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H S Par ill 111. i itIJIM I I F A I ( 111 1 I 'I i" Win n tin Kelli Hdlj inn III fill III! ll III W a III ,11 I . g I I u w to III i jIi S , in n .1 i . 01 Rage 10 A drM '1 gl olio A Oil II II hnor dki (if, to honor Dr Kolff tin fdtl.fr of artificial organ-- , Dr Kolff will n tire h t b 14 h,-iifi birthday ) as direi tor of the In tu - of Dionio'Judl hngini'i ring d fn dil of thf Division of Artifn idl Or I Ol a- llio ori In v,r ,i n i Inf rt tioiul Svmpu'ium ol r f a , Or pare Biurrndnal fnginuring and Irjnportjtion wturli uni in Sj i ( uni i d I. d the 10 r on u,e rl , of I honored Dr Kolff dnd wife Janke at buffet ru option in the hdll s foyer '.mplion tut , ot i1 , lAriurg Irior Iji and r 1 .I Parkinson ( I t.noi ingUi!i rm du im dn.l iurgt ry Si u m es ( enter dnd II;, jilt I. i n1 h at n I lu-- tin .i j- - t fiwt on 'tug' l.i-- i u girt r.rg ,11 ill'll illt in J Kollt .1 Mi lo III' linjli ol j lav i il in In- - Ih a' if bv t In ( li hi ii jr li phunv a ( uli i uniMi ter Di I Thursdav. Januarv ;J IVb Section tribute to Dr. A I Lifestyle akr cEribunr alt r i - gons and d5 d research profes-o- r 7 ol d Well wishers friend-- , family col leagues kept the honortts occupied 'horng host duties wen I of U of fi dD President Chdse N dnd Orehe Peterson, dnd vut president' JdrntsJ lirophv restdrch Irvin Page A 11. Column Frank, Teri Murdock. Nancy, Ken Robbins Chance to meet stars 1 Metropolitan Opera star Martina Arroyo proved to patrons attending an party that she was as captivating offstage as on Miss Arrovo was the lead in the ltdh Opera Company s production of Madam Butterfly which played to full houses for four performances at the Capitol Theatre At the party, given bv the Itah Optra Ouild opeia goers had an opportune to meet the artists Cor.gra'ula'irg Mr erd n and Mr Serbo were Jam; H"W 11 gu.M mem Peggy Sander' Vdra Pa"er'On Pat Patterson Dun and Ol'.riJ to and M.'.'ht,! and NaJj rniskey Y e signed programs The catered light buffet featured Oriental foods & 9ft Nicholas Strike President Chase IV, Grethe Peterson, Janke, Dr. Willem J. Kolff George a r u pic.ed William Gotglem Prince Vamadori in 'he pcrlur-mancand Robyn Lvon' a ihurus number helped at the rclri'hmcnt table l rom Bozeman Talking with Glade Pe'ervn "p era company general director and wife Mardean were Montana visitors Dr Robert and Marilyn Ha'haAay Bozeman, who operate the Intermountain Opera Company Mr Peterson. a member of the National Opera Board will be a consultant for the company for the party were Ronda Daniels guild recording secretary. and Ten Murdock correspond mg secretary Helping were officers Nancy Nissalke and Geri Allred guild co presidents Josie Cox. vice president and Pat Button, treasurer At the party were Ravrnond and Mina Work and son Charles and wife eromca Work Washington DC. Geoige Daniels Frank Murdock. Nancy and Ken Robbins Jtlf and Kara Fdwards. Ralph and Joyce towards. Martin and Muriel Zwick Darleen Merrihew. M Kay Burrell, production manager Ivan and Jan Cendese. Kim and Cindy Steadman Jerry and Marge Jensen and Frank and Pam Joklik Others present were K S and Linda Cornaby John