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Show if1 y f yi1 y BI) Help Wonted 100 13, 19841 SEPTEMBER THURSDAY, SI Help Wonted 100 SM'.-wV- Julius Uftsoniii'i SiH Muh.ulrd .0'r1 au''1(I'j i o'igiuA'MEj "Mil Hull h W'l! u '.. ftfe V t I VDl.PI iJb.uKi yjf'ijtA'OVH hum t m till H ii gll lh PAk VobH L 'Otu MDM SECRETARY-EXECUTIV- Musi k,'jtH Peso pi ofc'siunul UPloJ unct pffSOiVJ'H, Outgoing A'Jrnmisfrjti.e Assistant tu V'R Mg .xo ne fpenei(f viJ'H emrnt, MM IN .1 Ml N f "' jl VO 1( Altaian nu'- opkjii ui'd ORl irl wrth must I o.frujg xj'irg' privjnuHN' AHM IT r to spr tu STRONG drsin tounii-t-- l We to ADI o.Hk Hie Tin TRAINING' T Mrt pru.uMS i CLERK SECRETARY RECEETOCST J. FIELDING NELSON & AiOOATLb f ost 5itv f JO 4F.-- 4?0 Temple mpto r n tent S3? 6 A Needed tor 50 T tf mporor clients Con joriice or mail resume to ?61 East 300 Sotth, Suite ?50, Satt Labe Citv, Lftah 84111 16 y SECRETARY, bookkeeper, pr eferred, Solar y nego., ly hours, full o part time grjod PR plus, iliftaph.jrH, Port time, Jdoys'week. Cottonwood Vail at no Can SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST , Rail time, hour s East ?Xi r.9, SlC.UT 84107 So 351X1 WQ 263 eper. SECRi TARy He hours 4846i,y SECRRETary recepttumst, leooi T pe 70 wpm, dictaphone tran- L.P T'umvpivn 5uui iewHes, Wlb needed for Iona term, passible perma70 plus wpm, nent pasrtifjns T witti shorthand and dKtaphant eneneivc helpful t nellent flo ttnougho rt hit .aiir fees- we pa i weekl, forpeismxjl inter yiew call ?6i388J SUS Tt VPURApr SERVICES UfJh s LU'OfSl Ter poror y Sf UCC Wf CAN EtP OU BUSV! StktPEtARdS ' mu' (Oisurt, Fil stvt Tx fi'tJfci'S c mi MANAOtMi MANAGEMENT 'RA.EE giaduare, mature, omd prates S'orol cnpeai cmce. Crrjod j for leports. Considerable fAPy Rfceatiumst for IndiMna! finance Company, WUlkliKJ. M Giand Central Distribution ter. Soft Lake ( rhy Beum$5.00 K X SLCURIT SALES SUCCESS M0HVATED? Soft L oke's most pr estlgous business ogontrotion. the Sort Lake areo Chamber of Commerce, seeks professional soles people to work Call Immediately. SECURITY Guard tion, preferred ed individual CaH 80 wpm, proficient at good w rtten and oral com municahon skills a must Word processing skills helpful, Apoly m Bottling Co. person at 875 So, West Temple. No phone cons pieosc. wear. SAiES-Men- s Eoerenced professional, personab1 person needed type plus, shorthand, word processing Iteipfol, room lor male or fentole to work in our mens shop located m trie beautiful Erttie America Hotel Must be gi owtti, sola Rubin 3634455 dependable, mature and honest This position requires some shift SECRI TARy work and weekends Lcelt-n- t benelrts. Apply gt-- rttrf America 5o Mgin. Euual 500 Hotel, tunity tt"pk).e f$ mature, responsible wonted for pot time position far bedding Caud soijiy with comm hu.e t'exibie huuis. Cull for tmie 70 Call negotiable. RADIO SHACK D'STRC T MANAGER neds Oppor- good we, part time evening help Rntoil spec 'Ofty store. CKrthesf. motivated person interested in selling Western Apporel and boots. SERVICE SEAiNG Machine Mechanic, rienced Colt for oppt. Looking toer cmkJ installers Travel Car involved tmmshed. Evte'ie'nbenefrts bcre plus Appiv at Stondord Rats Call Siyenxen sales candy soes representative for local drag ond grocery occourrts. Hourly wogt. cai for Oppt tiperiencedonly. fur sheet parkingd'-o.i-oMappointment. v Wt a S1D1NG qn-- i 'K J' .0 Tv o'C1 b'nness-- E j b L'uu- Ce i.'N "'J f ' (jfvJ Nov 0j tap v.j ao.s MA jr T A that Jpp' . R C pc r U J ii'kj Aoc'K Appi at 235 y rL'Xv'Cy ,c jua 0 of j IS now occepkng appi'COhons tor worh esses ond counter heip dovs, dishwashers on shrts between 435 South East yjuth 400 East. at- or 371 700 WORKER SOCIAL Out pahent jtug therapist pe.en-hosoecohst Master's deg'ee oxJ experience required Sola v oogrox $17,000, good benetts Send resume by Sept Tfltt to the on dmo Ifoli County abuse. 347 East l?th So Gem, ut 84058. PE RECAPPED Pesoonsib'e mdinduoi needed for toige Ruck hre rKOPpmg firm ? years FrncuiC experience. Full hme, wage open Co'i 69049 apply ce sem.ek W PO'v No 1000 West, for py Se xj ( or py .iur K.psetter epxHe'xed E ful' hme, DWfeixe T xvewde Writer, C'i i. ert. ee r C" t"Jf t, ca1 ly"- - rtv-e :R aso DccuxoeM, SOS nr CP ("RORAP or ossgnnentv Excelled pov-wy.'c 4.o. empov, no ee weekly (al1 for apoo'ntment onj personal inte ew at short e.r TEMPORARY SERVICES SOS Wt ix ooo, writers, free'once technical feature wittexs neeJd tor 0 So 84111 UT . y Te gr- . V V. ar p'i W'k - mn yvi or J oex jt x fti'j4 cleon HOuSECLEAtjiNG oij. house hunest. Quick Cal' Cony, pm Hslrtite jl AUTO SALES BUILDING CIRCULATION OF SALT LAKE CITY NEWSPAPERS wys business -- M0RNING6 OR EVENINGS PERFECT FOR TEACHERS RETIREES OR STUDENTS AHFST EE 18 01 OVER D0WMT0WN LOCATION HOURLY GUARANTEE AND BONUSES mMEDlATE OPEMIMGS 521-20- 77 n,. POV 'I'lMKLd-s 'iet-dv- Cl.evfolet time We iw M Bntv itie ovoil ?4 hrs CENTERVL Day Co reochex ?uo 300 sQONo y W, chudcoxe LOv'iNG, fipexienced LC 3917 So 3785 West 5 Temporary Work WE OFFER To 0" ho "Dorr es he Dot TOP PAY PLAN CO. INSURANCE PLAN rt Caut'On erso andoi' 0 HUGE INVENTORY r 0 Apply in person only Mr. Siritti Ed Higgins Clievrolet Buick 1 75 No. 100 West, Provo, Utah po- ods Sfrte one u'yjw's cor,'c-,t- sw' ''r 'd. fO W'se S red: J.e s vf 1st r gr-- oo. m.h 6 e'ct' o.q iryrs m.h Pxpex l irrtRNA' rp . ye of fXi p4' rxji d- c'Jfx'tng 0 1'U Qn.e, ing' Cr'.e Sjh .j ; e I ng' 'ess Ox OPP 'C'Jt 560 'M '.94 Call ' hy tlifvj ;grp 16 . .'r4Sinr wag 1 J), $ confrort peisor SbPT ?0 RACHEL MANOR BEDROOM RENT ONLY $?59 Like new sparkling cleon, air cono hie bath, his ond Hers ciosef, h q living