Show THE SALINA By C SALINA N LUND - UTAH STATE CALL $ Will Jr - E OF TO GO TO PRISON UTAH Led Condemned Man into Trap and Then Fired Two Shots Into His Body After He Had Been Stricken Down NEWS The convention of the Utah Pos- Bandits Turn Engine Loose After association will be held In Looting Car and Cause Wreck Salt Lake City on May 27 and 28 Twelve Being Injured Tacoma Wash — The victim of an W D Kimbrough a vendor of fruits the and vegetables dropped dead on alleged conspiracy entered into between his wife and Charles F Newstreets of Salt Lake death being due comb a laundry wagon driver Marto heart disease Four or Five Men Were In the Party tin Kvalshaug 31 years old was shot Leslie Fuller who admitted forgIt Being Reported That They Sedown in cold blood about midnight ing a check for $750 on an Ogden cured at Least $20000 for Saturday Just after alighting from a business man has been sentenced to Their Night’s pWork street car That the killing was the three years In the state prison result of a carefully arranged plot Sprlngville has at last secured the was evident by an alleged confession — hold-uof In Wash the Spokane long desired state fish atchery which of both Newcomb and Mrs Kvalsis to be located on Spring creek The the Great Northern passenger train 3 between No Colbert and Mead haug In his statement to the police hatchery will have a capacity of said that he had stationed shortly before midnight Saturday iNewcomb fry twelve persons were Injured himself at a point where he knew The house in Salt Lake City in night W’hen the engine and mail car run that Mr and Mrs Kvalshaug would which Maud Adams the celebrated pass on their way home from a dance actress lived when a baby has been ‘wild” down the track by the bandits He held a rock in his hand torn down to make room for a mod after they had rifled the mails co- and when the couple were opposite llided with the remaining cars of the ern building him reached out from his concealenbandits The detached the train Elmer Burtner a single man 23 and mail car from the train ran ment and struck down his victim years old employed in the Daly West gine tae track a considerable While Kvalshaug was writhing on the mine at Park City was accidentally them down distance and then after the regis- ground Newcomb commandedand the he caught in the shaft while descending tered mail had been woman to go away he says opened sent the for work and instantly killed into the back to collide with the stand- then pumped three shots The campaign Inaugurated by the engine man’s body Mrs Kvalshaug prostrate cars then picked up the revolver and fired Commercial Club of Salt Lake City to ing The conductor saw the wild cars two shots into her husband’s body raise $150000 with which to liquidate down the track at the rate Newcomb blames Mrs Kvalshaug for lae debt of the local x M C A has coming an hour when (the killing stating that the plot origof twenty-fivmiles come to a successful conclusion were a considerable distance inated In her brain He said that the they A Governor Spry has appointed C away and he and one of the train- murdered man’s wifa even led her Hlckenlooper of Ogden to member men placed a tie on the tracks in husband to the side of the road fehip on the board of directors of the an endeavor to assailant was hidden in orstop their wild fl’ght whereto the UUh State Fair association make the attack more simple der in the The engine and car were partly place of F J Hendershot resigned the tie into but plunged stopped by MARSHALL DISMISSES JURY The new law passed by the last leg- the standing coaches islature requiring an autoist to take When the train reached Colbert Utah 'Jurist Upholds Charges of Misout a state certificate or license be- some to had be done switching conduct in Oklahoma Land Cases came effective on May 11 The law WKiile the engine crew was busy afj Imposes a fee of $2 for registration Tulsa Okla — Upon motion of the the work two men suddenly appeared The new law regarding divorces in in the cab of the engine and thrustgovernment Judge John A Marshall Utah went into effect on Monday May ing a revolver against the body o of Utah in the United States court 10 dismissed the The new law prevents remarriage the engineer ordered him to do asi here on Saturday of divorced people within one year af- commanded grand jury impaneled May 11 to reinThe engineer and his fireman vestigate ter they have been granted a divorce the Muskogee town lot The car was coupled on to A mysterious robbery case In Salt obeyed Judge Marshall upheld and it pulled out After the fraud cases the Lake City in which a number of ar- traintrain had prooeedd a few miles the the government’s contention that the ticles of jewelry of value were stolen engineer was ordered to stop and he Jury had been subjected to improper has been solved by the confession of a and his fireman were forced to dis- influences The motion to dismiss the jury was made because it failed boy who admitted that he mount from the cab bad turned poarch climber Two of the four or fire men that to find indictments against C W TurM F Following a newspaper