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Show v 4C w rrv y Help Wonted 100 100 for tlderly lady ond room negotiubit t Storting February I) COMPANION 6r,o .w Ihh d Air ? I $ to 4)0 pm No Sotar 1700 mo pta Uoy cr Sunday mean Refy Peos JO 10 COOT, COOT 16 HOUR SflfcCT 'Tipmyment Agency PART time Day core posiGxOktion Muftodoy area 278 483 f r Wanted Must be 71 fWR i 264 8434 a - MFHV i.OSMf TOLOGlSf and nail per von Minted, shop in Murroy, comrrns-voor booth rental GaM lindo, 6ii?'L COSMETOLOGIST AND MAKE DP artist wonted Brxrth rental, fan new salon, Coll Coiieen 487-- 155 COUNSMOR INSTRUCTOR Full firr position working in food vervce framing program for youths. Teoch employability skills c'ass conduct tot) devetopmerrt piocemenf, and provide counselm ing and Support services. B Social Sciences ar related field and 7 yrs. hurrian services wcrk nence required. hour, depending upon Qualifications, foil Gmo at Tuesday, or qppt epe COUNTER HELP Equal Lot W NT Ac Experience Cholrslde Dental Assistant Pius Some Expanded Duties Port Time HGNiST Bring DENTAL h yGE NIST Needed. Prrt time Top poy Dr Miller, DOS. NOW HIRING ' COMER HELP APPLY AT: 3245 So State (part time 562 East 4th South days) 919 rest 2100 South North 500 Eost NSL 56? East 4th south So. Highland Dr. (Breakfast help) 7240 so 13th Eost 232 so. mam 1005 6135 for review appikoftons am. 4 p.m. Monday thru Accepting from 8 Fridoy. HUMAN RESOURCESDEPT. 8TH AVENUE 4 C STREET on equoi opportunity employer-mf- ful. We offer o permanent position, petitive sotary, poid heofth ance and paid vocation. DATA ENTRY for If 3 M3 SOUTH 800 WEST Woods Cross, Utah ?) opportunity employer T 3mlle - file and maintenance. Accepting from 8 Friday. applications for review p.m. Monday thru a.m.-- LDS HOSPITAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE & C STREET on equal opportunity employer-I h care help and cook Norm Soft Lake area. DELIVERY DOMINOS PI77A The World's pizza delivery company has immediate openings for dehveiy personnel Full ond oarf time, dov and evenings shifts ovaiiobie. Perfect for starting a career or tor o spending money. Must be 18 yeors or older, hove own car with insurance Apply in person of 815 Eost 400 South 3050 West 3500 South 1781 West 5400 South - 4616 South 4000 West 4339 South. Highland Drive 1184 West 600 Norm 6064 South State 4370 South 153 East qualified SEMI ORlVERS. ROOM One eh , 7 1781 WST 7800SO ; We need ha working energetic people looking for excellent port os delivery Or full time positions personnel. Flexible hours day or tsemnos positions. Must be 18 9earsor Older, hove own car with ftnuronce Advancement opportunities. Apply m person noon to 6 p m. j DELIVERY time. Apply In person. Parts Unlimited. West 3500 South DELIVERY Need bright energetic person for delivery In bakery He'p 5 om till pm. Storting pay 14 00 per hour. 3495 DfJjvTRY. Needed pizza delivery persons for Rose Park. Own car, after 4 pm. goid good. DEMONSTRATORS Dvoomk Demos Is looking for out going, neat looking, reliable soles people for part time product demPlease coll onstrations DRY CLEANING Presser needed, port time. 23U Eost Par levs Woy. OFFICE, Typist, chair side. ASSISTANT Ing person with excellent nunkatton skills needed for hlk tn's dentist. Resume to K Smyth. 150 East 300 So. ftah 8410. tllating ond olr conditioning (HVAC) systems. Minimum Quollfleohons Associates degree in electronics or instrumentation 3 year s of retefied work expe- rience or 6 years Of related work experience 3 of which must be in and electronic conpneumatic fids. Good benefits. Submfi college employment application by January ?l, 1966 to. UTAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE Pe sonnet Servkes Office 4600 So Redwood Rood P 0 Box 30808 Safi lone C tty, utoh 841)0 Phone Equoi Opoortontty Afixmattve tion Employer SL Ac-- City, VALLEY ' employer RESERVATIONS AGENTReservations work 50 wpm. 7 om-- pm, In sender office. Type In various doys THE WEST1N HOTEL UTAH 1:00am Apply T ues. and Thurs. Moln at South Temple Equal Opportunity Employer HOTEL Part time convention set up and waitresses. Experience preferred. Apply In person, Quoiity Inn Airport, 5575 West Amelia Earhart Dr. Equoi Opportunity Employer HOUSECLEANING. $4.50 per hr. Must be dependable, hove phone, fill 10:30 pm. car. HOUSEKEEPER for large apartment complex central facilities, such os recreation room and must be dependable, excellent benefits. Apply at 3839 So. 2A West Temple HOUSEKEEPER Nonny. Experl-enceRefs. 10 dovs plus oft per month. Private suite ond kltchen-ett- c $300 mo. to start. HOUSEK EEP6R, live in. Solary plus benefits Mature Individual. Some cooking. HOUSEKEEPER for residential homes, opts., condos, flex, hours. Coll Debro Ing , ftECTRlClAN, Journeyman wk. industrta eD $13 hr plus Neva-d- Sub Utoh Contractor 9 ELECTRICIANS WANTED yrs. exper. Must be State licensed. For orpt., follow- parts print reoding Certified or registered General Engineer Construction oriented Architect be willing to work any shift time staff to work days. Must hove own car ond be flexible. Storting pay $4 hr. Call for appointment. MAINTENANCE Growing heofth club needs responsible mdivtduois full and part time with maintenance Moke application m person to 10300 So. Redwood Rd, South Jordan, Utah. MAINTENANCE"" Person. Experl-enceNeeded for property monogement firm. Sotary bosed on experience. Send resume to: 535 Eost 4500 So. D 70, SLC, Utah 84 107 MAINTENANCE HELPER. Own tods. Apply ah 252 So. 500 Eost. Equoi Opportunity Employer MANAGE MENT SECURITY 1ST EASING Dental Assistant full-tim- positions. For further information, please contact the Personnel Service at 582-156- Operating Room Surgical Head Nurse For further information, please contact the Nurse Recruiter at (801) 582-156- beeper to F yre'rf lJ h20 NURSE AIDE CerhfiAd home Heofth Aides needed for expanding Home Heofth a yen--1 cy Flexible fours, excellent Bene- fits. Must hove experience and good references. Can 486-- 186 for appointment NURSE (registered) for supervising ond circulating in out patient surgery. OR experience required. Send resume P.O. Box 7532 Soft Lake Cfty, Uton 84107 MECHANICAL equipment maintenance person. Must hove experience in electricoi, heating, air cond. ond equipment repoir. Preventative maintenance. Own tools ond transportation required. Competitive pov, vocation ond benefits. Apoiy in person ah Vtaos Muffler, 1453 So. Motor St. (50 Eost) 10 to 12 am or 2 to 4pm. MECHANIC: MWos Muffler and Brakes needs experienced brake and