Show VOL SAUNA 1Y LOCAL LINE Social Personal IS EXTENDING SEVIER COUNTY UTAH MAY 2) NO 1909 Jan Arrest I WIGHT BLAZE For Fraud Mrs Carl Rasmussen and Frank RasIt has been decided by the U S mussen went to Spring City Frida court that a ne wspapor publish--- r to attend the funeral of their aunt Mrs Go Clawson who died there They returncan arre9t any one for fraud who ed Sunday " tikes a paper and refuses to par for it In The First State Bank of Salina wilt CJuder the la the man who allows hla to ruu along for some pay its second semi annua) dividend ot mbscription four percent on July 1st This and time it discon-inueorders then unpaid The blacksmiths ery that they were well for the institution and tnv Many of the citizens of Salina were or orders the postmaster Anyone looking for a good indica to Call is glad to see it doing well on a dealDastrupselling a half interst tion of the growth of Salma ahould it “refused” and have a postal 9tartled Wednesday night by the cry of Mrs E J Bishop has been down nark to Madsen and ind remained in the Are o'clock twelve and between eleven sent ilad the increase in local subscribers tc from her home tad notifying the publisher leav-a- s in Park City during the Satina Telephone compauy satis himself liable to fine the and a crowd was soon upon the scene shop until seven o’clock Going home visiting with relatives and trends to the addition and The bin for to some evidence matters ame as of theft attending factory to battle with the flames which were they returned and 6tayed until ten at iness The children were along ami switchboard in the local exchange fast working destruction in the busiall are enjoying the visit aight There was nothing wrong wheu which officials of the telephone com ness section ou the south side of Main they left and at a A J Lewis was a business vifitor in quarter past eleven pany found some time ago it would be street but in spite of tbe crowds rushRichfield Wethis week down was ou heard of the fire Their deal had to make going complete they necessary ing work three business houses were to an the act Pursuant last bf and legis retnrning Friday not beeu completed Their loss or April 1st 1908 and the Government dnesday lature an election is called-fo- r the soon in ruins aud a fourth was only ines were added to the service Mrs Crown of Salt Lake mother cl was the heaviest of all ightb day of June next fur the pur- saved by prolonged and heroic work bj Uastrup’s rather of Mrs John The equipment just installed a large bucket brigade Lyman has spent a short pose of voting upon the The buildings as he had a very well appointed shop following ques Western Electric Company manufaot time in Salina visiting her daught-- i iou: Shall the tax rate bo increased burned were the Albert Daslrup black in a spend id building ore and is therefore of finished work- and at Mrs Joseph I’rows’ one Much more might have been destroymill on the dollar for every dollar smith shop iu which the fire started manship in every detail All the latest and tht ed had the wind not been favorable The Misses Pearl and Serinda Jorg- if valuation on all taxable property the Empire Meat Market devices lnown t advanced switch ensen two of the county’s attracts ithia the state for a period of fifteen Wright store These were entirely de- A rain of sparks flew in all directions hoard manufacturing are incorporated stroyed save the stone walls of the and for a time it was feared that more for the purpose olf constructing in it so Salina telephone service shoud young ladies bad a pleasant visit with fears building wherein was the Wright store buildings would have taken fire their mother and relatives this week n1 furnishing a state icapitol be of the best Dean Brown did a good deed which is not opposed to the state This building was tbe property of Mrs Call The Isaao Humphrey 6on of W B HumAlthough the enlarged telephone K MoCleuabn of Mt Pleasant J The proved him to be thoughtful and apitol at all and hopes one will be service is Indicative of the growth of phrey had the misfortune to bretik was a small amount stronger than one would think He But for the edification of the only insurance rected his elbow Sunday morning by lallim Salina it may also be taken as a refleccarried Geo on Mark Meat his to a by barrel Long of get forty gallon tion of the increased popularity of the from a horse while driving the cows oeople it mayis justly baisaii that the et The Ricketts Saloon was saved by managed a block out of tbe way taking oovement gasoline completed practically which is evident all over telephone a scratch C C Nordfelt was in Richfield earl) for Had not a large number of it from the back steps greatly increasing j the assessed men This is particularly true in the week he country worked like trojans it wouid now It is uotfair tq lay all the praise ou attending to some busi- valuation of all property in the 6tate Communities which of ruial lines ness matters the men for the women surely did ben there will tie some taxes We have beu an ash heap heretofore were practicably isolated Thafiock of the Meat Market and their Bh&re in carrying out goods and taxes where be a at to ire point S ought H Kleinschmidt wentto Fngineer arenpw being connected up with town bei raised But that o)Ethe Wright srore was all carristoring them in the street and and cities The country is gradually Logan eatly in tbe wueltolook aftei reduced rather than dach legislature creates new offices ed out and damaged only in tbe handbpcoming a network of telephone lines his work there on street and Ail the ling by Ibis fire