were seen then went to the aoor of ner and W T Hutchings Cunnigham the mail car and ordered it to be the dismissal Judge Marshall orderman was assaulted by a highwayman Their command was obeyed ed another grand jury of sixteen men In on while way opened his Ogden Meanwhile two ordered all witalso by the mail clerk Marshall Judge work home from his being so other bandits were with the engineer nesses subject to the call of the badly beaten about the head that he and fireman who were uncoupling the court tnay lose the sight of one eye mail carfhtfi the locomotive from A Salt Lake woman who has filed a OHAFtGED WJTft FRAUD v m i MINER th§ rest 6w fe Jl rain suit for divo’rce frim herhusband aP Hastily climbing into the cab the Jeges that her husband wrapped her outlaws opened the throttle and dash- Nevada Company May be Prosecuted In a blanket and tried to set fire to ed down the tracks — how far is not for Evasion of Bullion Tax As soon as the conductor the blanket with matches but failed known Reno Nev— In recommending to J to get rid oi his spouse in this man- was aware that there was a hold-Usheriff of Esmeraldo he ordered a brakeman to the rear of F Bradley ner to prevent a collision and county that he levy an arbitrary asthe train Pawnbrokers of Ogden have been he another brakeman cut the sessment against the Pittsburg Silver had notified that unless they conform with telegroph wire and send word to Spo- Peak Gold Mining company for bulthe provision of the statute passer kane A th’ird member of the train lion taxes for 1908 and the first quarby the last legislature requiring them crew was hurried to the station with ter of 1909 State License and Bulto make daily reports of leans the news lion Tax Agent J F Haley in an open handled to the sheriff they will be It is reported that the bandits obto that official dutlines alleged tained a large sum of money from letter prosecuted amount being discrepancies in the statements of the Will Outzon had a narrow escape the registered mail the company that may result in a great from injury at the Jumbo plaster mill placed at $20000 scandal and posibly form the basis at Richfield His shirt sleeve was JAPANESE STRIKERS STAND PAT of criminal prosecution He prr:tl-callcaught in one of the conveyors and charges that the company has hi3 from him saved In Are of Five only strength Out Them Thousand under guise of Incorrect and misleadto death His clothes being crushed Hawaiian Islands ing statements of production and net were torn from his body mine at Blair Nev Honolulu — With no prospect of re- profits of the Charles Staples a colored race foavided the navment of thousands of llower was shot by Clarence Ernest ceiving recognition from their emdollars of bullion tax to the state 5000 the Japanese plantat’on colored who runs a cigar store in Og- ployers den death resulting the following hands on strike in the Hawaiian isChanges Gun for Pen but firmly standing Nairobi British East Africa — Theday 'ihe shooting was the result nr lands are politely are pat and quietly awaiting developa disturbance in Ernest’s started odore Roosevelt who is at present ments place of busines by Staples the guest of George McMillan at the The plantation strike in the islands Ed Wright a teamster came near Juja ranch whither he repaired from rehis camp at Machakos in the Atihi meeting death by drowning in Ogden which was begun May 10 was the river last week when he drove into sult of a determined and long standi- river district on Saturday spent his the river to wash his wagon the ng agitat’on on the part of the Jap- first day at the ranch in his room horse wagon and driver being carried anese laborers on the sugar estates resting He however began work on down stream and eseaping from thf for an increase of wages from $10 to a series of articles describing his ad$2250 a month high waters after a desperate fight ventures up to date Mr Roosevelt unPlanters’ association The Sugar has found time to visit parts of the of two and After a weeks the Ogden sugar factory wittingly brought about the agitation McMillan estate and to discuss the with Japanese prospects of sport with S F Selous has resumed operations in its osmos- by flooding the islands workmen toward the close of last) the well known English hunter and was caused ing plant The his host year by the lack of water while the annual cleaning of the canal was in progress Telegrapher Blinded by Explosion of Injured In Wreck to have stolen and cashed Claiming Bottle of Coffee Kansas City — Two persons are exa draft for $250 in Seattle in 1907 Indianapolis — “I am badly burned pected to die and thirty-fivothers V Tucker sought refuge from a and A was a message blind” slowly are more or loss seriously injured as troubled conscience behind the bars ticked in the railroad a result of local Chicago & Alton cf the Salt Lake City jail His story office at Ixtgansport Ind passenger train No 14 being derailed was believed to be the result of a dis- late Saturday night from G E Frazel two miles east of Odessa Mo Satj eased mind and he was released from an operator in a block tower near