alignment mechanic wrth good communication ona soles skills, positive attitude. Guaranteed woges, commission, paid vocation, insuronce benefits and profit sharing Apply in person or 1453 So. Mawr St. (50 East) DOCUMENTATION 10 to 12 om or 2 to 4pm. MECHANIC, experienced GM general line technician wonted. No other need apoiy Apply in person. Gus Pouios Chevrolet 4050 West 3500 So. li"da PARKER 425 WEST Me'rt n HANN:F N 2675 NORTH OGDEN, UTAH 844C4 in taw firm or financial institution, ond suoe-taorgonizatond, analytical, or.d ianguoge skiKs. Sena resume to: EksAyn Anderson First Securrty Leasing Co 331 Eost Broodwoy, SLC, 84111 An Equoi Opportunity Employer Equoi Opportunity MANAGEMENT MFHV INSTRUCTORTRAINER management, In business Employer NECESSARY morkettng, accounting Women's Eves. body building Mr. Hansen. instructor. Experienced agent urgently needed!! We hove more qualified leods for life, heofth and disability, than we can handle. These leods are part of a marketing system hat oliows us to work in the small business market, wrth people who octually wont our products. We also offer top products ond commissions. Call ask tor Mr. Maxwell. INSURANCE Umgard insurance Group is currently seeking on experienced assistant. MANAGEMENT One of the finest auto dealers in the Rock Springs, Wyoming area is looking for a monoger to sell finance and insurance services to our customers. The Ideal candidate will hove years business experience, banking small loan or insurance background. College degree preferred. 2 weeks formal troining. Excellent sotary wrth boSALES Coll nus opportunity. Mufti-lin- e ond ereotmg $$CASH BONUS $$ MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Payiess Shoe Source Stores Invrtes you to explore our career opportunities ond benefits. We will be ond conoccephng applications ducting interviews on Jon. ?2, 1986, from 8 a.rm-p.m. at the following locations: PAYLESS SHOE SOURCE STORES 973 West No. Temple, University Moll (Orem) 2 4 yrs. college degree or equivalent In retail 'monogement preferred. Equoi Opportunity Employer UO offer WF Eost PAY 7100 So hourly 201 SALARY LABORERS tx4ft6-39)JOBTELL Emptoyment Agency LAUNDRY Attendonf. Part or full time avail. Musi be respons good with people ond over 21 $3.50 hr. to start Apoiy at- K ieon Mocmne, 2263 So Highland Drive S.L.C. LAUNDRY In workers needed apply person only. Hotel Lmen Servkes, 51?0 West Ameiio Earhart Dr pmN Mon thru Frl. LEASING AGENT Aggressive monogement company looking for leasing ogent y,rth Soles experience Willing to troln Hgnt person Pieose send resume toPQBoi 7156 Murray Ut 84107 NOW We are looking tor one individual in soles Must be oggrevve, selfstarter ond expect good rewards for his or her efforts. pm Apply this Monday 8 30 FREED Chrysler 1100 So Moln Plymoirth i ond or Hondo expenenc preferred. Good poy ond benefits. G T Automotive ask for Tim. 4 1, 7S ASST $4 25 nr SElECT mptoyment Agency. OROf& TAKiNG Customer corre$250 order pricing spondence. per ween plus bonuses. 0666 26 tronmg paiNER Apts Tqpxng exper SMOER SSOhr 277-- ip7 parts PO COUNTER Wholesaler needs experienced ports person. Apply to person No Phone Cans1 Wison Supply inr 200 no WC West Recreat-ono- retaf m futt fime Provo VjStoetFlnKOl'yarientod Sena SCKK7 requireme its and to Prarmotist, PO Box 7)30, Murray, UT 84107 Pharmacist, Wayne R Paul. PresiCoche Chamber of V of the Heroid Journol West 300 No. Logon, Ut 84321. 1986 to: MANAGEMENT Top Northern Utah firm, is seeking on experienced auoiified monoger for focilfty In Sort lake area Candidate Is expected to occeot future executive monooement position. Degree or equivalent exper reouired, capable of leod-inand supervising 20 25. Excellent company benefits. Send resumes to O. Nelson POBox 678 Brighom City, Utah, 84302. MANAGEMENT 1986 EXPANSION PLANS at Memor lot Estates requires two odd ibonol group monogers. Must be Dir eel able to recruit, train, ond motivate to $60,000 opportunity. $30,000 Medical Insurance, retirement, ond do id vocation. MR HOLT 3456 $7.50 HOUR National steam ckoner manufacturer opens retail division creating 200 new opnemgs Hours 6 30 to 10 p m weehmghts. Sot , 9 to 1pm No experience necessary Col' Monday after 10 am sftHxSin MANAOf H 7PA1N1 E retail ond flnonce Nattonol co 's. $12,000 yr and up Bonnie. Snelhng ond Snelllng Employment Agency, 3)9 tost 3900 South, wonted. PHARMACY manager Must hove California No Sunoovs or night. Call Jim between (619) PWS'CA. Fjil time Staff position ovoate dov shift For detans coh hOlYCkjSS K)yiTAi 1045 E. 100 So. Piont Cere $250 5375 wk. JOBTELL Employment Agency Employer required. Contact 16 3C, Pcos. dilierentiol. benefits bosed or hours worked. Fjll or re- year Currer! quires hoso-to- coi ma'erna! newborn or tCU experience. CLINICAL SPECIALIST. surgkol experience to os Clinician, Educator, and Reseorcher. Resumes, pieose. CA. programmer analyst CHALLENGING position requires thorough knowieoge of IBM Assembler ond online programming experience. CiCS Datobose, OS MVS experience o plus. 2 years programming plus degree Appl- PROGRAMMER ANALYST III $33,846 per yr. State of Utah Department of Business Regulations, Sort Lake CHy. Responsible for computer applica- MEDICAL D.P. Monoger, P.O. Box Soft Lake City, UT84110 1013, FROGRAMMER Associate degree yr. experience wrth RPG plus system 34 or 36. Starting solary up to $23,000 year. D.O.O. plus full - ogenev fee. Coll JOE HESS AH Seasons Emptoyment Agency PROGRAMMER - BSCS plus severoi years experience with UNIX system ond management background. Starting sotary up to $50,000 year plus relocation and compony paid ogency tee. Coll JOE HESS All Season Employment Agency Programmers to $35,000 yr.466-393JOBTELL Employment Agency COORDINATOR PHARMACIST Immediate full time position for Staff Pharmocist. Rotating shifts ond weekends. Must have license for state of Utah. Contact Personnel Office, Utah voiiev Medkol Center: ROOM OPERATING PSYCH'ATRY ADULT MEDICAL Full time position available for Registered Med Tech. Must be oble ta work day shift and weekends, ASCP reouired. Contact Personnel Office, Utah Valley Regional Medkol Center, Eouol Opportunity Employer. ONCOLOGY, lAf CENTERS DIALYSIS REAL apartment ESTATE-TH- BROK ogents ERAGE needs Mr Thomas, RECcPTiONiST, experienced Secretary BOISE HOMES occeotmg operations from enersert motivated Individual getic, wno want to work in o fast paced environment This position requires general offke skills, typing 60 wpm, filing, answering phones and neiping customers. Word