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Show i t" yr IOC salt Tht- Thursday I ake Trihunt- 1 i. lWI Knurr KImtI at TVlIuriilc MUSIC BY LEXde AZEVEDO is Henry Hathaway By Hogur Fbert s Writer l.ieugo TFI.Ll'HIDK. Colo - He directed Juhn Wayne at the beginning, in Shepherd of the Hills (1932). and at the end in "True tint 1969) lie put the wiggle in Mani( Sun-Time- ' ' c n Monroes walk in "Niagara." made Hirhard Uidmark push the wheelchair down the stairs in ' Kiss of Death." and helped shape the first screen im- ages of Henry Koger tbert T onda. James Stewart and Gary And at the age of 86. Henry Hathaway strode out on the stage at the Telluride Film Festival last weekend and accepted the Telluride Medal, and when they said they were running late, he growled. "We got plenty of time. Whadaya want to know' Hathaway was born in 1898, was a child actor in the earliest days of film, w as an assistant director during the silent era. and is one of the last living links to the beginnings of the movies He is also a tall, outspoken multimillionaire who remembers everything and doesnt mince words. In an interview after he was honored here, he recalled. "John Wayne and I went to see John Ford when he onlv had a week FILMS! 3 "MSUMMECnON FIRST RUN EXCLUSIVE! "SIX STAR" CARSON LYNN Z RATIO SAMANTHA FOX BOVEE VE Rl KNOTTY Cinema tx n DhiIv "PBETTY PEACHES DESIREE COUSTEAU x ratio ; Bnmriuat 4.) CLEA CARSON 3rd Ftatur ROYALLE CANDIDA lYI" "HEBE COMES THE MIDC" X "BLUE ECSTASY' IESLIE OF MIMI MORGAN MARILYN CHAMBERS -- 2nd Feature KIM DANICA RAY not one to mince words McCALL HOLLY So. Stole-:tti:-i74i- .ttvl :tt47 Sho 1:4ft A M ouples 1rieex Sat. & ri. F to live He was sitting watching a football game and he hardly had time to talk to us What is this, a death watch0- He was a notorious drinker, you know. The real reason he shot all of those films out in Monument Valley was so he could get away from his wife and drink all he wanted." "The movie business was alway s so crazy I started an asphalt business on the side. We had 82 asphalt plants in Southern California. I sold out to Gulf They offered me money or stock. I took the stock That was one of the better investments anybody ever made. Also. I opened a Ford agency in Westwood. I didnt have to direct to earn a living, which gave me a certain amount of independence." - "John Wayne was already ... Academy Award, I had great seats down in front for the Oscar ceremony. But Duke told me he wanted me to sit with his family. So I gave away my seats. Then Dukes son, Michael, gave me tickets. They were in the last row in the balcony I said to hell with that and went backstage to the dressing room. I told Duke what Michael had done. Duke said. 'That SOB hates everybody but himself. "Marilyn Monroe was a real bright girl. She came off of the streets they're not dumb. I gave her the walk There was a scene in Niagara. Dinner Monday through Saturday Now Open for Lunch 1 1 :30-- 2 00 5:30-9.3- 0 575-520- Dave Mason, rock, Ninos Cabaret, South Temple, 9 p.m. The Music Man, Pioneer Memorial Theatre, University of Utah, 8 136 E. 0 p m. "Kiss Me Kate, Promised Valley Playhouse, 132 S State, 7.30 p.m CAILLE ENTERPRISE VALET PARKING A TRIAD-L- JACK WEYLAND 8:09 p.m where she was walking away from the camera. I held on the shot for a long time. And I told her, Just wobble a little.' The audience knew she was having fun, and they laughed with her. All her imitators thought she had sex. What she had was come- Cosmos: The Voyage to the Stars," show, Hansen Planetarium. 