will hove a damaging effect laying galore with high salaries and there is This is due largely to the faot that Carl Forshee returned home from Visitors size a town up by he was lost in the blacksmith shop Oi ou Salina lever a thought of eccnomizingon farmers are realizing that they have an extended to Idaho having this Meat tbe Market and its Main street trip That street will look building officials Never But in little pay of had an exaggerated idea of the cost of gone there to look over the country — insignificant ns the publica- there was hardly kindlings enough left pretty had now rubbish from hiogs not a telephone service and that it is to start a fire of the flie three good official of election years ago on the north Miss Annie Gottfredson of Circle ville tion of the notice a luxqry'ks he originally believed InNumbers claim to have seen the fire aide has just beei faiyly cleared away be the most rigid economy must was a there Salina visitor in week the early it stead he is finding that in reality so there is some doubt ou that and tnere is still one eye sore there To save five or six dollars to seeing seme of her relatives squander first increases his net iocometo an apprecl score At aoy rate' itwsr:‘fi a big The south side looked had before but able extent?Lfter Miss Ruby Stevens returned from j herwise halftbe people are kept in" repaying the ex sight nqw unless k njust it will be e frightful ignoranciof the election ‘ dmipenSelfieurrSd by its installation and Brigbam cityJSunday jbere f T' I clewed way 'Arid t b Av g i e t L w— n t'J Vt ijVtrt t s "and Rut ite'mainteuarice— cosf She" the which been teaching' school- of feels 'well mk the to vote the tax in order leaving them were attracted to the blocks bqilt up again people amounts to but a small summand the and had a fine time She has been enhat the state may have a capital build scene and the telephones sent out the It will soon be in order for the peoso convenience great that but few will gaged to teach in Salina next year ing alarm Those there first say the fire ple to organize a volunteer fire deo be without the service Twelve new blazed np from the southwest corner partment and get some paraphernalia The Brown corner lot adjoining the instruments have been installed in the of the shop to work with Call office was sold this week to P iast two months and the exchange now Madsen for nine hundred dollars 90 The instruments reaches service A After Laving given hundreds of dolover two years ago this lot soln little is good the opera ors are obliging and for lars worth of free space to a business $350 this spring it sold for $G00 Self-Heating concern worked for it and begged for painstaking an$ the company does and now for $900 everything possible to fare for its patronage for it it is tear compelling Allen Searle was tried not as expectto see it go el&where with its business patrons ed on the l&th inst The cas? was In doing this tfle houses violate the The Committee on Railroad Rates and postponed at the request of the at- very principal wLflcfl they are Sad Ir n trying Service of the United Commercial Clubs — Uqe the deal torneys and a date fia9 not been set io teach JTast now there are now two of iron two big v8hing9 with it— use Sanpete Sevier and Piute counties but the teaming will come up before houses build trying to appointed at the recent meeting of the It every day on the fine things you do them the coDyeuing of tbe district ponrt on elves into the clubs met at Ajarysvale pn up yourself— in the sewing room for publicconfidence so May 18atthGunnison 1909 and organized by the pressing-ir- on June fitb The young maa has beeu Meet-jnhoroughly ihat they can always main thing from the election of A J Crosier of Salina as considerably put out and on account lain their business odds chairman and E White pf heaviest bedspreads to the baby’s lace William against any of not knowing aoy date cannot get hie But if all cap people did all there business Marysvaleas secretary witnesses here although be bag them oat of townwiere would IRON m COMFORT An informal discussion follewed as to they the bus in plenty Now set for the 2$ the proper attitude the committee and —away from the hot kitchen in the mess people get on? Fail of course on tothe potch— out under the should parlor— Stav assume friend and best people Stevens represented hae your sold bis resyour get by fine George -idence to Mr and Mrs Charles Henry friend’s help Any number of firms in wards the railroads and the consensus trees without an extra step No more ne U S are paying ten thousand dolof opinion was that the railroads are not walking back find forth for hot irons Gates for the sum of two thousand The town council met in special sesThen if you think you can do with public enemies organised and operated dollars The deal hast been completed lars a word for display advertising sion Mondgr evening and transacted to despoil and pluuder the people and out it return it at our expense but it will be some little time before Don’t say it does not pay some important business The first The Ideal therefore entitled only ta the apposiSad Iron of occupancy can be made as a matter was the acceptance of the resi- Mrchange Mrs Willis Ivieha9 been over from tion and abuse of the public but that burns four hours on one filling of and Mrs Stevens have to build out gnation of councilman Geoige Stevens ou the faym Charles Henry and wife Eureka during the week She came they have been are and must continue It costs less than one cent a He explained that as he was about to factors in the day Ycu can regulate