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Money Richfield News J C Crane claims to hare the largest $nd finest belgiao colt in the yelley It weighs 1660 pounds and will easily grow to weigh 14000 It is sired by “I’hessart” and is Ms best product Any writer could get ehough material from the happeings of the week in Halina to write a great play in the line of the tragic or a novel of great interest would be true The Call spares the teilmg - tht It is undefstood will go that Geo W Long igkt on building another Meat xJlIartet and will soon bedoing business at the old stand James Edjyqrdsis rushingthe work (ou bis new building which replacestbe old saloon The men are working at the rear and soon the hanle stucture will dissapear Try a package of Shores roison Wheat to kill gophers squirels field mice Lewis Drug Co Wait for Workman to call with the tad iron ii Rex poultry Tonic is the thing to Get give your chickens and turkeys a package today and begin feeding it 23c and 50c Lewis Drug Co the best in sad irons Workman has Hock Thorough Barred Plymouth bred eggs 50 cts per setting of 15 Mrs Geo Steven3 showed you the sad irons? t Has Better than electricity f - $ Ladies Collar spread ers veil pin® iTeant pin£ ect ect at Lewis Drug Co See Workman about it He will call Ladies pelt pins and belt buckles ta Lewis Drug Co t s Xronv Wait fot Workman the sad man v WANTED:— Ilans Christensen wants He will one thousand live chickens pay lo cents per pound lots' SALE— corner Two fine FOR pply to E MFejton Formaldehyde’ for preventing smut "ingrain 25Ait a pint and 60 ct a pint LewiiLsGg Co s i &71NE DRlVlNd and Saddle Horses trot for sale Well bred ting or pacing II S Crane V f AURORA Tbit it a tbrivinj Seine end bt little town room fora five mile outbwt tkouiend of people Mr and Mrs Willis Jensen had tbs imsfortuneo lose their infant child last Sunday morning it having diec Annual Meeting Tb5 little one of whooping cough A number of rewas buried Tuesday There will be an annual meeting of latives from here wera over for tbs the Stockholders oE the First State funeral Bank of Salina Tuesday June id 1909 12 M (noon) for the election of officers for the ensuing year Alsd for any other lawful business which may come before the meeting There will be a special tneeting to increase also Hit U a Very live tovii of 500 people ami (rowing tr There are the Board of directors from five to cry fay A water system has been installed seven members There is room splendid schools and business houses for two thousand families They can get good land Respectfully A J LEwjs A V Huish Cashier The infant child of Mr and Mrs Niels Hansen died last1 Monday and the parents are grief stricken REDMOND There are quite a number of cases whooping cough in town at presenf and it seems quite bard on the little ones and theye ha3 been three deaths t Jorgensen has been Vis siting relatives and friends in Mayfield fora wegkoiov 9 Have a parly wants to Borrow $600— long time high interest— security four COMMISSIONERS MEET times value of loan Here is a hanoe Richfield May &— The county com to put some of your hioney to work-s- ee me about it missioners filet this week and made the A J Crosier necessary arrangements fop tte holdo of the 8 election on ing Jane special wotm’k Fin rtmtH’ATioN when the proposition of the special tax Office United States La-Salt Lake City Utah for capitol purposes willbe voted April 12 1999 The following are the fudges of To Whom It May Concern:— election appointed: Notice is hereby given that the State Annabella ty N Spafford J M Da- of Utah hps hied in this office lists of lands selected Jby the said State under vis Frastca Anderson 6 of the Act of Congress approvsection Anrofa Willafd Johnson T ll iiad ed July 16 1894 as Indemnity School sen Earley Sorensen n s lands viz: t Burrvillp P R Cfittis M L Burr S4 NEtf Sec 12 T 22 S R 3 E Serial 03198 Alzina Whitehead Copies pf ?aid lists bo far as they reCentral R A Hawley C R Green late tq said tracts by descriptive subdiwood Charles Christensen visions have Wu conspicuously posted Olenwood I S Ilansen J F Jensen in thjs office for inspection by any- person interested and by the public general- H II Bell Elsinore Alma Frandsen Hans Lor 'yDicing the period of publiction of enson Jr J W Sylvester this notice or any time thereafter and Joseph R O lackman E W Hop before final approval and certification kins W E Hyatt under departmental regulations of April Monroe N H Nielsen protests or contests against Thomas 25 J907 thq claim of the State to ahy of the Washburn Oluf Mickelson or subdivisions herefnbefore detracts C C C T Redmond Jensen scribed on the ground that the same is NeHon Jomes Frandsen more valuable for mineral than for agriH Ilansen John Khyl cultural purposes will be received and Richfield noted for report to the General Land W H Robinson D O Office at Failure to Salina D G Burgess J S Jensen protestor Washington contest within the time speciA J Lewis fied will be considered sufficient evicharacter of VermillioD John McMillen A M dence of the the tracts ahd the selections thereof Anderson Peter Dastrup Koosharem Samuel D Brown Alfred being otherwise free from objection will B be approved to the State Helquist John Christensen E D R Thompson Venice Eugene Buchanan G Brug Register tier Charles Cowley Cove Sam Mack ay jr Joseph A Smith William Ml Is KOTICK FOR rniUHMTION — o— —— United States Land Office Salt Lake City Utah Real April 15th 1909 To Whom It May Concern:— Good farth of 65 acres for sale at very by low price for cash Utah has filed in this office lists of List yoUt property for sale with me-- I of lands selected by said State under seccan soon find you a buyer tion 6 of the Act of Congress approved A J Crosier July 16 1894 as Indemnity School lands o viz: NOTICE OF