rm., fomilv rm type krtche refir g range, disposal, ftishwos'i-er- , coiport. Access to dub house, pool, lenms court No pets SLE 8am-8p?186 0 800 EAST 7968 SO 200 EAST 2o60 SO 700 LAST SO 300 EAST 4545 S Oft'ce 466- 746 345 b17, H4 60 J9 ?0 46??7 Bl7 16 F ot 1 )x d So W00DLAKE TC0i0.v,G.AE RT. UP J?8 NT ? EEDPG07 come ocrrvs clientele, COpy KOA lU'-- ,rj .'83 we ?6j Li T A AR fA 'jl looking for new fruJicluM; t 't brt,v D( R'irf "f.1 RCRAU.tS i.h' or vr, ' vu' ' a.'i"ate 50 yr nr s ilcvcinntnyul proirct.i wit: a miisnui of icrcs of lariil. Would consider 10 court property to 11 BjmJ sx (), v;vv - ji . J l t..S"e'S jx 4 AX grr O i" ci-- fK 466 4,77 t' or more information, roll I IIIAK at 1 Ir H KOA BEDROOM SPACIOUS 2& 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS GAPD-- 7 car parkirsq your drj ir, wd on all le . ounU rtchen, g in k (f) c I. SPRiiiGiANi I50THSG) 150C E I'Kdtioxi-j- ,.U. ( Vr - busy. A'-- UBi 48 544 Car MG a;df..9 lONGES o.vner RET'R NG 0 rgod, Lg Mcrte crces soc St AF N ST ,'Ai.t 7 R ClUB Gfetf easS'de Now s he hmetg buy' P 57344, SLC., Ut 841fjft O Yeekdnscaii?s5-356- 50- XjHfc! tep - eqti'frv SUCi ' I- 10 ckiwn buys n hvn Ul Or, t 1)1, Sort qX ' rV, vEND'tK SfaH y0. rv y 47.94J v4 'X Fif.PAl Owr tv- l f'jncC 2? 656 Vi R0'7tE 4n 'a- Cji j. m 0 n 943-r- 7d APt CK ING 506 Tv Or SO'e V. Or 97? WC f ir.jse S400 od ALTO uTOPE vr,K $Oh rn PoxrhHd, iti ) 78.)536 FO SalE E AR( S ARCADf c98 t Unfurnished Apartments CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER q -i A. ' 3965 West 4100 So. yx, Phone tj. 969-742- n(c 1 V, oyFP Shop Fsrjb'ishwdg,er wo Owi 4- leaving stcf, bat ytrjt win from TAX '- t I, Reart' PPiyATg Ft r r rehirn or fryj good estmeit p Bb I uUnni-- i "a wxrt ,Our pxi.Crtx- gO'PCK mjfr c 'XXr'6i tjr, 'iy Windows Of 40Kefrjxrt6 L''Xfry luxuf 'jf a wrjf 'X Ip A Wk o (I . gut- t o' er'' l r.fjo e tr, rj fr w POO' Nnrt Sum n ex rOJX CxX- -t e 'fr' liar o4 fr O' nu n .n,f ? fO vm Op4 04 'rjs R'ja fr' , OO 9 i v4 , yr opp star a new e 0t org rjrcode n ',f(7e, !.fo.iig In jO 5 OCMt'CC, OS'i 'X .our in.estmeot ord from ,un, s 'iw jnq p'Ofct Food Lgs4 rj .Svur, Cjifrim Tro'ie'S. Long esf'jo MFG vjjrxujini-t-ft-- ( PRINTING Business, fremex)0tis potential AND converting mobile lioiuc luunpif round. Ge4 Training Ak i 7 Pf'atc- fenced pxjtio, no4 1 Kids dre welcofne. orec Hgiiodav 277 7917 INVEST 10 KrtS. fruuchist: U now uvaiiuhlt; for Sail Luk; 4'ouuly, Utah. progrom Ogxn Oik any. 0'x.o CMPCiRARY t'-- y rew estobihed vdo VvEll KOA SOS TEMPORARIES v e any. BARdER SHOP for 'eos, 7 choff $175 per mo Hides gos. 17770 So 7th East 94?.4?0J Will Tr 5, u.tv Rr , 88'Vi T$-f-. BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Very spacious, wrth livng tami krtnei rth (oom, de'u dinette space, T boms, 26 imeai ft of dOSt oius Kjrge c'osm, m eoch bdrm. Huge fenced puhg, dxjble toipryrt Art outside stooge, all ngnt at your ckx. 3 VENTURE Capital annuol return on hottest ido in retail clnth-n- FAMiv 0R'FfiTED prom:rexrt mgll i N.tD (Rk 'APiL U OAl 5E'RE Tr.p f s OR RRO.L SSC uOO r LEp r P ER . c,T C,. u rfc ClERk S SOS r"y lys pxOOe onir Jy- W g rug1 ogS pyj'd yyroxked No 4eS, AuTA 7 4? SANDPIPER FOi 5C5- - 6R JOBS Schools. VJ- L til SEPT EVAN .MANOR US' Opf CLAT'0N . ',0 ?? Til ad in- forces sole c(wv eyhOoxhorj ccne on east bench Ere'. C SOS MEANS r r Hebr1 Uf'J' iAge 4D WITH RENT FREE REV FREE Bowne ofecei smo" '00') At Od G'nhf .'J' ASSOCIATES MGMT WITH sporknnq cleon, like new. pork mg with fireploce, dining area, a em'd Dtsposol, dishwasher, refi g., oooe 5 Tile bath, huge bdrm wrth His arid Hers closets NO PETS SEE 17 3195 SO 300 EAST 114 7964 SO. 700 EAST 7860 SO. 700 EAST 60 17 7186 50 800 EAST 4S45 S 6thexton(750 Wfl 16 345 East 33rd So Office CAcE STEEl ' - r oor "'I yus 'f All Act A SHAG CARPET Swimming poof, Gab house on pi emisses. Access to tennis court Ckooes, carpeted throughout, 3 CarpYjrt, exfro 4. Lrg living im UB L.f - 2. UBt ob e m.e 'll ej'.o xxxtu''h. emo'oe' 'Jit, 6 J 1. 83651, 2 Ira onts, ojint fq get detaiK, 532-- 5 jO VR BUS'NESS BROkEpS TAB Cl1 cro iyWrrv N cai 467-202- 3 $259 CUT TO RENT 70 NE.V BROWN rd Trjke-P-Owrex mong Pr.cedfosen a n NNES SEPT MANOR DONNA OPPORTUNITY Of a life time Neor-lnew 7,000 sq ft 48 seat drive inn on busy highway 6 in Wellington, Utah. Illness forces sale. Appraised of $200,000. Asking for $162,000 firm. CoH Information before 6pm CHOFN, h.p-- ocx Cf, on-- '10 4 of Nt NA Si R yr. p'oc d14' ng Aggressive Advertising E So Rstouront Through BouMfui. Nice dmng rooms ScK'd Customer base Good locatvyi Pyjvyvjble pr,CWj Pgrtne'Ship Serious 'nquire mon dsoivirj no- -e QVj phor, MBT, p 0 Box 570796, SLC, Lfroh 84152 t' ardO'' wh't CO" d META. MOTEL FOR SALE 13 units loc in No. Central w Y , neat mfns Very weH mqintairted. income. Ownxr fm wih low down pv n't WU corsiOxr trgae 0 voux hqm eaurty Act Now Laf j '88 Ogiior.' NOTICE with ad Till Provo, for lease, fully tau'oped aii eouioment inc. in iea-puce Once in 0 oppo tunff, Reodv to go. F ine loc and oipear once, Brochure coil Bus erei r',r State Phone Snia" 00 snxip portunity in Jock con MV)le, WvC r xk ir progess rr'rig SO.OWt Com (307) egot-ob'$35,030 7pm Jordan R Domestic Out of $7,'Xi0. Res S"FT LE LICENSED bJb.sxh.ng, .Nest area, Cai Shv no COn S.e, 'O" f ttMt s t!KH no y,;u hdve tried t'j get m ttie x tuinoss before dnd were turned down becjuso of to experience now is your ( h.jt.ue I ove'v pool ond gi ounrts aunai v Ho ups ond tac'iit Caoie or Channel One Aoiioh Rent Sfx Askuboutuui t REM FREE PINES Soah looking 'or 3 o 4 peao'e 0 or o son'e o,o,iyr'r3' SoHLoe Gede E iges ff ntw. SPACIOUS TAO BEDROOM APARTVENTS4 TO'.NmOuSLj 0e L'CENSED Ournomx Or,0-.