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Show fiB ait Lake hr nhunr I HHIMtiHf flHSr HUN MHST KUf4 'HOT PASSIONS" SfA(. I I I ANNIE TAKES MANHATTAN OANIF ANNIE MAUD A CO I AUJHt Af4GI I (jONOtfAN !OHI HHfiOKS NAfl D A 1 NIC MOl S - GO f I A "INSIDE ANNIE SPRINKLE" ANf4ii E0it 1 l ti V f MONK. A HAKI N M I I I 4lf ll F I AM I'AIIO I Ul- - Mi Ii.iiK 11:1.') ' IWu.K 'M 17 V.M. l M ill i Slum Fn. Sal. A. 1'rkt-- s Lmiplci - .ill. i' 'u:m 7 to I. ;ilt- - t l.i "I 1. I .1 J .till ) l ) I' ll ii I." ; m .!, I U A l.l d II1 ANf f HHOOC S I NDA HfAIHIH Hi ONG SPNlMftlt I "ANGEL BUNS" tify I T Noted agent nearly dies From effects of cocaine ;0, 1V.6 Ihurvdas, January W i .iM I U oil'll! I"ll t) hr ( I hr , ) W""d s I edur-v.I scW-fd- ') l til' 1 " Cill-.ig- ' Wnfdv In till' !'l Here III .jell went to the M.tl'hu I I IK I genry till" pit.il with trmhli- Emoting Miii m my hr dii Itn r mid mi' hud 'iiinrtiling lulled )m'-i- l Sr In llllll n.ikJ llunl f r 'in .hi mlri turn WdS leaking In ms hidin I ssdi niched !u CeddivSi-iidMospiidl. my Idi r all swollen. my of d grupefi Ult. lliry h'lt r r t he on mr .mil ilr.iiiirij (hr llunl. Intel and would drill n d nJ d Irss hnn I i. Icifii hr cl J4 llUM'd b k If kM.J lll.ll I illlir S.iiurdiiV 1 in I. - u killing llllll 11 i sir l I r- f' Mother J Karen's hast' hren dead " Thr rx mute id llrlrn Roddy to hr the hospital at loaM Ivsn mure weeks, he still isn't oul ul the 111 Marilyn Hcck Hollywood Columnist woods. "There could be a relapse: the infection is still there. The drugs I used ate away my nasal and sinus tissues There are just sp; re where bone was. and there s ' .thing to p m an infection from going from n. to the brain " He ad is. Ilease. tell people n to do drugs It doesn't make any difference when they slop. It can kill UANUABYwOlTHRU ' i 1ST ulLLliL " them Colorado Quartet Friday As well he knows - Mother Karen s Original Powdershirts SAVE 60 lM 6 Mother Karen s Mother Karen s Ski Sweaters Selected Down and Thinsulate Jackets 75 S150.-S20- Reg. 60 OFF Reg. 0. OFF THE MOVI The saga of Roman Polanski's "Pirates' and on 1 reported a few goes on weeks back ...at producer Thom Mount was buying back l:.S. and Canadian distribution rights to the $30 million-plu- s Walter Matthau starrer from MGM. Well, since that time Dino DeLaurentiis jumped in and grabbed those rights. At least he thought he did. What he doesn't know is (hat wheeling and dealing is still going on for the property. Polanski screened the film in Paris last week for Disney's head of production, Jeff Katzenberg; Warner Bros, has expressed interest in the feature and Thom Mount will be showing it to executives from that lot within the next few days and . . Rumor hath it that Pniversal chieftan Frank Price is talking to Mount about making a "Pirates" deal with his studio the same studio which had the project until Price settled in as boss there, and Mount moved out of his Pniversal executive post a S55.00-S76.0- 0 UNHID r HE AT Sun 1 Francesca Martin, Sharon Prater, and Deborah Redding, will perform in the Utah Museum of Fine Arts Auditorium, University of Utah, Friday at 8 p.m. Tickets priced from $8 to $7. - Whats Happening Today v The Films of Kenji Mizoguchi, "The Life of Uharu" (1952) Salt Lake Pity Public Library. 2U9 K. 500 South. Lecture Hall, third floor. 7 p m. Tickets. $2 5d. Presented in Japanese w ith Lnglish subtitles "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreiimeoat," Promised Valley Playhouse. 132 S Stale. 7 3IJ p m "Standing on My Knees." Sail Lake Acting Company. 1611 W atm North. 6Z S I S S A I "TROLL (PG) (PG 13) 1:15. 3:15. 6:00. 7:45. 