processing sums helpful but not reouired. Tms person wlH also be helping the personnel ond bookkeeping areas Must be organized ond detail oriented Position wiH v IS, 1986. Pieose be open erf 6291 W 9800 So. fo RECEPTIONIST Were Soft Lake Crtvs fastest growing temporary servke. We e nave a permanent position within our office Position irv vot ves Interviewing ond customer service, with general office must be outgoing, ond able to hondie enthusiastic, busy front office. Advancement potential ond full benefits, Appty Mon-For btwn TEMPORARY CONNECTION East 2100 So. 201 Water hr. $4,25 White hos on opening for RECEPTIONIST $5-- hr. JOBTELL Employment Agency RECEPTIONIST- - 60 wpm typing, filing, phones. RENTAL AGENT. Come grow with us. Large growing compony has a need for outgoing well groomed person who eniovs people. Good benefits. Bosk office skills preferred. Pieose apply in person at 3839 So. West Temple 2A. Mondov-FrNo experience necessary RENTAL AGENT Come grow wrth us. Large growing company hos o need for outgoing well groomed person wno eniovs people. Good benefits. Basic offke skills preferred. Pieose apply In person at 3839 So. West Temple 2A. Mondoy-FrlNo expert- ence necessary tions. Interface with division directors, supervise programmer onoivst. 2 years troining, 5 years experience In computer science RENTAL COUNSELOR needed, part for detailed iob rea Coll time eve. till 8om. 469 E. 3300 So. description requirements. ApplCall Beth ications due: Jon. 29, 1986. REPORTER: The Park Sec or a, an owtrd winning weekly newspaPROGRAMMER per In Park City is seeking on exTo maintain existing and develop perienced reporter who con cover new applications. 3 years minianything from sports to news to mum experience. SYS 3436 RPG arts. Photographk ability desirea-biil reouired. Strong accounting Send resume ond clips to background heipfui. Sotary range, Janice Perry, P.O. Box 3688, Park $24,000 to $30,000. Send resume City, Ut 84060 benefits and company poid EDUCATION PATIENT SEASONS ALL Deborah to- 'MEDlCAi masters degree and Consultant CENTURY 21 180 or S.L.C. UT 84108, Attention: ications Monoger RN'S Resource Portar, WE PAY HOURLY SALARY or equivalent experience required. Solory commensurote with experience. Send resume to: Sun Carriers, 2500 Californio Ave., ne Purchovrg Agent $250 wk XjBrEL Emptoment Agency real estate SAES we nave o taw openings tor qualified professional to work m an exciting and friendly enviroment Must have Or be wHIlng to Of Quire 0 reoi estate license. Call Gift Receptionist to anwser pnone, type, ond work with the putrfk. Typing soeed of 60 wpm required as well PLUMBING Need Journe mon or os an ability to deal effectively ton year plumber ta work on with the public. Scoff 5668555. in Mesa Arizona motel RECEPTIONIST SEC: Become the PRESS Operator $7 hr best you con be. Great opportuniJOBTELL Employment Agency ty, fun offke, benefits. $1,200 mo. PRATING Fee Nego. Mary Ann, WE RE looking for a feeder helper Snelllng and Snelllng Employment on o 5 color Cutter !oaer operaAgency, 339 East 3900 South, tor it ? color pressman. Apply 8 202-oh 2185 South W Eost RECEPTIONIST 'SEC.: $1500 mo. TEAM MEMBER, PRODUCTION Exerting progressive office. Fee Dominos Nafiono Commisssary Nego. Mary Ann Snelllng Meow lifting involved ond restou-- j one Snerting Employment Agen-crant exper Apply in person be. 339 Eost 3900 South, 20,1 m. tween on Jon. 16, 17, p RECEPTIONIST skilled in public 21 23. 2288 West Custer (1775 So.) Motor e People 'detail PRODUCTION MANAGER lor fitness studio. E venings For prxKision grindl; and inoch'n--i png jqhjrdov. Coll vcki, in! Hg 3nd resume to. Code 0 '60 care of this newspaper, P O. Box RECETONiSTSECRETARY, ' e, good typist, Sanay, $700 mo. 45838. S.L.C , UT 84145 Con Mon. for apart. Don couoto is CHILD Lowier Red Estate. in need of on experienced woman in to core for their infant child RECEPTIONIST their home. Hoitodcy area. Refs, Full time for nursing home. (408)446-515- i wks Palm Sormgs, eves. (40)?52-6l0- 7 24, Sl Affirmative Equal Opportunity Arhor Employer RECEPTIONIST: PLUMBER journey man NURSE'S AIDE: $6 HOUR. SELECT Employment Agency RN with medkol. function HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8T.H AVENUE & C STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84143 on equoi opportunity employer-mf.- Person. Must hove in hO truck ond trover Send resume to T wortxijp, Box 25365, SlC UT 8425 PartS NURSES We hove severoi positions ovoiiabie for Registered Nurses. Pieose fee) free to coll or visft Pom Johnson, RN Nurse Recruiter, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, EdUOl Opportunity Employer. NURSES AID: Day shift. ond on coil. Apply ah 348 Eost 80th South. our befexe 4 JO pm. xm 'Vl6 UTAH TECHNICAL COLlFGE Per subnet Services Office 4600 So Redwood Rood P 0 box jOtk8 Soft Lctae City, Utah 84130 fmone is pcrs DFJGH' GERONTOLOGY LDS HOSPITAL to:J Optical E HEA.Tn C"RE SERVICES Sa'ary plus Submit loncws of your work, coveted appucahon ana ..e, NURSES AGES WE NEED YOU! All shifts available, choose vour own schedule, imme-dicta openings available. year experience, transportation ond phone necessai y. Con for opal. Jo-- Gas Lob including progrom development, monitoring, ond teaching. Requirements: Mia year experience in btood gos area, and must be fomiliar with several automated btood gos systems. Tonometry ond computer background preferred. BSBA In medical technology. Registry required, (MT ASCP). Accepting resumes for review. oerca 0 Part time positions avoii. Ford, MECHANIC Heavy duty diesel. Must hove extensive diesel rebuild experience. MEDICAL CHIEF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Needed in our Blood Gos Lab to work per week, 7 to 3:30 shift. Will supervise the Quoiity Assurance activities erf the Btood Ape orO meet tat 64 PhONE AUTOMATED rHANf'xfe.'xC o tatoiiv como .tor uea 24 noxy ton trxje onswe ng nos o.er 4C Mi ond out se hme permanent te'pexary 55 $3 openings on an oro- per nose to start a troining 9 fj South at 493) vded Appiy E ast, cr cerf' 265- - 700Ctor more into years experience. Contact: 0 Reservations wk. JOBTELL Emptoyment Agency RESPIRATORY THERAPY RESPIRATORY THERAPIST OR TECHNICIAN To work rotating nights 11 to 7. The Therapist must be registered or registry eligible; technician must be certified or certification eligible. Experience preferred. Accepting from 8 Fridov. appikations for review p.m. Monday thru a.m.