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Show FORMER GRANGER BISHOP PASSES (Continued from Page 1) time of his death a 'member of the Oqulrrh Stake High Council. He hae been outstanding in both religious and civic affairs. Mr. Grant was bom in 1878 Sugarhouse, a son of John Orant and Emma Eames Grant. He is survived by his widow, Susan Emma Smith Grant, two sons, Wendall and Owen and four daughters, Mrs. Murial Loses, Laurel, Dallas and Mrs. Helen Ashby; alsotwo sisters, Mrs- - Sarah Peterson and Mrs. Alice Woodbury, and five grandchildren, all of Grang er. Funeral servioes were held in the Oranger Ward Chapel with Bishop John D. Hill officiating. Burial took place In the Taylorsville cemetery AMERICAN LEGION JUNIOR BASEBALL SEASON CLOSES (Continued from Page 1) such players as Merrill Johnson of Magna-GarfielHarry Ostler of Plnncy Beverage and others were Legion players Just two or three years ago. d, In appreciation of the interest and effort put forth by these boys. Cyprus Post No. 38 honored them with a huge watermelon bust at the Utah Copper Park the evening of July 19. There were plenty of ice cold melons on hand and the Legion Drum and Bugle Corps were invited to attend. A good time was had by alL Now, you youngsters coming up. we want to see you out there next year fighting for a place on one of these teams. -- Lee Self to the limit Resort the ancient Church of SL 8ophla to Istanbul, that under the plaster of its walls are the oldest known Christian pictures. Built in the year 537, by the Emperor Justinian, in the city then known as Constantinople, St the Sophia was the chief temple of Christian faith for more than 900 years. The Turks captured the city in 1453, converted the church into a Moslem Mosque, and covered the pictures with plaster. Now the Turklsn government has disestablished Mohammedanism as, the state religion, declared the old church a national monument and has intrusted the work of scraping off the plaster and revealing' the beautiful ancient Christian art to an American commission, the Byzantine Institute, which has a dozen experts at work carefully uncovering the worlds oldest art collection. One by one the relics of the early days of civilization and the record of mans progress in the arts and crafts are coming to light. They all add proof that the upward march of humankind has been very short to have the ever held, to Fair Worlds greatest TODAY & TOMORROW 1939, A hundred million persons from all over the world are expected to attend. But New York itself is (Continued from Page 1) the oldest buildings in this coun- a Worlds Fair, and according to its vatry, and many for which great an- Merchants Association it is the and Summer both doubted. resort, but is claimed cation tiquity Winter, of increasing millions of A corps of scientists is at work Americans every year. there, restoring the ancient SpanThe citys summer climate is far ish, French and English structures, aswall old the and than that of many popular better rebuilding city If Ed can be fortunate to get a sembling authentic relics of St Aug- Summer resorts, and the vacationist few good breaks in the qualifying ustines past. When the work is done, who seeks a change of scene and enwill be a complete early Amer- - vironment can certainly find more Proper and the entire tournament there at Portland, Oregon from August fcaff town IstandlhgTh' a parkTtrue to mtereSrarid amuse him than 23 to 28, he will certainly give Utah to history in every detail. else to America. golf a tremendous boost to the enwill come make alive That history I have been told that there is no tire golfing nation. Every person who for the generations to come. other city where the stranger is given a more courteous welcome and such facilities for seeing the sights as he or she gets in New York. And, curiously enough, the tourists who seem to get the biggest "kick out of a trip to New York are farmers and their families. They like to see what happens to the products of their farms when they have reached Indeed. their final market. Manners In manners I have been struck Art CORNER 3rd SOUTH, MAGNA STREET, MAGNA, UTAH One of the great events in the by the apparent improvement to world of art was the discovery, to public manners on the part of those . Look For Our Special Saturday Bargains . New York Is going any-whe- re Z MAGNA CASH MARKET Specials for Saturday, July 31 0XYD0L, large, each BUTTER, fresh, lb 20c 32c BANANAS, firm, ripe, lb PEAS, sweet choice, 3 cans for 5 l-- Elp'i whose work brings them to direct contact with the public. r 1 can remember when civility was the last thing the traveler anywhere to America expected to encounter. Nobody went out of his way to be helpful to those whom he was supposed to serve- Now It is different The politest persons, as a class, I wouldsay. are the filling station attendants. volves a metal cable for or which is braced by metal is not safe, and should ! It is very easy to so arraml sign as to make use of these ways unnecessary is suggested as a substitute or wire. , Use of a chain to hold th This universal courtesy is to me a in place is also bad practice one near it at the time sign that America is growing up. thTw Our young men no longer think that rui into a charged power to be seriously injured. to be courteous is the mark of a An JL i - 5S POWER COMPANY WARNS AGAINST ELECTRIC LINES If these suggestions are closely there will be no the sacrifice of human age to property. (Continued from Page 1) contact with their lines, the matter is of much concern to them because they appreciate that there are many who do not realize the danger involved. Their lines are given ample clearance from the ground so that all ordinary traffic may proceed under them without accident- - It is only when some extraordinary high piece of apparatus, such as a hay derrick with its boom