SALE SEif: NWjf Sec 29 foEjf) E'' nWV EKswtfSec 39 T 22 S R 3 E serial 03226 SEMH KWH EH NWX ESTAtE OF SARAH F PHILLIPS 1 2 3 4 Sec 31 Lots Lots 1 2 3 4 DECEASED— The undersigned will sell at private sale 345 acres of land with a Sec 30 T 22 S R 3 E- Serial 03227 Copies of said lists so far as they redwelling house thereon inSalinaSevier late to said rVactS by descriptive subdiCounty Utah' situated in the Northwest have been fconspicuousiy posted quartered Section 25 Township 2i oufh visions this office for inspection by any perRange One West S L M three shares in if the CapitalStockof the Salina Creek son interested and by the public generali Irrigation Company 28 Bhares of the ly During the period of publication of ’apital Stock of the Salina Co op on or this notice or any time thereafter and Hter-th28th day of May 1909 aic andbefore final certiucation approval written bids will be received at the residence of the Undersigned administrator under departmental regulations of April n Salina Utah terms cash at time of 25 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts ' sale or subdivisions hereinbefore described D G Burgess on the ground 'that the Same is more Administrator for mineral than for agricultural valuable Dted May 10 1909 purposes will be received and noted John G Jorgehsen for report to the General Land Office at Attorney for Administrator Washington D C Failure so to protestor contest within the time specified HAVE YOU MONEY will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts Perhaps laying idle or drawing Very and the selections thereof being otherlow rates? I can put it out for you at wise free from objection will be aphigh tate with security that will satis- proved to the State E D R Thompson fy you your family your fiiebds or your lawyer— ask about it Register A J Crosier Is I You Are i 4 - v style perfect fit simplicity nnd 40 years Sold in nearly neiirly arid town in the United States ana Mora sold than or by mail direct Send for free tatalbg-uother make legibility every city 9 9 9 9 0 Hats that are riobRy and suits that dompafe With the best that are made anywhere A guaranteed fit and best kind of wear © 9 9 Our ladies under and outer wear Is'always sure to bear The very worst of wear and tear © © © © © Dame Fashion lives and lingers herd All through our spring and summer wear The very best for ladles’ fair V Come ih the store and share The sights and wonders there Once in the chance is fair Yhat you’rVa patron there 1 © : The Salina any McCALL’S MAGAZINE More subscribers than any oilier fashlori million a month Invaluable Latmagazine— est styles patterns dressmaking millinery plain sewing fancy needlewdrk hairdressing cents a etiquette good stofics etc Oqlv year (worth double) including a free pattern Subscribe! or send for satuple copy today' INDUCEMENTS WONDERFUL to Agents Postal brings premium Catalogue nnd new Cash prize ofleis Address" 238 to 248 W 37th St NEW YORK loaned Texas & I FIRST STATE :B AN K OF SAUNA Salina Utah —o OFFICERS N E SnelL President A J Lewis A s tr ' 4 V Iluigu Cashier i 000-0- CAPITAL STOCK ' Drafts drawn on all the principal cities ot the United States and Eunop per cent interest paid bn time deposits J5®“Four Slogans Ut”jfNO IScTFRMA' 10 GBANDE KsiFHEE Sewing Machine runs lighter than any other LIME Oliif Jeppson to Jasts longer than any other supply- the public prepared wilh the finest kind of Lime al See hitn very reasonable prices - Liai if than any other canyon RIVER easier to operate than any other traEE- more perfect - makes a 6titch than any other WANTED XFMEE World grandb CANYON WHEEL glenwood OF GARDEN ' h ai less vibration than any other m WAGON CANYON WFEBE lb A panorama of natural beavty all the way A beauty spot in every mile EAGLE is more beautiful - GAP springs TIIE GUNNISON OF THE GODS MANITOU SPRINGS THE ROYAL GOROE PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS To Denver St Louis and Chicago Trains leave Salina Northbound to:5la m Southbound 2:31 p m( E M Pry ton- Local Agent Vhert Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper the beet of all combined in one is f REt Those wanting permanent work should apply at ode e at MACHINE CO SEWING CHICAGO ILLINOIS- :t Sold by Salina Co-o- p by acting The Cough Syrup that Lds the Bystem of a cold as a Cathartic oa the bowels ia 60 YEARS ixPEBitNer f‘ Vf "fyw a Trade Marks Designs : LONG TIME EASY PAYMENTS RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES WANTEU The tTackgoU Lofiii Store p ! o ON REAL RESTATE Co-o- “Brown’s In Town” C’aniuli ' Port Worth the runj others follow on the walk We have all there is in merchandise and win our way on merit men Steams THE McCALL MONEY leack oil The is McCall patterns Celebrated fat f 9 of Reports from elder Louis Brinholf who is laboring in the AarhajS conference Denmark are to the effeci that he is doing well an in the best ot health Hats waists and Skirts at Caroline Christensen's store A son” was born to Mr anil Mrs MoronlPoulsen Sunday night at Home Here TkUst Co Jackson Mississippi AXTEiLLjUTAH r" Investment Co Gunnison Utr CoFVRISHTS &fi Anyone lenitlns a ekeich mid dencrlntlnn may ulckly ucertnln on Opinion free whether an furmitlon probably patentable Cynimnnlea on Patent tlon atrlotiy confldaiitlaj lentfree Oljlert faoyJoaecurlii pateuU Fatente taken fbroeh Munn A Oo rec(y tpeeial notice without eaaree lathe : Scientific JlttRilcait Iareeet elf handtomoty illustrated weekly Term $3 a dilation of any intention Journal L Sold by all newidealara year: four month A w0iBrvdw m f It Wuhlngtou York D C 6ses fs tbS original laxative cough syrup iio opiates gently piovea contains the Dowels icarfying the cold off through' the Guaranteed natural channels to ' give tatiaf action or money refunded ' - r FOR SALE BY LEWIS DRUG j © |