urday Only the engine remained on custody Marion A freight train was ordered With his right arm torn off at the to stop at the place and the crew the track the tender combination elbow by a separator machine at the found Frazel suffering terrible agony1 baggage and passenger car and two passenger coaches being derailed So Ogden Steam laundry Frank Harris from burns He had been scalded by far no explanlion of the wreck has aged 18 bandaged the wound rode to the explosion of a bottle of coffee he been found It has been learned that on the oper- was heating on a stove and had felt the front wheels of the tender were the hospital and climbed ating table where the arm was ampu- his way to a key to call for help the first to leave the rails tated between the elbow and the 6houlder Chose Life of Dishonesty Laborers on Banana Plantations Start National banks of Salt Lake on Wash — Swearing that he Seattle Trouble April 28 according to their report sub- would never earn an honest living at exists Washington — Trouble mitted to the comptroller of the cur- Iarry Kelly known as “King of the Blueflelds on the east coast of Nicarleft the Confederate agua and the gunboat Marietta now rency under his call held deposits ag- Smugglers" surrender at Appogregating $8399352 and had loans army after at Porto Cortez Honduras has been and discounts of $G 999 003 The mattox Kelly says he has kept his directed to proceed to the scene The amount of gold coin in their reserves word will now approaching his difficulty which has been attended lie was $1235605 seventieth birthday start serving anwith serious disturbances apparently K other Responses received by John prison term He must serve one has been between the laborers on thej Hardy private secretary to Governor year in the United States peniten- controlling the export of the fruit William Spry indicate that the pub- tiary on McNeil’s island for smug- - banana plantations and the interests lic institutions of the state will be gllng He had Just finished serving and from reports at hand Is believed able to assist greatly iu the work of a term when he wras arrested on the to have had its inception over the furnishing flowers for the national en- present charge question of wages J campment of the G A R to be held in Salt Lake City tmasters’ t Victory for Premier Clemenceau and Cabinet in Controversy With Government Employes Strikers Declare Rebuke of ths Lawmakers Will Only Serve to Bind Closer Their Forces and Predict an Extension of the Movement chamber of deputies on Thursday ended in another signal victory tor Premier Clemenceau when the government’s policy with regard to the postal strike was emphatically endorsed by a vote of 545 to 59 including also the government’s insistence that the postal employes and other functionaries have no right to gtrike the chamImmediately afterward ber passed vote of general confidence in the government of 365 to Army Officer Who Killed William E Annie Given an Indeterminate Sentence of Not Less Than Eight Years Flushing N Y — Captain Peter C Hains U S A who Was convicted of manslaughter in the first degree for killing William E Annis at the Yach't club last August was sentenced on Monday by Justice Garret-soin the supreme court to an indeterminate sentence of not less than eight yenrs nor more than slxteei years at hard labor in Btate prison John F McIntyre 'Counsel for the defendant made the usual motion for a new trial on the ground that the verdict was against the weight of evidence and also contrary to law Justice Garretson denied the motion In passing sentence Justice Garretson said the defendant had had a fair trial and had been defended by A experienced lawyers Jury had found a verdict commensurate with the requirement of law WOMAN HAD KICK COMING of Portrait Advocate Temperance 159 Used as Part of Whiskey Ad The strikers received the chamber’s — The ease of El'zabeth Washington rebuke with a shrug of the shoulders Peck vs the Chicago Tribune comdeclaring it only served to bind closer pany involving a charge of libel by their forces which would soon startle Mrs Peck the Tribune bethe country by a big increase and a cause of theagainst publication of her pormove of the extension rapid general trait as part of an advertisement InOn the other hand it is intiment dorsing a certain brand of whiskey mated that the government has other has been decided by the supreme plans in view to offset any serious court of the United States in favor of Mrs Peck against the company Jusgrowth of the strike Premier Clemenceau coolly concludtice Holmes announced the decision ed the existing session with the dic- of the court tion that it was a case merely where It appeared from the record in the France must choose between revolucase that Mrs Peck was a resident tion on the one hand and progres- of Iowa and a temperance advocate besive evolution on the other or Her picture was printed over another tween work under republican law and name that of a nurse and she was order and a spirit of adventure calcuof quoted in strong endorsement lated to disorganize and rend the re- whiskey public Noted