- 750 FRANCHE 3440 SO 5IHEAS' cpe Du l'j ir g,vt purt whites South (if J HOCKEY FANS1 NECESSARY!! tential income. full crt i, 277-266- 6 Nurseries BETTER jl Id $18,000-$35,00- 0 ipen SnAGCr uK VILLA 4925 East 7OS2:5 CUT DLlU i BEDROOM Like new Spar kllitg cleon, on en u T'lx bxrtt' His and m t cj It iiHjini wrth fit eu'oc mqi dming area PeY'q ro'iy di'-wa er , ca1 po7 cess to c'ub house, pool, No fxets St E 2860 SO ?00 f AST 6C', 486 0l6; 2968 SO 2u0 t AST b 14 17 466 ??. 4 3'95 SO jOOEAST ) 16, 4545 S AfrerOi(750 T 345 East 33rd V Ottire activrties at spacious living wrtti pn.a4'', coexed decks, ten ms, whnlpuol ond eercise room Oshities, COV parking, air cond, Cubic TV avail, tuilv equipped clubhouse and kitchen for gather mg P001 table ond Tv in delightClose to Cottonful cmbhousc wood Mull, theater s, shopping and resfouionts On bus line. Reason ab'e ates. Coll lc info, or come to the clubhouse. OPEN SAT. OPEN DAILY 794 ?o Uillae Green e ! NO EXPERIENCE 0A apo'x MEADOWS sept 7AC Sk'N CAME TRA'MNG FOp SAuE, sniaii French resfrju-ranadv. needs Bosk and oovaiKed now offer pg currently dO'nq to ODWO VILLAGE NEA EHO'A'N SHAGCARfET dav per t wth the most up to acre $100,000 per vor Good reputaLike new spuikimg cleon, air cord., Geawav front tt.e or Uirto ill contion wrtt gieat potential, xiaj"'i and hninmg Be an especial ' T He rk esstng uum. li g , bctfvj, GOOD CAPE, ? wateifG". wen in small orsti down wrth contract. ir sider smo trained aesttieticoii Goss Hollywood hpe bdims, H'S and Child! en Licensed Coil pool Ten. Oct. ? id For interview or swimming phone closets. Lrg livmgtm wrth , COU't, von club halt, a TYPlirG. ADDRESSING PRODUCTS fixep'ace, iomiy rm f.pekrtchen house, putting 01 en, mei MY HOME. CALL FASHION With dishwosht-r- , diSpY)sa!, xanQC, M4g. 0'stribatix seeks in vesting secu rtv guo'd Con t and E refrig, coxpoxl Access to dub WOMEN WANT WALL WASHING, Invested in Fashion and 0 D fterent assoc to manage sales help adminlom us todo ntoy fr- 900a tile istrate wholesale retail aoexahon. kxik? Classes start Sept ?9th, covhouse, swimming pool, club House Cleaning Aduh residence '5 Can Mr Heipp, (818) 98 Artistry, fioust, no pets. eting Make-UTechn-auesHO'JScCLEANlNG, babysitting Sf E East 4030 SOUTH . ignitor io business for your home, $4 hr Agry, 2736 5 Adams Fashion. Poise, BROOK. U($j0E) 487.4237 sale Afrer 74 yrs., owner wants to 7 SO 186 EAST 800 17, WILL do housecieonlng ond woll REAL FSTAfE LICENSE retire All equip and supplies, ide17 3195S0 300EAST washing al for energetic person or coapie, Spence 4 Stnnghom Otf'CC 345 Eost 33dSo ortoeiponq CHILD CARE, oui home, vie. 3300 So 3300 E Port, full time. RETAIL COSMETICS fccel moff Business LEISURE VILLAGE loc Ideot for the working womon Opportunities Highly profrtoble, priced very rea330 EAST 3360 SOUTH LAKE sonable, great terms a ND 7 BF DROUM Food Stores Franchise VR BUSINESS BROKEPS SAMMING PO'Oi OfJbortunltles you are invited to a MPG 'R Tremendous COVER! DPALkrtrG NEW Rose Pork Child Cae Lie. ADUTUVING Franchise Open House FENCING for ftie right portv Ownpotential AiR CONDITIONING A pr esentohon of tronchise oppor Ages 6o.ftv6.30p m. wkdvs LO.ely comple, mountain er is 'eHing at about asset value HREPtAU 7 o.m noon Sat. $6 SO day. Ho tumttes ir So. Idaho will be conclubhouse atmospxere, heated Priced very low. 0ShA ASHt P ducted from lOorn to 5gm at the lunches, 7 snocks Fen. yard. 1753 poo, souno, tennis, pool topic Vp BUSINESS BROKERS Barof'ess PI (1400 No.) Troveiodoe SortL(eCitv exercise fpijm, COered poik !q 'ROM $273 In the Prospector Rxm, Sat. Stvt Floral Shop Gxeort soueost Pv parking, sfnxoar- Beouttfull NURSERY SCHOOL, licensed 15th For more infr. coil DOvtd mness forces owner fo lahon, oecoxated axvj 7 befroxinis, on, P' octivtty, Nrrurlshing sen at very low price, fantastic Sxnlth District Manooer fo the meats Rates Coll drapes, counting, dishw'isher, Sm ,H,ona Carp. 1. terms fndoe, range, fuep jees, dav care ond VR BUSINESS BROKEPS wxjik-tclosets, paho. no pets UNiQUE oooortunriv, $500 commisNext bejt place to home. Sondv fox ond sion of PRIVATE. MANAGcV.eNT CGRP Fur Kb weekly. up T r 254-10 FROM $345 onspurtahon, meals. female over 71 0 0 wrth CluBS offered. Four (4) to choose INPANT TODDLER Ch'lxl car e. my fron some wrth real prooextv dealerships in Sort Lake SEEING iSKlEtfvG or-ng CKkan, new redecortted home, Sondv cxea, fee nwg, BH.WILLIAME BR'GGS & surrouPdings a eo? Must be AND ? BDRM APART Mt NTS Ch'id only for ploymote INC. utochve, wrth ooad pexscno'rtv rt ul! thp eh(s' Exerci'-outside and wok willing igioss W'LL TwndchUdiendavsandmghts estabCafe ond H,se roxms, Saunas Appt. call Sue, (303) ivpotr FenceH yd. lished FREE TERMS irdustnai io krn ay, acress RFT 0e'J Coxi.tnent 77. 1617 between 4pm ond 6pm Real oropertv also ottered Bh to tte Ationrt END ol the RomOuw Educct.onoi wrtH Co' sept wj till WILL 'AM E. BRIGGS 4 AipoijPT Puxkmg Busmens centers grp chud tore Sar,dv tn Genet afvs $370,000 onnuoi xeve INC. 4 PiEX t 6 No Redwood Rd RESPOfxSBi.E Chi'd care, Sandv rue Utah s loroert oh Airport PEHT12W uo ESTABLISHED Tanning SalON Paik ona F'v services. Exce'iert greo, oges 2 vrs ond up m greater SLCarea Suoerbshop-p'ni.EA &R0.N CA xfT location, well established sohyJi v INFANT DAY CARE DOWNTOWN ctr locoie 9 tonmng rms. based bs'ness. Excetiexrt terms 1. Access to or wrth 5 Yvoifr beds, custom decor swimmmg pool, dub ovo'iobie Contact Horoid Hinck-lev- , house ond tennis cxjrts BEFORE ond otter school, exper , 2. Bout bdrm., sparkling clean, Eastvde 277 607, hook IPS Wanted PARTNER in usd car HAVE' AN IDEA7 if