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Show Tuesday, February 1, 1955 THE DIXIE SUN PAGE THREE Most Popular Pair Get Kent Cottam Is Selected Shirlee Harris Possesses Boys Top Club Is Organized Identitication Bracelets Fine Arts Festival King Diane Olson and Scott Graff, popular girl and boy, received identification bracelets as a gift from the Dixie staff at their annual dance January 22. The popular pair were selected from a field of twelve candidates who had been nominated by the student body to vie for the honor. The yearbook dance was held Saturday in the recreation hall after the basketball game between Dixie and Carbon colleges. The furnished the Hatters "Top Varied Accomplishments ?: II Kv i M.V , fi ll A :. 'X ? as the FFA Chapter Sweetheart? Out of all the contestants from the slate she was chosen as first attendant to the George A v queen. Iler favorite food is just food, and her favorite color is blue. As for a pet peeve, the very only thing that came to her mind wax her sister, Itosalee, but then she quite likes her sometimes. After completing school at Dixie she plans to continue at the USAC, whore in Juno, 1952, she attended Utah Girls State. music. In addition to the announcement of Diane and Scott as poplar girl and iboy, the short program featured solo dance numbers by Johnny Hiatt and a song Whistle a Happy Tune sung by Three Misses and a Hit, Kent Cottam, Geniel McConkie, Joyce Caudill, and Claire Dale Terry. Refreshments served were punch Kent Cottam and cakes which had been annual of the members baked by Kent Cottam was selected to staff. Three cakes were auctioned reign over the Fine Arts festival off. in recognition of his outstanding Supervisors for the dance were performance in all of the fine arts Mr. Purdy and Mr. Marion which are represented at Dixie Bentley. in staff college. annual of the Members Mc-- ! The outstanding student in dracharge include Elma Ann Arthur and Geniel McCcnkie, matic arts, Kent was chosen as perand staff members Jerry Fine '' Tousa, Janice Nielson, Marilee sonality of the week for the numerous edition. the Arts Among Beard, Joyce Caudill, Ina Reber, Diane Mary Esther dramatic roles he has played were Truman, Laurence Snell, and William Blore in Ten Little InGardner, dians, and the country boy in last Webb. Ralph years Delta Psi Omega assembly play. He is now cast for Fred Graham (Petruchio) in Kiss Me, si Kate, a part in which he stars both musicially and dramatically. Last year he was of Delta Psi Omega, and this year he was elected president of this dramatic fraternity, which position he recently resigned, feeling he There Is No Substitute was unable to' fill justly the office, For Experience as he was involved in so many Nordbloom vice-preside- nt Cleaners 40 Years of Experience and the Most Complete Plant in Southern Utah activities. Kent excels in music as a vocalist and pianist. He has sung several solo parts with the choruses. He sings in a quartet with Geniel McConkie, Joyce Caudill, and Claire Dale Terry, who call themselves Three Misses and a Hit. of 30i RIDDLE'S MALT SHOP Famous For Malts, Sundaes Hamburgers, Hot Dogs 15c and 25c Soups and Chili Punch and Candies for Parties Will Be Open After School Dances and Ball Games The boys pop club is fully organized now, having had their constitution written and accepted by the student council. To make this club successful, the organization must have full support from its members. Meetings are scheduled for the first and third Thursday of each month, at noon, and members are urged to be prompt. Members can obtain their ties from DeLoy Lance. Kent is the hit. As an artist, he has done excellent work and Kent is also outhe standing in dance, although shies away from girls and modestly says his dancing is the two left feet kind. During his sophomore year Kent was commissioner of amusements for the class. Last year he was of Beta chapter of Lambda Delta Sigma, and one of the delegates for the Model United Nations, a position toward which vice-preside- nt Shirlee Harris The best things come in small and seeing is believpackages ing, as is proven by this charming d blonde with the little captivating smile. It is no small wonder that Shirlee Harris was chosen as this weeks personality. Although Shirlee is just a junior and, therefore, ineligible to compete for the Fine Arts royalty honors which go only to seniors, she was recently reported to be d in dramatic the outstanding arts at Dixie college. It was on this basis that Shirlee was selected as personality for the Fine Arts week issue. She was born in St. George on August 9, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harris and has lived here ever since then. Being a graduate of St. George elementary, Woodward high, and Dixie high, Shiriee is on her way to further her education here in her home town by going to Dixie college. from Shirlee is a throw-bacthe senior class, in a way, hut the junior class more than welcomes her. Her talent and leadership will help to make the junior competitive assembly a great success. Last year, instead of continuing on to college with her old friends, she decided to take on the job of private secretary for St. George Finance. Now she is hack with us. While in Woodward, Shirlee was elected commissioner of amusements for the freshman class and commissioner of amusements for the Woodward student body. Then, as a freshman at Dixie, she was commissioner of amusemcnls lor that class. It seems that the amusements bug must have bitten the students because once again she is commissioner of amusements, this time for the junior blue-eye- co-e- junior k Do YOU Heed An Expert? SEE FRANK HOLLAND Public Accountant E. B. Snow Furniture Co. The Home of SAMSONITE LUGGAGE Phone 45 Bulova and Keepsake he is again working. He also has dass on the represented Dixie college competitive tennis team.President's Kent received the day award scholarship on honor outlast spring, in recognition of He is on standing achievement.a member of the honor roll and the X club, which is an honoris also ary service club. Kent affiliated with the German club, Der Deutche Verein." Her interests and talents seem to be many and varied. She took dancing lessons from Fawn Pickett and is very capable in this field. She plays the piano well, and loves to read, sew and act. She is and majoring in English literature in ambition Shirloos big drama. life is to travel all over Europe, but most of all she wants to see Paris. ' a member ol the Shirlee Spanish club and Delta Psi atOmega. Dixie It is a well known fact The members of Mrs. Brooks but a natural is beauty, she that debate class motored to Hurricane did wa chosen she know vou to practice last Friday afternoon a senior in high school, by their debating abilities on the Hur- when the FFA beys to represent St. Hurricane Debates Dixie ricane debaters. is Yes, you can see the widest selection of Jewelry in town at McArthur JEWELERS |