Novelist Dead PLAN FOR HIGHER PRICES London — George Meredith the novelist died May 18 the imGrain Growers Propose to Eliminate English mediate cause of death being heart the Middle Man failure following an illness which beMo — At the second gan several days previous Springfield George day’s session of the national grain Meredith was born in Hami hire On the ocraslon growers and cattle raisers here on February 12 1828 a to a construct chain of his eightieth Thursday he was plan birthday of warehouses in tershowered with congratulations from of ritory for the purpose holding ail parts of the world and was visited wheat for high prices was indorsed a 'by deputation headed by Anthony At the invitation of the American Hope and presented with an address Society of Equity the farmers promsigned by Algernon Charles Swinised to with that organiza- burne Thomas Hardy John Morley tion and more than a hundred leaders in art letters and scholarship Mr MerTheodore G Nelson national organizer for the Equity Society addressed edith’s first “poems” appeared in 1851 the meeting saying: Five Million Dollar Judgment Sold for Filipinos Present Memorial $525 ' Washington — A memorial presentCincinnati — W II Stanage paid ed to congress Thursday on Monday for the assets regarding $525 the Philippine tariff declares that n of E L Harper that remain in the tariff law for the islands made with- 'court custody as a result of the failout consulting the Philippine assent ure of Harper’s Fidelity "National bly means taxation without represen- bank of Cincinnati Borne twenty years tation The league urges that the ago Among the assets is a court Phil'ppine tariff bill should be amendjudgment by creditors against Hared to include a promise of independper for $5000000 which with Interence for the islands at a definite peest amounts to Harper riod or an amendment made directing who served a term $6009000 in the penitentiary the president to make arrangements on the charge of wrecking the bank looking to the neutralization of the is said to be at present the prrldent Philippine islands when their indeof a $16000000 corporation in New pendence shall be declared York Suspicious of Viaduct Ogden Utah — Some of the fanners who have been crossing the railroad street for tracks at thirty of forty years are suspicious of the Harriman viaduct just thrown open to the public Last Saturday one old farmer drove in from the country When he reached the v’aduct he compelled his entire family to get out and walk across the tracks while he tried the steel bridge' with his team and empty wagon Quite a number have refused absolutely to cross the viaduct with their rigs Charged With Awful Crime Paul — Louise Arbogast the daughter of Louis Arbogast the wealthy butcher who was killed in h‘s home recently was arra’gned in police court Monday morning and later committed to jail on a charge of murder The girl is a handsome brunette and prominent socially among the German residents of St Paul It Inves'iga-t’ois believed she is insane has disclosed that the girl had been a v’etim of fortune tellers and their tales are held responsible for her mental condition Butcher Murdered in His Home St Paul Minn — Louis Arbogast a butcher was murdered In his home His head was here early Thursday crushed and his bed saturated with Mrs Arbogast oil and set on fire whose body is slightly burned tells a story to the effect that she was taking a bath when she heard her daughShe ran to her husband’s ter scream room and found the bed ablaze with Iter husband's unconscious form lying on it Dttectives found an ax covered with blood in the cellar No motive has yet been shown "Adam God” Placed on Trhl Kansas City — Following a motion for a change of venue in the rase of James Sharp known as “Adam God” charged with the murder of a here last fall nine witnese were ar effort introduced by the defense-Ito show that a fair trial could tot be “T1 gengiven Sharp in this court eral impression Is that Sharp is a religious fanatic that he is a cm 't and it is be not?” that he mu4 crizy Prosecut’ng Attorney Conklin asked several times on The reply was usually an affirmative one Iowan Will Open First Saloon in United States Des Moines la— Ths first saloon in the United States will be opened here May 22 Permit to open was granted on Thursday to w’ho A S Kirkhart of Des Momes Kirkcontrols fifteen local saloons hart declares treating will not be tolThe bartenders will induce erated drinkers to accept a substitute for liquor in the- form of buttermilk sweet milk tea coffee and other soft The liquor habit will be disdrinks couraged as far as possibio Jaoanese Poachers in Jail Jureau Alaska — The United States revenue cutter Rush arrived Monday from Sitka with the captain and crew of the’ Japanese sealing schooner Maru which was seized In Redoubt bay May 4 for cruising within limit The alleged the poachers were taken to the federal The Jail where they st’ill remain bonds for each has been fixed at $300 except the captain whose ball is The ekins seized on the schooner are held bv the federal authorities pending the jury’s verdict Girl St old |