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Show '213 T ht- Valt Lake Tribune, 1 hursday January 10. I 'fab - uliire Hu'inr'.'iiifii I Know Morn (raiiunur. I In Niv tr 4 V- - ' $ ' 1 ' ' J 7' , w 1 'f i wmn i u ' ' H v ' ' ''' ir Author Finds BYUs Japanese Currieulum Laekimg I'KUVU i.AF Brigham Yuung v s has a 'spec ul national m ils number of Japane-e-lpeakirnostlv forrnci s(ijijeniici ol Uie Churcn ol Jesus but Saints hist ol Latter-datlieir potential may be limited by hortcormngs in BYl' s cur r it ulurn a Harvard I diversity sonologist uys f Vogel speaking to mole tnan .j OOU students in the Marriot' ( enter Tuesday on Japan Alter said the isAmerican Hegemon) land nations rapid economic pro gre's since World War II lias let ! n r i 1 nj ji -- hra American scholars many dumb founded Panel OKs Move To Check Out School orkers . 'o 127 with t BV I high-payin- student- - learned tr.e.r the LDS Church Missionbefore-servin- -- g create job opportunities ,wo-yea- and cam them--elve- s -- grammar 'Japanese national leaders have learned how to identify the highest s feasible level of training for all They have learned how to fashion a national school system and lifelong education and training programs to achieve national goals." The Japanese people will pardon mistakes by a young missionary but when you want to go conduct business not to have a higher quality ot Japanese puts you out of the game, he said "As long as people here are putting in so much effort, there a ma lor Vogel aid Americans snould not underestimate Japan s determination to dominate the world in technology and to reshape its educational system to reach that goal pro-nun- ution s ' Merely knowing me language is not enough to earn a with an American company mat dea.s with Japan Vogel added People who Can combine their language kols with engineering business law or some olher specialty can ary Training Center in Drove r missions After touring the center Vogel said he was .n.pre-'c- d with the enthusiasm and dedication oi me Japan-bounmissionaries but was disappointed that there was not mime attention given to precision in " dents has a vital role to play in ex panding the number of Americans who can work in business science and government with technology their Japanese counterparts Vogel said in an interview before his nuke dards c vc-r- Mo-- nations college stu The Mormon Church-ownepus has the potential to tec Japane-ea- t 0t4 of the Japanese-'peakin- and 'ul'l Vogel told Hie d'ldo m e ne feels for helping lo wage Amer k d up lo Jdpdn s inrreasmglv mi portdnl role in the world economy dnd to ehdnge Americ an expectation-tha- t Japanese will take the initiative to learn Western language- - arid ( BVC - hnologv They an plav a our major role in repre-ennn- g interest- - in interna lonal trade ht ie-- Aria-ma- lb mould jor rta'.onai contribution .n em.- - o! people who i an work in modern bu-- i i n tut r. publi-- l year Voge 'did Japanese now view workers .ay dnd mediocre (ornpjred themselves In his bo'iK fj s t citi-aen- he said bill allowing loc al school dis to do criminal background hec kb on leac hers and other employ A truts ecs received unanimous support from members of the la gislature s House Kducation Stand ing Committee Lawmakers approved House Hill Wednesday Ud after a lengthy discussion in winch a local superintendent told ol when teachers and other employees with criminal backgrounds were lat er arrested for sexual offenses . agpinst students ..Several years ago we hired a teacher. We received a tip that he had a criminal record We checked his (employment; application but there was nothing in it about any previous offenses. He was later arrested for sodommng two boys in his class," said John Heed Call, superintendent of. the Granite School District. "We later learned that he'd been convicted for sexual offenses and had served time at the point of the mountain (Utah State Prison; " .lie told lawmakers districts will release employees who pose a danger to students, but to do so would require the district's ability to have criminal background checks run on prospective' and current employees .This is just the tip of the iceberg. said the superintendent Lake. Hep Frank Johnson. HB lyy's sponsor, said his bill would allow districts to conduct background checks on prospective and current employees when the need arose The lawmaker cited a case in which an elementary school custodian. had been accused of molesting children He said the custodian had a lengthy criminal record of such ac a record the school district tivity had no access to when it hired him. Dr Call said the bill, backed by the support of the L'tah Society of School Superintendents, is needed for the sake of Utah's school children fUaichle Boots 85-8- 6 30-4- Skis, Now... 25-3- 0 Suggested SX-36- List OFF! Prices' Sugg. List 188 99 Sugg List S270 RX-A- Sugg List List $230 258 S33 5 Sugg List GS $185 238 Sugg List S320 199 " Sugg List S350 Sugg List S340 161 99 89-R- SP' or GSP 229" Skis Sugg List S325 99 1200-I- F LOOK 219 91 Electra SX' Boots 109 199 " Electra' Skis Boots RE-5RE-- 3' National Team SL & ir Suqq. National Team SG' ' Now 30o OFF! Boots RX-- 8 Skis 6 OFF! 0 RRESks 85-8- 6 Skis Sugg List $28 5 239 99 X Bindings Reg. $ 120 Designed for advanced skiers with new Sensor-Toe- , fully retractable ski brake. - BARRECRAFTERS Kich Townsend of Utah's Bureau of Criminal Identification, the agency that would be charged with providing the background checks called for in the bill, said passage of the measure could affect the agency's budget and workload More staff and budget would probably be necessary to run the checks, he said Moreover. Mr. Townsend said the bill's passage would represent the first time entities outside the criminal justice community would have access to the bureau's files and that it would be important to make sure the state's liability was protected Dr Call said local districts would be willing to pay the cost of the background checks with local funds Our Entire Stock Mens, Ladies Locking and Juniors Ski Racks Ski wear Compare at $85.00 Sizes to fit most cars even the new aerodynamic styles! ' Entire Stock Of Alpine Ski Poles Mr Townsend said the $15 to $3U the districts would pay for each background check would do his agency little good unless the money was specifically earmarked for it Otherwise, he said, the funds would end up in the stale s general fund OFF! OFF! Original Prices' Every Parka OPEN A DESERET FEDERAL INTEREST PLUS CD Ski Outfit . . Waxless Skis 75mm Ski Boots Marker Bindings Swix Fiberglass Poles Includes Custom Tyrol You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too FEDERAL . j Compare at SI 60 Makers as: HBERMb W-6- Prices Good . f-- Thru 10-- Sat 9-- Sun NUMBER nj-- EH THE NORTH FACE! liffliLino :v HIGH RATES DESERET Merchandise from such Famous 85-8- 6 Mounting Shop Thurs PLUS GREAT GIFTS! Every Stretch Pant Every Sweater Every Suit Even Our New Cross Country Tyrol Every r 2286 1 IN Bankcards Welcome! SPORTS! c 250 South State. Downtown Salt Lake 521-055- 0 62nd South and Highland, Drive in Salt Lake 272-866- 1 23rd and Wash. Blvd. in Ogden 627-189- 0 Layton Hills Mall 546-264- 1290 South State in Orem 4 225-950- 0m 0 Park City Holiday village , |