15 S. star SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE State. a.m 1 1 , and 2. 4 30 7 pm. Utopian Dreams. Distopian Nightmares, film and lecture series. Frontiersman." "Brigham Young Leonard J. Arrington, Brigham Young University history professor, DM T AVAILABLE AT Celebrity Utah State "Louis de Rochemont, my producer on '13 Rue Madeleine,' was quite a drinker. One day he came in all excited and told me he had found the perfect location for our movie a big mansion that had a big 13 out in front of it. I congratulated him. He had found our set." "I never smoked and never drank. When I was an assistant director, they sent me one day to get Wallace Reid. He was a drunk. He looked kind of bad. I got a chair, sat him down, and told him they wanted him on the set. He didnt answer. I shook him. He was dead. That was enough for me." "My movie Call Northside 777' (1948) was one of the first films shot entirely on location every shot We did it in Chicago. It was about a washerwoman who saved her money to prove her son was innocent. To show how hard she worked. I needed the longest hallway in the world for her to wash. We shot her on her hands and knees in the Merchandise Mart. The camera was two blocks down the corridor from her. Fri. L10 ( 6.30 Fairgrounds, and - (two K. lan SEPTEMBER fn Thursdays 8.30 p m. Friday & Saturday 9 45 and 11:00 p m. S4 Gen. Adm.. $3 Child under 12. Sr. Citizens HANSEN PLANETARIUM IS South Slat. 0ce OP' sot Lj f $1449 j . f : SALE I : s , ' - 2 c v,-- ; . - 31. SALE I'rs BUS L Fri., Sal. Cash Back! 5 c Me tel 424 dairy Tn IfSS CASH WEfkfNOS V r p.m. 461 W 600 S Tribune Advertising Policy $1 and protJuc5 that are tetany distributed The Se't Lake T tun does no ace m tvaiv adiudded advertisement o PornogreotMC or leeattv C'ted as porno-raotttm forma complaint Consistent wh acoeo no advertisithis Pdicv Tte tne ehibtK himjei ng natte' tn a him bv Sderihc oornnraoMc' proclaims description dnubie entendre or oevc illustration av other MOVIE AUDIENCE $1 GUIDE re x long $26.68 Theta ratines aewfv l Aims released attar Mari 1, 1 rte THIS SEAL adt iedtcatet the tdf was mbwdttad and saenrd unwar the Matte Picture Cade at Sett Kepdatten In 69,? Sl soesed ences am PG R SuddnOed tor aes GENERAL aud' admired audiences W99esedi A" tpr AAAT(jp (Mrenia ears admitted RESTRiCTED - Prvrn undt 17 not admitted unless accompan ed try parent or adu't coarsen Persons under ifl not admitted Un-rate- d Adults Only Persons unde' H not adm-tePiety nemer rated bv Motion Picture r vncil nor eh.btor A J J J J J OPEN wetve a jOl Sugg. Mfg. List $1I R49 s Vju, t $26.21 265-FUX- N .vest t follow Tht ' JJ The Lake Tribune s hetc adverting m? norMceotve atevi poucv '$ to edveivng ol an awui service and a ail Sugg. Mfg. List $22.48 - tijujort - ' SALE fk Fret-iva- J J 6f.fPvATCHS PECti'P0 Sugg. Mfg. List off Tuku 53' d ex JU S L.C.. 363-930- 0 A for Details 263-310- 6 J GO! NEVADA TOURS ' p.m. 0 p.m.-7:0- JUST COME ON DOWN AND PERFORM. J Departs Saturday A Just Sit 10 Plus Fun Book! Departs Friday 7pm. C 4:00 Y Call 17th-29t- h CHOICE T Sugg Mfg List. $16.15 X. .Smith PLAYERS $6 , at I2.i and OTHER GREAT PRIZES in the BREAKIN STAR & AIR GUITAR Competition : : JOYS OF A WOMAN NITE-OW- Wall Primer itt I) Major rrlMtra lil! K iilriinpirfirl'p. Mrrn IVdnli p.m. a.m.