and Jean Henkels. Dr Richard and Barbara Fliuson Dorothy Cromer. Dr W illiam and Gay lord Schmidt. Alan and Mindy Collier. Marvin and Julie Heileson. Fred and Gaylin Volcansek. Dr Wolff and Carole von Schmidt. Marilyn Kissel. Don Rasmussen. Del Hurak. Cathy s Helen Patterson. Bertha and Ruth Schwager Signed Programs M.ss Arroyo was surrounded by opera fans She received accolades and 'y'7 "A Andrew Arnold who played Trouble Pinkerton, charmed with his per- C Dave Arnold formance and at the party Wearing his sailor suit, he gav e snappy salutes to the delight of patrons and his father. Dave Arnold, who played Coro in the performance Diane Beesley. who first played maid to Butterfly, in the Utah Opera Company s 1979 production talked with Tom and Fran Akimoto and Kathleen and Christy Karnes Conductor, Cast Members Also present was Bruce ferden condui tor. and cast members Rico Serbo. Lt Pinkerton Mark Child Sharpless Jerre Wright and Ramona W acker, w ho alternated play ing Kate Pinkerton Su-zu- A George, Phee Belsej, James, Muriel Broph Kobert L. Rice Jerre Wright r b-- Mu-cho- Janik, Sheila Hamilton Dr. Robert Nancy Nissalke, Mardean Peterson, Ronda, George Daniels James Bud, Ila Jack You won't belicM' SALE O PIANOS & ORGANS NEW & USED the difference! . 32lj i me Floyt O.ir Mim Clmn is tin pl.u mi . n i s., ll II ,1 , ' u ,1 ,t t. t s . Il 't ' M II 1 I,.' 'Mil I. ). ri t ii. ( S' Ill'll s t S 20- mi" u 2233 South 700 East 486-8- 1 1 9 - 30 OFF One Block North from Exit at 7th East & oFJ 0 Organs SliUll.IV n ,iikI C. MINI-BUND- New Kimball II Choose from 5 Beautiful Colors. Hurry! Limited Time Only ete4te Daftenie& Daily Sot. 106 1 053 East 2 1 00 South Your cMds reading or math will show 7i ' nclvdts 95 Guaranteed. dvpout Sears Mill U,1 t. M K ' h M f uv.nldhle ' J y t ' In Portrait Studio ft .. lulu u she ikies nuw ()r s. mg m nli pH.blems that right iw s. . m in. umprt tteiisit.lr n.t t'i si f ,ul Jim mi ring h w t ' n I. ( MG t ' t i t t t r t Those .ittf.K tivouptions t , im in iicIrtiDon to Ihtb ottr N f t Abo dV.nldbU ' ii'tj ht OHef for portfaits taken thru February it.st ,1 slu r 'nut vtmr 1 luld I., r. ii.liiig nulKeatilv bet ll Is t. I Vi UVl .986 "s , K iiv si is n . I 'J WI i,ir J I k b t wink H VM ,I 'vs ks How Nvlvan can guarantee siuirsv l ' . i . t 'I s , . 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SI Niu ' SALT LAKf FASHION PLACE MURRAY DOWNTOWN Mon Fri 10 8 Sal 9 30 6 Sun Noon to 5 PROVO Mon Tups 'OS Wed Thu'S Fn Sal 10 t CLOSED SUNDAY Credit Com . Whv not call tin, n fur a free consultation neirvuu teiliitilul , n' North Mai and atti r instruv t ion at eilue aiiui, ind what happens1 Ivan Guarantee Sy eur ihilJ will iliew nnasurdHe mipnnenu nr in math ur rtuding Jnlls ujlt r k, liuursu msrruiliun iiriu will (urtlmut up 10 12 uJilirionul hours 0 m slrui lion a( no I urllu r io'( 15 95 487-389- 2 The real improvement in hours. 36 just portrait collection S CUSTOM MADE mE0 11 .1 1, insi J i u n'.iw M. II ( mii n !. l I yfaxahatl tn 1 , , M j , ll' J,l sii s .IS t si , Hi . ; j HUNTER-DOUGLA- By (, enter ,iim lei it. ll IH w k'l' ra n Sylvan Learning .Center suu css the basics with begins Because I |