its heat instantlwill have one of the best homes in over on some business matters and to to be indespensable move out of the town limits on the look after her residence property She growth and development of this new y— something not possicle with an town farm he froqld not be able to attend to and WilUs are doing well in Eureka and its splendid resources and electric flat iron country A fine baby boj was born to Mr and His successor will be the business The Ideal treatto fair Sad Iron is Three of Satina’s lady teachers have are just as much entitled Mrs John Ewls Monday Mother and regular meeting appointed at the safe— we guarantee it It is for their summer vacation ment as are the people whom they serve absolutely departed was had in re child doing cicely A lenghty discussion That in the development of a new simple— nothing to get out of Tne Misses Rlliot Hunt and Lasley lation to the plans to be followed to built to last a lifetime Miss Lily Christensen is employed They went Monday Miss Lasley goes country the true and best interests of obtain money for the completion of The Ideal the railroads and the public are largely Sad Iron is The plan has been as bookkeeper in the Salina Meat Mar- to California Miss Hunt to Yellowthe water system and eaoh is entitled to a square invaluable In travel It packs mutual s Rex ket Barnard is there and Miss to and stone park clerking Elliot her home deal from decided on and a mass meeting has not spill— carry it filled for use ths other and that the comin Pennsylviania It is very good to been called for Monday evening next learning the business mittee should pay no attention to general It is ready in an instant— and by takknow are back all coming that they At this meeting the at the R S llali Mrs Gustaf Johnson has Bpent the denunciation faultfinding and carping ing off the top you can heat water boil needed and more of their plans will be submitted to the people week in Spring city visiting relaives They are all criticism of the railroads but act only as eygs etc good work in the teaching line will and a discussion bad mediator in cases of specific grievance Mrs A J Soott went to Texas Tues- benefit the commnuity Every taxpayer in Salina should atMiss Alvilda Nielsen who has beeu to look after some business mat supported by sufficient proof day tend this meeting It will be to their ters which she and evenThe held meeting The chairman was instructed to com- living with the Call family for five Sunday peace husband took her Interests a months has gone eut home to the upon themselves when they were down ing wa9 quite successful affair and it municate with the D & R G Railway o is assured that there will not be anyShe is very competent and and request the establishment of a com- farm there recently The mon point rate in the Sanpete or Sevier careful in household affairs and she thing like open war in Salina Mrs A J Lewis has so far recovered program a9 published last week in Valley and the secretary was instruct- shall always have a goqd recommend ered from her severe illness as to be these columns was carried out and the ed to notify the clubs and the public of from here up and about She was out for the house was filled to overflowing the counties named that the committee Mrs James Colby has been someMay destroy your home your corrals first time Wednesday I will insure them or Btacks anytime Sheriff Abbott of Richfield was in was prepared to entertain and act upon what 111 of late and has been nndjer the Lehi Peterson sr had a severe attack Salina of specific grievaree against rail- care of a cases in the best company on earth for mnon week this Tuesday and Wednesphysician less than you think it will cost just of heart trouble one day this week While here he had road ratts or service and hear sugges' ask the day on business A J Crosier E M Peyton traveling agent for tbe price and see Commissioner E W Crane was in a young man of town arraigned on a tions for betterment of same Fe Sante spent a short time In Salina A J Crosier Chairman Richfield during the week attending cnarge of grand larceny upon comLots of local news on page five this week W E White Secretary The preliplaint of A A Nordfeldt n T Wright returned from Idaho the special session of the board In as much as Decoration Day Falls vas set for the 28 Miss Olga Christopherson enter- minary hearng early in the week After an extended The 9 bool faculty for next year is on a Sunday this year it is announced A fine baby boy arrived at the home stay there in the employ of the Mer- tained the teachers of the public the celebration will be held cu that now with the of complete exeception of Mr and Mrs Warren Shepherd last cantile Co He traversed quits a sec- schools last Thursday evening at her tbe principal Miss Sauer has been ftt’Jrdy T G Humphrey was an week tion and was much impressed with the home engaged to take the place of Mr Bish- pointed chairman ot a committee to country M 89 Hattie Burns returned home Emmit Robins the barber was ill op and Ruby Steven9 will teach the get up a celebration FOR S The other teachers have Rev Hanks will preach at the chap- from Beaver county yesterday wher tbe fore part ot the week and for sev- beginners harness and wagon has she the eral taught been mentioned- schoolduring Time or cash See John days was not able to be at work year el Sunday evening Telephone An To Growth Of The Town In-(le- x Three Business Houses Down To Ruin Fire Of Wednesday Night Tax Election A Reminder Committee On Try This Rates Meets Iron COUNQILMEET Calls 'Mass for Monday Night net - Fire Els |