-- LDS HOSPITAL RESOURCES DEPT. 8Th AVENUE &C STREET 32M861 on equal opportunity employer-mfHUAAAN CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY ICU DIRECTOR ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY Immediate part time opening medical laboratory fv Experience required. contact Gail at MEDICAL If in SURGICAL CARDIOVASCULAR ASSISTANT downtown doctor's office 4 doys 0 week. Experience preferred. Pleasant work environment. MEDICAL Excellent solary. Reply to Code 0092 in care of this newspaper, P O. Box 45838, Soft Lake City, UT 84145 WARD CLERKS TECHNICIAN shifts Thursdav-Soturda- for oenerol medkol lab, including ond ECG. Coll Jone phlebotomy Monday after 10 o.m. MEDICAL Receotionist-SHARcareer oriented person for very busy Chiroprocftc prochce. We hoe 7?oo immed'O'e for openings and tor new RN's exper-ence- U Grodi. ond LDS HOSPITAL South. MEDICAL Medico! Transciipfionist needed pail time Medtcol terminologv, 60 wpm previous experience, type Coli ARUP Personnel, MEDICAL Full time, port time ord on coll positions ovoil. for RNs to work in NBiCU, 12 rotating shifts, no previous NBiCU exp. necessary. Contact Marlene Boft, Nurse Recruit- er ot Utah Volley Regionoi Medical Center, Equoi Opportunity Employer. MEDICAL CLINIC A rural medicoi clink is in need of 0 full time Physiaons Assistant Excellent sokry ond benefits. Please submit resume ond phone number to Code 0120 m core of this newspaper, PO, Box 45838, Sort L akeC ftv, UT 84145 MSW SOCIAL WORKER THE Casey Family progrom, a prichild welfare vately enoowed agency, will have 0 position February 1986 for 0 MSW so cioi worker. Applicants must hove a MSW from on accredited school ot sociol work plus 2 years post graduate experience wrth dM ed social work prochce In foster care, os well os experience with Ch'kken ond fomihes In general Apohconts must be particular rty sensitive to ethnic issues ond have strono inter ests ond awareness of problems locmg minority children in foster care Duties will Include the screening ond studies of referrals, Implementation of cose planning pi or erne nt of youths In long teem foster care, provision of soooi work services to chikten, foster fomllies ond biologic ot tonniies ond pa in var tous gr ouo and community meetings Applicants must hove the ability to work tnrteoerv denfty, demonstrate ethnic competence, be commented to professional growth ond development ond be able to work os 0 member of 0 teom. Solar y from $2,024 per month, plus excellent employee benefits. The Casey Fomily Pro-g- r om is an equoi opportunity employer Deadline tor appikaftons Januar y 31, 1986 Send iesune to Judrth Ownes. ACSW Director Division, The Casey Wyoming Fomily Progrom, 3116 OkJ Faithful Rood Cheyenne, Wyoming 12001 (307 ) LDS HOSPITAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE & C STREET SLC, UT 84143 on equal opportunity employer mfh Filing, dictaphone, typing required. Good benefits. Resume East psychiatric area Master degree preferred. Excellent poy rates ond a comprehensive benefits pockoge offered. Please submit resume In confidence to: PRN POOL MEDICAL LABORATORY LDS Hospital, o 520 bed tertkrv core teoching and referroi center for the Intermountain region, is accepting applkcrtions for Director of our Clinical Psychiatry Dept. Include excellent Qualifications leadership arc public relations skills, along with a BS ond minimum 5 years proven experience in monogement and clinical local shift. interested dent 99 management trainees LIMITED MECHANICSUBARU 87 management today for your cush bonus ed for the fir st 40 hours com-- I EXECUTIVE peted We hove immediate open Coche Chamber of Commerce logs m oil areas oF production, as-- I 5 vrs. Minimum experience in sembly, wiie house and tabor We smoil to medium size orgaoffer variety, flexibility, ond com-- I BA Degree In econom-ks- , nizations. petftKe wooes Phone ond car business or a related field helpful beApply send resume highly deswaote tween 9 Horn or 3pm on 01 betore Feb ond references TEMPORARY CONNE CTlON Sgr MECHANIC FOREIGN CAR MECHANIC EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Apply: 363 Cost 3900 South Confidential, pieose send resume to: Pat Ryan & Associates, 6825 East Tennessee Ave., Bldg. 1, Suite 101, Denver, CO 80224, Attention: Bob Keim rating ability preferred. Computer terminal experience helpful, but MANAGEMENT TRAINEE- not required. Minimum 3 yeors rating experience. Coll OPENINGS for Monooers in the field for Interview. of PERSONNEL, INTELLIGENCE. INVENTORY FINANCE, COMMUNICATIONS, Auditors Inc one of Inventory ond SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS. Amerka's lorgesf professional inMonogement training given ventory set vices Is now occephng ' NO experience necessary e aopikafions for permanent QUALIFICATIONS: U.S. Citizen and some positions. Paid troining program with rapid Years old merit pov increases after compleGood heofth tion of training. BABS degree Travel opportunities. Coll: Novy Officer Programs, Company transportation provided. For ond interview come to 3575 So. Main St. 8am-5pMonday thru Friday MANAGERS INVENTORY-Part time only. RGlS for site Inventory Specialists. Days only. EXCELLENT Opportunity monogers ond ossistont monog-er- s Starting 5 a.m., 6 o.m. Must have for apartments ond condominown phone ond car. No guaranium proiects. Good people skills, teed hours or days. Flexible work ethk, ond experience in schedule. Great for housewives, students or others. 10 Kev helpful. general reooirs ond maintenance reouired. Deliver resume or apply $4.75. Storting woge. Applications In person: p.m. being token on Jon. 3808 So. West Temple, Suite 2 A. Soft Lake City. Interview ond Wolioce Associates Monogement 165 South Main, Suite 500 testing some dov. RGlS is on Equoi Soft Lake City, Utah 84111 Opportunity Employer. MANAGEMENT JANITORIAL nights SET YOUR OWN HOURS Couples welcome. 2 positions ovoil. near ? 100 So. ond Redwood Rd hr. 2 hrs. 5 days wek. Coll FULL TIME MANAGEMENT Mon ond Tuev only POSITION AVA.LABLE JANITOR $140- - wk. JOBTEll Employment Agency Must hove knowledge of custodtat mointenonce ond the use of JOB DE vE L OPE R INST R UC T chemicois ond supervising peoEducation ond ple Locol rets, required. Salary degee in related area ond or negot Cali fa interviews experience desired in employemployment opportunities. Apoiy In person, i;?6 So West Temple Close X 86 Equoi J3poortuntty Employer JOB Education ona degree In related areo and or experience desired In freeing employment oooortu-- , nmes Appiv m person, 1776 So. West Temple Close JO 86 Equoi Opportunity Employer Port time. Eves, and Saturdays. Must have state inspection and Emission's Ikense. Apply at 3911 So. 2300 East. MECHANIC PERSON to oersoryji oppearance, ae 'J peroube Apcxy in pe"tan Ctoly ?A, 9 4 38 J9 So West Tfrrpe ?'A NURSE AlOES Off shifts. Apply m person. 