Show MINES AND MINING T NORTHWEST NOTES NEW LIFE Obtained AND STRENGTH Through Proper the Kidneys Action Ask Your Drugeilt for Allen’s “I tried ALLEN'S recentand have just bought another supply has cured my corns and the hot burn-iand itching sensation in my feet which was almost unbearable and I would not be without it now— Mrs W J Walker Camden N Sold by all Druggists 25c of ly It Governor Charles E Hughes of New George Wingfield and associates have secured an option on the big York has formally accepted an- invlMrs Josiah Straw 526 N Broadway to visit the Nevada Hills property at Fairvlew J” “I suffered exposition He will comelate in July Canton So Dak says: Nevada or early In August for some time with Two Ways Under the law passed “Does Visits Missouri and Also shot Mrs Gabby disseminate Twister and killed rheumatic pains in Orville Kyle who the famous by the last legislature Oklahoma Ten Being Killed and limbs and was cumjacent Information?” coal camp at Hanna Wyoming will1 John Wilkes manager of the Cow 'No she doesn't she Just gossips weak and languid Scores Injured in Three States soon be a dry town as no new liquor Creek Sheep company at Wamsutter The irregularity of about the neighborhood" license will be Issued except in in- Wyo about three months ago has been convicted of murder iii the secsecrethe towns state of the kidney corporated Try Murine Eye Remedy ond degree tions also caused For Red Weak Weary Watery Eyes In the Black Horse mining district Kansas City — A series of tornadoes Compounded by Experienced While engaged In mixing a flashmuch annoyance Conforms to the Pure Food Physicians in Kansas Missouri and Oklahoma of Nevada the Ohana company is sink and Drugs in his In apartments light Law Murine preparation Doesn’t Smart Soothes Eye After Doan’s using 100 feet late Friday killed ten or more per- ing a shaft and at a depth of Pain a Butte hotel C A Bousset of SeatTry Murine for Your Eyes Kidney Pills I did ledge is exposed over twd laid waste one a sons injured tle was terribly burned about the face not have these trouof of which A feet average assays gives Diplomat town wrecked a train and did great of the explobles They seemed 844 ounces silver and 591 ounces gold and hands as the result Mother— Aren't you ever going tt damage to property sion of the mixture to put new life and strength into my ton get over fighting Willie? were injured Twenty-fivby a per The new plant of the Astoria and system and helped me in every way Yes’m Willie— when I’m licked Pot Jack The Mining company storm that swept over Mount Washon My husband had an experience almost whose property is situated at Her Puget Sound Packing company Free! A 10c package of Garfield Tea to ington and Fairmount Park suburbs Chuckanut bay three miles south of the same and it is with pleasure that in the district cules Wonder mining us this notice with name of Kansas City At least two of these mailing we both recommend burned last week Doan’s Kidney anyone of Nevada and names and addresses of and address is to commence active Bellingham Wash are thought to be fatally injured The plant Pills” causing a loss of $50000 10 friends not now using the Ideal LaxaThe town of Hollis Kan near Con work within the next thirty days and was well insured Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box tive Garfield Tea Co Brookljn N Y N rordia was swept away Here three a number of Improvements will be Co Buffalo N Y William McGregor aged 28 a made All pleasure must be bought ' the man of Vanwere killed and ten injured young business has Goldfield Creek price of pain For the true ONE AGREEMENT gone of Cripple price The Eckstrom family consisting couver B C met death while cleanis paid before you enjoy it for the five persons is missing Their house Colo one better on gold production ing a rifle which he did not know false after you enjoy it — John Foster is in ruins and it is thought they are An official report of the April produc-- ' was loaded He was the son of a tlon of the mines of the Cripple Creek prominent insuran-cman dead Those who keep Hamlins Wizard Oil in the house do not have to buy any other John Kain aged 33 was killed at Near Great Bend a tornado killed section gives tne total at $1354525 Goldfield produced during the same Goldfield Nevada in a runaway The No other remremedy for sore throat two and injured twenty will cure this trouble so quickly or so edy team ran close to a trestle of the William Ackerly a Santa Fe engi period about $2536725 Remember this surely John D Ryan president of the In Consolidated Mines company and one a com neer and Frank Nicholson ternatlonal Fly time and baseball are very propSmelting and Refining of the timbers came into contact wifi ductor were killed while with In an Interview published in Kain’s head fracturing his skull erly contemporaneous bridge gang between