raised, attempts to pass under the lines that trouble occurs. With the boom down and level, and securely fastened, the derrick can ordinarily pass under the line with safety. It is also pointed out that metal EK BREEZE Mr. John Theodore Ek announces the engagement of his dauT Emma, to Rodney Breeze or The marriage win take in the very near future. Many social affairs honorini the young couple are being pianred. foW lifcSj -- The F. L. A. Club met at ti home of Mrs. Fern Coon on Avenue on Tuesday. Following(W a, regular business meeting, bride, was played, prizes being awarded! Mrs. Eleda Huff and Mrs. Emms A midnight luncheon served. Mrs. Mae Turpin was 1 ni clal guest t. 2c 25c TOMATOES, 2 2 can, 3 for PEANUT BUTTER, 2 lb. jar, 25c 26c 1-- MEAT SPECIALS 25c! Sirloin steak, baby beef, lb Round Steak, baby beef, lb Lamb Chops, milk fed, lb 29c 28c;; fV r J When you need a telephone most, even a neighbor may be too far away. S&ff Coffee 1, the El Monte Bquad plays at Magna. The match will begin at 9 a. nv to avoid the midday heat. An Invitation has been extended to the entire El Monte club to bring all who want to Sunday, August Ten-Ma- knows Ed is behind the plucky youth tying with one other player in the whole United States in the sectional qualifying round with a great total shows wonderful form. Kingsleys 137 over the treacherous Fort Douglas course Is a score that many believe better than any other qualifying score over the entire nation. The Fort Douglas course is generally credited with being the hardest to score in the state and will compare with nearly any course in the nation withstanding the barrages of the hotshots. GOLFINGLY YOURS (Continued from Page 1) Magna and Fort members were on the same team and a great deal of fun was had trying to determine the winning team. Each Magna golfer declared that he had the time of his life to ye pro. PAGE Friday, July 30, 1937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH n Freshly Roasted DELICIOUS FLAVOR r play and all Utah Copper members are urged to come down Sunday and match play an Informal Inter-clu- b with the Ogden men. The ten man team will of course be counted separate from the general inter-clu- b match but every match will count In the general score- Any employee will take your order 1 The Mountain States Tel. S Tel. Company Mutual Creamery Co. Maid OClover ' I- Butter-Chees- e MADE IN UTAH - 1 American Lady Baking Co. - Fisher's Vitamin D Bread and Cakes. MADE IN UTAH Ed Kingsley has definitely shown himself to be in wonderful condition for the biggest tournament In amateur golf by his play the. past week. His superlative 61 at the Country Club, setting a record that will stand for many years, and then his feat of 1- Fresh Daily - Z3 Louis Fai vo, manager Call 42 AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO DELIVER. The Little Store With The Big Stock 7 Dont Pick Out a Printer Blindfolded r, Get the One Who Can SELL Your Goods You Help ,j,f Ln i & mml f Oil ito'mmwtm "fry PROOF Ends "Cube Struggle" and Freezes more pemndt of ice, faster... stores 100JI more reserve "I'm ready to serve you in a for a small cost s. PROOF GREATER -- ) A'l PROOF wmvif FROTECT-ABILIT- they can be done in the Y Keeps food safer, fresher, lodger, even in,bottest weather. THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINE PROOF . - ABILITY Protection Plan on the sealed-i- n mechanism. Built and backed by General Motors. TBAV HEW QU1CKUBE 0 DEFEND GREATER PROOF IlMtaadr 20 It Ilf L rrerf I L ff GREATER ff HAS TMI OCt K traf. .. .. r old-fashion- ed l ?T At UUbi-lfti- ut Cuts Current Cost to the Bone! You see aa electric1 meter prove it before you buy! tires than many months of driving in other seasons. When youre speeding along at 30, 40 and 50, you cant be too sure of your tires. Unless your tires can stand the terrific heat generated inside all tires at these high speeds unless they can take it," this internal heat aooner or later may lead to a dangerous blow-ou- t Play safe this summer. Come in and let us equip your car with Goodrich Safety Silvertowns. Silvertowns are the only tires in the world with the famous Golden Ply This g invention is a layer of special rubber and And when you have this protection inside your tires, the great unseen cause of blow-out- life-savi- TiW TIRE FIELD! LONG-MILEAG- E g No "scrimping". Made of rubber, this big, husky Goodrich Com mander Tire is a great buy. Come in today. wear-resistin- Goodrich greatest amount of efficiency and it" H GOODRICH ENTERS "The business of farming is a REAL business. Let me help you to get the of ! treated to resist internal tire heat i i'ofit out is s beaten before it starts. Yet think of it! These Silvertowns cost even less tires. than other super-qualit- y cords, scientifically LOW-PRICE- D way. t' only rmoiMiM . lee SAVE ABILITY i'.-- j "In fact I'll actually MAKE MONEY for you by doing Jobs electrically in less time and cheaper and better than STOWAGE-ABILIT- Y New Adjustable Interior. Meets every storage need. GREATER The next few months are going AMD WATCH RESULTS 'it'W'iHfiJpl Protection Blcw-o- ut to be the hardest in the year on your tires. Because this is the time Of year for long trips to the seashore and country trips that pile up miles take more out of Ifowi 7wv,;i GREATER LET US SHOW YOU I Tut ME TO WQ METER 10 . ft .. We have the ability to help you sell your goods and we can do this at a reasonable cost to you. Economy and standardization are the watchwords here. We use Hammermill Bond, the standard, economical, business paper and we turn out a grade of printing that brings results for our customers. Equip your car with Silvertowns, the only tires with Golden Piy Certified Commanders - -- let's Talk Over Your Farm Problems O J wnaccLCExm to qmck, -- i tt i YffT 1 , T 1 W-- Central Lumber Co. Ulah, Power & Light Co. Magna Auto Supply |