252 So. 5th Eost. NURSE LPN. Full time position on day shift in smoil intermediate core home in Bountrtul Ut Mom, Rieosont Gro Aim Dare Yornrr. neat nursing home in Bta NURSE wonted for doctors office, port time, soiary nego. Coil Eouol Opportar.ity fg PuCh, oftk E- 2100 So. i postVX- taBuC REI MARKETING CV Dina Tor far School of Cortanmr Education com-trtxoiluce and f cjhcxn arxj merkehrta pr prerfeswonot grjms Requires ence to writing, odertismg, P'jPc rewftons Qrd marketing Degree s preferred Musi type oc cx'ftiy, demonstrate excellent a$ torig ana presentrtaon stniis ft- Cff-f.- NURSE m mediate opening mec homes ond shop foreman for trucking firm m An. ona Send resume: P.O. Box 839fi, Boise, lOOho, 83707. TRAINEE NO EXPERIENCE 2112 Eost Texoco, A.t'rfi 6Xi So 84662 j LPN Part time wknds. for small MECHANICS: for diesel GNiCT I to 2 rAg per neoftT Ayer y HTme rteartr fcxperl WJfryound conretatato Smary rgftfvgj tact Western lhirt-- , ContrycftS, Highly moti voted people needed for weignt loss dinK to 3 locations $7 plus- hr No hoi k3qv weekends C rf' 77 f Pyt tn oreter-e- MANAGER for cor.str xtkto Quanfir jrvys Nt 6 4 Dy tom.n. 6T Uitrg m ilS Mn I rS Sxx i rctoskjc-tkyperyivx office exper to pret 6- Eouol Opportunity M'F M JS xpm DESERET MEDICAL NC. Attention: Humor Resources Dept. 9450 South State Sandy, Utah. 84070 Employer inkAtt and j fteta j mo fjj car 'ji eperses uata need rou NW F'eqgy tt 6669 Ve'"rSI Orta Snemrq F mpto merit A jtnB Visit c i ) jv E ast rfj fte (Cftfi t Iff. U 'ANDt-V y- r'st 4t4 Wonted eip j- Lorre $14 preferred Call 486 I '46 I'g q 'iffM f xirrk I' Ue'eH 16 1401 ,n e'nM Ptuus 4.'5 VedMQl I.PN 'Tekr Bus. ftrf Ug lmrlirrfe NURS- CO. DEPARTMENT extension 1558. Registered Nurses Quo ftied apoikants may apotv ah MANAGER, (not revolving) 180 Construction oriented vss- Agency: Servke needs fun ond port using various types of LABORERS ond or wiring, restuffing, coor codes No fees, we poy weekly Apply today immediate openings SOS TEMPOARif S Indus tai Division 26 East 800 South work, - person to Friendly, dependable Respiratory Therapist (801) Khoollng cur- Successful INSURANCE SALES HOSPITAL equoi opportunity HOTEL File be- pm PIONEER ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS Assemblers needed for long term) assignment, exper. Employment MAID with ANSI YU.5 in Pharmacist These are TalRECALL ASSISTANT, per-- iidrkions$13hr. with excellent telephone JOBTELL Emptoyment Agency ability. Resume to Dr Sait Electronk Tech K Smyth 850 Eost 300 So. JOBTELL Emptoyment Agency Utah 84102. M tween applkatons occpeted I ond or PNFUMAT CONTROLS To motntoln ond repox pneumotk ona electronic eouipment, used to monftor ond conirol, heating, ven 0r i, ,t Ijr jfeffi L FrrjryrTn Ancy LOAN PROisSCR.' sokxV wftt exper OutstandCOl rvf a nrjhofoi cocr ppany wrth on e(xxdmg ing seeks Sharp ugesve per son to rrxVxge CO fhof has rtrvor riod a toqtn for k rrqnr jyerrrK posrlovoff Excel advancement pohorv Soles and touection ecpcri-tential Marge 268 8444 Wiling & enc O plus Apply m person at Wiling Errprtoyment Agency 6586 So State Sheet ft MS 'e.katrk' P'y g lete ' ( " Hrrg are two rexyn s 4kppr Vgrt krirtl HA '? to tg g 100-H- and ( lpn RN 'xwmg hevis ' 1 Wonted elp n g,t r potnhr-gevusrf-- Parker hos a comettfive wage ond Suoervises ond works wrth staff of sotory progrom and an excellent responsive tor benefit pock age of preparation legol documentation for commercial lease trans- MECHANIC. Full time. Must hove If you meet the minimum requireactions ond r ekrted customer conyear experience, State inspection ments (or this position, coli or aptact. Must hove bochetors and IM testing license. Apply ply in person degree, previous similar experiMonoov thro'iQh Fridov, Parley's ence require EP or medkol experience, typing of 60 wpm, medkol terminology ond computer experience. Must be flexible and have good PR skills. FOLLOWING PROFESSIONALS: electronic 'technician Ond Must Both positions eligible. Call and 0i xJx 'lggj Skins U, Jl lAg rtg'f ciwnr nr y Mfl Qppik iJhrjns 6i9 yg ' ft,. i V , 6 99 p VA NAOtR tRAiNEE nip Ouooes needed. THE , VEDlCAL Cfi' TFR RECRUl ING HJrt THE Apply experienced Monoger. DRyClEan Assf'$4 35 hr Select Empioymerrt Agency DENTAL ASSISTANT needed for downtown office. Must be highly skilled In exponded duties, with Oexlbllity to work front desk on Occasional buses. Our office Is Is baking only for the best, ff mis Monday thru you. coll Friday L be on coll os . Stay Attendonf area ment readiness 6per 537 71 17 DRIVER FUU Auto will epen DRIVER 5 . ei s oy e tt uod Utah to Cquta nig ?9?.y.'4. DRY CLEANER Counter help wonted preferred int Center. ANING Skilled dovs per week. with rotating week- 48 ge- Novy fast perform precision part setups CLERKS H0URTeT?CT Drivers (all Nues) 466 39 '9 JOBTLll Employment blue in ends. Other clerk t. 'xxn 6- 3 Empioyme'it Agency DRIVERS Teom Drivers Wonted DRyClE DELIVERY HERE WE GROW AGAIN DOMINION PI77A ANNOUNCES th( opening of o new store in West Jordan ah part time. negrXvXAt rrM West n P'jrX rft reaped rx.i tjr wentr ur0 tierjr.trg yi'r4ng, X yr r. Can 1J p m y 'f ft 6 Ability to Temporary seosonol. Wednesday, Thursdays, Fridays. 10om-6otechniExperience os on cian required. iN $650 1 prn t V.h V f '$4 rojr im.g g ,r r - gtgmo shns tt, Skilled CLINIC in Mugro crea Atert eyjH'v s help witr pervxvji w'xrxjr t car and refer verftvj:, n' At 100-H- , irrtOT VxJ 18 16 - v StfclCE W0EKER LOAN PROCESSOR .G ,c f 'Gs 'GL A privoto MANAGER Tromee$ij00 me Select Human Servk Experience or requxed, to process 80 Exp er enced m credit reexyhr-Orgamzahon 4 fcruftirg for Emptoyment Agnt Fha, vA or) convenhonc icons. fym see s Human Sr vk Worker to answer loan pr'vessrg Advancement opportunities gexto from cridt pnor cmft OeperdrjLie TJiidiOiS client, MA''E.G f.NANC.A. otter ;an. 22, 1985 S arto da ossecernent on 'S Sotar tCA MORTGAGE CORP comn e sx ate xitr. experence chronic menkjly Ik Develop and ANA, 'f;T Cali Da- - id or rf ent Mon it u F r Implement treatment pions Fmonoot Raptaty Service growing MACHirJST Oos i h or 6 res Cor par througn todlviduoi and gr ou s seeking profesvonoi r therapy, provide cnsH Inter persori to corngnmerit rrarxe ting nanny r.eedej tor young cccxpie to clienn, pcrticipofe m reguMust to be progrom reK fth