Great Bend and company de' a Denver committee that When the legislative newspaper emphatically Kinsley Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrnp ' For children teething softens the gums reduces has is investigating state offices met at The tornado wrecked the worktrain nies that any rate agreement flammation allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle 12 sealed Wash May Olympia of which Ackerly was engineer and been entered Into between the InterLand CommisState national and American against Mr charges Go to Bleep without supper but rise companies Several mem blew it into a ditch Henpeck— It's no use We can’t filed All the agree on a single The great coal merger in the east sioner E W' Ross were without debt subject bers of the crew were blown one hum state offices are to he investigated Mrs Henpeck— You’re wrong dear dred feet The toppled has been completed five big companies J E Allen who is in a hospital at I always agree with you on the over crushing Ackerly to death in having been merged into one The comNevada became suddenly insane weather M cab where he remained with his panies have a combined capital stock Ely pane and cut his of $37650000 and own and control broke a window hand upon the throttle Only Sure Cure for Tubercuoisls throat with the glass also hacking At Hoisington Kan a tornado in 200000 acres of coal lands in MaryIn view of the constant agitation Alland West Virginia and Pennsylvania his body In a score of places jiured a number and greatly damaged and misrepresentation with regard to is believed it at old The Smelter badly though Boy Highland injured farm property It was not so severe the treatment of consumption the good health with its blessings must unhowever as that passing over the Murray is being rapidly razed to the he will recover National for the Study and derstand quite clearly that it involves the In the arrest at Reno Nevada of PreventionAssociation olher portions of the state ground by the big force of steel work of Tuberculosis has issued a severe era who are now on the job All the Frank Webb the police believe they a statement in which it states that the question of right living with all the' term At Pond Creek Okla With proper knowledge of what windstorm slightly injured four per steel is being shipped to Tooele as have secured the Hammontree livery only sure cure for this disease is fresh implies sons and unroofed several houses rast as torn down where the Internastable holdup desperado who reliev is best each hour of recreation of enjoy- air rest and wholesome food tional smelting plant is being erected ed A L Hammontree and M Victor a week passes without some Hardly ment of contemplation and of effort may quack KILLED BY A mill of 250 tons a day capacity 13 of $85 and wantonly shot Jack Monroe “doctor” or “eminent specialist" in- be made to contribute to living aright through the bowels nearly ready to be placed in operaforming the public that he has at last Then the use of medicines be dis- Herrifying Accident Occurs Near Salt tion at the may of Consoli the The state council of discovered the sure cure for tubercuKnights Lake City Exdated mines at Austin Nevada losis Columbus of Montana met at Butte After examining every one of pensed with to advantage but under orSalt Lake City — Two men were haustive tests show that the ore can May 11 in annual session State Dep- these cures several hundred dinary conditions in many instances a killed at the Jordan River power be milled for $140 a ton The new uty Jackson presiding in number reOfficial the National association simple wholesome remedy may be invaluplant of the Utah Light & Railway company has expended about $600000 states that one and all they are mis- able if taken at the ports show a gain of 800 in memberproper time and the company on Friday when a getting the mines ready for producship during the year the councils now representations or fakes California Fig Syrup Co holds that it is broke from Its moorings and tion aggregating a total of 2000 alike important to present- the subject Who Said Them? in its fall to the ground disconnected Indicative of the present copper sitThe big Casino dance hall at Tono The golden text was “Suffer the lit- truthfully and to supply the one perfect and brought with it the high tension uation some flgufes on the recent pah one of the largest resorts of its tle children to come unto me” and it com- copper sales in the east will be of in wires of the T?lluride Power laxative to those desiring it kind in Nevada and made famous as had been recited to the class by a pany terest Since May 1 there have been the training place for Marvin Hart Consequently the Company’s Syrupj of Merten R Wheeler electiical en- 125000000 pounds of the red metal Mike Schreck Joe Gans Jack “Twin” cherub on the front bench Later1 in Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general the was wires afternoon in struck the teacher by the falling gineer sold one firm alone selling about Sullivan and other prize fighters was current volts a course of 40000 of the lessons had occasion to satisfaction To get its beneficial effeeftv carrying pounds the average price re- partially destroyed by fire last week D William and burned to death refer to the text ceived for which was 13 cents per buy the genuine manufactured by the Harry Beebe a Lander Wyo cowFreckletoa a laborer was caught un“Now children” she said “who said California boy with Buffalo Bill’s show died in those words?” and Fig Syrup Co only and for sale der the wreckage and fatally Injured pound she repeated them Lorenzo D- Cunningham a negro New York on May 14 front paralytio all leading druggists Andrew Weston a iabortv was painA hand went up from one of the larger by tmploye of the United States mint rabies a rare form of disease Beebe’s fully injured on the boys back bench and receiving at New Orleans was arrested as he great toe wrj bruised severely to answer he said pointing Heinze Again Indicted was exhibiting a real gold brick Cun- by being stepped on by a horse permission to the cherub: “That little feller down Partial New York — F Augustus Heinze al ningham confessed that he had stolen ridden by a follow cowboy there” foland death paralysis developed ready under Indictment on a charg6 the gold in granulated form from the lowed! A Slight Misunderstanding of overcertiflcation of his brother separating division of the mint and Charles L Gustafson an electriThe tourists Otto Helnze’s checks was arraigned then moulded it into the oval shape In which it was found cian died at Anaconda Mont from were viewing the ruins of the Alhambefore Circuit Judge Hough on FriThe Golden Reef mining stock was the effects of burning oil Gustafson bra day on a new indictment charging exat on was the switchboard at listed work on last a exthe Lake week Salt “How inspiring!” rapturously misapplication of the funds of the The company is capitalized substation of the Washoe smelters claimed Mrs Windfall ' “Who built Mercantile National bank in March change caused a blind a for shares 500000 stock that when short value castle?” of circuit par not and October 1907 He pleaded 20 Of the original 51000 shares “The Moors” explained the guide exploding a Ing flash of electricity guilty with the privilege of withdraw of cents stock 26u00 shares have can of oil which the electrlcan had “The Moores?” repeated the ing the plea and making any motior beentreasury sold There is the sum of $2100 In his hands bis counsel lady “oh yes (turning to her might desire Judg in the Contains double the treasury and the debts of the Officials of the state of Wyoming husband) some of their descendants Hough set the case for May 21 and to amount $1400 company are particular friends of ours aren’t are preparing elk hunters’ licenses as Mr Heinze is already under $50000 Nutriment and None of Because of the demand of the west as usual and will issue them to apbail no additional was they George?”— Illustrated security Sunday the Injurious Bacteria and southwest for precious stones the plicants before and during the big Magazine asked prices of diamonds and pearls are to game hunting season next fall The so often found in Crime of Insane Farmer LIGHT BOOZE be increased soon Prosperity in those in the new game law technicality — Henry Williamson sections is credited by the Maiden which unintentionally Fresh or Raw Boyersville Do You Drink It? forbids the a farmer living two miles Lane dealers with causing them to do hunting of elk before 1912 will not Milk east of here killed his wife and two more than 100 per cent more business be A minister’s wife had quite a tussle little children and then committed in precious stones last April than C W Cockrell who had with coffee and her experience is inThe use of suicide After shooting them he beat during the same month last year She says: been confined In jail at Butte two teresting his wife’s body with a poker Then he According to assayers and others of weeks because of inability to satInsures “During the two years of my trainA neighbor’s girl was a mathematical shot himself turn of mind the at- isfy a judgment had by A W t ing as a nurse while on night duty I Wholesome Healthful sleeping in the same room She was mosphere in the building used at became addicted to coffee drinking Behas been discharged from custody She says that when not molested Cananea Mexico one night last week by Judge McClernan of the state dis- tween midnight and four in the mornMilk that is Superior in Williamson shot his wlfe it awakened as when a the were theater was ing worth court was trict An made patients asleep nearly attempt her and when she saw him pointing Flavor and Economical there was little to