9:30 101 DALMATIANS" OUTDOORSMAN SKIWEAR M DEAD GOAT .VI Kbert, iehael Wilmington, SALOON IIK I IKS .M : . ,7 7 - LOS ANGKI.KS TIM KS Just when you think youve found the right guy, someone even worst comes along. 0 165 So. West Temple Murphys Romance LIVE MUSIC JENNEE & THE BETTS OFF PG THETJLTIMATE'VISUA DIMENSION IN SPACE; i: i. h i i Atl'f t Thermafleece Jackets 40 o 13 STARTS TOMORROW! MANN 7v S Sally Field. ..gives what is undoubtedly the sexiest performance of her career. to.oo. Bibs, Sweaters. Reg. Amnesia Duo. jazz. Harvey's 206 West Temple. 8 p m to midnight Prom G) 1:00, 3:00 532-395- 7 50 Walk-Ons- . Siskel "ENEMY MINE" (PG 13) 6 00. 8:00. S45.00-S120.0- Weber State College, Winter Choral Concert. Austad Auditorium, lirow ning Center. WSC. Ogden. 8 p m 133 S Murphys Romance is one of the first pleasant surprises of the new year, a civilized and funny and very perceptive romantic comedy. James Garner is wonderful. "IRON EAGLE (PG 13 1:00. 3:15, 5:50, 8:00, 10:05 2.00. 4:30. 7:00, 9:30 Reg. "A Comet Called Halley anil "The I Saw the Cornel." star shows. Hansen Planetarium. 15 S Stale. 4 30 and 7 p m ; "Laser Magic," laser show with music from classical lo light rock. 8 30 p m. Last Time MUHIIAY 1 OFF J Oflot h '(,ruITi MSI I1 f n 4490 HiGMi AN0 4 7 MANN 6 I vvmI s MANN S68.00-S90.0- 0 T1WLLEY CORNERS pie NOW $40.50-$53.9- 5 4419 100 Wool Sweaters 50 OFF ser MagicJlmdays 8J0 " Saturday Matinees 3:15 pm Reg. S40.00-S50.0- 0 User NOW - f.ntr Fri. Sat. 8:30 & 9:45 pm & juN PLANETARIUM 15 South State HAN $19.95-$24.9- 5 "Runaway Train' (3HP f 538-209- ) HKiHt St A K r Mon Fn 5 00, M5 9 30 Sun 12 30 2 45. 5 00 7 15 9 30 n Dolhj Sterro Tribune Advertising Policy i It ,1 , Wb rrr05(T Is y Karen's and Outdoorsman Jackets Shell Mens and Ladies' r tV mu t' v h r. 'l 'I'.tll" . , ... ,, 263-383- i t . II tint tn.'t.f i it t . ".t .. t'l .'. '! 1. .... . ' ,.i .I " fill't. I'M t t I'.( ... . 'I'l . 101 Dalmations Rocky IV" loi i oo (PGi 25 9 30 I'1 ..M. 7 00 5 00 3 1. TROLL 27 1 The Color Purple" ipgu. 1? 45 J 45 6 45 9 45 In Dolby Strrpp "My Chauffeur" "Spies Like Us" 9 30 45 12 2 55 5 05 7 278-1- 71 so hk,hi and 600i UO a 30 5 jo 20 returns .hPV lo tilms '9 M'tfsprt .alter Mth 7 ,r, 30 9 jo Tmpsc NOW $1 4.95-S- I 9.95 ', SEAL mtiit.atfs the I'lnt w.ts suhnailtert NOW In ,ittv HHt otd iindet the Motion I t SH RmuMIton c 5 5 .tort "The Jewel Of The Nile" in.. 00 3 05 5 15 7 i(M3 Troll" ,r. ll )0 t Sat S.," MM 4 X 0 f ). U(d Of ; I' 10 9 0 "Mark Twain" 5 00 CO 10 Sat 00 2 55 Sun 4 10 3 7 7 00 9 40 00. 9 40 . Africa" irom 45 7 00 00 10 4 "Out r My 15 At full. J V 4 HI b 15 00 Africa" Of 4 10 50 -) sithso nrowooonD 9 C266 Only 05 7 00 10 Chauffeur" 3 15 5 15 15 7 in IPG 00 .h. 9 15 Rocky IV" ipg id 4S I 00 J 10 in 5 7 70 9 10 OmI i TIMES PUBLISHED i MM 10 Of 1? 45. "101 Dalmations" aa .,i (across from Murray Raik) "Out The Jewel Of The Nile" ipr. w l 10 5 0 7 40 in 00 r I3i Sat Sun iPG Sun Only 30 9 45 Mann yugj fooia Q PC 5130 South State Street 00 Sal White Nights" ig tut e ( n1 G Un "Mark Twain" I 30 3 li k t S9.95-S14.9- j IMIS I 0 I MALCI0 CCOTTONWOOD MOVIE AUDIENCE GUIDE Murray Location only! Phone - .pi. i fMr . ,1 ,, I" I" ti ll A .. , Men's and Ladies' ru I v t i ,t Mother Karen s Specials Thinsulate Jackets 1 . ,ii t .. .I. Ml. j Junior Jackets and Sweaters JVIother t .i Mm t . 8 p m. 4I1 9474 Z6Z "BACK TO THE FUTURE" Jackets, Provo. 11 Talking With." Theatre 138. 2(10 Fast. 8 pm Presented by y ised Valley Playhouse. 132 S. Slate 7 30 p.m "The Dining Rouin," Pardoe Dra mu Theatre. Brigham Young Pniver-sity- p m Inc The Three Musketeers." Rl S MATINEES S3 til 4PM BARGAIN lllu ISIS AMI from left, Julie Itosenfeld, The Colorado String Quartet, AHEron TODAY ONLY I ) ; |