first child m Boston area For eiinng lar cose staff kg and rronogement An exceiienf oppcxtunftv for Couf (lA pasmt cate to more mfo ovi '7' mdtviduois wftfi scvid m- wffttm meetirgs. Be familiar wrtn hiv Responstaiifties mochmist experience. Must rxrve OnNANN COOK CttAN poSi-- t pontc community resources and CwM sales, marketing ptanrung 4 years of ieost m sub re culture experience f'isparuc cufiirai and ty happr sponvb-ana financial oratyses Buswess operation at numerical control L ve n Noeas ll rronths experience fieedaup'r re Pror aueed degree marketing machines as weu as cone'ftKxiui wcxkug wrth crxoruc, mentolly ill, orid xoies experience 0 plus' tato-rNANtict housewrx artoccxxi oq ergme krthes, vertical mim, ond mrrvyrh, ond or disadvantaged commensurate with, experiLive to or out Reserves Fv honing machines. patients. A.S degree ns Human ence. Excellent benefits Submit egn spec mg Ox j59-- X m or Servkes equivotent Fluent rth sotary history and resume BGA International oftecs on Doth Spanish ond English. 40 hrs. requirements to. senary and fringe benefits 6x. per week $800 mo plus heofth InPRESIDENT poexoge. For oooftionoi mformo-hof- i, surance On call as needed. PO Box 1571? NURSE aides needed Personable, pieose contact the Employee Piease contact Utah joo Service Soft LCe City, UT.,84115 e Dngnt, mature persons who Relations Department at 1234 So. Mom, taer own hours and AAECHANlCS BGA INTERNATIONAL Job Oder 67363. hove at least P 0 Box 209, Sort Lce City, Ut 84110 year experience Equal Opportunity Employer ond Own transportation to work A Division of Baker international for o well established home neafth on equoi opportunity employer IMMEDIATE OPENINGS if interested can MACHINIST for journeyman. Job shop P.M.S. experience required. Tool ond Plot T'Oi"iog dye experience helpful. Must Nay hove required tools. Competitive The Novy needs pilots. Fully pad will include hands Responsibilities NURSE woge structure ond good benefits on mechanical problem solving flight troining progrom open now part time RN l part time tPN to college grduotes, 10 to oge 26. Apply at Hydroflame Corp., 1874 ond machine for plastic for 12 hotr dov shift Fiextoie So. Pioneer Rd., S.L.C., Utah. No experience necessary. ExcelInjection molding processes. to ork 2 to 4 sf'ifts per lent poy and benefits. Must be m Machine Directs the proper operation of month Mm. potential for M tome Oper $10 hr excellent hearth, hove uncorrectmachine operation. Requires a in the future Cali Snieto for intervGBTEll Employment Agency ed 20 20 vision ond be o U S. citiminimum of years direct view appt V AiD. $4 50 HOUR, SELECT zen. Coll outside exper. in a mowing environment HUMAN and geometrkol totorancing STEWART TRUCKING, 50 tfrgtoyer-mf'- applicants must meet the ing requirements: 3 years flatbedexpcrlenced needed Over the rood operation Includes the 11 western! In Ogden. states Coil S3 fvE HOUSE KEEPERS U nr 466 3939 XvBTElL Emptoymtnt Agency Inspection DRiVERS-Wit- DRIVER quo) (XtoortoX'fty SNOWBIRD EMERGENCY iE LlF PT STREET 5 Hannifin corporation rently hos openings m our Good pay ond benefits. Good equipment Apoiy 1650 West 500 So West Bountttul. states Troctor Trailer ence reouired or Fomiliarlty of collections work. Knowledge ond IBM 3603 terminal helpful. Coll Scott, om. only. GENERAL OFFICE Pleosont, manon smoker. ture, Telephone, typing, filing. Some credit work. only. weekdays, GENERAL OFFICE 'Accounts Payable Clerk. Computer exp. helpful 10 key ond typing skills required. $5. hr. Depending on exp. GENERAL OFFICE (WILL TRAIN) Must type 50 wpm $7 16 mo. Quollty Employment Agency: GE NEPAL OFFICE hr JO0TELL Employment Agency DRIVERS Part time, dov o week Drive cars over the auction block Fun, Interesting work Must be 23 or over. Apply In person, 460 Or onge St. (1900 West) DRIVERS Over the rood, experienced, safe, careful kivers wonted. Goon pay, plus Incentive Good fringes. Coll Hardy or Charlie, DRIVERS DRIVERS. Cos uol or Full time 4 C th AEhufVgfi HUMAN Rf MACHINE PARTS TECHNICIAN I qved Ugfg k a m ary LDS HOSPITAL days o week. Experience reouired. Pieose come In Immedlatelv and fll you like musk, our stereo equiplout an application form. No telement company must hire and phone colls please. troln several Individuals to work In new business In Soft Lake. 177 ALTA VIEW per week (override program, Incentive, commission, bo- GENERAL or High Income ounng SKI season! Owner ooerated cobs olso ovoll. bet. 10 o.nvl? Noon only DAY irxu perjt-A Oq A, 9 om-- 4tg 4t ores and transparrQt.on Minimum 2 years mochlne Inspection experience Me 4:30 tor trier a F t'At e v Wonted elp NT Ug if rgMjt hr i 100-H- rpAiljtf i,V rr t'Aj1ggJg rn rjsc c4 tr v nJ '4 0rg'0g OTta tii h iks Seek C.Orr4 field UA rH,( (X citing (Xxrqhfjyn Rx ttfgfs 8 Qm 4 pm Mvxvtoy Fndci rJed, Agerfts Wonted elp VAkA'J Ui y ftw auto Airg pry Vjles (xerrred taftrg trerjuktd Cull iLT 225 KXC VX' quv X PARKER Drive ( mile West of airport). GENERAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Need people personality with o professional appearance for general office position. Telephone skills, good typing a must. Word processing helpful. $850 month. Call Vkkl or TEAM DRIVERS pre- or At ry (xd vo'6 e CERTIFIED clerk, Wordprocessor. ReceptTANKERS temporary assignment. Must ionist positions available, hove excellent Data Entry skills Minimum 75 years with 3 years over term. Coll Mono and good insurance background. the rood experience. Tanker exArto View Temporaries. No fee. Afternoon or evening work availperience preferred, but not nec. We poy hourly solary. Cleon (frlvk'g record. Must hove able. Frldoy payday. Never a fee. e Coll Lynne current NVR. Mlleoge ond bene-ftt- GENERALlmmedlote SLC or Joan lobs for unskilled people ond othArizona Took Lines, Midvale. ond customer Cencor Temporary Servkes. servke dlsploy ers, DRIVERS openings. No exper. $1000 per mo. WANTED DATA ENTRY CLERK Work In loco! area Coll Monday Poclflc Inland Transport Looking for person to fill permanent ond Tuesday only, We are a doubles with operadry freight stable, day position tion, mostly central states, Prefer GENERAL OFFICE progressive company. 15 to $6 per hr Send resume or information to: doubles experience. New equip- Want a fun ob? Come on In to Utah's ment good pay, steodv work, Dato Entry, P.O. Box 15008, S.L.C., aplargest portrait studio. Ut 84115. growing company. Call Woody pointments for our customers to tor on qppt. have portraits token. No selling, DATA ENTRY 15 hr., fee paid. EXS3.50 per hr. plus bonus. 