so we or a 3 Coxpetedthfu-o-rt- , ChilC sore, even'ngs, my home, deaiex ship qr-- gor oge, oood carport rvjhono1 company seeking 'Oeos, 4. Tile T L C Coil ees Otter 6, rth lrg m Orem. T.me to exporyi, both, huoe bdrm in.MfTHns ond new products Closd must ha at least .e front $40,000 up mfo - J 'NO Child core, Orly hrs, nights, Confdenholxty, 5. Lig living rm. Arth to quality or flooring or 0YJ hrplOCe, dm. vAh.IS, Bxjnttful, THE FRANCHISE CENTER ino oreo, refrig ona ignge. No line of erndrt Bus hos ben in For seect franchises or d sl Or to UCLNSED Child Core Granger tot 5 years. Qualified inpeS Mrjrned couple only. can Mr expand by Vanctusing Da, pf nigh4 openings. SEE quiries on'v Eves 792 0805 395 SO 3 F AST 17 66 ??74 ExRERiENCfcD Chiidcoe m FOR SALE WA 7860 so TO4' EAST tor sx'p Child Ooei'irig or Because of li neartf. a hi y yr f, r 5? PROSPEROUS Gtfice 345 as 33rd So Owrt wil tixjiKx.-- 'ow down Mo.n Sheet iv. ORrtHe, n saCa,e, Motor US 89 trontoge Good CLOSE TOCOTTGN.OOD VAll Ccrtorodo bui'dn'g, Kri'd, euuip SANDY VM.174S income. ond inventory ti ? trkm. OavcaRc. m preschool S3 84 Restaurant Yv lKie ovO'iahie 7)0 Firm, fa.'rrSviHe Mutui e HONEST, 10b Housekeeping week CiremSLC (J'.lS'XS Co' fe tejms we co'1 Co' po YvStr-- rr.jCv,-ft Luhi'n TV de Dcrt tro.-e- RENT till NE.V BROWN ioxd2bkm perfect opportunity for the orhstic lodv ideal location. Absentee owner has skinned price ond 4emis VP BUSINESS BROKEPS $6V FREE ARDA JEAN tOirt hiA Come NT NIGHT CLUB Cne of Sort Lake's finest-higcome, JoiX't venture or saie a.miab'e to proper wrtti eauxtv pa ment. Wooohyx v Carp Mei 486 with ad community ADULT least, gieat prKe Grossed Over $100, ObO 'ost year Owner will deal. Send maun es ta PO BOX 75531, SLC, Utah 84i?5 Idaho 966 RENT SERvlCE-T- he gty! homing - Prapeiv SHALEH , 4300 '.VEST 3400 S0VFOR INFO AND APP0lNTtAt4TS CALL 1 A lakes nicest art gallery mm eshop. Great lac., orea4 Nampa, 8 OR t AVil r COMM ji, t CONVENIENT TQ ' Hit,. SHOPPING BUS UNF AtivpQtf PIONEER HOSPITAL UTAH TECHNICAL COLl EOF SLt OUR MODF L AT bojkshei.es, draperies, wth d'shwasher o'hI DELUXE h0. a ) G'd SALES CAREERS Medical Assisting Dentol Assisting M.edlcoi Receptionists FmqiKioi Aids A oiiabie Now Evening Ciosses Too! XF706-- , Wanted 'rtc 'nsuo,ve tpsurarxe oo ' pod $.' XY drivX.l Ivy ygr., hrjtba and Nfj tt'.IAl SOUTH VAiLfc ENTERPRISES Training center for disooied citizens, speaui'zes in sub contracting of packaging ond ossemb'y work from local industries. We TRAVEL AGENT ha .e low overhead and can mwef hme lines For moe infririution Quality to be 0 Tro-e- i Agent m fc cal weeks F xcrtingt'jreer oop'rtij,ii-heRalph medico Od Pa1 hryxtQi.or, S AEBCAI UP T AL)Ul kitchen 262-404- NURSERY, 7 veoxs, excellent ooportunrtv terms to sell, 7'5 oaes, beautiful volley. Write 3776 GarrltY Blvd., Stonetree, crYCOiOf OF COMPUTE- - LOOfJirO'Td unloodl' g DO P'rk up ond O' OO POv f and yeT, bonuses Vac ah po ce'rt-ec- LAKE $320 DETAILS FRAME & - SEPTEMBER SFBClA, A facility clubhouse the large heated poo' laundr y focil AHbuHdmqs cvita-dies ond ?tof agi- locker s Amp'e co.ered parking vr Rent t ate gtfor onteed for Adult living at ft s finest no children Nu oe 4652 So 7th East retail S1!! Work od e'Ov 'ogx 00 0000 wth ojrjrtery fO'V6S m CES EASY TO LEARN TELEPHONE Financial Aid Avotlahle For Eligibie Shfdents Ca eer In Less Than A Year (.? w' Co- bpyvan School A NO-- fun MELPP RESTAUR check us ESSO FOR XMAS built-i- fro1 Can you really chord to wait? Finunc.aid avail Approved for Vets ATT ir.rgr rj H APT GE F0R jnq ASiuOAILS V'..' ALL WE PAY HEAT: 5 Soft Mo"th s Rent Ct'tat Deposit aiplv BROOKWOODPAk- CA.i ' - $300 FAfS f'e a ? tx m opts in Sw .(X.S ' con.enie'xt soot 'east loc Each unit teahjres carpeting throirgh-O- i hiepKxc, beamed ceilings, fetal' operation. MR of THE BRITTANY MFG. DISTRIBUTOR investing asvx to monoge sales tielp administrate whoieso-lCALL 561 3!3: b 'g ftiis ad to oppi, StRtMBER SPEC; at tempt to miur m od ertise s cimI ights reguianons Hat in entol od.ertismg Sex'k io oe S yC y v Se O.Or, G- So Satx COMPUTER SCHOOLS DO YOU KNOW? That Computer Progiarnnung jobs avail In Utah7 That vou con qualify for these openings In 6 months? That M WCS graduates ore presently empioved bv nore fton 100 of Chop's 'eodmg firms7 ASSEVBCV E'pond'ngcompofv need au?'rt.ea y r boexaipn. vf 5 ni si v- J' 60 pm GlAJflCAT.GSS ir iOOt-.xoxunt VM'( 0KI 3 veors recent fraefry ra"er ... r s ih ,eor ' (. Mg' y-r-d eur' r ce 0 T U t " v sc 'vv s ne care 0 ymimum ?4 , O s Ol Oge Box 838. So L e Sate dx .mg recji a ' '( 54: , 7i Sonh mges e.e a y Channel a, y bttG qnj fhpnic Aifn;, Sauna at.a I i 50 Jusi asf u h 14u0 LUtuHra) qi,u krt Ths neespupex CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 1160 iaro, ou ?03 7HK) So. 7200 MANORS JlFllA-.SHjO'v,1' PjUl & Tf NN'S LUi P Rei'tul oilers ony e.cepf'Gn a' er'tui agen ough (ommer m these cu' Ces wi be 'uund u r w compomes These umns i pxuate entei prise and the ifk-fhxd u let s e should be ogt'1 vui.ed wen ask-nLies or help GREAT business is awaiting your coil The Utah morket was successfully lounched lust 7 months ogo, o'd the r emaming limited locations will be goie by Sect JO. 1984 A small eonesf deposit wil' hold vom location. Terms a van low cost, high profit. Drive-thrconvenient center s, don't pass this vou'll become the host tu ad Mr Regiet. Call no ono be you'll happy fc mon years to COre lOuick Print Business). moumainv.ts: TECH Paxt hrr,e Expe needed Apply n person nter. rrvnuntam Clinic 35C yj 700 Eo-- pt-- East Fost Univ Lat Sort Temple 78 Texas MOTHERS Helper. Houston, for new born twins computer n.agozmel