Show Ever Heard of Community Silver ? It it the highest grade of silver plated knives forks spoons and fancy pieces made in the world It is guaranteed by the manufacturers to wear for years and we back this guarantee We carry all the with our own patterns down to the very newest SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Remington Typewriter for Sale Serial No Style 137018 No 6 1908 Model— Good as New A Bargain at $55 u " WESTERN NEWSPAPER SALT sketch and Harry J Robinson of Patents 304-Send LAKE UNION CITY Advice as to patentability and frocedure FREE upon request description of your invention Attorney at Law and Solicitor Judge Building Salt Lake City Rathersome Some men would rather own an automobile than have nothing to worry them — Chicago Daily News TO UTAH EDUCATORS The Salt Lake Route Utah's most popular road announces many rates ex and dates for east and cursions These excursions include attractive water and rail trips ocean vvoyages and side trips to the Alaska Yukon Exposition and other notable places For the N E A convention at Denver July 5th to 9th all stations in Utah will sell round trip tickets also on many other dates low round trips to Denver Cheyenne Pueblo and Colorado Springs On Way 29th all stations In Utah to will sell low round trip tickets Missouri river Chicago St Louis etc also on many other dates during the summer The round trip to Los Angeles on days especially suited for teachers on their Vacation is $3000 Tick 1ts also sold' returning via §an' Francisco and Portland Ore and good for ocean trip to Portland Every teacher In Utah should call on the nearest Salt Lake Route agent for full particulars or write to Kenneth C Kefr D P A Salt Lake City who will cheerfully give full Information “Steps Along the Path" by Katharine II Newcomb is one of the latest publications from the press of the Lothrop Lee & Shepard Co of Boston In which are stated a few principles which are practical to those who desire to change from the emotional life to one that Is sane and If they are willing to take thelpful Whe 'steps suggested they will find something vital and worth while in every day For Who Could Talk? And yet if all those who lived In glass houses refrained from throwing stones there would be practically no social conversation — Puck Manual of American Literature" gives a concise and very homprehen sive account of our literature from its beginning in coionial times to the A M Theodore Stanton present and with him have la the editor worked members of the faculty of As a compendi Cornell university ous reference book accurate in ma'i ters of fact and thoroughly sound in text for use in as or a scholarship colleges and high schools it should Published by find a warm welcome G P Putnam's Sons New York "A Essential to Matrimony The inhabitants of the Green islands the China sea are largely engaged diving for sponges No girl there marries until she has shown skill in bringing sponges from the depths In some of the Islands the father of a marriageable daughter bestows her the most successful diver — he upon who can stay under water and bring load of sponges— up the biggest Woman’s Life in In BRIGHT NEWS SUMMARY a “reaf Mrs Emily S Nettleton died at daughter" of the revolution Sioux City Iowa May 14 A passenger train ran through an open bridge into Bull creek near Randolph Mo and several tia’rmen arc missing A P Riddle former of Kansas was killed near Saline Kans' May 14 In an automobile accident Fifteen families have been burned out In the Rush lake Saskatchewan district by prairie fires two children losing their lives and others being badly burned Salvator Rizzo fruit dealer who died ’suddenly at his home in Cincinnati having received threatening letters from the “black hand” is believed to have been poisoned A dispatch from Tangier says it Is reported from Megador that a party of American tourists has been captured by natives near Agadir which is the most southern part of Morocco Henry Goodale was fatally burned and his- son Thomas badly Injured at St Joseph Mo by an explosion of gas caused by lightning during the worst electrical storm of the year Rev W G Barber superintendent of the Iowa league announces that the league has decided to abandon the fight for the of constitutional prohibition In Iowa Roosevelt In the current number of the Outlook combats the statement credited to Count Leo the Tclstol that Bryan represented party of peace in the last presidential campaign Wjhile clearing a lot in Burnaby a B C suburb of New Westminster workmen found the body of a woman In an advanced stage of decomposition death having occurred at least six months ago Five persons four girls and a young man members of a party of eight were drowned when a boat in which they were attempting to cross the river at Hackensack N J during a storm capsized Fire accompanied by an explosion of the In the big general storehouse Seaboard Air Line railway at Portsmouth Va entailed a loss of from In to $250000 and resulted $200000 the Injury of four men of Montaur Miss Clara Cooper Iowa was suddenly stricken blind on the eve of her departure for Iowa after a visit to friends in Redding Cal Miss Cooper had never had any previous trouble with her eyes George Hall aged 21 R H Sweet aged 45 Sweet’s wife and four children were drowned in Chippewa river at Eua Claire Wis when Hall's gasoline launch capsized in midstream upon striking some sunken piling The mangled body of James Moore a waiter of Butte was found lying beside