25YRS. OR OLDER CELLENT BNFTS. LOTS OF DRIVERS GENERAL OFFICE WORK. Stocev, Acme EmployUTE CAB CO 1. 1 Small credit union needs efficient, ment Agency, MEN OR WOMAN accurate person for general oftke DATA PROCESSING Monday thru Fridoy, to 9:30. CRT experience ferred. Will handle mochlne wXk To 100-H- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE and related courses is e e or for a Are you tired of layoffs, seosonol needed work, low paying jobs? Looking results oriented monogement for a career change? (f you troining program. BS degree and Qualify: business experience required to HOSPITAL nuses). foctory training to contribution holistic a nxe No experience necessary. Must immediate income of promotabie first preparation be sharp in appear once. For Humon Resources Department advancement line ond servke merchandising Interview coll Don, 9660 South 1300 East aptitude testing Coil Mt. West College of mongers. UT 84070 GENERAL OFFICE Sandy, Eastern electrkoi manufacBusiness and Technology for an Equal Opportunity Employer Accounts receivable and general ofturing concern appointment. 6- - Start fice clerk. Light type, 10 key, filimmediately INSTRUCTIONAL Aide position, part ing. Must be dependable. Experitime in small private elementary J1.20CMOMH ence helpful. Bookkeepings ond HOSPITAL school. Must follow prescribed GUARANTEED occounfs receivable exper. necprogrom, relate well to minority (f you are over 18, own 0 car, ond essary. Sokry negotiable, based children RESPIRATORY THERAPY and be able to take consider yourself 0 cut above the on exper. Medical dental benecharge of small groups. Troining. fits. Poid hoildovs. vocation. Apply Therapist or Technkkm needed to norm, coll Mondoy, 9 a.m. p.m., Coil for qppt, In person. Certified Warehouse work PRN, primarily on our afterand Tronster, 410 Wright Brothers INSTRUCTOR noon shift. Must be at least CRTT MANAGEMENT- - W.S. HATCH CO SYSTEMS OPERATOR LfAVNG WAVE APPLY AT.. week Select Wonted elp Lead Ovixen tor $t mo 466 L E UM rrvWyrrin Agry INSPECTOR , GENERAL HELP record. Excellent poy ond DRIVERS n.o HAJ'j t I t Oregon call Officers get reponsiDUffy TECHNICIAN Apply or TEMPORARY CONNECTION 180 Eost 2100 So. 201 WE PAY HOURLY SALARY benefits. CUSTOMER SERVICE-Retail- ing firm needs new openings filled this week. S250wk., full time work, will froln, PER- needed immediately. Successful appikant must have oood typing and telephone skills, along with some collections experience. Apply in person: SON ROOM EMERGENCY petroleum and haulmg chemical products. Good driv- YOUNG ELECTRiC SIGN CO. 1148 South 300 West 9 to noon CREDIT ond COLLECTIONS heal thClub in 0 carreer In heofth fitness? Good inccxr ard advancement? Recent merger nos created openings Rx rranager Irairiees, receptionist, aerobic instructors, ond swimming prate arm Applicants must be enthu- Interested betwn DRIVERS WANTED QUALIFIED SEMI VAN DRIVERS. Minimum 24 years old ond 3 years OTR experience. I8cmile starting, performance bonuses. Poid hospital Insurance. Join The Best And Fastest Growing Company Around. PST VAN, INC 1891 West 2100 South Agency orx3 GENERAL OFFICE WORD PROCESSORS CRT OPERATORS FILE CLERKS RECEPTIONISTS TYPISTS Immediate positions Competitive Wages Troining AvaHor4e budk $ro Steel Company P.O. Box 99 Centerville Utah 84014 Attn: JA. Lewis X HANDYMAN $6 XjBrELL Emptoyment HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. ITH AVENUE 4 C STREET SLC, UT 84143 on equoi opportunity employer-mf- Acceptable age. 2 years de-seI yeor rood experience Forward vour resume to: hairstylist wanted LDS HOSPITAL DIESEL TRUCK cominsur- view, Food Services. Quoilflcotlons Include excellent leadership and public reiotions skills, olong with o BS and min. $ years proven experience In monogement and dinkal dietetks field. Masters depee preferred Excellent poy rates ond a comprehe dve benefits package offereu. Pieose submit resume In confidence to: DRIVERS ing hr 100-H- 8686 Mane Tomer, 29 South State Belvedere Hotel Booth rentrjl or percentage Coll Carol FLORAL DESiGNFR Interviewing for experienced Floral Designer Must hove I yr. designing exper In retoil flower shop. Please cot tor Qppt. FLORAL DESIGNER Experienced. Part time. Apply 3995 South Red- wood Road. STRUCTURAL STEEL DETAILERS SYRO STEEL COMPANY for experiImmediate openings enced Structural Steel Deto -- irs. COUNTER PERSON Appikont must have a min. of $ years experience in the preparatATEC Copy, Inc. Is now taking apion of shop fcfcrication ckawings for the position of plications of ond o thorough knowledge counter person. Successful appliTrigonometry. cant will oiso be instructed m op- We offer a permanent position, comeration of xerox, Model 9500 dupetitive salary, poid heofth Insurplicators. Previous experience ance, exceptional retirement proand above overooe ability to work gram and poid vocations. with the public preferred. Ail pro- Forward your resume to: motions to shop manooemenf positions are from within. Therefore, SYRO STEEL COMPANY excellent for adopportunities P 0. Box 99 vancement are ovolktote. Starting Centerville, Ut., 84014 wage, 13 75hr. with liberal bene Attn: Dennis Woodard fits after a 90 day review. Please Colt for on appointment apply in person at 881 Eost 3900 South. SYR0STEEI COMPANY Credit Management Deportment needs a career oriented person with initiative and good communication skills. Some experience In credit, knowledge of bond and mechonk lien laws, and fomlllor-Itwith flnonckrf statements help- 92 OPERATING DRAFTSMAN CREDIT V. lo FLORAL Designer. (4.50 Emptoyment Agency FOOO SERVICE Wanted elp vfg TOGO SERVICE DIRECTOR d LDS Hospital, a tertkrv care teoching and referral center for the inter mountain Region. Invites applications for Director of LDS HOSPITAL COUNTER HELP ARBY'S now hiring day and night help. Apply In person at 5830 South State. No phone coils piease. AptxxtunftEmpifyef TOP MerxjrK W'jnted to retook verifiable A farm Pivot Irrigution operation. Must be obit to rnaintom and repair bmers, siastic, weu groomed ondIn swathers etc. G eer appctunrtv motivated Make application for Quotifled person Seed resort person to 1OXK1 South Redwood to Owner, P O Box 66689, Seeds Rd South Jordon, Uton CA 95066 VQiiey, HOME MAX fR FASHION SALES HomemtAer pert time needed for for Giod Rags new store. Home Health Agency. Car and We are looking for an enthusiasvoikJ drivers Ikense necessary tic, ambitious, fashionable person plus good references. with several years experience in for appointment Coll women s retail clothing soies. 