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Show V , . 12C 7 ht Sail Lake Tribune. I hursda Januai . Jk kl Nm lu Ouster Surprised History Chief . I .' hr ilip.ii imy tut of tin ills mud ill Mate llistms sjul In fum'd that the Ifoaid df State llislors had stronyls opposed ans muse to let Amtrnk lad service sliaie the Stale i 'Myn,ii inn via ,i s u i pi c In hmi arid pel hap (dine because lie i,iiiic tn tie 't'ii cisi d a lint a member of InR.irigei ter team nd set said Mi ds in T .smith di I r' tni df ilic division sim c !7 kin-s9H4 in thf election I was nidi ked tii'i a use I in d v isildc ti'iiid i the old Denvei History Huildiny and Itio unde Depot He was "called on the carpet lot that decision by an aide to the guv or nor, David Huhler Hut even then, tie said, lie wasn't made aware that there was any displeasure with his (i i ' J ( j I job pel formance He said he ti led for all of that sear to yam guidance on how to perform Ins job in a was that would please his bosses He said lie hadn t ever gotten any Cl dt M1 Smith vs went pub tin sitli Ins fiustidtions vsas asked Pi m step down He sun adimn sshen isiiilive lease until Man ft Ik Nn I Tminatidii is elfectise said he was not siirpiised sn much ssith the fact that he ssas le leased tint linss it ssas dune lie said the dll cctnr's job ssas pul it Kied tis ( ins' Norm Rangerlcr sshen ihniiiyh suburdinales. the gov I'ltidt asked tor the directnrs resiy nalmn and yase nn cause W hen inlurined Nov Hi by Ills bos. las id W Adams, direclnr (if the lie partmeiit id Community and Ken iidinic Iteselopment that his resiyna m ssas beiny s'alled foi. Mr Smith said he pretested that fie cimldn t be tiled vs it hunt cause It ssas then that Mr Adams laid flint the lass hail been chanyed earlier in the sear and tssn words. ssithaut a use dropped The director of state liisini v noss serves completely at the pleasure of the IK'Kl) director, and thus the governor Mi Smith had several weeks be fore, informed the governor's office Ins t Hi guidance Huhler said Wednesday that during the II mouths of 1985. Mrs Shearer had found a "certain resistance' of Mr Smith to fullow directions and a lack of give and take in Mr Smith s dealings with the Mi l(,ivr Track Poisoned Woman 'Mb Improw in S.L. Hy Dan Du ksun Tribune Correspondent OGDEN - The NT 'SAT satellite built by Weber State College students and launched in Api il 1985 has passed it most critical test to date by picking up radar signals a' directed On Jan 24 the satellite s receis er w as turned on to see if it could pick up signals from radar dishes used by the Federal Aviation Administration "We asked it to tune in to 21) radar signals in the area and it picked up the signals immediately." said Hill Clapp, assistant professor of Electronics and a faculty adviser for M'SAT This was a tremendous achievement fur us. as it via our last test and we know now everything is winking fine," said Mr. Clapp The satellite, which orbits the earth every 91) minutes was launched from the space shuttle Challenger and is the first college-buil- t satellite launched from a space vehicle WSC ground control had trouble receiving the satellite radio signal was nut signals after the launch An on the correct frequency and had to be said uesday Alan Hoy lance Spnngsille hire Department, identified the woman as Tantmy I. Marnier 18 705 S 700 Hast Her husband. Trenton Mariner. Satellite Passes Crucial Test WSC-Rui- lt Spnngsille woman was upgr.oi ed from eritieal to serious condition Wednesday at I.Ds Hospital in Salt Take after an incidental carbon monoxide poisoning in her home A I l!alar Signal" 22. was released from ftah Valley Medical Center in Provo Wednesday afternoon, Mr Huy lance said The fire department was called to ' the residence after the two were discos eied on the floor of their bedroom Tuesday afternoon by Mr Harmer s parents who went to the house after Mr Harmer had failed to report to work that morning A preliminary investigation revealed a plugged furnace vent that had released furnace carbon monoxide into the house, Mr Koylanee said He said Mountain Fuel Supply is continuing the investigation fine-tune- Mr. Clapp. Ground controllers lost contact with the satellite from July 15 to Nos 28 lal year r and the Right now all pi obi cm have been col ccted Hum inhumation We aie getting reliability is serv high it s cry quick Is now We ti aii'iint the signal to (urn on or wake up. ar J it respond We tell U to ''hut down and it doe We do this to make suie it i in communication with " U M: Clapp said 'I he satellite will go through more testing U ioi c being asked to tune in to one ceitam signal Mr Clapp said Then, it will be asked to tune in to the h.AAs radar on Francis 1eak. east of Farmington in Das i I ountv The satellite, only 20 inches in diameter was designed to help the F.AA align its radar signals 'Our satellite wont make the skies any safer, but it will provide a faster and less expensive method of align ing radar signals." said Mr Clapp The satellites success and low cost has drawn inquiries from private industry around the county, he said "People are amaed we can produce a satellite at such a low cost that operates so successfully We have industries looking at us and we can foresee future contract and money being made available to us." be said ' Students at the college have already begun work on NlS.AT 11. which will continue the F.AA experiment, and are beginning to consider M'SAT III ami I ( omurnoN .notice The Pae 2 Wheel Brake Service on 11 of the Sears Jan 26th Circular should read Wheel Disk Brakes Only rebuild at $ 10 00 We Front Caliper sincerely regret any mconve mence this may have caused our customers Sears. Roebuck & Co FREE NEW CAR NATURALIZED TRUCK SHOW TODAY - SATURDAY SHOE SALE! i can count on You uM5 Sears a 0iuND(0 ALL SALE SHOES AND BOOTS 3601 SOUTH 2700 WEST, WEST VALLEY CITY AND UNDER Limited to stock on hand All Sales Final NATURALIZE!? SHOES FASHION PLACE MALL OGDEN CITY MALL 392-917- 266-892- 9 5 KODAK PXOIOS&MC EVENING'CLASSES'7ll 0"PM FEBRUARY 26th AND 27th WORLD'S EASIEST SLR SYSTEM AUTOFOCUS TTL PROGRAM FLASH AUTO-ASSETTING VPNOllA USA W'APRANrV ll'l' LuDlf; jlalH tMI'.WOOUC t SDRICOHI CAMERASIONSALEIJ MULTI-PROGRA- M 299 99 WITH 50mm 12 0 Lf NS SOPHIST ICAM D ELECTRONICS. EASY TO USE' C&tlOtlCAMERAS ON SALEI 5 289 JjIIH iJMPt SOmmHHllNS ALjrot or us it ns ai iroioAo h mi t in veiNntw 0RDTA3HE '( A( ID' FINANCING AVAILABLE las HOURS Mor J il b 9 TO J Siticm i0 X i i -- " 'o to E OC 'X p p -- 145 South State StreetSalt Lake Clty322-391- 6540 South State StreetMurray261-5841985 South State StreetOrem226-013- t tr ) 8 7 5 s |