the tracks of the Oregon several miles south of Silver Bow Moore is supposed to have fallen from the southbound passenger train In an explosion on the quarter boo No 3 at Codjoes Key about twenty miles from Key West Fla on the Key West extension of the Florida East Coast railway three men were instantly 'killed and twelve badly jured By a vote of 74 to 104 a resolution by Mr‘ Garrett of Tennessee directing the speaker forthwith to appoint a committee on insular affairs to consider the president’s Porto Rican message was defeated in the house on May 13 A large “rat” in her hair saved the life of Mrs Richard Frost in an automobile accident at Jackson Mich Mrs Frost and her baby were both thrown it collided from the machine whei Mrs Frost with a telephone pole struck on her head years a Julius Meyer for many prominent figure in business circles of Omaha and president of the Metropolitan club committed suicide at Hanscom Park April 10 by shooting Despondency on account of ill health Is the supposed cause The war department at Washington has awarded to Amos Weaver of Dunkirk Ind a medal for conspicuous Weaver bravery in the Philippines on November 5 1899 alone routed a hand of fifteen insurgents killing four and wounding several others law August Loss Because his would not plow a furrow the way he wanted it Herman Rabner a wealthy farmer living near Des Moines Iowa shot and killed the young man and Rabner who then burned his body was 70 years of age then lulled himself The Kochnlsche Zeitung semioffiGerman cially announces that the banks will not deliver up deposits of the former sultan of Turkey unless he voluntarily renounces them or a law court orders their delivery to the representatives of the new Turkish go- by “The Philosophy of Stanton Davis Kirkham is evidently designed to show 'how by training and use of the mind it is possible for every one to secure at least a large measure of mental health and phyMr Kirkham’s work sical distances Its competitors In the Held by combining certain qualities which are the condition of ercellence and in the vernment serviceableness practical Rats gnawing at matches In a small chosen sphere of this book the ideas are easily grasped and put Into prac- store at Maturana Mexico started a tice and there is an extraordinary lu- fire The fire reached a quantity of cidity directness and vigor in style gunpowder and the resultant explosion and manner of presenta- caused the fire to spread to other buildstructure Published tion Almost the entire village was by G P Putnam s ings One man was killed in the Sons New York burned explosion Does the World Think? Man is evidently made for thought this is his whole dignity and his whole merit his whole duty is to think as Now the order of thought he ought is to begin with self and with its author and its end Now of what thinks the world? Never of these things but of dancing playing the lute singing making verses tilting at the ring etc of fighting making ourselves kings without thinking what it is to be a king or what to be a man — Pascal IDEA Miss Citykid— Oh Willie wouldn't It be lovely if we could catch one and take it home and tame It? SKIN TROUBLES CURED Two Little Girls Had Eczema Very Badly — In One Case Child's Hair Came Out and Left Bare Patches Cutlcura Met with Great Success have two little girls who have been troubled very badly with eczema One of them had it on her lower I did everything that I could limbs hear of for her but it did not give in until warm weather when It seemingly subsided The next winter when it became cold the eczema started again and also in her head where it would take the hair out and leave At the same time her bare patches arms were sore the whole length of I took her to a physician but them the child grew worse all the time Her sister’s arms were also affected I began using Cutlcura Remedies and by the time the second lot was used their skin was soft and smooth Mrs Charles Baker Albion Me Sept 21 ’08" ‘‘I Potter Drug & Cbem Corp Sole Props Catarrh Cannot ui SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills They aluo relieve They regulate Pill SNAIL Cured LOCAL APPLICATIONS M they cannot reach Catarrh la a blond or eonstt the scat of the disease tut tonal disease and In order to cure It you must take remedies Internal Cure la taken Hull's Catarrh and acta directly upon the blood and mucoue ternally surfaces Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack niedl-cine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years and la a regular prest rlpt Ion It la composed of the best tonics known combined on the with the best blood purifiers acting directly mucoue surfaces combination of the The perfect two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful free suits In curing catarrh Rend for testimonials k CO Props Toledo O F J CHENEY Sold bv Druggists price Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation the SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Signature with Nearly all of the world’s supply asbestos comes from Canada Ion ami Too Hearty A perfect rein-- ' Eating etly for DUzItiena Mao' aea Drowalneao Bad Tante In the Month Coated Tongue Puiu fa the Hide TORPID LIVER Bowels Purely Vegetable- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CAMPBELL of SUB SURFACE PACKERS We are the olo manufactuiXs o( this famous Packer the only one I I I I nl This is the one that you have heard everyone mg about roam® Send for our Special Pamphlet on Packing the best known