep quiet unThen I’ll give you til I get through a chance to talk Are you ready now Mr Chaloner?” sir” was the Imper“Quite ready turbable answer of that most excellent young man "I’ll begin again: "Tonight at half after eleven o’clock Ben Connell the chief of police of the city of New York called at my apartment He came unaccompanied and The object of wearing plain clothes his visit was to demand of me that I as a candidate for should withdraw the mayor of New York that 1 should request the people who had honored me with their support to vote for Warren that I should declare my beof the Gotham lief In the Integrity Freight Traction cotnpany and the purity of the Sachem society of which he is an honored member The means by which he sought to Induce me to take this course were a promise of silence as to certain episodes In my past career and a threat of instant Including a possible arrest publicity If I refused In the presence of my private secretary Philip Chaloner of friend and servant William Somes my and of the chief of police Connell himself I am dictating this state- ment years ago I came to York Since that time my cahas been thoroughly exploited The detective force of the city supplemented by whatever talent could be procured or suborned has had me under Investigation To not one act have they been able to point of which I am ashamed or upon which they could fix an attack "When I came to New York I was nineteen years of age I was born In Vermont I received a common school education from the high graduating school when I was sixteen My father died before I was born my mother at my birth Some small property accruing to me was turned over to me by my guardian on my graduation from the high school I spent two years at sea as a cabin boy and then drifted west finally bringing up at Kill Devil Camp In Wyoming “There I came under the Influence of a woman older than I who thought It not unbecoming to her to beguile and entrap the young eastern tenderfoot who was just entering upon his nineteenth year I was young Inexperienced I fell comImpressionable There is pletely under her Influence something to be said for her poor woman She was married to a drunken brute of a husband a miner a gambler who was not only unfaithful to her but who abused her frightI think my sympathies more fully than my affections were engaged I had a chivalric desire to help her a reverence for boy’s womankind abused and suffering a quixotic spirit of knight errantry of which even now I am not ashamed “I had still some little money left and resolved to take her away from her intolerable life I do not wish to shelter myself behind a ‘woman but I have always told the people of New York the exact truth and I am doing It now We had planned to leave the camp on a certain night and ride south to the Union Pacific That night was the night of the great blizzard of 1882 which is still remembered In the west It was very late when I reached her cabin with the horses The woman was ready for me waiting eagerly In fact Her husband had recently won a small sum of That money she money by gambling "Twenty-fiv- New reer took with her “We had turned to the door to go out although It was almost certain death to be abroad In such a storm when her husband entered the room How he knew or whether he knew what we were going to do I cannot say At any rate he was there He covered me with a gun I was entirely helpless "I worked In a desperate hurry and at last got my hand on the butt of my pistol I saw from the look of his eye that I would have little time to draw It I realized that unless I could man At that InI was a doomed stant there was a flash and a report after the In the room Immediately man pulled the trigger of his own He pistol but the bullet went wild sank down on his knees and fell back I dropped my own weapon and dying There was a hole in bent over him which the blood his breast through was oozing” "Who shot him?” growled the chief who had been listening with the greatest absorption to the narrative “The woman shot him” answered “But you need not put that Gormly Let It go as I have in Chaloner dictated It" He resumed to his ste- nographer: "There was nothing that I could do It was more than ever for the man that we get away In pity necessary I tore a blank leaf for the woman from a hook and wrote upon It that I We left that note had shot this man Into the on the body and plunged cannot convey the Words storm We frightful nature of the tempest became separated In the storm through no fault of mine CONTINUED) (TO BE h New Train Service via DENVER & WITH Burlington Route Rock Island Route Missouri Pacifiic THREE FAST TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO TWO EIGHTH TO ST LOUIS THREE NIGHTS TO NEW YORK TEA INI DAILY Pullman LAKE FBOM SALT 8:10 a M a nr 4:30 p T:10 p m 8:15 GRANDE RIO IN CONNECTION St Louis and Tonrist to Sleeper of and Chicago cars without change For further inform aitou aeaW MForney local agait or address L A BENTON O A P D Salt Laks Ut F A WADLEIQ B 0- P A Denvar Colo as Why not say Hello to them? to talk to you over Better have it put in friends all want Your the ’ohone With a Sallna telephone In your bomt yon ean ron trranda go (hopto without leaving home Yon will enjoy tha oonDios do buaiu waek vtwloaee Why net have it? Get comeoted thla earning COMPANY TELEPHONE SAUNA SAUSAGE Fresh and Fine used Like Mother- to make Choicest line of and MEATS GROCERIES r rout The White (LONG V G Leather GoodsHarness Shop and Shoe - Store Horso Blankets Tents and Wagon Covens and Harness Saddles Wi want your full Hne of Man’s and Boys Dress and Work Shoes Drop in and look Our goods an the best and our pries the lowest our Hne and be convinced everything in LUMBER a trade over LUMBER Plaster Portland Cement and fine line of Builders Had ware Nephi a Phone Windows Moulding Doors Johnson-Ameso- 1 6 Black Lumber Co n not? Use Electric Lights Why the light to see your way clear by That’s Sec Manager Sevier ziz Manson Light and get wired Be Power & Milling ZZZ3L:: Co- - :zzz Emmett Robins PROFESSIONAL EMfttters Succeed when everything else foils and female In nervous prostration weaknesses they are the supreme remedy as thousands have testified FOR KIDNEY LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s Notary Public RICHFIELD T1TIIIM1 IN GET ACQUAINTED YOUB LAUNRDY BD BRING White Heuse Building TAILORING BATES Lawyer iSPiOT ufEr counter J N BARBER aw (Joiltdiont UTAH Step up stairs over the store and ask the man lie pairs cleans and makes suits August Ericksen re- to |