based m Soft lake Send 'esume ondcitos to ne ie Gjxnse. Bxo xi, East PASCAL and Asser tb-CLRTlf ,LD CAHEEPS NY PO Box 1603, Zephyr 89448 or can (702) WE NEED NANNY'S for penn New York, Tenn., Morylond, Las Coio , Oregon, Son Fran., ond more. yr. committment. Coil soph'shcarYJ 348 A Foilian $4 Othe couises in computer repair, OpprOiyjl, rEEP YOU BUSY CAN WORD PROCESSOR-iB- M Dispov Waiter experience neipf j jm 4 ek assignme-iTrj ,JV Col! or FEES. Lynne Marge for Cencor Tempo-rorServices he pfiji Long .hnrt o?xniCjnnt (jssign-c.a irjb'e no fes-wpo 263Can if appo,,ntme 6ei IV PhdSe OR compare .e Must be ovon f'x jo g and pus 60 fnr IBM Dhdov , CPT, NBi experienced Wang. Cxv, No d, mus4 x.y PKfc Mus be ar ori xpenenced for jhift Cn' Bod WORD PROCESSORS $$ Immediate pos'tons ooiiote vrk't.pwf Crmpswt 3VX P'eose Ste.e at The Copy Com- (vjiTa FABRCAC?: .e'O' .jpen mg c crt 86 exed file's PART-TIM- E .eos 3 Cox''ie' STEEL ' lLR ( '"ER C'Hjn CU7 MuSt ia.cp.jrra'On, huvi ausxjp La'- H SPR'NYtF.P Frfc-- s s. PERFECT M 7?5 Centevme, ut Typesetter wanted ipe' er'.c (JfM'a&C ng SR-N- LOLoex ne y yn v Sr, ?5 WOOO.VGPKfcRS-full time e.enmg pXT'v, PhOTOGRapmlp to person or coll (70?) DR'VERdKsei ouoi'ied for port hme. weekends ono eves ue w'e in truCk (801)726-725- ana or tr qi g gn1 StCk Wirefeeh fhv Employmem service pc son, epe' enced wtti f'wet and r.md service Col' 97?-- T97 for appointment TRUCK DPivER Must have veo o1 hxer epwnencc, be Over 75, Cass license, cmient physical, goid record Live m Tonyjoah, stort ,15 per rmie plus beref,ts Sendesumeto Ne.odn Rehntng Co, PO box 1789, TcHicooh, Nv SER vtCLS-Redent'O Monooer tor g Oup hom.e se-ng r retvded oduhv Ful tme position, e.es and morning:, Ex- To I jr. Hy com. mensu'ate coe 'ce. Apply 3245 Ae4 nfi'i S',,m -WELDER Tt,.e' m uei ence WfcLDfcP iouYnr,n TiRL repair SOC'Al Wk"-- t.p vje test. Ashby Vr TAt PRODUCTS T SPORTS REPORTER wp Jxx Er-- w'di"v pahent drug counselor preven-ho- r Masters degree specialist ond eper ience required Soorv opuo $i7,fmo, g xx) benefrts Send resume by Sept 28t to the Lhah Coj'ity Council on duq abuse 347 East Ttn So Orem, UT 84058. (8UI) and truck SZZix .anston X.d epe p'Over 14675 WELDER LABORER App So 875 w., Dape Wiiicu Assoc. )' word D'OCe-'er speMng reanred w m p Ca- y'i . A; SECuf TAD ax. 'e ce os a ten .nshtuhon s e ro to start, ience TnKJnc'Ol e wElC p Mig ond r y citun,'rrjrn and 3 .tnrs minimum eie,'enc' Mut pass strict .eas epe on Openii'-g- sa eener silk y M 230 West 2C0 So eauG' therapist 300 West. So hv, t( (J,e dnr SALES NO a r'red re perience wrh hondicabped ou'fed $5 hour plus fX-- n and , boo'd Cotun'bus jfc I mo to 2 er n u 487X'3T7 An, one nerd "u C R TELEPHONE Research mbs avail to ctort todo' Cor Shawn F'enhiY hrs be app.catoRS-Muown toois Com St AP i'Rf working nus. Se.erai openings. Must be very test. expe ax) abkYj pass MARK STEEL C0RP TELLER too pov. So O WELDERS X) for cvDet solicitor exper peerred Good atmosphere Daily bo- COMPUTFP TECH ond MORE os a Computef Technk'on PINiSH IN 4 MONTHS Job Piocemen4 service COVP'JTER TRAINING Word Processing- $140 Basic ProgroM.ming $1?5 COBOL. SJuO Eom tend ?' i ch' dien DENTAL ASSISTING Room board and wuges Must be career? Call o least 18 vrs. of oge. maun e at Look mg for choiteng'ng out4 todov ond Out SECRETARY Qhice Aivsior Typing, bnokkrHpug, word DOCes , 0 SOY, pOrrol1, dictaphone hrs at for carpet cleaning home compony ceamng, Experience helps Clean col, pleas-ont- , hord working Betoi e noon, t.ping and CfNca! S'I'S Sttrhng 54 hour Call tor oopt The Des-oCeer, 734 west 8'X SECRE Ameri- TELLER TRACING INSTITUTE Nanny to LWE-i- TELEPHONE SALES Make $15 per hour commission $HGlEAATEDl)6-U7siding applicator vs in ecmfaial ctkee a seasoned ard aval mdi.ioaoi Lceiie'it tpmg skills leovned Le 0J sirreufta Conv gji eitie ence . and be'ietrt pack-ogSend esume tu Human Ruxk Dep PC bo 3400, LrfeCt,.UT 84' TO TELEPHONE SJlICTORS 6 Atf etig-i-fu- wn work Cod of SECRETARY p to P M. Friday - office No soles, D'sobied can Veter on or Witti 5 or In and oat rence moreieorsexpe' SLCwETARy PUBLIC RELATIONS Lce'ien work it iq condrhony mo, ond e.emna hou'S oso Sot SaKjt y, bonus, ond pofrt s'KKmg West 7700 Soutt, Apoly at i between lpm-- 30pm. hr ri (rhHfi, peytunffy ior APPOINTMENTS Motor Cleaning company 9 OR 4 to 8 P M Mondoy Soiary plus bonuses. AND FINISHERS SHEET METAL WORD PROCESSING AND CRT NEEDED FOR TEMPORARY PA Y, SOS WORK , 740 TEMPORARIES, WE CAN KEEP yOUBUSV So TELEPHONE 6791 West 9800 So West Jordan, Utah 84084 (experienced 50 plus wpm) W'TH OUR W'THO'jT ut' 863 Ecit:nq portrait lokes popuicr stu- Sort hme Ca'l SET BOISE HOMES Fui and positions. Complete professional homing Shore vacation p'opecty prog am. All SECRETARY LOT al CPA firm needs Secretary-Typis- t Stents provided iork iribeoutrful wrth bookkeeping, tvoe Rcrk City. Oar current reps, are wrth occur ocy( must know 10 key week g.eroge$500andSi,5d0 per bv touch, fomibor wih bemk commission Solid company with For more rt .to coll hemendoas terms tor customers Cebu O' id eceerft future tor the rkjht makehng rep Can for appt secretary Skiers Lodge, Nott safes co seeking person w excel, secretonui bookkeepma $AlEWOlESAlE Epenenced eoer. Must hove oxxJ phone o.N aher market aorta entry exper personairtv, (commercial winches) $50,000 utf helpful. Soioi v conm-ensuplus bas on drow ooamst comm P ckup ttuck reave ed CaH Jorm wfth eper. Call Hoi vev 486 9j9l seamstress, eoei 'eced, hjr upholster Aypiy h'c, South 500 pian for dio Full TELEPHONE SECRETARIAL estate sales-re- al CTtf pockoae Rurtune Road L450 South) W $'0.00 comm'ssion Eorn exta money, from home or our Boise Homes is accepting ODDhcotions. 