-.j:.i- O Sfiwti N.Y. EXOTIC FILM FESTIVAL SPORTSBOCK CJ itiHrrlo WIN A FREE DANCE!! CROSSING J ( fnr Aliif.fi SR. & JR. HIGH STUDENTS 'NElDA J ioliti - nahttra 2 OO before 4 p m 300 1M, TWO ADULT ART CLASSICS! the .VH-6UI- -I tolin and t SS: NO PRE REGISTRATION. Midmte Show uuth Sene' Begins Oct London Orchestra ( k tober jw -I ' KN: STKl MONDAY-THURSDA- : Tickets at lllJW. South Temple Monday Friday HI a m. 5: 10 p.m. Telephone: - HOW Oil Mill- - Tic-kc- t "f LESHPANCE" Open Daily 10:15 am p us 1 ohi-l kIKCHNEK: Ftrt feat 5 s -- HF.KTTIOYEN: plus : OPENING CONCERTS Snplr uikI lUCKTl IO 9.15 p.m. Mcete Notr GALA yf.) cninliK lur mill "NAUGHTY NETWORK" Um Sjndtn 1N)5 SilxTKleiu Midnight Show Friday and Saturday ! Chamber Sene' Begin' Oct 27 GROUP DISCOUNTS & (7) James Harman Band, blues, Zephyr Club. 301 S. West Temple, 9 pm. Neil Simon, Marvin Hamlisch and Carole Bayer Sagers Theyre Playing Our Song, Theatre 138, 138 S 200 East, 8 30 p.m. Lysistrata," readers theater by Babcock Reading Arts Society. Social Hall. Pioneer Trail State Park, 2601 Sunnvside Ave., 7.30 p.m. Joseph Kesselring's "Arsenic and Old Lace, Pardoe Drama Theatre, Harris Fine Arts Center. Brigham Young University, Provo. 8pm HELD OVER 1 FL LOCATIONS 8 p.m. SYMPHONY HALL UTAH SYMPHONY shows). Mm 1 Keems Sept Sene'-BeginPreview Sept 12 New Audience Sene' Begin' Sept Ji 487 3221 FOR MORE INFORMATION 1111 )h BROADWAY"- -: Music Director ROSTS Sal. & ,1 M c PRESENTS Sub'cnption Surie' I CALL LASERIUM JOSEPH SILVERSTEIN All LEiEPFT BOOK 4 LIFT COTHILL VILLASf ULYMPUS HILLS MALL PROVO (SLPT 72 4 24) ALSO All 2CVI UXmTiONS mean." The Fifth Dimension, pop music. Grandstand, CHILDREN l5 600 k speaks before film. Salt Lake City Public Library, 209 E 500 South. 7 p.m. Free Utah Symphony, Joseph Siher-steiviolin soloist and conductor. Symphony Hall, Browning Center, Wtber State College, Ogden. 8 p.m and! 7 CAPITOL THEATER ADULTS dy." "In Kiss of Death, Richard was going to play the killer. His forehead was too high. He looked too intelligent to be a killer. I made hint go out and get a wig to bring his forehead down. That's why he looks so Wid-mar- SEPT. 15 SATURDAY AND MONDAY Whats Happening Today III TRIAD CENTER Reservations well known in Southern California when I directed him. He was a football hero. Someone told him that line, I never I only react. He'd tell that to act every director he had. He would have been a lot better off if hed never heard that line. He was a natural. "When Duke Wayne was up for the BY ON BOOK BASED Completely New Show! Special Guest Stars 1984 World Pair Champions J J J J J J J J J J J J Paul Martini J 'J & J Barbara Underhill JJ J JJ JJ JJ J J JJ JJ JJ J JJ J J J J J J J JJ J J See the in a New ice Adventure ...lofS Fabulous Productions. THE FEATURED ATTRACTION OF T4E UTAH STATE FAIR TICKET PPICES INCLUDE ADMISSION TO STATE FAIR SALT PALACE N OWE 16 TtckM Inlonnatlon (801) 353-768- 7 EXCITING SHOWS! Group Ratt Spcil (801) S32-470- 0 Sn.' O 7fCPM 'a F- 7 a Scf i r S. . ' r .. '- yir.. r-- j PRICES RESERVED' SA jE J1 00 or Youths 16 an j . a-- r fTtur-rah- WENDTS KAIL RADIO NIGHT AT ICE PM CAPADES SUNDAY SEPT SI bO OFF COUPONS AT ALL WENDY S TICKETS on sal at 'he SALT PALACE $6.00-S7.50-$9.0- (ALL SEATS all ZCMI d senior Citizens ai rrid'Ked Dy a slarC) TELE CHARGE VISA-'CARD (801)363 7681 stors and ih Utah State raifg'ounds |