do except make the A traveling Italian opera comunder an old law to keep Cockerell the gun at her little playmates she rounds and it was quite natural that in Cost Imprisoned for debt she pany was billed for a performance covered her head and believes was unnoticed That William Garrison whose body I should want a good hot cup of cof-and an old ore house the largest fee about that time It stimulated me building in town was fitted up for was found near the river at Cheyenne Garden Party Given by Mrs Taft the show Before the performance with a bullet hole through his head and I could keep awake better Milk is the Purest was over — “After three or four years of coffee the official of feet peostamping by Diplomatic and a revolver lying near by was Washington in the audience had set the gold murdered is Indicated by further in- drinking I became a nervous wreck’ aad social Washington gathered in ple Freshest High - grade and vestigation- of the case It was beand thought that I simply could not between 5 and 7 dust flying from the cracks large numbers Milk Obtained from SeTho lieved at first that he had committed live without my coffee All this time o'clock Friday afternoon under the crevices of the old ore house so laden was dust thick It gold inado I to was subject suicide frequent bilious atbig trees in the rear of the White lected Carefully tacks sometimes so severe as to keep House to attend the second of the people sneeze A fire that started in the California The monthly statement of the r Cows four Friday afternoon garden parties is pasteurized beer hall at Rawhide Nevada at mid- me in bed for several days A buflei Producers’ association for April arranged by Mrs Taft “After Husband being married which threatened a repetition and then Evaporated luncheon was served from a tent at shows the stock of marketable copper night me to leave off coffee for he begged of the last disaster of September The of the grounds the west end of all kinds on hand in the Unlteij when the town was reduced to asties feared that it had already hurt me (the water taken out) Marine band was seated near the east State almost beyond repair so I resolved to April 1 182279902 pounds The Was controlled after it had destroyed An innovation was introentrance filled into Bright New make an effort to release myself from surplus copper was Increased the beer hall and several building duced by Mrs Taft who invited the stock ofthe past month by 918171 the hurtful habit Tins Sterilized and Sealflannel during adjoining men to wear short coats pounds “I began taking Postum and for a The postofflce at Bremerton Wash trousers and straw hats ed Air Tight until You What has turned out to be one of situated close to the Puget Sound few days felt the languid tired feeling the most severe accidents !n the his- havy yard was entered by Southerners Object Need profes- from the lack of the stimulant but I Wilof of the The Consolidated drilled taste safe liked of MercurGold who sional cracksmen Postum and that the the presence tory Washington— answered for the breakfast beverage Try LIBBY'S liam T Vernon the register of the Mines company at Mercur was that of and took away its strong box all right $9000 worth or stamps a diaand tell your treasury who is a negro In the res- last week when eight leaching tanks taurant of the house building on Fri- Settled to such an extent that their mond ringcashvalued at $250 and nearly “Finally I began to feel clearer headfriends in $200 how ed and had steadier nerves After a day aroused the ire of several south- Valuable contents were lost to the Arthur George a clerk aged 40 year’s use of Postum I now feel like a in the house company em representatives good it is at wife to the Elizabeth new shot killed and management Newoman— his In not have complained had They Mining companies operating any bilious near attacks since I left off coffee” of ihe restaurant and there was talk vada will not have to file or send to her home in Brighton Beach Libby McNeill of filing a protest with the speaker stockholders their first report as re- Seattle and then taking' their two “Thene’s a Reason” Read “The Road & Libby who as chairman of the building comto and street car a children Wellvllle” in boarded pkgs quired by the new “wildcat” bill unmittee forms the regulations govern- til livent OHtoAao where to police headquarters Ever rend the above letter? A new June 1910 according to an opinion 'an is It restaurant one possible ing the he announced the crime and surrenappear from time to time They written by R C Stoddard attorre urenulne true and full of hnmaa effort will be made to have negroes just la terra t ney general of Nevada in response to dered himself excluded from the restaurant many requests I All Who Would Enjoy Food Products LIBBY’S f EVAPORATED MlLIC Pure Ubby's Rich Ubby’s Evaporated It Fed It 3 |