7 Yeor experience needed. Apply tween 9am and 4 pm. SECRE TAR r Legal. Experienced ADpiKont must be 'Op'd ord oc err ate fvpisf with ward proceS-mskiffs. Benefit purTs expe- SHEET ROCK inters ew. SOS TEMPORARIES, Wanted ted, PLACEMENT THE ye frx ARt SEEKING Qualified people wdh the desired to become finanbe your own cially independent, boss Cosh in an ftie wor ids io gest demond market, automotive Our customers have tremendous need Oar proven teih ntes assure your success Snai Investment framing Compony compony firxKK mg NO Proven on operating business, presently opeiatmg ff you Ore willing to invest in you futuie contoct D J. Sundloh 125 East 5770 So., 84107 Monhatton storting Nov 47 PI Sxjlnvon WE 355 6331 looking for help with c nue call today COUPLE needs housekeeper nanny for 2 mo od son. Country home, 20 minutes from Houston, Tx. send resume, picture and refs, to Rotrte 2, 66 Pivo Rioge, Rtchmona, 3 X 774o9. oaoeur-oncWAREHOUSE hamee-gooPersonality to $5 00 hr. JOv s Eniplovment Agwncy WAREHOUSE dr exp 50 hi good oppear JOv S Employment Agency WAREHOUSE: 6 months eoer High School grod To $5 hr Quality Employment Agency RESTAURANT We ore a resturant m Soft Lok e City took'ng for 0 service monoger Must have experience in front end training and management. Reply to Code 0080 In core of this newspaper, P.0 Bo 838, Saft Lake Crty, UT 841 iO eostiv possible with hr A assistance PROFESSIONAL sekes 0;'s 10 TELLER EXCELLENT MOTHER'S Helper. LOS fomily In New Jersey, 6 children, domestic duties, flexible hours. Send before Sept. 25 to BD Jones, 70 Drake Rd., Mendhom, NJ, 07945 pioduct, Operote machinery, maintain safe work area. Salary $5 60 hour plus production bonus APPOINTMENTS GOVERNESS MOTHER'S He'per wonted by prof couple; start immed Wolk log distance to CDS Church- within 45 ' 3 school mins of N Y C. Core oge children; hoasecie jning. Cali collect (201) Ith STATION ATTENDANT for full ser vice. Port hme . 3 days wei-k- ; Apply: 904 So 1300 Eost SERVICE STATION ATTENDENT Some experience leauired. Apply Fates Service, corner of 4tti So ona 3' d West SECRETARY for tost pace busy office near Redwood Rd Reouires: monogement eiperience may personoutv wrtti make you onerteUent canGood telephone didate tor monogement hotnee w-aoenefits. tvpe ord We seek success driven women F?w negotiable, to S Mo mo. wrth ond men with the desire to use right experience ono iKtrtude. Call their sales toents, work hor d ond Cencur Employ-mea- t Joan, oct'eve. Immediate compensatAgeix y, 661 East 4th So ion on soles performance consistmm of wfth comm, ing guarantee. secretary Possible permanent pod time posiJam the leader In electronic tion available tor secretory wtm now! Aopfy in person at qood gene o' office skills. ShortVaHev Rair Moti Rod0 Shock hand eitremeiv helpful. Good Equal opportunity enpioyer m t emcenh oi tucohoa No tees-wploy Calf immediately for peyson-O- ' energetic oerSon piperiexed PHONE State So After omy 4 weeks homing, yog will bo empio.ubie at a GOOD SAlA-y os a bank teller t nOy working BAfikERS HOURS in yoor very important lot, and hove o SK ILL you can ALWA y$ uSfc MOTHERS wonted to core for 5 murith o'a baby girl and home in subuibon Westchester County New YOi k, 45 min.tc min. year commmrtt-ment- , storting immediately. Coll R Beards ah. 6 p.m 5 flo ?GI GOOD JOB3 A pi I7. 3 5 BANK CHILDCARE Eostern professionoi couple would like ener gene per son to cor e for ? year old in theli home Own surte, i weekends oh, good salary New York Crtv Reis required Con collect '8. Closing dote. Sept. 18, 1984. All Interested persons must fill out on application at Condies Foods, 5300 SEMTECH West 4850 South between The fastest g owing SOLAR corr.oo-nyMonday-FrldoEqual West of the Rockies, is looking Ooportunffy Employer F M for enthusiastic com telephone mumtatofs to set appointments WAREHOUSERS-f- or doily, weekly, monthly work NO FEES Immedifrjr our SOLAR reps. We ate assignments Doily or weekly otter: pay checks. Telephone or tran Woo Hourly sporohon helpful. Calf bonus Incentives Ceitcor Temporary Services, 661 Paid Training East 400 So The upportunrtv to advance for the ask WAREHOUSE sefous minded Can for Mark ixkenshtp between Ji Interviewing Monday the from A M and P M. 8am-lorn. Forklift driving, labor, hord working, experience TELEPHONE SCHEDULING So. 5th West Soft Lake Cty, "NO SELLING" Pioneer Wholesale We need se 'emi hiqniv personobie wawfhouse ClERk 0'd ext10! 'euctrC individuals who OrcW pulling, ixxkOQing, receiving, O' t ur1 esijh O' Resunie or let Stocking to simp te to Suoers'ik, i967 soihh t Uuts. tytOu' Ou' SkersLudg-o- f West, Soh i a e C fhy, Lhof 84115 Fak CtN hurr- our Sot Lake Autoni.iti.e oh'te PM, hourly guarantee WADEHOUSL DRIVER pari tint $4 75 h 70 hi s. flexible p'us bonuses Cal' hme 1875 So 100 West. Experienced ANDEULL TIME Your college degree or soles soles and So. kKiB BE Own room. Coll Bortxato or Bill Phiiltos, after 6 pm or wr rte 340 Eost 80th Stt., PH A New York, NY 10021. FC? MONEY Tcp notch SAlES-PAR- SALESPERSON posi- A.M his SEPvi i Fe'son grted fa industrial Lour ary and Di v Oeonmo E qu'pment, rnechutiical a"d elK telephone solicitor tntol CxpenerKc preferred, cal' Expenenctd con make extremely ah 6 coil ouod money $3 30 per hr Quotum Eteiient SAL istian pre vrs 2 SET SERVICE AOviSQP Pobiton o ail. e'.tenerKe necs-Sev G'XkJ benefrtCu'itod Sear Maloney, Menlo, e DuOgc during an uuuna Set'eiu'v, nours weeF and stock put nose P'on. Apply 680 So. Sigte, SL,UT 84111. SECRETARY OFFICE MANAGER Experienced in Window Coverings, Installation or work room type s