86 HOMEMAKER! NEEDED Send per hour plus commission. resume to Giod Rags, 2047 East To work with me elderly ond the handicapped Futt or pert time. e City, UT 84 109 VjO So , Soft 1568 So HOC East FUME SS 4 HEALTH Ceiestr kx Bodies Studios, private trolners with HOSPITAL m teochmg or people background motivation skills and Pi Heofth nuts wekome Elack ground In fitness desired. Mature, career oriented only need apply. Excellent earning potential. Ms. Hayward, Worldwide contractor for large plate metoi structues has openings for Design Drafters In our StT office. Duties Involve making Fab ond construction on our drawings CAD system. Job auadfkahons include 2 years engineering technical degree or equivalent Strong math abilities ond an aptitude tor CAD Prior experience helpful but not necessary Send resume to: ENGINEERING MANAGER INC. Cb PO Box 30109 SI C, Utah E quo opportunity employer hoodie phones, record meal counts, run errands. STvlSTPRQGPt SSit hfjir stylist w4h cii emeie wwfted Rx new HWiuryj btgj rental Con Rx oppt 266 JJ)9 HAIR central Nevodooffaffo DESIGTT DRAFTERS To work In Dietary 16 hours per weex, 7.30 to 4 Will work every weekend or every other weekend plus Thursday ond Frldoy. Will Or FARmTiTnef DiDfoTTmote DENTAL HYGIENIST SI00DAY Seect Employment AgencySe Demm Asst J5-- iy 4609)9 JOBTElL Employment Agency ADMl!$rRATlV Kess City ut 84H9 (801194 099? 22 72 Apogee Robotics, Ft Comns, Color aoa ENGINE ER BSE E with to 2 years experience m onotog circuit design Skxftrg sotar y up to 53200 year plus company pewd fee MESS Call X An Seasons Empioynient Agency resume to: 6936 So. 24S East 94) 5109 Mrs Green DENTAL HGitNlST needed, Monday and Tuesday. Salary open. CLERK E an ,niM,H'i 'fi rr rrvir'yTff " Ug Please coil Robert Onpnonf, Office wanted 100-H- Gl ASS kj "f it rotor jab" PO Houston, Texas 7705? ENGINE ERiNO AGV company needs Protect Marv oger, Control Engineer, Field E ngtneer and E ngineer Irg AAanoger to start tmedkiteiy Lbrmgf0 ?66 8059 practice Wanted refs, Write HAW Syttst wanted to do nns orxj Bax 5770 wcxrns hr M rjk Qe ie 1 tor ton, Uf 84041 W NTAL ASSISTANT skilled or to exhigrdy perienced Dental Asst to work in progressive expanded duties Soft Dietary WENDYS El LO DENTAl hotel seeking cooks preferred Excellent rest FuM time 71 So empte Apply Mon Friday quul Opportunity f mpioyer oftv depends art experierire Serb resume to P O box 126, years or aider lOOr S 06 luxury i xperience I Soft i rrvateq, f Wj SVrt Day week Prrvesure 3 Uma t 08 OH urr 1 5 elp , Experienced Residential Gtciier needed Ror or.r.'xdwq to exper Must M 25 tow s Cwi Need av , crxjr jrif ge wrok RX X eth Wgg ert, Ktoa iju setter s (A ASS mstok $'0CKi pu rno Seect interested cxpnrjres rry prxx fc fex mter te or Ivead r4iuH4 rrtorfn Agere 56 8 60 to Lour W CKtr Grr .'ids keeper 106 466 9J9 Quanta Corp YE l l t mpeyyrrnt A gene 4 2440 Ut Dr of firvxv W NTAi Dental assistant rnjfnf , 100-H- 'gkg sates a rgj "xsxntng tvx'. una nvjroree fxfl Mar iir Ug mef view at 55 53 5 TtON Wonted elp dr 4x6r Kkst kjoP'xhun 4 'iemo mate op or i g ttfNTAt OtFKEMANAGtR team H gg mg Ug a (xyrXHed, gten ngg$, person n. ex penenre in ft verft .Nff(J Exporter: d toskJtors lo work x1 f astern klfrjho medwqi r i niter in kxxo F oily Idaho. Mm 5 yens rummer rial experience tit Help Wonted Our Ixentat M', 1644 r4 100-H- JANUARY 20, 1986 MONDAY, o'r r Humon Resources Dept. 8'h Aenue 5ol' & LakeC-ry- C UT $ireet 84143 Coll tor equoi opportunity employer mfrhv appt. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR a month. Closes Jonuary 28th at 5 p m 6 yeors successful demonstrated professional employment In water, sew er, streets, engineering, solid weosta ond parks functions of the city of whkh Includes 2 years re sponsible demonstrated supervisory experience. Apply Vernal City Personnel offke, 495 Eost Main, Vernal, Utah, 84078. PURCHASING AGENT ond TROUBLE SHOOTER for computer compony. Experienced and Coil Julie NURSING DIRECTOR Of NURSING Core FaciliFor Long ty. Supervisory experience necof Medicare essary. Knowledge ond Medicaid. Familiar wrth state ond federol regulations. Coli Eiolne Mortansen, Administrator, for aot. 363 4222 nursing RN'S iFN'S WE NFED YOU. Immediate openings ovaiiobie, oil shifts choose your own schedule. Coli tor appt. UPJOHN HEALTHCARE services 263 2900 An Equoi Opportunity Employer NURSING RN'S We need KTU RN's In Bountttui ond Shift. Farmington areo, for Please cart for more Info., UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES An Eouol Opportunity Employer Nursing RN SUPER VISOR Part time administrative nursing suneeded to supervise pervisor newly developing programs in Home Heofth Agency. Supervisory experience neexled. BSN MSN preferred. Call tor appointment NURSlNO Full time ES wrth employee soles heofth field Proven ability to generate leads, build networks. Experience In neafth cote profession o real plus Send resume ond salary requirements to: HR PO. Box 1JI59, Sort Lake Cfty, Utah 14115 SAl to RESTAURANT HERE WE GROW AGAIN DOMINIO'S PIZZA ANNOUNCES the ooenlng of a new store in West Jordon ah 1781 WEST 7800 SO. We need hard working energetic people looking for excellent part or full time positions. Flexible hours day or evening positions. Must be 18 yrs. or older, hove own cor with insuronce. Advancement opportunities. Apply In person noon to 6 p.m. estaurant Operators director needed for company. This person will supervise severoi food operations In the western states. yeors experience preferred Send resume showing ob ond salory history with solary requirements. AM replies In sfrkt confidence. Moll to: Foods Division P.O.Box 15927 Soft Lake City Ut. 84115 RESTAURANT Little America Hotel Is accepting aooikafions from mature Individuals seeking full time emptoyment as hosthostess, or Port time Bonquet wartresswalter ond bar tender positions olso available. Apply in 9 om. person to 4 pm 500 So. Moln St. Eouol opportunity Employer NetWare Software Instructor D Teaching programming specifically for applications calls to NetWare Operating System lor multi user function. Support customer through Interface with otherNovell Departments. Develop and write Instructional material. Travel required. Experience In software programming of multi user applications. Instruction In educational environ- ment. years work experience required. 1- -3 For Immediate consideration, forward your resume to: Personnel Department, Novell, Inc., 748 North 1340 Weet, Orem, UT 84057. BNOVE Aft L L Equf Opportunity Cmptoytf TU |