system for “dry farming” a method of absolutely crops with a minimum insuring humx-rainfall—the salvation of regions This packer is made in two sires with io and 16 wheels is heavy and strong and tho frame is made to carry all the extra weight needed Ask for Catalog No 87 j Boston Parlln fi Orendorff Co Work for the Young Man There is a place for you young man and there is a work for you to do Rouse yourself up and go after it Put your hands cheerfully and proudly to honest labor A Spanish maxim runs: “He who loseth wealth loseth much he who loseth a friend loseth more but he who loseth his energies loseth all” Ore CANTON ILL Spokane Wash Utah Co Sslf Lake City Utah Burton Implement Co Ogden Utah Richfield Implement Co Richfield Utah Snake River Implement Co Burley Idaho Portland j 8 jte :: & to Mothers Important Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought David said that all men were liars and he might have added that some men work at it overtime W N U Salt Lake City No The Reason Make and Sell More Men’ $301 and $350 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacture is bscauss I give tbs wearer the benefttof t Aw most complete organisation of trained perts and skilled shoemakers in the country Theselectionofthe leathers for each part of thw iboe and every detail of tho making in very" is looked after by tha beet Bhoo department could skew' makers in tbs shoo Industry If you how carefully WL Douglas shoes arenadeu you would then understand why they their shape lit better and wear longer thaw any other make My Method of Winning the Soles maket them War Flexible and Longer Wearing than any other Shoes for JBvcry Member of the Family M lanes and Cbllilreio Meu Hoys Women For Hale by shoe doalera everywhere flone without W L Pong! PAIITIftllV UAU I lUils name genuine and price stamped on bottom Pant Color t’alilugue Hailed ) exclusively w L Dotuud 101 hpahu thkkt imoutioN bass TOILET ANTISEPTIC - NOTHING LIKE IT FOR TIIP Paxtine excels any aentifrico II in cleansing whitening and removing tartar from the teeth betide destroying all germ of decay and disease which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do Paxtine used as a mouth TUC I IllUU I II wash disinfects the moulb and throat purifies the breath and kills the germ which collect in the mouth causing sore throat-bateeth bad breath grippe and much mchnwawinflamed tired act FYFQ when and burn may be instantly relieved and strengthened by Paxtine Paxtine will destroy the germs PATARDN 11 II II that cause catarrh heal the inflammation and stop the discharge It is a ' for uterine catarrh remedy Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful germicidedisinfe3ant and deodorizer Used in bathing it destroys odors and leaves the body antiseptically clean mt TPrjIl Whert thousands of women say that they have been cured of their ailments by a certain remedy does this not prove the merit of that remedy ? Thousands of women have written the story of their suffering and have told how they were freed from it by Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound — for thirty years these reports have been published all over America Without great merit this medicine could never have gained the largest sale of any remedy for woman’s ills — never could have become known and prized in nearly every country in the world Can any woman let prejudice stand between her and that which will restore her health ? If you believe those who have tried it you know this medicine does cure Read this letter from a grateful woman then make up your mind to give Mrs Pinkham’s medicine a chance to cure you Brooklyn X Y — “I am a firm believer in Lydia E Pink-liamVegetable Compound I was a great sufferer from organic female troubles for years and almost despaired of ever being well again I had bearing-dow- n pains backache headache and pains in my abdomen and tried Mrs Pinkham’s Compound as a last resort Tho result W'as astonishing and I have used it and advocated it ever since It is a great boon to expectant mothers I have often said that I should like to have its merits so that women would thrown on the sky with a search-ligread and be convinced that there is a remedy for their sufferings “My husband joins me in its praise He has used it for kidney trouble and been entirely cured”— Mrs E A Bishop 1915 Atlantic Avc Brooklyn X Y For 30 years Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine Made exclusively from roots and herbs and has thousands of cures to its credit La- - Mrs Pinkham to write her guided thousands to Address Mrs invites all sick women for advice She has health free of chatge Pinkham Lynn Mass nt TUF FOR FfnilTU tltO SALE AT DRUG STORES OR POSTPAID BY MAIL 50c URGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO B08TON MA8v- “I have been using Cascarets for Insomnia with which I have been afflicted for twenty years anti I can say that Cav carets have given me more relief than remedy I have ever tried I recommend them to my friends' as being all that they are represented” Tlios Gillard Elgin 111 Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe The gen10c 25c 50c Never sold In bulk uine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed 924 or your money back KELIAHIK t’UtlJIFT GoldTfn" (nilit are Silver 1100: GoWft and Silver re tin mullingPlM OfBWr ASSAYS Silver and Copper ?im and bought OGDEN ASSAY CO Gold 1530 Court DEFIANCE STARCH —other starches only 18 the paettagf ounces — name pries 6UPERIOR QUA LIT YV 13 - |