knowledge E ceilerrt phone and voice, aggressiye, indelots of responsibilpendent type, $6 00. ity, nice hondwrrtlng, p m. 5 days per wk. K irk Ask for Josie o to11 yhup. Must uppt TEi Ideal for student. Coll Me Gees m Sondy, ATTENDENTS-FulSERVICE STATION l and Pori time Must be crt least IB or older. Cleon cut ond dependable. Apply crt Sinclair Station, 5380 So 9th Eost, 7205 South 9th East 873 Eost bojth Temple equal upportun'tv employer SERVICE STATION Attendant fnr Sett Service Cos Station. Snort Sllitt lev, won'. Retired m t ed considered Appiv at6??u So. Hiqniand Dr SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Ue dant. SECURITY todov. Asso dance child care attenexperience TLACHFR 16 or t im, In WAREHOUSE Condies Foods onno'jnces openings for wore house workers Must be obie to lit lbs., ob'e to working In refrigerated wet climate, oble to work oil shifts except grovevord 5 day work week. Sunday and rotahng day oft Motor duties: supply crew with product, package ond box or TEACHER AIDE Chr school Part time, Apply in per son only, 70? West 400 Tues-FSouth Surte Typo In memebership development ft you have what rt takes, we will ham you Expected weekly commissions, $500 plus. Must be avail in cut, GUARDS-Clea- Y earns areo TEACHER PRESCHOOI lates degr e or better on'y Sandy Areo. 571 1M0 years or over Full and port hmc EECUM SECRETARY fur hr SECUPiTY stiong secretarial skills and word processing eper, Salary negot. 73?4Scj. 13Wi East. $A Cen- eos Entry ieei to Openinas m oil full moiKJoenient, pail time incentive poy for licensed pet sonnet. Training available at nommol fee for entry level. Cal! or fo an appt. otters career for We-i- Call Security, SECRETARY Rapidly mother So. 4 WANG WORD PROCESSOR-f- or week plus assignment, good pov, NO FEES. Friday pay day Immediutly available Cull Marge or Lynne, Cencor Temoorory Services. Hull time, ACHf RS, 4 7 part time, part time music Valley Cy Exper. only Call 00pm. Brenda, TE ACHE hoot poit time, nec. Must ploy piano wok at for years Y.ANT smoker. $i75wk. Washington D C suburb. Coll collect dovs or eves, and wkends. MOTHER'S HElPER Working WAITRESS PART TIME after ?pm New Gor dens Cafe, ask for Marv Equal Opportunity Enipiover WAITRESS WAITER exp. 10 a m.-- 0 m pm.-l- l pm. ?80 Eost 8tt. phone cons See John (. 2 wonted tor 2 boys, ages dogs. Large home witti pool ond tennis coart to be enioved. Non at least 7 yr. college and experience YVAlTRESS exper. Apply Four Seasons, 1675 West No. Tempte 50 hr ull or pari time. 9 $4 Equal Opportunity Employer mo contract Coll DISTRIBUTION CENTER and HOUSEKEEPER WAiTPESS Pari or full time do,s Neighborhood cate. Coll eves dews; Equal Opportunrty Employer Must hove CortProgiam TE H 2 TEACHER. ALSO Rmthme La.ton ai 10 5365 plus ?Mj.6517,9nni to 3 pm Equal Opportunity hmplover. T.PC 70 WPM, by touch, Shoitiiond ond word processing preferred Duties include answering phones, E.pmg conespon dence and reporYs, filing, etc foil Carol, 3555600, CIT Coporation, 36 South State Sti eet, SLC. An E Qual Opporiunrhy CaH TEACHERS. Port time hoars week Tumb'ing, tennis, stenciling, hype, pottery, g.mnoshcs, llower orronging, CP&, ciewmg, doq obedience, kijraie s p.m. Monday-Thu- i SECURITY OftiCtR RmbeHoriinc PoH hme, high schixr SECRI 0 'OPKl eporv ton, thy; nation s leading telemo'kntmg co is seek Ing md'uduols witti got) leoderstiip Olulfties This enti position os Assistant branch Manager will require 1?18 monttis trumma in our Salt Late Cfty bianth ottke Upon promotion to branch mgn ooement, Rie individuals we se ltd will be relocated at co e penve to onuttier moior market city Soles eper lenct and college pefered Smaty and benefits pock age For inteiview, call Hiefn.sfod at 40687?7 TA.lOR Full time work in alteration deoort-nien- t of mens clothing store in SlC Must hu.e epeiience uttering men's surfs. E'cellent woges ondbenefrts Cull scription Epei lence with electronic iiiemoYy fpewt rfe jretei A .aikibie immed ye if 467 8919 17 miles from Manhousework hattan ond close to LOS church High school grext Refer erves Con or write 716 Gail, Forest Ave, G'en R'dge, NJ 070?8 WAITRESS Lego' oge Apply m person No pnone calls accepted 1374 Ave Equo indiona Lukes, Opportunity Emirkvver Clerk cuntioct nec No tee m C ost 200 So ViD7AiF 47 t nst 7?00 So OREM Unu P om, DM' MOThEPS HEuPER needed tor Subwbon New Jersey vegetorlon fomily, chi'dren aged 4 ona 8 Lite for opening 3 Si ond RPOCLSSQRS A c Agency (F.st 1974) The Car etui Choke Experienced only Apply In person, 3 East 400 Equal Opportunity Employer. nance ms life om-- i condthons $7? 0i ou se Acce'r ah lnih 4 MONTHS CFRTif 'LDCAWELRS Locutions Oossk Persgxwiei appt., pn( 2pm Little AmeNca Hotel, 50 So Mom Equal Opport Employer WAITRESS Private Club ho xcellenf working INSTRUCTOR R ilk.iXX) WORD AND DAI m ns 0 ttm both act ertisex urn) Rentui ahci s hi'Jl nislveJ r eode nu.f no p'O e m hese coiun-nit au fm: please con e n,e. ChN'CiAN Tf 000 $'8 ?8 INFO. able Experienced applicants only Please onuiv in person after SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS tor experiImmediate positions enced ROLM Switchboard Operators, short long ter m assignments OvOii. No fees-wemploy ond pay salary Call tor appointment ond personal interview, SOS TEMPORARY SERVICES ejr secretary bookkeeper TEMWi'tESOUPaS Agent., K pe oironged Foreodvgnced E W CQMHUU IMMEDIATE OPENINGS NATIONWIDE WAITRESS WAITER port ttme Day or evening Apply in person at CAr-NICHEE 81 Trolley Square, WAITRESS WANTED AMBERRES-TAURANPart hme lunch shift Ovori Apply in person 7)7 E. 3300 So before am or ofhr 1.30 pm Equal opportunity employer. WAITRESS Evening shift, depend- to put gsphoh shingles and redwood siding and i ferK ec! oil und or ound houses J45 East 33rd South y epeu-enc- suits NO FEES WL PAY Sala- ry responsibility receptionist wfth O'rty assignments y ns and fneadiy person Generoi SECRETARIES epe CA:S WAITRESSES 0 COMPUTi Liyft-- Full or Shift eoer salary In ( onmii'.sions wotkuy with Ins'if once VOU RPOViDl Th r j( SIPl ' AM NOW f OP TOMORRO.1 f ox Jett 5 os Coll ooportunrt empiorex SAl E S II you CKO 0 goxx) son, making $w0,00(j yr , wo'rt to mjk t me c wrth time To spend ft7 ll show John you no by selling a pre OOKJ denio' pkjx SAi S INOJSTPiAi Yeos sole , degree, lur-T'l S.,y,UO(l plus COmroi,sSix..il SneNng & Sncilmy Lmpi'i, menl Metal! i wen v sciU 0 PM Apply in drinkers Referror servxt Call Jon or JoAnn. onhmf 795-7M, 795 lift? i s I WAiTRf SS BANQUf Must be able to work flexible hours for both aoy Avoikib e.e o wvk mug shifts Avoikjbie weekends ond honooys Apply Little American hotel, 500 So Mom tquol Cpoort Employer for $1 (Xk I rjQTiCE t vne Ri.W tafe, twe O'h Shx; under RY S'tes f rjirf, 10 total hpjuip rustic campsites, gas omng ond diesel Pumps wrth ?,nu0 gti Located 0x1 busy veix SnfPoe fijx a Hwy 93 on aixxo iouev wrtr. tte nexth fork of he Somon Rue oioxig the bock length so We fhexe is room for exponsmn were forced u letwssess last ond Oof heofhi ond O' ages v pxe.ent us horn bemg o?ie ft pi(weriv upeate, so we ho.e noshed the price this year, ond ttus 'deal veat round business can be yom S for only $ 70.000 Ownex Wining hi neg'f wuicarrvat ouaihied individuals Fingncoily Onl Also Ovotl ver 1 unique PO' cel ol kma lying adioceiit to cafe 94 aces noie o less, 2 live trait sheorns crossing pxooert, gxa the iMjrh fork of tte Solmof Ri.e' running the full length $i90,0nC-Alproperty puces hove been us on offer J mi'G nxth of North Fork. Lews & C lo k L crige, P O BO 55, Norm Fotk, ID 83466 or call Yi'gmio 86 5 262 lor uppt Becker, Noxth Dudes SS0 00 MwCHvRA VM'NG VO $i5n00 COMPUTER churches Carefully screened at no cost tu you Rea tunable hours ond pay High mural standards Non smufcerv, nun exper p eferred inte' view ond port time avoit coll STRUT all over the PCSiTlONS Near LUS 5, HELPER SALMON Ahroih-- non $30 MOHR'S Roomtinos waitresses wolters, Bmintiful area, evening hours Eper helpful, or will tram Ful1 work 'ecrjid-$80(- i mo iiipiovme'Yt Agency 486 3838 T'jRAL STEEL ESTIMATOR Immediate opening tor Sttudu'ai Steel Estirnutur, wrtli 6 yiS nun ience in Structural and rntsc Steel toke oft and estmiut ing Apply injiersonat, T 4 K Seei Inc 600 So 300 West, Heber Crty In SiOG'tS 1,000 Aec SSt Al ThL W tee S' .ST ANf Appl, m '400r0nlv 7i07So A'jtif JL R'VtR business o IN Hf Utah s c on.p'e'e COMPuTFR 5' mGOi o"ers JOB Pi a t ful M tNT ond TRAINING ih ft lowi'ig r ump,fei fiw s R MAINT PA'R R( LUV.Rjtt CAii LS fikS a'd appt Equal Opprxtunftv Emplo,er STOCK loom order puher-CJoy s Ay LX U Apartments Opporlynitifi CASKS' T for SIEMFTAPy AdminishoTte Asst SUoOper nvontii L iteiienf bene-fth- . St CPE TAR y Tpe SOwpm utus Need nijtuic, taMe, coieet Orctofthone shurtton helpful buf ifMied pe sun wttii et?tftiofioi not necessory A variety of locaoLiirt to moot iije and etr tions available Apply between ipeiteoced schedul lam und 1Jpm Mon itig kjtge cotwenhtMis dsirotie TEMPORARY CONNtC NON Must tio.e wonj piocessing md 180 L ? 100 So ?0I epenence ond h,ce Wf PAY HOURLY t'j-fwpni niinimum. Al'O om not S Cf . ?8 bank 6 Trust has on immediate opening for a stock clerk in the purchasing dept Must be able to lift 50 Lrs shouldet high ond ho.e good dnving ie grd Ouaiif'edap-piKontscgi- l PLAL ESTATE Po1 time property monopeniertt veretot y Prkjr real estcie office experience reguited Apiiiications b oppt w k hoi d ?78 8a?? RiNAR fo PoKho vino, Cull 4'46 lor Vaiie TARy HH Pf it NLf R WAiTLRS eie' STOCK R pe vonk om-14r0 West 1? STf E PLATE At.D StructiKai seei fmets 5 is teiKe Apply m person Aiumo srei Mtg 3855 West 700 So Salt L'Kf C rtv pj t ur v 209 Urrfurnivked Apo rime nil Uniurniskl I0O Business 190 I Training Schools 80 T et rf y Aety S UEHOl ,ff (ALL vpcpaiF it n St se '.f! on V,0MA.PP!iV:' ft4 MO INDllD'-lA- pn 75 helpful Variety Ol duties boil si'jt er HecKi'oto hoodie resteeVjtb'lfhe, gn is a must f'olessiuo(jtivMi oppi Yurfties on this one f ontustH benehts Cocopony hue. lem 48 81 n, All 1.,RJ, Cull Vu, Vusons f nipioymeiTt Agetic iNAJRANlL VAkJT!L 1pe SfrxjrttHind I Solti dll Uv, lf1uM4U6 tb ton of Other empio.ex-- Minimum TRAINING, NO Vml t e .jine B"" .7(i4V $Al y is Supfr' (nnun) No Mi1 ol uRmGi t Domestic Out o( Stole 101 Help Wanted LPMOlST!RtR Wanted full tinw y'l! 4ib t TTfp A YOuT STFH li'iinfMinte Minings o.onah'e to Stun tin rji Steel I'jymjt giKt nttoy Inc AptJ'v m Pf yin f 4 k 60(Y; JCXJ Wes, Helper ( PI. TAP y OA. Lpet iftxed leggl seuetor tfs eed-efrjt srtuil iprtg term, possible jn.sfhtms Wurd pip pifrtxtnerrl tielptul. cesMttg, shwttvjnd ve CfiH f(x pet vttvjl nrtei ew imme dniteiy No lees we puy SOS VPQPapk S, ?6j MH) jgT 100 Help Wonted 100 rp TAO y 5 pothom o . tmiTtedHVeiy to iKTef'ntfe dt etelle'rt cu"(ony in Oond sec'eipnoi sfciH. Mogtto wthi AUtiJ ptOce,ing rti y he'p ful No tees-wem(K0r U' 0 00 wetMy Con fur cahjI ?6 Jdto SOS if s Sr of rt r SK.IV A ISOKK) Mu. iMllu.ei Wonted 100-H- elp f r 1' !.)' !', $325 Mimhl 232S2S2 2 WEEKS JFMEE MEm On apt rented now thru Spt 22. 1M4. FEATURING: STUDIO 2 BEDROOMS MICROWAVE OAK 1 BEDROOM 2 BDRM 2 BATH LARGE POOL JACUZZI SAUNA CABINETS FIREPLACE LIGHTED TENNIS COURTS BRAND NEW CONDO APTS. CONVENIENT LOCATION 3360 South Redwood Road OPEN 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM mz |